august 10, 2012. overview during the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on...

August 10, 2012

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Page 1: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

August 10, 2012

Page 2: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

OverviewDuring the last several years, federal

agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight of federal funds that they grant to sub-recipients

Federal grants and the requirements have been around for decades

At times LEAs do not comply with certain federal fiscal requirements because they are unaware of them and unaware of the potential loss of funds

Page 3: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

OverviewThis training is intended to:

Assist fiscal managers with fiscal administration of those grants

Assist auditors with the audit requirements of federal and state aid received by 2r charter schools

This training does not address:All areas of grant managementSpecific federal program requirements that

accompany every grantGeneral accounting principles

Page 4: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

What are the types of requirements that apply to federal grants management and where are they found?

Federal government established uniform procedures for the use of federal funds that are meant to minimize the potential for fraud or misuse of federal funds

Page 5: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Types of Requirements that Apply to Federal GrantsCode of Federal Regulations (CFR)

Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)Title 34 (Education), CFR, Parts 74-86 and 97-99

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Types of Requirements that Apply to Federal GrantsAdministration

Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-102 Common ruleIdentify the administrative systems and procedures

that must be in place to receive, expend, account for and report on the uses of federal funds

Incorporated OMB Circular A-102 into 34 CFR part 80

EDGAR Title 34 (Education), CFR, Part 80Establishes uniform administrative rules for federal

grants to state, local and Indian tribal governments

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Types of Requirements that Apply to Federal GrantsManagement

EDGAR Title 34 (Education), CFR Part 76 State-Administered ProgramsHow funds are to be distributed to LEAsProgram or fiscal conditions that must be met

on the state/local levelWhen obligations are madeHow grant recipients are accountable for

fiscal reporting and for the reporting of the program

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Types of Requirements that Apply to Federal GrantsCost Principles

OMB Circular A-87 Identify how federal funds can be expended

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Types of Requirements that Apply to Federal GrantsOffice of Management and Budget Circulars

OMB Circular A-87 - Cost PrinciplesOMB Circular A-102 - Common ruleOMB Circular A-133 - Audit State/LocalOMB Circular A-133 - Compliance Supplement

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Page 11: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)34 CFR Part 80.20(a)Fiscal control and accounting procedures

must be sufficient to:(1) Permit preparation of reports required(2) Permit tracing of funds to a level of

expenditures adequate to establish that such funds have not been used in violation of the applicable standards.

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Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)(b)The financial management systems must

meet the following standards:Financial ReportingAccounting RecordsInternal ControlBudget ControlAllowable CostSource DocumentationCash Management

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Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)(c)’An awarding agency may review the

adequacy of the financial management system of any applicant for financial assistance as part of a preaward review or at any time subsequent to award.’

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Financial Reporting“Accurate, current, and complete disclosure of

the financial results of financially assisted activities must be made in accordance with the financial reporting requirements of the grant or subgrant.”

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Financial ReportingIndividuals who prepare, review and approve

reports possess knowledge, skills and abilities necessary

Written policies and procedures to establish responsibilities and ensure proper monitoring, verification and reporting

Review and approval of reports by appropriate individual prior to submission (separate from preparer)

Accounting system set up to provide the financial information as needed for reporting

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Accounting Records“Grantees and subgrantees must maintain

records which adequately identify the source and application of funds provided for financially-assisted activities. These records must contain information pertaining to grant or subgrant awards and authorizations, obligations, unobligated balances, assets, liabilities, outlays or expenditures, and income.”

Page 17: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Accounting RecordsThe foundation of fiscal management of a federal

grant is the grant’s accounting recordCommon errors

School does not create an accounting record for each grant and post expenditures to that account. Rather the school just identifies expenditures for grant reimbursement

Expenditures are originally reported to a general account and later reclassified

Accounting records do not integrate and track against the grant’s approved budget

Accounting record cannot be used for budget control when expenditures are not posted to the grant as they occur and when they are not tracked against an approved budget

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Accounting RecordsAn accounting record that incorporates the

amount of the award and approved budget. At a minimum each general area of planned expenditures

Provisions should be made to track expenditures and available balances against each budget line to exercise budget control

An accounting system that provides separate identification of federal and non-federal transactions and allocation transactions applicable to both

