ayurvedic pharmacology of terminalia belerica & its pharmacognocy

Terminallia bellirica बबबबबबब CC:- jwarhara, birechnopag(c.), triphala, mustadi(su) LN:- Terminallia bellirica FN:- Combretaceae SN:- Bivitak, karsphal, aksh, kalidrum. NN:- बबबबब EN:- Belliric myrobalan.

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Post on 14-Jun-2015



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Page 1: Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Terminalia belerica & its Pharmacognocy

Terminallia belliricaबि�भि�तकी�

CC:- jwarhara, birechnopag(c.), triphala, mustadi(su)

LN:- Terminallia belliricaFN:- CombretaceaeSN:- Bivitak, karsphal, aksh, kalidrum.NN:- �र्रोEN:- Belliric myrobalan.

Page 2: Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Terminalia belerica & its Pharmacognocy

Botanical description:-A large deciduous tree, 20-40mt tall. Leaf

clustered towards the end of the branches, 10-20cm long & 7-15cm broad, elliptic or obovate, rounded or sub acute. Flower small, pale green or yellowish 10-16cm long. Fruits 12-25mm in diameter, ovoid, gray and valvety.

Flowering & Fruiting in april-may.Distribution in Nepal:- 300-1100mt,

east to west.

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Page 5: Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Terminalia belerica & its Pharmacognocy
Page 6: Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Terminalia belerica & its Pharmacognocy

Major chemical constituents:- Fruit contains B-sitoserol, gallic

acid, ellagic acid, ethylgallate, chebulagic acid, & a cardiac glycoside-bellaricanin.

Page 7: Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Terminalia belerica & its Pharmacognocy

Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Bibhitak (Guna):-

Guna: Ruksha, laghu.Rasa: kasaya. Vipak: madhur.Virya: ushna.

Page 8: Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Terminalia belerica & its Pharmacognocy

Actions (Karma)Effect on Doshas : - Tridosh-hara, mainly-kaphhara

Systemic: External- sothhara, bednasthapan,raktastambhan, krishnikaran.

Internal:NS: Bijmazza-madak & bednasthapan.DS: dipan, anuloman, krimighna,(young fruit-

rechan),trishnanigrahan, chhardinigrahan.CS: raktastamvan.


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RS: kaphaghna,swsan nalika sothhara.Rep.S: vajikaran(mazza)Tem. Jwarghna.Suitabiliity: dhatu-vardhak(rasa-mada)Eye: chakshusya.

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Main Uses:cough, bronchitis, allergic cough, insomnia,

edema,dyspepsia, flatulence, hemorrhage, skin diseases, diarrhea, dysentery, leukoderma, and graying of hair.

Best Recommended Uses:Bibhitak is especially useful in hoarseness of voice and its

combination with Haritaki and Amalaki – Triphala acts as a revitalize for hair and eyes and as an stool softener.

*. Bibhitak is a special herb as it nourishes all the Dhatus directly.

Page 11: Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Terminalia belerica & its Pharmacognocy

Some classical uses:Soth: Bij mazza lep(c.ci.-17)

Asmari: seeds powder with honey.(su.)Mutrakrichhra: “ “ “Swash/Kash: bibhitak churna with honey.(v)Hridyagat-vayu: powder of bibhitak &

aswagandha mixed with gud should be taken with ushnodak.

Pittjwar & dah samanarth: external application on body of lep made with bibhitak mazza & jala.

Page 12: Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Terminalia belerica & its Pharmacognocy

Parts used: Fruit

Dosage: 3-6gm.

Important preparation: Triphala churna, bibhitak tail,

phaltrikadi kwath, talishadi churna.

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