avoiding misfortunes related to progeny · 2017. 3. 8. · prakash, phala deepika, and jataka...

1 Born in a family of Goldsmiths, Rakesh Soni has acquired MA in Social Sciences and B.Ed education. Jyotish Visharad from ICAS Jaipur Chapter, Soni is, for the past fourteen years, engaged full time in Astrology, Palmistry and Vastu consultation and in research works. In astrology, other than subjects of marriage, children, education and employment, he is specially interested in research on untouched dimensions. His research articles are published at various times in prominent newspapers and astrological journals. He has written five successful and popular books on astrology and palmistry. Three books on unique and novel subjects of astrology are in progress. At present he is also Assistant Editor of a Astro Vastu journal. Avoiding Misfortunes Related To Progeny By Using Kaala Chakra Dasha System By Rakesh Soni, India. 1. Propagation of once own kind, whether in the animal kingdom or in the vegetable kingdom, is one of the basic and essential property of all living beings and we are no exceptions. This generally takes place in two phases one is creation/production of a small sized replica and the other is its development into a normal sized specimen of the particular species. A healthy and normal replica has better chances of developing into a good and healthy adult and is decidedly an asset for those who produce it; while a defective/abnormal replica, apart from being a sufferer itself, finds it difficult to develop into a useful adult and poses serious problems in its upbringing and finally becomes a perpetual liability and an agonizing experience for those who produced it. It is not a very uncommon phenomenon to come across cases where although a child birth took place but the child so born suffered from some physical or mental deformity causing great frustration and agony to the family and created a

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  • 1

    Born in a family of Goldsmiths, Rakesh Soni has acquired MA in Social Sciences

    and B.Ed education. Jyotish Visharad from

    ICAS Jaipur Chapter, Soni is, for the past

    fourteen years, engaged full time in

    Astrology, Palmistry and Vastu

    consultation and in research works. In

    astrology, other than subjects of marriage,

    children, education and employment, he is

    specially interested in research on

    untouched dimensions. His research

    articles are published at various times in

    prominent newspapers and astrological

    journals. He has written five successful and

    popular books on astrology and palmistry.

    Three books on unique and novel subjects

    of astrology are in progress. At present he is

    also Assistant Editor of a Astro Vastu


    Avoiding Misfortunes

    Related To Progeny By

    Using Kaala Chakra Dasha System


    Rakesh Soni, India.

    1. Propagation of once own kind, whether in the animal kingdom or in the

    vegetable kingdom, is one of the basic and

    essential property of all living beings and

    we are no exceptions. This generally takes

    place in two phases – one is

    creation/production of a small sized replica

    and the other is its development into a

    normal sized specimen of the particular

    species. A healthy and normal replica has

    better chances of developing into a good

    and healthy adult and is decidedly an asset

    for those who produce it; while a

    defective/abnormal replica, apart from

    being a sufferer itself, finds it difficult to

    develop into a useful adult and poses

    serious problems in its upbringing and

    finally becomes a perpetual liability and an

    agonizing experience for those who

    produced it. It is not a very uncommon

    phenomenon to come across cases where

    although a child birth took place but the

    child so born suffered from some physical or

    mental deformity causing great frustration

    and agony to the family and created a

  • 2

    feeling that it was better not to have a child at all. Having a child is one thing and deriving

    happiness from that child is altogether a different matter.

    2. One of the solutions, for avoiding such miserable plight of the child and the parents, generally resorted to, is to destroy the fetus if the pathological and bio-chemical

    investigations reveal the fetus to be defective/abnormal; but in case of intelligent species like

    human beings, where the defect or the abnormality can be either physical or mental, such

    investigations may not help because they can reveal only the physical defects. Also, this

    solution does not solve the problem of such persons who develop defects/abnormalities after

    the lapse of sometime of their birth. We also know that a physically handicapped person may

    otherwise be a gifted individual like Professor Stephen Hawking and destroying the fetus on account of

    a physical defect only may result in a great loss to the humanity. With our technological

    advancements we are able today to manage the physical defects to a great extent but in so far

    as mental abnormalities are concerned we still find ourselves helpless. In any case, this

    solution cannot be considered the best one because first of all it is an act of cruelty and it not

    only taxes the vitality of the mother and leaves an ugly scar on the psyche of both the

    parents but also because according to the sacred writings/Scriptures, destroying a fetus is

    considered a sin more heinous than even the sin of murder.

    3. The proper solution for avoiding this kind of misfortune is to be forewarned of such possibility before the pregnancy. It can be said with confidence that it is possible to avoid

    such frustrating and traumatic experiences with the help of vedic astrology. Whether the act

    of reproduction is going to be a matter of happiness to the parents or there is a predisposition

    of abnormality, can be determined from an analysis of the horoscope of either of the parents.

    The contribution of predictive astrology in helping human beings in understanding and

    facing the challenges and impediments in every sphere of life, including that of progeny, can

    not be over estimated.

    In this article, I propose to establish my contention and explain my statement.

