australian mu eum. mu eum. ... that this noble ~ift may bp hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth

1877-8. NEW OUTH WALES. AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. (REPORT FROM TRUSTEES FOR 1877.) to tJntlinmcnt, to J. ct 17 'Uict . Jlo. 2, GCC. 9. HEPOJn' 01•' l'l iE 1'RUS1'EES OF THE AUSTRA LT.\ X 1\ltTSEU.:\f, l•'O Jt 1E Ut ENDIXG 3lsr DECE'i\IBEH, 1877. To Hts TirE GoYF.n'l'on-rx-CmEF,- . 1. 'I'he TruslC'es of the .d..ustralinn i\l useum ha\'e tho honor to •mbmit to yom· Excellency thctr h\ en! v-fourth Annual Report. 2. The hns OJ>t;_D to the public daily cxccph·d) the past ycnr. :md the of YI><IIOrt! ha". hcen '?·27.J. The ha,·ing. h:ul umlc•r e•ousidc.ration the propriety of c:tlendmg thr hour>' durmg wluch the pubhc can be ndnutll·el, thnt tl ha" nut hecn in thcit· power to make llut:h .alterations ns they desire .. limited ><tatr of atlc•mlanls al their not more thnn :;u fh rtrnt to ennblr them to mamtam the t·nlkdioH nf in good to .and prepare for tbc ).IICt'irn<'n>< '' hich are coni inun1Jy acq111rcd by dona!ton nr and (durmg the few bcfon• noun) to prt•pnrc lh<' )[u-.cum for the dnily influx of \i sitor:i. .An of the annual endowment Nullit-it•nt to nllm1 ut' the appointment of another cleaner aml nlt<'mlant wouJd enable the to mak<' sue·h a of the work of the would allow the to be openrd fi1r at 10 o'clot•k run. The Trustees that by th? libcrnlily of Parliament they will be placed inn pol<itinn to mak<' M> dcsirahlc n dt:utge durmg the en8umg yrar. 3. 'L'hc T rul<tecs regard with much satisfaction the iurrcascd intrrc).t \\hich the public lt:we shown in the Museum, by the number nod value of their donation!!. Tlwy pnrtirulal'!y to clmw yClur Exl'rllcncy'Mattcution t on rcry cxtcnsi,·e and vnluabl<' collection uf Xht'!ll! fr·nmall partN nf th<' \\or·ld. which hnd beC'n nc·rnnwlat ecl thi'Ough a long spr·ics of year:< by one nf thC' in the J \us tr·alit\n ('oloni<'s, autl which woulel pr·obably havo been lost to Now Huuth but fell' tho munificent libct·ality of Wallter, of Yar·nlla, whu nnel it without Knlieitution ou Lire lllll'L of the anti derottitE'd it in the 1\fuscum without Ollt' of In the lnl'tituiion. 'rho arc C'ncouragec to hope that this noble may bP hut the of oth<•rs of the li kc ox lent lm<l \'niuc. '!'hey l'egr·cl exceedingly that, for· t ht' want oft he the) are for· the unabk• to ex hi bit to Htc public generally a collect ion uf '' hidr H) drwy mn.1 ju><t ly be proud. The TruHtces are also indebted to the Smithsonian lnstituiion at fur· nn impm·tant t•ollec·t ion of fishes from the cast of :Xorth America, to Ynn ll aydn and Lic·utcnnnt \rh t•clcr, F.S.-\., for of photographs obtained chicfl.r in t'olcradu and Kt•w uy the ::::d<'ntific Rxpl oring Expeditions fitted out by the "Gnited • talcs Go\'crnmcnt, anel to tho Commi,.,.ioncr,; .for Xew out h 'ValeK at the lntl'rnnt ionnl Philndelphin, fur a t·ollt·t·l iou of of lode tm. 4. The Tru><tec>' h1n·e acqui1·ed b.r purchase :mel exdran!{<' H'\ ('ral. collct'l ion" of rare and Yaluable in of natural histor.r, more particular!) in Ormtlrol?gy; and Cl peel -.hortlr to be able to for such a l'o;:>tematic and Cltcndcd c•orrespondt·ncr \\llh tlw puhlrc :md Scientific I ution\i of Europe · nnd Americn as condut•t• a _to the of natural and to the acquisition on the part of tlus ::\[uH•um ol typC'>< rn \\ hwh tl rs uow deht•tent. G. 'l'bc Trn:>tl'l'H have rcqucl.'ted Archib::Utl J.irer,..iclgc, E'tj., l'rotc><snr nf (-lct>ln!.:y ancl )Iinet·alo;..•y in the Unhcr"ity of 1-io;dnPy, antln )[ember of their Boanl, llll\1 on hi" 1111)' tu Europe.• a t'nnunbsioncr for the Colonv at the' forthcoming Exhibition in le> t•\pt•ml till' sum of C I.000, '' hich wa-< appro. printed by Parliament in the year 1877 for the of mineral :-pt•t·irneu" n ml t·:N''• I he aruou!1l hns been remitted to London fur that purpose. The t•nn>rdc•t· tlrat.:.m·h a coiiN:twu n, ''ill acquirr through this nrrangcment ,dll be not only grNii1y to tht• gc·ner·al pubhr. but wtll be of ,·alue ro young persons whoRl' ur (HII'"".''" lllll) lca,l them to upon the of geology. 'J'he hope t11J\t, hi tlw co-upct·atron ul tht· L><:tmrwwnt u.f )ImP<' and the elrll'crt•nt I'UJ'\eyors and other officer.- of the (,oycrnnrl•lll lhrouglwut till' ( n.lun.\. thc) bo able to ndd Vl'l'Y rnall•r·inlh· to the collection of :Sew South \\'nl r, .. and m t.liC l\luscum. l;uwe,·er, how intimately 1 hi" elc>part nwnt nat u 1'111 .•t·rc•JH'l' rs rti.l'utrhcd wr t.h of lh o pr·nminrnt o[ this Colony, rrml that no gt·ulogrt•alt·ollct•twu llot·th) of the at prcset\t nvailable for· the usr of l!t udents oi' the u1· nf the• nthc•r· .nduu.rcctl (.'ountry, the ha\'C' hct'll I ce! to nHk the ll onor·ahlt: tlw l .m· ami Publi!' to a of £1.000 on the irnatt•s ln ht• lnr•l !'<•ton• l'arlrautcut. for· I he purcha!!e of such an eclucational series of geologicnl spcl'llllenH as till')' to bu 110\\ required. 6. 120-A

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Page 1: AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. MU EUM. ... that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth




~Jrcsmtcb to tJntlinmcnt, 1)11\'~lllll\l to J. ct 17 'Uict. Jlo. 2, GCC. 9.

HEPOJn' 01•' l 'l iE 1'RUS1'EES OF THE AUSTRA LT.\ X 1\ltTSEU.:\f, l•'OJt 'l'Jll~ 1E Ut ENDIXG 3lsr DECE'i\IBEH, 1877.

To Hts Exc~:t t.~:~cv TirE GoYF.n'l'on-rx-CmEF,-. 1. 'I'he TruslC'es of the .d..ustralinn i\l useum ha\'e tho honor to •mbmit to yom· Excellency thi~

thctr h\ en! v-fourth Annual Report. • 2. The )~~!<('urn hns bee~. OJ>t;_D to the public daily (Sunda~·ll cxccph·d) rlm·in~ the past ycnr. :md

the nu~tber of YI><IIOrt! ha". hcen '?·27.J. The ~rustccs ha,·ing. h:ul umlc•r e•ousidc.ration the propriety of c:tlendmg thr hour>' durmg wluch the pubhc can be ndnutll·el, rc·~rct thnt tl ha" nut hecn in thcit· power to make llut:h .alterations ns they desire .. Tl~c '<'~')' limited ><tatr of atlc•mlanls al their di~po~nl i:~ not more thnn :;ufhrtrnt to ennblr them to mamtam the prc~cnt lar~c t·nlkdioH nf ~>prdmcnll in good onlc~, to pre~e•·,·e .and prepare for c:thibitio~ tbc inc.·r·ea~ingly numcr·ou~ ).IICt'irn<'n>< '' hich are coni inun1Jy acq111rcd by dona!ton nr purcbn~e, and (durmg the few hour:~ bcfon• noun) to prt•pnrc lh<' )[u-.cum for the dnily influx of \isitor:i. .An increa~e of the annual endowment Nullit-it•nt to nllm1 ut' the appointment of another cleaner aml nlt<'mlant wouJd enable the Tr·m•lce~ to mak<' sue·h a n•-eli~trihution of the work of the Mu~cum a~ would allow the In~titutiou to be openrd fi1r \iHitur~< at 10 o'clot•k run. The Trustees hop~ that by th? libcrnlily of Parliament they will be placed inn pol<itinn to mak<' M> dcsirahlc n dt:utge durmg the en8umg yrar.

3. 'L'hc Trul<tecs regard with much satisfaction the iurrcascd intrrc).t \\hich the public lt:we shown in the Museum, by the number nod value of their donation!!. Tlwy dt•t~il·c pnrtirulal'!y to clmw yClur Exl'rllcncy'Mattcution ton rcry cxtcnsi,·e and vnluabl<' collection uf Xht'!ll! fr·nmall partN nf th<' \\or·ld. which hnd beC'n nc·rnnwlatecl thi'Ough a long spr·ics of year:< by one nf thC' mo~t rntlruHia~;tit· rnu~hologi,.,ts in the J\ustr·alit\n ('oloni<'s, autl which woulel pr·obably havo been lost to Now Huuth \\'nlc~ but fell' tho munificent libct·ality of 'l'horr.a~ Wallter, 8~q., of Yar·nlla, whu pu r·t·ha~rd nnel prr~cntctl it without Knlieitution ou Lire lllll'L of the ' l 'ru~tcc~<, anti derottitE'd it in the 1\fuscum without Ollt' fnr·thin~ of l'.\(lC'Il~<· In the lnl'tituiion. 'rho 'l'rulllcr~< arc C'ncouragec to hope that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth<•rs of the li kc ox lent lm<l \'niuc. '!'hey l'egr·cl exceedingly that, for· t ht' want oft he r!'t•t·<·H~JII')' ~how-t·a><cs, the) are for· the prc~rnt unabk• to ex hi bit to Htc public generally a collect ion uf '' hidr H) drwy mn.1 ju><t ly be proud. The TruHtces are also indebted to the Smithsonian lnstituiion at "'a~hin~::tun fur· nn impm·tant t•ollec·t ion of fishes from the cast c·oa~t of :Xorth America, to Prore~>'OI' Ynn ll aydn and Lic·utcnnnt \rht•clcr, F.S.-\., for hnnd~omc seric~ of photographs obtained chicfl.r in t'olcradu and Kt•w ~ ( e,ic·o uy the ::::d<'ntific Rxploring Expeditions fitted out by the "Gnited • talcs Go\'crnmcnt, anel to tho Commi,.,.ioncr,; .for Xew out h 'ValeK at the lntl'rnnt ionnl J<~xlubition, Philndelphin, fur a t·ollt·t·l iou of ~pecinwns of lode tm.

4. The Tru><tec>' h1n·e acqui1·ed b.r purchase :mel exdran!{<' H'\ ('ral. collct'l ion" of rare and Yaluable ~pccimens in \ariou~ branche~ of natural histor.r, more particular!) in Ormtlrol?gy; and th~y Cl peel -.hortlr to be able to arran~c for such a l'o;:>tematic and Cltcndcd c•orrespondt·ncr \\llh tlw puhlrc )fu~eum,. :md Scientific I n~<lit ution\i of Europe · nnd Americn as w~ll condut•t• i~r a l:l~gc elt:~n·~ _to the pr?h~e><s of natural ~Cil'nee and to the acquisition on the part of tlus ::\[uH•um ol typC'>< rn \\ hwh tl rs uow deht•tent.

G. 'l'bc Trn:>tl'l'H have rcqucl.'ted Archib::Utl J.irer,..iclgc, E'tj., l'rotc><snr nf (-lct>ln!.:y ancl )Iinet·alo;..•y in the Unhcr"ity of 1-io;dnPy, antln )[ember of their Boanl, llll\1 on hi" 1111)' tu Europe.• n~ a t'nnunbsioncr for the Colonv at the' forthcoming Exhibition in Pari~. le> t•\pt•ml till' sum of C I .000, '' hich wa-< appro. printed by Parliament in the year 1877 for the purcha~c of mineral :-pt•t·irneu" n ml t·:N''• :~nrl I he aruou!1l hns been remitted to London fur that purpose. The Trul'tt·t·~ t•nn>rdc•t· tlrat.:.m·h a coiiN:twu n, lh~y ''ill p~obably acquirr through this nrrangcment ,dll be not only grNii1y urtcn•slm~ to tht• gc·ner·al pubhr. but wtll be of ~:~pecirrl ~:~chola,tic ,·alue ro young persons whoRl' tn:<lt·~ ur (HII'"".''" lllll) lca,l them to e~ler· upon the ~tudy of geology. 'J'he Trustee~ hope t11J\t, hi tlw co-upct·atron ul tht· L><:tmrwwnt u.f )ImP<' and the elrll'crt•nt I'UJ'\eyors and other officer.- of the (,oycrnnrl•lll lhrouglwut till' ( n.lun.\. thc) n~oy bo able to ndd Vl'l'Y rnall•r·inlh· to the collection of :Sew South \\'nlr, miu~·r·nl~<, n>t·k~ .. and lt~~~r_l~< m!'~' m t.liC l\luscum. Cori~:~idct·iug, l;uwe,·er, how intimately 1 hi" elc>part nwnt ~~~ nat u 1'111 .•t·rc•JH'l' rs rti.l'utrhcd wr t.h ~omc of lho pr·nminrnt iudu~tt·ies o[ this Colony, rrml that no gt·ulogrt•alt·ollct•twu llot·th) of the name~"' at prcset\t nvailable for· the usr of l!tudents oi' the C'nirl'r~ity u1· nf the• nthc•r· 1t·~~ .nduu.rcctl ~··l~olnMtte l nstitution~ol'thc (.'ountry, the 'l'nrslce~> ha\'C' hct'll Ice! to nHk the ll onor·ahlt: tlw ~lmr~tn l.m· .J u!!lr~e ami Publi!' lnt~trudion to plit~:c a ~.>urn of £1.000 on the 1~8~ irnatt•s ln ht• lnr•l !'<•ton• l'arlrautcut. for· I he purcha!!e of such an eclucational series of geologicnl spcl'llllenH as till')' e·orl~t<ll·t· to bu 110\\ ~o un~cutly required. 6.


