ayurveda cure of leucoderma

AYURVEDA : CURE OF LEUCODERMA Presented by: Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai, Kanak Polytherapy Clinic & Research Center, 67-70, Bhusatoli Road, Bartan Bazar, KANPUR 208001, UP, INDIA Fax: 91 512 2308092

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Cure about Leucoderma by Ayurveda


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Presented by:Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai,

Kanak Polytherapy Clinic & Research Center,67-70, Bhusatoli Road, Bartan Bazar,

KANPUR 208001, UP, INDIAFax: 91 512 2308092

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In Modern Western Medicine, the condition is known, white skin patches, defective skin pigmentation,Hypomelinosis

In Ayurveda, the Indian System of Medicine, the condition is known, Kilas or Svitra, Safed Daag

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Aetiology of Leucoderma

Ayurveda considers many reasons and factors, responsible for this disease condition

Mainly imbalances, dishormony, pathophysiology, pathology and metabolic functions in between Dosha, Dushya, Mal and Agni, the basic principles of Ayurveda

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Causes of disease-1

Ayurveda considers the cause of disease , irregular Living style

Not properly following the rules of the maintenance of health

Food & drink habits, taking foods, which are inimical in nature, un-suitable to human

Filling of melanin in white patches

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Causes of Disease-2

Constipation,Chronic Amoebiasis, Colitis, Intestinal worms etc

Heavy mental workCertain Allopathic medicines, side effects are Non-Vegetarian foods Other reasons

Start of white patches on Skin

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Electrotridoshagraphy ETG Findings -1

ETG findings reveals some common features in Leucoderma patient

Like: Irritable Bowel Syndromes, Inflammatory Condition of Bowels, Epigastritis, Poor function of Liver & Gall Bladder etc

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Electrotridoshagraphy ETG Findings -2

Lower intensity of Vyan VayuLower intensity of Bhrajak PittaIncreased intensity of Shleshman Kappha May be imbalances present in other

combination of Tridosha and tridosha bhed

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Electrotridoshagraphy ETG Findings -3

Imbalances in intensities of Sapta DhatuMost commonly observed Ras, Rakta,

Mans, MedSome may be high or low from normal


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Use of Electrotridoshagraphy ETGin AYURVEDIC Treatment

ETG findings provides data of Ayurvedic principles

ETG provides the diagnosis of sick parts & sick organs of the body

Treatment based, on the lines of ETG findings, never deviates

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Incurable conditionof LeucodermaCases

Ayurveda considers, when Tridosha harmony imbalances

Some kinds of Sapta Dhatu like Ras, Rakta,Mans , when disturbed, creates one sided disease conditions

Incurable case of Leucoderma

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Ayurveda Treatment cures Leucoderma

Ayurveda have answer to cure Leucoderma,Vitiligo & other allied /similar conditions

Ayurveda Classics guide, the line of treatment

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During treatment, intake of salt should be avoided as minimum as possible

Use only rock saltStrict Vegetarian diet is preferable

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Avoid to intake of Sour foods, drinks Avoid All pulsesCarrot juice, Karela juice, Bathua juice is

recommended Water soaked Gram is to be taken in

morning without salt

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Internal Medicine:

AYURVEDA have great advantages to have number of classical medicines for the treatment of this disease condition

If the treatment is blended with the HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES, recovery becomes more faster

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Select a good Ayurvedician

Safer treatment is difficult to novice Ayurvedicians

Need of Expert hand Ayurvedician, is essential

It is advisable to select a good Ayurvedician for handling the case

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Pigmentation & Meline filling in white patches during Ayurvedic treatment

White patches converts in skin color, slowely and gradually

Take three months to two years, according to intensity of disease

Patience is essential , to patient part

Melenin fills in White Patches

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Cured cases

See the difference and pigmentation condition of the patches before and after treatment

Before treatment After treatment

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Cured cases

See the intensity of Leucoderma patches before treatment

Observe the pigmented skin condition

Before treatment After treatment

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Cured Cases

Observe the spreading of the white patches

Observe the pigmentation of the Melenin

Before treatment After treatment

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Reason of Uncured cases

About 3 to5 percent of the Leucoderma cases did not respose, ?reason unknown

Other reasons are Thyroid/hormonal, Lymphatics anomalies,photosensitivity,Pelvic Inflammatory disease conditions, genetics, psychological disorders etc.

When disease becomes One-sided

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Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai

Practising Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy simultaneously since over 40 years

Also practising Acupuncture, Yoga and Naturecure,Physiotherapy and other non-medicinal systems

Inventor : Electrotridoshgraphy ETG, Electrohomoeography EHG,4 Dimentional Electrocardiography and others

Deals in cases of Chronical diseases and incurable disease conditions treatment and management

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Availability of Ayurvedic medicines

If you feel difficulty to obtain Genuine Ayurvedic Herbs, medicines, you can purchase from the followings

[email protected]

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Video Presentation

We have Video Shows on Ayurveda subjects, you can watch at :


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Slide Shows

You can watch Slide-shows on the Ayurveda subjects at :


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