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    Download from Bankexamstoday.comwww.BankExamsToday.comWritten by Ramandeep Singh

    Ramandeep Singh9/1/2014



    Appointments1. General Dalbir Singh Suhag takes over as the

    new Army Chief. He takes the charge fromGeneral Bikram Singh. Before taking the chargeof Army Chief, General Dalbir Singh Suhag wasLieutenant General in the Army.

    2. Chief Marshal Arup Raha took over as theChairman of the Chief of Staff Committee(COEC) on 30th July 2014.

    3. K.V. Chowdhary appointed as new Chairman ofCBDT (Central Board of Direct Taxes)succeeded by R.K. Tewari. The appointment ofthe Chairman of CBDT was confirmed byAppointments Committee of Cabinet whichCommittee headed by Prime Minister ShriNarendra Modi.

    4. On 12th August 2014, the Government of Indiadecided to appoint Shri Bimal Jalan as the Headof Expenditure Management Commission set upby the Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley. ShriBimal Jalan is the former Governor of ReserveBank of India.

    5. United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)appointed the Commission, consisted threemembers to conduct the inquiry to probe warcrimes and human rights violations conflict inGaza. The Head of this Commission will WilliamSchabas. The conflict on the Gaza strip began inthe 2nd week of June 2014 i.e. 13th June 2014.

    6. Rajni Razdan became the Chairperson of UnionPublic Service Commission replaced with Prof.D.P. Agrawal.

    7. K.V. Thomas appointed as the Chairman of thePublic Accounts Committee which Committee isanalyze the expenditures of Government of India.

    8. Dr.Murli Manohar Joshi appointed as theChairman of Estimates Committee whichCommittee is working to increase the efficiencyin the administration.

    9. V. Shanta Kumar appointed as the Chairman ofCommittee on Public Undertakings whichCommittee is working upon the reports which areexamined by this Committee and also examinethe accounts of the public undertakings.

    10. S.M. Swathi the General Manager of CorporationBank appointed as the Executive Director ofBharatiya Mahila Bank. The Chairman and

    Managing Director of Bharatiya Mahila Bank isSmt. Usha Ananthasubramanian. Recently,Bharatiya Mahila Bank awarded with CoreBanking System Initiative Award 2014.

    11. Ravi Shastri appointed as Team Director ofIndian Cricket team for ODI series agaisntEngland. He is former Indian Captain of Cricketteam. The Coach of Indian Cricket team isDuncan Fletcher.

    12. Prayuth Chan-Ocha became the Prime Ministerof Thailand. Recently, Yinguluck Shinawatra wasresigned from the post.

    13. Tejendra Mohan Bhasin (T.M. Bhasin) elected asthe Chairman of Indian Banks Association (IBA)while Arundhati Bhattacharya elected as theHonorary Secretary of Indian Banks Association.

    14. Ahmet Davutogul appointed as the PrimeMinister of Turkey replaced with Recep TayyipErdogan. The capital of Turkey is Ankara.

    15. Keshri Nath Tripathi appointed as the Governorof West Bengal. He became 22nd Governor ofWest Bengal. He awarded with Vishwa BharatiSamman, Bharat Gaurav and Uttar PradeshSamman etc.

    16. Ramesh Chand Tayal appointed as SpecialDirector Genral of Central Reserve Police Force(CRPF).

    17. R.N. Ravi appointed as Chief of JointIntelligence Committee, a committee worksunder the National Security Council Secretariat.

    18. C.S. Verma became the first President of IndianSteel Association, the association launched bydomestic steel producer of India. The aim of thisassociation is to work towards transforming theIndian steel industry as the global leader.

    Deaths1. Madhukar Singh died on 21st July 2014 at his

    residence in village Dharahara of BhojpurDistrict. He was a famous Hindi literaturer.

    2. Pran Kumar Sharma the famous cartoonist knownas comic character Chacha Choudhary died. Hewas 75 years old.

    3. The politician Reshamlal Jangade died on 11th

    August 2014. He was the Member of Parliamentof the first Lok Sabha of the country whichstarted in the year 1952 after held the General



    elections. He was related to Indian NationalCongress Party.

    4. Burra Katha, the famous Folk Artist passed away.He is a Telegu art of oral story telling. BurraKatha is generally known as Jangam Katha.

    5. The famous poet of Iran Simin Behbahani diedon 19th August 2014. She had remained thePresident of Iranian Writers Association. She isknown as Lioness of Iran.

    6. Yoga guru Bellur Krishnamachar SundarajaIyengar (B.K.S. Iyengar) died on 20th August2014. He is the founder of Iyengar Yoga. Hebagged three civilian awards of India i.e. PadmaShri, Padma Bhushan and recently PadmaVibhushan. His book Light on Yoga known asthe Bible of Modern Yoga.

    7. The famous American Journalist James Foleywas killed by the militants of ISIS.

    8. Amitava Nandy, the famous former leader ofCommunist Party of India Marxist (CPI-M)died due to cancer. He was the Member ofParliament of 14th Lok Sabha.

    9. Chemancherry Narayanan Nair, the famousMalyalam actor died on 25th August 2014. Heawarded with Special Jury Prize by theGovernment of Kerela.

    10. Richard Attenborough, the famous Britishfilmmaker and Oscar winner, died at the age of90. Generally he is known for his criticallyacclaimed biopic on Indias Mahatama Gandhiwhich film won 8 Oscar Awards in the year 1982.

    11. Douglasw McAuthur McCain is the first citizenof United States of Amercia who died in Syria.He is American Jihadi.

    Politics1. On 26th August 2014, former Chief Minister of

    Delhi Smt.Sheela Dixit resigned from theGovernor of the State of Kerela. She became 8th

    Governor to who resigned from the near past.2. The parliament of Iraq elected Fuad Masum as

    the President of Iraq in Baghdad. He became the7th President of Iraq. He is a Kurdish Politician.Moreover, Mr.Jubouri elected as the new speakerto form the new government in Iraq and to endingthe political deadlock.

    3. Union Government of India has launched theRashtriya Gokul Mission to protect theindigenous breed of cows. Under this scheme,some Integrated Indigenous Cattle Centres willbe set up which will be useful for improving milkproductivity in India. The aim of the governmentis to improving milk productivity in India.Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singhannounced this scheme. The Union Governmentpassed Rs.150 Crore to reach its peak of themission.

    4. The Government of Maharashtra appointedAmitabh Bachchan, the Indian Megastar asHorticulture Ambassador of Maharashtra toincrease the revenue of State.

    5. Gujarat tops the charts in e-transactions acrossthe nation with 26% share. It is revealed from thereport of Union Government by analyzingthrough E-Transactions Aggregation andAnalysis Layer (E-TAAL) and announced by thepresent Secretary of Electronics and InformationTechnology Department Shri R.S. Sharma. Fromthis layer, we came to know that what theflexibility of e-transactions is.

    6. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi concludedthe visit to Nepal on 4th August, 2014. This is thefirst bilateral meeting between India and Nepal inpast 17 years. During this visit, Prime MinisterShri Narendra Modi announced to give help toNepal for development.

    7. On 4th August, 2014 completed the 100 years ofFirst World War which was started on 4th August,1914 and was ended on 11th November 1918.First World War also called as THE GREATWAR.

    8. The Ministry of Human Resource Developmentset up a four member committee to review andanalyse the status of University GrantsCommission. UGC Chairman Shri Hari Gautamwill be the Head of this committee.

    9. In the 6th Brics Summit, 3 bilateral agreementsare signed between India and Brazil. Threebilateral agreements are MOU on Cooperation inthe field of environment, Agreement on Space,MOU on Cooperation in consultation mechanism.7th Brics Summit will be held in Russia.



    10. India became the first country to ratify theMarrakesh Treaty. This treaty will work for blindpeople, visually impaired peopoe and otherdisable persons and will give equal rights andopportunities of education and employment forblind people.

    11. India and World Bank signed MOUs forURWSSP (Uttarakhand Rural Water Suply andSanitation Project), UDWDP (UttarakahandDecentralized Watershed Development Project),MRWSSP (Maharashtra Rural Water Supply andSanitation Programme). There is need to wellknown to you that water supply, santitation anddecentralization are the keys to develop anynation.

    12. India ranked 8th in Global Rich List with 14800multimillionaires. United States of America topsthe list followed by China and Germany.

    13. The Governor of Uttar Pradesh Shri Ram Naikand Governor of Gujarat Shri Om Prakash Kohlihave given additional charge of Rajasthan andGoa respectively.

    14. On 15th August 2014, 29th State of India i.e.Telangana is going to celebrate its first NationalIndependence Day at Golconda Fort. K.Chandrasekhar Rao is the first Chief Minister ofTelangana.

    15. Tamilnadu has the maximum 59 Universities inIndia while the whole country has 678Universitties.

    16. Approximately, 200 Indians evacuated fromLibya from the largest island of North Africanamely Djerba Island. This island is located offthe coast of Tunisia in the Gulf of Gabes.

    17. The work of the railway brdige at Noney inManipur, India began, after competition of thewhole work, this railway bridge become theworlds tallest railway bridge.

    18. Liberia declared the State of Emergency on 6th

    August 2014. The President of Liberia EllenJohnson Sirleaf declared the State of Emergencyover the outbreak of Ebola Virus. Ebola Virus isnormally called Ebola hemorrhagic fever whichwill harmfully affected the human body. To takethe initial steps, Health Minister Dr.Harshvardhan ordered to all the airports to formthe check posts for checking the Ebola Virus.

    19. The Government of India raised the limit ofForeign Direct Investment in the Defence Sectorfrom 26% to 49%. Foreign Direct Investment is adirect investment in the production of the countryby the company of another country or individual.

    20. Securities Laws (Amendment) Bill 2014 passedin Lok Sabha to empower Securities ExchangeBoard of India (SEBI) and also strenthen it. Thisbill will give express powers for any settlementand also empowers SEBI to establish the specialcourts to strenthen it.

    21. The Government of India has raised to 100%Foreign Direct Investment in the RailwayDepartment. This is happeing first time in India.The FDI raised to 100% by the UnionGovernment with the hope to expansion therailway and to make India a strong economy.

    22. The United States of America has taken theaction agaisnt the ISIS terrorists. The bombs havedropped by the USA namely F/A-18 from thearicraft of USA. It is very important to mentionhere that few days back, the Government of Iraqdemanded military help from USA. There is needto know you that USA has the strongest militarypower in all over the world.

    23. The World Health Organization (WHO) hasdeclared Ebola Virus as Global HealthEmergency. WHO has taken this decision afterseeing that this is fatal to the human lives andabout 1500 people were died affected by thisVirus.

