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Autumn 2015

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Publication Date: March 2015Format: 210 x 148 mm, 200 pp, 4–colour

The title of Swiss author Romy Dollé's, Fruit Belly, refers to abdominal bloat often accompanied by digestive distress; a common result of some basic dietary misconceptions in many fast-track, low-fat, weight loss plans.

With well-defined, easy to ingest information about how the body actually breaks down and distributes fats and nutrients, Fruit Belly provides a clear 4-Day Quick Fix plan to not only relieve any existing abdominal distress, but help re-set the metabolism and reawaken the body's natural desire for the kinds of realfood it wants and needs to function at its best ― while still losing unwanted pounds.

Rights sold to: Primal Nutrition Inc. (USA)

Fruit Belly

Publication Date: April 2014Format: 210 x 148 mm, 176 pp

The best food for tumor diseases

Improve your therapy forecasts with a propernutrition.

In this guide, the authors provide an overview about the best and most successful nutritional strategy for cancer patients: the ketogenic diet.

This diet helps to counteract the frequent weight and strength loss in cancer patients and strengthens the healthy body functions. Recent studies show: The ketogenic diet can support cancer therapy, because with lower sugar and carbohydrate intake, many cancer processes are slowed down.

• highly competent scientific team of authors.• All facts on the latest scientific discoveries.• very practical and easy to understand

Rights sold to: Thierry Souccar (France)

Ketogenic diet for cancer

Publication Date: April 2015 (12th Edition)

Format: 239 x 187 mm, 176 pp, 4–colour

Although in recent years people consume more and more “light” and diet products, the world is becoming , literally, rounder. So what is the problem? Could there be a fundamental defect in our eating habits? This book answers these and other pressing questions about nutrition. It also contains 74 delicious recipes that promise greater pleasure without effort by simply reducing your intake of starches and carbohydrates.

This revolutionary nutritional strategy is easily put into practice. With this publication, Dr. Worm began the successful series of books on the LOGI®Method.

This book is one of the most successful nutritional guides in Germany.

LOGI Method has sold over 1,000,000 books sold in Germany only.

Rights sold to: Martínez Roca (Spain)

Happy and slim

Publication Date: October 2015Format: 165 x 235 mm, 180 pp, 4–colour

90 low-carb meals from the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean cuisine comes not only from Italy, Spain and Greece, but also includes the Middle East and North Africa. This makes the Mediterranean recipes so varied - from the very simple to exciting oriental flavours.

This book is a treasure trove for those who need to eat less.

- 90 recipes structured in an innovative modular system.

- nutritional information and combined proposals, matching ingredients and supplements depending on the desired carbohydrate limit

- Tips and background information

Mediterranean Keto Cooking

Publication Date: November 2015Format: 164 x 196 mm, 64 pp, 4–colour

A pleasure not only during the cold season.

The best casseroles and gratins with fish, meat, poultry or vegetables and without carbohydrates!

- 40 creative recipes for delicious casseroles and gratins.

- Know how! Practical tips for perfect success

- Enjoy beloved low carb delicacies.

- Classic recipes and many new ideas with very few carbohydrates.

Low-carb casseroles

Publication Date: November 2015Format: 164 x 196 mm, 64 pp, 4–colour

Traditional recipes full of nostalgia

Consistently low carb cookies and cakes with exceptionally few carbohydrates and full of flavour.No complicated recipes, no complicated ingredients.

Everything is available in every supermarket, doable for everyone. With 100% guarantee of success!

- 22 family-friendly baking recipes, where no-one will miss even one carbohydrate.

- From daily practice: Kitchen and shopping tips that can be implemented easily.

Low-carb baking for everyday life

Publication Date: October 2015Format: 164 x 196 mm, 64 pp, 4–colour

Ideal for traveling

Everybody has experienced being hungry but not wanting to cook. No problem!

Here are 40 imaginative recipes to prepared very quickly and without standing at the stove.

Take low-carb ingredients from your stock, and add a few fresh delicacies – a healthy and varied meal is ready, rich in vital substances. Quick and easy to do. At home or "to go" to the office, college, school, beach, vacation or picnic!

