awakening to truth of nature and life


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We are in a world that is fast connected and exploding with knowledge. The present knowledge is expected to double by 2010. The knowledge that is powering this is material. Spiritual science calls it inferior. The spiritual science of the ancient is today called inferior by modern science. Human quest is to gain knowledge. Knowledge should bring us order, peace, happiness and give us method/tools to live in harmony with nature. One look at the modern world tells us that it is giving opposite results. Individual and collective minds are restless and are turning destructive. Earth, sun, and cosmic forces are vitiated and are turning violent. The number and magnitude of natural catastrophes are increasing. Human health is decreasing. Don't you think we are some where on the edge of a collapse? It is time we turn back and go back to the foundation and bring some basic change in our thinking and find a platform on which we stand and function. Spiritual wisdom and spiritual science of the ancient needs to be explored for the well being of humanity. We awaken to truth and create a new foundation and thoughts to bring about change that incorporates science and thus helps a smooth transformation from disorder to order


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John Paily

Grace New Age Research and Publications


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Every man’s work shall be made manifest[Golden words of spiritual scriptures]

“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.”

Max Planck

1] Preface -3

2] Introduction – The root of danger to the world

3] Chapter-1: Retreating to Know the Fundamental Flaws of modern Knowledge

4] Chapter-2: 3 Vital Observations and Vital Conclusions made in Nature

5] Chapter-3: The Building Blocks of Nature and how Nature is constructed

6] Chapter-4: The Truth in Quantum Particulate World

7] chapter-5: Explaining Life and the Living Universe The mind and belief systems as

hindrance to Life

8] Chapter-6: Re-visualizing the Scientific advancements from the Premises of

Quantum Dance

9] Chapter-7: The Living Secret of Cosmos

10] Chapter-8: The Quantum Qualitative Reality of Nature – Discussing the Truth

11] Chapter-9: Quantum Qualitative Reality and the Biotechnology

12] Chapter-10: The Root Cause of decreased Health of Humanity and Nature

13] Chapter-11: Concluding Remarks

14] Chapter -12: An appeal to people who mold the destiny of humanity and this


15] About the author

16] Projects Proposed

17] Contact


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Preface“A man's own self is his friend. A man's own self is his foe.”

[Golden words of spiritual scriptures]

"Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it."Einstein

This short book is the product of over two decades of relentless research form a

point of freedom to know the truth of nature. It was a journey opposite to the

direction in which the modern world is moving. It is the product of journey to the

root from which everything originated. It was pursued with a mind based on

consciousness. The search began when I was working in the field of biotechnology

[cloning] and thus had opportunity to communicate with life and nature. The

observed result and what it conveyed was against what was taught to me and the

foundation on which the whole modern biological world exist.

Circumstance brought me to point where I had to choose between staying with my

consciousness and principles or sacrifice it to find an academic position in the

modern mad competitive world of science. After 7 years I had to walk out of the mad

competitive research world. A short stay in my village [that exist in the boundary of

famous Western Ghats] to recover my health, opened new chapter in my life. I

began to communicate with nature and life intensively. Slowly I settled as a small

farmer and transformed nature into my lab and pursued my search for truth of life

and nature form a point of freedom.

The search for truth necessitated a review of the foundation of biological science.

Since the foundation of biological science is related to physical science, I traveled

back in to conceptual developments in physical science and beyond it to the ancient

spiritual knowledge systems that prevailed in the past. I found that the modern

science is rested on partial and contradicting knowledge and that it lacked the true

knowledge or the knowledge of inter relationship and oneness. We have no answers

to the fundamental questions such as what gives gravity to matter, why the speed of

light is the maximum speed, why uncertainty, why triplet code, why double helical,

why dominant and recessive gene, why mitotic and meiotic information and so on. In

short it has no fundamental perception of nature and its working. By our ignorance

and reckless exploitation of nature we are slowly moving to self destruction.


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My search was now pointed towards unearthing the Fundamental Design and

Principles on which nature is constructed and functioning. I place before you

humbly the simplicity of nature and its functioning revealed to me by Mother Nature

and Her Master. You are my judge

The visions, the ideas and the thinking were communicated to the temples of science

and religion, but they failed to respond. But these ideas only grew and matured with

time. In year 2000 when the internet came to my nearest city, I began to give went

to my thoughts and began to store it in the net in a raw form. The idea was that

some day some one would rediscover it. The following are the sites

I understand that yahoo is closing down its free sites in October. I hope to place

them in some other free hosting space, hopefully in Google. It is beyond my financial

situation; transfer them in to a paid slot.

I have just started a new site called “Biophysics of Bible” in Google. The content

here is the expanded version of this book. The address is –

Note - In case this book reaches you after October 2009, please look on the Google

site “Biophysics of Bible” for the address of the free site where much of past writings

have been re loaded.


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Introduction The Root of Danger to the World

“Seek truth and truth will liberate you” Golden words of spiritual scriptures

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - Einstein

Normal day of ours begins with a mad chase to make money. If you stand back and

observe nature from a point of freedom, we note that individually we are advancing

with material gains but spiritually and globally we are collapsing. This is true for

individuals and collective hierarchies. We lack peace, happiness and order and are

growing increasingly restless and violent at all levels. The present world and the type

of life we lead are determined by intellectuals ruling us. The common man is only

puppet following the trends that these so called higher people have set for them.

The world today is ruled by the west and its thinking. The knowledge it has imparted

to the world is largely materialistic and its approach divisive. Knowledge should have

brought peace, happiness, order, security and so on. But the modern knowledge is

giving the opposite results. It clearly points that there is something wrong in the

foundation of the knowledge on which we rest and function.

The points listed below should make us think and act.

1] The global warming and climate change is threatening human existence on this


2] The number of natural catastrophes in the past ten years speaks of the instability

of earth and the forces in it. Every year the number of fire accidents and the

hectares of land lost in forest fire are increasing. When climatic cycle turns we are

witnessing flash flood and wind bound destructions. The four forces of nature, which

otherwise supported life, are increasingly turning destructive. Fire that supported life

is endangering it by peaking in its intensity, the water that helped flourish life is

turning destructive by pouring it out to create flash floods. The earth is quaking and

has turned fragile and the wind is turning turbulent and destructive.


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3] The NASA has reported huge insatiability in sun and the planetary systems. The

distant cosmos are also showing instability. Some of the explosions recorded in the

distant cosmos are considered next only to big bang. In an interrelated cosmic

reality, they are bound to cause some disturbance in all systems in time. It could

push some of the systems existing near critical state into collapse.

4] In the ruthless competitive world, the mind and consciousness of humanity is

being stressed. Thus the mind of individuals, family, community and nations are

turning violent. We are seeing increasing tendencies for war, terrorism and suicidal

tendencies. Our economic systems, the security system, the social systems are

volatile and are amenable to collapse due to small disturbances. The stress on

humanity is leading to spiritual awakening. However, the spiritual awakening within

the barriers of religion is creating spiritual warriors, who fail to use their common

sense before they commit act of destructions in the name of God. The spiritual

awakening within the frame work religion thus is turning to be greatest threat to


5] The defense budget of nations of advanced counties is as high as 48%. However,

humanity stands quite vulnerable and insecure. He exists in the fear of his own

inventions and his wealth and power is draining out. A huge industry is surviving

exploiting humans by creating insecurity and fear.

6] The health budget takes nearly 25% of the total income. However, the health of

individual, family and community and nations is deteriorating. The gene pool is

weakening and humankind is increasingly becoming susceptible to diseases. A health

industry is flourishing at the cost of health of humanity.

7] The conquering motive and corruption in humanity is increasing as never before.

The truth and justice is deteriorating linearly and the gap between the rich and poor

is widening and humanity is deteriorating qualitatively. Untruth is flourishing in place

of Truth

8] Most importantly, the temperature of the environment or the back ground

temperature in which we live is increasing every minute because of our reckless


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exploitation of nature. Our thermometers cannot measure this increase, for every

thing in nature is instinctively designed to perceive changes in temperature and

readjust it self. So the material of the thermometer would readjust to the change in

universal temperature. What we measure through thermometers is local difference.

Increase in the basal temperature is synonymous with increase in disorder in the

system. The increase in the disorder invariably means that systems stability is

decreased and at some point it would begin to collapse.

The Dangers to the World

The whole world is a system enclosed in systems. The increase of disorder invariably

means many enclosed system would tend to the critical state and even small

fluctuations in temperature leads to collapse of the system. Thus we are going to

witness the collapse and disintegration of many ecological systems. This would cause

a chain of destructions. We are bound to see spontaneous fire, spontaneous rain,

and wind which would cause heavy destruction and destabilize the ecological

balance. The world is already witnessing it. The points [1-7] above have direct

relationship with this reality of increasing temperature and the disturbance in the

energy flow of the system, leading the system to near critical state. The earth

system is violently compressing and expanding. These are sure signs of great


The sudden changes in the ecological situation would lead microorganisms to mutate

quickly. Nature would end up in new strains of viruses and bacteria. Human kind,

which has lost health, would become an easy target. In the fast connected world,

pandemics can break out and spread quickly. The research centers around the world

will not have enough time to develop any medicines to it.

It should be borne in mind that the modern world uses extremely inflammable

materials. There could be a time when these materials catch fire spontaneously. Let

me explain this reality with an example. Let us assume that a can of petrol will catch

fire at 100 degrees. If the temperature of the whole environmental system [not

measurable] is at 80, the can of petrol is amenable to handling. Let us now imagine

slow increase in the temperature of environmental system, by the increase of

reckless exploitation of fossil fuels. Now the dangers involved in handling petrol

increases. Now assume a can of petrol whose vicinity has reached near 99 degrees.


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The can now explode due to a small interference in the vicinity. But this action can

create a similar explosion another can that exist around 95 degrees. This could lead

to a chain of explosions. The uncontrolled forest fire we have witnessed around the

world happens from this phenomenon. We are tending to a period, where we would

find it increasingly difficult to fight fire. World has already witnessed the failure and

helplessness of the best equipped fire force [USA] to control the forest fire.

Nature is designed with opposing forces; the summer and dry period is fallowed by

wet and rainy season. This means every time there is huge fire destroying many

ecological systems; it will be fallowed by heavy rains that would cause flash floods.

The earth is in contraction expanding state. These disturbances would then

precipitate many earth quakes and volcanic eruptions.

I am only hinting to the fact that we are in the edge of great catastrophes, whose

cause is our ignorance and lack of knowledge of Truth of nature and its functioning.

It can be deduced to our lack of knowledge of Spirit or Energy, its change and flow in

the system. Our salvation exists in knowing the Truth of Spirit. Spiritual scriptures

tell us that “Seek Truth and Truth will liberate you”

There is some thing wrong in the modern knowledge system. The Vedas and other

spiritual scriptures say that we are living in the period of inferior knowledge or dark-

age. It is time we retreat and go back to the drawing board and come out with New

Realities of Nature, which give order in place disorder, Life in place of death.


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Chapter -1

Retreating to Know the Fundamental Flaws of modern

Knowledge“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge”

[Golden words of Spiritual Scriptures]

"Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal." – Einstein

Attempt to retreat to the foundation and review the evolution of science shows too

many flaws. Let me briefly speak and keep them before you for your evaluation.

Modern science began its search for truth of nature by isolating mind and soul from

matter and sought the truth in matter. In this process, he isolated himself and gave

immunity to his actions. The foundation of science was laid by Galileo, who proved

through experimentation that free fall acceleration is independent of weight. But he

failed to tell why free fall acceleration is independent of weight. Let us now look at

the first experiment of science.

Galileo, picked balls of different weight but of uniform size and rolled it along a

slanted plank and showed that they accelerated and reached the base of the plank at

the same time. Thus he gave a law that, in the absence of friction, free fall

acceleration is independent of weight. This experiment had many serious flaws that

went out of our observation. Galileo through this experiment became the Father of

modern science.

1] It is based on condition that no friction exists. But there is no situation or

condition where friction does not exists. The second law of thermodynamics forbids

this assumption.

2] Galileo in lifting the balls of different weights actually has done work in proportion

to the weight of the ball. There is change in energy state of the balls that is

proportional to the weight. The ball had to give up its kinetic energy and acquire

potential energy imparted to it by Galileo in relation to its weight when he lifted it to

the top of the table. When it is released it had to give up the potential energy and

acquire kinetic energy from environment. We know the gravitational field is


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quantified. Suppose we think that the time taken for exchange is proportional to the

weight, we end in the same results. The ball with higher weight here takes

proportionally larger time to exchange when compared to the ball of smaller weight.

Galileo could not have given such an explanation, because the concept of potential

and kinetic energy did not exist then.

The modern science however flowered with Newton’s work. His three laws of motion

and law of gravity he developed using Euclidian geometry brought forth the

mechanical world view. Though mechanical view of the world weakened due to many

later developments in science, this view and his work still holds good.

Newton’s work was built on

1] His perception that all systems in nature are attracted to one another and that

this attraction is related to a term called mass [weight in the absence of gravity] of

the system involved. Even today no body can explain what mass is? And what gives

Gravity to matter. Gravity is universal and there is no place and situation where

gravity does not exist. Newton himself avoided this question by stating the famous

term “I frame no hypothesis”

2] He assumed that every system is in uniform accelerated motion in a straight line.

This assumption was to facilitate the introduction of Euclidian geometry to explain

nature and motion.

He framed his laws of motion and gravitation theory essentially on this perception

and assumption and built a predictable and sensible picture of natural motion out of

it. According to him, if there are two systems, one big [A]and the other small [B],

then they cause proportionate bend in the straight line path of the motion of the

system because of the attraction property. This led him to develop the gravitational

formula according to which a small system will rotate delicately in a path around a

big object at a defined distance. His law when applied to solar systems and its

movement turned very nearly correct.

His greatest contribution was his second law of motion [F=ma], where he quantified

force. According to him all system is in uniform motion and thus has a force, mass,

and acceleration component. When an external force is applied, the system is


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accelerated and thus has more force and therefore more mass. They formed the

foundation of mechanical world view. Most technology that humanity uses today

stems from it. The application potentials of the law blind bolded human senses.