    4. The first step in this direction should be to examine the horoscope to determine whether or not a person, male or female, is predisposed to produce healthy and normal

    offspring. The classical texts on predictive astrology, written as early as 5000 years ago give

    clear and concise rules on this issue.

    Brihat Parashar Hora Shastram (BPHS) Chapter 16 Panchambhavphaladhyay verses 1 to 3

    read as under

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    Atha panchamabhavasya kathayaami phalam dwija

    Lagnape sutbhavasthe sutpe cha sute sthite

    Kendratrikona sansthe va poornam putrasukham vadet

    Sashtashtam vyayasthe tu sutadheeshe tvaputrata

    Suteshe astangate vapi paapakrante cha nirbale

    Tada na jayte putro jato va miryate dhruvam

    BPHS 16/1-3

    These verses can be translated liberally as follows:

    O dwija! (Maharshi Parashar addresses Maitreya) now I narrate the results related to

    the fifth house.

    If the lord of the ascendant or the lord of the 5th house occupies the 5th house or an

    angle or a trine then happiness of/from progeny to the full extent is indicated.

    If lord of the 5th house occupies any one of the 6th, 8th or the 12th houses then the native

    will be devoid of (happiness from) progeny.

    If the lord of the 5th house is combust or afflicted or weak – the native will not produce

    a son or if he/she produces one it will not survive.

    The following examples fully illustrates the truth of this statement:

    Case-1 Male, 18:10:1930, 05:09:00 hrs., Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh – India)

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    In this chart, Saturn, the fifth lord occupies the fourth which is an angle and is aspected by a

    benefic, the Jupiter. The native was married in 1958 and starting from 1959, he was blessed

    with eight children, four males and four females. The youngest was born in 1976. There was

    no abortion or infantile death. All are healthy and intelligent. Although, the native expired

    in 2008 all of his eight children are alive today, the eldest being 54 years and youngest 36

    years old now and all are well settled in life. This is not to say that the native never had any

    problem related to his children but the overall status was that of well being.

    Case-2 Male, 11-06-1975, 05:00:00 hrs., Jobner (Rajasthan – India)

    In this chart, the fifth lord – Mercury, apart from being hemmed in between the Ketu

    and the Sun, malefics only, is also in deep combustion. The native is childless even after

    more than 15 years of his marriage.

    Pathological investigations revealed that his sperm count is zero.

    5. In my opinion the word suta should be taken to mean progeny as such and not

    restricted to the birth of a son only. Child-birth, whether of a boy or a girl, both should be

    seen from the 5th house and the 5th lord. However, since birth of a male child is generally

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    more welcome in most of the communities, not only in India but all over the world, it can be

    assumed that configurations having strong determinants generally give male progeny.

    6-A. In addition to the above dictum of Maharshi Parashar several other factors have been

    identified by the Rishis and the Acharyas, such as:

    If the fifth lord is in

    the pushkar amsha or

    the pushkar navamamsha or

    the arc corresponding to the amrit ghatis or

    is otherwise dignified,

    or if the fifth house or its lord is

    associated with/aspected by benefics only or dignified planets or

    flanked by benefics only or

    have only benefics in both the trines or both, the 8th and 12th signs either in the D-1 or the

    D-7 then such child birth is a cause of happiness.

    6-B. If, on the other hand the lord of the fifth house falls in

    the mrityubhaaga

    the arc corresponding the vishgatis

    positioned in gandant navamamsha or

    is otherwise indignified

    and occupies

    own sign, exaltation sign, vargottama sign, debilitation sign in the D-30,

    is associated with/aspected by its dispositor or a planet in dignity or indignity in the D-30


    has some sort of association with the ascendant lord in the D-30,

    or if the fifth house or its lord is

    associated with/aspected by malefics only or planets in indignity or

    hemmed in between malefics only or

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    have only malefics in both the trines or both, the 8th and 12th signs either in the D-1 or

    the D-7 then there are obstructions in child birth or if a child is at all born it is certainly a

    cause of suffering to the parents.

    In order to illustrate some of the above rules I give below another example. This case has

    been reproduced from page 339-342 of the book Kaala Chakra Dasha System by Shri Shakti

    Mohan Singh (Sagar Publications).

    Case-3 Female, 14-12-1971, 15:15:00 hrs., Jaipur (Rajasthan – India)

    In this chart fifth lord – the Sun is in the eighth house and although, conjoined and

    flanked by benefics (note that one of the benefics – the Jupiter is Gulikesh and the other one –

    the Mercury is the sixth lord and both have therefore lost much of their capacity to do any

    good), is aspected by two malefics, the Saturn and the Ketu, has only malefics in both the

    trines from it and is in the Gandanta navamamsha. The Sun also occupies vargottama sign in

    the D-30.


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    The native is childless even after about 10 years of her marriage although she once

    conceived twins during 2004 both of which were aborted one after the other. She also had a

    brain hemorrhage at the time of the abortion of the second twin. Pathological investigations

    revealed that the native is unable to produce properly developed ova.

