b13 secondary transition updates new checklist for 2015 data collection postsecondary goals

B13 Secondary Transition Updates New Checklist for 2015 Data Collection Postsecondary Goals

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B13 Secondary Transition Updates

New Checklist for 2015 Data CollectionPostsecondary Goals

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Indicator 13• Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP

that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including courses of study, that will reasonably enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs.

• There also must be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority. (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B))

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Indicator 13 Checklist 1. Is there an appropriate measurable

postsecondary goal or goals in this area?2. Is (are) the postsecondary goal(s) updated

annually?3. Is there evidence that the measurable

postsecondary goal(s) were based on an age appropriate transition assessment?

4. Are there transition services in the IEP that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goal(s)?

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5. Do the transition services include courses of study that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goal(s)?

6. Is (are) there annual IEP goal(s) related to the student’s transition services needs?

7. Is there evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services were discussed?

8. If appropriate, is there evidence that a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority?

Indicator 13 Checklist (cont.)

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Changes in B13 = Changes to Transition IEP Practice

• New leadership at the MI Transition Projects – Dr. June Gothberg, background NSTTAC at Western MI University

• MI has had the same checklist for 4 years-updates needed (required only 1 measurable postsecondary goal)

• Compliance with IDEA requirement for measurable postsecondary goal for each – education– training – employment – independent living as appropriate

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Changes in B13 = Changes to Transition IEP Practice

• 2015 B13 Secondary Transition checklist will require measurable postsecondary goal for each area – education, training, employment, and independent living as appropriate

• 2015 MI B13 Checklist is not approved yet but it will align with NSTTAC version B– http://www.nsttac.org

• CIMS- NO longer able correct non-compliant & enter only compliant data (MI practice for 4 years)

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B13 Secondary Transition Checklist & Compliance Grid 2010-2014

Compliance=Identification of 1 measurable postsecondary goal

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Version 1: Pilot ConceptFebruary 2014

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www.nsttac.org Indicator 13 Tab

Reference this Checklist

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Biggest Change in Transition Practice Postsecondary Goals

Postsecondary Goals are:• The ‘Vision’• Post-school• Outcome based• Based on transition

assessment & transition planning

• School team & student/ family work together to identify, clarify, refine

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Postsecondary Goals are the Vision Not a Guaranteed Outcome

• District obligation is to support the development & steps toward the Postsecondary Goals (Vision) for

• Education • Training• Employment• Independent Living (as


Through…– Transition Assessment(s)– Transition Services– Course(s) of Study – Annual Goals

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Postsecondary Goals

• Measurable = Countable• Identifies an outcome, not a process• One goal for each adult outcome area• Adult Outcome Areas

Education or Training (required) Employment (required) Independent Living (when appropriate)


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Biggest Change Impacting our Practice: Measurable Postsecondary Goals (Vision) for Education, Training, Employment, and Independent Living

The Formula for Writing a Postsecondary GoalAfter High School After GraduationUpon completion of high school or post high, student name will behavior/activity where/how_

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• John is 16 with SLD in reading fluency, comprehension, written expression, and oral language processing.

• Course(s) of Study leading to a diploma

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Education and Training

Non Example• John aspires to attend the

community college near his home.

• John will need to meet with

Disability Services at the college for support.

Example• Upon completion of high school,

John will attend courses at Community College working toward a degree in computer science that will transfer to a four year college to obtain a bachelor’s degree.

• • After high school, John will meet

with the Disability Services at the college and request accommodations and academic support.

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Non Example• John wants to manage the

computer labs at the college he attends.

• John hopes to work in the field of information technology when he graduates.

Example• After high school, John will

work on-campus part-time in the computer labs at the college he attends.

• • After graduation from

college, John will work as a network manager for a local medical company.

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Time to Practice

• Read Case Study • Write one or more goals for student on your

case study, using formula

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Measurable Postsecondary Goals

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Should focus on academic and functional achievement to facilitate movement from school to post-school life

For each postsecondary goal, transition services can include:InstructionRelated ServicesCommunity ExperienceDevelopment of Employment and Post-School

ObjectivesAcquisition of Daily Living Skills (if appropriate)Functional Vocational Evaluation (if appropriate)


Transition Services

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What experiences must the student participate in this academic year that are necessary for achieving the identified post-secondary goals?

What services and specific instruction are essential this year for the student to develop skills and knowledge to attain their post-secondary goals?

Do we know enough about this student’s vocational skills to identify an appropriate post-secondary employment goal or design activities to support the identified goal?

Transition Service Questions

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Technical Assistance

• MDE – MI TOPS – Training for ISD Transition Coordinators– Guidance & Training Tools– Webinar(s) – www.nsttac.org – Indicator 13 Checklist– Local information will be updated on LESA website

as well as through trainings, transition council meetings

January 2015???

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Kristen [email protected](517) 980-2021