- 40 sophisticated low-carb recipes from the cold kitchen as a perfect companion throughout the day.- Clever and varied

- Many variations for different tastes.

- Low carb ideas for all meals. At home or on the road.

Low-carb cold kitchen

Publication Date: October 2015Format: 164 x 196 mm, 64 pp, 4–colour

To have a happy, healthy and fit dog, the owner has to take more care than ever about the proper diet for his four-legged friend. This guide for dog lovers offers the best meals for dogs and how to avoid overweight, allergies and dental problems.

In this book, you will find the answer about why cereals and starch make dogs sick.

-The causes of obesity in dogs.

- True »No goes" - what you should never feed a dog.

- What is good for my dog - or: Which meats for which dog?

- Everything under control: diet change and recipes.

Low-carb for your dog

Publication Date: March 2015Format: 21.6 x 15.4 mm, 150 pp, 4–colour

This extraordinary book is not a weight-loss book! Yoga is not only for thin people, but can be successfully practiced by anyone at any time and at any age whatever their clothing size.

This is a guide full of positive internal and external energy - photographed in one of the best places in the world: the Maldives.

- Stretching and muscle strengthening specifically for the obese body.

- Different challenging exercises and staggered difficulty.

- special attention to mindfulness and self-awareness.

- beautifully photographed

Yoga XL

Publication Date: October 2015Format: 170 x 240 mm, 200 pp, 4–colour

One of the most successful sports clubs in Europe is building their youth and professional work on a low carbohydrate diet.

For first time, the results are now published in this remarkable basic guide about sports nutrition, indicated specially for young football players.

This book includes more than 80 recipes and diet plans and the whole theory around optimum fitness and performance enhancement for ambitious football players.

It also offers tips and tricks for menu planning, shopping and food preparation, as well as explains the sports nutrition in conjunction with the training plan.

The key is in the dish

Publication Date: April 2015Format: 164 x 196 mm, 64 pp, 2 –colour

Only when you have a close friendship with yourself and learn to trust the intelligence of your body, will you be successful on the scales. Only those who learn to love themselves can get rid of incriminating eating habits and lower long-term overweight. The hunger for life that lies behind all weight problems, never can be satisfied through (too much) food, but only through compassion and mindfulness.

• 5-week course with entrance test and many exercises

• Learn to understand your eating habits and to accept yourself and your needs

• Practice using the power of devotion to resolve malnutrition and stress-eating

• Activate your body intelligence in order to be nourished even with less food

Permanently Slim

Publication Date: April 2015Format: 164 x 196 mm, 64 pp, 2 –colour

Probably you feel better assuming your own nature lovingly. Perhaps even more exciting is that this ability also carries the power of self-healing in itself. Learning the art of loving yourself helps you to feel comfortable in your body. But also the physiological processes, such as blood pressure, muscle tone, immune or hormones change for the better when applying the recommendations of this book.

• 5-week course with entrance test and many exercises

• Learn to understand yourself, and to see how thoughts, feelings and body are related

• Practice to develop serenity through the power of self-care and by feeling all the process inside your body

• Activate your inner balance and experience self-healing


Publication Date: April 2015Format: 164 x 196 mm, 64 pp, 2 –colour

Love is so precious and fragile – but if you hold it with all your strength, it breaks. When you develop the ability to love yourself, you are more relaxed - and this is so important in a love relationship. Interrupt the cycle of negative thinking, everyday gripes, worries, and fears of loss by compassionate self-love and cultivating kindness - not only for yourself, but also for your partner's sake.

• 5-week course with entrance test and many exercises

• Learn to develop mindfulness and self-acceptance

• Understand your partner and yourself in a better way and let stress go off

• Find inner peace and deep ties by activating the power of compassion

Strong partners

Publication Date: April 2015Format: 164 x 196 mm, 64 pp, 2 –colour

Develop the ability to love yourself and to be kind to yourself. This book will completely relax you as well as your life with your children. Break the cycle of negative thinking, worry and forced perfection by cultivating compassionate self-love and mindfulness for yourself and for your children.

