b. the nervous system function: the nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the...


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Page 1: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities


Page 2: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

THE NERVOUS SYSTEMTHE NERVOUS SYSTEMFUNCTION:The nervous system controls & coordinates everything

in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities of the organs & organ systems.

Page 3: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

MAJOR PARTS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM1. Brain: The controls center of the nervous system, and

the whole body2. Spinal cord: Carries messages to and from the brain.3. Neurons (nerves) are the special cells that carry the

messages through the body.

Page 4: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

A neuron is long and thin to send messages through the body

The nervous system sends electrical signals throughout the body.

A signal travels through several neurons to the brain. The brain then sends messages back out to the rest of

the body.

Page 5: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities


Spinal Cord


Page 6: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

The Circulatory System:Function:The circulatory system & respiratory system work

together to supply cells with the oxygen and nutrients they need to stay alive.

The Main Parts:1. The hearta) Atria: 2 upper chambers, receive blood from the bodyb) Ventricles: 2 lower chambers, pump blood out of

heartc) Valves: Regulate the flow of blood through the heart

Page 7: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

2. Blood vessels:a) Arteries: Carry oxygenated blood to the heartb) Veins: Carry deoxygenated blood to the heartc) Capillaries: The smallest, bring nutrients & oxygen to

the tissues & absorb carbon dioxide & other waste products from them

3. Blood:a) Red blood cells: Contain hemoglobin & carry oxygenb) White blood cells: Infection fightersc) Platelets: Clot bloodd) Plasma: The liquid part of blood

Page 8: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

The Flow of Blood Through the Body:Heart Arteries Capillaries Veins back to heartDiagram the Flow of Blood:

Page 9: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

The Respiratory SystemThe Respiratory SystemFunction:The basic function of the human respiratory system is the

exchange of oxygen & carbon dioxide between the blood, air and tissues. In addition, air entering the respiratory system is warmed, moistened & cleaned before it enters the lungs.

Main Parts:1. Nose (& mouth): air enters here2. Pharynx: serves as a passageway for both AIR & food3. Epiglottis covers the entrance to the trachea when

you swallow (so food does not go into lungs

Page 10: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

Define:1. Gas exchange: Oxygen diffuses into the blood &

carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood out into the lung

2. Breathing: The taking in of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide waste into the air

3. Diaphragm: Muscle that controls breathing by moving up & down

Flow of air through the body:Nose Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli of the lungs

Page 11: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

4. Larynx: contains two elastic folds of tissue called vocal cords

5. Trachea: also known as the windpipe6. Bronchi: two large passageways in the chest cavity,

each bronchus leads into one the lungs7. Alveoli of lungs: tiny air sacs (like grapes)

where gas is exchanged

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Page 13: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

Label the Diagram of the Respiratory System:

A Nose J DiaphragmI Bronchioles C PharynxF Trachea H BronchusE Larynx D EpiglottisB Mouth G Lungs

Page 14: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

The Reproductive Systems: The main function of the reproductive

systems is to make egg and sperm cells which will combine to make a zygote (offspring)

Male Reproduction The function of the male reproductive

system is to produce and deliver sperm.

Sperm are made in the testes through the process of meiosis.

In human males, sperm are haploid & have 23 chromosomes

Page 15: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

testes: 2 walnut sized organs that make sperm scrotum: 2 pouches that each contain one testis outside

the body. vas deferens – tube that sperm travel through when they

are released from each testis. urethra – tube that connects the 2 vas deferens and travels

through the penis. Both sperm & urine travel through the urethra During ejaculation (sperm being released from the penis)

sperm mix with a seminal fluid- together sperm and fluid make up semen.

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• Male Reproductive System

Urinary bladder

Vas deferens

Pubic bone



Seminal vesicle


Prostate gland

Bulbourethral gland




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1. To produce eggs2. To receive sperm3. Provide an environment that a baby can develop in

Page 18: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

How are eggs produced & released in females? ovaries: 2 ovaries are where eggs are made through

meiosis. 1 egg is released each month called ovulation

fallopian tube: tube the egg travels through one it is released from the ovary. (also called oviduct) there are 2 fallopian tubes.

uterus: fist sized organ where an embryo grows. vagina: passageway to the outside of the body - baby is born through this passageway and sperm are deposited here

Page 19: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

cervix: small opening at the bottom of the uterus which leads into the vagina. Opens when a baby is born. Otherwise small so menstrual blood can exit the body.