    24. The Nepalese boy namely Jeet Bahadur MaruSagar was reunited with his family by the PrimeMinister of India Shri Narendra Modi. PrimeMinister of India completed this responsibilityduring the two day visit to Nepal recently.

    25. ZERO HUNGER CHALLENGE was set up byFood and Agriculture Organization of the UnitedNations under the efforts to ensure that every onehave the right to adequate food.

    26. Qaraqosh and surrounding areas is the largestChiristian town in Iraq. ISIS (Islamic State inIraq and Syria) has taken the control over thistown recently.

    27. Recep Tayyip Erdogan became the first electedPresident of Turkey. Recep Tayyip Erdogan isthe head of Justice and Development Party.



    28. On 10th August 2014, Delhi Police launched thehelpline number to curb the corruption. This willbe best step to curb the corruption.

    29. The State of Telangana notified for the StatePublic Service Commission according to theArticle 315 of the Constitution and Section 83(2)of Andhra Pradesh Re-Organization Act, 2014.

    30. The President of USA Barack Obama signed andpassed the Near East and South Central AsiaReligious Freedom Act to promote the religiousfreedom of minorities in the Near East and SouthCentral Asia.

    31. The ASEAN countries included India are likelyto sign free trade agreement at Myanmar.

    32. The Federal Act on International AdministrativeAssistance in Tax Matters amended by theGovernment of Switzerland to exchange theinformation with other countries regarding theblack money. This amendment was the demandof time because more and more black money wasdepositing in Swiss Banks.

    33. On 12th August 2014, World Elephant Dayorganized. This day organized every year tocreate the awareness about the plightness ofAsian and African elephants.

    34. Securities and Exchange Board of Indiagenerally known as SEBI issued Know YourClient (KYC) Registrartion Agency Regulations,2014. SEBI conferred it by Section 30 of SEBIAct, 1992.

    35. On 12th August 2014, the World HealthOrganization approved the use of experimentaldrug Zmapp to fight against Ebola Virus.

    36. The State Assembly of Tamil Nadu passed theTamil Nadu Entry into Public Places Bill, 2014to remove restrictions on entry of dhoti-clad menin hotels etc. With the passing of this bill, everyman wearing a dhoti can enter into any hotel,club, theatres, restaurants etc.

    37. The hydroelectric project namely Nimoo BazgoHydroelectric Project initiated on the Indus Riverby the Prime Minister of India Shri NarendraModi.

    38. Pope Francis became the first South KoreanVisiter in a quarter century. The President ofSouth Korea is Park Geun-hye.

    39. Vijaywada will become the ad-hoc State Capitalof Andhra Pradesh. The Chief Minister of AndhraPradesh is N.Chandrababu Naidu.

    40. The Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitleyrelaunched the insurance scheme for seniorcitizens aged 60 years and above. LIC willadministered this scheme.

    41. Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modilaunched Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana on theeve of 68th Independence Day. This Yojana willhelp the poor people of India in the near future.

    42. China inaugrated the railway line in Tibet whichis very close to Border of the State of Sikkim.

    43. The Government of India approved four highwayprojects in the State of Jammy and Kashmir. Thefour projects are Srinagar-Banihal, Qazigund-Banihal, Chenani-Nashri, Jammu-Udhampur.

    44. Indo-Nepal Combined Army Training Exercisewill be conducted in the State of Uttarakhand.The name of this training session is SuryaKiran-VII. About 300 personnels will attend thistraining session.

    45. Jharkhand Disom Party (JDP) merged withBharatiya Janta Party which was established inthe year 2002 after creating the new State ofJharkhand. Salkhan Murmu was the founder ofJharkhand Disom Party (JDP).

    46. Massive aid operation for resident of Iraq fleeingviolence launched by United Nations HighCommissioner for Refugees (UNHRC). Thescheme will be helpful to displaced Iraqis whoare the victims after the violence in Iraq. Thebasic aim of this scheme is to improve the life ofvictim people.

    47. World Humanitarian Day observed on 19th

    August every year. This day is observed to knowthe humanitarian personnel and who have losttheir lives. The World Needs MoreHumanitarian Heroes was the theme for theyear 2014.

    48. India signed Memorandum of UnderstandingMOU with Czech Republic on technicalcooperation in railway.

    49. Samagra Kutumbh Survey or IntensiveHousehold Survey conducted by Government ofnewly formed State Telangana.



    50. Irom Sharmila released by Manipur Court who isknown as Iron Lady of Manipur for non-violentprotest. She protested agaisnt the abusesallegedly committed by the security forces ofArmed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA).

    51. The Honble Supreme Court of India fined 14States with 1 Union Territory of Chandigarh withRs.25,000 each for not respond to the Report ofLaw Commission. These 14 States are Bihar,Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Punjab,Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Andhra Pradesh,Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerela,Haryana, Sikkim ane Union Territory ofChandigarh.

    52. The Government of India draft new guidelines toForward Markets Commission (FMC) toempower and strengthen the commodity market.Forward Markets Commission (FMC) is aregulatory authority and is a statutory body whichsetup in the year 1953. Its Headquarter is inMumbai and the Chairman is Abhishek.

    53. Worlds first Hindu eco-temple namely ShreeSwaminarayan Mandir opened in worlds famouscity London, United Kingdom.

    54. On 20th August 2014, the Honble Home Ministerof India Shri Rajnath Singh launchedMainstreaming Civil Defence in Disaster RiskReduction scheme. The basic aim of this schemeis to strenthen the capacity of all the statestowards disasters.

    55. The new project approved by the Government ofIndia to ensure that government services areavailable to citizens electronically. The name ofthis project is Digital India Project.

    56. On 19th August 2014, Afghanistan celebrated its95th Independence day. Afghanistan getindepdendence from the British Empire afterfought three Anglo-Afghan wars and ultimatelysigned the Anglo-Afghan treay to get theindependence. The capital of Afghanistan isKabul.

    57. Delhi Development Autohrity (DDA) approvedthe modifciation proposal in the Master Plan ofIndias capital Delhi 2021 which planincorporates the innovations for the developmentof the Natinal Capital.

    58. The Government of South Africa has taken theimportant decision about the illegal poaching ofrhinos. The Ministry of Environment of SouthAfrica decided to evacuate 500 rhinos fromKruger National Park to curb the illegal poachingof rhinos which is one of the largest parks ofSouth Africa.

    59. Two Districts of the State of Rajasthan namelyAjmer and Alwar declared Smoke Free districts.Two other districts of the State of Rajasthannamely Jhunjhunu and Jodhpur already declaredSmoke Free districts. Now, Rajasthan has 4Smoke Free Districts.

    60. Indias first science and technology institute i.e.Indian Institute of Engineering Science andTechnology (IIEST) established in West Bengal.

    61. The Union Government of India launched Indiasfirst ethanol-run bus in the Nagpur City ofMaharashtra under the Green Bus Project. Therun bus recuce the import of petroleum productslike petrol, diesel and gas etc. The country ofSweden has manufactured this bus and this bususing Ethanol instead of fuel.

    62. Border Secrity Force and Board GuardBangladesh signed an agreement on vulnerabilitymapping to implement a coordinated bordermanagement plan to curb drug and humantrafficking. The chief of BSF is D.K. Pathak andthe Director General of BGB is Aziz Ahmed.

    63. The Governor of Maharashtra Shri K.Sankaranarayanan resigned from the office andhe appointed the new Governor of Mizoram.Recently, the Governor of Gujarat Shri OmPrakash Kohli has been given to additionalcharge of Maharashtra.

    64. Approximately, 218 coal block allocationsdeclared illegal by the Supreme Court of Indiawhich were allocated by Screening Committeeduring the period 1993 to 2010.

    65. Out of 18 Assembly constituencies 10 seats wonby Congress and its allies and remaining 8 seatswon by BJP and its allies. The 18 Assemblycontituencies elections held in Bihar, Punjab,Madhya Pradesh and Karanataka.

    66. The President of France Francois Hollandedissolved the government on the issue of



    countrys stagnant economy. The Prime Ministerof France Manuel Valls resigned from the post.

    67. The Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modilaunched energy highway for eastern India toconnect with the national gas grid. Gas Authorityof India Limited will implement this pipelineproject.

    68. To gave the special treatment of ebola virus,Japan will offer favipiravir which is an anti-viraldrug, the drug known as Avignan. The majorcountries affected with ebola virus are Guinea,Sierra Leone and Liberia.

    69. Four Governors namely Kalyan Singh appointedfor the State of Rajasthan while VajubhaiRudabhai Vala for Karnataka, Mridula Sinha forthe State of Goa and C. Vidyasagar Rao for theState of Maharashtra.

    70. A domain called Dot Bharat launched by theGovernment of India to connect people withsocial media. This domain will give theinformation to the people in their regionallanguages but initially, eight languages areincluded in the domain are Hindi, Bodo, Dogri,Konkani, Maithili, Marathi, Nepali and Sindhi.

    71. The Finance Ministry of India ordered forensicaudit of UCO Bank after found irregularities innon-performing accounts. UCO Bank is 4th bankthat is named for forensic audit. The other threebanks are Dena Bank, Oriental Bank ofCommerce and Syndicate Bank.

    72. Israel and Hamas agreed to Egyptian ceasefireproposal for unlimited time. Few days back, theproposal was refused by Hamas.

    73. Indian Air Force and Russian Federation AirForce started Indo-Russian Air Force Exercisecalled Avia Indra 2014 which is first Indo-Russian aerial exercise between the twocountries.

    74. The Jewish Centre, Chabad House oftenly calledas Nariman House reopened after 6 years. TheCentre was remained closed after the 26/11 terrorattack in the year November 2008.

    75. Recep Tayyip Erdogan became 12th President ofTurkey. He relates to Justice and DevelopmentParty while Ahmet Davutogul became the PrimeMinister of Turkey.

    76. 7 countries Canada, Denmark, France, UnitedKingdom, Albania, Croatia and Italy joinedUnited States of America in arming the Kurdishforces against ISIS.

    77. Department of Industrial Policy and Promotionnotified Press Note 8, the note allows 100% FDIin the Indian Railways infrastructure.

    78. To identify the obsolete laws, RamanujamCommittee established by the Prime MinisterShri Narendra Modi. The Chairman of theCommittee will be R. Ramanujam.

    79. The Tourism Minister of India Shripad Naik setthe criteria to build tourism industry in all overthe India, the criteria set by him called asSustainable Tourism Criteria for India.

    80. The Honble Supreme Court of India asked DLFLtd., a real estate developer company to pay thefine amount of Rs.630 Crore, imposed byCompetition Commission of India.

    81. The state of Maharashtra will form theTransgender Welfare Board. Maharashtra willbecome 2nd state of India to form the TransgenderWelfare Board. The first one was Tamil Nadu.