    7. Classical text-books on Vedic astrology like Sarvartha Chintamani, Shambhu Hora Prakash, Phala Deepika, and Jataka Parijata etc. mention numerous configurations in this

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    context and one can extract a lot of information regarding the prospects of having progeny

    and deriving happiness through them.

    In addition to what has been said above, we should also check the foundation chart for

    configurations mentioned in Ch. 83 Poovra Janma Shapodyotan Addhaya of BPHS. If the

    horoscope has any one of the configurations mentioned therein it shows specifically the

    denial of male child and generally serious problems in relation to progeny. In such cases even

    if the birth of a child takes place which is almost always a female child it becomes a cause for

    worry and serious concern. Therefore, in case any of the configurations mentioned in the

    Poorva Janma Shapodyotana Addhaya is available in the foundation chart, necessary remedial

    measures as prescribed therein should also be performed before or in the early part of the


    In this article I do not propose to go into the details of those configurations. However,

    I give below one case to demonstrate the truth of these configurations.

    Case-4 Female, 05-08-1978, 21:25:00 hrs., Bhilwara (Rajasthan – India)

    Putrasthanadhipe chandre neeche va paapamadhyage (BPHS 83/34) meaning that if the

    Moon being the fifth lord is either in debilitation or is hemmed in between malefics (in the

    instant case it is between the Sun and the Saturn) and

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    Putrasthanadhipe duhsthe lagneshe neecharashige (BPHS 83/36) meaning that if the fifth

    lord is in a dushta-sthan (any one of the 6th, 8th or the 12th houses) and the lord of the

    ascendant is in debilitation (in this case the fifth lord – Moon is in the sixth house and the

    ascendant lord – Jupiter, although in the D-1 it is in its exaltation sign, Cancer, it occupies its

    debilitation sign, Capricorn, in the D-7).

    Both of these configurations go under the name of Anapatya Yoga (the state of being

    deprived of a male child) due to Matrushap (curse of the mother).

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    There is also an exchange of lords between the fifth and the sixth houses and the fifth

    lord Moon is in the arc corresponding to the visha ghatis.

    The native has two daughters. The elder, now running in her seventh year, is an

    autistic child; the younger is too young and nothing can be said as to her condition as yet.

    8. In addition to performing/adopting the remedial measures, prescribed in some of the

    classical texts on predictive astrology like BPHS, avoiding an unfavourable dasha/bhukti and

    selecting the appropriate dasha/bhukti for producing children can also be very helpful. I have

    come across the horoscopes of such parents, who during unfavorable Kaalachakra

    dasha/bhukti gave birth to children who were either physically handicapped or mentally

    retarded, resulting in unlimited anguish and sufferings to the family. Case-3 above is one

    such example.

    On the basis of my studies and analysis of many charts, I have come to the conclusion

    that with the help of astrology, particularly the Kaala Chakra Dasha system, we can avoid

    such misfortunes and identify the appropriate dasha/bhukti for begetting healthy, intelligent

    and lucky children so that happiness results from such progeny. I am using the Kaalachakra

    dasha system as propounded in the book Kaalachakra Dasha System by my Honoured Guru

    Shri Shakti Mohan Singh ji. This method has been found to give very accurate and satisfactory


    N.B. - Based on this book, asoftware has been prepared by Shri Heikki Malaska of Helsinki

    (Finland) in Excel. The method of Shri Shakti Mohan Singh is also available in Jagganath Hora. Both

    these soft wares are very helpful, except for the bhukti’s of Cancer and Leo dashas.

    9. It can be established

    Kaalchakra dasha or bhukti, running at the time of the birth of a child, in the chart of either

    of the parents, shows some sort of relationship between the dasha/bhukti sign and the 5th

    sign from it, either in the D1 or the D-7, or both.

    If the two signs (dasha/bhukti sign and the fifth sign from them) or their lords are

    associated with benefics only and/or with planets in dignity in either of the charts

    mentioned above or fulfill other conditions of healthy child birth mentioned earlier with

    reference to the fifth house of the foundation chart and its lord, the child birth is a cause

    of happiness to the parents.

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    Dignity of either of the lords in either of the charts and their location in angles, trines or

    3rd-11th from each other contributes to the degree of happiness resulting from such


    The converse is also true.

    Location of the two lords in 6th, 8th or 12th signs from each other in the D-1 or the D-7

    brings about unwelcome results.

    If the two lords mentioned above are also mutually related in the D-30 then some problem

    related to the child birth or the child itself is indicated.

    When either of the two lords or both fulfill the conditions of unfortunate child births

    mentioned earlier with reference to the fifth house of the foundation chart and its lord,

    such as being in exaltation or debilitation or in own sign or vargottama in the D-30 or even

    have some sort of relationship with its dispositor or each other or with any planet in

    either dignity or indignity, in that chart – the child born will be a source of trouble or

    cause of worry to the parents.

    If the fifth sign from the dasha/bhukti sign (in which the child birth takes place) or its

    lord is subject to afflictions, mentioned in para-4 and 6-B the child born will be a constant

    source of troubles and misery to the parents either due to some physical handicap or mental

    retardation or aberration. Therefore, children should always be planned after

    examining the dasha/bhukti sequence following the marriage.