But many questions remained and they were over looked. These questions are

• What gives the system the property of attraction or mass?

• What is the force that is causing natural uniform acceleration?

• If you assume universe as one, then there should exist a huge system

around which all the systems rotate.

• If you try to find a point, then there exists a point that has the highest mass,

around which all system rotate. In scientific terms there should exist Higgs

Boson particle which gives mass to other systems.

• The external force acts to increase the uniform acceleration or retard the

uniform acceleration.

• From Galileo and Newton’s own experiments, the origin of this external

force that causes acceleration or retardation appears to be human

mind which is investigating into nature. This means the intent of mind

has potentials to change the uniform acceleration. The change can be

positive or negative depending on the intent.

• This also means the uniform accelerated motion also should have a

mind; we can call it Mind of God or the Superior mind and our action at any

moments adds or negates to the Mind of God. The Mind of God then should

work to maintain the uniform acceleration. God exist in the middle path and

works though it as the resistance force against the mind force of human

beings that pushes it to two possible limits.

Note – this means both religious fanaticism and material fanaticism is destructive to

the well being of the system.

Newtonian world view began to shake when advancement in electro-magnetism

came forth. Einstein came to save the situation by introducing new language and

new assumption. He visualized that all natural motion is a curvature in space. He

introduced a new language called Riemann’s geometry and assumed that space-

time is a curvature in space. He also made an assumption that speed of light is the

maximum speed. The property of attraction in this theory comes from space-time.


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This is best understood by taking a net containing huge ball. The ball creates

depression in the net and the smaller ball in the net will be inclined to rotate in a

circular path around the bigger ball. The existence of the ball changes the space time

characteristics of the net. In this picture, under second law of thermodynamics the

ball eventually had to fall to a centre point, thus it led to Big bang Theory.

Einstein’s work was based on the assumption that speed of light is the maximum

speed, but he failed to answer why speed of light is the maximum speed. The space

and time in Newtonian world was independent but Einsteinian world the two scales

became one. With Einstein our picture of the world now became curved and relative

one. But the premises of both Newton’s and Einstein’s science was predictability of

motion. Like Newton, Einstein contributed a simple equation E=mc2 that caused

revolution in the modern science. The equation equated energy to mass. But the

question remained what property gives mass and gravity to the substance?

Even before Einstein could rest on his laurels, another scientist Heisenberg came up

with Unpredictability Theory that contradicted the foundation of Einstein’s Theory.

The great scientist of that period joined in Copenhagen and formulated the modern

theory of Quantum Mechanics. They simply changed the language of science.

The new language was statistics and probability. The world view that emerged

out of it was that of randomness and chaos. This Probability Theory gave some

recluse from the disastrous picture that emerged from applying second law of

thermodynamics to nature. The second law of thermodynamics applied to nature tells

us that nature slowly looses energy in the form of heat and eventually leads to heat

death. In Probability Theory the possibility of the system reaching “1” and “0” are

very rare and thus scientist removed the picture of heat death from their mind and

began to work to exploit nature. However, we should note that the theory does not

exclude “0” and “1”

The break down of the foundation of physical science, led human attention to life and

its functioning. This eventually led to non–linear science and modern computers. Ilya

Prigogine and other showed a time direction exists in a random system. This means

a time direction and the journey to “0” and “1” became a reality of nature.


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Scientist and their picture of the world were shattered with contradicting

developments. They lacked any fundamental stable foundation on which they could

comprehend everything they observe in nature and lead humanity to truth of nature

and its existence. They were failing miserably to understand the oneness and

working of nature both at the fundamental level and at the universal level. In the

absence of any sensible picture or truth of nature in the mind of intellectuals ruling

the world, the world lacked proper guidelines to grow and advance. Humanity began

to exploit all partial knowledge’s recklessly without bothering about the consequence

of this exploitation. The result is the modern disordered world edging to self

destruction. Humanity has little scope to survive unless he awakens to truth

of nature and its oneness. The whole thing boils down to comprehending how

predictability exists within unpredictability, how time is directed and yet exist in

cycles. How the universe is controlled and perpetuated in never ending cycles.

Before I end this brief chapter let me list some of the key fundamental questions.

1] Why free fall acceleration is the same?

2] What gives mass and gravity to the system?

3] Why the ratio of acceleration of two interacting bodies always 3 ?

4] Why wave particle duality?

5] Why speed of light is the maximum speed?

6] What happens to heat released to the environment by industrial activity and

reckless burning of fossil fuels?

7] Why gene is triplet code?

8] Why gene is paired, one dominant and the other recessive?

9] Why DNA is double helical

10] Why pairs of chromosomes?

11] Why mitotic and meiotic division?

12] What is life and what is death?

And so on - this list can grow

I write this as food for thought. The advancement in science has not led to us to the

knowledge and perception of truth of nature. The perception of nature by modern

man has changed depending on the language he used to describe nature. Modern

mans struggle can be summed up as a struggle to twist nature to fit in to chosen

mathematical language, such that they can predict and conquer nature. In the


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absence of truth of nature this has led to reckless exploitation of nature and

advancement of self, without ever thinking about what it does to nature and the

environment around you. It is time we stop to look at nature and our abode, which

sustains us and gives us life.

In the next chapter, I am going to point out to some vital observations I made in

nature after I quit a lucrative career in biotechnology looking for truth of nature. I

request the reader to give some thought to it and act on it.


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Chapter -3

3 Vital Observations and Vital Conclusions made in Nature

“Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened for you”

[Golden words of Spiritual Scriptures]

“Scientific discovery and scientific knowledge have been achieved only by those who have gone in pursuit of it without any practical purpose whatsoever in view”

Max Planck

Here I briefly point out to some simple but vital observation and conclusions that I

made in nature after I left the mad competitive world of research, to live as a small

farmer in an interior village but still pursued my search for truth. They are central to

the Truth I am trying to speak to you all. They form the New Foundation to

Science. I am only listing key observations that led me to Truth.

Vital observation -1

When the west awakens to light and the material world unwinds to disorder, the east

simultaneously sleeps to darkness and winds to order and vice-versa. Here one acts

as the dominant and giver of energy and the other acts as a sink and receiver of

energy. This flow of energy however is not one sided. As the west peaks in light

the seed of darkness emerges in it and simultaneously the east peaks in darkness

and seed of light emerges in it. The dominant turns recessive and recessive turns

dominant. System is designed to perceive and balance it self with a Quantum Dance.

This dance occurs in 24 hour cycle and it is fixed. It consists of two cycles of 12.

Together these cycle works like a pulsating system. Closer observation tells us that

one cycle of 12 consist of 4 units of 3 [See Fig–3 and visualize the clock]. This means

the collapse to a point is resisted by the design. 3 appear as the fundamental units of

the cycle. We will explore this aspect in detail later.


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Interestingly this design and flow of energy in earth resembles the working

of a double pump or a human heart. This cycle seems to work to heat and

cool the environment and keep it within some limits in a dynamic manner.

This 24 hour cycle is embedded in 12 month climatic cycles, 12 year climatic cycles

and so on to form a huge cycle that should have a beginning and end and a new

beginning comparable life cycle of a living Soul. No wonder the spiritual scriptures

describes universe as conscious and intelligent system that is qualitatively changing.

Vital Observation -2

All Life is anti-gravitational by instinct. This is in contrast to material tendencies.

The second law of thermodynamics applied to living system and material

system proves this opposition. In short life opposes the gravitational collapse by

instinct and thus sustains the world from collapse. Every living system adheres to the

24 hour energy cycle instinctively. They sleep and get up in relation to this cycle.

The opposing relationship of life with material nature and its tendencies can be

understood from plant life. When the sun light emerges and disorder of the material

world happens, the plant life winds and acts as a sink for this energy and matter.

When night falls and material nature begins to shrink or wind, the plants use the

trapped energy and matter to create and expand into nature and thus opposes the

process of winding. You can understand this reality by looking out of the window in

the morning to see a grass grown and a flower unfold. Your child is another mirror

holding Truth on to you. In short life by instinct acts against the forces of material

nature and even the existence of one life or one Soul should stop the gravitational

collapse or big bang


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Vital observation -3

The only exception to the above sustenance of the dynamic system is

human beings who live a mind centered life and works to conquer and

corrupt the opposite by breaking the laws. In short, by his mind he aligns with

material nature and thus adds to gravitational forces creating unilateral imbalance in

nature leading it to collapse. This alignment comes when he matures and begins to

seek his self. However, it should be noted that by instinct he is anti-gravitational, but

by design his actions are molded by his mind and thought and turns to self. No

wonder God placed a law for the one whom He created in His image.

Scientifically human intervention into nature can be deduced to disturbing

energy cycle and its flow in nature. Thus by his ignorance of knowledge of

energy cycles or time cycles, human mind suffocates his own existence. He

creates vortex of disorder, destruction and inches towards death. The war, terrorism,

and climatic catastrophes are simply the products of disturbance in the energy cycle

of nature. This reality should be underlined and looked into by all the

temples of science and the political leaders determining the destiny of


Humans seem to be exploiting the time cycle, driving a time direction to nature. He

has been releasing ever increasing amount of heat into the environment by way of

reckless burning of fossil fuels and other industrial activates without giving sufficient

time to Mother Nature to repair herself. Human activities in the night have

hindered nature’s capacity to repair herself. This means negative energies are

being built up in the system. At some point these negative energies will peak to

cause destruction. The abrupt climatic changes and the destruction through the four

natural forces like fire, wind, earth and water is a direct proof of disturbed energy

cycle or flow.

Another proof is the instabilities of human mind. Human mind without its knowledge

is working against its own consciousness and Living Spirit within. Over the years, it

has accumulated immense amount of negative energies. They are the principal cause

for the diseases and the unstable state of his mind. Unless the negative energies are

transformed into positive form, we cannot find order and peace. We are heading to

great disorder and destruction by our ignorance of Truth. The future would be highly


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destructive unless we understand the Truth of nature and react to take control of our


Vital conclusions

1] Nature is not materialistic as the modern science understands. It appears that

nature is living and to understand its Truth we need to look at life and its process.

2] Nature consists of two forces the material forces that are directed to a point in

the center and the forces of life that are directed away from the center to

periphery. Nature exists in pulsating manner in two phases, in one the material

forces cause the contraction and in the next, the life force causes the expansion. This

means there is a point in every living system which give life to the system. This point

should contain the Soul that gives life and maintains life. This should be true for the

Living Nature also.

3] The existence of body to a Soul in variably means the Central Soul has creative

potential. This creative potential can only be explained from the biological vision

where one cell divides and creates two new cells and whole new body in time using

matter and energy from the outer world. No wonder Bible said we are created in the

image of Creator using mud [matter] and life was breathed into us.

4] The mind of human play an important role in evolution and its existence in cycles

of time.

5] The Truth exists in the First Soul or Father Soul and its Mind. We cannot

understand this Truth unless our Soul is reborn by the First Soul and our mind is

illuminated by the First Mind.


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Chapter -3

The Building Blocks of Nature and how Nature is Constructed

“The unfolding of the word gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple”

[Golden words of spiritual scriptures]

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."


• The Simple Truth of Nature

• The Fundamental Design and Principle of Nature

• The Anatomy of Space

• Plank’s Law and its Interference in Nature

Human Quest, both in the modern time and in the ancient time was to seek the

building block of nature. The difference between the ancient and modern approach is

that the ancient knew the impossibility of knowing the truth of nature through

human mind and its extensions that connect to the outer material world. So they

sought the truth of nature beyond mind with in the life and the soul and the spirit

governing it. They thus visualized soul as indestructible building block of nature and

that these building blocks [souls] have relative existence with one Super Soul. The

billions of souls are formed from the image of the one Super Soul in time and they

dissolve into it only to be born again in time. They understood the Super Soul as

beyond time and termed it as God. Thus spiritual scripture visualizes universe as a

living system that is conscious and intelligent. Let me not go deep into this ancient

knowledge. It makes no sense to the modern world that is caught in the vicious circle

of material and money centered vortex.

Modern man’s quest to isolate the building blocks led him to isolate atoms, and then

they split atoms to find many particles in pairs. Their attempt to split the particle

beyond a point led to spontaneous disappearance of particle into the environment

and equally spontaneous re-birth from environment [energy field]. They have failed

to comprehend the cause for such disappearance and appearance and how these

particle are put together to form one whole system called the universe. The


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mathematical language that the modern science uses to predict and exploit nature

seems to be failing to give humanity any sensible picture of nature and its oneness.

The evolution of science is now looking into biological world for ultimate answers

have now come up with another language to describe nature. The new language is

Fractal Geometry. From the Fractal geometrical point of view the universe is

something like a large number of Tiffin boxes one held inside the other. Another

example is that of straight line that is cut into two. The two fractions can further be

cut in similar fashion and this process can go infinitely. The following figure is

another famous representation of fractal geometry. The Fractal geometry thus is not

beyond the devil of infinity. I believe that nature is cyclic and finite.

I am not a mathematician. I am not sure whether, logic and mathematics can ever

explain nature. I have read that a famous mathematician Kurt Godel, a

contemporary of Einstein at Princeton University has proved that logic and

mathematic cannot explain everything. Yet, the culture and knowledge system of

India, Egypt, China, Maya points to a fact that they posses some form of superior

thinking and calculation which helped them predict time accurately, build pyramids

and so on. Lot of research needs to go in this direction. Looking deep into these

ancient secret was beyond my situation as a small farmer living against many odds.

Therefore I will have my fingers crossed when it come to make any conclusions.

However, by the Grace of the higher power, my quest and communication with

nature led me to figure out a simple explanation to the truth of cyclic existence of

nature. I am placing it before you.


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The Simple Truth of Nature

To know the simple truth of nature, we must go back to the drawing board and try to

observe nature from a point of freedom, breaking all the old belief systems that are

fed into our mind and exist as curtains, blocking the Light and Truth.