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Accounting RecordsReports provided timely to administration or

governance board for review and appropriate action

Easy access to accurate information on grant expenditures and comparison to grant budget and claims

Recording of expenditures to appropriate account when incurred to assist with budget control

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Tracking ExpendituresWisconsin Uniform Financial Accounting

Requirements (WUFAR)Used for reporting to DPIObject

Service or commodity acquired Salaries, fringe benefits, purchased services, non-capital

objects, capital objects, insurance and judgmentsFunction

Purpose for which an object is used Instruction, support services

Project Identify the activity IDEA, Title I, special education state aid

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Accounting RecordsPer EDGAR) §76.730 school shall keep

records that fully show:Amount of funds under the grantHow the funds will be usedTotal cost of the projectShare of the cost provided from other sourcesOther records to facilitate an effective audit

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Internal Control“Effective control and accountability must be

maintained for all grant and subgrant cash, real and personal property, and other assets. Grantees and subgrantees must adequately safeguard all such property and must assure that it is used solely for authorized purposes.”

34 CFR 80.36(a) “When procuring property and services under a grant, a State (LEA) will follow the same policies and procedures it uses for procurements from its non-Federal funds.”

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Internal ControlInternal controls that separate duties from

being performed by one individual and strengthen accountability for all cash activityNo one person should be able to both authorize

a transaction and record the transaction in the accounting record.

Controls over processing of cash receipts, disbursements and payroll.

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Internal ControlA fiscal transaction should be approved:

By a person (program manager) who can attest that the planned/actual expenditure is allowable and approved under the grant and

By another person (business manager/accountant) who can attest to the availability of funds and to its consistency with the approved budget and who enters the transaction into the fiscal record

Each of these individuals should initial or sign the documentation for the transaction

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Internal ControlExamples:

Small office of 1 or 2 people requires greater administrative and board participation in the day to day operations

One individual should not be creating PO’s, receiving the goods, authorizing payment and reconciling the bank statement.

Use authorized vendor listHave the administrator or board member review

and approve all expendituresUse pre-numbered checksLimit petty cash transactionsReview and authorize credit card transactions

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Internal ControlCommon errors:

Written policy that is:Non-existentOutdatedNot being implemented

Do not document the review of fiscal transactions by two people

Do not routinely require approval of or posting of expenditures

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Budget Control“Actual expenditures or outlays must be

compared with budgeted amounts for each grant or subgrant. Financial information must be related to performance or productivity data, including the development of unit cost information whenever appropriate or specifically required in the grant or subgrant agreement. If unit cost data are required, estimates based on available documentation will be accepted whenever possible.”

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Budget ControlGrant funds cannot be expended on an

activity until that activity has been approved

When grant is awarded, school has authority to fund the activities at the amounts approved in the application.

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Budget ControlDuring the year, funding strategies may

change for a variety of reasonsApproval shall be obtained whenever any of

the following changes is anticipated under a non-construction award:Revision which would result in the need for

additional fundingCumulative transfers among direct cost

categories, or among separately budgeted programs, projects, functions, or activities which exceed or are expected to exceed ten percent of the current total approved budget

Page 30: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Budget ControlCommon error:

Program managers sometimes authorize expenditures for activities that are not part of the approved application or

Make expenditures in anticipation of submitting an amendment

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Budget ControlAccounting records should have budget lines for

each general area of planned expendituresProvision to track expenditures and available

balances against each budget line to exercise budget control

Post expenditures as they occur directly to the appropriate budget line within the grant’s accounting record

Whenever changes are planned, review whether an amendment is required and obtain approval for proposed changes before expenditures are made

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Allowable Cost“Applicable OMB cost principles, agency

program regulations, and the terms of grant and subgrant agreements will be followed in determining the reasonableness, allowability, and allocability of costs.”

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Allowable CostPolicy for procedures regarding

determination of an allowed cost that include:Properly accounting for the expenditure

upfront and determining it as an allowed cost per cost principles when incurred

Review of expenditures claimed for reimbursement by someone other than the individual preparing the claim

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Allowable CostCommon error:

Salaries and Wages - no process in place for time and effort reporting Employees that are expected to work solely on a

single federal award or cost objective supported by periodic certifications that the employee worked solely on that program for period covered by certification

Employees that work on multiple activities or cost objectives supported by personnel activity reports or equivalent documentation

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Source Documentation“Accounting records must be supported by such

source documentation as cancelled checks, paid bills, payrolls, time and attendance records, contract and subgrant award documents, etc.”