Page 2: AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. MU EUM. ... that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth

li. Owill" to tho hllo pot·iml or tho yeat· :tl \1 hich ilhe \Ulu of' J.;.)UO tor "llecitnCll>; and fit.tiugs became ;wail able an".m~cmenh coultl nuL he made tilt' lhc s tti~ l' H'f orr <'xpenrlllua·e of lite whole !!tun bcfvl'C the :l is t of December, 1::>77. \·ouchea·s and a ~latcment showing Lite p1wliru~ar:1 of Lite C.\.pcmlilu a·o will be fonnll'Cietl to I he A mlito1· <+cnera I.

i. A Cullcclot· of spcrimcns of X1tLu a·:tl Hisloa·y ltaviug beeu en.~agcd under Ia,·ourablc circum­slauces (hll'ing the lntle!' part of the year, wa» sent to :Sew Guinen, '' here he hns succeeded in reaching a puiut on the island SO mile~ distant from Lhe t~hore; and lhc 1'1·ustces t herefore confidently hope shortly fo rcceiYe largo ttnd valuable ttdditious to Lheir collodion ft·omlhaLalmosL une:\plot·ed island, \\'hiclt hns ln.t.ely bet'ome :m object of so great and inr·a·ea~ing interest to m:my of out· entct·pri!!ing colonists a1:1 to justify an cxpendit.urc much grealet· than that which has been inctLrrcd.

S. The Tt·ustees a·egret to repo1·t the re:;ignnlion of !he llouorablc \ nlliam 1\[nclca.y, ) l.P., l:'.L.t{., who has for sixteen years past occupied n sent nl tl1is B()anl.

D. The Trustees regret, to :<tat<llltal.. notwith11landi ng thci ,. llh·enuous t'UdC<\\ ours to bring nU d ii:!]Htie~ with Ll1eir late Cun1tor to a sali:;[aclory conclusion, and lo rclie,•e the luslituLion of tho custody of the ''hole of the property which tbey could admit to belong to him, 11Htt gentleman has tboughL fit lo bring :ut action to reco,•er em·tain medals :twarcletl to him as Curator ot' lbe :Museum in respect of property of tbe 1\Iusewn o~hibitcd on l'arions occasionl', at the expen8C of tho :Museum, allCl certain specimens and article$ of rlothil1g and furniture alleged to h:ne breu detained \Jy the 'l 'rustees. The Ct·own Kolicitor was authorized by the Minister ol' J ustieo and .Public J nstmciion to defend the action, which came on for irial in Lhe Rupreme CoUt·i on Novcmbc1·, aml l'CRulted in n verdict. against tbo Tt·ustees of £50 damages for tbe tempot·n.ry detention of the plaintitrs property, wh ich had been returned to him before tho commencement ol' the action, and the fm·thca· sum of £850 in addition to tlte sum of £25 which the 'l'ruslces had been advised to pny iulo Court a~ amply suOicienL lo covet· the value of the articles lo which tho plaint ill' c·oukl show e'·eu <t colour ol' tit le. Notwith$tnncliu~ lhe aslonil:!bmenL of the 'l'rustees at this most unexpected result, they yielded to the advice offet··ed by their couusel and by Lho l'omt, aod crffm·cJ ()y wny of' COllljii'Otnisc to 1-(ii'C up the tnedalt-~ and othct• property claimed. and to pay lhe further Sum of ,tl7.3 in addition to the £2.:5 paicl into l'om·t, but thi:~ offer wall rejected by the plaintiff, whereupon a rule nisi lot· a new !t·ial was gmuled b.v the Court.

10. The Trustees have io a·cporL that during the scar 1t continuous impro1•cment has taken plncr in the numbct·, chamcter, and ~<tale of preservation of the exhibits, and th:tt numerous du plicate specimens ha,·e been actjllired fo r rcplncome1tts and exchanges.

11. W hile the Trustees regard the presormliou and increase uf Lhc l\lnseum colleciion~< as their rhief duty, ~<till the.v are not inscu~ible lo tho importance of enlargiug the educal.ioual value of the l n~( iht.1 iotl by all other mea~s in theit· pow.or. Thc.v cu~siclct· it dcsit·~tblo. llt ~L a :serie~ of populadectures, amply tllusl~·ated by approprtalo examples m the collcchon, shoultl be. per10chcally deh~ered, more plll·ticu­lnrly on subjeCts com•ecled with lhe geolo~y anrlminemlogy of the colllltt·y. The 'I't·usl.ees arc prepared to :trmnge for the delivery of such lectures if the neres~ary fund:; be pt·ovided by Parl iament.

12. The contents of the ,\ ppcndices a1·c-T, the balnncr shoot for the yeat· 1877; Il, a list of bookl<. PIII'Cha~cd oul or lite Endowment Fund l'or the M useum Library j 111, a list of books acCjUit•ctl by clon;thon ; IY, :tLieml.ancc or ri:;itot'S; \ ', attendance oE lhu Tt·ustceK; n , list of donation\!. Yll lis t of spe~imen~ acqltinxl by exchange; Ylll, lii:it of specimens purchased; [X, parlicul:u·s of work dou~ by the la:ml.erantsi&.

7 March, 1878. (L.S.)

A. W. SCOTT, 1YI.A., Chairman.


B.n,.\:-iCE SHEET of the Trustee~~ of tbc .\.uslralillll Museum loa· the year encliug 31 Decem be•·, 1 77.

~ ~

1876. DCl'. 31

!) 20 .. 1877.

.)uu. 18 ... l•'ch. 1 . i\Jnr. i

.. 2(1 . ,\ pril I .. .:l luy t ..

, ,June ;July

G . J .. 2 .. 2 ..

., 31 ... St•pt. L .. Od. I ... .. ~OY. Dec.


;; ... 1 ... 1 .. .

lo .. . 31 .

'l'o baillncc for~Vnru ..... .... ...... .. , Colonial Treasurer.. . .. .......... .

£, ~. ,l, , 103 4 6

41 13 4

2:>0 0 0 11 ];i 4 11 l:l 4 4l l:J I

................. :!:lU 0 U Jl la t

... .. . . .. ;;oo u o · .... ......... 41 13 ·I .. ...... , . . . ·11 1!) -~

... .. .. .. .... .. 2~0 0 0

... ......... .... ·ll 13 •1

... ..... ...... . •Jl 1:3 I

.. . ... ... . .. 250 0 () . .. .... .. .... .. ·11 13 4 .... .... .... .... .. H 13 4 .. .......... .. . .. 41 13 4 .. ....... ......... ,1,500 0 0 .... .. ...... .... .. 41 13 4

£ 13,614 17 10

, buluuce (or\\ Ul'<l ...... , .......... t! i'i·JS 7 [J

D cccmb<'l· :Jl , 1877,-Uy :;alnl',l' of t'm·nto•· ............ .... .. ,. :<dtoric• of Sccl'ct:u·y, ttu.idormists,l

nll•·mlnnl•, nnd collectors .. .... .... .. .. }llll'!'h6•C of ~pecimcn8. .. .. ............. .. n !thO\\' C'H<:.t''l ..... . ••• .• • •• • . •• •• ., implcmcnh nmt lit1 iug~ .. ., chcmiC1>1. .. . .. .. . ... . . . ... ,. Cullcr lor, P•''"onnl<•xpcn>e• ami onpplic' ,. book~ for libl'llry . . . .. .... .. . . .. " priuting and slntiolll'l',\ . . . .. . ... ., !Xl>lugo and petty dbbua·,..,n~nt> ., l'nd . .... . .. . . ...

£ ~. rl. 500 0 0

Sl!l <!- o 123 ., (l

&0 0 0 :l!l )0 :;

GG Jt V 18 6 l l n ~ :; rt 18 17 (j

$3 ;; 1 () f) 0

,. •·c111ittm1l'C t.o ·Loudou foa· t lac pau·claa<c of uuucml sprcimvn•. l'll~cs, &c. . .. .... 1 .~1:10

" bnlnncc (orwnrd ..... ....... . _........ ol8 0 u i !J


Page 3: AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. MU EUM. ... that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth


.\ PPl~XD1X Xo. JJ.

Boo"s purd1a,cd unl of thE' Endcm mcnt Fnncl for lltl' )fu,rum Lilmll'y. l'>ii .

• \ nnuh• of Xnluml Ifi,lon. Atlwnreum. • I hiS. Xnlnr<'. Philol!Ophical :\f&!,'IIZin('. Trun-actiot" of the En~omologi<-nl • o.·i1·h. \" osng._ .. of t hf' '' Ere bus" nud "i 't:'rror/' 2 ,·oJ ... '\"omt•nclnlor "\'1-ium Xeotropirnlium. Exotic Ornitholoey. Uutlt•r'• Cnlnlogur of Xcw Z<-.1lnn1l L<>pidoplt•rJ. Pr.wt'<'C.lin!(' oft lw Zoologtrol Rociet ,., 1 72, part' 1, 2, 3

1873, .. 1, 2, 3. 1871, , I ,!!, 3, 4. 1875, , 1, 2, 3, I. 18i6, ft 2, 3, 4.

.. , 1877, ,. I , 2. ~.l't·an•nl'lion" of lhl' Zoological Society, vol. YlT, purls 6, 6, 7, 8.

11 ,. Vll!, 1,2,6,7,8,9. IX, ,. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 7, 8, !l, 10, 1 L

X, If 1, 2.


Boo~s acquired by donatiou, 1877.

PTI'&<'ntcd by Dr. Jamc;; IIcclor, F.R ., C.:\l.G., Wellington, Ne" Zt•lllund :­Cntllloguo of Crnslacere, N .Z.

,. Lepidoptel"ll!, ,. Ehll'enth Annual Report of the Colonial :\In~um nnd Labornlor.r. Orological Survey of Xew Zealnnd-RI'port•, 1873 -4.

Maps of the Buller Cool Fi~ld. Metrorological R eport, 1876.

187<1 6. 1876-7.

Presented by the Smith!'Ouian Imtilntl', WMhington, D .O., t:: nit~>d Stl\ltJ :­Smithsoniun Report, 1875. BuU~tin of l\[m~mn of Comparoti,-e Zoolog,J ot H urrur<l Collt•gt~~ol. TIT, No•. 11- 1<1.

:lft•utoir, of ditt~, vol. TI, No. U. ,, u IV, ,, 10.

,\ nnuol R eport of fltc Tru•tcc-, ditl{), 187i>.

]>a't'scntt>d b~ Ro.~al Society o f Ta•nuauio :­PnpcrA, Prt)('~e<lings, nnd R~port.

A PPEXDIX No. 1\' .

• \ ttondancc o£ Yit<itor:-; during 11-177. ~tomh

.Tuntllll') . ... . . .... , . ... .. •.....•. . .. •..... •• . • ..•

Februa'ry . .... .... .... .... . .. ........ ............. . .Horch . . ..... . ..... . .. ...... .. ........ .. .... .. Avril. ...... ...... ...... . .... ... .... ... . . May .... ..................... ....... ....... .. . Jun~ .. ....... . . ......... ... .. .......... .. .... . July .. .. .............. . ...... .. ... ... ...... .... . August . ................. • • September .... .. ... ...................... . Ortobcr .... .. ............. .... .. .. ........... . No~embt;r ....... ......................... .. .. . · · December .................... . ...... .. ..... ... ..

Nn nr l>:t.~oe 27 !H 2:i 21 27 26 21 26 2~ 25 !H 2:;


APPE..,DJX :Xo. Y.

Attendances of the 'fruatces, 1 77.

Official Trtt.\ltt$.


8,900 4,0i7 4,516

10,29!1 5,575 6,<103 6 ,2tG 5,172 ~.88 1 5,303 G,l78 7 ,726


Ui.t H onor t hr Chief Justice ............. - ..... .. ...................................... . 'rite H onorublt• lho Coloniul Secr!'tnry .. .. ... ....................... · --·.. ... .. . ...... · Th~ H o nornblr the Coloniul Tt·rosut·cr ....... ...... ........... - - ......... · ....... ............ --'l'ho lfonorablo the Altorncv Gcncrnl .. ........................................ ..... .. .. .. 'l'ho ]'resident of the Coloninl Medical B oord ........ .. ............. .................. ...... .

i/:~ ~~~:~~~~~rG~~~~~ll ._::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ·:: The Colon in I Ardailcel ................................................... .. ...................... .. ~'lw Collcrtoa· of Cu~loms ................... ....................... ............................. .. .

,. 15, Ill.

0 0 0 0 (1

0 1 (l


Page 4: AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. MU EUM. ... that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth


C'row11 'l'rrtllrt.

'l'lw Honornhl.-. ir E lwwd Dt'a<·Thom"'n, KC.'( 0., )[. P.

Elcrlirt Tru.rlul.