Let me now speak to you, what came to my mind, when I withdrew from mad

competitive market and money centered modern world and began to live as a small

farmer and yet pursued my search for truth. The simple picture I am going to draw

for you is the product of over two and half decades of my quest to know Truth.

Let us first sort out the basic aspect of nature that we observe and then open the

Tiffin boxes, to explore the basal box and try to figure it out logically and sensibly.

The Fractal Geometry speaks that everything is same one kept inside the other. This

means if we can isolate the Central Box, we can know the intermediate Boxes and

the whole. If we know the Son we will also know the Father and vice versa

The fundamental premise of nature that all of us observe is

1] Flow and motion. This manifests as connectivity and communication

forming one. It says we are all one.

2] Another premise of nature is its instinct to seek equilibrium.

Equilibrium invariably means end of flow or death.

In order for the flow and motion to exist the concept of equilibrium should be a

forbidden thing. This leads us to formulate a Fundamental Design and Principle

The Fundamental Design and Principle of Nature

Flow necessitates non-equilibrium and the existence of two parts - a right and left

that is connected. One of them should be dominant the other recessive, such that a

flow occurs from the dominant to the recessive. Thus non equilibrium is the

fundamental design. The life and flow to it comes from the instinct to seek

equilibrium, which manifest as flow. But nature is designed by a reality that this flow

can only occur in quantum manner. [Max Planck showed this reality]. What this

means everything should exist as ratio. This leads to Quantum Dance. The simplest


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ratio that comes to our mind is 2:1. But I would choose a ratio 4:3. This ratio

becomes more appropriate, when we consider the anatomy of space.

The Anatomy of Space

Space consists of 8 components and three left and right frames. To understand this

take an apple cut it twice vertically at right angles through the center and once

horizontally at right angles to the vertical through the center. It gives us 8 equal

components with three left and right frames that are overlapped.

Plank’s Law and its Interference in Nature

Planck’s law of energy transfer says that energy can only be transferred in quantum

manner. Now let us understand how flow and communication occurs in nature. In the

ratio 4:3, the flow leads to a dance between two states 4:3 and 3:4. The energy

flows from right to left and left to right leading to perpetual existence.

This design and functioning should be same for all the systems from the smallest to

biggest. Now bring in the picture of one Tiffin box inside the other. It becomes

applicable to all. We can visualize fundamental particle from number 8 with the two

arms existing in 4:3 ratios. The wave produced by this Quantum Dance can spread

to the whole and warp on the periphery and return to cause another Quantum dance

in time. Imagine a breath of a Living System. The reality of time direction to the

universe invariably tells us that the wave should originate from the center and direct

to the periphery and then direct back to the center. They form the expanding and

contracting state of the system.


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Chapter -4

The Truth in Quantum Particulate World

“He [God] himself is before all things and in Him all things hold together”

[Golden words of spiritual scriptures]

“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows

up that is familiar with it”Max Planck

• Quantum Particulate World

• The Greatest Human Flaw

• The Comparison between Human and Nature: Table -1

• The Quantum Creation Secret

Quantum Particulate World

Now let us try to visualize and create the quantum particle to explain the Fractal

World. Take a ball of mud and then twitch it with two opposing winding forces. The

force should be in non-equilibrium, [4:3] because equal and opposite force cancels

out. Now in two steps we end in a symmetrical system as shown in figure below [fig

- quantum dance].

Note – this the simplest vision, the real dynamic vision is discussed later

The external symmetry however is misleading. The external non-equilibrium creating

forces now can exist as internal factor maintaining stability with a non equilibrium


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ratio [See Fig-4 Next page]. The creating ratio after two step winding actually

opposes further winding.

The system is capable of winding and unwinding by a unit. But it resists any attempt

to push the system beyond the limit. No one within the system can unwind the

system, but the systems within the left and right can create a winding force to push

it to the third critical point at which a collapse and reordering occurs. Here the

system breaks, the internal forces become external. The system flips and rejoins into

new order, with a change in the direction of the flow – The right twist would have

changed into left twist and vice-versa. [See Fig –Anatomy Quantum Dance – next

page]. The twist is determined by the dominant particle. The dominant part is

determined by the Spirit. But in the manifested state the Spirit works to resist

the dominant.

This process of break down and reorganization manifests as the reaction. I call this

Quantum Dance. It is a four step processes. The collapse occurs when the third

critical point is reached. It gains new order before the system tends to the fourth or

the end point. This particle I visualize as the Building Blocks of Nature as well as

the whole. The whole has the same image as the particle. It is a Fractal Design


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with a difference. I am tempted to include a figure I happened to write few years

back in relation to Quantum Dance. See Fig next page [Anatomy Quantum Dance]

Fractal Design and most science revolve around symmetry. But nature in its true

sense is asymmetrical. The external symmetry is misleading because internally there

is asymmetry of the spirit. This means the two triangles are not equal and they are

not strictly triangles. Nor are they are strictly a circle. They fall between the two.

Nature is not only is asymmetrical but it is constantly changing and evolving. The

day and night cycle, the climatic a cycles and the present world we live in with

climatic changes, speak this truth very loudly to us. Jus as life, Nature is a

pulsating system that is changing qualitatively. We as the pulsating system

exist to the left right of the one living system of which we are part. We are simply

the cells of one Universal Living System. At no point can we pulsate with same

frequency as the central pulse. However the friction we create becomes minimal


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when we move to the center point or creation point. We will discuss this statement


Trying to represent nature through triangles, circles and straight line is

wrong because

1] All circles are closed systems and no closed systems can communicate

2] All straight line systems are fully open system so they cannot react. They also fail

to communicate.

This invariably means nature and quantum particle should exist between these two

states. Every particle in nature should be Designed to perceive change and

communicate within it self and with the external world. Thus, if you unfold or

enfold a fractal design we should end in a non-equilibrium particle which dances.

Thus fundamental particle is like a pair of springs with opposite twist with 4:3 ratio.

When they are wound and stressed they break down and reorganize changing the

left and right. This break down and reorganization manifest as reaction or motion of

the system. Because of the non equilibrium they manifest into external

curved displacement of the particle accompanied by the spin. Thus we

account for the Fundamental Characteristics of Motion.

Note – this also tells us all force is spiral and our notion of force in a straight line is

wrong. Only spiral nature of force accounts for qualitative change.

The Greatest Human Flaw

The greatest human flaw is his attempt to predict and explain nature that has a non-

equilibrium design and is qualitatively changing every moment, through

mathematical equations that are based on quantity and symmetry.

The important points to be noted here are

1] The non equilibrium design that exists internally allows flow and communication.

The dance acts like a Quantum Switch controlling the system by creating a wave in

the system that has potentials to spread to the whole. The external symmetry is


2] Since the instinct is to reach equilibrium and the only equilibrium the system can

reach is the relative equilibrium where the external symmetry exists. Beyond which

the system end to go into disorder, with creation force and created force acting


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opposing manner. [See Fig – The Four Steps of Quantum Qualitative Dance – Next

page]. No wonder God after creation laid a law to humans not to eat from the Tree

at the center. [Biblical Creation]

Biblical creation tells that we are created in His image to the right of left and that we

are not supposed to seek the center. Seeking the center invariably stresses the

Creator and leads to quantum collapse and reorganization. A from of quantum

collapse and reorganization [quantum dance and information exchange] is occurring

in breathing, mitotic and meiotic division. A quantum dance is occurring in day and

night cycle, climatic cycles. Day and night cycle can be compared to breathing and

revitalization and climatic cycle to mitotic renewal of information. The comparison

between life and nature is given in Table -1 [see next page]


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The Comparison between Human and Nature: Table -1

Living system

1] The breathing, that exchanges

information between the left and right

vitalizes and conquers time and its

deteriorative influence


The day and night cycle and energy

flow in it, exchanges information

between the left and right and

conquers deteriorative influence of


2] The mitotic renewal exchange

information between the left and right.

The information renewal helps resist

time and its death forces

The climatic cycle, exchanges and

renews the information between the

left and right to bring new balance and

thus resist time and death force

3] Meiotic information renewal and

reproductive process. Helps the

system to conquer time and death, by

creating a new body out of the old and

initialize it self. Here the Fathers

essence leaves its body enters the

feminine and creates new body out of

the old.

Needs to be discovered.

The Quantum Qualitative Reality [QQR] – The Creation Secret

Now let us look back at the Creation. Two realities stand out

1] The creator force was out side the system in the initial state – Creating state or

the non manifested state of the spirit

2] The Creator force becomes internal after the creation and He rules with a law. –

The manifested state of the Creator spirit.

The Creator Spirit thus has two roles to play and it appear to form the two time

direction to nature. In the first case the spirit directs to the center. It works to

initialize all systems to a center. Once the initialization is complete, it opposes the


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time directed to the center. The whole process goes in four steps. [See Fig- Four

steps of qualitative quantum dance – Previous page]

Beyond the first critical point, the creator spirit works against the time directed to

the center. It becomes opposing after the second critical point. It is the point at

which Adam eats the Forbidden Fruit and had to leave the Eden or the Kingdom of

God. It is the point at which man turns away form God and aligns with material

force. It is the point in which Light of Life leaves humanity and he gets engulfed in

darkness and seeks light. It is the time when disorder comes into being.

This four step quantum qualitative cycle reflects the life cycle. The first part is the

child hood, where the “I” or mind of the child is not expressed. What rules is love

and oneness. The child is dependent on the Father and Mother. This is the Golden

Age or Dharma Yuga, what rules is Love. When child grows his self begins to

manifests. Between the first and second critical point, he exist in vibrant state. His

“I” partially makes appearance and yet it is connected to the Father and Mother.

However when the time reaches the second critical point, he begins to express his “I”

and self. It is here that he distances from the Grace and protection of the Creator.

The separation and expression of individuality is a reality, however, when this is

done by forgetting the Creator and aligning with opposite force, then light and

knowledge of life departs and he begins to slide into darkness. At this stage the

system goes into disorder. The disorder slows down the deterioration process and

the journey to death. In the randomness half of the souls will have affinity to the

Creator and other half will have affinity to the opposite. Non linear science has

proved that a time direction exists in disordered system. This time direction favors

qualitative deterioration leading to death. Thus every one gets engulfed in darkness

and moves away from the Creator and Life force. Bible tells us that every one sinned

and fell short of His Grace and Justice.

Note – the modern culture, work to install a culture, that separates the child from

Father and Mother [ life] and run after the evil and material reality [ death]. Modern

youth as they step into their youth seek the self, and forget his family, society and

his basic responsibility to the society. No son who fails to support his Father and his

abode can be called a son of light or life. He is a prodigal son. Modern society and its


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cultures ignorantly are producing more and more prodigal sons and daughters;

consequently the world is caught in a piggery. The world is full of Judah’s, the

disciple of Christ who gave Christ for slaughter, for the sake of little money. We fall

for money and its power go against our consciousness and kill the light of life within


However, Life is designed to survive, by recreating a new body out of the old. Here

the male seed conceals within the womb of female and creates new world out of the

old. This secret is manifesting at the universal level is what we need to

unearth to understand nature and its perpetual existence. This will lead us

to biology and physics of spirituality.

Universal Time Cycle thus could be divided into four stages. The ancient seers who

wrote the Vedas spoke this in terms of four Yugas where justice and truth

deteriorates in certain proportion. In scientific terms we can describe it in terms of

order. The order is high in the initial state but deteriorates in time. The cause for the

disorder is human mind that seeks self. However new order emerges out of this

disorder by the intervention of the selfless Creator force. The universe is non-linear

and is designed to survive. The process by which it survives is reproduction or

renewal where the old is dissolved to create new.

The Quantum Qualitative Reality [QQR] is simple. It says that universe is

one, but is changing qualitatively. The one quantum world encloses a

defined number of worlds to the left and right. These worlds are created

within the womb at the spiritual level, before it manifest into reality in the

external world. It can be compared to the child forming in the womb. Once

the birth of Child takes a New Time Cycle begins. Initially there is a

expansion of the system. This expansion is the Golden Age. However this is

fallowed by division of one world into two. The light and knowledge of life

begin to deteriorate and human self and darkness slowly emerges and he

eats the forbidden fruit and the cycle of life and light continues. The time

span of this cycle is of debate.


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Chapter -5

Explaining Life and the Living Universe

The mind and belief systems as hindrance to Life

“For the kingdom of God depends not on talk but power”

Golden words of spiritual scriptures

"There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force the existence of a

conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter." -Max Planck

The quantum particle is the simplest vision of the manifested state of the

Spirit/Soul and its perpetual existence. The left and right form the body. The

point where the spirits cross form the heart, the center [0] forms the mind

[See Fig -4].

The Quantum Dance now happens around the central core between two limits. The

limits denote the time direction.


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When the system grows in space and time, the heart point [where spirit interact] and

the mind point [0] form the locations of development of heart and brain in a body

[Earth and sun in the universal system]. The system grows through enfolding when it

is disturbed beyond a critical point. In other words, the spirit comes out and divides

the system further. In the process the two celled [two world] system forms into 4

celled system [4 world system] and wishes to exist in that state. However, the time

pushes it again to the critical state and thus a multi-celled system comes into

existence. From one world many worlds are created. In the process the Quality of

the system deteriorates by certain proportions. From the life cycle we can


1] It as Growth and aging of the system

2] The emergence growth and deterioration of the living knowledge

3] The emergence of truth and justice and deterioration of truth and justice.

4] Entry into the Kingdom of God and being lost to the kingdom God.

5] Emergence of knowledge of selflessness or light and return of self and darkness

The mind is only a point through which the Spirit moves in and out in order to gain

new order. The working of the heart is incomplete as long as the mind point

is not totally open. Thus every belief system is a hindrance to life and its


Life we know originates form a single cell. Each cell we know is complete system and

is capable of doing all the functions that a whole body does. It is a pulsating system,

just as human pulse originates as wave from a point in the heart. The pulse of life in

a single cell should originate from some point in the cell. This point in the cell should

hold the soul or the Living Particle whose manifestation in time is what we are as

human system.