    82. Sivaramakrishnan Committee submitted its reportto the Union Home Ministry on the capital ofAndhra Pradesh. The committee was recentlyconstituted to sugest the place to build the capitalcity of Andhra Pradesh. The Chairman of thiscommittee is K. Sivaramakrishnan.

    83. The Governor of Manipur Shri Vinod KumarDuggal resigned. Formerly, he was the member-Secretary of Srikrishna Committee, thecommittee was constituted on the issue of newformed state of Telangana.

    84. The Cabinet of Delhi made mandatoryinstructions to wear the helmets for women ontwo wheelers.

    85. Till now, NDA Government of India laid downthe many foundation stones to provide hastle freeservices to Indians. In the near future, the IndianGovernment can start programme.Under this programme the educationalcertificates, residential documents and othernecessary documents will be stored in theindividual digital lockers. After the inaugrationof this programme, all the Indians can free from



    harassment suffered by them in the governmentoffices.

    Union Budget 2014Arun Jaitley, The Finance Minister of NarendraModi's cabinet presented, Union Budget. I mustsay that this budget is "Growth Oriented".Government planned to invest lots of funds onsetting up of new educational institutes and oneof the most important step that government took -Increase in limit of 80C. This would lead tohigher investment rate and automatically thiswould help in job creation.

    HighlightsTaxes and Interests

    Income tax exemption limit raised fromRs.2 Lakh to Rs.2.5 Lakh

    Deduction limit under Section 80-Craised to Rs.1.5 Lakh

    Annual PPF ceiling hiked to Rs.1.5 Lakh No tax for income upto Rs.3 Lakh for

    senior citizens Housing loan interest deduction limit

    raised from Rs.1.5 Lakh to Rs.2 LakhAim: Save taxpayers from burden

    Womens Safety Rs.50 Crore for safety for Women on

    public road transport Rs.150 Crore security net in large

    cities Crisis Management centres to come

    up in Delhi Rs.100 Crore for Beti Padhao, Bet

    Bachao YojanaAim: 2013 saw a crime spike by 26.7% compared to theprevious year. Nirbhaya like incidents drew worldwidecondemnation

    Power & Energy Rs.500 Crore for solar power projects 24 7 power supply to all homes

    Rs.100 Crore for Ultra Modern SuperCritical Coal Based Thermal PowerTechnology

    Rs.200 Crore for power reforms in DelhiWhy: For meeting ever growing demand.Villages and rural areas to benefit most.

    Education 5 new IITs and an equal number of IIMs,

    4 new AIIMS Rs.28,635 Crore for Sarva Shiksha

    Abhiyan Rs.4,966 Crore for the Rashtriya

    Madhyamik Shiksha AbhiyanAim: To check high school dropouts and booshigher education

    Defence Gets Rs.2.29 Lakh Crore, One-Rank

    One- Pay adopted FDI limit raised from 26% to 49% Rs.1000 Crore for border area rail

    network Additional Rs.5000 Crore for the

    modernization of armed forces

    Pushing to the front: Indias strategic interestsdemand state-of-the-art weapons and capabilityto deploy troops swiftly

    Agriculture Rs.100 Crore for Agri-infrastructure fund Rs.50 Crore for indigenous cattle

    breeding Rs.8 Lakh Crore for agriculture credit Government to formulate new urea

    policy Rs.500 Crore for price stabilization fund Rs.100 Crore for Kisan Television Farmers to get loans at 7% Two IARI like institutions of excellence

    in Assam and JharkhandAim: To encourage R & D and rationalizefertilizer prices to boost rural economy



    Tourism E-visas at nine airports, Rs.500 Crore for

    5 new tourist circuits National Heritage city Development and

    Augmentation Yojana Rs.100 Crore for the preservation of

    archaeological sitesTarget: More revenue and foreign currency.Government looks forward to an average annualgrowth of 8% per year

    Infrastructure Rs.37,850 Crore allocated for road

    building plan via NHAI, includingRs.3000 Crore for the North East

    Rs.11,635 Crore to develop existing ports& harbours

    Schemes for development of airports intier-I and II cities via AAI and PPP

    Rs.7,060 Crore allocated for 100 smartcities

    Rs.100 Crore for metro projects inLucknow and Ahmedabad

    The way ahead: To clear highways sector from the mazeof clearances.

    Markets & Banking PSU Banks to raise Rs.2.40 Lakh Crore

    capital by 2018 Introduction of uniform KYC norms One single operating DMAT Account Two bank accounts in each household to

    be openedWhat it means: Banking facilities for all households

    Customs & Excise Colour picture tubes exempted from

    basic customs duty Basic customs duty on LCD, LED panels

    below 19 inches reduced More proposals to cut excise on food

    processing and footwear Cigarattes, tobacco products, aerated

    water containing sugar to becomeexpensive

    Aim: To curb use of tobacco products assmoking results in 1 million deaths every yearand 20% of the total deaths in the country.

    Sports Rs.200 Crore for upgrading indoor and

    outdoor facilities in Jammu and Kashmir Rs.100 Crore allocated for Sports

    University in Manipur Rs.100 Crore for training sportsmen and

    women for upcoming Commonwealthand Asian Games.

    Aim: As sports have not been mainstreamed todate, was a need to set up national levelacademies for major games in different parts ofthe country.

    Information Technology Tax benefits for IT industry restored FDI to be allowed in e-commerce sector

    to provide much needed boost to theonline retail industry

    Rs.100 Crore set aside for developmentof Technology Development Fund

    Biotech clusters to be set up in Bangaloreand Faridabad

    All government departments, ministriesto be integrated through e-platform by31 Dec., 2014

    Aim: to promote the use of new technology andintegration of technology across sectors.

    Rural Development Rs.500 Crore for Deen Dayal Upadhaya

    Gram Jyoti Yojana Rs.14,389 Crore for Pradhan Mantri

    Gram Sadak Yojana Initial sum of Rs.100 Crore for Village

    Entrepreneurship Programme New programme Neeranchal to give

    impetus to watershed development withan initial outlay of Rs.2,142 Crore

    Swatch Bharat Abhiyaan targeting totalsanitation by 2019

    Low interest loan scheme for women selfhelp groups



    Tax exemption limit increased from 2 lacs to 2.5 lacs

    Much awaited and expected decision from FM. Althoughit was expected that tax exemption limit will be increasedto 3 lacs but it is increased to 2.5 lacs only. Governmenttried to relief to inflation stricken public.

    Individual resident below 60 years of age (i.e. born on orafter 1st April 1953) or any NRI, HUF, AOP, BOI orAJP*

    Income Tax Slabs

    Income Slabs Tax RatesI. Where the total income

    does not exceedRs.2,00,000/-


    II. Where the total incomeexceeds Rs.2,00,000/- butdoes not exceed Rs.5,00,000/-.

    10% of amount bywhich the totalincome exceedsRs. 2,00,000/-

    III. Where the total incomeexceeds Rs.5,00,000/- butdoes not exceed Rs.10,00,000/-

    Rs.30,000/- +20% of theamount by whichthe total incomeexceeds Rs.5,00,000/-

    IV. Where the total incomeexceeds Rs.10,00,000/-

    Rs.130,000/- +30% of theamount by whichthe total incomeexceeds Rs.10,00,000/-

    Surcharge : NilEducation Cess : 3% of the Income Tax.

    * Abbreviations used :NRI - Non Resident Individual; HUF - Hindu

    Undivided Family; AOP - Association of Persons; BOI -Body of Individuals; AJP - Artificial Judicial Person

    I. Individual resident who is of the age of 60 yearsor more but below the age of 80 years at any timeduring the previous year (i.e. born on or after 1stApril 1933 but before 1st April 1953)

    Income Tax : Tax Liability for AY 2013-14

    Income Slabs Tax RatesI. Where the total income

    does not exceedRs.2,00,000/-


    II. Where the total incomeexceeds Rs.2,00,000/- butdoes not exceed Rs.5,00,000/-.

    10% of amount bywhich the totalincome exceedsRs. 2,50,000/-

    III. Where the total incomeexceeds Rs.5,00,000/- butdoes not exceed Rs.10,00,000/-

    Rs.30,000/- +20% of theamount by whichthe total incomeexceeds Rs.5,00,000/-

    IV. Where the total incomeexceeds Rs.10,00,000/-

    Rs.125,000/- +30% of theamount by whichthe total incomeexceeds Rs.10,00,000/-

    Surcharge : NilEducation Cess : 3% of the Income Tax.

    II. Individual resident who is of the age of 80 yearsor more at any time during the previous year (i.e.born before 1st April 1933)

    Income Tax : Calculate Tax Liability for AY 2013-14

    Income Slabs Tax RatesI. Where the total income does

    not exceed Rs.5,00,000/-NIL

    II. Where the total incomeexceeds Rs.5,00,000/- butdoes not exceed Rs.10,00,000/-.

    20% of amount bywhich the totalincome exceedsRs. 5,00,000/-

    III. Where the total incomeexceeds Rs.10,00,000/-

    Rs.100,000/- +30% of theamount by whichthe total incomeexceeds Rs.10,00,000/-

    Surcharge : NilEducation Cess : 3% of the Income Tax.

    III. Co-operative Society



    Income Tax : Calculate Tax Liability for AY 2013-14

    Income Slabs Tax RatesI. Where the total income does

    not exceed Rs.10,000/-10% of theincome

    II. Where the total incomeexceeds Rs.10,000/- butdoes not exceed Rs.20,000/-.

    Rs.1000 + 20% ofincome in excessof Rs.10,000/-

    III. Where the total incomeexceeds Rs.20,000/-

    Rs.3,000/- + 30%of the amount bywhich the totalincome exceedsRs. 20,000/-

    Surcharge : Nil

    Education Cess : 3% of the Income-tax.

    IV. Firm

    Income Tax : 30% of total income.Calculate TaxLiability for AY 2013-14

    Surcharge : Nil

    Education Cess : 3% of the Income Tax.

    V. Local Authority

    Income Tax : 30% of total income.Calculate TaxLiability for AY 2013-14

    Surcharge : Nil

    Education Cess : 3% of the Income Tax.

    VI. Domestic Company

    Income Tax : 30% of total income.Calculate TaxLiability for AY 2013-14

    Surcharge : The amount of income tax as computed inaccordance with above rates, and after being reduced bythe amount of tax rebate shall be increased by a surchargeat the rate of 5% of such income tax, provided that thetotal income exceeds Rs. 1 crore. (Marginal Relief inSurcharge, if applicable)

    Education Cess : 3% of the total of Income Tax andSurcharge.

