autumn 2006 horizons, muir heritage land trust newsletter

A UTUMN 2006 Inside Executive Director’s Report Fernandez Ranch Celebration Revisited New Board Members Summer Internship Stewardship Update Tina Batt Trail at Sky Ranch Fresh Aire Affaire Many Thanks to Our Generous Donors and Volunteers MHLT Annual Meeting Volunteer Opportunities M UIR H ERITAGE L AND T RUST F ernandez Ranch in the summer looks as peaceful and uncompli- cated as a sleeping deer. Meadows and hills are clothed in golden grasses. Breezes caress hilltops and ravines tapestried in shades of green. Raptors glide in a pale blue canopy. A carpet of sere oak leaves crunches underfoot. Rodeo Creek is a slender ribbon of silver. Beneath the rustic calm, this 702-acre patch of earth holds secrets and mysteries. So many secrets a team of experts – land detectives of a sort – comb the area to unravel the clues. Their discoveries and recommendations will set the course for the future of Fernandez Ranch. The Muir Heritage Land Trust enlisted the expertise of the Restoration Design Group (RDG) as Project Manager. RDG oversees a team developing four plans for the property: Site Assessment, Creek Restoration, Public Access, and Property Management. The plans foretell much to accomplish … and much to enjoy. “Habitat restoration and opening the land for public use is much more challenging than simply putting a fence around the property to preserve what’s there,” said RDG Landscape Architect Bob Birkeland. Despite the challenges, commitment to the land’s restoration and public access as well as preservation comprises the Land Trust’s mission for Fernandez Ranch. “It is a pleasure to work on a multi-faceted project,” said Birkeland, “that will be part of a network of trails and open space, one of the country’s most significant.” The planning requires coaxing secrets from the land – notably the plants and animals living there. Resource experts have assessed the ranch’s physical, cultural and biological landscape. Their findings are exciting, especially when it comes to species of special concern. John Vollmar, Senior Biologist for the project, has documented sightings of a Western pond turtle and California red- legged frogs near Rodeo Creek. He found stick nests built by the San Francisco Dusky-footed woodrat. The Alameda whipsnake has been found on adjacent properties and is believed to live on Fernandez Ranch. The majestic oak trees hold a few surprises. Five types of native oaks live on Fernandez Ranch: valley, blue, coast live, black and Oregon white. “The oaks living there are a broad mix of species,” said Vollmar. The oak diversity occurs because the ranch is located on the edge of the fog belt. Oregon white oaks are rare in Investigating the Secrets of Fernandez Ranch By Sherida Bush Continued on Page 3 PHOTO BY SCOTT HEIN

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Autumn 2006 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter


Page 1: Autumn 2006 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter

A u t u m n 2 0 0 6

InsideExecutive Director’s Report

Fernandez Ranch Celebration Revisited

New Board Members

Summer Internship Stewardship Update

Tina Batt Trail at Sky Ranch

Fresh Aire Affaire

Many Thanks to Our Generous Donors and Volunteers

MHLT Annual Meeting

Volunteer Opportunities

m u i r H e r i t A g e L A n d t r u s t

Fernandez Ranch in the summer looks as peaceful and uncompli- cated as a sleeping deer. Meadows

and hills are clothed in golden grasses. Breezes caress hilltops and ravines tapestried in shades of green. Raptors glide in a pale blue canopy. A carpet of sere oak leaves crunches underfoot. Rodeo Creek is a slender ribbon of silver.

Beneath the rustic calm, this 702-acre patch of earth holds secrets and mysteries. So many secrets a team of experts – land detectives of a sort – comb the area to unravel the clues. Their discoveries and recommendations will set the course for the future of Fernandez Ranch.

The Muir Heritage Land Trust enlisted the expertise of the Restoration Design Group (RDG) as Project Manager. RDG oversees a team developing four plans for the property: Site Assessment, Creek Restoration, Public Access, and Property Management. The plans foretell much to accomplish … and much to enjoy.

“Habitat restoration and opening the land for public use is much more challenging than simply putting a fence around the property to preserve what’s there,” said RDG Landscape Architect Bob Birkeland.

Despite the challenges, commitment to the land’s restoration and public access as well as preservation comprises the Land Trust’s mission for Fernandez Ranch. “It is a pleasure to work on a multi-faceted project,” said Birkeland, “that will be part of a network of trails and open space, one of the country’s most significant.”

The planning requires coaxing secrets from the land – notably the plants and animals living there. Resource experts have assessed the ranch’s physical, cultural and

biological landscape. Their findings are exciting, especially when

it comes to species of special concern. John

Vollmar, Senior Biologist for the project, has documented sightings of a Western pond turtle and California red-legged frogs near

Rodeo Creek. He found stick

nests built by the San Francisco Dusky-footed

woodrat. The Alameda whipsnake has been found on

adjacent properties and is believed to live on Fernandez Ranch.