The heart points work in relation to the external signal coming to it. It actually

opposes the actions coming from the external material world works to sustain the

system. The mind actually distorts the stress acting on the heart. It actually

assimilates information from the environment and holds it. It also distorts the

information flowing from the hear point to control the system. Thus mind becomes

the seat of much of the problems of health of a living system.


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But life is designed with a phase when the mind sleeps. Here the heart and the living

force works to release the stress or repair the system.

When the mind distorts the stress acting on the soul, it actually helps the system.

But when mind block the information flow from the soul it actually disturbs the


Thus all belief system has the potential sustain the system from the

external disturbance. Thus religious integration, social integration, national

integration etc are helpful in the phase when the system is in the down turn

and fighting external negative influence. They have resistive influence. But

the same is not true when the system is in the creative and expansion

mode. Here the individual are responsible and the mind should die to get

reborn. The barriers of religion, country and caste everything should be

broken to know the truth and come to life. Life giving potential comes when the

belief systems are broken and mind is submitted unconditionally to the soul and its

Master. This is connecting to the consciousness unconditionally.

Human intellectual evolution both at spiritual and material level speaks this truth.

Thus Christ spoke against the dead beliefs and culture of Jews. A 1000 year after

Christ, a belief system grew around Christ and the Light of Christ deteriorated. The

Christian priests were virtually amassing wealth and ruling the west in the name of

punishing God. Two developments occurred during this period. Science came into

being breaking the hold of clergies on the common people. Human mind was

liberated to seek the truth independently. A new and powerful religion came into

existence through Prophet Mohammed. The nature and its evolution appear quite

controlled by a superior entity that perceives and works principally to sustain

everything. There is a necessity to review our biological knowledge and vision of

biological system

Thinking that can change our vision of Life and Nature

The mind is the balancing point of the external body. But the point that gives life is

off centered center. The Spirit forms the CONSCIOUS and INTELLIGENT element of

the system. It exists in the heart center, but functions through brain center to

balance the system that it created. It goes out and comes in through it to sustain the


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system. The Quantum Dance has predictable phase, an unpredictable phase,

a disordered phase and a creative phase which form the cycle of time or Life

Cycle. This realization has potential to change the very foundation of biological

thinking and our thinking on nature. The early childhood is orderly because mind

does not influence very much the functioning of the heart. However when the system

mature, human mind and self manifest and this self begins to obstruct the flow of

spirit and proper functioning of the system. When the mind gets directed away from

the center, the system enters the disordered state. The heart works against this

disorder and eventually fails. However, the system survives through advancement of

information and reproduction.

It should be recalled that the ancient spiritual scriptures and the great science of

Vedas, speak at depth about these truth and teaches the art of silencing the mind

such that the inner Life force works to its potential and maintains life. Let me not

waver in to this ancient science here. The world will stand to take note of it when

they realize the Quantum Qualitative Reality of nature.

Everything is fine as long as the internal systems or the worlds created and existing

in the left and right works within limits. But the system breaks down and goes into

creative phase when the left right begin to seek self and works to conquer the

opposite and eats the flow. The system break down the moment the system reaches

the third critical state. However, nature is designed to self sustain and conquer time.

There is nothing called death, only creation, dissolution and New Creation.

Technically this means each one of us who are created in the image of the Creator,

actually hold all the information of universal system. But our information is truncated

with a purpose. The whole information was given to us in creation but we lost it,

because of we failed to keep the law. The law was to live in Faith and Love with the

Creator. The law was to live a heart centered life. But we humans in time move away

from the heart centered life to mind and matter centered life. Instead of walking in

the Light of the Creator [soul], we begin to walk in the Light of matter [flesh]. Thus

we bring disorder and destruction to the world and thus endanger our own existence.


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The truth of nature exists beyond human mind and its comprehension. The ancient

spiritualist thus spoke that we cannot seek truth; truth comes to us for Divine

purpose. There is a long way to go before the world transforms and see the truth.


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Re-visualizing the Scientific advancements from the

Premises of Quantum Dance

“The earth was formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while the Spirit of God swept over the face of the water. Then God said ‘

Let there be Light” and there was light”

[Golden words of spiritual scriptures]

"Imagination is more important than knowledge”


• The Living Particle and Information development in Biological System

• The Secret of Birth and Death

• Three levels of this stress management

Now let us direct our thought to the above particle and re-visualize some of scientific

perceptive and bring vital changes to some of the long standing beliefs and pictures

impregnated into us.

1] We can visualize above quantum particle as electromagnetic particle. This

quantum particle exists in another huge quantum particle called the environment

that dances. This Quantum Dance is reflected in the day and night cycle and the

energy flow in nature. The quantum particle and its dance can produce a wave in the

external medium or the environment. [A medium is a necessity to explain nature.

However, Einstein’s Relativity Theory and the experiment of Michelson and Morley

essentially removed the vision of existence of the medium. We are rediscovering this

medium as the basal heat flux].

The Quantum Dance is inevitable because Max Planck’s law tells us that energy can

only be exchanged in quantum manner. If the particle is compressed and twisted

through external force, directed in the same direction but having opposite twist then

they can form highly energetic particle that moves in spiral manner like a drill. This

can explain the wave particle duality.


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2] It can collide with another such particle to form a matter particle or the atom

[the simplest being hydrogen atom born from a pair]. Now there is an important

thing to be noted here. The particle we visualized has a 4:3 non equilibrium on the

left and right at the spiritual level. Let us name it A/B. The second particle with which

it collides also should have similar ratio. Let us name it C/D. Here the AB/CD also

should have ratio 4:3 or vice-versa. Here B=C. With out this non-equilibrium

ratio, the particle or the matter system is a dead system incapable of

exchanging energy and information. There is no dead system in nature. The

nature works on ratio. I am not sure whether it can be described through

mathematics. It is up to the masters who reside in temples of science to investigate

it. The great scientist Einstein did point to this in his auto biography.

We can now visualize the periodic table as the product of collisions of light particles -

One pair leading to hydrogen atom, 2 pair leading to helium, 3 pair leading to

lithium, 4 pair leading to beryllium and so on. Recall E=mc2

3] When compared to an atom, an electromagnetic particle is unstable in space that

has three left and right frames. A hydrogen atom has one level of stability in space.

A higher level of stability in space is formed when left wound hydrogen atom joins

with right wound hydrogen atom. This explains the formation of H2 molecule. A very

highly stable system is formed in space when two pair of particle collides and fuses

to form helium atom. [Fusion of two hydrogen atom] The helium atom fills the 8

component space and we know it as an inert system. All system, other than

inert systems, is reactive and tends to form molecule and compounds. Here again


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the ABCD/EFGH should have ratio 4:3. These inert elements also are born in pairs

one with left twist the other with right twist.

The Living Particle and Information development in Biological


The inert elements normally are resistant to physical forces. They have symmetry in

space and can resist both left or right winding and unwinding force. They work to

protect their symmetry. Information development and building a complex body is the

means by which it survives.

Information development

The helium atom that is stable and has symmetry in 8 component space will tend to

protect its equilibrium and symmetry by opposing the external force disturbing it

symmetry or equilibrium. When stressed to near critical state by external physical

forces or heat induced forces, they tend to develop information. The information

development is a way of improving its resistance to the external forces acting on it

and disturbing its relative equilibrium. I say relative equilibrium because this particle

exist in an environment that is changing by quantum dance. The information

development can be understood as a balance trying to balance its self, against

external force by adding weight on to the pan.

By the above statement I am giving you the secret of soul or living particle

and the formation of information or DNA in biological system. The soul or

Living Particle does not form bonds but uses matter as weight that can be

displaced in relation to the external forces to maintain the balance.

In short, I am making statement that inert element of the periodic table fits the

picture as the dynamic soul or Living Particle. It is the functional entity behind life. It

is the point from which the wave originates and to which it returns repeatedly. In

two articles “Beyond Genes” and “Secret of Consciousness” existing in my site - I have discussed the

difference between the plant, animal and human souls, that goes to explain the

characteristic of these living systems.


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One of the important conclusions of this thinking is that genes exist not as pairs but

as 4 pairs. This goes to explain many intricacies of biological information and has

potentials to advance genetic knowledge to higher level. This is a subject to be

discussed at length and is beyond this book

The Secret of Birth and Death

The information is developed against the physical stress leading it to near critical

states. However the inert elements are influenced by winding and unwinding force of

the temperature. We noted that the environment unwinds and winds back into new

order in the day and night cycle, climatic cycle and that it has time direction at which

it has to renew everything. The second law of thermodynamics is applicable to all

systems. Nature is not an exception. This means all the enclosed system has to

change along with it to survive. It has to readjust to the energy changes in nature.

This means a living particle or soul and the information it has built should unwind

and wind back mixing the left and right such that it can attain new balance in

relation to the changing environment. It should be noted that all biological system

renews its cells periodically through mitotic division which basically changes the left

and right. In other words all life has to upgrade the information periodically to over

come the stress manifesting from nature that is changing under time force. There

are three levels of this stress management

Three levels of this stress management

1] The first level of stress management manifest as the breath.

2] The second level of stress management, manifest as information renewal or

mitotic process.

3] The third level manifests a Meiotic division and reproduction where the essence of

the Father, enters the womb of the mother to create new body out of the old thus

conquer time and initialize it self.

I have tried to express the three levels of stress management in a dynamic system in

the following figure.


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AB, CD, EF, GH form the four light particle that has gone to form the dynamic

system. AB if is right twisted, CD is left twisted. Since they are in 4:3 ratios, there is

an overall twist that favors the right or the dominant. Similarly EFGH are paired with

an opposite twist. When these particles wind they form the dynamic particle with a

twist determined by the dominant particle.

Note – here ABCD/ EFGH exist in 4:3 ratio

The system can wind and unwind in three steps. Every system that exist in the

universal system are prone for two types of changes

1] The random changes manifesting as physical stress

2] The time bound changes, manifesting as day and night cycles, climatic cycle and

universal cycle of time.

Every system has to readjust to these two types of changes. Earlier we noted the

design of earth and energy flow in it. When west awakes to sunlight, the east sleeps

to darkness and vice-versa. When light peaks in the west it gives way to darkness

and simultaneously the east peaks in darkness and it gives way to light. This 12 hour

day and night is enclosed in 12 month climatic cycles. The history speaks that these

12 month cycle are in fact enclosed 12 year cycles and so on to form big universal

cycle, where time ends and new time begins. This is very much spoken in ancient


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spiritual scriptures. Modern science has understood it as big collapse and Big Bang


This reality can be understood form second law of thermodynamics which give time

direction to the system. The heat is lost in every cycles and the system deteriorate

creating disorder. This also means the information in the system is constantly

changing. All systems enclosed in nature need to readjust its own information in

relation to the change in universal information. There are three processes by which

information gained and the system is reorganized. We saw it as the breathing,

mitotic division and meiotic division. Because of its importance let us look at it

again. Here the first two processes contribute to the maintenance of the system

against time and its deteriorative process. The third actually cause the conquering of

time and causes the evolution.

I have tried to explain them in figurative manner here


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The figures are self explanatory. The breath is simply the mixing of the flow in the

right and left of the system and to bring vitality and new balance to the system. Here

the system breaks one level of left and right and reorders itself. The meiotic division

is a step ahead, it creates and renews the information and thus causes the expansion

of the system. Here the system breaks down 2 left and right frames and reorders the


The third however is vital, here it breaks all the three left and right frames and

reorganizes it self. Here the dominant particle the Essence of the Father leaves its

body and goes recessive to the recessive. It breaks down the old worlds to create

new worlds from within and thus death is conquered. We can understand this reality

as the Light of Life or Knowledge of Life leaving humanity and emerging again to

take control of the world.

I am tempted at this point to bring to your notice, the Biblical Creation and the law –

not eat from the tree at the center of Eden. Bible says death came from breaking the

law and the antidote to it is eating and drinking from the Tree of Life, which is

Jesus Christ. I am not speaking for a religion called Christianity but trying to

lay before you certain truth of nature. More about it is discussed in “Biology and

Physics of Bible” that exist in Google sites. Address -



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Chapter – 7

The Living Secret of Cosmos

“Call to me and I will reveal to you great and mighty things that you do not know”

Golden words of spiritual scriptures

“We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up until now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future.”

Max Planck

Earlier we noted the heart and mind point in a particle. See fig – 4. The heart point is

where the internal spirit crosses. The mind point is the center [0]

Now let us try to locate these points in a dynamic system in space or inert system or

what we assumed a soul particle. Very clearly it should have 4 points one each

belonging to the four particle that have gone to form the dynamic system. A dynamic

system we noted is stable in space and they are born in pairs one with a right twist

and the other with left twist together they form a pair. This explains the existence of

male and female in biological world, the day and night cycle in the natural world.


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These particles in isolation are unstable against time. But in unity they can conquer

time and death force through reproduction.

Here the 4 points of dynamic system when stressed becomes 2 points. The two

points become 1 point. When it is further stressed, one of these worlds goes

recessive to the other and emerges into new order. We saw this as the three basic

processes of life.

I also wish to call your attention at this point the design of earth in to two parts

[right and left or west and east] and the energy flow in it.

