ayurveda treatment centre in manchester

Ayurveda treatment centre in Manchester

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Post on 27-May-2015



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Ayurveda Herbal Centre in Manchester brings authentic traditional Kerala Ayurvedic treatments and training methodologies to Manchester.KAHC offerin health consultations, Panchakarma Therapy treatments, Ayurvedic diet and Nutrition.


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Ayurveda treatment centre in


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Welcome to Kerala Ayurveda Herbal Centre (KAHC)~ The Essence of Ayurveda ~

KACH IS a group of qualified doctors and traditionally trained therapists help you to apply

authentic Ayurveda principles designed to promote a long and healthy life. And our most

popular, fully regulated, Ayurveda medicines and remedies are available from our online

store, for you to use at home.

KAHC provide effective treatment, for a wide range of conditions, to thousands of

satisfied clients every year, many of whom are referred to us by their GP. Ayurveda is not

simply an quick alternative treatment science, but its the authentic science behind the

complete & ultimate cure of a condition called disease.

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Benefits of Ayurveda

Practiced in India for over 5000 years

Ayurveda is not only a treatment , it is a way of our life Everything used in Ayurveda is natural , so it has absolutely no

side effects. Ayurveda tells about the good and bad dietary effects to life The practices makes you a healthy , tension free person Ayurveda give you a happy, healthy and disease free long life

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Being the first Ayurveda Herbal Centre in

Manchester, we does posses a lot of extra credibility

factors which you can’t avoid in a treatment.

Most importantly these makes us different from

other Ayurveda centres in UK. We won’t ever

sacrifice on our customer satisfaction, hygiene &


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We treat…Whiplash

Disorder Description:

Whiplash is commonly associated with motor vehicle accidents, usually when the vehicle has been hit in the rear; however, the injury can be sustained in many other ways, including headbanging, bungee jumping and falls. It is one of the main injuries covered byinsurance. In the United Kingdom, 430,000 people made an insurance claim for whiplash in 2007, accounting for 14% of every driver’s premium.

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We treat…Headache/Migraine/Vertigo

Migraines and other types of headaches, such as tension headache and sinus headache, are painful. Migraine symptoms include a pounding headache, nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity and are treated with antinausea drugs and abortive or preventive medications. Headache remedies include pain relievers.

Typically the headache is unilateral (affecting one half of the head) and pulsating in nature, lasting from 2 to 72 hours. Associated symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, photophobia (increased sensitivity to light), phonophobia (increased sensitivity to sound) and the pain is generally aggravated by physical activity.

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We treat…Sports InjurySports injuries are injuries that happen when playing sports or exercising. Some are from accidents. Others can result from poor training practices or improper gear. Some people get injured when they are not in proper condition. Not warming up or stretching enough before you play or exercise can also lead to injuries. The most common sports injuries are:

Sprains and strains

Knee injuries

Swollen muscles

Achilles tendon injuries

Pain along the shin bone



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We treat…Hair Loss/Dandruff

Hair loss is considered to be one of the most common problems together with dandruff. There are a number of factors that may lead to severe hair loss.

Dandruff (pityriasis capitis) occurs when the scalp sheds larger than normal amounts of dead epidermal cells. It is sometimes associated with seborrhea where sebum production is excessive. Dandruff shares some features with seborrheic dermatitis, and both conditions are frequently treated with common topical medications. Seborrheic dermatitis generally affects body sites in addition to the scalp, including the forehead, nasolabial fold, eyelash and eyebrow regions, and the outer ear.

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We treat…Sleeplessness/InsomniaInsomnia is most often thought of as both a sign and a symptom that can accompany several sleep, medical, and psychiatric disorders characterized by a persistent difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep or sleep of poor quality. Insomnia is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Insomnia can occur at any age, but it is particularly common in the elderly. Insomnia can be short term (up to three weeks) or long term (above 3–4 weeks), which can lead to memory problems, depression, irritability and an increased risk of heart disease and automobile related accidents.