    In case-3 the native had the abortions during Virgo dasha and Taurus bhukti (12-12-2003

    to 22-08-2005). In the D-1 the dasha sign has only malefics in both the trines from it and its

    lord, the Mercury is combust. The fifth sign Capricorn is occupied by a malefic only, the

    Rahu and its lord, Saturn is aspected by two malefics and two benefics. In the D-30, the two

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    lords exchange signs creating a very major arishta factor. As regards the bhukti, the sign

    Taurus is occupied by malefic Saturn in the D-1 and its lord Venus is in own sign in the D-30

    while the fifth sign Virgo has only malefics in both the trines from it in the D-1 and its lord,

    the Mercury, is combust.

    The Case 4 above also illustrates these points very clearly. The native was running

    Pisces bhukti in Gemini Dasha from 23-05-2006 to 23-06-2007.

    Pisces, the bhukti sign is occupied by one malefic, the Ketu and aspected by two

    malefics, the Mars and the Rahu. It is also aspected by its lord Jupiter – a first rate benefic,

    which is exalted and another benefic, the Venus which is the eighth lord for Pisces. Jupiter,

    the lord of the bhukti sign although exalted in the D-1 is conjunct one malefic, the Sun which

    is also the sixth lord from the bhukti sign, aspected by one malefic Ketu and debilitated in the

    D-7 which means that in so far as the matters related to progeny are concerned, the Jupiter

    has lost its beneficence and has become harmful.

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    The fifth sign is Cancer, which is occupied by the exalted bhukti lord Jupiter (1-5

    relationship) and the Sun, eighth lord from the bhukti sign and aspected by the Ketu. Its lord,

    the Moon is in the sixth from the bhukti sign, in the arc corresponding to the visha ghatis and

    in very close conjunction with the Saturn.

    The predominant arishta factor is that both the lords are in conjunction with their

    dispositors in the D-30.

    She gave birth to an autistic female child on 08-08-2006.

    10. The following example shows how children born to one and the same couple can either be normal and healthy or seriously handicapped because of the presence or otherwise

    of the arishta factors in the dasha/bhukti.

    Case-5 Male, 17-02-1959, 20:12:40 hrs., Meerut (Uttar Pradesh – India)

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    In the foundation chart the fifth lord Saturn is in an angle and aspects the ascendant

    lord Mercury, forming a unilateral 1-5 relationship. The fifth lord Saturn is aspected by a

    malefic, Mars, only.

    In the D-7 the situation shows some improvement because the fifth lord is in own

    sign, Aquarius and, although conjunct malefic Gulika, it is also aspected by two benefics, the

    Jupiter and the Venus.

    In the D-30 Mercury, the lord of the ascendant and Saturn, the lord of the fifth house,

    both are in vargottama creating a strong arishta factor.

    Thus, although the santan sukh (happiness through progeny) in not denied altogether to

    this native, he is also predisposed to suffer on account of his offspring.

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    The native had two daughters, both in the dasha of Cancer. The first was born on 27-

    12-1993 in the Scorpio bhukti while the second was born on 03-12-1997 in the Libra bhukti.

    From Scorpio, the fifth lord is Jupiter which occupies the bhukti sign itself and it is

    aspected by Mars, the lord of the bhukti sign forming a clear 1-5 relationship. Both the lords

    are related to a dignified planet, the Moon. They celebrated her 19th birthday in December

    last. She is presently undergoing a prestigious professional training course. However, there is

    an arishta factor created by the conjunction of the two lords in the D-30 resulting in a deep

    rooted frustration in the heart of the native because this child, although brilliant, is not a son.

    As regards the birth of the second daughter, we see that Venus, the lord of the bhukti

    sign is in the fifth sign from it where it is aspected by the fifth lord Saturn, forming the

    required 1-5 relationship; but the Venus is, not only in the M.B (Mrityubhaga) but it is also

    aspected by malefics only, the Mars, Saturn and Gulika in the D-7, and in own sign Libra in

    the D-30, where the fifth lord Saturn is also in vargottama creating a strong arishta factor.

    This second daughter is an autistic child, now running in her 16th year and is perpetually a

    cause of extreme worry to the native.

    This example illustrates the difference of results emerging out of the different factors

    influencing the dasha/bhukti sign and its fifth sign in one and the same horoscope.

    11. I am giving below some more case studies to illustrate the method of analysis and also to show that despite having a child, the parents do not have any happiness from them

    because such children were born during a dasha/bhukti of a sign suffering from the afflictions

    as described above.

    Case-6 Female, 06-06-1983, 22:00:00 hrs., Jaipur-Rajasthan(India)

    The prospects regarding progeny

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    In the foundation chart there is a clear 1-5 relationship because Saturn, the ascendant

    (Capricorn) lord aspects the fifth (Taurus) lord, Venus (and at the same time occupies Libra

    - the alternate sign ruled by Venus) and the fifth lord Venus aspects the ascendant. In the D-

    7 also, there is some sort of 1-5 relationship between the two lords because the ascendant lord

    Saturn aspects both, Capricorn as well as Taurus and the fifth lord Venus occupies the

    alternate sign ruled by the Saturn, i.e. Aquarius.