The majestic oak trees hold a few surprises. Five types of native oaks live on Fernandez Ranch: valley, blue, coast live, black and Oregon white. “The oaks living there are a broad mix of species,” said Vollmar. The oak diversity occurs because the ranch is located on the edge of the fog belt. Oregon white oaks are rare in

Investigating the Secrets of Fernandez RanchBy Sherida Bush

Continued on Page 3









Page 2: Autumn 2006 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter

2 M u i r H e r i tag e L and Tru st Hor izons

executive Director’s Report

2006/07 promises to be an eventful year for the Muir Heritage Land Trust. By the time you read this newsletter, Founding executive Director Tina Batt will have departed for Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government to pursue a Mid-Career Masters of Public Administration degree. She leaves MHLT in the hands of a wonderful Board of Directors, hard working staff and an especially generous community of supporters.

Because of your generosity, the Land Trust starts this year in good fiscal health. Last season, more than 300 people joined as new members – many committing $1,000 or more annually to support our ongoing work and programs. Others made generous year-end gifts and major donor and membership renewal rates have never been higher. Thanks to all for your support and confidence!

For over 18 years the Muir Heritage Land Trust has been working to preserve natural areas critical to the quality of life for all those who live, work and play in our community. This fall, please take some time to enjoy the beautiful landscapes that you have helped to protect and then go to the Polls on november 7 and vote yes on Proposition 84.

When the citizens of California cast their ballots this year, they will be deciding whether to allow the largest financing of State infrastructure since Governor Pat Brown’s administration in the early 1960’s.

Once the envy of the nation, California now faces serious challenges regarding water quality, resource conservation and more. For those who support a planned approach to sustainable communities, voting yes on 84 is the proper way to lead our community into the future. It provides funding for major natural resource protection and water programs at the state level, including $108 million for Bay Area parks and natural areas. The initiative enjoys broad-based, bipartisan political support, and is endorsed by business and community organizations throughout the state.

Saving open space is one of the most important issues facing our region. In order to preserve enough natural area to balance the enormous population growth California is facing in the coming years, we must invest large amounts of revenue from state, regional, county and local public sources in addition to private donations of land and money.

At the Muir Heritage Land Trust we invest our time, resources, energies, and hopes in a vision to preserve what we all love about our community today so that it can be enjoyed tomorrow. With your help and your vote, we are confident that our investment will pay off.

Thank you again for your support.

Linus eukelMHLT Acting executive Director

This newsletter is intended as an occasional publication to bring to you news of the Muir Heritage Land Trust. For comprehensive details and regular updates, please visit our

YeS On 84




n J




Page 3: Autumn 2006 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter

m u i r H e r i tAg e L A n d t ru s t

P.O. Box 2452Martinez, CA 94553

925-228-5460 925-372-5460 [email protected]


Tina Batt Founding Executive Director

Linus eukel Acting Executive Director

Suzanne Jones Land Program Manager

Beth Pardieck Stewardship Manager

Mary Alice Stadum Administrative Manager

Board of Directors

Mark Wilson Chair

Ken Fischer Vice Chair

Sheila Grilli Secretary

Louis e. Stoddard Treasurer

Peter Colby Ann CormackSteve Pardieck June Rogers ellen Visser

Donn Walklet

Emeritus Board Members

Mary Ann Gaebe Hulet Hornbeck

Hal Olson nancy Schaefer

Jack Telfer everett Turner

Honorary Board Member

Jim Cutler


Linus eukel

Newsletter Contributors

Sherida Bush Linus eukel

Beth Pardieck Mary Alice Stadum

M u i r H e r i tag e L and Tru st Hor izons 3

the region. Blue oaks – which prefer dry, inland climates – share the property with oaks that usually grow in moist, coastal regions. “I was intrigued to find blue oaks this far west,” Vollmar noted. Another surprise was discovering valley oaks in unexpected locations. Valley oaks, which prefer growing in the soils found in bottomlands, are situated on the higher hillsides and ridgelines of Fernandez Ranch.

As Vollmar and his team uncover the site’s ecology, they can better plan ways to enhance habitat for native and sensitive species. One project, for example, will create breeding ponds for the red-legged frog and the California newt. Such projects – and this is one of many – need to be, as the biologist noted, “practical, achievable, and cost effective.”

Any future plans for Fernandez Ranch must examine and acknowledge the past. As part of the Site Assessment, archeological sleuths have investigated the land for evidence of native American cultures. The Costanoans, also known as the Ohlone, once lived in the region. While investigators found no evidence

of the Costanoans on Fernandez Ranch, no one can be certain that layers of earth are not hiding prehistoric resources. An archeologist will be regularly consulted to ensure that cultural features, if found, are well documented and preserved.

Study of the last two centuries found that even before 1823, when Don Ignacio Martinez let his cattle roam free on what is now Fernandez Ranch, sheep and cattle owned by the San Francisco Presidio and Mission (also known as Mission Delores) may have grazed the property.

The site work discovered a forgotten piece of more recent ranch history. Sometime between 1912 and 1958, a dairy was built, its buildings prominent on early aerial photographs. Little remains of the dairy structures – building foundations, a circa 1930s windmill and portions of a corral. According to Bob Sanders, a rancher at Fernandez Ranch since the 1960s, the disintegrating corral near the ranch entrance was built with boards salvaged from the dairy barn. Current plans are to leave such remnants of historical uses in place.