D.·ll•,.•u·io .John, E..-q., D .D. . ..... ............. ................. ............ ............ ...... ...... 3 Co•, J nnws C., .1!::..-q., M.D., 0.:\l.Z. '. ...... ..... .............. .................... .... .. 5 11•11. Etl"n""l '., Es•h J.P., C .lLZ.S .............................. ,.................... .. ...... !) J .... •r-.idl(•'• .\.rt'hibald, E>q, Prof~r of Ol'Oio,ey, l:lyllney Unm!r-~ty ... ..... ..... .... 10 :\[ndtnJ, Pat rick, E-q............. ................................. ...... ...... ................. ... ... 11 )!organ, C.,, by \Vi..llillut, E.q., )!.D............................................................... 4 Norton .Jnnw-., E,q.... ... ... ........ .... .. .... ..... .............................. ......... .... ........ 9 Onslo" , .Arthur, Cnptnin, R .:'\., :U.P ......................... .................. .. : ... .. ......... 4 Roh<'rt•, .Ufn.'ll, Esq., :U.R .C. ... .. .... .. .. . .. ... ..... . .... .. ... ...... ...... ...... .. .. .. .. 4 U u,,.-U, 11 ·nry Chomoorlain<', E-q., Qo,·~rnmcnt Al.tronomcr ........ .................. .. . 0 St•ott, Al~undcr 'Yulkcr, Esq., :\l.A. ... . . .. ...... ...... ... ...... ... .. .... .. .......... ..... .. . 13 St~~ekbou,e, 'fhomns, Commonder, R.::s'. ........ ............... .............. .... ......... ...... 10



An Opossum (Cusc111 o•·il'llialis), from the Duk() of Y ork's Ielnnds ............ J 'rho R ev. G corgo Brown. One Skull of do. do. do. .. ......... . 'l 'wo Black Hats (Jilus r1rltua) ... ............ .................................... .......... .. .... .. J ]~ S Ilill .E~q C )f z S Nine Flying l•'oxo~ (Pieropu1 polw~phalus) ...... ...... ............... ... ... ............ ...... •· · ' ·• ·• · · · A I'll• Cub ( T'ulJIM t•u('laria) . . .. ... .. ... ... .... . ............. .... .. .. . .. . .. .. . .... ........ . ... The Secretory of the IIunl Club. 1~11 Orit•ntul ?JlOi'Sll!ll (Cutc_ut ori~lalis) . .. ...... ................ . .. ......................... ·· J E. P. Rnmsay, F.L .. Four Oul$ ( rolopluf111 1110rto) .......... .. ... ........................................ .. ........ . .. A Nallvt• Cut ( Dl<~I/III'IU cicerinus) ....... ........ ................................. .. ........ .. Mr. M'Sbeennn. Four Unt• (ScotoplailNs morio) ................... .. ... ... .............................. ... .. ... .. P . E. P ed ley, Esq. A !I at (T'ln•ol•s !JOU/lli•) ....... . ....... ... ... ........ . . . .... .... ... ... ... ..... .... .. ... .. D r. Barkll!', Bombllln. A llBiformed Horn of an Ox............ ...... .. .... .... ............... ........... ... .. ~Ir. F. \V'. JoncF. An Echidrm (7'arh_vglouusla•rai•), from Porl Morosby, New Guinea ............... .. The Rev. M r. Lawt"'. A ~lonk.•v (S-.nHopillttNJs sp.) ... ..... ....................................................... 5 A M&rnuiL (.J ~·clum!ts •p.) .... . . ........... ................ ............ ................ Mr. Jolmston,•, of Bailc]·, Cooper,& Co. A llonkcy l/m't'fiCIU sp.) ... ......... ... ... . .. . ......... .................. ... ........ .. 'l'wo Bat& (PhcufNt 'JI·)• from Bourke ........... .............................. ............ .. J. Ramlll]", E,q. A Younl( lil.lluJ: Fox ( Pitropul J10li~phal11.t) .......................................... .... )[r. II. Eug~>nc, Sydnry. Tho Skull of 1\ )[ou.c (Jfus 1111Ut'U/11.t) .. • • .. • .. •• • ...... ... .. .. •• • ... .. .... •• ... • • .... .. .. .. .. )[r. J. Currugnti. A PI ( · 11 11 h • {Mr. 1<'. :\[iddlchurst, Pamun:lttt~·st recl, ntypu• ( Jr,lll ur ync us anattniU) ........ ... ... ...... ... . ..... ..................... ... ... Sydney.

A Ouincu·piJ! ( Carin nptrfl'a) ......... ............. ............. ..... .. .......... ........... .. lllr. Nt·llH'S,. ydncy. A Pltltypn< (Oru•llwrhy•wh 11s analinus) ... ...... ... . . .. .... .. ....... ................ ... Cha~. Smith, Esq. Set of ~tol form•••l IIoofs of a Cow ... ... ... .. ... . ......... ... ...... ............ ............ ... Mr. lloldon, J3urra"nug. 'J'hc Skull~ uf 'l'wo A boriginuls-llile nnd Female ... ...... ... ... .. .... .... .. ..... ... . .. .. i:\'lr. P oU1 Cown1. A llhlt'k n,,t ( lfus mttut) . . ....... .... ............. . ............. ..... ..... ...................... } M R '1'1 Skull of ;lfnc,·opu.t maju•· .. ...... ...... ... . .. ... .. . . .. .. . .... .. ......... . .... .. .. .. .. ... .. .... . .. . .. r. · lOTJ}C. A Shor1.·1llilotl Opo~•um ( Custms br6ricaudttlus)1 from Cnpo York ...... ... .... .. ... .. .... Mr. ·w. l'owcll, Someroet. A Nntivo ll~nr (f'!l ,,.,.uhu·rlos t·inerea)........... ...................... .......................... Master W. \\'ltit.fic-ld, R)'de.

~~:::: ~j : ~110 ~ ( Ursu.• fm.r) ................................. ··· ............................. . } Dr. l~i~cboJ<r, i\Incqlll'lt'ic·~l reel, Sydn~y. oltlun (Delpltmu.t .tp.) ..... . .............................. ... ...... ... ............. ..

An Albi110 Opomun ( Jllwltrll.'lislt< mtlpbra) ........................ ......... ...... .... ........... 1•'. 'l'od hunt ~r. Esq. A J31uok Rnt (.1/t<s rat/ut) ..... ... ... ...... . ..... ... ... •. . ...... ... ... ... ... .. ....... ........ ~11·. 'fhonuu Prntt•. A Monkey ( l'apiCJ mormo11) ........................................ .. .... .. .......... ........... }' A Sklllrton of :1 'li'igt'r (fiHi• til,ri.t) ..... . .. . ............................................... . A Olfto•k Spid~r·monk~y (. lh!t8 II(IJer) .. • ... . .. . ........ .................. .......... ...... :\fr. J ohn•lOn(•, of Duilcr, Cooper, & Co. A Sputlt•tl lf~·wnu ( J~qa·,rll mat•11lala) . ... ............. ...... .............................. ... . • An Ap,• ( Simiu .•fll(t/1'11<) .. ..... . ............. .. ............................................. . 'l'~<o Whit.• R"b .1/u$ tltruuuw"·') ....... .... . ... .. ...... ... . .................. . ~~i~~ Ko't••n. An Echitlnn ( 7'•rrh!t!!lonu< w·ttlf•r/ll.t) ... . .. . ........ .... . . .. ...... ... ...... ... ..... . 1'. l[n(•klll , F.-q., P 11rramntta. \ n E.-loi•lua (!fl"·""·' nrul•alu.,) • .. . .. ...... . ..... •• ... .. .................. .. "} •

' l' wo HU<•L \\'BIIubtc< ( Ptlrogcrl~a pMnicflloln) .. .. ............... .... ..... .. ......... • • ']''' ? \\'nllnbat•s ( f[,rfm.r/uru& 11nlalmlus) . ........ ................ ........ ............... )fr. :Suth, (,lrh<'. !']' l'i~}l of l'oul • Opo-,um (PIIulcmgialfl rookii) .... .. •••. ... .. ...... • • ........... .. \'';! 1\Ul•{ll"' ·'J~·>· from. R•~hmontl R i..-er .................................. . ~........... Mr .• \. ,J. H 1·ndt•l'l>On. \ 0 uton•K 81 Aut fhrt·~ \oung · .... .. ........... ..... .. ......... . ............... .. )[r. EBruc~, Oxford·olrcct. • ,~"''"! llllJ.,'lli'OO ( .ll<lt'ropul mujor) ............ ............ ..... ... ...... ............ ... . . .. ~Cl 'f F. F L S B