    A clear warning signal is seen in the D-30 where the two lords, the Saturn and the Venus

    both, occupy their debilitation signs.

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    A girl child was born to this lady on 26th February 2009. The Kaalchakra dasha/bhukti at

    the time of the child birth was Libra bhukti in Sagittarius dasha running from 19-11-2007 to 25-


    Analyzing dasha/bhukti ;

    The Dasha

    In the D-1 there is a clear 1-5 relationship; Lord of Sagittarius – the Jupiter and the 5th lord

    from there – the Mars are in mutual aspect. In the D-7 there is Jupiter’s unilateral aspect

    upon the Mars.

    The dasha sign Sagittarius is occupied by two malefics, the Ketu and the Gulika and

    aspected by another malefic, the Saturn and there is no benefic aspect what so ever. Its lord,

    the Jupiter, although has only benefics in both the trines from it, is also hemmed in between

    malefics only, the Ketu and the Gulika on the one side and the Saturn on the other; and is

    also aspected by malefics only – the Mars and the Sun. The fifth from the dasha sign is Aries

    which is occupied by Mercury, a benefic and has only benefics in the 8th and the 12th from it,

    but is also aspected by malefics only, the Saturn and the Ketu. Its lord, the Mars, although

    aspected by Jupiter, a benefic, is combust.

    In the D-7 one of the two lords – the Jupiter is exalted but has only malefics in both the

    trines and the other lord – Mars is aspected by an exalted Jupiter and related to two exalted

    planets – the Sun and the Jupiter.

    Coming to the D-30 we find that there is a unilateral aspect of the Jupiter upon the Mars

    and the Jupiter is related to a debilitated planet-Venus and Mars is in its exaltation sign and

    related to a debilitated planet - Saturn. This shows serious arishta conditions during this

    dasha with regard to progeny.

    Thus, with regard to the matters of progeny the dasha sign Sagittarius and the fifth sign

    Aries both are under strong but mixed influences and although, there are strong indications

    of childbirth in this dasha there also are several warning signals and considering that the

    foundation chart also has many warning signals, a child birth should have been avoided in

    this dasha.

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    Analyzing dasha/bhukti:

    The Bhukti

    In the D-1 the bhukti sign Libra is occupied by an exalted Saturn which is also the lord of

    the fifth sign from it – the Aquarius - thus forming a 1-5 relationship - and aspected by one

    benefic, the Mercury and one malefic, the Rahu. The Saturn in turn aspects Venus - the lord

    of the bhukti sign. The Venus is also aspected by the Jupiter and has only benefics in both the

    trines from it.

    In the D-7 the bhukti sign is occupied by a benefic, the Mercury and aspected by an

    exalted planet, the Sun. The lord of the bhukti sign - Venus occupies the fifth sign Aquarius

    and is aspected by a malefic, the Rahu. Lord of the fifth sign, the Saturn is aspected by an

    exalted Jupiter – a first rate benefic.

    So, there is a clear 1-5 relationship, both in the D-1 and the D-7 which is conducive to

    child birth and both the signs are under mixed influences.

    Unfortunately the two lords, the Venus and the Saturn are debilitated in the D-30

    creating serious arishta conditions with regard to the progeny.

    Thus, with regard to the matters of progeny the bhukti sign Libra and the fifth sign

    Aquarius, both are under strong but mixed influences and although, there are strong

    indications of childbirth in this bhukti there also are strong warning signals, particularly in

    the D-30. Considering that the foundation chart as well as the dasha sign also has many

    warning signals, a child birth should have been avoided in this bhukti.

    The child born to the native during this period had no food pipe. After a few months of

    the birth, in December 2009, a surgical operation for correcting this defect was performed but

    it was not successful and the child passed away.

    Case-7 Female, 01-02-1968, 05:15:00 hrs., 77E35, 12N59.

    In the foundation chart the Jupiter and the Mars, lords of the ascendant and the fifth

    house, are related by mutual aspect forming a clear 1-5 relationship. The fifth lord is also

    associated with two benefics, the Moon and the Mercury; but it is in the arc corresponding to

    vish ghatis.

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    There is a weak 1-5 relationship in the D-7 as the fifth lord Mars aspects the ascendant

    lord Jupiter but the ascendant lord Jupiter and the fifth lord Mars both are related to exalted

    planets, the Venus and the Moon respectively in that chart and thus have become activated.

    The fifth lord Mars, although related to an exalted planet, the Moon (which in turn is related

    to another exalted planet, the Venus) is debilitated and is aspected by a malefic only, the

    Rahu. Thus, the two lords although activated and having a feeble relationship do not appear

    to be beneficial.

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    In the D-30, there is again only a unilateral aspect of the Ascendant lord Jupiter on the

    fifth lord Mars.