Investigating the Secrets of Fernandez Ranch continued from page 1

Continued on Page 4





Enjoying the wildflowers

Page 4: Autumn 2006 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter

4 M u i r H e r i tag e L and Tru st Hor izons

Public access to such remnants and the ranch itself is a major part of future plans. Bob Birkeland looks forward to the time when exploring the land will “give people the joy of being in the setting and encourage stewardship of the land.” Before the site is opened to the public, a 150-foot bridge must be built to span Rodeo Creek and provide access to the ranch’s interior. Before building the bridge, the Creek Restoration Plan needs to address the dramatic instability of creek banks.

When the Land Trust first bought the ranch, the damage to Rodeo Creek was puzzling, the causes unclear. Recent scientific study and detective work discovered that significant human-made changes to the hydrology upstream set off a chain of events that has disrupted creek ecology. In some locations, erosion created a deep channel, stripped banks of vegeta-tion and toppled large trees. Planners are now studying alternative methods for restoring more stability to the creek and replanting banks where needed.

Future visitors to Fernandez Ranch will begin their exploration at a new staging area. The design includes parking for cars and equestrian trailers, directional and interpretive signs, portable restrooms and an oak-shaded picnic area.

From the staging area, ranch visitors will set out on one of the multi-use trails for hikers, bicycle riders, and equestrians. The trail designed to accommodate visitors with disabilities will begin here. It will meander along Rodeo Creek and shaded oak canopies to a picnic area. A second trail will lead to the homestead, the former location of a farm house, where a picnic area will provide a scenic stop for rest and refreshment. Both of these trails will connect to a steeper loop trail that will weave into oak woodlands and climb toward hill summits.

John Aranson, Trail Steward of the Bay Area Ridge Trail Council, was instrumental in laying out the trail system to provide the best sights and sounds of the ranch. He also ensured the Fernandez Ranch trail system is aligned to link with the Bay Area Ridge Trail in the future.

An invisible feature of the trail system

will be the investment in user enjoyment. Planners envisioned a sensory experience encompassing: “views, sounds like rippling water or birds singing, and even the feel of a breeze as you reach the peak of a trail.”

In time, visitors will spend a peaceful day on Fernandez Ranch enveloped in the land’s gift of beauty. They may not know of the complicated investigations, studies and planning it took to bring them there, nor will they quite understand why the trail they find themselves on is so delightful. More secrets added to the endless number imbedded in Fernandez Ranch’s ever-changing landscape.

Investigating the Secrets of Fernandez Ranch continued from page 3

Morning hike on Fernandez





Page 5: Autumn 2006 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter





On Saturday June 10, the Muir Heritage Land Trust sponsored more than three hundred members at Fernandez Ranch to help celebrate our recent acquisition of that beautiful 702-acre property. Hikes, horse-drawn carriage rides, and refreshments were just a few of the highlights of the special day. Participants learned more about the many restoration projects underway for this great property as the Muir Heritage Land Trust, Bay Area Ridge Trail Council and Restoration Design Group shared their plans. Honored guests included naturalist Gary Bogue, congressman George Miller and horseman Michael Muir.

Congressman George Miller (top left) and naturalist Gary Bogue (bottom left) were featured speakers at the Fernandez Ranch celebration.











M u i r H e r i tag e L and Tru st Hor izons 5

Ann Cormack has been on the Development Committee with the Land Trust for two years. She is a graduate of Stanford University in english Literature and was a corporate Finance manager for 19 years. She is a natural Sciences Docent with the Oakland Museum of California and a long time member of The Sierra Club, The nature Conservancy, and The Yosemite Fund/Association. Ann enjoys hiking, kayaking, and travel.

She and her husband Rob have lived in Lafayette since 1978 and have two grown children.

Ellen Visser has been an active volunteer with the Land Trust for seven years. She has worked with staff to create strong and cohesive publications to promote the Trust. Working on her own and as an Art Director with Public Media Center in San Francisco, she has 15 years experience in design and

Welcome new Board Membersimplementation of public service advertising campaigns in the fields of environmental protection, social responsibility, and public health. She is also active in the local community, working to hold housing developers accountable to environmental laws. ellen holds a BFA in Graphic Design from the University of San Francisco and the Academy of Art University. She enjoys exploring the rural hills of Contra Costa with her husband, Cameron, and son, Henry.

Fernandez Ranch Celebration

A great time was had by all. The event featured speakers, carriage rides, hikes and playing in the fields.

Page 6: Autumn 2006 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter

Stewardship UpdateBy Beth Pardieck

In 2005, the Muir Heritage Land Trust received a Community Watershed Stewardship Grant through the Contra Costa County

Watershed Program to form the Friends of Rodeo, Refugio and Carquinez Watersheds Group (FRRCW). This project evolved into a natural partnership between MHLT and the Carquinez Regional environmental education Center (CReeC) in Crockett. Together, we have successfully collaborated to establish FRRCW and hire Karin Korda as its Coordinator.

now almost a year old, this community group reflects MHLT’s values of stewardship, resource protection and public education to promote healthy watersheds in the communities of Port Costa, Crockett, Rodeo and Hercules.