1 ·

~~~·;n~;~;,~;=~~~~~~:,·;~;:tuc~~ ~;~~~~~~~.::.::·::::::::·::·:::::··::::·:::::::::::::::::::::·:· 5 ~: ... i'r~.r<', ·~·· ... , o amc A ' ounf.( Upo.-um ( l'halatgi•ln rr~lph111) )[ I{ Tl A llru,IHmlc'tl l'ha ... 'O<'U!.• (B. ,,nirillala) ..................... • ........... •·• .......... · ·} • r. • lOrp•'· A Uut (Scolop!tilrtt mo;i") . "' .......... :::.::......... ... ..... . .......................... Cnpt. On·lu", R.);. )l nlfortllt~l ll oof~ or nn 0 ........................................ .. A X r . C' (IJ ~ .. " · ................. · .. · ..... ...... ........................ :\fr. Nnthalt Hall. \ G a •n 1• at '"-''"'"·' r•r~I'IIUt.t) ..... ................. • .. .... ... ...... • • ... ...... ... .. )fr. n. N!'\\l'OUll'.

1\•ot UlllJ.,~II'<>O (.li ucropu .. major) ...... . .. .. .. ...... .. • ............... )I r. M uir l),•ni<'Un·,t rc'(•l. '~ (htllll'llj.l'l~- f c,,.,1,~ ap<rt>a) ... ... .. . ... ............ ........... .... ....... ... . ... ~I r K o: ,V. Pulnocr. • )<lUng ~·· 11< ua ( arh,t/!1/o~"'s act~l•alus) .. .. .............. .................... . ......... llf r. ,J. \\"ilrox.


\\ '


1 Fit(llf'~,.(1 /o:~tr~ldtt lempornlis) .................... ................................ J

• un .. •\·(•u N' 1 Oli4Jttkca) · J\ "11r1'k1', ( " 1 1 J. 1 1 ·)·· ...... ·· ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... ... .. .... ... ... . .. :l[r. Ilmd,•r, Pelt'r>hnm.

n r a t'ltn,·u «$ ron a us A Fiji Purt'ol (!Jrilnir~ll" l't ·. .. ... ................................ " ................. "".. ' · 'l'wu'Orio/11~ /ltcrtH'illlus . ~0 1 mws) .................................................. ........ . ~lr. l\I 'C'nllOt·h. 1rwu C'i't"prci" l!wra all1erli:·· .... .. · ·· ........................ "· ....................... ··· "'} (Jtu' •"'1/nt.iittu,· ~;,,,.,,,,;., (voun ' ···· ·· ..... ......... .... ................ · ... ····•· ...... ... ... ' ~ Oow 1Jit•tu<mlii1•11111[j1111~e11111 1!,~ ....... ::::·:.:·.::·.: ·:.·.::::::·:.:............... ....................... .. Mr . • T. A. 'Ihm·p~. Out• (',w'l"fllm_qn ktttt• . . .. ......................... · · · ....... · ................................... .................................. , .

Page 5: AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. MU EUM. ... that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth

BIRDS-conlinued. I'RES'E!ITED DV

} 'ifl' Arlam~t lltptrriliolul .. ... . ... ... .• . . . .. ... ... .. ... ... ... .... ••........ ... ...•.. ... .. Mr. ,\ cUnnd. A Phca-nnl·tuilcd Pi~tt'On (Jlarropggia pllalilllltlla) .... . ........ .••• •...•.. ...... . . "} A Dluc JRy (Orattrnlu.r m~nlalu) ........................................................ . Two Udl Uird• (Jf.v:alfflla mtlanopllry•) •. ... ... ... ...... ........... ... ... .. ... ............... E. G. \\'. Pnlmcr, E.q. A Pa.rur domtfl1c11 . ... ... .• • . ... ... . .......................... .. .............. ......... . A Flycatcher (RMpi•lwra moladlloidu) .................... ............................ .

A Ni~thl Jar (.Ef1otlltlu Mra·holl4ndi~) ................................................. ... { Ch01ll'l<•• Wilkin"<lr ~·1• _E,q., F.G.S., epnrt mcnt o .• '"'"·

A New Ouint't\ Kingll•hcr (1Ja~lo !JIIu<iicllawtlii) ............ . ................... ...... , The Ht•v. Mr. Lftwco. A Many·rolourcd Edc.•t U'! (Ecltclu.r polgclllon•-•) ... .............. ...... .. ... ......... ...... The R··•. 0. ll. ~fhomp!On. AD Au.trolian Jlustanl (Eupodolu autlralu) .......... ..... .................... ............ l A Cool (FNl•ct• Ollllrali•) ....... .. .............................................................. . A Crow (Cor rill .rp.) ............................................................................... . A Red and Jllue :\[acaw (.tlra ararauna) ....................................................... . A Ooot•uckor (Podargus 1/rigoidu) ..................... .... .. ........... . .............. .... ..... . A Ros<J CocknlOO (Bolopl•u.s ro•~icapil-14) .................... ............. ....................... . A Great Kin~eflehcr (Dn~lo gig111) ............................................................. .. A PaciJlc l<'ruil·pigcon (Carpoph"!Jtt pacifica) .............................................. ..

Do. do. ( Carpopltaga, amn-•) .................................................. . . .. A Pl•ca88nl (hybrid) ...... .................................. , ........................... ........... . A Oold Phcnean~ (TIIauma/"a, picta) .................. ... ...... .. .... ............ ... .... ... ... .. A Southern Pln~y;corcus (P. nclelaidim) ............ .. . .... .. ....... .. ...... ................... .. A QueonslRnd P atycorouR (P. palluliceps) ...... .... . . ... ... .. .... ......... ......... ......... ... Ohas. 1\f<)oro, Esq., F.L.S., Botanic A W hito llawk (Aslr.r 11ovm·hollandim) ......... ... ... ... ... . .. ...... ...... ... .... .. ......... ... On !'dons . .A.n ]£mu (Dromai11s IIOVtr·hollandia) .............. ....... ........ .............................. . A Silvor PbcMtm~ (Euploxamus nyclhemerrr4) ... ........ ....................................... . An AdjnlnnL (Lcptoptiil14 orgala,) .. .... .. ... .. . . .. ... .... .. .. . . . . ... .. ....................... . .. A Lnn<l·rRil ( llgpoltfnitlia au8iralis) ........................................... ................ . A Culiforninn Quuil (Ca/lipepla <·alijornica) ................................................. . .A. 'ew Guinc11 Pnrrol (Ecl~~IUI ]JOI!Jdllorus) ................................................ . .A. Rcd·bill (Porpllgrio m~ln11otus) .................... ........................................... . A CurMsow (Jfilua lubtrosa) ... ...... ....... . ............................................. . A Chick o£ do. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . • . . . . . . . ...................................................... . A Criml!Oll·\\ ingcd l'arroL (Pii41~s ~rgthropltru4) .......................................... . A Jl\biru ( Jf.'lrlf'l'in au.•lralil}, young . . .................................................. . A Dull·fincb ( Cardutlilt tmlgari1) ... . . ............................. ........ . ........ ..... . A Cm11c ( Gru <lullralosiallul) ... .. ... ..... ...... ...... .... .. ............ ......... .. ........ ) A Polgl~li" (youn~:) .. ... .. . ..... .. . ... ..•.. .. ..•. • ... ............... ...... .. ..... . A :\lock tw~:••nt bml (Jhliplla,.qa phr.t~.'lin) ........................................... .. A Bittcm (Bo/arrrut aus/rllliJ) ............................................................ .. A Ro.c·brca•tt~l Robin (Er.vlluodr_l(as ros~a) ................................. ................. . A Plalflrt'1'ruJJ punanlii .................................. .. A Nt•W z~nlnnd R•il (Or_ltdrOmltS arrslralul . . .................................. .. A Lord Ho.-c'• l•lnnd Ra1l (Ucydromus •.vl~.vlris) .............. ... .... ... ...... ........ Chn•. Uoore, E"'·• F.L.S., Dot.auir An E mu (Drumrtitls tiOr«·holhwtlia:) jut'. ... ...... ... . .. .. .......... .. .... Gar<lt•n•. A Hybrid r>uck • . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . • . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .................... .. A Tal~qalla /rtlllami . . . ... . .. ... ... ... .. . .. . ...... .... ......... . A Crim~~<>n·win~;t•<l P1rr<1l (Pfisle.t ugtltt•upter~u) .. . .. . ......... ····· A beautiful Orouml Parrot (P"~J,Mllls pulch~ri111/UI) . . .. .. . .. . .......... ··· .. · ;\fr. '\'en•·t••, ~uw Market~. Sydney. Two Qnrrn~luntl l't~lo·hcatlcd Gronncl l >arrot;• (Plalgcercu pallitiicep.t) A Oalifornifin Quuil (Callip,.pla calijo,·nica) . .... .. .. ............ . A Or<•y Tlawk (. hfrtr cilr~nus) ............................................. · .. .. A Cocknloo Pnrnll (.':vmphirut IIO<'fe·lwllmulire) ... . ..... . .......... ................ .. A Orccn·bnckcd Ot·iolc• ( Jfim~ta riridis) .... .. .................................. · .... .. A Oralli11a 7Ji~ata ........................................................ .. A Flycn~hcr (.~1iCI'reca);,sci~~tms) ........... .................................................. M•·· A. Oolclit•. A lloney·cnl~t· (Jlf~lilhrt·plus lrmulalus) .................................................. .. A Rcd-bronstcd Robin ( PelrU'ca mrdicolur) ............................. ·· .... .. ... .. ... · A \"ollow·brm•tcd Robin ( Eop.•ai/J·ia twsfralis) .......................................... . Two Patstr domeslira . ....... . . .................. ··· ....................... .

~fi•• S•mt>-on. Mr G. W. tru.kin~. ,J. S. Snuth, Esq., 'LL .. \. Mr. E. G.""· l'ahn,·r, llur\\OOtl.

One Yt•ll<>w·tnft<·rl Hont'y·<'lll.,•· ....................................... . A l'nrtlnlotc {l'llrtllllolu.r a.r1imili.r) . ... . .. ...... ....... ... . .... · ·· ..... · .................. · A 0 06tsur·klor ( l'odar,q11.• .tlri.IJOide•) .............. ·· • · ..... ··· ... A Dollar-bird ( f.'t~rqAIOIIll/.f fllt..tlrnlit . . . . . ............... · ......... ··· ......... .. 'l'wo Wnrl) ·t,.rt·d J(oncy-<'lllt:rs (Xmalhom!f:O pltr!Jtlilr) ..... .. · ........ · · ..... ,J , J .. t .. •tplr~~<m, F.•q. 'l'wo Rillt•·bil'\18 (Crrnpl'<fophora nlberli) ........... .. ............... · .......... ... } ~fr. \\'nll~r l'uw~ll, Sonwr..:t. One Eurgsfomut arrtlralit . .. . .. .. . . . ···· · · ... · · .............. ·" " A Uoney·etltt•r (,lfrlifnr. plus l>rn-irolll'is) ................... ·· ......... .......... .... .. 1 Nino Or.••· Strut hid<~" (Sirulhitl,a ~inrrea) ........................................... .. 'l'hr..'C Po;nttfu•lomu.r kupucilimut. ... ........... . ..... ... · · ·· · .... · .............. .. A Thrush (Culluririn~la hartno11iro) .. .......................................... ·.· ...... ;\[r. Clrni. llt"'MlC, DuLbo. A Hhnkc (Pulrwurulusfronlnllll) ......... . .......................... '" ........... • A Pied ltobiu (.lf,/anO<Ir.'IRI ruCIIlola) ....... ......... ................ ••· ............ " j A l<'lyrotdwr (.ll•crll'C'II Jasriluwt) . .. ....... •····· ............ •·· ·•· • ·· " Two Whil<'·Mrt'<l llonn·calcL·d (Pii/o{i$ pet~icillalus) . ........... ·••··· .. · ............. .J A J>orlarg111 •lriJfllitlel • ........... ·· ................ ·· ..... ... .......... l ~li·• \\'ctlwrill. An 0" I (Sirir drlicalulu•) . . ... . ·· ._. ..... ... ............... · " '" ( .\ Ne\\ llollrual Honcr·catt'r (Mtliurnil llora-·hollut~duz) ............ .. .... ..... ".... f A •OO·~ull (!-"""' nur:rz·llllllnmtitf) . ..... ....... . .......... ... ···· ................. )fr .• T • .\, Nurtun, Et·t·h•,buurll<'. A 81ht•r·~.Y<' (YA.,IIfOJII rrrrul ... •C<•IIS) ..................................................... •· A IJiltcrn ( flul11r11itl• • tmtrrllrlt.vm·hll) ... .. ....... ........ ..... ....... ............... ... ·· 'l'hr<•c I..nnrt .. mil•. {IJ.v11()/lf.nirli11 llrral~alis) ...... •·· ·· ······ ........................ .... ( \lr. H. St•wcomc. A l'ot•ch·"lup llu·tl (Ps11plto.t"s creplla11s) ............................................ ···· "5 A llittcrn (/Jot11urrr.t tll13lralis) ... .. .. . .............. ...... ......... .......... ......... M J! Dlut•ll Cro"n·ijlrcct. An A lootn>~• (Diomtrlta u11ltws)... . ...................... ..... ··· ··· ... ............ ... .... ) 1 r. \\;r

1 Wnr~on Dobroydo.

A Pa~iflc Heron ( ILI'rodioN pcrcijlec•) ........................................... ··· .......... · )r"' Jln~;i& Uny~nrket ydncy. A Pt•licnu (Pt•/('Ca!lua voMpic-itlalrrs)............ .. .. ................ .. ........................... ~r" fohn•l~nc of Bailc;, Cooper & Co. A l:o"' ( f.o,·irr.t .flarrt~lrrA) ... : ......... · ·· ··· ... ··· ······ · · · ..... ···· ... ............... ······•·· .. Li~;.~. J)dl, u:u .s. " ri,;<IOv." A ) tl!fow.fronte<l Lor.v (Lortus chlo1·orercus)............ .. . ...... ... ...... .. ..... • A lfn.•k (A.rlru lr~~plot•ltrOrrl)............. ..... ... . ... ..................... .. ... ..... ........ ~ ' l'wo Kingfhtlll'rA ( lflll<:IJon sp.) ... . ................................ ··· ... .. ....... ··• ··· Dr. lf11c Kinln.l', lf.:VI.S." Xymphe." ' l'wo ll llnt•y·t•nh•l'll ( Oly<·ipltifll jlr~t•olillcla) ... .............................................. . 'J'wo rl<>. (.ll.~;umtlll niyril·~nlria) ....... .................................................... '