    VII. Company other than a Domestic Company

    Income Tax :Calculate Tax Liability for AY 2013-14

    a. @ 50% of on so much of the total incomeas consist of (a) royalties received fromGovernment or an Indian concern inpursuance of an agreement made by itwith the Government or the Indianconcern after the 31st day of March,1961 but before the 1st day of April,1976; or (b) fees for rendering technicalservices received from Government or anIndian concern in pursuance of anagreement made by it with theGovernment or the Indian concern afterthe 29th day of February, 1964 but beforethe 1st day of April, 1976, and wheresuch agreement has, in either case, beenapproved by the Central Government.

    b. @ 40% of the balance

    Surcharge : The amount of income tax as computed inaccordance with above rates, and after being reduced bythe amount of tax rebate shall be increased by a surchargeat the rate of 2% of such income tax, provided that thetotal income exceeds Rs. 1 crore. (Marginal Relief inSurcharge, if applicable)

    Education Cess : 3% of the total of Income Tax andSurcharge.

    New Schemes introduced inBudget 2014Scheme Fund AllocationTextile Cluster 200 CroreKisan Television 100 CroreFour new AIIMS 500 CroreModernization of Madrassas 100 CroreCommunity Radio Centres 100 CroreAgricultural University 200 CroreBeti Padhao Beti Badhao 100 Crore



    YojanaStatue of Unity of SardarVallabh Patel

    200 Crore

    National rural internet andtechnology mission

    500 Crore

    New and renewable energy 500 CroreSoil health card policy 100 CroreSoil testing lab 100 CroreMetro rails developmentproject

    100 Crore

    Important Organizationsand their Abbreviations

    IOD- Indian Ocean Dipole ICANN- Internet Corporation for Assigned

    Names and Numbers CCI- Competition Commission of India DGCA- The Directorate General of Civil

    Aviation UNESCO- United Nations Educational,

    Scientific and Cultural Organization IAEA- International Atomic Energy Agency

    (IAEA) NFSA- National Food Security Act UNEP- United Nations Environment Programme NDMA- National Disaster Management

    Authority MPA- Marine Protected Area OHCHR- Office of High Commissioner for

    Human Rights DRSC- District-level Road Safety Committees AICTE :- All India Council of Technical

    Education AIIMS :- All India Institute of Medical Sciences ASSOCHAM :- Associated Chamber of

    Commerce and Industry BIS :- Bureau of Indian Standards CSIR :- Council of Scientific and Industrial

    Research CVC :- Central Vigilance Commission DGCA :- Director General of Civil Aviation ECIL :- Electronic Corporation of India Limited FCI :- Food Corporation of India

    FICCI :- Federation of Indian Chamber ofCommerce and Industry

    FIEO :- Federation of Indian ExportOrganization

    IDFC Infrastructure Development Finance Co.Ltd.

    GATT :- General Agreement on Tariff and Trade AICI Agricultural Insurance Corporation of

    India CCIC Central Cottage Industries Corporation CCI Consumer Confidence Index EFTA European Free Trade Association ISROIndian Space Research Organisation ICICIIndustrial Credit and Investment

    Corporation of India HDFCHousing Development Finance

    Corporation NASA :-National aeronautics and space

    administration. ESA :-Employment and support Allowance

    Business and Economy1. Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO)

    retained the rate of interest as 8.75% p.a. on thedeposits of provident fund.

    2. RBI has cancelled Certificate of Registration ofsix non-banking finanancial institutions(NBFCs). The reason being that they cannot beable to conduct business of non-bankingfinanancial activities. It is hereby important tonoted that RBI at any time observed that if anyinstitution cannot be able to bear the expendituresor losses then RBI cancelled the Certificate ofRegistration of that institution immediately.

    3. HDFC (Housing Development FinanceCorporation) is fast growing private sector bankwho will open a school in Gurgaon. This will bethe first financial organization who taken thistype of step.

    4. According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index,Shri Dilip Singhvi, the founder and MD of SunPharmaceutical Industries topped the gloabal richlist with $17.2 billion. Sun PharmaceuticalIndustries is the fastest growing healthcarecompany.

    5. Reserve Bank of India reduced the StatutoryLiquidity Ratio (SLR) by 50 basis points to 22%



    but the repo rate remains the same announced bythe RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan.

    Policy Rates Bank Rate 9.0% Base Rate 10% to 10.25% CRR 4.0% Repo Rate 8.0% Reserve Repo Rate 7.0% SLR 22% Term Deposit Rate 8% to 9.05%

    6. RBI has cancelled the licence of The Vasavi Co-operative Urban Bank Ltd.

    7. Reserve Bank of India drafted guidelines toimplement the Bharat Bill Payment Scheme(BPPS) oftenly called as any time any wherebill payment system.

    8. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) became thefirst Indian Company to cross Rs.5 Lakh CroreMarket capitalization. Till today, no othernational company can reach at this target. TCS isan IT Company.

    9. Reserve Bank of India will launched Rs.1000note consisting the Rupee Symbol.

    10. The Board of Reserve Bank of India has giventhe apporval to create the post of Chief OperatingOfficer as per the needs of the economy.

    11. Reserve Bank of India announed that free ATMtransactions for savings account holders in sixmetro cities will decrease from 5 to 3 from 01st

    November 2014. That cities are Mumbai, NewDelhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru andHyderabad.

    12. India ranked at 5th position in Renewables GlobalStatus Report 2014 while China ranked at 1st

    position. First time this report was relased in theyear 2005.

    13. The merger of Mumbai and Kolkata will heldwith Maharashtra and West Bengal under theDepartment of Telecom. After the mergeness ofthese cities, the telecom subscribers whotravelling from these cities will free from theroaming charges. The present Telecom Ministeris Ravi Shankar Prasad.

    14. The Korean handset maker Samsung stillcontinues to lead the smartphone market with29% share as per the report of International DataCorporation which is a market research toconduct analyzing in information technolgy andtelecommunications. The Chief Executive Officerof International Data Corporation is KirkCampbell.

    15. Colgate palmolive appointed Issam Bachaalani asManaging Director of India. Colgate palmoliveCompany is the multinational company which isfocus on the healthcare products like soaps,detergents etc. The Chief Executive Officer ofColgate Palmolive Company is Ian M. Cook andits headquarter in New York.

    16. The 2nd largest private sector bank of India i.e.HDFC Bank opened its Branch in Dubai. TheHDFC Bank taken this step to see the largequantity of Indians in Dubai. Before this the bankhas already opened its two international branchesin Bahrain and Hong Kong. The Chief ExecutiveOfficer of HDFC Bank is Aditya Puri.

    17. The Swachh Bharat scheme gets Rs.200 Crorefrom Tata Consultancy Services and BhartiFoundation for working this scheme. The ChiefExecutive Officer of Tata Consultancy Servicesis Natarajan Chandrasekaran. The ChiefExecutive Officer of Bharti Foundation is VijayChadda.

    18. The renowned Private Sector Bank i.e. ICICIBank launched EMI facility on debit cards withthe condition to have FD in tha bank. With thislaunching, ICICI Bank became the first bank tolaunch this type of facility.

    19. The Ministry of Finance gave the instructions toforensic audit to take an audit regarding themisappropriation of funds committed by DenaBank and Oriental Bank of Commerce.

    20. International Finance Corporation launched$2.5bn onshore Indian ruppe programme tostrengthen the support infrastructure developmentand capital market. International FinanceCorporation is the member of World BankGroup.

    21. The Indian companies Tata Consultancy Services(TCS), Sun Pharma Industries, HindustanUnilever, Larsen & Toubro (L & T), Bajaj Auto



    listed in the Forbes list among 100 mostinnovative companies.

    22. ITC Limited listed in Indias most admiredcompanies. Approximate, 45 companies listed inthe FORBES list.

    23. Tata Value Homes signed an angreement withSnapdeal to enable the users to buy housesonline.

    24. Cox & Kings Ltd., a travel company got thecontract of Deccan Odyssey, a luxury trainservice of Maharashtra Tourism DevelopmentCorporation for the term of 5 years.

    25. Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd. signed the deal withBSNL for sharing the towers. Reliance JioInfocomm Ltd. is the first telecom company toget the unified licence for all the 22 service areasin all over India.

    26. Air India will sell tickets for Rs.100 excludingtax on the eve of Air India Day i.e. on 27th

    August 2014, the day on which the IndianAirlines merged with Air India 7 years back the year 2007.

    27. INTERPOL appointed Shah Rukh Khan as itsAmbassador. The Headquarter of INTERPOL isin France. After the appointment, he became thefirst Indian to become Ambassador ofINTERPOL.

    28. More than 1.5 Crore accounts opened all overIndia under the Pradhana Mantri Jan DhanYojana, a Yojana announced by the PrimeMinister on the eve of Independence Day, fewdays back. This is a big record in the Indianbanking industry that 1.5 Crore accounts openedjust in One day.

    29. Indian Railway Catering and TourismCorporation (IRCTC) launched the newapplication for all the Black Berry Smartphoneusers. With this application, all the Black BerrySmartphone users can book the train tickets.

    Science and Technology1. Indian Air Force received its 6th C-17

    Globemaster III aircraft on 28th July 2014.2. 6th C-17 Globemaster III launched in Indian Air

    Force. This success of Indian Air Force wilenhance the Operational Potential of itself.

    3. Two Indians Rishi Israni and his wife Pranotiinvented a Robot which will produce one bakedchapati. This is worlds first Chapati MakingRobot. The Rotomatic device is the first device tobe used in Robotic Technology.

    4. On 8th August 2014 India and USA decided to forco-development and co-production of advancedweapons systems which will revive the DefenceTrade and Technology Initiative between Indiaand USA.

    5. SHERLOC is the first UV Raman Spectrometerthat will fly in Mars. SHERLOC (ScanningHabitable Environments with Raman andLuminescence for Organics and Chemicals) willcarried by the Mars 2020 rover mission.

    6. NASAs ISEE-3 vintage spacecraft successfullycompleted the visit to the earth moon system.Originally this spacecraft was launched in theyear 1978.

    7. Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer(MEDA) would be carried in 2020 to measuretemoperature, measure the speed of wind and alsothe direction, presurre and wind and humidity ofair.

    8. Radar Imager for Mars Subsurface Exploration(RIMFAX) will be sent to Mars to study thecentimeter-scale resolution of the geologicstructure of the subsurface. RIMFAX is a groundpenerating radar.

    9. On 16th August 2014, Prime Minister of IndiaShri Narendra Modi will delivered INS Kolkatato Indian Navy. INS Kolkata will be the part of44 warships. This is the first and largest made inIndia.

    10. Google will be build knowledge vault to store theinformation of whole the world by using analgorithm to turn the raw data.