FRRCW has been successful, bringing together members of the public, youth groups, students and local industry to preserve and protect the health of these watersheds through education, stewardship and community collaboration. The group meets monthly. Its last meeting, held at the Carquinez Horticultural Center in Crockett, brought together 30 interested community members from Port Costa to Richmond to share dinner, discuss future projects and tour the new Horticultural Center. notable FRRCW projects to date include trash cleanups of Rodeo Creek with local Girl Scouts in Hercules, planting of 275 native trees along the Rodeo Bike Path in downtown Rodeo and removal of non-native vegetation along edwards Creek in Crockett with local student volunteers.

FRRCW is also currently working with the east Bay Regional Park District to host the 22nd Annual California Coastal Cleanup Day on Saturday September 16th from 9am to noon along the Crockett shoreline. For more information about this event or to volunteer with FRRCW, please contact Karin Korda at 415-847-6035 or [email protected].

Mulching native trees and plants along Rodeo Creek











6 M u i r H e r i tag e L and Tru st Hor izons

Summer Intern, Brianne ByrneBrianne Byrne, a law student at the

University of California at Davis, joined the Land Trust team this summer as a legal intern. “Bri” has helped with a variety of projects that range from facili-tating a coownership agreement for the

Fernandez parcel with the east Bay Regional Park District to lending a hand with event planning for this year’s Fresh Aire Affaire. We are truly grateful for all her hard work. Thanks again Bri for helping to keep us running smoothly!

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M u i r H e r i tag e L and Tru st Hor izons 7














Thank-You for Your Support! Fresh Aire Affaire SponsorshipThank you to all our Fresh Aire Affaire

sponsors, donors, volunteers and members for their magnificent support in raising funds and awareness for the Muir Heritage Land Trust.

Our annual event was a great success because of you!

Tina Batt Trail At Sky Ranch

A new trail to honor Tina Batt was unveiled at this year’s Fresh Aire Affaire. Once built, it will take hikers on a beautiful loop through our Sky Ranch property. The map below accurately shows the location of the trail.

Tina Batt Trail Sky Ranch

M A P P I n G C O U RT e S Y O F n O M A D e C O L O G I C A L C O n S U LT I n G

Page 8: Autumn 2006 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter

Thanks to Our Generous Donors Includes donations since December, 2005 - July, 2006

Benefactors ($25,000 - $99,999) Bella Vista FoundationBraddock & Logan Services, Inc.ConocoPhillips Company Patrons ($10,000 - $24,999) Contra Costa County Fish & Wildlife CommitteeFiredoll FoundationMendelson Family FundPease Family Fund Major Donors ($1,000 - $9,999)Blanding Boyer & RockwellC. Overaa & CompanyChevron Products CompanyCommunities for a Safe EnvironmentContra Costa NewspapersKay Cox & Paul CraigJoffa & Ellen DaleDiablo MagazineEast Bay Business TimesEast Bay Regional Park DistrictGordon and Betty Moore FoundationJoanne HalabukLarry & Sue HansonBob & Sue JeanesJohn Muir HealthLes & Mary Lou JohnsonNECA-IBEWParsonsLawrence E. & Mary PeiranoPlumbers & Steamfitters Union Local 159Marj & Gene RossShapell HomesShell Oil ProductsW. Dirk Sikkema & Linda YoungRichard & Sharon SmithTelfer OilTesoro Refining & Marketing Co.The Dow Chemical CompanyThe Morrison & Foerster FoundationThe Mechanics BankThe Watershed Project

Carl BergenholtzScot & Carol BergrenKim BhattBetty BichlerIrma BickiFrank BindtPeter Binstock & Diana ProcterBeryl BirksAnn & Murray BishopSandra BishopLouise BissetBertell & Mary BlackGeorge & Jean BlackmoreB.G. BlalockAnne BlandinRobert & Marie BlitsElsie BoarmanRuby & Wesley BohsancurtBetty BonesAlice & Rick BonnerMarilee BossiBovo-Tighe, LLCMarcheta BowdleLynn & Roland BowenRichard & Mary BowersMarcella BoyerSandra BozarthMichael BranningLorraine BrayCarolyn & Richard BrearMartha BreedLinda BrockwayJennifer BrodieKurt BrombacherAllynee BrownDorothy BrownJudith BrownRon & Joan BrownGwendolyn BuchholzJean BurnettPamela Burns & William EdickHarriet BurtSherida Bush & Timothy PlattChester ButlerA. J. BuxtonRichard & Gayle BuxtonAngela CallDorothy CallisonEllen CarlsonCarmelo & Alicia CaroneAndrew CarotaMarilyn & Edward CarvilleTracey & Vincent CaseyAlice CastellanosKatherine CastroRaymond & Karen CauayaniTheresa CaygillPhyllis & Harvey CeaserConnie ChapmanCarol & William ChiassonKristine ChristensenPriscilla ChristensenWilliam CianciaruloHarvey & Donna Clar