lfr. 1\~t·n, Bnrwood.


Page 6: AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. MU EUM. ... that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth


l'Rl'SI::l:Trn IJT

' I\ • o , .Jlarif,.om ................... • · ·· .... · • · .............................. · .... • 'I'\\ o Purroh ( Tt·icAOfllouut tlla • .,tn<l) .. . . . .... • • .... .. .. • · • ••· · ..... •• · ... · .. • .. .. '1\ •o l'nlm Parrots (1.'ricllo:llosslls palnwr11111) ... ... ............. • .. • • · .......... · •

1'1\ 0 Zooi-.·OJ>< lr pllo"Opirll I" liS n I R DS-rodliol~:~:~ ·... . . . . . .. . .. .. ... .. . . ....... :I One Omuralat calt'floHiclll .. ... .. ... . ... . • ··· ...... ...... .. .. ..... ··· • Four Fhcntchcns ( JI'Iilllfi"U melaiiHrll) • .......... .. .... . .. . .. • .... .. .. Dr. ~( fi\•Kmlny, n .M.8 ... X,YIIIplit," Otw Ptgo•on ( CAtJICOJ;hc•ps santlwiclle•u it) ........................... · ... ... ... • .... J '1'•'<> , (PiifiiiOJIIII 11picalis) . . .. ................................ '" .... .. 1}'\\ 0 ., (J'/ i{iMIIJIII& C0rf"1) ... •• ........ , "•• .... "" ....... "" ... •• "" .... """ • On~ .llttcrOJI¥9ia r11jl• (sp. 11oc.) .... .. ... ·· · ........... · ... ... ... ... .. ...... .. Otw .. mtu·ki~tl<~,l(i (sp. 11or.) .. . . : . .. ....... · · .... · .......... · ·· · ... \ NnnL.1·t•n :Xil(ht·lleron (Xgriirora.r «rl,domC'I") ....... · .... .... • <\ Spoonlnllt~l t'mnc (J'Ialabirjla,.;p,.t) ......... · ....... . .\Land }!ail ( llttpol«nitlia allslrali.t) • ... .... .. ........... .. .. ... .. ........... .. ,\ O rt"cn"sluutk ( Glolil's tJiulloitlt$) ................................. · ... · ............ . · A llawk (1/in·acitfea orie11lali1) . . . .... ......... .......... • .................... . A ::!ro·!,!llll (Laru.v IIOI'tt·hollmtdi<P) ... ·: . ... .. ..• .. ... . . .. · .................... ·· • A Cnrinnt('d Flyetllohor (Jlo,rarclw carma/11) .. .. .. ... .... . . .......................... .. ' rhrtw Rcd·~) <'browl'<l T ree-creeper> (Ciimacleri.9 u glhrops) .... ......................... .. Ono lt ecl:rumpcd. 1l't·cc·rrc~per ( Olimaclel'is pgrllollola) .............. .. . .......... ..... · .. ..

\f r .• \u•tin, B urwood. )[r. A. \\' . F t•rgtu;on, Brisbane Grore i\f r. '.l' rollopc. · i\f r. Olcnn, Redforn. \!r. Onnnon, :Xewto1vn. ~lr. O r•··

'l'wo SertCIJI" IIM rtlt•to.tllllat·l/1 .......................... ............. · ... .. · .. • • .. · ....... • .. .. T"o , !llagnil·o.•lris ... .. ....... ...... ... ..... ...... ........ ... ... ..... ... .. ...... .. i\11". V. R . Rile~·, Ooulburn. Ono llooolln (l'lalgc~rctM eximius) , .. ........... . .................. , ....... . .. · ......... · .. · · • · .. · · · 'J'hl"l.'<• Plo1•N-s ( r.ubivmtellrts lobalrts) ... .. . ... .... ................................. ..... · .. · ....... . A Scn-gull (Lartts IIOt"a··lloUmtdia) ....................... ....................................... . A l'leo·gull ... .. .... .. ................................................................... . An Azuro KiugR~hor (.llr!JOII~ a:ur~a) ........................ ............................... .. ,\n I11<1inn :\linor (O,·arttla religiosa) ...................... ........................ · · A Ycllow·n~>ekcd JJitt crn (fluloroid~•Jlnt·icolli.•) .................................. .. Ono .\~•·opllila lruropti.t ....................... , .. . .. • . . Ont- Po;>pkila f1it"O}'!J.'Iin/i.• ................. .

:XE TS AND EGGS OF BIRDS. Nest ond 'ix E~:l!!' of .1Ig:a11lho .'fa1Ttda . .. .. . .. ........ .. 1' wo' or ,J ntlioch~M raruneu{a/a • ..... • .... ...... .. ....... • • ......... .. Ono Eg~ of Lubira·•~lltu> lobal tu ........................................... .. T wo x~.u of &riromis cilrrogHiaris .................................................... .. 'rwo " uJagnirotfri8 ......... ...............................•.......•....... T wo E.2g•of ................................. .


i\f r. Brmlslor . lift". w 111 . 1.0~. A. P. Wiltslure, Esq. ,J . Rnm1ay, Esq., Bourk~. ] ;t> Comtc do Cu teluou.

J ~Ir. R. 'l 'ltorp<>.

J :\Ir. F . R . R ile.r , Goulbunt.

A Dinmond Snnke (Mor~li" spilol~·•) . ... ...... ............ .. ....... .. .. .... ............. Mr . • J . 0. U ny, Lavender Bay. A larg~ Bro1~n Snake (Diemtnia lttfHrciliOia).. ... ... ... ... ...... ...... .............. .... ... Mr. S. Cook, MarricL."Tille. A R inged Snake ( l'~rtni~lla an11ulata) . .. ...... ... ......... .... .. ................... . Mr .• J. Nob!!', Sydney. The Sliin o£ '' L~r~to l3laC"k S nake, in •piriL~ ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ....... . .... .. Mr. K. .B road bent. T he slu.•tl Skin or a Diomond Snake .. ............ .. . ...... ......... ... .. . ......... .. ....... . Mr. 0 . .F. Cox. 'fwo Lizn rds (H inulia while•) ... .. ... . . .... .. ... ... ... ..... ..... ... .... .. ... .. • .. • . Mr. J . A. 'f horpe. A :U.t·l' J,tznrd (H!tclrosau.·u8 t·arius) ... .. .... .............. ..... ... ... ....... .. . ........ Mr. P . .R. Ped le~·, Calton T errncP. 'l'wo Lizards ( C!fclodus gigas) ............................. ....................... . ........... ) A Lizard ( O•:ummalopltora 0r11ala) ............................... ............................ ~ p S ]["11 I•' 0 M z s A Dt•nrdl'<l Ltzard (Orttmmf<tophora barbata) ... ............................. ......... ... ) " · 1

• .sq., · · · · A Dt-own l:!nnko (IIoploc~Jihalu# rud tu ) ................................................. .. J\ Lizortl with t wo tnib (1Ti11ulia sp.) ... ..... .... ... ... .................... .. .......... ... l)to. ' l'ucker , Oook's Hi•·ct·. A Dt•ulh.nddor (Aro nlhophismllm·clica) .................. ................ .. .. ...... .... . .. . J . U. 11oldswot"lh, E sq. A T;n(•O Lir.nrd (ll!Jclrot allrlls t·ariu.r) ................ ....... ............ .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. lilt·. U. Coclmm. A Jli ngcd Sn•.•kc ( l "trmic~lla nnnulala) ..... . ....................... . ..... ........ ... . . .1\lr . • 1. llullcu, Cook's River. A Brnl'th•tl Lli.IU'<l ( Orammolopl•om bnrbctla) ... ...... ...... .. .... .. ... . ...... ...... . .. . Mr. '1'. S. Lcip:h, Sydney. A O<•do (J)iploflflt•/glu.v milluisii) . .. .................. .......... .. , ............... ... ;\lr. R MncNab. · · A 13rond· lnilcd 0 ct·ko ( Pli.VIIIIrus ·'JI·) . .... .... . . .... .. . .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. • .. .. .. ...... · llurriu W ood, Esq., i\linr< Depart ment. 1 'hi"CC a~··kot•• (Sirophm•tt Aj)illi.f!rm) .............................................. "l A Ornmmntophoru 'Jl· . . ... . ........................................... , ... ,). J!nmen1·, .~<:•q. Fi··~ ,\tuph i<btcnn ( ( vphlup.r sp. twr.) ........ ....... , ... .... ........ . .... .. . · \ D~·nth·ntlcl~·r (. l rat1111opl•i.• ollfa,·dit·ll.•) .. ...... ...... . .... .... .................. ;\l r. ll aH'~. A ~>,tamond nnlo:t• (Ji urelir< •pi loft•) . .. . .... ... ........ .... . .. • .. . Jlon. ~:D. Gorclon. A lJipklop.• r11pptlli ........ ..... . ..... .............. • ....... .. ... ....... ~1 r. P orker, ~Innly Bt'ach. A Oeeko ( PII!JII""" plalurH$) . . . ....... • ......... .. . ...... .. . ...... ........... ~lr. \\·coh3 m, Sydncv. A Slon ·worm ( l~v.qoptt.r l<'Jiidopotlu•) . ...... .. . .. .......... • .... .. • ... .. ~Ir . . Elliott, ydney. · A LllC'l' Ltzard ( ll,vdrotaurru roriu) .. .... • ... • . ........... .... • ... ...... Mr Jrodge S1 dney A Diamond Snal.e ( Jiurelia itpilol~s) ...... ........... .... ....... ..... . • • ......... Mr: J . Ke,;l~\·. · \ Dw~~tma itp. . } • · \. Jlortlia rari~!Jfl/lt... .. .... • .".·:.:·.:::· .".::· ' • ." .::·:::::· ." .. :.:::::.· ..... lllr . .1 .• r. Ilcnclt•~n, R ichmond Rtrer. \ D~t h·nddt•r (&runihophi8 itp. 11or.) . • .. .. .............................. .

Onu B ra,.llgsoma I rut~ ... . l•'our L iatil "'"'lhgtlilllllt .. · .... : ....... :. :: .... .......... .............. .... .. ' · .... .. One 'fn'tl·anako (lJ~ndro his u•dulata ......... • .. " · ..... · .................... .. On(• 'rrce·~nakc (Di sa .• ~ ) P ) ................................... ......... • Ont• Kin~:'s Lizard (cMa,::;cl~~~;;;~~ A uooii)""'"" ............... .................. " •r,ro fJ.Itrl~iup. ..... ... . . .. ............. : .. ::· ::::.:: .... :::: ::::·::· ::· :.: .. :: 'l"wu lfunidurlgloo IJI. • .. .... .... .. ........ • • • • One Jlinulia IJI. . · ............ • • T hree Rue~·anokea (Lia.ti¥ am~ll,;tsli,;u;) · .... ·::::. ·.' .... · ...... • .... · ............ .. Orw Blork·hl>ndud Snuk~ (.1.tpidioles melmtocephal11~) , ·.:::: ·: ::::.: ·:. : • .... ... .. .. Out• .llorrlia o•a~i~gnla '1'\\ 0 flupfoci!]IIW{II.f .Yp. . ............ . Oue l.lro" n·bonded Snoko (Iloploc~plwhtll c~l"l~•). · · · .. " ....... · · " • ..... · Orw L11.o r<l (C.:vrlotlt•l .tti!Ja~) . . . .. · :·:·:.'"" ..... · • .. · ....... . A Ottt·ko ( l'/,yfltll"llll plalurltl<} · " .. " .... • · .. · .. ' · • A Lllnrcl (l-ii•li8 ~p.), from lll'\lwuri;,, · ........ . ........... • ' · ....... • J\ '~tuh·~nnp~d Snake (ilupfiJt'f'Pita/u,\:~1~.} ::: :.:::::.: .. : ··· .. · · · ·· · " •• · · "· ·· ·· · · · A Ltztu·<l (llwulin) . . . .. . • ....... · · .... · · · · " I Bhl<'k Snnkt· u·.~·lldPdti¥ JIUI"JIIi,lt>"iflrtlf) . .. ::·:.: '........ . . • .......... .

A Ur.m U·h~ncl;•cl Snn "kt• (l!oplm·'"J'Iudu• rurlu11) .. ..... • • • • ... • • • ... .. ..

Mr. W Rll<'r Po well, Somer.~et, Cape Yurl..

1\rr. G. Kablt•, Dathul"lt. l'lfr. H unt. 1\ l r. Au~tin. .J . ,J. ,fo•t•ph~uu, E~•l· 1\f •·· llirk~on. F l'(lnk ll ill , E ><J· 1\ l n•to•t• Ottl ~.

} Mr. ,J. Ploce.

Page 7: AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. MU EUM. ... that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth


ltEPTILES ~tmliuu~tf.