    SportsFIFA World Cup 20141) 2014 FIFA World Cup was the ..... FIFA WorldCup?Ans. 20th

    2) Which country hosted the FIFA World Cup 2014?Ans. Brazil



    3) The FIFA 2014 was held from __ to __?Ans. 12th June to 13th July

    4) Brazil had earlier hosted FIFA WC in which year?Ans. 1950

    5) How many countries participated in the FIFA WC2014?Ans. 32

    6) Name the two new technologies used for the firsttime at a World Cup in 2014?Ans. Goal-line technology and vanishing foam forfree kicks.

    7) When was the first FIFA World cup held?Ans. 1930

    8) Name the countries which have so far lifted FIFA WCsince it's startingin 1930?Ans. Argentina, Brazil, England, France, Germany,Italy, Spain and Uruguay

    9) Which was the first team to be eliminated from FIFAWC 2014?Ans. Spain (the champions of 2010 WC)

    10) Germany lifted the FIFA WC 2014 defeating whichteam in the finals?Ans. Argentina (By 1-0 margin)

    11) Which team became the first European team to win aWorld Cup in the Americas?Ans. Germany

    12) Germany's win marked the first time that sides fromthe same continent had won three successive World Cups.Who were the earlier winners in 2010 and 2006?Ans. 2010- Spain & 2006- Italy

    13) Germany qualified for which tournament winning theworld Cup?Ans. 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup

    14) First match of FIFA 2014 was between?Ans. Brazil and Croatia

    15) Who scored the first goal of FIFA WC 2014?Ans. Marcelo of Brazil (It was a self-goalwhich earned Croatia the lead in the 11thminute.) But at the end Brazil won the match3-1 with Neymar scoring 2 goals and Oscarone.

    16) Who was the referee in the opening match?Ans. Yuichi Nishimura from Japan

    17) Who was the referee in the final match?Ans. Nicola Rizzoli from Italy

    18) Total how many venues where there for FIFAWC 2014?Ans. 12

    19) Which stadium hosted the final matchbetween Germany and Argentina?Ans. Maracana Stadium, Rio de Janeiro

    20) Which was the official match ball of the 2014FIFA World Cup?Ans. Adidas Brazuca

    21) Brazuca was manufactured in which country?Ans. Sialkot, Pakistan

    22) Which country reached their firstquarterfinals since 1986 in FIFA WC 2014?Ans. Belgium

    23) Name the two first-time quarterfinalists inFIFA WC 2014?Ans. Colombia and Costa Rica

    24) Which country set a World Cup record withfour consecutive semi-final appearances in FIFAWC 2014?Ans. Germany

    25) Who beacme the first player to appear in fourWorld Cup semi-finals in FIFA WC 2014?Ans. Miroslav Klose

    26) Miroslav Klose broke whose record with 16 goals tobecome the highest scorer in the history of FIFA 2014?Ans. Ronaldo



    27) Which team secured third place in FIFA WC 2014?Ans. Netherlands. The defeated Brazil 30 in thirdplace play-off.

    28) Germany and Argentina faced each other in howmany WC finals?Ans. Three (1986, 1990 and 2014)

    29) Who was awarded the Golden Boot for scoring sixgoals in FIFA WC 2014?Ans. James Rodrguez of Colombia. He was followedby Thomas Mller- 05, Lionel Messi, Neymarand Robin van Persie with 04 goals.

    30) How many goals were scored in FIFA WC 2014 intotal?Ans. 171 goals by 121 different players.

    31) How many self-goals were there in FIFA WC 2014?Ans. 05

    32) Which player was suspended during FIFA WC 2014for nine international matches and banned from takingpart in any footballing-related activity (including enteringany stadium) for four months, following a biting incidenton Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini?Ans. Luis Surez of Uruguay

    33) Who scored the two hat-tricks of FIFA WC 2014?Ans. Thomas Muller of Germany and XherdanShaqiri of Switzerland

    34) Who won the Golden Ball in FIFA 2014 as bestplayer of the tournament?Ans. Lionel Messi of Argentina

    35) Who was awarded the Golden Glove for best goalkeeper?Ans. Manuel Neuer of Germany

    36) Who was given the Best Young Player award in FIFAWC 2014?Ans. Paul Pogba of France

    37) Which team won FIFA Fair Play Trophy?Ans. Colombia

    38) Which country will host the next FIFA WCin 2018?Ans. Russia

    1. Vikas Gowda became first athlete who broughtthe first athletics medal in CommonwealthGames 2014. After this victory, Vikas Gowdabecame Indias 2nd male athlete to win GoldMedal in Commonwealth Games, the first onewas Milkha Singh who won Gold Medal inathletics in the year 1958.

    2. Babita Kumari win Gold Medal in womens freestyle 55 kg wrestling in Commonwealth Games2014.

    3. Jitu Rai won Gold Medal in 50m Air Pistol inCommonwealth Games 2014.

    4. The closing ceremony of 20th CommonwealthGames, 2014 held at Hampden Park Stadium,Glasgow, Scotland. The next 21st CommonwealthGames, 2018 will he held in Gold Coast inAustralia. India has successful to win 15 GoldMedals and total 64 medals.The 15 Indian Gold Medalists are:

    Yogeshwar Dutt in Mens wrestling 65kg freestyle

    Sushil Kumar in Mens wrestling 75 kg Amit Kumar in Mens wrestling 57 kg Babita Kumar in Womens wrestling, 55

    kg freestyle Vinesh Phogat in Womens wrestling 48

    kg Satish Sivalingam in Mens weightlifting

    77 kg Sukhen Dey in Mens weightlifting 56 kg

    category K Sanjita Chanu in Womens

    weightlifting 48 kg category Vikas Gowda in Mens Discus Throw Jitu Rai in Mens Shooting 50 m Pistol Rahi Sarnobat in Womens Shooting 25

    m pistol Apurvi Chandela in Womens shooting

    10 m Air Rifle Abhinav Bindra in Mens 10 m Air Rifle Dipika Pallikal in Womens Squash



    Joshana Chinappa in Womens Squash Parupalli Kashyap in Mens Badminton

    5. Parupalli Kashyap became the first shuttler inMens singles to win a Gold Medal inCommonwealth Games in the last 32 years.

    6. Sabine Lisicki created the world record by fastestserve in Womens Tennis. She is from Germanywhich country recently won the FIFA World Cup2014.

    7. The Worlds superstar Usain Bolt won GoldMedal in Commonwealth Games, 2014 in mens4 100 m relay. He is from Jamaica. Usain Boltbroke many records which were set by variousathletes.

    8. England successful to placed at 1st position inCommonwealth Games 2014 with 58 GoldMedals, 59 Silver Medals and 57 Bronze Medals.

    9. Chika Amalaha the Weightlifter of Nigeriabecame the first to be caught in the dope offencein Commonwealth Games 2014.

    10. Kapil Dev will become the Head of ArjunaAwards Selection Committee while Ajit PalSingh is likely to be charge of selecting theDronacharya Awardees. Kapil Dev is a formerCrickter who won the Cricket World Cup forIndia in the year 1983 by defeating the thenworlds strongest team West Indies while Ajit PalSingh is a famous hockey skipper. The presentSports Secretary is Ajit Sharan.

    11. The Cricket Team of India equalled the worldrecord of maximum 6 played gone on ducks in atest innings. There are three more teams, their 6players were gone on duck i.e. Pakistan, SouthAfrica and Bangladesh. From the total fourteams, there are three teams from Asia.

    12. The Indian Women Recurve team won GoldMedal in the Archery World Cup. In this WorldCup, the Indian team lead by Deepika Kumari.The world cup held at Wroclaw, Poland.

    13. The famous Crickter Virender Sehwag andfamous Boxer Mary Kom will promote a unitymarathon for CRPF which is the largestparamilitary force of India. The Chief of CRPF isDilip Trivedi.

    14. The famous Indian sportsperson RavichandranAshwin declared No.1 Test All-rounder in Test

    Cricket. India slipped at 4th position in ICC TestCricket. South Africa placed at No.1 position.

    15. Ravichandran Ashwin became 46th IndianCricketer who will receive Arjuna Award whichwas started in the year 1961 who perform theirbest and achieve the outstanding performance insports. However, Rajiv Gandhi Khel RatnaAward will not to be given any sportsperson thisyear.

    16. The famous Sri Lankan Cricketer namely KumarSangakkara break the record of Sir Don Bradmanby completing his 10th Double Century. Hecompleted his 10th Double Century againstPakistan.

    17. The famour Tennis Superstar Roger Federer wonhis 300th match during the Master Tournament.Recently he ranked World No.3 best TennisPlayer by the Association of TennisProfessionals. Roger Federer belongs toSwitzerland.

    18. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga won the Rogers Cup afterbeating Roger Federer. Recently he rankedWorld No.10 best Tennis Player by theAssociation of Tennis Professionals. Jo-WilfriedTsonga belongs to France.

    19. On 12th August 2014, Jo Pavey became the oldestwoman to win the Gold Medal in EuropeanChampionships. This champoionship hasorganized by European Athletics Association.Recently, She won a Bronze Medal inCommonwealth Games 2014.

    20. Real Madrid Football Club won the UEFAFootbal Super Cup by defeating the SevilaFootbal Club. Now, Real Madrid has 14European Trophies included this one. The UEFASuper Cup is organized annualy.

    21. The State of Himachal Pradesh will host theParagliding World Cup in the next year 2015which will be organized by Paragliding WorldCup Association.

    22. Kush Kumar became the first Indian player toreach at semi-final of the World Junior SquashChampionship. He is a professional SquashPlayer. The President of World SquashFederation is Cyrus Poncha.

    23. Judit Polgar the famous Chess Player retired fromcompetitive Chess Arena. She is the only Chess



    woman player who remains at No.1 position inthe Worlds Top players for consecutive 25 years.She is from Hungary. Now, the present WorldChess Champion is Magnus Carlsen.

    24. Roger Federer won Cincinnati Masters afterdefearing David Ferrer. This is his 80th carrer titleand 6th at the Cincinnati Masters.

    25. Serena Williams won Cincinnati Master afterdefeating Ana Ivanovic. This is her firstCincinnati title.

    26. Adille Sumariwala will head the Indiancontingent for Asian Games which will be hed inOctober 2014. He is the President of the AthleticsFederation of India. 17th Asian Games will beheld in South Korea.

    27. Tech Mahindra ties up with the famous formerhockey player Shri Dhanraj Pillay to encourageand promote the game hockey. Dhanraj Pillay isthe Manager of Indian Hockey Team. He alsoawarded with Arjuna Award.

    28. Max Verstappen will become the youngest F1(Formula 1) driver. Now, he is just 16 years old.He is from Netherlands.

    29. The State of Madhya Pradesh became themember of Hockey India. It is the 23rd member ofHockey India. Hockey India is the apex body ofIndia to promote the Hockey in youth.

