australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

By Vipin Kannampuzha Parramatta Marist High School

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This is how Australia was from 1901-1914. This includes how Australians lived and how their way of life was compared to us.


Page 1: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

By Vipin Kannampuzha

Parramatta Marist High School

Page 2: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

On a dark, stormy day I

wanted to go out and play

but it was raining like hell.

So I went back home and sat

down bored. My grandpa

came up to me and said

“Why are you sad lad?,”

I replied in a sad tone,

“Because I can’t play,”

Page 3: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“Well let me tell you a

story about when I was as

young and when Australia

had only just begun in the


I sat down bored, because my

grandpa was one of those

people who remembered the

old days.

Page 4: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“ The first thing that happened in Australia was in 1901was that on New years day, 6 British Colonies in Australia were officially declared a federation”“My word, didn’t we have a huge celebration, the Harbor Bridge was magnificently lit up with fire works and it was just amazing” Again my grandpa started to have a flashback.“Grandpa..”“O.k” he said

Page 5: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“ In Australia back then we didn’t

have cars, we traveled in horse


“Cool” I said, “How was it like”

“ Disgusting, only the rich could

afford a horse cart so we had to

walk and because we used horse

warts, there was Horse dung

everywhere and the stink was


“ Yuck,” I wanted to vomit

Page 6: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“To cross the streets,I had to walk

through mud,dust and horse

manure, which had to be cleaned

up each evening. Flies and rotten

smells were what I had to live with

every day and because of the flies

and other insects I was vulnerable

to diseases like lung disease and


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“ If you think how your mum

washes your clothes badly, think

again because we didn’t have

washing machines. We had to wash

clothes in a copper over a fire and

we had to use a wooden stick to stir

the clothes and take it out”

Just then I went up to my room and

took a whole heap of clothes and

dumped it in the washing machine.

Page 8: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“In the 20th century Australia also

had a very low sense of hygiene

and caught many diseases. One

thing that was common to spread

the diseases was the fact that there

were many rats which came from

ships and sewers. We were usually

paid to catch the rat.”

Just then a rat ran past me. I


“ You come her” my grandpa

shouted, “I’ve been a rat catcher

for 2 years

Page 9: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“ If I did catch diseases, we

couldn’t go to a doctor because

you had to buy one and they were

terribly expensive so we had to

cure ourselves and your grandma

had to cure me.”

I went and hugged my mum and

then came back.

Page 10: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“You are damn lucky to have a

toilet cause we had to dig a hole

and do our business and cover it

with mud and then dig another

hole somewhere else”

I imagined how I would have to go

far away with no privacy and do

my business.

At the thought itself I wanted to


Page 11: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“In the 20th century there were no

aero planes or televisions.

However the greatest invention we

had was electricity.

We soon had telephones but

everyone wanted to call so the lines

were mostly engaged.”

I imagined living in a era with NO

Television. It was very hard to

imagine. In fact I couldn’t imagine

Page 12: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“The time I had for fun depended

on my status. There were three

statuses: the rich, middle and the

poor. I was one of the poor people

so I had very little time to have fun.

If I could have fun, it should be on

a Sunday because of the Sabbath. I

also liked to read. They had started

to began having more paper. I

loved Charles Dickens.”

“He is soo boring” I said. I mean,

once I fell asleep trying to read his


Page 13: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

For entertainment I had lots of

things to do. One form of

entertainment was music. I

remember going to somebody's

house just to listen to their

gramophone. I also enjoyed card

games. Dancing was also very

popular. Dances also gave me the

chance to look at the opposite sex.

That is how I met your


Page 14: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“We also had beaches”

“ Cool” I breathed

“ However not quite like now. We

Had to dress up fully and we could

only go to the water to wet our feet

This was because the government

believed that women and men

couldn’t swim together. They

even had separate areas for men

and women and different times so

women could bathe.”

Page 15: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“Public holidays were limited. Theonly holiday was federation dayand empire day. Everyone usually wore costumes for empire day because it was the queens birthday. At night, rich families lit fireworks in their backyards or attended community bonfires to celebrate. I Used to go to every community bonfire lighting because it was fun.” • celebrate.

Page 16: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“When I was working, I had very

poor conditions. The pay was

low and I had to work for long

hours and if I complained I got

sacked. In the city many people

worked in factories from 6 am to

10 pm. Some people were so poor

they even sent 12 year olds to


Page 17: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“ Children were expected to work

from a young age and even though

schools very important many

children worked from 8 because

they were very poor. Many

employees used children because

they were cheap.”

I shuddered because I was 9 and I

couldn’t even image myself

working in a big factory by myself.

Page 18: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“ Also many servants very women.

And if a women was married she

couldn’t work because she was

expected to do housework. This

is why your grandma never worked

in her life. Many women were paid


I tried to imagine me doing all the

work. I didn’t even do my chores!

Page 19: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“In the wool industry, the shearers

were paid and treated like scum.

They were paid on the basis of 100

hundred sheep shorn for 2 dollars

or 1 pound at that time. If the boss

was unsatisfied, he wouldn’t pay

them. They even had to go and get

the wool. This meant they usually

paid more than they earned.”

Page 20: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“ The workers got paid badly than

the regular wage so many went on

a strike if the wage didn’t meet

their needs. The employees need

workers badly so they usually paid

the workers what they wanted.

Soon the government was sick

of the strikes so they improved

wages and working conditions.”

Page 21: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“ That was the era that I lived in. Now there is Television, aero planes and computers. You have proper toilets and school is affordable and you get decent wages for working.”“I know” I replied. “ It is sunny now, you can go and play”“ Wait a minute grandpa, How old are you?”

Page 22: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

“Jake, wake up. You have to go to school,”

I woke up all of a sudden. Wait a minute. It was 6 a.m. Grandpa was dead


You mean to say I dreamt all of those things. I dreamt of grandpa in

heaven telling me about Australia.

That was inhumane. I must have had a flash back of when he told me a

story or something.

But it felt so real.

I wanted to see my grandpa in heaven again and hear his stories

But did this mean……………………………………..

Page 23: Australia in the turn of the 20th century (1901-1914)

I went To Heaven ????

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