\ Htn;:• I "ll·•~•· (I., • .., ••t/1,. ""'"'lalu) lh I. llurJ(llll. /Jurlocf•ll 1!11"' (,.,..,~ ii lt·•·r po•l) ~I r ,\ j, \ mpln•bn 1111 ( 1)!J'M"I" • 'J•ptlli) " r 1) 1 ·ulhu•. Otw .. .. " \ lr. '1. l' ,\ Hn:n•n·bantlt I Sn11~v ( lluplo~tJ>II<Il•• r11d11•) \lr. "mtp•on. A Hhtt•·tun;;m·•l l.irartl ( C,vciucfll• oi!t"•'l •. ) I r. (l nffne'. A Dinmoml ~tlftk<• (.llor•ba $piloltt) . . . ... ... ... ... .• \I r. ll. Coo m b. •. A T.vpMupt ~'"1'1"/li . ... ...... . . . 'r r l'ro'"'· .\ Diamonrl ~ nnl t (.ll orrlut lrjillolr•) 'l r. l't·ur-on, s , dt~t•\. A Liz:ud \\ tlh ''' " t nil• (ur,,mai(Jplru,··• sp.) :\J r. Uunt•, .\h'en litn·r. A 1llark·ht1uh•tl 'nl\kr (. I•;•Ni&lts lfltlan~plraltu) J · A M on{i11 ·'I'· ... .. ..... .. .. .Mr \\'oiler l 'uwdl, Somt·r•• 1. A Litortl ( C:vrloclr~r .'li!Jtr.<) .......... . ............. ....... ..... .. .............. ............ :lrr. 'l hurhng, .\ •hllcld. A Grt'i<o (l~yp/tJtl.>rl.vlo.• ,;lft•i•ii) ........... .... . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .............. ... ..... .. .. ...... ... l\1 r . Read, J>nrlinRhur.t. \ R m;;·lniiNI Liznrtl fN>m t he Solomon l •lnntb ...... ...... .. .... ....... .................. t,it•ult-nnnl llcll, JI.~l.S. "8nmllh ." A lur,::<• l!ro" n Snnkt> ( lluplocrplwfus ·•P-) ...................................................... } • A !r'md·so~'ku.'-c(~}·:nk." (U)oplOt'rp!t"f"s ·'-JI-) .... .................... .................. • ~l r. " 'nllc•· Po" r ll , l<omri'S('I, Cupe A rt'<' .,nu • 'JI· n• 'JI· .. ... .................. ............ ... ........... ... ... ......... ......... r k 1'wo Linnd8 (lfittuli" sp.) .. . ....... .. .. . .. ...... ... . .. .. .... .... • .... .. ... • , ...... or · A Lir.nrd (Orammaloplwra) , .................. ... .. ............................. . A Dinmond Snuk<• (Mortlitr spilul,s). . .... . .. .. ....... ......... ................... ... 1\l r. Wnt~on, Uonrkr·<lre~l. A Ri ng('(! i'ra 'nnko (1'/al ttt· tt" srtolatc«) .... ............... , ... .......................... } ~ ~ I' li r 1 W 1 A Jhown·band~d 'nnko (lfopfoc~plu1l11S curltts) ... ...... ..... .. ...... .. ... ... ...... ... .. 1 1'· '•· • \now ··~. n vc1· cy. A Ringed S~n Snnkt• (Jift~lt~t·•M st alal us) .. . ...... ..... .... .............. ........ . Mr. J<lnnis. A \\'ni t••· Lit.nnl ( fiJ(dro.wut·tts •·p.) ... . . . ... , .............................. .... ...... .. ~ A Bhtt'·IO!lgurtl l,iznrd (C,yl•lotlt•·'.•JI.) ... ..... .... . .. ............... ............... Mt•. ,J olntslon, "·"· " ,J umt·~ l'nlcrsou." A Lncr l. tT.nnl (J~ytf,·o.ttlllt'll·• ,.,.,.,,.,) ... .... .. ......... . ... ... . .. .... • ....... .. 'fhrt'C 'J'rt.'C 'nnkt"' (.Dfllllrophi.t •p.), from an i>lnnd ucat· Qlnd, Lonc ...... . Two Jlro" n-bnndt•d SnnLt'- (1/opfocrplwft•.\' cttdtM} ... . .... . .. .... .. . :\r •·· " 'at.on, Bourkt•·>ln·t-t. \ Diamoml S1111kc (.lf ortlia ·'Piloir •-) 'J'ht• S)chu•y Boa t {'tub. A Ot't•l.o ( Dipfodarl!JIO..t •p.) . . ..... ....... ........ ;\[r ,Jnmt•>Qn, ;\l llt.I OOI'Uugh,Qun•n•lnml. A Dlot•k Snokt• (Pulllftchi.• JWrphyriacr•8)... ... ....... ... ... .... ...... . . ... . . M r. 11 C'oumbt·'· Thr<'t' J;izortl• (Grttuttnttlopl•ora barhala) ....... . ... ... ................ ... ) O nr Dlu~·IOt!J:llt'tl l,itnrtl. (C'_qr_lotf"s .IJi!Jas)... ........... .. ... .......... ..

5 i\fr. Alfrt•d l'nl'8t>m.

A ' \1nto· • Lttnrtl ( llmul1a IC'htl~l) ... ..... ..... .. .. ........... ... ...... .. .. • ....... .. .. .\ Trt·~ 'nakt• (Dutlrt~phil Jl''"~i.,fula) .. .... .. ..... ......... . ............... • ~rr. \ it km, A•hfirhl.

B A1'R-\CRU.

'fltl't"' F rog< (L.If•llllml,'luhll<~ .tp.), from Mcntlc Dnmo • ~ :Frog (l'sntdup~•'!l~t tltlflrnli•)

Fl HE:l. \ u J~..l (LrplO!I•Iftflllt.t sr.opM~) .. .. ..... ..................... . A Cut·fi•h (('upitl&,'llmll>t '"'!l"iliformia) .............................................. .

.J nam•ay, E.q. J .Ul\\Ood, J,;•q •

) l r. F. Onnuon, ~c,.lo•m. )lr. 1'. R l 'l'dle).

A Dlad•·li>h (Oir•lftr lricutpitlala).. . .......... ........ ..... ... . ... .... . . .. . A 'ur~inr;:·fl·h (Rrlmt<ii l'rmora) .. ... ....... .... , ... ...... .. ... • .. .. J A Onr·fl•h ( 1/tmir!tamJiht•.• r•,gufa,·h) ..... • ........ ........... ...... .... • • ...... ... ~~ I' Uum~n~, F J. " · 'J'" o Ptk~-ll.h (•!'''!''''""' •tor·a:·hollandi<£) ... ... .. .. .. • .. ............................... . Two do. ( ,. oblt~saltt) ....................................................... .. A Wobbygong (Crol8orhinus IHu bal us) ...... • .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .................... . Jo' i'e Rnye (R hl,tobltlus qramtlafus) ... .. . ........ ......... .. ......... ................. . T"o Pu11 ,Jnt·k~on. harks (Ceafrat'ion pldfippl), large females ............... ....... . A Frog-fish (Aulrttnriu.~ sp.) ......................................................... .. A .l!'rog· fl•h (. ltt feunl'iu.v ,orp. 1101•.) .... .......... .. . ................................. ..

Fh·c ~·icJ I ~ •··niY' ('l'r:'lgonorllintrf"·•cial a) ......... ....................................... · A Dluc·poinlrr Sh nr k .... .. . .. ................ .......................... · · ........... ,J. ,J • • Jusrph1on, .E•tt·• i\Int"<)ltllril!·>l t·cl'l. A Fl,l in!:·f1eh (R .roul rt.t .YJI.) • .. .. .. ......... .... ............ ............. .... .. 'l'~<o LrntiH'r-jncl.t•l• ( .1/onnrmtllwr NJ'.) ........................................... .. A 'l'igt·r Shnrk (Cr·os•orJ,;,,, ltflrbalt•r). ......... ...... ... . .. ... ...... . .............. • .I n 1-.'lop~ •twrt•r . .. .... . ...... ..... ... ........... • • A Rn,1 (.1~'1/iol,rtltt• 'I'·) .... .. . .. ........... ... .... .. .... . . .. · A Gromal ~hnrk (C'Mi/,.•r,ttfil"" utocfolr•ut) ............. ............... . .\ llnmmrr-hrnclt·cl Shnrk (Z!J.fJtttta), ""'' •prri~a! .. .... • ..... .. .. ....... . ...... ,\ Fl.1mg (lurnur.l (7',•i!flrt k r••na) ....... .. :'tr •· \\ ou·n·n, UubruHI~.

K ~ n.u E••t. c.~J.z .... 'I ,. ,J t..~.n~hton .

A Cnil'llciufl,f/ll(rlllrn, l'orl ,Ju,·hun . • ....... .. . ...... .. \ n f)$1 ,·nrir;JI • . . • . . . • . •. • •• . • . . . • • . .•.....••• Thr.·•• Jtdos AJ'. • ... Otlt' r:,.,,I'OJ Of/lJii ,.,,,,,,,,1(\ . Tno P~<1''n' utLHIO\fl

Otw L"uCipfu'H' nrtntrhH A ::-.,." l'.<·alollll ""' hor-• ( 1f,1.pW"Oi"J''" nbdumi .. ali.<) .\ t .... Otuo .J a,tl. tn.,.,. ~I'· 11tn·n .l[,tNn("fiRill~f 'I'· . ( hll' ri'J" 1" ;, ltfh,ttt J'Of'uHU , ,

0111' ('/,tf'(J.ri'JII'I'f ·lll,.lll(JI'tlft•'i •

. \ l ru:.;,- fl .. h { .i "'' "''''"" ~p.) .

.. \ Tlut.·r· .. }uuk ( (',·o\\orJ,;,,,, lmrl11tiH\) \ fu·tul ~lmrk ( (..',,.,.,,, ,.; '" ·'I' ) ....... .. \ Hn.1, frotn t'RJk' \ u• k • • ..

One s,,.,.u,uut "1'· Orh.· ,.-.. ,,.,., ~/; ,. '1'· OIH• lfrwilr'lt UIIIII\' 'P· Ouc• 1/rr•t-r •1,, . Om· 1111/~.,..,,N •1, • • •. ~ l'hrt.•(• Ptriapllmlow.t ·'J) ..... .......... . ~'hret• }JfJutnf•t·ulr,.v ,,.,,, ... .•• ... . •. . ... ·· · ~· .• ~·,.o smnll 1-ilonrJ.. A (;ohl c•nt'P , . . A IH'\\ l l!' (At•t•flt, ·''''""''''') A C/.,llutltMI, f1·um l-oulh s,n 1-lnml• .... .....

~ "r Snn]•-on, llut.oh~. \I r \\ 11 llluu<hll. 'lr. Hulol. 'lr ' ,J. 1Liu.,..

~ ;.r r '-'nn('klll llvt •r·.•· .. )

• 1

""" '1 \\t'UI)H\\ .

)I •·. Fb•\\ol1 h . \1 r. I ' E. l't••llr•. )lr W l'o"•·ll.'

.. :·I .... ~ t'uptnlll \\'nlt't>ll. I{ \ , \\ r.L .An,. ·::· I l1nlia.

'· :'ll r. \\'. Jl,•,u·t•, \\ illinm.-11·•·• l . l\lr Yuu~lmu l.t~ Cutult• tit• ('n .. tduuu. Lr• ut '1111111 llor•lt·~.

Page 8: AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. MU EUM. ... that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth


FISflES- co,fimted. PRESEI'TED D\"

'1\m Snonhof htrgt Sword-flab (Pritlis .tp.) ... ....... .. ...................... Mr. W . II!lt'~n•~c~. ~\•o Corri.t .. . ............. ..................... ................................... Mr. J~. P~lcrson. A l 'ig·fi•h (C~11ilubi'IIJt sp.) .... .................... · • .... ....... ................................. ~~- ~j ~rntl. A J>l~dropomtuMtiriiiCIII.m.... ..... ............ ... ... . ..... . ........... ...... ............. .... ll · 11 ' I""· .A n .llrnHihHrlll 1p. • ................................................ ••• ......... "' ........... • ...... J s Ono &aioploag1,. • .. ...... ......... ... ...... ... ... ............ ......... ... ... ... ............ ....... • J n,pcclor e.nnour. A 'l'ig,•r·•huk ( Crouorlain111 barbaitt.t) ...... ...... ..... .... ........ .... ...... .... .• .... .. .. .. .. ... . " , A Pi era it uhi"(J .. .. ... ... . ...... ...... .... ........ .... .. ...... ••• • ..... .. • .. .......... Ltcut. D~ll! II . .M. • Saadll~. A·fi•h(F.d,.nfi.t rtmora) ....................................... ........ .................. l lr. Gan1u•. A Pcl\'h, from fl\'~h m~tcr .. . ................................................................... } Mr. Alfr~-d l'arson,, A Ulack-R·h ( Girtlla triculpidttia) ................................................. ... ......... .. Four Fisfuluria urrala .......................................................................... . One E<>l (upfog~tatl,.t 8trpnu) ......................................... ............... ........... . A Lcnthcr-jat•kcl (.1fomtcanllltts) ................................................................. . One IJfrvr o.ffinis ............................................................ ...................... .. One F tnih!'1id (Pialvr~pliallls 1p.) ............ ..................................................... . 'l'wo F lying OurnaNl (Tr!Jgla sp.) ................................................................. . Two Sauru$ m,vops ... ... ....................... . .............. · .. · · .... · ........ · ..... · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. • A Flyiug·ll~h ....................... .. .... .. ..... .. .............................................. .. 'J'••o Sucking- fM t (l:cltelt~is rl!mora) . .. ..... . . .. ...... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... Mr. Skinner, Manly. A Dhtc· fi~h .................................................................................. , .. .. A Pert'h ( 1'/~t..-apon cuvirri) ............. .. ........................... ............................ .. Two Dr~panitt sp .......... ............................................... ....................... . ..... . Ono " ..... . ..... ........ .. .... ...... .................................. . ....................... . Jh t Anft>~aritu ........................................ , ........................................... .. . On~ O.tfrnciOtl concafe~~atn11 .................... . .......................................... · .. · .... •

g~~ ~~~:;:·;~::t;:.~; .. :::.::::: ·:: ·:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ·: :::.::) An Osltacio,; ditt1tltaiiN8 ..... . .. . .... ... .. ............................................... ....... .. Chn,. li. l 'ilchcr, Ell((., U.A., ~I. L.A . A mro Fish ( 'f,•achictlt!f·' autirali1) .. ........ ...... ................ .... ............ ...... . .. .... P. 1~. Adnm•, Hsq., Stll'''<'.l or Gcnernl. An 01trado11 co.lcalenatt~s ... . ............... ....................... ...... ......... ... Mr. 'fhos. KJil•, Surry ll ills.


A Cn•h ( lf.qtJI~m<t tfia('(ln/hur) .. ............ ..... ............................................. .. :\f r. E. If. 1Tyam. ~111• young of 11 Crab, caught at t'('a ... .... .. .......................... ....... .. ...... ...... .... . :\lr. ,f Luu~hton. A S<tutllll ..... .... .................................................. ... Mr. C. 'L'. F. Boord. Si~ Pt:l\\11•, "Ntp[ll•r-'' ( . .J.lphmrs a•~•lralis).. ................................................. :\fr.'r-0~-A frc•hllnlt·r Cm_l·fl,h (Atincu• sp.) . ... ................................................. Mr. H . Pluhpp.-.. A H t•rmil·<•ntb (l'a!fllJ'II.t) .. .. ........................................................ ( 'l'n,·l~,, Croh- of ·p. ....... .. ......................................................... I (':1ptnm \Vfllcoll , R.X., from the nortlt· Om• :<<Jtll!ln · · ..................... ............................................................ ~ \\I'Slt:Oa•L of Auotrolio. On;• Ouruodt~cf.qlult • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. . .. .... • I Otw lJop,l(rlrt $p.. . . .. . ... .. ...... ... ...... .. . .. .... ......... ....... ............ .... .. .. ) A Crnb (lf!Jaf~rnr.t), llilh Spougr- . . .. .. .. ...... . ............... ... ................. .... .. :\fr. C. ,J. Dun-ht-d. A Crab (Purfrtnttt) . . ........ ........ ........ .............. ..... .................. ........ Mr. \V m. Shaw. 'J'"o l'nnl'itic Crtt-tn~ca from nu A.-cidi<Ut.................................................... ... i.\fr. E. Pct,•rson.


A 1111'<' 1Tclix, from N~w Tr<'lnml ................................................................... } 'fhl' Rt'l'. Gtoot·gc Brown. 2;>0 Shrll.,, 20 •p••ci•••, do. . ................................................................ .. 'J'wo A JI(.V8i« • ..... ..... ..... . .. .... ............... ............................................ ~fr. l'. l t Pl'<IIC_l. . " 'J'wo QJ•It•r~ (.Spontf!Jfllf Sp.) ..... , ................................... .. ....................... bfr. J ohth!Oill', S.S. "JniiiCS .PnteJ'tiOII. A lurg<' rlu,tvr or llnrnnclt•s (L~pas tmalifera) ............................................... . l\(r. 0. ' Vorriugton. J•:ight C!JJII'tra anmr/ala .......................................................................... .. Otw 7'ha/olill 11writr . .... j ' l'wo S•i•h!Jnm·ill :ot1af11. . l!Jpn of the species .. .. • .. ..... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. ...... .. ..... .. 'J'hr Rev. J . E. 'J'cni!on-\roods. 'l'wo Armtra rruri$ . ..... . Om• llefiJ.· bidu•illi ............................................................................ . Ont.> J)offabtlla ••m·i~.qrtla ................. .......................... ............. .. .............. .. A rnrc 'Jl<'<'i••· or ~rit1-n pr. 1irumsi.r) ............................................................ ..