Union BankDonn & Tracy WalkletAlfred WhiteWhole Foods Market

Sponsors (Up to $999) A & W IndustriesCarl & Emiko AaronSuzanne AbbottJohn & Cheryl AbelAcalanes Chapter DARDenise AckerJudy AdamsVirginia AgnewJohn & Barbara AhlquistTerry AiraudiElena AllenJames & Elsie AllenMarjorie AllendorphBurt AndersonCarol AndersonJean AndersonRaymond & Wanda AndersonMary & Norman AnduzaAnonymous Wendy ApplebyKathleen ArchbaldDimitris & Luz ArgyriouEvelyn ArmsRonald & Judith ArrantsNancy & Myron ArtistJean AutreyPatricia AvalosAaron BaggsCharles BagleyRuth & Erin BaileyDonna & Dean BakerKaren BallockMary BalogHarriet Bamford PeabodyBank of America Matching Gifts ProgramLevi & Katherine BargerBark Busters Home Dog TrainingKatherine BarnesMichael BarryPamela & Gerald BarryClaire & Frank BatchelorMona N. & Robert BattBrita BautinRobert BeachErnest & Deborah BeckerlegRichard & Linda BeidlemanDeRoyce & Linda BellMarie BellFrank & Joanne BellecciLinda BeltEdward & Mildred BennettJames BenneyAlicia & Teresa BensonGregory & Regina BenzPat Bergen

Monica ClarkMarguerite ClemensNorma, Fredrick & Joseph ClericiSteve CloutierRoy CoatsChris Codding & John RiccaMitch CoffmanNairy ColelloGeorge ColesJacqueline CollierSara ConleyContra Costa Avian SocietyContra Costa Hills ClubJan Rae CookJennifer CookMichael & Sandra CookDonna CooperMarilyn CooperWilliam Cooper & Susan HornDouglas & Rosemary CorbinAmanda CorderoJacqueline & Werner CordesNancy CorserKathleen CortlundAngelo CostanzaRalph Cotter, Jr.Glen & Yvonne CottrellDorothy CoudenMarc & Diane CoventryGeorge Ann & Charles CoyleArlita CrockettDorothy CruseKathy & Stephen CummingsKenneth & Louise CunninghamStella CurlettoJohn CurtisSylva DajaniBruce & Janet DalenMary & Elvo D’AmanteThelma & John DanaDonald & Carol DaviesMary & Jay DavisRamona DavisDavis FencingMildred DayRobert de VightDonald & Charlotte DeanJohn DeemingJanet & Donnell DegrafPamela DellaGayle Den DaasHoward & Leilani DennJean DentonPatricia DericksonLinda DeschambaultVivian & Dario DevincenziLucy & Anthony Di BiancaDawn DialMargaret DiazNorma DilleyStephanie & Thomas DiPalmaJohn & Nancy Don KonicsDonna M. Gaughen & AssociatesShirley & Gary Dornan

8 M u i r H e r i tag e L and Tru st Hor izons

Page 9: Autumn 2006 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter

Diane & John GilmorePatricia GimbelVanessa GirardEllen GlasserDavid & Rose GloverSharon Godske & Linda PrandiSabiha GokcenBetsy & Bobby GonzalesSharon & Tom GoodallSara GoolsbyGoonan ConstructionMary & Gillette GordonJohn & Janet GorhamShirley & Werner GottliebVirginia GouldJudith & Alan GrabensteinSara Janice GrajekJanet & Donald GrantJohn GravellBruce & Jan GrenkeMarjorie GrennanJean GretzVirginia GrinerEdith GrovesPaul & Mary GrunlandRich GuarientiPamela Guida ThiedeCharles GuthrieVern & Willah HabermanHal & Janet HaggettThomas HaglerMarilyn HajjarJean HalfordMaureen HallisyMary Ann HalvorsonAllan & Margaret HansellBeth HansenLaura HansenMelva & Thomas HansenJaness HansonJeannie HarmonMarjorie HarmonC. W. & Barbara HarperAarin HarrisKathy Ann HarrisPat HarrisKatherine HartAlfred & Marian HarveyVictoria HarveySteve Harvey & Pamela SeifertHasley & AssociatesMary HassonDoris HastingsCarol & James HatchMarvin & Elizabeth HaunMary & Charles HauptJackie HeathRussell & Kathleen HeathJo HeathcoteKathleen & Harry HeckmanKenneth & Virginia HeiderickClaudia & Scott HeinMary HelbigMary-Louise & Delbert Hendriz