    The real warning signal in this case is the sarpa-shapa (see Poovra Janma Shapodyotan

    Addhaya, BPHS, ch 83):

    Putrabhave kuja kshetre putreshe Rahu samyute

    Saumya yute-drishte vaapi sarpashapat sutakshaya

    BPHS 83/14

    Which means that if one of the signs ruled by the Mars falls in the fifth house (of the

    foundation chart) and the fifth lord is aspected or associated with the Rahu or the Mercury

    the progeny is destroyed due to the curse of Serpent.

    Analyzing dasha/bhukti:

    At the time of the birth of the child, native was running Cancer dasha and Cancer bhukti.

    The Moon, lord of dasha/bhukti sign Cancer and the Mars, the lord of the fifth sign from

    it are in conjunction in the D-1 forming a clear 1-5 relationship; but the fifth lord Mars is in

    the arc corresponding to the vish-ghatis. Moreover, although the two lords are associated with

    as well as aspected by benefics they have only malefics both in the 2nd and the 12th as well as

    the 8th and the 12th from them.

    The fifth lord Mars forms a unilateral 1-5 relationship with the dasha/bhukti lord Moon by

    occupying the dasha/bhukti sign Cancer in the D-7 but it has also become debilitated there.

    In the D-30 the two lords aspect each other forming a clear 1-5 relationship which is a

    strong arishta factor and thus there is a clear warning signal.

    Considering that the foundation chart has a configuration indicative of a curse, first of all

    the necessary propitiations should have been performed and secondly the child should not

    have been planned in a dasha/bhukti having such arishta factors.

    During this dasha/bhukti the native gave birth to a baby girl. After the passage of some

    time it was discovered that the child is autistic. Now she is a perpetual cause of worry to the


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    Case-8 Male, 17-08-1975, 19:45:00 hrs., 75E46, 26N29.

    The prospects regarding progeny

    There is a unilateral 1-5 relationship in the foundation chart because the fifth lord

    Mercury aspects the ascendant but Gemini, the sign in the fifth house, is hemmed in

    between malefics only. The fifth lord, although aspected by the Jupiter and associated with

    the Venus, both benefics, is also aspected by and associated with an equal number of

    malefics, the Mars and the Sun respectively.

  • 22

    In the D-7, although the ascendant lord Saturn, being in its alternate sign Capricorn,

    appears to be dignified, the sign Aquarius has only malefics in the 8th and the 12th from it and

    is aspected by a malefic only, the Rahu. Similarly, Gemini, the fifth sign has malefics, both

    in the 8th and the 12 from it and is also aspected by a malefic only, the Mars; and the fifth

    lord Mercury is also caught up in the Rahu-Ketu axis.

    Thus, although there is a weak 1-5 relationship, there are mixed influences in the

    foundation chart and the key determinants are predominantly under malefic influences in

    the D-7.

    In the D-30, the sign Aquarius and the sign Gemini both are aspected by their

    respective lords and the fifth lord Mercury is aspected by a malefic, the Mars, thus

    generating strong arishta factor.

    Analyzing dasha/bhukti:

    At the time of the birth of the child, native was running Cancer dasha and Tula bhukti.

    In the D-1 the dasha sign Cancer is occupied by one malefic, the Saturn and aspected

    by another, the Rahu. There is no benefic aspect whatsoever. Its lord, Moon is in the sixth

    from it and is aspected by one benefic, the Jupiter and one malefic, the Mars. The dasha lord

    Moon is extremely afflicted because it has only malefics in the 8th and the 12th from it and is

    in mrityubhaaga as well as in the arc corresponding to the vishghatis.

    The fifth from Cancer is occupied by a malefic, the Rahu and aspected by another

    malefic, the Mars which although is its own lord is also the Gulikesh and hence has become

    very malefic. It is also in the Rahu-Ketu axis.

  • 23

    In the D-7 the dasha sign Cancer is aspected by malefics only, the Mars and the

    Saturn. Its lord, the Moon is aspected by a malefic, the Sun and has only malefics, the Gulika

    and the Saturn, in the 8th and the 12th from it. There is no benefic influence on the dasha sign

    or its lord. However, the fifth sign although in the Rahu-Ketu axis, is occupied by two

    benefics, the Venus and the Mercury and its lord Mars is aspected by Jupiter.

    In the D-30 the dasha lord is in vargottama and the fifth lord Mars forms a unilateral

    relationship by casting its aspect on it.

    Venus, the lord of the bhukti sign aspects the fifth sign Aquarius forming a unilateral 1-

    5 relationship in the D-1. The predominant arishta factor is created because the bhukti sign

    Libra has only malefics in the 8th and the 12th from it in the D-30 and its lord Venus is also

    aspected by its dispositor, the Jupiter, in that chart.

    During this bhukti a daughter was born to the native who is autistic and a constant

    source of worry to the native.

    12. To conclude, I propose to discuss here another case, which has been taken-up at pages

    334 to 339 of the book Kaal Chakra Dasha System by my Guru Ji (Case no. Pr-02/Female). I

    have selected this case for two reasons: the first reason is that as it happens the native was

    my classmate in the astrology (Jyotish Praveen and Visharad) classes run by Jaipur Chapter

    of ICAS and I am closely conversant with the day to day progress of this case and the second

    reason is that this is not a post facto appraisal but it is now a matter of record that the risk

    factors related to progeny were not only predicted several months before the child birth ( the

    book was released in February 2009) but necessary counseling to the parents of this native

    was also done well in time who in turn took the necessary precautions and were therefore able to avoid

    the misfortune.