When they are taken together the system has 8 points where the spirit crosses that

is spread around a central core in space. When such a dynamic system is stressed in

three steps, from the external world, it collapses to a point and turns inside out by

changing the direction of the flow. In the process it takes in and gives out energy

through the center. The central core thus becomes the root for the energy and

information flow. The central core is the seat of mind and it could be equated to sun

in the solar system. The point at which the system collapses becomes the seat of

heart and it could be equated to the earth in the solar system. The eight point where

the spirit crosses forms the 8 pans of the dynamic balance. It is the point of the 8

planets in the solar system [the ninth is the earth it self where life exist]

I have written this as a food for thought. I am sure this extended thinking of my

mind would be difficult for others to comprehend. However, when we look at it from

the perspective of many of the ancient cultures and their knowledge of astronomy

and astrology, their knowledge of human body and health described in Ayurveda,

specially the energy wheels or chakras of human body, the acupuncture points

Chinese medicine and so on then the significance of the above thought will reveal it


Even the design of pyramids, speaks of the above design and knowledge of energy

flow in system. It should be recalled that before science came into existence we had

an earth centered picture of the universe. What we discussed leads us to the old

reality. The earth is the off centered center of the Living Universe. It is the spiritual

and creative center. The sun is the center of the manifested reality or the body. I


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must however accept there is long way to go before the simplicity of nature and the

ancient knowledge system can unravel to modern world. As a small farmer and

individual struggling to meet the ends, I could not divert my energy and resources to

these knowledge systems that probably has taken root from the Quantum Reality of

Nature. In the given situation and circumstances I have thus concentrated to call the

world attention to the Quantum Qualitative Reality of Nature.


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Chapter -8

The Quantum Qualitative Reality of Nature – Discussing the Truth

“Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.”

Golden words of spiritual scriptures

“Anybody who has been seriously engaged is scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: 'Ye must have

faith.' It is a quality which the scientist cannot dispense with.”Max Planck

From the above thinking, the universe appears as a living system that is conscious

and intelligent. It is capable of self organizing and sustaining it self. This truth was

known to ancient and it is reflected in Vedas, Bible and so on. Even modern science

also is evolving towards it. Gaia hypothesis put forth by James Lovelock and Margulis

Lynn even fetched Noble prize to them. But we have not got a strong foundation on

which we can transform.

The most evident reality of nature is the fleeting time. Both modern science and

ancient spiritualist were aware of it. Thus they spoke of a beginning of time and end

of time but they have failed to comprehend, how they are connected to form a never

ending cycle. I wish to take you to this realm of knowledge. This is important

because the world is going through a critical period. The Mayans, who are called the

time keepers of the world have predicted that the present time ends in 2012

December 21. Similar end is predicted in Bible, Vedas and other spiritual scriptures.

Most preachers of these ancient knowledge systems and spiritual scriptures create

destructive picture of the end time to lure people into their respective religion and

grow in a quantitative manner. Let us now look at the truth of it.

From the 3 vital observations [chapter -2] we can conclude that the time direction

comes from adult human mind that seeks self. The universe is one in its creative

state but in its manifested form it is divided into two and multiples of two worlds in

space, with the Master being seated in the middle. A law rules the manifested world.

All spiritual scriptures thus speak of two realities.


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1] Love and Faith – This is the fundamental relationship. Where Love and Faith exist

there exist Life and creation.

2] Creation is a process beyond mind. It takes place in the darkness of womb, where

the old is dissolved to Create New. Once creation is complete the Creator needs to

deliver the creation. This is the manifested state. In the manifested state the law and

justice rules. The spirit of Creator now exists between the two as eh judge and the

balancer. When the law is broken further, the two worlds go to form four worlds. The

process continues to form many worlds. In the process the system grows materially

and appears random, but the Spirit still works in the same essential form but its

strength shrinks. A Quantum Qualitative Changes occurs. In other words system

deteriorates and death engulfs when law is broken and humans begins to live mind

centered life and seek self. Thus in time Creator is forced to act to recreate

everything and restore.

This cycle is the simple secret of Bible. Bible reflects the life cycle of the universe.

The Calvary here becomes the conceiving point, the second coming is the revelation

of Mind of God or truth of nature that initializes human in to Mind of God and Truth.

This is supported by Vedas. Yajurveda Vs 30-31 very clearly speaks that the universe

was crated by the self sacrifice of the creator and this sacrifice was conducted by his

own people - The priest, intellectuals and the ruling Lot.

I am not speaking in favor of any religions, but bringing to you the Living

Reality of Nature that is vital to our survival on Planet earth. In fact I see

immense potential in the ancient knowledge especially of the east. They seem to

have known the secret of life in an extensive manner and incorporated them into

their cultures.

There are three elements to life; soul, mind and body. The soul is the seat of life

over which the whole world is constructed in time. Life exists in the soul. A life can

exist mind dead but not soul dead. Mind is the seat that controls the manifested

world or the body. Soul is the power of anti-gravity. The body holds the power of

gravity. The mind is the pivot on which the system works and moves. As long as the

mind and its extensions are subservient to soul and its force, it causes expansion and


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gives life. But when the mind gets aligned to matter and its force, it creates a time

direction to the center or the collapse. The Creator then distorts the mind and

creates duality and disorder. Yet a time direction exists in disorder, which leads to


Time is inevitable reality of nature and life. Anything that is born should die. The law

actually resists the setting of the disorder and its movement to death. Death is

inevitable to the whole and those souls that are created in time. The death comes

from body that constitutes of the created souls. This is when the First Soul conquers

death and strives to recreate a New Body. It becomes inevitable that the First soul

has to give New Life to all the Souls. Once this is done it should illuminate the mind

of souls and gives it the dominion to start a New Life cycle. We are going through

this process of dissolution and recreation by the intervention Creator Soul and Mind.

The Bible, Vedas and other spiritual scriptures needs to be understood form this

context. They are knowledge’s of higher order that gives life, into which humanity

need to evolve. The cultures of the ancient have immense depth and needs to be

reinvented beyond the veil of religion. The veil of religion has hidden the truth away

from humanity. I am not against religion, for one simple reality that without religion

the truth would not have survived. When the light of life was deteriorating under

time and its force and when the darkness was entering the world, the intelligent, hid

the power of life in veils so that it is not amenable for the evil but persist the dark

phase to emerge again.

All the veils and belief system needs to broken and truth need to come out if the

world has to survive. The modern spiritual heads are not enlightened so they are

nowhere near the truth. Those priests who are enlightened seem to fear to speak the

truth and break the veils for they fear loosing their chair and power. The priest acts

as mediators of God, the truth is that after Christ every one is liberated to seek their

will. Remember Christ manifested when not one soul was left who could be justified

before God. Every one had failed. Through Christ we got the liberation to seek our

will. This means each individual is a priest by himself who can communicate with

God. Any priest speaking this truth to his people amount to destabilizing once own

seat as the mediator. It amounts to loosing a plush and high job that carries no


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stress and burden. So, most priests keep believers under a cloud of ignorance in

order to rule them.

This is also true in the case of scientist and researchers. They fear to speak anything

that shakes their position, their chair and their kingdom. Few years back a scientist

then associated with MIT, USA, who happened to read, what I wrote spontaneously

and stored in the net, wrote me that I should not write and keep these things on the

net. He expressed the desire to meet me. I was thrilled, because I knew he has

perceived some depth in my writing. If I could meet and convince him and make him

write from his pen my thoughts, I know the world will stand to take note and millions

existing in temples of science would begin to apply their mind and the New Life and

order will emerge to the world. However, when I met him in one of the renowned

temples of science in India and spoke my mind out, the only response I got from

him, was that we should not reveal the truth, but give it in packets such that people

will not know truth, but can use it. I found the typical western market mind that

tries to advance self. The self is the biggest impediment in our path to Life and


The truth of time and nature needs to be understood from the Living Reality. The

universe is one whole living system. We the human beings are individuated system

born from it in time. The system has a creation phase where the creator exist in

creation breaking down and restoring new order, followed by a manifested state, that

has four states, the childhood, early adulthood and late adulthood, followed by old

age leading to death. Vedas have described this in the form of four Yugas. However,

before the death happens life is designed to survive and perpetuate. The Fathers

essence leaves it body and enters the mother’s womb and creates new body out of

the old. In the process it conquers time. We as the individuated soul born from the

First Soul, need to take rebirth and take our positions in the New Body being formed.

It calls us submit our will [Self] to the Higher Will [Higher Self] that controls


It should be noted that much of the ancient knowledge systems speaks of the

guidelines to human beings to live in harmony with nature and God. They knew the

importance of the soul and mind and its control over the body. They seemed to have


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known the truth of life and knew the secret that once the soul and mind is in order,

body becomes ordered automatically. .

Let me now explore the truth of God [Creator], human and time, through a small


Since time direction is related to humans, we can take only human soul, mind and

life to explain nature. This should be explained in relation to absolute soul mind and

body or a reference point. In the figure we are visualizing the human souls. Science

and scriptures tell us that the souls are indestructible. There is Central Unique

Soul, there are billions of souls existing in 4 pairs on the three left and right frames

of space. The whole is enclosed within a Father Soul, which encompasses all the

souls. It should be recalled that Vedas described the existence of Universal

Consciousness or the Father. The time can have two directions in the above reality.

It can get directed from the periphery [Father] to the center [The Son] and lead to a

big bang, which then leads back to the Father to start a New Time cycle. The

question now is that how time changes at the center and periphery and exist in


From the above figure it is apparent time originates from the Central Unique Soul

and directs to the periphery to start a new journey. In biological system we noted

that, one soul formed from the entry of the Fathers essence into the mother, creates

a whole new body out of the old and thus conquers time. In the process it forms

billions of new souls and new worlds.



Individuated Soul

Central Creating Soul or God Particle

Father Soul Fig- 3E

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Applying this to the universal system, there is no second body to the universal

system. The only other way is that the central soul should leave its central position

and get enclosed in the body and create a new body out of the old and initialize it

self before time ends.

In short we are the cells [worlds] existing in one Universal Living System. We are

being recreated by the essence of the Father now existing in the womb so that the

kingdom of the Father can be restored.

The process is taking place in a defined and controlled manner. When the creator

vacated His seat, what took its place is the inferior mind that seeks the self. The

mind of humanity that is disconnected from his own consciousness and looses the

communication with the Master residing in it, looks to the opposite as enemy and

thus works to conquer the opposite. It works to the corrupt the flow and thus

strangulates the whole system, in the process, by his ignorance; he breaks down his

own world and inches towards self destruction. The modern world is a poof of this


The modern world seeks the truth of nature in matter. It has caused unilateral

increase in the temperature of the world breaking the barriers of the physical world,

creating disorder in the world. This unilateral increase in disorder has stressed the

souls and minds. Human consciousness is being stirred. Some of these souls have

turned violent and destructive and others have become spiritual. This is leading the

souls to take New Birth. The moment the human mind submits to the Creator Force

working to recreate and bring new order, he gets connected to his own

consciousness and gets rebirth. The quality of rebirth depends on the intent by which

you seek him. A new world, new light, new knowledge is being formed within the old

and is due to emerge and take control. The turmoil the world is going through is the

struggle to give birth to New Time Cycle. It is the struggle to deliver and advance to

new realm of knowledge that gives order and peace to the world. There is light at the

end of the road. But I do not how much more destruction and pains the world has to

bear before our mind opens to the simple Truth of Nature.


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Chapter - 9

Quantum Qualitative Reality and the Biotechnology

“Creation is only the projection into form of that which already exists.”[The golden words of spiritual scriptures]

“It is not the possession of truth, but the success which attends the seeking after it, that enriches the seeker and brings happiness to him.”

Max Planck

• My Experience in Biotechnology

• Why modern biotechnology is failing

• Three Levels of Spiritual Force

My Experience in Biotechnology

Modern biotechnology and the knowledge on which it manipulates life is exclusively

rest on gene and its expression. The general understanding on which it rest is that

gene is the building blocks of information and is predictable and determinable unit

that holds the secret of life. So it is spending billions of dollars in splitting and

isolating genes, altering and mixing the genetic information.

Biotechnologists have created an imaginative world, probably luring largest amount

of research funds. However, the investment on biotechnology is not giving the

returns as much as it was expected from it, nor it is doing any good to its targets.

For example a researcher dealing with coconut, cashew, coffee and other species of

plants in tissue culture should have overall vision of prosperity of the farmers of

these species and its associated industry. But most research scientist work for their

self advancement creating a bundle of research papers often misleading the public

and funding bodies and loose their overall sense and goal. This is true in every

research field. Thus the health of human, animal and plants and nature have only

been decreasing with modern science.

Biotechnology has failed to make much progress because their basic perception of

life and its working is wrong. Their attempts to dissect the dead body and unearth


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the building blocks and comprehend life from its premises have failed. A similar

failure is encountered by physicist and their attempt to break atom and isolate the

building blocks. Beyond a point, the particle disappears into the sea of energy and

emerges spontaneously in new forms and shapes. The backbone of modern biological

thinking rests on predictability of Newtonian world. This thinking is dead nearly

century back when Heisenberg invented Unpredictability Theory. Biologists who have

gone subservient to physicist are still working on dead bodies!

I know personally where scientist have claimed stability in cloned plants and yet in

person admitted that there were sterile, totally disfigured plants. I have read reports

of farmers who cultivated cloned or tissue cultured banana plants, who ended in

having plants that produced foul smelling fruits and had to destroy the whole

plantation. In all these cases the individual and industry and governments have

failed to come out and seek the truth. “Self” survival seems to play an important role

here. By his “self” humanity has gone insensitive to truth that exists next to

his skin. The consequence is that life and nature is loosing its vitality and nature is


At this point, I am tempted to share briefly my experience as a biotechnologist. I

was not a believer in God. I took to research with a mind based on consciousness

and hoped to contribute something to humanity in the process of leading the life.

May be this made me highly sensitive. Few months into my research I began to feel,

there is something wrong in the foundation of science on which my projects rest. The

cells and tissues were virtually speaking to me. I could feel their struggle for

existence; from the moment I separated the pieces of tissues form its parent body

till it went through the process of stabilizing in artificial environment and resulted in

to complete plants. But they were speaking to me their inferiority when compared to

their counter parts. I knew modern science has no scope for such feeling.

I noted that plant tissue culture began from the fact that plants are “totipotent”,

which means all parts have retained the potential to regenerate. This gave rise to

tissue culture industry. But no books could explain why they have retained the

“totipotency”. In nature most plants have both male and female entity. But all of

them prefer not to mix within themselves. The ovum matures only after the pollen of

the plant is completely shed thus making sure that it unites with another plant to


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perpetuate and survive in nature. These pieces of life in test tube were

exploiting my sensitivity to speak to me that I am interfering into their

survival instinct. I was consciously disturbed.