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Source DocumentationPolicies and procedures:

Periodic certifications or personnel activity reports

Adequate source documentation to support amounts and items reported

All goods or services are initiated, approved and paid for through the established disbursement internal controls which should include a purchase order, packing slip if applicable, invoice and school check or electronic transfer

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Cash Management“Procedures for minimizing the time elapsing

between the transfer of funds from the U.S. Treasury and disbursement by grantees and subgrantees must be followed whenever advance payment procedures are used. Grantees must establish reasonable procedures to ensure the receipt of reports on subgrantees’ cash balances and cash disbursements in sufficient time to enable them to prepare complete and accurate cash transactions reports to the awarding agency. When advances…”

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Cash ManagementBasic standard – methods and procedures for

payment shall minimize the time lapsing between the transfer of funds and disbursement by the school

No expenditure may be claimed for reimbursement unless it is obligated

Report expenditures on a timely basis

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EDGAR §76.707When Obligations are MadeIf the obligation is for - The obligation is made -(a) Acquisition of real or personal

propertyOn the date on which the school makes a binding written commitment to acquire the property.

(b) Personal services by an employee of the school

When the services are performed.

(c) Personal services by a contractor who is not an employee of the school

On the date on which the school makes a binding written commitment to obtain the services

(d) Performance of work other than personal services

On the date on which the school makes a binding written commitment to obtain the work.

(e) Public utility services When the school receives the services

(f) Travel When the travel is taken.

(g) Rental of real or personal property

When the school uses the property.

(h) A pre-agreement cost that was properly approved by the State under the cost principles identified in 34 CFR 74.171 and 80.22.

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EDGAR §80.32 Equipment

May be used in the program or project for which acquired as long as needed, whether or not the project or program continues to be supported by federal funds

When no longer needed may be used in other activities currently or previously supported by a federal agency

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EDGAR §80.32 Equipment

Shall be available for use on other projects or programs currently or previously supported by federal government providing that use will not interfere with work on the projects or program for which it was originally acquired

When acquiring replacement equipment, may use the equipment to be replaced as a trade-in or sell the property and use the proceeds to offset the cost of the replacement property subject to the approval of DPI

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Property ManagementRecords must be maintained that include the

following:Description of the propertySerial number or other identification numberSource of propertyWho holds titleAcquisition dateCost of the propertyPercentage of federal participation in the cost of the

propertyLocationUse and condition of the propertyAny ultimate disposition data including date of

disposal and sale price of the property

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Property ManagementPhysical inventory of property must be taken

and reconciled with the property records at least once every two years.

A control system must be developed to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, or theft. Any lost, damage, or theft shall be investigated.

Adequate maintenance procedures must be developed to keep the property in good condition.

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Property Management

If school is authorized or required to sell the property, proper sales procedures must be established to ensure the highest possible return.

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Property ManagementWhen original or replacement equipment

acquired under a grant is no longer needed for original project or program or for other activities currently or previously supported by a federal agency, disposition of the equipment will be made as follows: 1) Current fair market value < $5,000 may be

retained, sold or disposed of with no further obligation to the federal government.

2) Current fair market value > $5,000 may be retained or sold and the federal government shall have a right to an amount calculated by multiplying the current market value or proceeds from sale by the federal share of the equipment.

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Page 47: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Contact Information for Program Accountants

DPI Website – Divisions and Teams – School Management Services – Federal Aids and Audit

Each Accountant Assigned Specific GrantsAccounting Staff and Assignments to Aids Register Codes


Federal Aids and Audit Section

Page 48: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Financial Management Handbook for Federal and State Grant Programs

Fiscal Requirements and Procedures to Assist Grant Recipients

Proper Disbursement, Accounting and Accountability for Federal and State Funds


Federal Aids and Audit Section

Page 49: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Claiming for Grant Funds – Accountants

Claims Must Match BudgetsFinal Claim Report Must be SignedCertifying Accuracy of the ReportFiscal Claim Report PI-1086


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• To receive reimbursement for grant expenditures submit a Program Fiscal Report (Form PI-1086).

• Quarterly claims are recommended, however, you can submit monthly claims.