Bob DoyleJill & Bruce DresserLinda & Duane DuchschererMildred DushaGrey DuttonE. P. EdgarBeverly EdwardsFrances & James EdwardsJon & Julie ElamRobert Elia & Suzanne JonesRobert & Margaret ElliottMarie & Anthony EmersonJan EnderleDee EnglandKaren EricksonRussell J. & Patricia EricksonPeter & Virginia EstabrookJudith EtheridgeTrevor Evans-YoungWalta & William EveretteJames & Joann EversoleSylvia FalconGary & Laura FebusElaine FerreJeannette FerrisSusan FerroRobert & Barbara FiernerWillard & Ann FineWilliam Finzer & Brigid McCawKen & Martha FischerFrances Fitz-StephensNorma & Don FlaskerudVicki FlickingerNina & Michael FlussBarbara FogersonMabel FoleyJane FontiusBrett & Marguerite FosterHelene & Randall FrakesFernanda Franco-FerraraRuthann FrankEugene FranzJohn & Elinor FraserMaurine FrazierWendy FreebornLoretta FrentzSusan FriedmanJack & Catherine FrostJohn & Julia FullerRhonda FuttermanJim & Mary Ann GaebeGail GarciaCindi GarvieDorothy & Raymond GaschkGenevieve & George GatesSuzanne GatesWinifred GeganMark GeiserJeannine GendarJune GentryRobert GerenLaurie GilbertGilliland ConsultingJack Gillum

Lorna & Joseph HenriAlice HewlettHarlan HeydonMary HigueraDella HillNancy & David HillWilliam & Mildred HillIris HillmanDarlene & John HiltonWilliam & May HiroseJoan HishidaJudie & Jack HockelMarilyn HoffackerMarilyn HoggCharles & Marjorie HogleMary Ann & William HoisingtonNorma HolderDonald & Helen HolmBob & Joan HolmoeRussell & Betty HoltHulet HornbeckDon & Jane HouserJudith HowardNancy HoweHowe Properties Management Co.Janet HowesIrja HowtonJerry & Karyn HoyerJane HrynkowLinda HuffmanMarilyn IversonElaine JacksonCarol JacobsAnnie JacobsenBern & Nancy JacobsonToris JaegerArthur & Bonnie JamesRuth JamesImm & Lynn JansenMartin & Mary Anna JansenEleanor JardineRoy JeansBarbara JenningsJane JennyCarole JobeEdward & Juliet JohannessenMuriel JohnsonRobert E. JohnsonKevin & Joan JohnstonJean JonesJohn JonesKathleen & David JonesMaria & James JonesMary-Ellen JonesAlice JordanLaury Joseph & Doug RoweLinda & John JuddCarol JurasinFrank JurikDavid & Lois KailSushila & Ramesh KansaraT. KapsarDiane Kauffman

Sarah KawakamiRichard KawinMaryann & Norman KayJohn KeibelMary & Shane KelleyWilliam & Joan KelleyJohnna KellingKel-Tec Builders, Inc.Alan & Patricia KenckSally KennedyJoan KepplerMarilyn & Stephen KestlerFrancine KianoffJohn KieferPatti KieselDana & Mary KilgoreHelen KimballGeorge KleemanDelma KlineKathleen KliperaAl & Ruth KlobasHelen KnoppMargarete KoenigTherese KonzRichard & Heidi KorandaGregg & Anne KorbinRalph & Carolyn KraetschTim & Julie KruseWally KubicekDonald & Charlotte KuehneAnneliese KurzJuliet Lamont & Phil PriceAntoinette LandisCarol Lane & Larry BradleyWilliam & Tillie LarkinsJeri & Steven LarsenEric & Laura LarsonDiane LastDon & Gladys LastonBob & Beverly LauderdaleDelia & Kai LeeMark & Marjorie LeedsC. & M. LeithCharles LewisStuart & Mary Beth LillyDavid Lingren & Ilana SchatzSusan LinnVera LisHarold & Betsy LittleJoan LondonAntone LopesShirlee LoretSally LoweryWencke LubbockVerna LunardiCynthia & Dana LundNorm & Christy LundbergSandra LuraJuanita LutherBarbara & Theodore LynchJames & Shirley LynchPeggy & Craig Lyon Continued on page 10

M u i r H e r i tag e L and Tru st Hor izons 9

Page 10: Autumn 2006 Horizons, Muir Heritage Land Trust Newsletter

Donors continued from page 9

10 M u i r H e r i tag e L and Tru st Hor izons

Rennett Mac IntyreWendy & Murdoch MacDonaldDon MacPheeBeth & Scott MacyBetty MaggioraJudith Ann MahanL.G. MahlerIrene MalchaskiFlorence & Robert MalesCathy Malkin & George CurreaM.G. MammonBoyd & Nancy MannionJ.G. MargolisValerie MarkHelen & Donald MarlowVirginia MarquesDiana & David MarzolaLouise MassanteJoan MasseyManley & Elizabeth MatousekMary-Gail Matthews M.S.Elaine & Mark MayLeila MazoElizabeth Mc FarlandGene & Deborah McCabeLee & Charles McCaffreeCatherine McClure LindbergJoye & Charles McCoyKathleen & Richard McCriteStuart & Barbara McCulloughL.C. McCuneRosemary McDonaldSydney, Susan & Terry McDonaldJack & Nancy McFarlandRob McGuireRose McKinnonGloria McLaughlinMary McMullenHazel McMullinMichael Day McNamaraShirley McPheetersJoan & Royal McPhersonJanet & Morgan McQuistonNancy & Michael McSweeneyJudy MeeganJane MeekLynn MeischMike & Jamie MenascoEdgar MendelsohnBarbara MenegusRobert & Robin MerrittDeborah MichelsonAdeline MillerC C MillerDaphne MillerSharon & William MillerS.K. & K.B. MillionBarbara MinnemanHelen MinorFred & Jean MockTerri MocklerAngeline MoellerAnn MoldenschardtLorraine Mole