    30. The American swimmer namely Katie Ledeckycreated a new world record in Womens 1500meter freestyle in swimming by breaking her ownrecord at Pan Pacific Championship. She createda record by swam the distance in 15 minute 28.36seconds. Till now, she won 5 gold medals.

    31. Daniel Ricciardo from Australia won Belgium F1Grand Prix which held on 24th August 2014.

    32. On 29th August, i.e. the birth anniversary offormer Hockey Player Dhayan Chand, NationalSports Day celebrated throughout the country.Dhyan Chand is also known as the HockeyMagician.

    33. The new International Hockey Stadiuminaugrated in Raipur on the eve of NationalSports Day. This is the 2nd International HockeyStadium established in the State of Chhatisgarh,the first one was in Rajnandgaon.

    Awards and Books1. Bhartiya Mahila Bank Ltd. awarded by Banking

    System Initiative Award-2014. The Chairman ofBhartiya Mahila Bank Ltd. is UshaAnanthasubramanan. Basically, this bank hasworking for economic empowerment of womenin India.

    2. Container Corporation of India Limited receivedNavratna Status granted by the UnionGovernment. This corporation is the 17th CentralPublic Sector Enterprise to receive this status.

    3. Bachendri Pal awarded by Bharat Gaurav Awardorganized by East Bengal Club. This is thehighest award of East Bengal Club. BachendriPal was the first Indian woman to climb MountEverest in the year 1984. It is important to knowthat Bachendri Pal is Gold Medalist inMountaineering and also got Arjuna Award andvarous other awards and achievements.

    4. Malala Yousufzai won Liberty Medal for the year2014 given byy National Constitution Center,USA. She awarded by this award for theoutstanding work of basic education and humanrights in Pakistan because in Pakistan girleducation and human rights were restricted byTaliban. Malala Yousufzai also bagegedPakistans Civil Awards 2014.

    5. Dr. Raghunath Anant Mashelkar honoured withPadma Vibhushan Award. He is a famousscientist. Padma Vibhushan is the highest civilianaward of India. The Padma Awards are presentedby the President of India.

    6. Vyas Samman 2013, the prestigios award givenin Hindi writing and peotry won by the famousHindi writer Vishwanath Tripathi. This awardwas started in the year 1991 by K.K. BirlaFoundation.

    7. Sanjaya Rajaram won World Food Prize 2014.He is a famous scientist. The award has given bythe World Food Prize Foundation. This awardwas started in the year 1986 by Dr.NormanBorlaug.

    8. Kedar Nath Singh won Jnanpith Award 2013. Heis a famous Hindi writer. The award has given byBhartiya Jnanpith Trust founded in the year 1961.This award is given in the filed of excellencework in any Indian language.



    9. The book namely Strictly Personal, Manmohanand Gursharan was written by Daman Singh.Manmohan Singh was the 13th Prime Minister ofIndia. This book is based upon Manmohan Singhand his wife Gursharan Kaur.

    10. Sriram Vedire, the National Convener of WaterManagement Cell of Bhartiya Janta Party wrote abook namely Gujarats success stry in WaterManagement mentioning that the water resourcesare well utilized resources to achieve thedevelopment of any State or any Country.

    11. Three Members of Parliament namely Shri ArunJaitley, Dr.Karan Singh and Shri Sharad Yadavawarded the Parliamentarian Awards for theexcellence contribution in their parliamentaryduties. The awards have given by the President ofIndia Shri Pranab Mukherjee.

    12. The Professor of Iran namely MaryamMirzakhani became first woman to win the TopPrize in Mathematics. She received the FieldsMedal which is generally known as the NoblePrize of Mathematics. The President of Iran isHassan Rouhani.

    13. The Global South Award given by InternationalPolitical Science Association (IPSA) to Dr. SunilKumar who is the renowned Professor of DelhiUniversity on 13th August 2014 for his papertitled as Chaning Landscape of ElectoralDemocracy and Political Demography based onthe General Election 2014.

    14. The Tourism Ministry of India has declared thatthe State of Sikkim became the most favoureddestination for foregin tourists in the North-EastRegion. Before this, the State of Sikkim hasdeclared the best place to visit. Moreover, Sikkimalso won the National Tourism Award 2012.

    15. Munjal Bhargava won the Noble Prize ofMathematics. Moreover, Subhash Khot also wonthe Rolf Nevanlinna Prize which is awarded byInternation Mathematical Union.

    16. The highest peacetime gallantry award of IndianArmy i.e. Ashok Chakra conferred to Late Maj.Mukund Varadarajan. 12 Shaurya Chakras, 39Sena Medals, 1 Nau Sena Medal and 2 VayuSena Medals also announced on the eve of theIndependence Day.

    17. Partha Mitra awarded Early Concept Grants forExploratory Research (EAGER) to map thehuman brain alongwith Florin Albeanu. He is anneuroscientist in the USA. Brain Researchthroiugh Advancign InnovativeNeurotechnologies (BRAIN) initiative is aninitiative by the government of USA to identifythe brain structures. Partha Mitra is the founderof Mouse Brain Architecture Project.

    18. 22nd Rajiv Gandhi Natonal Sadbhavana Awardwas presented to Muzaffar Ali, who is a famouspoet and filmmaker. The award is given to thosepersonaltity who give his/her contribution incommunal harmoney and peace.

    19. The renowned and oldest Wrestling school ofIndia namely Guru Hanuman Akhara elected forRashtriya Khel Protsahan Puraskar for the year2014. The most famous wrestlers Dara Singh,Sushil Kumar, Yogendra Kumar etc. were alsotaken coaching and training from Guru HanumanAkhara.

    20. The neighbour country of India i.e. Pakistanelected M.S. Swaminathan to honour with theDegree of Doctor of Science. The Degree givenby University of Agriculture which located incity Faisalabad. M.S. Swaminathan is therenowned Agriculture Scientist of India who alsoawarded with World Food Prize, RamonMagasaysay Award, Padma Bhushan and manyother awards.

    21. Yashwardhan Shukla wrote the novel God ofAntarctica. He is just 13 years old school goingboy.



    Important Days

    January 9 NRI DayJanuary 10 World Laughter DayJanuary 12 National Youth DayJanuary 15 Army DayJanuary 26 India's Republic Day,

    International Customs DayJanuary 30 Martyrs' Day;

    World Leprosy Eradication Day2nd Sunday of Feb. World Marriage DayFebruary 24 Central Excise DayFebruary 28 National Science Day2nd Monday of March Commonwealth DayMarch 8 International Women's Day Intl.

    literacy DayMarch 15 World Disabled Day

    World Consumer Rights DayMarch 18 Ordnance Factories Day (India)March 21 World Forestry Day

    Intl. Day for Elimination ofRacial Discrimination

    March 22 World Day for WaterMarch 23 World Meteorological DayMarch 24 World TB DayApril 5 International Day for Mine Awareness;

    National Maritime DayApril 7 World Health DayApril 17 World Haemophilia DayApril 18 World Heritage DayApril 21 Secretaries' DayApril 22 Earth DayApril 23 World Book and Copyright DayMay 1 Workers' Day

    (International Labour Day)May 3 Press Freedom Day;

    World Asthma DayMay 2nd Sunday Mother's DayMay 4 Coal Miners' DayMay 8 World Red Cross DayMay 9 World Thalassaemia DayMay 11 National Technology DayMay 12 World Hypertension Day;

    International Nurses DayMay 15 International Day of FamilyMay 17 World Telecomm. DayMay 24 Commonwealth Day

    May 31 Anti-tobacco DayJune 4 International Day of Innocent

    Children Victims ofAggression

    June 5 World Environment DayJune 3rd Sunday Father's DayJune 14 World Blood Donor DayJune 26 International Day against

    Drug Abuse and IllicitTrafficking

    July 1 Doctor's DayJuly 6 World Zoonoses DayJuly 11 World Population DayAugust 3 Internatioal Friendship DayAugust 6 Hiroshima DayAugust 8 World Senior Citizen's DayAugust 9 Quit India Day,

    Nagasaki DayAugust 15 Indian Independence DayAugust 18 IntI. Day of the World's

    Indigenous PeoplesAugust 19 Photography DayAugust 29 National Sports DaySeptember 2 Coconut DaySeptember 5 Teachers' Day;

    Sanskrit DaySeptember 8 World Literacy Day

    (UNESCO)September 15 Engineers' DaySeptember 16 World Ozone DaySeptember 21 Alzheimer's Day;

    Day for Peace & Non-violence(UN)

    September 22 Rose Day (Welfare of cancerpatients)

    September 26 Day of the DeafSeptember 27 World Tourism DayOctober 1 International Day for ElderlyOctober 2 Gandhi JayanthiOctober 3 World Habitat DayOctober 4 World Animal Welfare DayOctober 8 Indian Air Force DayOctober 9 World Post Office DayOctober 10 National Post DayOctober 2nd Thursday World Sight DayOctober 13 UN International Day for

    Natural Disaster Reduction



    October 14 World Standards DayOctober 15 World White Cane Day (guiding

    the blind)October 16 World Food DayOctober 24 UN Day;

    World Development Information DayOctober 30 World Thrift DayNovember 9 Legal Services DayNovember 14 Children's Day; Diabetes DayNovember 17 National Epilepsy DayNovember 20 Africa Industrialisation DayNovember 29 International Day of Solidarity

    with Palestinian PeopleDecember 1 World AIDS DayDecember 3 World Day of HandicappedDecember 4 Indian Navy DayDecember 7 Indian Armed Forces Flag DayDecember 10 Human Rights Day;

    IntI. Children's Day ofBroadcasting

    December 18 Minorities Rights DayDecember 23 Kisan Divas (Farmer's Day)

    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Algeria Algiers Dinar

    Angola Luanda Angolar

    BeninPorto-Novo (official)Cotonou (seat ofgovernment)

    CFA franc

    Botswana Gaborone Pula


    Ouagadougou CFA franc

    Burundi Bujumbura Rupie

    Cameroon Yaound CFA franc

    CapeVerde Praia



    Bangui CFA franc

    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Chad N'Djamena CFA franc

    Comoros Moroni Comorianfranc


    Brazzaville CFA franc

    Cted'Ivoire(Ivory Coast)

    Yamoussoukro (official)Abidjan (seat ofgovernment)

    CFA franc

    Democratic Republicof theCongo(Congo-Kinshasa)

    Kinshasa Congolesefranc

    Djibouti Djibouti Djiboutianfranc

    Egypt Cairo Egyptianpound

    EquatorialGuinea Malabo


    Eritrea Asmara Tallero

    Ethiopia Addis Ababa Birr

    Gabon Libreville CFA franc

    Gambia Banjul Gambiandalasi

    Ghana Accra Ghanacedi

    Guinea Conakry Guineanfranc

    Guinea-Bissau Bissau CFA franc

    Kenya Nairobi Kenyanshilling


    October 14 World Standards DayOctober 15 World White Cane Day (guiding

    the blind)October 16 World Food DayOctober 24 UN Day;