The basic knowledge of genetics was telling me that information exist in pairs [ left

and right] and they change left and right through mitotic and meiotic reproduction.

This means there is a constant mixing of the left and right in space and time. The cell

and tissue I isolate, has space time position from its conception to birth to the date I

am isolating it form its parent body for my experimentation. In the artificial medium

I am dedifferentiating this space time evolution of the species and skipping the

advantage that the species gains by mixing!

My work on coconut was voluminous; I was competing with multinational companies,

government organizations, which have started this work more than a decade back. I

had to fill in the gap against many odds. These voluminous work and the

observations began reveal the stupid nature of my work. I noted that the pieces of

tissue I take in different time of the year, different practices used for isolation,

different pre-treating techniques and many minute aspect affect the response of the

cells to a given medium. Genetics tells us that even pieces of chromosomes switch

places on homologues chromosomes in extreme situations. There was no guarantee

to me that the genes in the cell and tissues I manipulate in an artificial environment

and exposed to too many chemicals would be stable.

I found people hiding these truths that are so evident in order to gain funds and

power. A piece of coconut tissue giving rise to a plant in test tube is an amazing

picture for a common man. For the funding bodies that is mad after money and

power, the juicy visions and calculations the scientist present form easy bait. For

example we have super clones that yield above 400 to 500 nuts per year with least

input. [The average is 80 to 100] They are rare, but plants obtained from its seed do

not guarantee this uniformity. Biotechnology proposes that, the plants created from

the leaf can produce plantations where every plant yields 400 to 500 nuts. Further, it

proposes that if we can isolate the gene for it, we can add gene to double the yield.

Any government and industry in the modern world will fall for it.


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The results that I produced in the lab level were bringing me highly placed company

jobs. However there was no thread in my research for my consciousness to

hang on. I became restless, thus my mind began to shift into academic line. This

dream was cut short on the eve of submission of my Doctoral Thesis, when I was

asked to make a choice between my stay up right with consciousness or sacrifice it

to find a ticket to the academic world. I chose to stay with my consciousness and

walked out from the mad competitive world. A temporary stay with my parents, in an

interior village surrounded by virgin forest to recover my health, slowly turned into

my abode and my new lab.

Here my communication with nature and life became intense. I began to break all

belief systems. I broke the belief system that science is superior; I broke my stand

on God [God is invention of the intelligent to rule the ignorant]. I broke the belief

system of superior and inferior. In the new found freedom I kept my self free and

totally open to communication with life and nature and nature began to reveal pages

of her brook randomly.

I submitted my ego and became receptive to all ancient spiritual cultures,

agricultural practices and medical practices and began to contemplate on them with

out any specific attachment. In the light of what nature was revealing they appeared

more appealing than the modern knowledge and culture. However, they seem to

have been over shadowed by the modern science. It appeared that inferior

knowledge has taken the place of superior knowledge that existed prior to it. The

Vedas and spiritual scriptures appeared true. The east seemed to have possessed

the superior knowledge or Living Light. In time the Living Light has left the

coast to rise in the west and stand as a mirror for the east to awaken to its past

grandeur. The west in contrast seemed to have failed to notice the Living Light that

emerged in its field and under its canopy has spread darkness to the world so that

light eventually emerges by design.

This reality of Cycle of Living Light as the substance of Universal Time Cycle and

the beauty of spiritual scriptures revealed it self when I stood in total submission to

the Master of Nature. This spiritual enlightenment has led me to realize the

Quantum Qualitative Reality of Nature and keep it as platform for science to

evolve to see the spiritual truth of nature.


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The Quantum Qualitative Reality tells us that life is a Trinity Spirit/Soul, mind

and spirit/body. Spirit is the source and there exists two Spirits; the Spirit that

moves from the center to the outside [Holy Spirit or Living Spirit] and the spirit that

move from outer world to the center [evil spirit]. The mind is the point or channel

through which this inward and outward flow happens in a quantum manner. There is

a constant inflow and out flow of information between the inner soul and the outer

world through the mind. When humanity encapsulates the Living Spirit and works his

way, he gets lost in darkness. When he frees the Living Spirit, he sees Light and

attains Life. Human mind and its “self” is the greatest impediment obstructing truth

and Living Light or Life emerging to bring order.

This flow is determined and controlled by the spirit/soul. The control and

action occurring in spiritual level later reflects in the body manifesting as birth,

breath, mitotic division, and meiotic division that sustains life. Everything from

health and productivity of life is related to this soul and its spirit force manifesting in

life. The action of the Soul Force is influenced by the action of matter and its

spirit or force. The Soul Force takes in matter and spirit [energy] and builds the

information and body and thus success fully opposes the matter and its force. The

information or genes is built up by the soul as resistance act against the matter

forces disturbing the Soul and its existence. The gene and the whole threads of

information can be understood as the weights on a balance that can be exchanged

between the left and right depending on the force acting on it. What controls

everything is the Soul and its Spirit and the waves generated from it. The functioning

of this Soul/Spirit can only give us the complete knowledge of biological system and

its working.

The modern science knows the reality of gene but its knowledge, how it functions as

one unit and what controls it and how it is controlled is much wanting. Here I present

how it works from QQR. The figure below represents gene as a dynamic unit in space

and the Three Levels of Spiritual Force that controls its movements and

expression in time/energy. What we understand as breathing, mitotic and meiotic

division and reproduction is the expression action that is taking place at the spiritual



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Those of you who have some back ground of biology will note that this is the work of

a Noble clergy named Mendel who is the Father of genetics. Here the term positive

and negative differentiation does not make negative as inferior. Because in nature

the direction of force very often changes what we consider negative now will have

advantage when time is direction changes. The simple example of change of

direction of time is the day and night cycle.

Even before Mendel invented it in Pea garden, the ancient probably knew it and

practiced it in breeding. Mendel only gave it a quantum nature. A Quantum Nature,

which later Max Planck invented in physical world of energy. Here both “AB” and “ab”

are disadvantageous. They exist enfolded in opposite direction and the Master of the

whole exists in the middle with a law. The advantage exists in the middle segments.

Mendel’s work, eventually led to isolation of genes and together they laid the

foundation for modern biotechnology, where the Master was ignored increasingly.

But life is designed to survive.

Why modern biotechnology is failing

Modern biotechnology is failing on two counts

1] The modern biotechnology thinks genes are paired. In reality, considering the

space, the gene should be 4 paired and they are linked in a specific manner to form

a dynamic unit. This dynamic unit is complete in space and time when it pairs with 4

pairs in another system [male and female relationship or day and night cycle]. The 4

pairs of genes form a dynamic unit that is capable of opening up and communicating

with other units.

2] It has very little knowledge of the functioning of these genes in relation to the

time or energy cycle or Spirit cycle with in and outside life. It does not understand

what causes the opening of genes leading to communications that give life and bring

creative potential to life. In short it knows nothing about the Spirit/Soul, which

makes the communications and expresses life through basic process of breath,

mitotic and meiotic creativity.

Thus their attempts to tamper genes are largely backfiring. [People in this industry

may not admit to it. No body resting on a foundation will wish to break it, but time

will]. In contrast the ancient seers, who observed whole life and nature from a point


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of freedom, understood that life and nature is beyond matter and exists in the

Spiritual Realm that exists beyond the perception of senses. This great secret is

subtly written in their scriptures and is advocated through their cultures.

Three Levels of Spiritual Force

It appears the ancient seers knew the Three Levels of Spiritual Action in life. The

breathing technique that the eastern philosophies preach probably has its root in

their perception of spiritual force within acting in first level

All cells we know periodically divide. It could be related to day and night cycle. The

plant assimilates energy and matter during the day and assimilates them to cause

growth in the night. The creative actions seem to occur in the darkness. Much of the

repairing process of the body occurs when the mind is at sleep. The mind is a portal

through which vitality moves in and goes out in alternate manner to maintain life.

when mind is aligned with “self” and material force, the vital force and its movement

not only is hindered but it leads to collapse of the world. This prompts the spiritual

force to divide. Thus Vedas writes Creator creates and them maintains the creation

through duality.

This knowledge led the seers of east to introduce the meditation techniques to

silence the mind such that vital forces can work. The knowledge of ancient east

appears far superior to modern knowledge. Unfortunately the east and the whole

world are under the grip of material force unleashed by the west. The knowledge the

west has given to the world caused more disorder than order. Yet there is hope for

order emerging from this disorder by design.

The Third Level of spiritual action reproduction. This is considered the most noble of

all the knowledge. This is the knowledge of Salvation of Soul to walk in the Light of

Life. It is the knowledge that leads the world from darkness to Light. Here the

Creator self sacrifices for the sake of creation and sets as example and gives

freedom for the whole creation to follow suit. This is well written in Yajur Veda Vs –

30 -31. This truth written in these spiritual was enacted for us 2000 years ago on

Calvary. Here the essence of the Father the Creator, reentered its body to create


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new out of the old and restore every one into Kingdom of God. Christ showed the

way to salvage the soul and enter the kingdom of God.

In the midst of all the turmoil and catastrophes, global warming and climate Change,

there is hope for humanity to find Light of Life. The Mind of God would illuminate

the mind of humanity bringing life back to the endangered world.


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Chapter -10

The Root Cause of decreased Health of Humanity and

Nature“Be still, and know that I am God”

[Golden words of spiritual scriptures]

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds."Einstein


We the modern people, governed by science are so proud of our achievement in the

field of science. We have walked on moon, touched mars, mastered the art of killing

by drones; speak of space tourism, building ladders in space and so on. In biological

front we have mapped human genome, cloned sheep, dog and humans and speak of

designer babies. Almost every day the scientists propose multibillions dollar projects

and eat on the public funds.

The cost of defending a nation now runs into nearly 50% of the budget and health of

its people is eating a whooping 25-30%. A huge industry is surviving in the name

defense and health but nations feel insecure and health of human population is

decreasing every minute. Large population within in every nations stand naked,

threatened and exploited.

These multi billion dollar projects are being taken, when large population of the world

is dieing out of hunger and want of basic amenities. This is happening when Mother

Earth and its forces, the Cosmos and its forces, lies totally disturbed and threatening

humanity and its survival as a whole. We speak of mining helium in moon, when the

reckless mining and exploitation of earth has rendered our abode volatile and

unstable. The natural catastrophes are increasing as never before, both in number

and its magnitude and we are endangered by global warming, climate change,

epidemics. Self-destructive psychology of the people inhabiting the planet earth is

another great concern. Where are we going? It is time the residents of temples of

science, religion, the law makers and executers of law, who decide the fate of

nations and the world to awaken to truth. In a largely democratic country, you and


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me are also responsible. It time we awaken and tap the people sleeping in the higher


The root cause for the disorder and decrease of health

The root cause for the disorder is our lack of knowledge time and energy cycles of

nature and our reckless exploitation of it. We live and derive our energy from day

and night cycle. Nature is living and it is struggling against material force and

energy. It is designed into two cycles. When the west awakes to sunlight and goes

into disorder, the east sleep into darkness and acts as a sink for the energy. They

form two cycles that coexist and give life to the system. When one phase is in

disorder and release energy in to the medium, the other works to gain order

converts the energy into creative forms. Any attempt to push it unilaterally leads to


The system is stable between two limits, but when the limit is crossed, the system

begins to collapse. There is limit and law to nature. This limit and law is being broken

by humans who seek self and material centered life. Most of us feel we humans are

the most conscious and intelligent beings. I feel he is the least conscious and

intelligent life on the planet earth. The earth survives and would become ordered

when humans become conscious and intelligent. I have discussed this basic reality

through out my site and have touched them in the previous chapters. So let me not

pull it further here.

How health of the system deteriorates

The universe is a living a system. It has a soul that creates and manifest. The soul

has two parts that can communicate within its part and also with everything that it

creates and sustains. In the creative sate the two parts of the soul exist as one and

exist in creative mode. Here, Freedom, Free will, Love, forgiveness and faith prevails.

It is the state where the Father exists in the womb. However, in the manifest state

the two parts of the soul is separated in space time. Thus it forms two worlds out of

one. In the manifested world the law and justice rules the world. We did discuss this

science in the previous chapters. For greater detail one can browse “Bio Physics of

Bible” or contact me personally.

The following figure gives the basic design of the manifested world.


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It gives the dynamic design of earth that supports the day and night cycle and

energy flow in it. It also is the dynamic design of the genetic information and energy

flow in life. This becomes evident if we return to the previous chapter and observe

the figure that speak 4 pair dynamic gene structure that exist in relation to its pair

[male and female]

Let me now write the energy flow in this dynamic system for you in a simple figure


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The figure speaks the energy flow in earth and biological system. Let us now

understand the negative energy accumulation in earth’s energy flow. The flow is

stable as long as the systems in it live with in the law. Now assume one MR.X drops

a bomb. It causes a huge aberration in the flow which goes beyond the systems

capacity. The system now is forced twitch the energy and encapsulates it. This leads

to negative energy accumulation [See figure above]. But the design is such that it is

accompanied by equal and opposite reaction in the opposite cycle See Fig above.

When the energy flow changes direction, the system works to nullify the situation.

What cannot be done through day and night cycle is held out and is nullified when

the climatic cycle changes. These two drives the natural aberrations and

apparent randomness of energy flow patterns in nature. There are many

dimensions to this process. The action in the system can be positive or negative to

the flow. The magnitude of action can change with the time of the explosion, the

season of the explosion and so on. Let me not go into this detail confuse you.

These negative energies accumulated in the system strangulate the flow and reduces

its quality or strength of nature. Nature works relentlessly to negate it. Their

release possibly manifest as aberration in climatic cycles. The same can be applied

to a living system to understand the cause of diseases and its different stages of

manifestation. Here we can visualize energy getting encapsulated in genes and

hindering the working of dynamic gene groups. Thus the quality of genes and its

expressions can change. The fact that the internal force can be both positive and

negative invariably means; you can change the quality of gene by working on the

whole system.