Robert MonacoRey & Ray MonsonBob & Joan MontgomeryVictor & Nancy MontoyaCarolina MontufarElizabeth MoraisLeona MorganJerry & Mary MorgenrothConstance MorrisClark & Amara MorrisonBetty MortonJoan MotesLinda MoultonBruce MuirheadJean & Joseph MulroyJoyce MunsonLois MurdockShelley & Joseph MurdockAlexander & Joohee MuromcewPenny MusanteEllis & Rose-Mary MyersJudy & Don NelsonBetty Jane Nevis, TrusteePatsy NilssonShirley NootbaarFrank NunesMarjorie Nyberg HoffmanJoseph Nystrom & Linda Doty-NystromJim & Yuriko OdaMaivis & Fred OehlerIola O’GradyAlice OldsJean & Dale OldsJohn & Dianne OllilaM.D. & R.P. OlowinRuth OlsenWilliam & Kay O’NeilNatalie & Douglas OramCharles & Denise OrrLura D. OsgoodWilliam & Mary OsmusLorraine OstrowskiEsther & Robert OswaltChristine & Dean OttatiMary PageGloria PalmerEdith PardieckGene & Martin PareseKathleen ParkerRoger & Jo Ann ParkinsonPatricia Parks & Frank TelekSandra ParrParrotnanny.comJag & Judy PatelMichelle PatersonHoward PattersonMarsha PattersonJoan PaulJohanna PayneJoyce PayneRolce & Edmund PayneAnne-Lise PeacheeRichard Pearson

Sandra PearsonThomas PericolaAlfred W. PetersenMargaret PetersenJimmye Joyce & James PettersenKaren & David PettitPatricia & W. Alan PfeifferSally & Donald PhelpsPatricia PhillipsElizabeth & Tom PiattAnna PiperChristine PirtzNoreen & Jordan PittaPlant DécorSteffi PlumbKaren & John PontrelliJanet Popesco ArchibaldLorraine & Warren PossinSandra PriceDr. & Mrs. Donald PrieweBarbara ProfeEarl & Patricia ProsekJacqueline PurdyBarbara QuiliciRosalind RaabPaul Radosevich & Elise ThomasWendy RaggioCharleen RainesAntonieta Ramos & Greg OchsNellwyn & John RandisiVictoria & John RaulinoR-ComputerConstance RegaliaRobert & Elizabeth ReynoldsPatricia & Robert RezakRobyn & Christopher RiceCharles RickenbacherGarrett RieggKenneth & Ellen RistadDon & Sharon RitcheyMarilyn RoachPeter & Eileen RobertshawTheodora & Dan RobertsonLisa & Scott RobinsonRodeo TestJune RogersChristine & Donald RoloffAlice RopchanPhyllis & James RossiJoyce RovanperaRosalie RowseyJoan RussellJohn RussellMona RussellRobert & Kathleen RussellJohn Sadowsky & Connie FischerSafeway StoresPatricia SagenkahnSan Ramon Veterinary HospitalJan SandersonLinda SanfordSubir & Mary SanyalGlendoris SargentEd Sattler

Danna SaundersDixie SauvainSavage & GreeneRamona & Melvin SayreRichard & Ruth SayreJudene ScammonErin SchallyNancy & Donald SchauerWilliam & Sylvia ScheuberNancy & John SchickMark & Leslie SchillingerLinda & Robert SchlegelBeverly SchlehuberBarbara SchmidtIngeborg & George SchoeningFrieda SchonachPatricia SchorrJacqueline & Jeff SchubertVirginia SchwabTheodore SciacquaPatricia SealsAnne SeamanRichard & Ann SextonCharles ShaddleCharlotte SheaRobert & Michele SheehanWilliam ShewryRichard & Barbara ShoopEsther ShopeMaureen & Brian ShuttsLorraine & George SilvaJim & Diane SimonBarry & Theresa SimsLaurel SingerIgor & Shirley SkaredoffCharlee SlavikW. L. & Evelyn SlessingerKathryn SmickMargery SmithMatt & Mary SmithNina & Leo SmithRobert SmithRobert & Elizabeth SmithWilliam & Barbara SmithDavid Smith & Theresa BlairBetsy SmrhaGregory & Jocelyn SmyersBessie Smyth, TrusteeBetty Anne SoreideSpectrum Pool & Landscape, Inc.Samuel Sperry Spike’s Produce Judith Ann Stadler-LothropMarjorie StaffAnn StanwoodState Farm CompaniesJean SteffensenDavid & Rosalind StelleSue & T.S. StenstromMargaret SteunenbergCarolyn & Craig StewartLewis & Diane StewartMargaret & Robert Stithem

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M u i r H e r i tag e L and Tru st Hor izons 11

Planned Giving

With your support, the Muir Heritage Land Trust has been fulfilling its promise to preserve our community’s natural heritage since 1988. One important way you can continue to help provide a solid foun-dation for our sustained conservation efforts is through the donation of a planned gift. Giving to the Muir Heritage Land Trust in any way has an enormously positive impact on the life of our community. As the Muir Heritage Land Trust continues to reach out to the future, we hope you will consider the benefits of planned giving. Contact Linus eukel at: 925-228-5460 for more information.