    World Development Information DayOctober 30 World Thrift DayNovember 9 Legal Services DayNovember 14 Children's Day; Diabetes DayNovember 17 National Epilepsy DayNovember 20 Africa Industrialisation DayNovember 29 International Day of Solidarity

    with Palestinian PeopleDecember 1 World AIDS DayDecember 3 World Day of HandicappedDecember 4 Indian Navy DayDecember 7 Indian Armed Forces Flag DayDecember 10 Human Rights Day;

    IntI. Children's Day ofBroadcasting

    December 18 Minorities Rights DayDecember 23 Kisan Divas (Farmer's Day)

    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Algeria Algiers Dinar

    Angola Luanda Angolar

    BeninPorto-Novo (official)Cotonou (seat ofgovernment)

    CFA franc

    Botswana Gaborone Pula


    Ouagadougou CFA franc

    Burundi Bujumbura Rupie

    Cameroon Yaound CFA franc

    CapeVerde Praia



    Bangui CFA franc

    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Chad N'Djamena CFA franc

    Comoros Moroni Comorianfranc


    Brazzaville CFA franc

    Cted'Ivoire(Ivory Coast)

    Yamoussoukro (official)Abidjan (seat ofgovernment)

    CFA franc

    Democratic Republicof theCongo(Congo-Kinshasa)

    Kinshasa Congolesefranc

    Djibouti Djibouti Djiboutianfranc

    Egypt Cairo Egyptianpound

    EquatorialGuinea Malabo


    Eritrea Asmara Tallero

    Ethiopia Addis Ababa Birr

    Gabon Libreville CFA franc

    Gambia Banjul Gambiandalasi

    Ghana Accra Ghanacedi

    Guinea Conakry Guineanfranc

    Guinea-Bissau Bissau CFA franc

    Kenya Nairobi Kenyanshilling


    October 14 World Standards DayOctober 15 World White Cane Day (guiding

    the blind)October 16 World Food DayOctober 24 UN Day;

    World Development Information DayOctober 30 World Thrift DayNovember 9 Legal Services DayNovember 14 Children's Day; Diabetes DayNovember 17 National Epilepsy DayNovember 20 Africa Industrialisation DayNovember 29 International Day of Solidarity

    with Palestinian PeopleDecember 1 World AIDS DayDecember 3 World Day of HandicappedDecember 4 Indian Navy DayDecember 7 Indian Armed Forces Flag DayDecember 10 Human Rights Day;

    IntI. Children's Day ofBroadcasting

    December 18 Minorities Rights DayDecember 23 Kisan Divas (Farmer's Day)

    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Algeria Algiers Dinar

    Angola Luanda Angolar

    BeninPorto-Novo (official)Cotonou (seat ofgovernment)

    CFA franc

    Botswana Gaborone Pula


    Ouagadougou CFA franc

    Burundi Bujumbura Rupie

    Cameroon Yaound CFA franc

    CapeVerde Praia



    Bangui CFA franc

    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Chad N'Djamena CFA franc

    Comoros Moroni Comorianfranc


    Brazzaville CFA franc

    Cted'Ivoire(Ivory Coast)

    Yamoussoukro (official)Abidjan (seat ofgovernment)

    CFA franc

    Democratic Republicof theCongo(Congo-Kinshasa)

    Kinshasa Congolesefranc

    Djibouti Djibouti Djiboutianfranc

    Egypt Cairo Egyptianpound

    EquatorialGuinea Malabo


    Eritrea Asmara Tallero

    Ethiopia Addis Ababa Birr

    Gabon Libreville CFA franc

    Gambia Banjul Gambiandalasi

    Ghana Accra Ghanacedi

    Guinea Conakry Guineanfranc

    Guinea-Bissau Bissau CFA franc

    Kenya Nairobi Kenyanshilling



    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Lesotho Maseru Lesotholoti

    Liberia Monrovia Liberiandollar

    Libya Tripoli Dinar


    Antananarivo Malagasyariary

    Malawi Lilongwe Kwacha

    Mali Bamako CFA franc


    Nouakchott Ouguiya

    Mauritius Port Louis Mauritianrupee

    MayotteMamoudzouOverseas departmentof France


    Morocco Rabat Moroccandirham


    Maputo Mozambican metical

    Namibia Windhoek Namibiandollar

    Niger Niamey CFA franc

    Nigeria Abuja Naira

    RunionSaint-DenisOverseas departmentof France


    Rwanda Kigali Rwandanfranc

    SaintHelena,Ascensionand Tristanda Cunha

    Jamestown (SaintHelena)Georgetown (Ascension Island)Edinburgh of theSeven Seas (Tristan daCunha)


    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Sao TomeandPrincipe

    So Tom Dobra

    Senegal Dakar CFA franc

    Seychelles Victoria Seychellois rupee

    SierraLeone Freetown Leone

    Somalia Mogadishu Somalishilling

    Somaliland Hargeisa Somaliland shilling


    Pretoria(administrative/executive)CapeTown (legislative)Bloemfontein (judicial)


    SouthSudan Juba


    Sudan Khartoum Sudanesepound


    Mbabane (administrative)Lobamba (royal andlegislative)


    TanzaniaDodoma (official)Dar es Salaam (seat ofgovernment)


    Togo Lom CFA franc

    Tunisia Tunis Tunisiandinar

    Uganda Kampala Ugandanshilling

    None WesternSahara

    None Disputedterritorybetween Moroccoand the Sahrawi



    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Lesotho Maseru Lesotholoti

    Liberia Monrovia Liberiandollar

    Libya Tripoli Dinar


    Antananarivo Malagasyariary

    Malawi Lilongwe Kwacha

    Mali Bamako CFA franc


    Nouakchott Ouguiya

    Mauritius Port Louis Mauritianrupee

    MayotteMamoudzouOverseas departmentof France


    Morocco Rabat Moroccandirham


    Maputo Mozambican metical

    Namibia Windhoek Namibiandollar

    Niger Niamey CFA franc

    Nigeria Abuja Naira

    RunionSaint-DenisOverseas departmentof France


    Rwanda Kigali Rwandanfranc

    SaintHelena,Ascensionand Tristanda Cunha

    Jamestown (SaintHelena)Georgetown (Ascension Island)Edinburgh of theSeven Seas (Tristan daCunha)


    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Sao TomeandPrincipe

    So Tom Dobra

    Senegal Dakar CFA franc

    Seychelles Victoria Seychellois rupee

    SierraLeone Freetown Leone

    Somalia Mogadishu Somalishilling

    Somaliland Hargeisa Somaliland shilling


    Pretoria(administrative/executive)CapeTown (legislative)Bloemfontein (judicial)


    SouthSudan Juba


    Sudan Khartoum Sudanesepound


    Mbabane (administrative)Lobamba (royal andlegislative)


    TanzaniaDodoma (official)Dar es Salaam (seat ofgovernment)


    Togo Lom CFA franc

    Tunisia Tunis Tunisiandinar

    Uganda Kampala Ugandanshilling

    None WesternSahara

    None Disputedterritorybetween Moroccoand the Sahrawi



    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Lesotho Maseru Lesotholoti

    Liberia Monrovia Liberiandollar

    Libya Tripoli Dinar


    Antananarivo Malagasyariary

    Malawi Lilongwe Kwacha

    Mali Bamako CFA franc


    Nouakchott Ouguiya

    Mauritius Port Louis Mauritianrupee

    MayotteMamoudzouOverseas departmentof France


    Morocco Rabat Moroccandirham


    Maputo Mozambican metical

    Namibia Windhoek Namibiandollar

    Niger Niamey CFA franc

    Nigeria Abuja Naira

    RunionSaint-DenisOverseas departmentof France


    Rwanda Kigali Rwandanfranc

    SaintHelena,Ascensionand Tristanda Cunha

    Jamestown (SaintHelena)Georgetown (Ascension Island)Edinburgh of theSeven Seas (Tristan daCunha)


    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Sao TomeandPrincipe

    So Tom Dobra

    Senegal Dakar CFA franc

    Seychelles Victoria Seychellois rupee

    SierraLeone Freetown Leone

    Somalia Mogadishu Somalishilling

    Somaliland Hargeisa Somaliland shilling


    Pretoria(administrative/executive)CapeTown (legislative)Bloemfontein (judicial)


    SouthSudan Juba


    Sudan Khartoum Sudanesepound


    Mbabane (administrative)Lobamba (royal andlegislative)


    TanzaniaDodoma (official)Dar es Salaam (seat ofgovernment)


    Togo Lom CFA franc

    Tunisia Tunis Tunisiandinar

    Uganda Kampala Ugandanshilling

    None WesternSahara

    None Disputedterritorybetween Moroccoand the Sahrawi




    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Arab DemocraticRepublic



    Zambia Lusaka Zambiankwacha

    Zimbabwe Harare various

    Flag Name Capital Currency


    SukhumiDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNations as partof Georgia.


    Afghanistan Kabul Afghani

    Akrotiri andDhekelia

    EpiskopiCantonment Euro

    Armenia Yerevan Dram

    Azerbaijan[Europe] Baku Manat

    Bahrain Manama Bahrainidinar

    Bangladesh Dhaka Taka

    Bhutan Thimphu Bhutanesengultrum

    British IndianOceanTerritory

    Diego GarciaOverseas territoryof the UnitedKingdom

    US dollarUK pound

    Brunei Bandar SeriBegawanBruneidollar

    Cambodia Phnom Penh Riel

    China Beijing Renminbi(yuan)

    Flag Name Capital Currency


    Flying Fish CoveExternal territoryof Australia



    West IslandExternal territoryofAustraliaExternalterritory ofAustralia


    Cyprus[Europe] Nicosia Euro


    Dili US Dollar

    Georgia[Europe] Tbilisi Lari

    Hong KongSpecialadministrativeregion of China


    India New Delhi IndianRupee

    Indonesia Jakarta Rupiah

    Iran Tehran Rial

    Iraq Baghdad Iraqi dinar

    Israel JerusalemNewshekel

    Japan Tokyo Yen

    Jordan Amman Jordaniandinar

    Kazakhstan Astana Tenge

    Kurdistan Erbil Dinar

    Kuwait Kuwait City Kuwaitidinar

    Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Som

    Laos Vientiane Kip


    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Arab DemocraticRepublic



    Zambia Lusaka Zambiankwacha

    Zimbabwe Harare various

    Flag Name Capital Currency


    SukhumiDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNations as partof Georgia.