• A final claim is due 90 days after the end of the project. Most programs require expenses to be paid by June 30 and final claims submitted by September 30.

• An authorized signature is required on the final claim.



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A signed copy of the final claim can be submitted by:  MAIL: Department of Public Instruction

Federal Aids and Audit Section P O Box 7841

Madison WI 53707-7841 FAX: 608/267-9207 (Attn. to Grant Accountant) E-MAIL: To the DPI accountant assigned to the program. See the following link for the assignment sheet:


Page 52: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

District / Agency No. CFDA No. or State Statute Report for Period Ending

9999 84.987 8/31/2011Grant Number Project Beginning Date Project Ending Date

12-123456789-1 7/1/2011 6/30/2012

Account CodeFund-Obj.-Func.-Proj.

xx-xxx-xxxxxx-400 10,000.00 10,000.00

xx-xxx-xxxxxx-400 2,000.00 6,000.00

xx-xxx-xxxxxx-400 6,000.00 14,000.00

xx-xxx-xxxxxx-400 1,500.00 5,500.00

19,500.00$ 35,500.00$

Total Funds Received to Date

Total Disbursements to Date

Cash on Hand at Endof Period

5,500.00$ 19,500.00$ (14,000.00)$ $ 14,000.00

Date Signed Mo./Day/Yr.

Matching Funds If Appli-cable Documentation on file at District Office

Report Type Check all that apply




Email Address

Unliquidated Encumbrances Payables

Unencumbered Balance

[email protected]

INSTRUCTIONS: Report project transactions by account.


Title of District / Agency Administrator or Designee Print or type


Phone Area/No.


Instruction - Fringe Benefits

Notice of Award Program Name

Total Disbursementsto Date

Instruction - Purchased Services

Aaron Rogers



Account Name Approved Budget

Instruction - Salaries

Any District Legal NameDistrict / Agency Legal Name


Instruction - Non Capital Objections

Name of District / Agency Administrator or Designee Print or type

Name of Person Preparing this Report




DPI USE ONLYAmount Approved

Cash Summary

Signature of District / Agency Administrator or Designee


Mail to: Wisconsin Department of Public InstructionPROGRAM FISCAL REPORTPI-1086 (Rev. 08-11)

Refer to instructions at:

BY SIGNING THIS REPORT, I CERTIFY that it is true, complete, and accurate to the best of my know ledge. I am aw are that any false, f ictitious, or fraudulent information may subject me tocriminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001)

Amount RequestedThis Claim Advance Final Claim

Partial Claim Revised Final

Insert four digit code(For LEA's only)

School District/ University/ Agency Name

FOR DISTRICTS ---use WUFAR account codes

If FINAL, must be signed by authorized person

This amount needs to be filled in, insert amount to be claimed only

use last approved budget for claims

Page 53: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

• Instructions for completing the Program Fiscal Report

• District Number: LEAs use the 4-digit agency code.

• District/Agency Legal Name: Name of LEA.• CFDA Number or State Statute• Report for Period Ending: Report month and

year through which report is completed. • Project Grant Number: Report Grant

Number from Notification of Grant Award.


Claim Instructions

Page 54: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

• Program Name: For example, ESEA Title II B Math & Science Partnership.

• Project Beginning Date: Beginning date as specified in Notification of Grant Award.

• Project Ending Date: Ending date as specified in Notification of Grant Award.

• Account Code: WUFAR Codes for LEAs.


Claim Instructions

Page 55: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

• Account Name: Report categories from the Budget Summary page (example, PI-9550-IIB) from application.

• Approved Budget: Enter the budget amounts as approved from the application Budget Summary page.

• Unliquidated Encumbrances: Report unpaid obligations (i.e., payables, open purchase orders, personal services contracts, etc.). Encumbrances should be liquidated on the final report.

• Total Disbursements: Report the cumulative total of disbursements made to date.


Claim Instructions

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• Unencumbered Balance: Report the amount of funds that have neither been obligated nor disbursed.

• Cash Summary: Report total funds received to date, disbursed and remaining.

• Amount Requested: Enter amount requested for this claim.