The ancient philosophies of east are probably founded on this realization. The

breathing technique, the meditation technique they introduced to the world, works to

enhance the gene and its functioning and thus bring health. The classification of

human nature into three basic classification, Vata, Pitta and Kapha also speak of

their understanding of life. They also knew of Two Fires. These fires are the fire of

soul and fire of matter. The ancient people’s knowledge of time cycle, its relation to

life depicted in their culture calls for specific attention.

The knowledge of Quantum Qualitative Reality of nature demands that we

reinvent the ancient knowledge system especially of the east in detail. If His will


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permits and help comes my way, this probably is the area where my mind would

wish to traverse and work. The east is sitting on a Gold mine of knowledge

and wealth. But is wasting its energy by picking and eating virtually what the west

has thrown. Please forgive me if I am wrong in my statement

It is a matter of shame to the eastern countries, that some of the cultures of the

east, such as Ayurveda, yoga, Meditations, acupuncture and so on have taken some

life, because of the west. Unfortunately, because of lack of a platform to change, the

west has failed to shake up its mind set. The only way for human survival that my

small mind conceived was to advance west and its science, such that it sees the

truth contained in the Eastern Culture and in their own God the Christ – thus

to the book “Biophysics of Bible”

I wish and look forward to a time when the government and those multitudes of

temples of science spread around my country that eats up public money and those

private research facilities built on tax benefits, spends at least 5% of their money

and mind to unearth the true wealth of its culture and spread it to the world, rather

than being totally subservient to west.

Concluding this part let me also add a note that would take your mind to a higher

level. We noted that the negative energy as the product of one Mr.X and his ignorant

action. This is the action based on fear “self” and negative intent of his mind. It is

the product disturbed mind or minds. Let us now note some points we discussed in

this book in previous chapters

1] We noted only human acts against the flow of nature and create time direction to

collapse. [Chapter -2’] .The time direction is evidently coming form the mind of

humanity and its self

2] We noted that the life cycle has a Golden period. This Golden period manifest in

early child hood when mind is not mature and intelligence or Light of Life is at the

highest level. This intelligence deteriorates as time goes and self and mind begins to

manifest. At this state the creator divides one into two, one part becomes right and

the other the left. He the creator creates duality and keeps a law and moves

between this duality. Vedas very clearly speak Creator creates and but rules by


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creating duality. Bible and Koran speak in terms of judgment. There is division of

Good and bad, Light and darkness in the manifested world.

The time direction is inevitable. Anything that is born should die. Beyond a point it

divides further and thus many worlds are formed from one world. This results in

apparent disorder because of non equilibrium design. The disorder is a way of

extending time. But a time direction exists in disorder. This is proven by science.

However, the creation is designed by the Creator to sustain. The “Essence of the

Father” enters the disordered field to create a new body out of the old. Bible tells us

that Christ manifested when every one sinned and fell short of Grace of God and thus

Christ the God manifested to speak the truth in “words” sacrifice Himself to release

the Spirit that breath life back to everything. This Reality of Nature is upheld by

Vedas [Yajur Veda Vs 30-31].

The Indian culture speaks of two manifestations of God, Lord Rama and Krishna.

Their manifestation and the scriptures related them is pictured essentially around

justice and truth. God takes the side of justified and works to uphold the truth and

justice. If you read all the scriptures before Christ without bias, you will realize they

have essentially the same content, if there is any difference then it relates to their

manifestation in time cycle.

There is another Scripture that emerged after Christ, the Koran. It too has the same

content. But it emerged at a time when Christianity lost the power of the Spirit and

began to rule the people in the name of Punishing God and their inferior spirit. It

should be noted that modern science came into existence as an opposition to clergies

and church, liberating human mind to seek truth individually. All this speaks that an

entity that is beyond religion is controlling and leading everything.

We are in the edge of time, where Time Warps and changes its direction to enter a

New Time cycle. According to Vedas we are in the Kali Yuga and it is expected to

give way to Dharma Yuga or Golden Age. According Bible victory comes to Kingdom

of God and Christ leads everyone into Kingdom of God.

What is important to note here is that, time was directed to the center before Christ

[See Fig -3E], and time turned around through the action of one soul manifested in

the name of Christ, who self sacrificed to bring life back to the world. However, when


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the time warps in the periphery, everything the whole creation is affected by it.

This is manifesting as stress on everything in nature. This time direction and stress is

being manifested by human mind and his material alignment.

This stress is the cause of turbulence in everything; it is the cause for increased

suicidal tendencies, fear, war, terrorism and so on. It is also is the cause of increased

natural catastrophes. The revival of spirituality also relates to it. Christ showed the

path to come to life and bring life to the world. There is a necessity for every human

soul get a New birth in the Soul of God and be illuminated by the intelligence

[Spirit] that gives life. I am not advocating to people to join a religion called

Christianity. The call of Christ is simply a call to submit our mind and self and

connect to the consciousness to get New Birth and be illuminated by the God that

resides in you. You then begin will understand the scriptures and see its oneness.

Chris showed the path to Life. This when done at individual and collective level,

life returns to human and the whole creation.

Mother Nature today is striving with pain to deliver Truth and Light and gain new

order and health. The more we delay to awaken to truth larger will be the misery we

have to endure.


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Chapter -11

The Truth - Concluding Remarks

“Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice. Better than knowledge is

meditation. But better still is surrender of attachment to results, because there follows

immediate peace.”

[Golden world of spiritual Scriptures]

Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we

ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve – Max Planck

Much of the problems of the world can be related our ignorance of life and truth of

nature. From the scientific perspective it can be directly be related to our ignorance

of time and energy cycles and flow in nature. In our ignorance we have broken the

day and night cycle and have interfered in to the cycle of darkness in which nature

repairs herself. In our mad quest for material energy [spirit] we have created a

unilateral time direction towards increase in global or back ground temperature. This

is causing the increased disorder in the whole system. No system is beyond the

effect of the increased disorder. It is inevitable that this increased disorder should

reflect, in natural forces and the instability of the enclosed systems. We are

witnessing this reality in the form increased natural catastrophes from four forces of

nature which other wise supported life.

The reality and knowledge that the universe is a living system, invariably means that

we he human beings are simply individuated cells of the one whole living system.

Our increasing alignment, with material force, actually is stressing the life of the

whole system of which we are part. When the whole is stressed to suffocation and

death, the parts invariably experience the suffocation first. This is reflecting it self in

the form of instability of individual and collective minds at various hierarchies of the

society. This instability is manifesting a as war and terrorism, revolt, suicidal

tendencies and so on. At the natural level, it is manifesting as instability of natural

forces, which is very clearly reflecting it self as instability of earth, sun, solar system

and the distant cosmos. It is manifesting as global warming and climate change and

so on


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There is hope for human survival. This hope comes from the reality that nature is

conscious and intelligent and is designed to conquer time and survive. It’s Master

Soul and its Spirit creates new world out of the old and delivers it, before the time

tends to death. The signs of this hope, I see in the recent revival of spirituality in

every religion. Yet there is a need for caution in this revival of spirituality. Just as

material force, the spirituality is a raw force, expanding it and breaking it in wrong

direction could be lethal. The mind of human that is awakened to spiritual force

within the barriers of religion is potent weapon for mass destruction through self

destruction. This is happening in the form of God warriors, killing in the name of

God, Suicidal tendencies and so on.

The only way out of this is to know the spiritual truth of nature beyond religion. The

spiritual truth of nature is simple. The whole universe is one and is a pulsating living

system. It is conscious, intelligent, self sustaining and self producing system.

Everything in this universe exist in the field one Super Soul that is Conscious and

intelligent. We humans and all the life contained it simply form from it and dissolve

in to it in time. This formation and dissolution is guided by the karmic law subtly

written in Vedas, Bible and other spiritual scriptures. Among all living systems,

humans, specially his mind that enquires into nature and the universe take primal

role in the drama of existence the universe.

The ultimate solution to the problems in which humanity is caught exit in knowing

the drama of the universe. The drama of the universe can be understood from Fig

-3E below



Individuated Soul

Central Creating Soul or God Particle

Father Soul Fig- 3E

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We the human souls are simply souls born to the left and right of one Universal Soul

that exist in the center. The consciousness and intelligence of this system holds the

whole system in its place. We the individuated soul born from it in time, have space

time position in relation to the Central or First Soul. The law requires us to live n

faith and love relationship with the Central Soul. It requires us to do the work

assigned to each individual with Faith and Love.

All life by instinct is anti-gravitational. It works against gravity and material energy.

The First Soul requires us to work with Him and work against the gravitational force

to sustain life. What this means from the above simple figure is that nature consists

of two forms spirits – They manifest as Soul/Spirit and matter/spirit. Nature we see

is the manifestation of Spirit/soul. The interstellar space in the above figure thus

contains two spirits, the Holy Spirit or Brahman and evil spirit. The Holy Spirit

has its root in souls and the evil spirit has its root in matter. They form the two

forms of heat, the heat that broods, creates and gives life and the heat that brings

disorder and death. The nature is balanced by these spirits. The system can have life

only when it favors the Holy Spirit. The law says we should not align to matter spirit.

However, human breaks this law and eats the forbidden fruit.

Modern world is totally aligned to matter and its force. Humans are ready to fall to

any level for money and power. The consequence is that he creates time direction to

death. This time direction manifests as the increase in the heat content of the

interstellar space that brings disorder. We are going through this process. The

interstellar space is full of material spirit. What rules us is the market and money. All

of us have turned into Judah’s, who for a little money gave up Christ to the

Cross and got a thief liberated to rule us. Every action of ours is far from our

own consciousness. It is time we align with our consciousness.

But since universe is a living system there is hope for the world. The essence of the

Father conceives in the body and works to recreate everything and initialize

everything back to order. His Consciousness would give life back to the Soul caught

in death trap and His intelligence will illuminate human mind to take guard of His

Kingdom. This process is happening through Christ. I am not advocating for a

religion called Christianity but speaking a Truth of nature revealed to me and well

written in ancient Biblical and Vedic scriptures. Christ needs to be understood by His


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Word and His action. No one can understand the truth of nature by his mind. It is

beyond humans to seek truth; truth comes to human by the Divine Grace. Human

mind and self is the cause for the fall. I we have to see Light of Life we have to

accept mind death and turn our mind towards the Heart and consciousness where

the creative Light exists

There is no way for humanity to survive but to Awaken to Truth. Humanity will

awaken to truth and will know the Spiritual Reality of Nature and enter into the

kingdom of God or the Golden Era. There is no doubt left in me regarding this. The

question is that how much more destruction and suffering world has to bear before it

awakens to truth.

Once we know the truth of nature, we will find simple solution to some of the most

stressing problems of the world. For example, if we can make small cut into our

intrusion in to night cycle of nature, the nature can ease and can reorder herself less

violently. A small shift in thinking about the action of force from directed in straight

line to spiral one, can lead to technologies that can reduce the heat being released to

the environment. The knowledge of Quantum Qualitative Reality can bring vital

changes in every field of human interest, bringing health back to individual and

nature. We in our “self” and mind and material centered life have flooded the

interstellar pace with heat that creates disorder and destruction. This is manifesting

as disturbed natural forces resulting in an earth that is burning and flooding. It is

time we stop our reckless exploitation of nature unilaterally filling space with heat

that creates disorder and shift our focus into filling it with heat that creates order.

We need to have shift from mind centered life to heart centered life.

I have a Good News for the world. Whatever be the suffering of the world, in the end

Life Force will prevail and a New Golden time would come. The world saw a negative

globalization; with truth emerging we will enter the positive globalization and Golden

Period of Universal Existence.


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Chapter -12

An Appeal to People who Mold the Destiny of Humanity and

this World“The earth will be filled with knowledge of the Glory of the Lord, as the water covers the

sea”[The golden words of spiritual scriptures]

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."Einstein

With more than two and half decades of selfless research, I have placed before you

the fundamentals of nature and its working. It is in the seed form; much needs to be

done to transform this seed into a tree such that it can sustain our abode and our

life. The earth and cosmos is in disorder due to our reckless exploitation of it. In the

process we have created unstable society that is inching to self destruction. New

order needs to be brought in without allowing the system to collapse. This means

new thinking, new technique and technologies needs to be invented to support the

system and cause healthy expansion and growth in every fields.

In the past two and half decades, during my journey to truth I did see many simple

alternate technique and technologies that can influence positively various field of

human interest such as energy conservation, health/medicine, food/agriculture,

genetic manipulations without splicing genes so on. There is no field of human

interest, where my mind has not traveled and found some simple innovations.

However, I could not allow my mind to flow deep in to these applied aspects and

transform them in to reality that can be applied at the Global level for its well being.

I was not in a position to put to test rigorously even the simplest of the ideas. In

spite of financial strains I did attempt to test few of these thoughts in my agricultural

fields, just enough to convince myself. However, It made no sense to me to write

these innovative thinking because for all of them rested on the new thinking and

vision of nature.

Further, modern world is prone to exploit partial knowledge’s with greed and without

concern for the whole. And I felt it is important the world comes to the awareness of

inter relationship and oneness of so that each partial activity is done in control with


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an aim of well being of the whole. Thus it became a necessity that I strive to bring

forth the new thinking and its fundamentals first before speaking about the


Honestly speaking, my human nature, influenced by the modern surrounding was

more inclined to take these applied aspects to make some financial advancement in

my life and making my life secure. But some how I was failing to concentrate my

mind on it. I was more comfortable, when my mind was based on my consciousness

and I listen to the inner voices and allow the creative thinking to flower. Some force

within me was driving me to explore the fundamentals and strive to bring them out

against all the odds.