    Case-9 Female, 04-10-1974, 23:20:00 hrs., Kota (Rajasthan – India)

  • 24

    The native was born in the fourth quarter of the constellation Bharani. The DP

    applicable in her case is Scorpio direct. She was married on 28-02-2001. At that time Cancer

    bhukti was running in the Fast-forward mode in Leo dasha. Moon, the lord of the bhukti sign

    and Saturn, the lord of the seventh from the bhukti sign aspect each other in the D-9 forming

    a clear 1-7 relationship and hence the marriage.

    Analyzing the prospects of progeny for this chart Guru Ji has written (see bottom para

    on page 336 of the book):

    “There can be no dispute regarding the positive role of Jupiter’s aspect on three critical

    areas related to the matter of progeny in this horoscope, i.e., the ascendant Gemini, its lord

    Mercury and the fifth house. In the instant case, fifth from the Moon is also aspected by

    Jupiter. Jupiter itself is in vargottama navamamsha and it is also retrograde. Thus, apparently

    Jupiter intends to bless her with children, but it is dignified in D-30 where it is also conjunct

    the dasha lord/ascendant lord Mercury. It is also aspected by a malefic, Saturn, in the D-30.

    So the beneficial properties of Jupiter have become doubtful.”

    Leo dasha ran till 28-03-2004 - for a period of three years after her marriage but she did

    not bear any children. She did not even conceive. See that Sagittarius, the fifth from Leo has

    only malefics in both, the 8th and the 12th and is also aspected by a malefic only, the Saturn.

    In the D-7 again, the sign Sagittarius has only malefics in both, the 8th and the 12th and in the

    D-30 its lord – the Jupiter, is associated with its dispositor - the Saturn.

    Gemini’s dasha for nine years in the fast-forward mode came next and even after a

    passage of five years in this dasha there was no hope. Guru Ji has analyzed the Gemini dasha

    according to the criteria and considerations of interpretation (see Part III of the book) at

    pages 335-336 thus :

  • 25

    “In this horoscope, Gemini has become a maraka sign because it is the sign in the

    ascendant and is also occupied by Saturn. It is hemmed in between two malefics, Ketu and

    Gulika, and therefore its morbidity is further accentuated. Its lord Mercury is in the fifth

    while the fifth lord Venus is in the alternate sign of Mercury establishing a 1-5 relationship

    bringing the matter of progeny into focus. However, fifth sign Libra is in papakartari and its

    lord Venus is debilitated, combust and associated with two malefics in D-1 as well as in D-7.

    It is also debilitated in D-30 where it is also associated with four malefics, the Sun, Rahu-

    Ketu and Gulika and therefore, hardly in a capacity to do any good in this sector. Mercury,

    the dasha lord is also in papakartari in D-1 and in D-7 it is severely afflicted due to the aspect

    of four malefics: Saturn, Rahu, Sun and Mars as against the single benefic aspect of Jupiter.

    The native is childless even after eight years of marriage. According to medical investigation

    reports the problem is not with her but with the husband. Reportedly, his sperm count is

    very low. Astrologically, the planetary configurations in her horoscope also are also none too


    On the positive side Jupiter casts its benefic aspect on the dasha sign Gemini as well as

    its lord Mercury in D-1. Moon a benefic, also aspects Mercury. Dasha sign Gemini has only

    benefics in both the trines from it. The position of Venus, the fifth lord, in D-7 is somewhat

    improved because there it is in Taurus and therefore, dignified. Besides, it is in a pushkar

    navamamsha, which is its exaltation navamamsha also and is associated with the permanent

    and natural determinant of progeny, Jupiter. Moreover the dasha lord Mercury is aspected by

    Jupiter in D-7 also.”

    Guru Ji has also discussed the bhuktis of Gemini as regards their capacity for producing

    children. The relevant excerpt (pages 337-338) is reproduced below for ready reference:

    “Presently Aquarius bhukti ran from 23-03-2009 to 29-08-2009. Fifth from Aquarius is

    Gemini, the maraka sign for this horoscope. There is no 1-5 relationship in D-1 or D-7. The

    bhukti lord Saturn is in vargottama in the D-30, where it also forms reciprocal aspect with

    Mercury, the fifth lord from the dasha sign.

    Next is Pisces from 29-08-2009. The sign is unoccupied. It is aspected by four malefics,

    Saturn, Sun, Mars and Rahu and has only malefics in both the trines from it. Its lord Jupiter

    is dignified in D-30. Fifth is occupied by Gulika and aspected by Rahu. The bhukti sign is

    flanked by benefics only, there are benefics only in the 8th and 12th from it and aspect of

    Venus on the bhukti sign and Mercury on the fifth lord are the positive influences, which

    may not be able to help in countering the formidable array of the negative ones unless and

    until necessary steps for propitiation are undertaken.