Claim Instructions

Page 57: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Federal Grant Guidance is available at:

Federal Aids & Audit Personnel and Staff Assignments:

Program Fiscal Report (PI-1086) and Instructions:

Related Links:


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Page 59: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Audit RequirementWis. Stat. 118.40 (2r)(b)(2)

“A charter shall include all of the provisions specified under sub.(1m)(b)3. to 14.”Wis. Stat. 118.40 (1m)(b)11

“The manner in which annual audits of the financial and programmatic operations of the school will be performed.”

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2r Independent Charter Schools2r charter schools are considered a local educational

agency. Wis. Stat. 115.775; “….an operator of a charter school under s. 118.40(2r) is a local educational agency, as defined in 20 USC 1401 (19)...”

United States code: title 20,1401 defines an LEA as: “local education agency” means a public board of education or other public authority legally constituted within a State for either administrative control or direction of, or to perform a service function for, public elementary schools or secondary schools in a city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision of a State, or for such combination of school districts or counties as are recognized in a State as an administrative agency for its public elementary schools or secondary schools.”

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Federal Single AuditNon-Federal entities that expend $500,000 or

more in a year in Federal awards shall have a single or program-specific audit conducted for that year in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133.

Non-Federal entities that expend less than $500,000 a year in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year,, but records must be available for review or audit by appropriate officials of the Federal agency, pass-through entity, and General Accounting Office (GAO).

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Federal and State AidAids Register - payments the school received from the

department during the year. Does not reflect year end receivables but does include prior year end receivables. STRICTLY cash basis!

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State Single Audit GuidelinesAvailable at:

*SSAG Summary 2011Department of Public Instruction Appendix to the State Single Audit

Guidelines for Programs from the Department of Public Instruction

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State Single Audit Guidelines2.1  Audit requirement for DPI programs

Audits of agencies receiving state aid for programs from the Department of Public Instruction will be in accordance with the following standards prescribed by the department.  These agencies include school districts, 2r independent charter schools, cooperative educational services agencies (CESA) and county children with disability education boards (CCDEB).

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State Single Audit Guidelines State Single Audit Guidelines – Agencies receiving

state aid that have audits in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 “Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations” and that receive more than $25,000 in department funds, need to have audits in accordance with the State Single Audit Guidelines, including this appendix to the Guidelines.

Wisconsin Public School District Audit Manual – Agencies with designated major state programs must have an audit of compliance with the requirement applicable to those designated state programs and must also issue a report on its system of internal control over compliance in accordance with the Wisconsin Public School District Audit Manual.

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State Special Education AidThe Department of Public Instruction has

designated certain programs to be state major programs when agencies receive these programs directly from the department. In the parlance of OMB Circular A-133, the department considers these programs to be Type A programs that cannot be treated as low risk programs. Therefore, these programs are to be tested as major programs in all audits for which the auditee receives funding for these programs directly from the department:

Designated major programs Section 3.1 General Aids (not applicable to 2r charter

schools)Section 3.2 Special Education and School Age Parents


Page 67: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Audit RequirementWis. Stat. 115.88(1m)(am)

“(am) Subject to par. (b), if the operator of a charter school established under s. 118.40 (2r) operates a special education program and the state superintendent is satisfied that the operator of the charter school is complying with 20 USC 1400 to 1491o, the state superintendent shall certify to the department of administration in favor of the operator of the charter school a sum equal to the amount that the operator of the charter school expended during the previous school year for salaries of full-time or part-time licensed teachers, licensed coordinators of special education, school nurses, licensed school social workers, licensed school psychologists, licensed school counselors, paraprofessionals, licensed consulting teachers to work with any teacher of regular education programs who has a child with a disability in a class and any other personnel, as determined by the state superintendent, as costs eligible for reimbursement from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2)(b). The state superintendent may audit costs under this paragraph and adjust reimbursement to cover only actual, eligible costs.”