Carol StockbridgeLou & Marilyn StoddardCarol StoneGeorge & Helene StraussMarietta StuartRobin SturgeonTom & Karen SturgesJack & Mary SugrueSusan SullivanAlan & Dawn SurgesRuth SutterSwaim Biological ConsultingGeorge & Lisa SwansonJoseph SwicegoodLeslie TakenakaDeborah TalebiPhyllis & Al TappeTeris TaskeyJack & Asilee TelferJohn & Wilma TelferThe Changing GardenThe LeConte CorporationEvelyn ThomasMarlene ThompsonSandra & Lee ThompsonA. ThorwirthPatricia ThunenRita TischlerDavid & Betty Jo TittleJames & Merle ToddWilliam TomlinsonHelen TontiKathryn TorontoTrails Club of RossmoorRobert TrautzRobert & Marion Trentman-MorelliHarvey TrowbridgeNell TrundleMartin & Florene TurkingtonSteven & Diana TurnbloomBill & Betty TurnquistBarbara TylerCaroline & Donald UnderwoodGrace UnderwoodRalph & Veronica VacaJ. Frank & Edith Valle-RiestraLetty Van Der VegtEvelyn Van DreserMarta Van Loan & Barbara HannafanLinda Van LoonPearl VannetJacqueline VierraMartin & Polina VitzMartha VivretteJules & Cecilia VoergePenny & Jere WadePhilip WaggonerEleanor WagnorMichael & Joyce WahligNiels & Elizabeth WaidtlowPhyllis WainwrightKathleen Waite

Jean Walker & Marnix Van AmmersConstance & Jack WallaceCatherine WallenWalnut Creek American Legion Post 115Frederick & Margaret WarnkeRahima WarrenRosa WatsonThomas WattOra WebberElizabeth WeeksMax & Jane WeijnschenkWilma WeinshelbaumKay & Donald WelshTherese WelterNancy WenningerEdwin WestCarolyn & R. Thomas WesthoffRoger & Penny WestphalRobert & Karen WetherellClaudia WhitnahHelene WhitsonBillie & Barry WhittakerWild Birds UnlimitedRichard WillGary & Betsy WillcutsBobbe WilliamsGloria WilliamsVirginia WilliamsonChristy & Jim WilsonHoward WilsonJean WilsonFred & Diane WiltShirley & Alexander WinchesterJanet & George WinterMyrtle Virginia WirkkalaCharles WiscavageJudy WobleskiThurston Womack & Charlotte CranmerCarolyn & Edwin WoodStephanie WoodsBetty & John WoodwardCraig & Barbara WoolmingtonCora & Tom WrightElizabeth WylieJanet Ann WyllieElizabeth & Leon WyrickMary Carolyn YandleDebi YeagerBeverly YoungMonica YoungquistFlavio ZaroBette & Jon ZbasnikMichael Zinns

Thanks to Our Amazing VolunteersBob Aston Heath BartoshSherida BushBrianne ByrneTom Coleman Bob DoyleRoger EppersonScott HeinJim GaebeMary Ann GaebeTodd KikerGlynn LewisJoe MattaLaura MattaVicki MoshofskyCathy PardieckLaura PardieckScott ParkerTim Platt Bob PowerMarilyn RigdonNancy SchaeferIgor SkaredoffJoe Stadum Brett Stevenson Chris ThayerDon UlrichMary WalkerFrank WalshTom WatrousBill WeinerJulie Woods Board of DirectorsDevelopment CommitteeEducation CommitteeFinance CommitteeLand Acquisition CommitteeOutreach CommitteeStewardship Committee

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Volunteer!Volunteers provide a tremendous benefit to the Muir Heritage Land Trust. You can contribute to the preservation of our community’s natural heritage by lending a helping hand in one or more of the following project areas: · Event days such as our annual Fresh Aire Affaire · Outdoor and Stewardship · Communications and Development· AdministrationTo learn more about how you can volunteer, call us at 925-228-5460.












Save the Date

MHLT 2006 Annual MeetingThe Muir Heritage Land Trust is pleased to announce that its

2006 Annual Meeting will be held:

Wednesday, november 8 7:30-9:00 pm

At the Muir Heritage Land Trust 604 Ferry Street, Martinez

Speakers will include photographer Stephen Joseph and naturalist Bonnie Gisel with a presentation about their soon to be released book

on John Muir; representatives from the Restoration Design Group regarding final planning for the Fernandez Ranch property, and

MHLT staff with news of the Land Trust.

everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. Please call the Land Trust office at 925-228-5460, to reserve a space by november 3. For further information and directions, visit us online at

We look forward to seeing you there.