    Afghanistan Kabul Afghani

    Akrotiri andDhekelia

    EpiskopiCantonment Euro

    Armenia Yerevan Dram

    Azerbaijan[Europe] Baku Manat

    Bahrain Manama Bahrainidinar

    Bangladesh Dhaka Taka

    Bhutan Thimphu Bhutanesengultrum

    British IndianOceanTerritory

    Diego GarciaOverseas territoryof the UnitedKingdom

    US dollarUK pound

    Brunei Bandar SeriBegawanBruneidollar

    Cambodia Phnom Penh Riel

    China Beijing Renminbi(yuan)

    Flag Name Capital Currency


    Flying Fish CoveExternal territoryof Australia



    West IslandExternal territoryofAustraliaExternalterritory ofAustralia


    Cyprus[Europe] Nicosia Euro


    Dili US Dollar

    Georgia[Europe] Tbilisi Lari

    Hong KongSpecialadministrativeregion of China


    India New Delhi IndianRupee

    Indonesia Jakarta Rupiah

    Iran Tehran Rial

    Iraq Baghdad Iraqi dinar

    Israel JerusalemNewshekel

    Japan Tokyo Yen

    Jordan Amman Jordaniandinar

    Kazakhstan Astana Tenge

    Kurdistan Erbil Dinar

    Kuwait Kuwait City Kuwaitidinar

    Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Som

    Laos Vientiane Kip


    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Arab DemocraticRepublic



    Zambia Lusaka Zambiankwacha

    Zimbabwe Harare various

    Flag Name Capital Currency


    SukhumiDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNations as partof Georgia.


    Afghanistan Kabul Afghani

    Akrotiri andDhekelia

    EpiskopiCantonment Euro

    Armenia Yerevan Dram

    Azerbaijan[Europe] Baku Manat

    Bahrain Manama Bahrainidinar

    Bangladesh Dhaka Taka

    Bhutan Thimphu Bhutanesengultrum

    British IndianOceanTerritory

    Diego GarciaOverseas territoryof the UnitedKingdom

    US dollarUK pound

    Brunei Bandar SeriBegawanBruneidollar

    Cambodia Phnom Penh Riel

    China Beijing Renminbi(yuan)

    Flag Name Capital Currency


    Flying Fish CoveExternal territoryof Australia



    West IslandExternal territoryofAustraliaExternalterritory ofAustralia


    Cyprus[Europe] Nicosia Euro


    Dili US Dollar

    Georgia[Europe] Tbilisi Lari

    Hong KongSpecialadministrativeregion of China


    India New Delhi IndianRupee

    Indonesia Jakarta Rupiah

    Iran Tehran Rial

    Iraq Baghdad Iraqi dinar

    Israel JerusalemNewshekel

    Japan Tokyo Yen

    Jordan Amman Jordaniandinar

    Kazakhstan Astana Tenge

    Kurdistan Erbil Dinar

    Kuwait Kuwait City Kuwaitidinar

    Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Som

    Laos Vientiane Kip



    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Lebanon Beirut Lebanesepound

    MacauSpecialadministrativeregion of China



    KualaLumpur(official)Putrajaya (seat ofgovernment)


    Maldives Mal Maldivianrufiyaa

    Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Tgrg

    Myanmar(Burma) Naypyidaw Kyat


    StepanakertDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNations asdejure partofAzerbaijan


    Nepal Kathmandu Nepaleserupee


    NicosiaDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNation asdejure part ofCyprus


    North Korea PyongyangNorthKoreanwon

    Oman Muscat Rial

    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Pakistan Islamabad PakistaniRupee


    EastJerusalem(claimedcapital)Ramallah (WestBank seat ofgovernment)Gaza (GazaStripseat ofgovernment)Territory occupiedbyIsraelState ofPalestine(flagdisplayed)proclaimed on territory


    Philippines Manila PhilippinePeso

    Qatar Doha Riyal

    Saudi Arabia Riyadh Saudi riyal

    Singapore Singapore Singaporedollar

    South Korea SeoulSouthKoreanwon

    South Ossetia

    TskhinvaliDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNations asdejure part ofGeorgia


    Sri LankaSriJayawardenapuraKotte

    Sri Lankanrupee

    Syria Damascus Syrianpound


    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Lebanon Beirut Lebanesepound

    MacauSpecialadministrativeregion of China



    KualaLumpur(official)Putrajaya (seat ofgovernment)


    Maldives Mal Maldivianrufiyaa

    Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Tgrg

    Myanmar(Burma) Naypyidaw Kyat


    StepanakertDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNations asdejure partofAzerbaijan


    Nepal Kathmandu Nepaleserupee


    NicosiaDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNation asdejure part ofCyprus


    North Korea PyongyangNorthKoreanwon

    Oman Muscat Rial

    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Pakistan Islamabad PakistaniRupee


    EastJerusalem(claimedcapital)Ramallah (WestBank seat ofgovernment)Gaza (GazaStripseat ofgovernment)Territory occupiedbyIsraelState ofPalestine(flagdisplayed)proclaimed on territory


    Philippines Manila PhilippinePeso

    Qatar Doha Riyal

    Saudi Arabia Riyadh Saudi riyal

    Singapore Singapore Singaporedollar

    South Korea SeoulSouthKoreanwon

    South Ossetia

    TskhinvaliDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNations asdejure part ofGeorgia


    Sri LankaSriJayawardenapuraKotte

    Sri Lankanrupee

    Syria Damascus Syrianpound


    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Lebanon Beirut Lebanesepound

    MacauSpecialadministrativeregion of China



    KualaLumpur(official)Putrajaya (seat ofgovernment)


    Maldives Mal Maldivianrufiyaa

    Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Tgrg

    Myanmar(Burma) Naypyidaw Kyat


    StepanakertDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNations asdejure partofAzerbaijan


    Nepal Kathmandu Nepaleserupee


    NicosiaDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNation asdejure part ofCyprus


    North Korea PyongyangNorthKoreanwon

    Oman Muscat Rial

    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Pakistan Islamabad PakistaniRupee


    EastJerusalem(claimedcapital)Ramallah (WestBank seat ofgovernment)Gaza (GazaStripseat ofgovernment)Territory occupiedbyIsraelState ofPalestine(flagdisplayed)proclaimed on territory


    Philippines Manila PhilippinePeso

    Qatar Doha Riyal

    Saudi Arabia Riyadh Saudi riyal

    Singapore Singapore Singaporedollar

    South Korea SeoulSouthKoreanwon

    South Ossetia

    TskhinvaliDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNations asdejure part ofGeorgia


    Sri LankaSriJayawardenapuraKotte

    Sri Lankanrupee

    Syria Damascus Syrianpound



    Flag Name Capital Currency


    TaipeiDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNations as partof China.


    Tajikistan Dushanbe Somoni

    Thailand Bangkok Baht

    Turkey[Europe] Ankara Turkishlira

    Turkmenistan Ashgabat Turkmennew manat

    United ArabEmirates Abu Dhabi


    Uzbekistan Tashkent


    (O'zbekiston so'mi)

    Vietnam Hanoi ng

    Yemen Sana'a Yemenirial

    Flag Name Capital Currency


    MariehamnAutonomous regionofFinland(recognizedby international treaty)


    Albania Tirana Lek

    Andorra Andorra la Vella Euro

    Austria Vienna Euro

    Belarus Minsk Belarusianruble

    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Belgium Brussels Euro


    Sarajevo Convertible mark

    Bulgaria Sofia Lev

    Croatia Zagreb Kuna

    CzechRepublic Prague


    Denmark Copenhagen Danishkrone[a]

    Estonia Tallinn Euro


    TrshavnSelf-governing territoryof theDanish Realm


    Finland Helsinki Euro

    France Paris EuroCFP franc

    Germany Berlin Euro

    GibraltarGibraltarOverseas territory ofthe United Kingdom


    Greece Athens Euro

    GuernseySaint Peter PortBritish Crowndependency


    Hungary Budapest Forint

    Iceland Reykjavk IcelandickrnaIreland Dublin Euro

    Isle ofMan

    DouglasBritish Crowndependency


    Italy Rome Euro


    Flag Name Capital Currency


    TaipeiDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNations as partof China.


    Tajikistan Dushanbe Somoni

    Thailand Bangkok Baht

    Turkey[Europe] Ankara Turkishlira

    Turkmenistan Ashgabat Turkmennew manat

    United ArabEmirates Abu Dhabi


    Uzbekistan Tashkent


    (O'zbekiston so'mi)

    Vietnam Hanoi ng

    Yemen Sana'a Yemenirial

    Flag Name Capital Currency


    MariehamnAutonomous regionofFinland(recognizedby international treaty)


    Albania Tirana Lek

    Andorra Andorra la Vella Euro

    Austria Vienna Euro

    Belarus Minsk Belarusianruble

    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Belgium Brussels Euro


    Sarajevo Convertible mark

    Bulgaria Sofia Lev

    Croatia Zagreb Kuna

    CzechRepublic Prague


    Denmark Copenhagen Danishkrone[a]

    Estonia Tallinn Euro


    TrshavnSelf-governing territoryof theDanish Realm


    Finland Helsinki Euro

    France Paris EuroCFP franc

    Germany Berlin Euro

    GibraltarGibraltarOverseas territory ofthe United Kingdom


    Greece Athens Euro

    GuernseySaint Peter PortBritish Crowndependency


    Hungary Budapest Forint

    Iceland Reykjavk IcelandickrnaIreland Dublin Euro

    Isle ofMan

    DouglasBritish Crowndependency


    Italy Rome Euro


    Flag Name Capital Currency


    TaipeiDe factosovereignstate lackinggeneralinternationalrecognitionRecognizedbyUnitedNations as partof China.


    Tajikistan Dushanbe Somoni

    Thailand Bangkok Baht

    Turkey[Europe] Ankara Turkishlira

    Turkmenistan Ashgabat Turkmennew manat

    United ArabEmirates Abu Dhabi


    Uzbekistan Tashkent


    (O'zbekiston so'mi)

    Vietnam Hanoi ng

    Yemen Sana'a Yemenirial

    Flag Name Capital Currency


    MariehamnAutonomous regionofFinland(recognizedby international treaty)


    Albania Tirana Lek

    Andorra Andorra la Vella Euro

    Austria Vienna Euro

    Belarus Minsk Belarusianruble

    Flag Name Capital Currency

    Belgium Brussels Euro


    Sarajevo Convertible mark

    Bulgaria Sofia Lev

    Croatia Zagreb Kuna

    CzechRepublic Prague


    Denmark Copenhagen Danishkrone[a]

    Estonia Tallinn Euro


    TrshavnSelf-governing territoryof theDanish Realm