  • 26

    In Aries (29-09-2010 to 03-07-2011) the lords of the bhukti sign and the fifth sign from it,

    Mars and Sun, are conjunct not only in D-1 but in D-7 also, thereby establishing a clear 1-5

    relationship. This could give some hope but for the fact that Mars is exalted in D-30. It is

    also combust and associated with a debilitated planet in D-1 and is itself debilitated in D-7.

    Such configurations could create serious complications, particularly in a maraka dasha and

    therefore utmost precautions will have to be taken and necessary propitiations will have to

    be performed.

    The last bhukti is Taurus. The sign is occupied by Ketu and the lord Venus, although

    in the fifth from it, is debilitated, combust and aspected by a malefic only, Ketu. It is also

    debilitated and vargottama in D-30. Fifth from Taurus is also heavily afflicted due to the

    presence of two malefics and one debilitated planet out of which Mars is exalted and Venus

    is debilitated and vargottama in D-30.

    The sum and substance of the entire analysis is that the only periods that have some

    supporting influences in the matter are the Pisces and Aries bhuktis in this dasha. One must

    not forget that there was an Aries bhukti in this dasha earlier also, which did not bless her

    with a child. Therefore, any positive results in the normal course during the coming Aries

    bhukti also cannot be expected. In any case both of these bhuktis are full of highly undesirable

    configurations also. On purely astrological considerations the advice should be to give up any

    idea of bearing a child because even resorting to any technological interventions may be

    hazardous in a dasha of the maraka sign.”

  • 27

    In this case the native did not bear any child even after eight years of marriage. She

    did not even conceive. In conservative Indian families senior members of the family become

    worried if their children do not produce grand-children soon after their marriage. Likewise,

    the parents of the native, who are neighbors and family friends of long standing of my Guru

    ji, became worried and consulted him sometimes in the month of August 2009. They told

    him that medical check-up of the couple had revealed that the sperm count of their son-in-

    law was very low and although he was undergoing some sort of treatment for it they were

    very uncertain of the future prospects. Unfortunately, the birth particulars of their son-in-

    law were not available but the chart of the daughter was already available with Guru Ji.

    The analysis of this chart as given in the book was shown and explained to the parents

    of the native and they were advised that although the most appropriate dasha/bhukti for this

    purpose is in the offing, propitiation of the determinants afflicting the bhukti sign Pisces as

    also the fifth sign from it - Cancer, along with the lords of both the signs is necessary

    otherwise if she at all becomes pregnant there may be risk to the person of the native herself.

    They were also warned that children born during the dasha/bhukti of such afflicted signs

    generally become sources of unhappiness to the parents in the future if the respective deities

    were not appeased properly. They immediately proceeded to carry out the

    propitiation/appeasement through their family priest (purohita).

    At that time the native was stationed at Mumbai. After about three months the father

    of the native happily informed that his daughter was pregnant. A couple of months later he

    informed that there was some problem concerning the placenta but it was brought under

    control. In the month of May 2010, he informed that he and his wife both were going to

    Mumbai because the delivery was expected in the month of June 2010.

    Guru Ji received his friend’s call from Mumbai on 15-06-2010 at about 10:00 00 hrs.,

    giving him the good news that his daughter had given birth to a male child at 09:00:00 hrs.

    He also informed that the mother and the child, both were OK. He was very happy and all

    set for celebrating the long awaited event.

    Another call was received from him in the afternoon informing that although the

    delivery took place in one of the most well equipped hospitals at Mumbai under the

    supervision of highly qualified personal and everything went perfectly normal yet some

    serious blunder/omission on the part of the attending surgeon resulted in profuse bleeding to

    the native and because the bleeding continued undetected for a very long period her condition became

    critical. Now although, the matter was being attended to but the native had become very

    weak due to the massive loss of blood. Also, due to the lack of blood she was unable to

  • 28

    produce milk for the child. However, since she was still in the hospital and was immediately

    given the necessary treatment, the doctors were able to control the situation. Now the child

    is going to be three years old in the coming June 2013.

    This example very clearly demonstrates the truth of the dictum of Maharshi Parashara

    and the infallibility of the Kaala Chakra Dasha System as propounded by him and explained

    in the book, Kaala Chakra Dasha System and also shows that it is possible to avoid the

    misfortunes related to the progeny.


    1.The birth charts originally created by the author were with help of Parashar light 7 software yet the

    chart diagrams shown in this article are produced by Jhora free software, the placement of Gulika in

    divisional charts are varying between PL and Jhora .

    2. An article by the author about the analysis of the D-30 has already been published in the Saptarishis

    Digital Global Astro Magazine, Vol. 9th.

    3. A table of the arcs of Vishaghatis and Amritghatis is available at page 197 of the book Kaala

    Chakra Dasha System by Shri Shakti Mohan Singh. Readers may request Software Programmers to

    display against each planet Vishaghati, Amrit ghatis and MrityuBhaga so that instantly a judgement

    can be made.