The world is filled with inferior knowledge the darkness is spreading. It is said that

the cumulative knowledge of material matter and the power of human negative

side that grew till 1920, doubled in the next 50 years. This again doubled in the next

20 years, it further doubled in next 10 years and since then it is doubling in shorter

and shorter time period. We are leading ourselves to knowledge explosion of

the inferior type that can tear the world into pieces. It is time to act. We need

to fill the earth with right knowledge and lead the world from darkness to light,

form disorder to order. I know My Lord will intervene to save the world, but every

delay would make humanity pay a heavy price. I call upon you to give a thought to it

seriously take steps to spread its content for evaluation. You are my judge I

stand humbly before you.

The need of the hour made me step out my cocoon. Against many odds I have

struggled to keep everything revealed to me on the net for the world to rediscover.

But it can only bear fruit when the media and the intellectual governing bodies notice

it and try to evaluate it from a point of freedom.

A Second Appeal

To see with one's own eyes, to feel and judge without succumbing to the suggestive power of the fashion of the day, to be able to express what one has seen and felt in a trim

sentence or even in a cunningly wrought word- is that not glorious? It is not a proper subject for congratulation? - Einstein


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“It is not the possession of truth, but the success which attends the seeking after it, that enriches the seeker and brings happiness to him.” – Max Planck

A second appeal and request that I make is more personal and yet has grater

interest of the whole. In the call of consciousness and desire to seek truth, I had to

break loose from the bondages that modern world and its systems puts forth. I was

young and I was lucky that my Father and Mother held nearly 20 acres of land in an

interior village. I could move in into this place, to find a livelihood, take the hard

responsibility of a combined family and turn the small ecosystem into my laboratory

to seek truth. It was a personal journey to enlightenment amidst all stress and

strain. The Light and knowledge revealed to me came from a path which I took in

opposite direction to the modern world. So naturally it is hard for the world to

understand. So I lived with it, waiting for time to deliver it. The words of Max Planck

is quite appropriate here

“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it”

The modern world is collapsing. It is time we awaken to truth. I believe the Light and

knowledge that came to me by Grace should reflect out of me with out any hindrance

freely. So within my limitations and ability, I have loaded them to internet and kept

it open for discussion with warm hearted and broad minded people.

I believe it is time we change our vision of nature and develop new technologies that

are nature compatible to support the whole system. The need of the time brought

me out of my village. Today I live and work exclusively to bring this light out to you.

Money is an essential aspect of life. I live today by a share of money, which I

obtained by selling an ancestral property. I need to sustain myself to go any further.

I need a space to grow and express my self.

My first priority is to work to hold the Light and knowledge, without any

bondage. Such that it is open for the whole world. The second option is that, that I

bow own to some establishment and work for them.

The journey to Quantum Qualitative Reality was spruced up with many simple

nature compatible technological ideas that could come long way to help the modern

world. However these ideas are only in its raw form. It needs more intellectual


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exercises, experimental testing and development in various stages. This cannot be

done without any assistance.

My power and strength is my creative thinking in freedom. I wish I could maintain

my freedom and yet explore these ideas. But that is too much to ask for. Because it

involves material power and man power and no one would invest anything unless it

benefits him. So I look forward to some corporate philanthropist or active corporate

bodies, who can take my simple raw ideas and coordinate, material, manpower

efficiently, to test some of these ideas.

I can assure that much of my ideas would be simple and would take comparatively

minimum input. My work and Bio-data is given under “About the Author”. The Bio-

data may not reflect, the extensive intellectual exercise, I undertook in the past two

and half decades as a freelance researcher.

Find the outlines of my thinking – under the projects


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About the Author

Author was a researcher in the field of biotechnology. He took to research from a

mind that is based on consciousness and hoping to contribute something to

humanity. He initially did not believe in God, he believed that God is the invention of

the intelligent to rule the ignorant. However communicating with life in test tube and

nature, author felt that there is something wrong in the foundation of science. The

search for Truth of Life led author to break loose from the modern competitive

world to live as a small farmer and yet pursue the research as a free lancer, making

nature the lab. Mother Nature began to reveal the pages of her book randomly and

eventually she led him to Her Master.

A total unconditional submission and sacrifice of the soul and mind [acceptance of

death] to the Master, initiated Him to realm of Spirit and it revealed the simplicity

over which nature is constructed and working. This book is the essence of the truth



M.Sc in Biological Science –

Research experience

1] Worked in Plant Biotechnology. Worked towards cloning of some of the most

important commercial plants such as coconut, cashew and other woody trees, in

project financed by Indian agricultural research and Department of Science and

Technology between 1982– 88.

2] Registered for Ph.D in 1985

3] Had a short stint with agricultural division of multinational company, Hindustan

Lever Research [A subsidiary of Unilever] as Research Scientist

4] Selected by Godrej Group to start the Biotechnology work

5] Returned to my parent lab in 1987 in order to submit my thesis and hoping to

pursue academic research and look for the fundamental flaws in biological thinking.


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6] Submitted my synopsis to the university, but had to retreat virtually on the eve of

submission of Doctoral thesis to stay with my consciousness than sacrificing it to

obtain a Doctorate Degree and pursue my ambition in academic research.

7] 1988 – 2004. I had a dual role

• Took up responsibility of the combined family of which I was the eldest. Took

up the task of reviving agricultural plot that was collapsing. Drew stage wise

plans and worked relentlessly to execute and revive it. This role I took on

against many odds probably, in my opinion is my best qualification. It

gave me all round development as a planner, economist and a successful

executive. It gave the power and malleability to adapt to any situation and

make micro and macro innovative decisions to advance against odds.

• I also turned my agricultural field and social situation as Lab where I could

pursue my academic research interest of looking into fundamental flaws in

biological thinking. 4 day of every month was allocated exclusively for

browsing in the nearest university library to keep up with developments in

science. Intellectually this was the most productive period where new thought

and new ideas began to emerge and I began to see simplicity behind the

complexity and began to perceive the self destructive path in which modern

world is tending because of the lack of knowledge of oneness of the nature.

8] 2002 -2009, largely spent on self learning the use of computers and exploring the

net and creating web sites etc and simultaneously writing my thought on nature and

its functioning as it came, and store it on the net. The sites are –

The work done in Plant biotechnology

1] A complete technique for clonal multiplication of mature tree called Lagerstoremia

Paily J & D’souza L (1986) In vitro clonal propagation of Lagerstroemia flos-reginae Retz. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 6:41-45


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2] Tissue culture and clonal propagation of important commercial crop – coconut.

Coconut is highly recalcitrant species to tissue culture techniques. An exhaustive two

pronged approach was done at it. This involved

• Developing technique to successfully grow isolated embryos of coconut of

different ages in test tube and transferring it to soil.

Result – large percentage successful growth of embryo in culture was

achieved and it was transferred to soil.

Notes on it exist published on the net – see

Note – Yahoo “geocities” is closing in October 2009. I hope to upload it to Google


You will get direction to search for it in the following site


• Developing somatic embryoids from various tissues of young and mature

coconut plants.

Results – embryoids were successfully produced from leaf tissue culture.

Most of them only produced roots but failed to form shoot. Through an

exhaustive study that involved histological study of various stage of growth of

embryoids in test tube and its comparison with histological studies of embryos

growing in natural condition and by readjusting the media to correct the

wrong growth patterns led to development of a media combinations where I

could generate large number of embryoids that resembled the naturally

formed embryos. The work eventually led to developing complete plants from

leaf tissues.

Notes on it exist published on the net --

Note – Yahoo “geocities” is closing in October 2009. I hope to upload it to Google


You will get direction to search for it in the following site



Page 81: Awakening To Truth of Nature and Life

3] Tissue culture and clonal propagation of cashew plants. This work was started

accidentally. More out of curiosity and reflects my mind and questioning process. The

work gave me the first vision of Bio Physics of biological systems. Back in my village

I was surprised to note the growth potential of geminating Cashew seed. I just

wondered what would happen to a system if its epicotyl and hypocotyl are cut. I cut

the hypocoltyl and epicotyl of few seeds and wrapped it up in a plastic bag to

maintain the moisture content and left it in partial sunlight. To my surprise the

cotyledonary axis produced large amount of shoots and the cut end of hypocotyl

produced large number of roots. I could successfully generate many plants from one

single seed out side tissue culture lab. Technically this is a clonal propagation but

had no commercial and application value. However, I took it to the lab, for it gave

me visions of multipurpose tool to study and gain information for successful tissue

culture of cashew and inventing new chemicals that have growth potential and so on.

A project on cashew was submitted to Department of Science and Technology and it

came through bringing large funds to the lab. This plant hit the national media as the

worlds first tissue culture or cloned cashew plant immediately after I left the lab!

Notes on this work exist published on net – see

Note – Yahoo “geocities” is closing in October 2009. I hope to upload it to Google


You will get direction to search for it in the following site


4] Other works include experience in oil palm and cardamom and Banana obtained

through my exposure to commercial labs.

5]The most important work in my opinion however is the concept of Eco-culture,

that I developed. It gave a simple practicable concept to clonally multiply many

commercial plants. Initial works was done with cashew and coffee. This work also

speaks the innovativeness of my mind and ability to transform natural observations

in to technologies.

Note on this exist published on the net – see


Page 82: Awakening To Truth of Nature and Life

Note – Yahoo “geocities” is closing in October 2009. I hope to upload it to Google


You will get direction to search for it in the following site


6] A simple nature compatible technique for water conservation – another potentially

applicable concept I developed on the observation made in nature. It gives another

example of my minds innovative capacity.

Note on this exist published on the net - see

Note – Yahoo “geocities” is closing in October 2009. I hope to upload it to Google


You will get direction to search for it in the following site


There are many more but they all waned into significance, when the mind began to

perceive the inner call for unearthing the Truth of Nature – the inter relationship

and oneness of nature or the Quantum Qualitative Reality of nature. The

Quantum Qualitative Reality when understood can change the way we look at nature

and life and give path way to humanity to transform as a mass from disorder and

order, death to life. It can create innumerable nature compatible technologies that

can sustain the world cause expansion and yet lead to order and peace. See next

chapter for few project proposal for Quantum Qualitative Reality


Page 83: Awakening To Truth of Nature and Life

Projects Proposals – Few Broad out Lines

All change to the world should happen from change in human thinking. The

Quantum Qualitative Reality aims at giving a new thinking and a platform that

can brings order to the Living world. My priorities exist in disseminating the Quantum

Qualitative Reality or Spiritual Reality of nature and bring humanity into awareness

of Living Reality of nature and its oneness. This I believe would open flood gates to

reinventing ancient life giving practices hidden in various cultures beyond the name

and religion as pure science and bring the world to enlightenment. There is long way

to way to go before the Quantum Qualitative Reality or the Spiritual Reality and its

life giving potential breaks the barriers of religion sinks into the mind of humanity to

bring life back to the world. Lot of discussion within warm hearted and like minded

people, from various sectors of science and religion, who have grown beyond religion

into true spirituality, needs to happen before what revealed to my mind reveals to

every one. I have struggled to make it as simple as I could make. Rest depends on

your participation.

A living system comprises of soul, mind and matter. The sustenance of the system

calls for changes in all three components of the system. The transformation in soul

and mind is the most important thing for any true change to come to this world. I

believe that Quantum Qualitative Reality has given you a platform for change. But

this change also should followed by concentrated effort to sustain the whole body

within which the soul exists. This calls for quickly developing technologies that can

sustain the whole system and bring real expansion to it. The principle area here

would be energy on which the world is based.

Project -1

Proposal to reduce friction and loss of energy in the form of heat in

mechanical motion

The modern world, which is resting heavily on material force and its energy is

leading itself to self destruction. It is increasing the heat content of the system.

Much of heat released comes from fossil fuels, its combustion and industrial activity.

If the world has to survive, it has to reduce the heat released into the environment,

develop alternate sources of energy which does not to produce much heat into the


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environment. Give enough space and time to nature to assimilate the heat back into

matter in creative manner. In short we have to strike a balance with nature and

restrict ourselves from crossing the limit. The world is already looking for alternate

and clean source such as wind energy and sun energy and so on.

A marked change can be brought in, if we can reduce the heat loss during action and


The change in vision of force as curvature in space comprising of three components,

I believe has potential to revolutionize the mechanical thinking and machine working

on which the modern world largely rest. The clue to develop less heat producing

machine exist in living system. It should be noted that a heart that has the size less

than the fist, can pump blood through the minute blood vessels covering the both

internal and external parts of all the organs of the body. The cumulative length of

these blood vessels of an adult human being is estimated nearly 100.000 miles that

amounts to encircling the earth twice! The life does this work effortlessly 12-20

times every minute!

Some thought and visions have gone in this direction but it need extensive

intellectual co operation and work involving bright minds already existing in this field

and need funds for practical designing and testing it.

Project -2

Effecting Quantum Qualitative Changes in Plant system as

means of increasing productivity and resistance to diseases

and pest – The Gene manipulation, Gene enhancing with out

Splicing the system – A simple step towards Qualitative food

and Health

This project is based on the reality that gene is a product developed by life and

maintained by life in dynamic manner, in relation to the forces acting on it from

nature. There are qualitative states to gene functioning. Very often a particular gene

and its functioning are hindered by certain aberrant action of force it had to deal with


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in nature, in the previous stage of existence and in various stage of present


The knowledge of life discussed thus opens up

1] Possibilities of opening up the potentials of genes to increase productivity, by

simple means of exposing it to the opposite force at various stages of plant life cycle.

Time and time cycle is an important reality of life and is field that is not attended.

2] It also opens the possibility of gene manipulation, without splicing. The life is

designed to survive. The survival instinct of life and its soul can be influenced and be

directed to develop required information and qualities.

These visions are very simple, highly practicable and make plant healthy, resistant to

pest and can wipe out negative energies in the food chain. Many of the clues for it

exist in our ancestral practices. They can bring many fold increase in productivity in

a nature compatible way with least in put. My spiritual initialization was preceded by

molding of my thought by a huge collection of observations of man and nature of the

past, the present and the middle phase of transition, from a point of freedom. These

thought dates back to 1990’s

Give me some time rewind and write it in detail - I will write about it in depth when

time and if His will permits.


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