Jlfr. A. ,f. Ht•uckr.ou, Balliuu. lift·. C'orbctt. Mt·. W . CuthiU.

An Enr-,hdl (lfalioti.•) ( f T •

'J'wc) ll<•lix .............. ) rom Nl'w Gmne<.t ............ ...... .... ................ .... ... ..... Cnptnin ~[unro. A ~mall ~lle<·tiou of L:md rmd 1\[u inl' Shells................................................... ::If r. ,J. F. Brown. Two lll'lix "Jl· from Y ule l~lllnd ... . ..... ..... .... .. .. ........... ... ............... Mr. Hobson. A large Ortopn~ . .. ...... ...... .. . .... ......... .. ........ .. .. .. . . . . . . . E. S. llill, E-.q., C.iU.Z.S. A larg<' anti ~nluablt· collection of Land and Marinl' Shdl" chit>ll• Au,tmlinn (

ll~~~~ •. ~~-q~~-~-~~~~-~~ul. ~-~:~ .. ~~-~-~~-~· ... :~.~~~--~~~~~·-~~r~-~~-~~-~-- ~-~- ~~- u: 5 'l'ho~. W nlkcr, E<q., Yaralln, Concord.


(COL£01"[ERA, Illnm>TERA, 0 RTROPTEJU, &c.) Onr Zophoro•u• -'t<'Otgl'i ........... .. _ .. .. .... ...... .... .. . ..... . ................. . 'l'~·u Coleopll·m (.l mar,vgmu1, tj·r.)... .. .................................................... .. ~·x Coleoptcrn ... .. ............................................................ . f" o , Schizorhino nn>trolasire ....................................................... . T <'11 , (lJuprufida, 4·c.) ........................................................... .. EJ-'j~ ]>t,mn •p. . ......................................... ,. ........................... .

~\1;~4~:~~+; i ; !! ! : : :: ! :.:::::: :: :: :: :::: o.~~~":."~:~:ii~:~cn .......................................................................... ......... .

g::: fil;ttt.~~~~"~ ..... :.:: ·:::::::: ::: ·:::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 'FiCl<•••n H<•111lptvrn of~-............................. .......... , ............... "" · ............. "

H . C. R uescll, E!q., D.A. Jo:. 0 . " '· Palm!'r, Esq. . :\r r. ,J. \ lll'ndcr;;on, R ichmond Rtrr•. l\1 r. llurp<'r, Pet<"r.hnm.

J. Ram>n,l, Esq , )fl'ntlc Creek.

llf r. " 'nlh•r l'owcll, Somerset, Cope York.

1-ii'C 11 l' tlll'nopt t•rn 1 • • · ... • ..... " .................. " ·" " ................. • .. "· ·

;1r1hirty I~IJlct•tuwn• l,r'G'ol~pl~rn.:. :::::::::.::::: :·: ::::::::::::.:::::::::::::. :.:::::::.::::: .. : '::

5 b

1n•t! 1n-cnm ~p . ..,. J , R E. " 1~'· ... rou"' . 'l' 0 Et 1 l . "........................... ... ..................................... . • ::l . . 11111'"'• •••!-> .,.ur. uv c w •xnv~omnlmrutum ................ . .................................................... .. ·

Page 9: AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. MU EUM. ... that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth


Tn,• ,uth(lph:tulh Ju ... rd' l>ix Col~opll'n\ (Lcwtpri•llll) \ l ... >n~:->i«'cmt rrom Fiji


r111 &I:\ lED Ill

M t SJ ... pht r•l. \I r S. t'ooL, ~fnrrirkviJI,·. Le ('omte !le Cn;,teh1au

} R T!olton, F.•CJ., Dathur.t. .;;, ('<)!.•optt•rn \ rht>tc-r or c ... , ....... \ Phu .. mu, fnHU t lw "'olum-ua

~ SJII<h·r ( Pullt•l •J>·) ., (JI,¥.tlnlr •J>.)

( 011.\lfrnr.rHI~It• •p.) ( lll(,'flllf)

,, fl

P111iulu l'iridi.< .......

\R.H 'H:\{1) \


··············. ·· ··· .. ·· ··· ". ··············· ············ ...... .

......... ········ .. ........ . E CITfNODERllATA.

A 'l'rt•p.lt1J:, or llt•t•IIO th• Mrt· ( lfolothuria $fl.) ......... . \ ~'" Ur.·lun (/A>t•ollio tl0119nln I) .... .. ........ ........ ..

SOLE CID A. A \Virc•W<wm ( GC1rtli11.t n')unficua) .................. .... .. ...... ... ... ................. ..

.... ...... ..... ........ ..... ...... . ... ...... .. ....... . ............................................. ... .....


.................... .... .. .... .. .... MYR £01'0D.i.

\ lnrw· /',•olup•••ulrn lf/~fNQ.•/oma •t~h•iJ~,,..) ... ... \ 'l,•olup••mlr.• ( lltftm.vft>wn .•p.), from the $olomou l•<b


ll r Ot•n·ni·, of lJi-.ion ·hip '\'···!~) ."

Mr A. J. 'l'horpt· . '!\!r. A. ,} Emn8. Mr. Pcnderga.t. llr. J . Ha), Lct..-rntlrr B M.'

0. <"hcelc, EliCJ., 'fu~u!Uiu, l\lr. J . :wcnrt.y. 'fhe ne, , J. P . Snndcrlfttul.

T,iout. ]Jell, JT.11f.S. "Snndlh ." Dr. J . (). Cox, l•'.L.S. .

:Mr. 'Pou ic • J ,it'llL. 11. BlookBhnn . Mr. D. Cobcrofft.

Jn,, Norton, Ee•l·


K S. llill, Esq. ll r. Oer~ni•, of M i"'''" ,hip " .J,.Im " ''''"') ."

Saru\1'• ol \ r•t'nl\',11 P) rit~• . ,, . .... .. Mr 11. \ , Richnrd~u Blnr Otiolt• nr l run . . ... . . ... . .... • ..... '!\fr. 11. Monk. ('ullc'<'lion ,,r l1fl,1 nri<'l ""'of ~l incrnl· und ~lt'tob from America.. ............... J>r. J . C. Cox. Tin Ort\ frum f.ut•llow :llilll''l .. . ... .. ..... .. .. . ...... .. .. . Mr J Da" Frn· •pt'<'irut·n~ of Sih t•r und L.':lcl ... (

~::t ., ~~~~-~~ui_ Iron.: .. : ::::·. : .:::~~~:·:·:::" ::~~;L~ ;;:~~;;~::::·:;~~~~~~: "5 Mr Thu-. Will•, llartland.

Fi~t• '1>\'l'lllll'n• of t<'<'•·nt ly furmcd Carbonmc of Lime ...... ............ .......... ..... Fitz"illium Wcutwortb, E~. A•hc·• blo11n from the Yolt-ono of Ambnn.. .. .. . ... .... . ... .. ......... .. ....... ~lr. ,Jol('koon. Firt• .Julh of Flu::gins·~lutt• ... .'...... .. . ............... , ... .. . .. :Mr. Wm. I>ougln••,·l-'ll, Gcoof'l!e·>l. \ )lrh'Orrlt• (rtlll cif) .. ... ...... . .. . ................................... .. ... ... ... Pruft'l'I!Or Lirc,.,.idgt•.

ON• of Quick•iht•r, from Sunln Crut. .. .. .. .. ........... .. .. ...... ..... .... ... ... . .. Mr. Jlrny. ~iht•r On•, •·ontuining Oold, from l'i<'l' uda .. . .... .. .. •• . ... . ... llfr. 'fho~. lTnmilluu. lndunrlcd Slot~ \IIth C'ul"orrous Xodulc. ............................ ,. )lr. MiiiK, Mt . J;:Jsit'. 'l'wCI lnrg~ hlot·k• of Plumbago, from l"e1lon .... ........... .. . ... ... . . ......... ll i• E~r••ll~ncy Sir \V m. C:r·e;z"r.'. lronstmw "ith OL•otloitc, from llnrtlcy' .......... .. .. . ..... , .. .. . Mr A. Thomn•.

FOSSJ r. RE~lAINS. J~i~;ht pir~r• of <h>ll<' •I•<H<ing a fos•il plmrt (Mpidodeml~o,), from t'uWI'(I . A t•ollt•rtion ur Liur''"lono <.:omb, from tbo Ynss Di6tricl ................... .. l<'o~•il Wood, f1oom C11rt•onr.......... .. . . .......... .. ........... , ........ ..

.Mr. O'Shnughnr~~r• Con rn. ~-~~~ llt••·· 11 , 11. \ nrrington Mr . • J. W . . Fox.

Lo"L'r lnri•or 'l'oolh of ~ijln ntic T\moguroo (Pnlorl'!tul~# !) Allied to Muc•ropus . Tw() Mulnr 'l'cNh of ~nmc •... ... ..... ....... ..... ... ..... .... .. ..... PC1rlion of J~cmur do. .. ... ... .... . ...... ........ ..

: ~Mr .. J. Donaldo;on, Ounueolnh.

'J\>o r<L,l< of fo••il Shell, P l'rft-11 ... ... .... . ... .. .. ... .... . ... . .. ....... ..... .. F. Mrtchell, E~CJ. \ Spirif('r • • ............ .... .... ........... • .... .. •

Cn•l of n fo"il Rla•ll, p,.,.,.,, ............. . ....... .. A fo••il Seed, P~ntu''" 'l'·• from tlulgoug . .

.. } J Coil<'), E~•l·• .r .1'.

... Mr. W lluul.

ETIIXOLOO W.iL SPECDfEXS. ( oot of llml from tl11· )fnNhnll f ·lnnd, Ru 1' .J Sundt•rl:llul. Thi"CC' S(l<·nrtt • .. ...... .... .... ........ ... ~ Ono• Stuoa··lu·mlrd l'lub .... .... • ... .......... .. ...... ... · .\lr C:ullll<', Srw Ouir, " Ondhum ........ . ........ ... ..... .................... " " · l'rw I'""' • of P(lt ttr1 .. .... . .. . . ..... .......... ...... ... · • \!odd of ('ttn<w, ~ ,.;,1:" J, . ..... .... . ................... ... ... .... ..... .. } Stvrn .\rro"' unci Du" • Snmo:\ ],Juntl ................................ · ..... · ~lin~:•torw, Do. tlCI ........... .................. • ........... ·: ·.::·:. " Copt lllil Alnt lt•d Club or Staff, :Strvngt• J, ........................ ....... · l'app11 Cloth~ (t"o) . .... . · ... · ................ . O~•llliuu-hcurl"l !-iJ~' or, ~amoa 1-luud . .. ............ · · .. 'l'llt•ntdour pi<'C<'< ut W htrle Iron .... . : : :: ::.:.:·::::: ::.... . . ............ )fr. ,T H. Rohl'rt•ou. Rpc·ar·ht1ul . . • . ... .. • Dr .• r. C. Cox, F.L.~. :'t!..,.Jd of n C'utumnnm, Tu111111fnn, Furmo-a ... ... :~ .'.:::: · :--:· . .. .. ... ............. Capl ~..lruht., •iup "I olr-lullll'.' <"muh, fru111 \lt•luuta l·lnud, ~ulornon Is.... .. ........... ....... . ,V, Jl. llurgruH·•, li••l· :-;,.,., ... 'tou~ ll ntdll't•. !11 t.• . . ... ...... .. ~~ r. )I ill•. llult from uhl tup Hurl ( t 750) of Jo:rl<l,1 >forw Light-house. Mr. (.l, Do11 n, t•n~;,.,.,.,. Lu111p of Oh·idiun, "''''' fut• munufucturing Kniv~s. from New Ouirwo l A <'omb, r1~,111 Xt•" llunwa . . . .. ..... ... ..... ..... . . .. ....... .. .. 5 Cnpt. l\fnnro," Lrtlur .'' A. t~nmjllt·uf Nuti,'n <.'u~dn~t.', frOH\ Xuw· Ouin\.•n ..... ........ . ....... ..... . Aton~ lnl•·lwt, :"'t•ll Hrrtnlll ................ ........... " · " .... · · · J ~I · l 'uulli<·t.' Slouo llutc·h;•l , . . .. . ....... ........... . . ....... Li,•ul. :'t!u~t<·t·• , ll. . ··"· Stonc·hr ndt•d C'luh ., . .. ..... ...... ...... ... · · .......... ..

120 B

Page 10: AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. MU EUM. ... that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth


\ PPENDlX No. rl i.

J,T~'l' OF ~PEC I MJ<~~I-l RECE inm IX ]'}XCII.\. \"(iJl l<'rom :-:;m it h~on iun Insti tu to, America.

t Circus hudsoneusi~. I Falco polyagrua. 1 Accip1ter (uscus. I TinnunculttS sparverius. I Ceryle alcyou. l Rirundo ~p. I Petrochelidmt lusif•·ons. l Tachydncta bicolor. l !'rogue purput·ca. l Cbordoles ltcnryi. l 'elasphorus ntfo.. I ., platycercus. 1 Colaptes rHexico.uus. l , irorntus. l Me1nnerpcs erythrocophnlus. i 'phryropicus varius. I Ptcodes arcticus. I b-lelopelia Jeuooptero. I Zena•dnm carolmin.sis. I cardafellro iuaa. l Chamepelin pnsserinn. I Lophortyx cnliforuica. I Callepepla squamata. I Corms amcnctlnus. I Quiscalus reneus. l ? I ? l .agelnius phwnicens. l Xouieus ? ictcrocephalus l Picicorrus columbriauus. l Porisoreus c:mndensis. I Harporhynobus 1ougicauda. I Cyanurn cristatn. I Cyauocyttn californica. I turuelln mngna. l Crotophagn nni (!/OIIIl!Jl· I Collurio lu-do,oicianns. l Tyra.nnus c:trolinensis. I , ' 'Ociferaus? 1 Mimus polyglottis. I Dendtwc.1 pctutsylvnnica. 1 black burn ire. I coronat:1. l mMu1os.-.. I pinus. I ,·irons. I restivn. I crerulescens. 1 , striat-a. l lllinoletta vnrio.. t Poliopti lll coorulea. l Geothl,YPis tricha. 1 pusillus. l Helmintha pcrcgrina. I Yireo oliva.scens. I ., swaiusoui. I Neocorys sprogsi. l euirus au•·oeapillus. l Setopbagtt. ruticilla. :; Melothrus pecoris. 1 C:alatnOS]tlnga bicolor.

I ]>Jectrnphnnes nh-ialis. I ., lappllnicn. I ornatus J , ma.ccourni. I Pa.'ll:lcrilla iliaca.. I l't1$ericulus al.'lndxu·iJls. I Spizcllu tMnticolor. 1 ., arizons. l Chrysomitris pinus. I l\ielospiza Jincoln.ii. I po.lustrire. 1 , melot.lia. I Cnrpodacus pur;mreus. 2 Dlllychonyx ongovorus. I Cynnost>izn cyanea. I .Juuco hycmalis. J Centronix hairclii. I Zonotrichia nlbicollis. I ,, leucophry11. I 1\l<l'COtcs grru:nincus. J Ampclis cedrorum. I A1nm0<1romus caudaoutus. 1 , maritimus. l Chondesles granunnca. 1 llctlemc1es •nelo.nocephalns. 1 , ludo,· 1 Pipilo mcgalonyx. l Pyrrhuln sinuata. 1 CarJ.utalis ,·ir¥iuiauu~. l J..eucosticta gnsenucba. l Agelaius phrouiceua. I Loxia l , lcucoptcra. I Icterus Baltimore. l [cteria ,.;ridis. I Sialia arctica. I Pyra.ugn resti ''a. I . , ludo,•icinnus. I ? I ? l l!:remophila coruuta. 1 .. alpestris. 1 Parrn ~ymuosterua. 1 J3u torotdcs viresccns. 1 Triugoides macularius. 1 , pusillus. l Tring:~ mn•·•tima. I ., SQlibl.rins. 2 1'ot:\uu~ mclauoleucus. I , fla\oipes. I Actitis bartramius. I (Gamhutta) fla,·ipes. 2 Symphcmia scnupalmat~•. 1 Macrorhamphns griseus. I Limosa huclsonica. I Num(lllitlS lougirostris. I Sterna fo1'8tcri. l , fussipes. l ;Eginlitis ,·ociferus. I Scolopax wilsoui. l Ch:~radrius sp.