• 5-week course with entrance test and many exercises

• Learn to reduce stress by turning to your real needs

• Practice seeing yourself and your children carefully and without judgment

• Activate the transforming power of mindfulness for more harmony in the family

• Accompany your children on their path of growing up with compassion

Happy children

Publication Date: April 2015Format: 160 pp, 4-colour

Not only fat people develop a fatty liver and the the fatty degeneration of the liver is not as harmless as it is considered by doctors. Not only the organ itself is in danger, because adiposity favors inflammation, cirrhosis and tumors, but adiposity also dramatically increases the risk of diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease.

How much these diseases threaten a person's life does not depend on how much weigh, but only on how fatty the liver and other organs are! But this dangerous development is easy to reverse. In fact, you only need a two-week fasting program to relieve significantly the liver and metabolism.

• Learn how to discover if you are affected by fatty liver

• Learn what you can do to relieve your liver and your metabolism

• With exciting experiences and success stories of patients

National Desease: Fatty Liver

Publication Date: January 2015Format: 165 x 235 mm, 200 pp, 4–colour

The ancient method of health care with proven anti-aging effect has been experiencing a renaissance for years. This guide is aimed at those who want to find their way into fasting. An inspiring reference work with instructions for 18 fasts of 2 to 14 days duration. For each motivation and opportunity.

• Everything to know about the wide range of fasting topic

• An overview of the most important traditional fasts and new Fast classics (Buchinger fasting, fruit fasting, soup fasting, detox fasting, vegan base fasting, protein-supplemented fasting, tea fasting and much more)

• Lots of information about the best exercise programs in addition to the fasting

• With great checklist »Which fasting is right for me?"

• Delicious recipe ideas for fasting and assembly days

• With extra chapter "Shopping List"

The fast book

Publication Date: November 2014Format: 165 x 235 mm, 176 pp, 4–colour

Time to rethink - because through proper nutrition you can positively influence on your organism and beat stress and burnout. Discover, together with the burnout specialists and authors Kyra Hoffmann and UschiEichinger, the interplay between stress, health and nutrition.

A varied recipe part of everyday life of two medical practitioners completes the whole - full and stress-free enjoyment in this book.

• Entertaining, practical and scientifically sounded

• Tips for healthy, varied diet and stress-free work environment

The Anti-Stress Diet

Publication Date: October 2014Format: 164 x 196 mm, 180 pp, 2–colour

Do you know that the acid-base value of our body fluids is almost identical to the electrolyte content of the oceans? "Sea food" is therefore fully utilized by our metabolism. The marine diet separates toxins and pollutants, purifies the blood, strengthens the circulation and reduces obesity rapidly and consistently.

• A rapid 7-day Fatburning Programm. Enzyme-Power from the ocean with seaweed, seafood, protein, omega-3 fatty acids and iodized salt

• With over 100 beauty and wellness "secrets" for mental and physical fitness, beauty and joy of life

• Fascinating information about the relationships of the marine diet for detoxification, blood purification and metabolic regulation

• Delicious recipes for fitness and suggestions for sea food

Why A Fish Never Gets Fat

Publication Date: September 2014Format: 110 x 125 mm, 74 cards, 4–colour, box

The demands of modern life put most people under pressure - physically as well as mentally. This card set with 100 clever ideas is a real insider tip for your battle against stress and imbalance.

• Convenient, compact and full of information

• 20 recipes to take home, the 74 cards can be mixed to make different concepts

• Exercises and suggestions on topics such as motivation, cravings, stress, tension, depression, sleep and concentration problems, meditation, mindfulness and inner peace

Anti-Stress-Yoga card set

Publication Date: October 2014Format: 168 x 235 mm, 176 pp, 4–colour

There are cookbooks on all topics related to food. And there are spiritual guides about concentration and mental balance.

This book shows how much the topics "diet" and "yoga" are intertwined: the influence of the food on the mental condition, how to be calm, focused, balanced and rested.

• 3 daily recipes and different exercises

• A double page for each day

• The new guide from yoga master and best-selling author Brahmadev Marcel Anders-Hoepgen

• In-depth information on nutrition, sleep, concentration and emotional balance

• With many creative, yogic recipes for the whole day

The Yogi-Method-Food for the spirit

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