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We treat…Sinusitis

Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses. It occurs as the result of an infection from a virus, bacteria, or fungus.

The sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull. They are located behind the forehead, nasal bones, cheeks, and eyes. Healthy sinuses contain no bacteria or other germs. Most of the time, mucus is able to drain out and air is able to flow through the sinuses.

When the sinus openings become blocked or too much mucus builds up, bacteria and other germs can grow more easily.

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We treat…Stress & Strain/Depression

Stress and depression can ruin your whole day and hurt your health. Being realistic, planning ahead and seeking support can help ward off stress and depression.

The word ‘depression’ causes much confusion. It’s often used to describe when someone is feeling ‘low’, ‘miserable’, ‘in a mood’ or having ‘got out of bed on the wrong side’.

However, doctors use the word in two different ways. They can use it to describe the symptom of a ‘low mood’, or to refer to a specific illness, ie a ‘depressive illness’. This factsheet relates to depression, the illness.

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We treat…Skin Problems (Eczema/Itching/Psoriasis/Rashes etc.)

Disorder Description:

Chronic skin conditions typically aren’t curable, but they can be managed using drugs and by paying close attention to your lifestyle. Learn more about symptoms, treatments, and ways to feel better.


Eczema is term for a group of medical conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated.


Psoriasis is a common skin disorder that produces thick red plaques covered with silvery scales.


Although acne remains largely a curse of adolescence, about 20% of all cases occur in adults.


Rosacea is a common disorder that mainly affects skin on the face. It causes redness on the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead.

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We treat…Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a common condition in which the articular shoulder capsule (a sac of ligaments surrounding the joint) swells and stiffens, restricting its mobility. It typically affects only one shoulder, but one in five cases affect both.

The term “frozen shoulder” is often used incorrectly forarthritis, even though the two conditions are unrelated. Frozen shoulder refers specifically to the shoulder joint, while arthritis may refer to other/multiple joints.

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We treat…Sciatica/Trap Nerve

The sciatic nerve can be irritated because of a herniated disc, arthritis that results in tightening of the spinal canal, falls, injuries, or other rare reasons (tumors, infections, etc). Anti-inflammatory medications, steroids, physical therapy (especially with traction) can be helpful to relieve sciatic pain. If these treatments aren’t helpful, surgery may be in

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We treat…Arthritis (Osteoarthritis, Gout, Cervical Spondylitis)

The two most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Both are characterized by inflammation and/or pain in a joint or joints. Both diseases are related to nutrition. Osteoarthritis is from a lack of proper nutrition to replace what is lost through the wear, tear and aging and involves deterioration of the cartilage at the ends of the bones.

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We treat…Tennis Elbow/Joint Pain

Disorder Description:

The most common type of elbow pain is known as ‘tennis elbow’. ‘Golfer’s elbow’ is a less common but similar overuse injury. Despite their names, these injuries can occur as a result of a range of physical activities – racquet sports, rowing, canoeing, weightlifting, hockey, wrestling, swimming – as well as repetitive work tasks undertaken in a variety of occupations.

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We treat…Neck/Shoulder/Back/Knee/Feet Pain

Disorder Description:

Back pain is among the most common health problems. U.S. National Institute of Health reports that about 80 percent of Americans at some time  in their life suffer from back pain , and many of them have resorted to OTC medications to relieve pain . But a better approach to these troubles involves allowing the body to recover in a natural way, such as a healthy diet and exercise.

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We treat…

Panchakarma (five actions) is a cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body, mind and consciousness. It is known for its beneficial effects on overall health, wellness and self-healing.

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KAHC brings authentic traditional Kerala Ayurvedic treatments and training methodologies to Manchester.

We are offering health consultations, Panchakarma Therapy treatments, Ayurvedic diet and Nutrition.

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For treatments feel free to contact us,

Kerala Ayurveda Herbal Centre,

211 Burnage Lane, Burnage,

Manchester M19 1FN,

United Kingdom.

Phone : 0161 9177025

Email : [email protected]

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