From Captain Broun, 'l'iarun, New Zealand. A Collection of New Zenlru1d Spiders.

ll'rom Rev. S. J. \Vhitmee. 1 Halcyon rccunoirostris. t Pctrrocn pusilla. l Ptilouopus "I'· 2 Cot·yvhill us fri ngillnceua. 1 PblegrenM stairii. l Eudynnmys taitensis. l Ianthrunas vitiensis. 1 Ortygomotm quadristrigat..,. 1 Aplonis bre,•irostris. 1 0 ygis cnnilida.

\fyzomcla nigriventris. 1 Auou~ cincrcus.

From Captain llutton. Otago ·Museum, Kew Zealand.

I Harpa novre-1.calamlire. 4 Circus approximruts. 2 Porphyrto :mclanotus. 6 Ocydromus austrnJis. 2 0 raculn pn ne tat.'\. I , brcviro~tris.

, carbo. 'l Botaurus poidlloptera. I F uligula novt~·zolandtre. 1 Rhynchasl?is rhyucbotis. 1 Elymenolntmus malacorhyucbus. •J. -UlM chlorotis. I .\.na.~ Sll[l<lrciliosa. Z Casarca variegatu. l Puffinns griscns. I N estor notnl,i!is. 1 ';triugops hllbroptilaa.

A ~keletnn of n Moa (Dinorui.~ cras.~u.<). 4 Plntycercu• uovre.zealauilire. 4 ., nu riccps. 4 Prosthem:ulera novre-zealandiM. I Ualcyon vagaus. 2 Emlynamys i.~itiunsis. 4 Authomis mclnuurn. 2 Chalci tcs lucithtij, 2 Zostct·op• lateralis. 4 Clitonyx ochroccphnla 3 lllyiomoim macroccphaln. 2 Rhipitlurn fl:•lu::llifera. I .. fuligiuosa. I Phyllorlylcs novre-zenlandue. 2 Stcnm frontalis. 4. llydrocltcliduu nnt:lrctictl. I Pocliccps rutipcctus.

Page 11: AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. MU EUM. ... that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth


I l'cn:pblln cmcln I TmnunouhaM •·•·uclu .. HI~., 1 l>ncelo gign•. 4 i>colopnx nustrnliR, I Corvta~ nustrali~. 1 J{nllua pcct.>rnli•. 2 CincloiKlmn punullltn 2 Lohi,·:mdlu• !Cih.,tus.

:! t:rauc;.,lus hy\H•l••ucu~. :! " 1nl.' IUlllJIS· 2 :->phe.:othcro• llnvncntra• 2 Oriolus IIM ocinclus. 2 Philemon lm<'l'rui<l..,. 2 :\lpomcln ul,•cum. :! Cinnyri• frcualn. 2 Glycaphaln suhfMcmln. 2 Cucnlu~ insp<Jrntus. 2 Pnchyccphtala sp. I HhipHiurn is.•urn. 2 Piezorbynohus nititln~. I :\1yin),'l'!l plumhcn. I )lacr:L'C.'\ lln ,. igMlcr I Eopm~llrin murnnt<l. I Gcrygcme nangniro~tn• I ,. lla\'i<ln 3 )1nluru• lu·u" nii. 3 .. lllllllhih, 2 Crnctacus <lu .. ya. I . phenw.:u• g<~lnctutc• 2 Bnlcyon mnclcnya 1 Mcrops cmantus. :! Chnlcophnp• chrys<>chlorl\. 2 Cyclopsittn mnclcay:m11. I Ptilorhis viutoriro. 1 Caprimulgns m!lcrouru,. 1 .l<),rinlitis gc:ofl'royi

;{ A.stur rufitoNJUl'< 3 Halcyon sncrn. 1 .\fyiulestes 'iticn~is. I Aplonis bhucnai• :l Lalngc mBcu losn. 4 )J yiBgm I Ambl~,urn cynnu\'ircu•. I Ptilotss carrnnculntn

~ ,\luuu.ra nlhorti.

:! 01Uuriciucla pnrvsJ>ssma. 2 Pnr<lalotus ul!'lnnoc~ph:Uu~ ~ )1 nlurus bro\\ nii. I ~ittelln strint.'\. I Dic.-cum hirundmnceum. 2 Cinm·ri~ frt.'u:\ta. 2 Cal)iltorhpachus stdlatus I .-\stur cincrcu~. :l c~rpophngn "'""imilis. 2 ,. Mlnlurrht>.'\ 6 Chalcophnp~ loul(irostn•. 2 Ptilonopus tlllll('rhus. 4. Megnpo<liuM lumulus.

12 Pittn •nnilimn. 2 J>hilcmma buc~rui<lcs.

Plcctropomn nnnulntum. :! (.'uslr.I<'ICIII plulippi.

Trigonurhinn fusciBtn <:oris •P·

:! x~run jnmie~~onia :! Turnix vnriu~. 2 f..atbnmus '"""olor 1 Lnnas p:lt'illc-ux. 4- Turuix vnriun. 4 Suln nnHtrnhs. 2 MeliorniH IIO>'ru·hOIIMHIH\<, Cuculu~ pallidus Chalcitc• h:ll!anla~



SPJ~(' l .MgXs Pl'RCJJ Mmll

Bought of R. Thorpc, Rydney.

I !krnicla jul><'\ln. I Ornucalu.. mclauop~. 2 (lrnllmn picnt:.. :l PHuphotua hrematonotus. 1 'fraohoglossns concinnua. ;; 1'11\tyccrcns eximins. !l .. pennantii

12 ~kclcwn• of l'hascoll\rcW. asul DA ').11 r11s.

Kendul Brlladbcnt, C'nirnfl. I (;Jottss glotl<lJtle-. 2 T:l<lt•naa rndjnh. I J'.,.Jnrgus strigoitleR 2 nt·sts of t'ynuyris fr:l'nAta 2 ,. {:crygone mn{,'lliro'!tr ... 1 ( 'nvramulgus mtlcronrua. 6 Cyclop:~ittn mnclcnyMn. 2 ,\s·tamus leucopyginli• 2 Ttmysiptcra sylvin. I Halcyon ~anctus. :1 Collocnlia terrre-regiuo•. 1 ,fitnnocinclu>< accnm11tu~. :1 l'tilotiR mnclenyi. ~ ,, nota.In.

"chthreplus nlbogulnn"' )lyzomcln ob$curn.

2 7..osttlrops crerulescen" 2 Eop .. '\ltrill ll!IDB.

2 ,. inornAtn 4 )ltcro·cn fla,;gn.ster.

)taclatercsb),chus IIM avtntn.~ 4 .\rsc. rnupii. 4 ~lnllll.rcha goultlii. I ,. carinaln. I ~lyiagra !Jhtmhea. 2 (lcrygone Jla,·i•la. 2 Scncornis magnirostr••·

W . .r. Abbott, J,c\'\Ika, Fiji. 4 )lyzomela ju~ulnris. I Lorus solitaraus. I 1'richoglossus nmnbii.J. .. 2 l'llltycercus pcrson11tug :1 ,. Sl>lcndenB-1 ( 'nrpophaga ,;ticn~i•. 2 .\~lur rulil<lrtlues. I Strix lulu.

Wh<'el(·r. Xcw ?lcnltLml. 2 Aptery'< "'' ~na.

~1.oor·cs·ofl, Richmond Ri1·cr. 12 l~ggs of Tnllcgalla. lnthrum.

K end a l Broacl uc•n t. C'ni I'll~. I Euth•nt•mu~ llindersu. 2 Ailu'ra.'(lus mnculosu•. .; Ptalorhns nctori~> !! Rnllina tricolor.

IS ( 'nloruis metalic.t j :\luncta tln"otinct.• I .. ns:<imili•. li :-ipllt'cvthcr..s llnnvcntra• :J Curptvmus pnci6cus. I llst·narns hmctcntu~ 2 ( 'ut·ulus tlumctorunt

( 'ampcpha~n jardini•. I Uranl·nlus lmc:\ta. li ( 'mclicu~ •tunyii.

SinapHc•u, Botnn~·· 1 .lulis ~p. I .\ulopuN purvura'8:\tU<. 1 Tri~•'llflrhina fa.-~ciatA.

"{hce•l). Msddle ll arhour. 1 l'achyc<"phal~ nafiH·utn• I 11.tlc\ c.n "'"'uctn•. I \l:•hirus l:uul>crtn. I O.:.licucmus j:mllnriu~ I Jlnlc~nu sanclus. :l t'hnlcitc.~ plagus11s. 2 Hhipulura rutifron•.

l'tilotis !en uti~.

Page 12: AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. MU EUM. ... that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth


Larus pacificus. Sea serpcn t. Cyclodns ~g:\11 . Larus paollicus.

1\nu;;ht Ill a ~:lilor. 4· Xcma novre-holl:m.Jia-. I :Menu m SllJ?Crbn.

Huughl l•f Mr. 1:, 11u.

., 11. Zinn~. • , nu Arah. 1 (' yclN<Ius gtgns . ,,

li Cusc us oricntnli>. 1 Pteropus sp. 1 , whitmeei. 1 Chicropteruges :Uboscapulatn•. J Pteropus cnpistrntus. 2 Cyuouycteris hrnchyoti•. 2 Cephnlotis perouii. 2 l'hyllorhinn calcn•·nta.

Rrv. 0. B rown. }\L\M~IA I.<.

Mns echimyoillcs. ,, ttliiStl\'Ota.

J Bnt~, insecli,·orou6. 5 Phyllorhina tJ-icuspidata. '' ,. galcrita. :! Kerivouln hnrd" ;ckii.

Harpyn major.

Collecliou or lli.-.1-"kill"- l't•tHII ~C\1 t Oemlrochel idon mystnccu•.

Lt·olnntl, &c., &c.-Her. Gem·~(· H1·•m 11 .

·l Cnloruis nitens. '1 Aplonis tnbnensis. 2 Halcyon t•ecun•irostri~.

3 Amchnccthra. aspllZitl'. 2 Merulll vnnicorilllllis. l Myiolcstes. 4 Pnchycephnla tl:wifron~. 2 Dicrurus. 2 Campephagn (F.doliosma) schi~h.:cp$. 2 u 1naculosa. I " rnllventris. 2 Rhipidura (melalcuca) tricolur. 2 " (assimil is) isum. ·I l'iczorhyncbns chnlybcocephaln•. 1 l'hilemon cooker~<lli. 3 Ptiloti~ CMunculata. 3 Myt.omcla nigri\•entri•. 2 " ~p. I Cen'ltS orrn. 3 Gmcula Krcfftii. 4 l:;tnrnoides ntrifu~c:>.

2 Astu r ru fctorq ucn•. l Suix lulu. 2 l'latycercus j>ersonalm·. 2 Lorius solitnrius. 4 C.'nculus simus. I (;arpophngll latraus. 4 Ptilouopus mm·ire. 9 Chry~mna luteovircu:<. a Zostcrops fla,-iceps.

2 Cerylc torqu:ota . I Picus sp. 2 Icteris sp. I Sturnus sp. 1 Icteria \'iridi~<.

l Nyctitlromus de•·byam•~. l P~itt.'lcus milit.uis. I Aulocorb:unphus albh·itntn. 2 Ualbula rufoviri<lis. I 1 ctcri' jamacin. I C:iml)irynchus mam-orhynuhu<. I Eurylnimus ochromatu~. 1 Phodopis vcspcra. 2 Chrysolam_pis mosquitu~. 1 Cephruoplus de hlamlii. 2 Pet.'\Sphora cynnotis. I llclinnthca bonaparti<c. l H eliotryphn par.mdakii. 2 l!eliau~du$ clarissa:. :! Clyptolrelllr< mbinea. I llelion iaster lungirostr''· :l Eriocnmnis alin:t'. :3 cuprch·cnla·i•. :J , \'CStita. I Euplll'rnM 2 ( 'hrysurcs <cuunc. I C:hlorostillJon chrysog:l.'il~:l'. 2 l~uceJJhala cwru lea. I J..ead >Cateria grata. I CynmJmyia fmnci~c. 2 Petasphora iolatn. I (: uuJ,Iin lnn~;sdorlli. 2 (:ou!tlia sylvin. 2 Ui~o.~m\ unden\'Oo<lt. 2 n .. wimwstes unsiiera. 2 Potnsphora anais. 2 Lcshia gmt!J.ii. 2 Lnfre~nayr1 lla\-icau1ln. 4 I fclianthcn hclinuthelh. 2 Accestum lwlimlorc. :! Rlutmphmnieron rnicnll·l,,·uduh. 2 l'halybur:• hnfl'<•n.i. •

2 , hrevi:rost1·is. 2 (.';u·popbnga rnbricera. t ,. vtul wecki. 3 <FAlirhinus insolitus. l Macropygia nigriro~trio. :~ Chalcophnps sLephani. 4 Ptilinopns mnr ia:. 2 , f:1sciatu~. 2 'Eclcctus polychlorus. I Lorius hypoiuochoru~. :! ,. fiingilJaeeous. :l l'sittcutcles (Coryphilus) suhplacen,. :! Cen t ropus ntemlbu~. I Hypottcnidin philippcnsi~<. I A nons stolid us. I Dnption capensis. :! Naaitcrna pttsio.

Ma._ Abbott. Fiji. My1.omcla jugulari~. Muscylm lessoni.i. Myingra rufivent ris.

1 Campcphagn maculoM. 2 A plonis cassin.ii 3 Amulynura pcali. 2 Ortygometra quatlristrigabo. 2 tnbucnsi~.

Mr. E. \\"'" aller, Sydney. I Jay. I Loxia cnnlinalis. I R upicoln &anguinen. I Rupicola croct:a.

J,c C'omlc de Castlennu. 2 ~·lctalura tyrianthittn•. :! Lampropygia pnmclli. 1 Pet.nsphora auais. 2 U•'olampra tyrianthinu~. I Campylopterus lazums. I Psittospi1.a rietferi. I (. 'yanocorax janus. I Cyanocettn nrmillnta. I }.J.omotus ruLmfesccn~. l l'anngrn glancocolpa. 1 CJ.Iorophonia occipitnli~. 1 Cnllista gyroloides. l guttnta. 2 lioli,·inna. 1 , , 3 nigri11es. 2 D iva \'l\SSOI'h.

'l'ach yphoni us crislat:o. Euphonia violacca. C'luro.xiphin caudntn. l'ipra nutucapilla.

1 Gntamblyl'lunns diatlc11tu. I ( 'elapses rivolii. 4 DendiWCa C:ltl!l<lCIIsi~. 2 Vmreha c.'!ia. 1 }'hmthlll'nis m::~lari~. I angusti. I , yarngui. 2 C:unpylnplCI'liS cnsipctmc>. I Eupcto:ucua macrnlll'll. J Lamporni~ mango. I Aithurus polytmus. J Thalumnit< glaucopsis. 2 ., columhicuR.

Panoplitcs flavcsccn~. Florisuga tlabelhfem.

, fusca.


Page 13: AUSTRALIAN MU EUM. MU EUM. ... that this noble ~ift may bP hut the pt·c·t·ur·~nr· of oth

L"t'h'" ni~ cl~lnthrcl. ., mi\t,'llitica.

:! Pnnychlnrn portmnni. Chc\'l<l<'l'lt'IIW lu:lio><lori.


'l li t IHilyl:tuc.'\ cyanifron• . 2 l'nnuplil<·s lln\·~•ccn~. :! Jl umuphonin tlll'flllntn

l'alrue•·. llunl('r-~t reel. I ~lcnnm •npcrb.'\.. I ·'l'"''lllictu '><'lllllllntn•.

)Jr. Ser,.. :! ll.'lt.l, ~lolo.<u' nusrrnlis.

40 l<'iah CA (20 Apccics). :! ltt·pul..a. :1 ('nhtt.u:(.'t\ .


'1'.-\XJDERl\llST'S D~I'AR1'~1 gN'I'.

I ~'ly 111g Fn~ (Pit ""}ill·' Jloliortjlh<t/ux}. 12 ~·tying l~oxrs nml Vn1givorous Bnt~ fr•uJrt Duke uf

Y nrk I MhuulA. I ln•t:cti"orous J~nl~ fmm lluk<J of York l•luuolti. I Scin•·u~ ilnlicuM. 'l Squil'l'lliK (Sritll'll~ •p. ) 4 ( 'UKCIIS nri~ntnJiR. I \'ul pt~• ~1 lgnriR. I ,. nwlnnogru.t~r. I Didl'lphis t•nncri Hirn. I M ynnc<.'<•phaga tctr.••lnt:tyll\. I Mustdln \ ul~ari~. I Lutra 'ulgan•. I \[ n~t<·lla foinn. I :-1/'hyguru• insi<linsu><. I :1 u•t clln 1mtons. I Echi<lnn I rnchygJo,sus 1:\wc.,l. I f'nfllcn!l dar~ "'•"rrhnus.

"KEI..FT<t'' I 'LE.\'KI>

\ ~Ju.~l \\hale l Turoi!l rcr/altllli''l· . \ Slu·tlnnol l'nn) .

\ Pht:A&.'l11 t \ /~lfll~iuwtJt ~p.) \ ~~()4\ ({);,,,,,.,,~A 1 Ttl."liUI'i}.

\ l'lyin,: l'ux (/11• ropu.< p<>linu}llllllu~. J l'orlmu• u! clu, tlo. l't~rtwn ni a lnrgt Sp<·rn• \\'hnlt:. • \ Uuint.:A·ltig (f'uriu UJfi t'flrt).

I Arcl<~lll) ~ cmpclra. :! I huuru1 Skulls.

I :1 Hml 1 \1.,11111<·•1 ). 11 Fi,;hc•, Juchhllllg 10 :--luu·k~ mul !lay' (~ IClUIIlP<ll. 1\! ll!nmmnl~, Hld•metl :uul cur~<l.

420 Uir.IM, t<kinnt·•l nml cured.

~20- (

:1 lldaluu• nricl. I M ncropu• trnw~•J•c•. I l .co lm1·hru·u•. I ~Ius r~ttu~. I llrn!lipus pallidus. I l'h:1ltmgistn fuliginnlln. I l'npio mormon. I ~IAccncuK ucmt.~"~trinn;.. I Cercopithecus ruher. 1 ( 'ut<cu• lll~"·'cnnclntu•. I l'ctrngalc pcunicillnt::>. I TrAguluo j:wanicu•. I lllnrropuH mnjvr. I ( 'crcopithccu• numru •. I llnlmatun•H unl11b.~tus. I 'l'achyglt> u AcUlc!\tu~. I \louk,·~·

\Sil lh .. \IUI ~TI.I>.

\ 'Ynml>ll~ (l'f~<<•Cv{lltll:f• trQI,.Imt) \ Nn~ua (..r\~ "" ultt) .

:! Axiul Skch;Wn• nl \lnnk<·) ~. A l\n•uu un.~ut,l. A Tiglr (Ji • ./i• nyult•). ~ ~kt"lctoul'l (P/w-'frolurrluA rim no). Two Nnlin• < 'nl• ( Duvy~tru• ,.;,.,.,.;l!l·•l· .\nns of n lnr~,;•• \\'hale . I ll ulm:lturu• unlnhntu•.

t) { •t'HI"lil.Ct.'H, 1,.'1U't.•tl n.tH1 "il:t. up. !j() Lllpiclupki'HII~ IIIM'ciK, •·cluxc•l l\1111 -~t 0111.

450 ('n..~~J of Fu~~~~ r~mnin~. liO Photograph~ or 11lurnl l haLory suhj~<:t•.

K P. l<t\~fSAY , Cum tor