If a successful pregnancy is to occur, the egg must be fertilized by the sperm in the fallopian tube/oviduct.

The fertilized egg is called a zygote and must then implant into the uterus, where it will develop for 9 month

If fertilization hasn’t occurred, the egg then travels into the uterus, through the cervix and into the vagina and out the body.

Page 20: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities


Page 21: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities
Page 22: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM FUNCTIONS: Muscle allow organs & bones of the body to move. The fibers that make up muscle, “contract”. The

contraction makes the whole muscle shorter which allows them to move organs and bones.

Page 23: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

3 TYPES OF MUSCLE1. Skeletal: Attaches to bone & allows for movement2. Smooth: Found in the walls of the stomach, intestines & blood vessels. Helps materials move through these structures

3. Cardiac: Makes the heart beat to send blood to the body.

Page 24: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

HOW DO MUSCLES MOVE BONES? Muscles contract and cause bones to move. Tendon: Attaches a muscle to a bone Muscles work in pairs to cause movement:Ex: Bicep contracts & tricep relaxes arm bends

Bicep relaxes & tricep contracts arm straightens

Page 25: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

Functions of the skeletal System - supports the body - protects the organs - allows the body to move - makes blood cells

Parts of the skeletal system - bones - ligaments - tendons - cartilage

Page 26: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

There are 206 bones in the human body.

Bones are living tissue that grow and need blood.

Bones have blood vessels inside of them and are made of cells

Page 27: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

Types of Bone Tissue:1. Compact: Layer of hard bone that covers

all bone2. Spongy: Surrounded by the compact bone,

it has many holes & spaces in it. Makes bones lighter.

3. Bone marrow: Soft tissue inside of bones makes blood cells

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A joint is where 2 or more bones meet & allow for movement Ball & socket: Shoulder & hip Hinge joint: Elbow Pivot joint: Neck

Page 29: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

Joints are held together by a tough band of tissue called ligament

Tough & flexible cartilage might cover the ends of a bone to allow for smooth movement between bones

Page 30: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

The Digestive System:Function:The digestive system converts food into simpler

molecules that can be used by the cells of the body.The Parts of the Digestive System:1. Key organs

a) Mouth – food is chewed & mashed into paste and salivary glands secrete saliva which contains enzymes

Page 31: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

B. Esophagus Muscular tube that contracts, pushing food into the stomach

C. Stomach Muscular sac that churns, continuing the breakdown of food mechanically & chemically with enzymes

D. Small Intestine long tube where most of the nutrient molecules are absorbed into cells

E. Large Intestine Removes water from undigested food material. Also called the colon

Page 32: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

2. Accessory Organs

a) Pancreas Secretes hormones to control blood sugar (insulin) and enzymes to digest starch, fat, protein.

b) Liver Produces bile which dissolves fatc) Gall bladder Stores bile before entering small


Page 33: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

Define:1. Mechanical digestion: Physical breakdown of food

into smaller pieces by the teeth & churning stomach2. Chemical digestion: Enzymes chemically break food

into smaller pieces in the mouth, stomach & small intestine

3. Villi: Finger-like projections in the small intestine which increase the surface area so more nutrients can be absorbed

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Page 35: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities
Page 36: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

The Excretory System:Function:The basic function of the human excretory system is the

removal of waste from the cells and body. The skin excretes excess water and salts in the form of sweat. The lungs excrete carbon dioxide. The kidneys play a major role in excretion and remove waste products from the blood, maintain blood pH and regulate the water content of the blood and, therefore homeostasis.

Page 37: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

THE MAIN PARTS:1. Kidneys = located on either side of the backbone and

partially protected by the ribcage2. Blood enters the kidney and is cleaned and filtered. 3. Urea (a toxic substance), excess salts, and water are

removed from the blood and form urine.

4. Once filtered, clean blood leaves the kidney and returns to circulation.

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5. Nephrons = the functional, blood-filtering units of the kidney

6. Ureters= 2 tubes, one leaving each kidney, carry urine to the urinary bladder

7. Bladder= a saclike organ where urine is stored before being excreted

8. Urethra= a tube that carries urine form the bladder & releases it from the body

Page 39: B. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION: The nervous system controls & coordinates everything in the body. This includes all movement and all of the activities

DEFINE:Urea = Nitrogen containing waste made by the bodyDialysis = Blood is removed from the body, cleaned by a

machine & then returned to the body

UREA REMOVAL FROM THE BODY:Kidneys Ureter Bladder Urethra released

from body

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B ureter C urinary bladder