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Auditing State Special Education AidAudit Program available at:

Reports Needed

Audit Procedures


Page 69: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Auditing State Special Education AidReports Needed

All special education excess costs identified Includes all costs and not just those eligible for state

categorical aid Special Education claim filed with DPI

May not be available at time of audit Special Education Categorical Aid Eligible Costs

Resource guide on what is eligible Special education license staff listings (valid and

non-valid) Online or per request from DPI

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Auditing State Special Education AidState Special Education Categorical

Project Codes:Project 011 - State Categorical Aid Aidable

Cost Project 019 - Non-Aidable Cost Project 340 - Cost Reimbursable by Direct

Federal IDEA Monies Project 810 - Cost Reimbursable by Direct

Federal ARRA Monies

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Auditing State Special Education AidAudit Procedures

Verify claim to expenditures in general ledgerNo valid license list Do not need to test the individuals on the list Send an e-mail to DPI with the salaries and benefits reported If individual was incorrect on PI-1202, obtain written

representation from school administrator or individual authorized to complete the PI-1202

Perform payroll test Valid license list Payroll register and general ledger

Review: Personal services costs or employee travel Payments to non-governmental agencies Pupil transportation costs Vehicle acquisition

Page 72: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Auditing State Special Education AidReporting

Questioned Cost Excel spreadsheet e-mailed to DPI (online) Included in “Summary of Audit Findings” in the

single audit report

Identify total eligible cost on “Schedule of State Awards” footnote

Page 73: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Reporting Package Financial Statement(s)

Opinion on Financial Statements

Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards

Schedule of Expenditures of State Awards

Summary Schedule of Prior Audit Findings

Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs

Corrective Action Plan

Date Collection Form filed with Federal Clearinghouse

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Reporting PackageIndependent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control over

Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards

Independent Auditor’s Report on Compliance with Requirements that Could have a Direct and Material Effect on Each Major Federal and State Program and on Internal Control over Compliance in Accordance with OMB Circular A-133 and the State Single Audit Guidelines

If the school is not required to have a federal single audit: Independent Auditor’s Report on Compliance with Requirements

Applicable to State programs and Internal Control Over Compliance Samples available at:

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Single Audit Report

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Single Audit Report

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Single Audit Report

Page 78: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Single Audit Report

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Report Due Dates

October 12, 2012 Special Ed - No Valid License Worksheet (if applicable)

December 3, 2012 Audited Financial Statements

December 3, 2012 Federal and State Single Audit Report

May 1, 2013 Membership Audit

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Page 81: August 10, 2012. Overview During the last several years, federal agencies have put more emphasis on states’ responsibility to provide fiscal oversight

Common Control Deficiencies Segregation of Duties

Preparation of financial statements and schedule of financial assistance

Material Adjustments

Internal Control Deficiencies

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FindingClaims submitted for reimbursement are not

reviewed by anyone other than the preparerDistrict has no review procedure related to

claims submitted for reimbursement

Auditor RecommendationAn individual other than the preparer of the

claim should review and approve the claim prior to submission

Review of claims filed

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Allowable Costs/Cost PrinciplesCompensation for Personnel Services (includes

salaries, wages, and fringe benefits)

Compensation considered reasonable to the extent that it is consistent with that paid for similar work in other activities of the governmental unit

Time and Effort Reporting Allowable if costs are reasonable, comparable for

similar work, and charges are supported with time distribution records or other documentation as stipulated in OMB A-87.

Types of Compliance Requirements

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Time and Effort Reporting Finding Payroll certifications were not prepared to support

the salaries of individuals tested The District's management was unaware of the

requirement under OMB Circular A-87

Auditor Recommendation District obtain semi-annual payroll certifications

and timesheets for all employees funded by Federal programs

Allowable Costs/Cost Principles

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Time and Effort ReportingDPI Response for 2010-11 findings

The District needs to implement a procedure for the preparation of semi-annual certifications or personnel activity reports as soon a they receive the auditor finding.

DPI will be following up with a notification that monitoring will occur for verification of personnel claimed on the grant in the 2011-12 school year.

Allowable Costs/Cost Principles

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Finding Special Education Teacher not properly licensed

Auditor Recommendation District review staff each year for appropriate


Allowable Costs - Unlicensed Staff

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Finding District charged a portion of special education

aide’s wages and fringe benefits to the IDEA Flow through grant but the aide did not work with special education students

District did not timely review employee eligibility to be charged to the grant. Error was found by the District while preparing the time and effort certifications.

Auditor Recommendation. District personnel review employees charged to

federal grants to ensure compliance with allowable cost principles.

Allowable Costs-Excess Salaries

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Finding Not segregating all of the ARRA grant expenditures

by using project codes to track them ARRA reporting requires all expenditures for these

grants need to be accounted for separately

Auditor Recommendation District record all ARRA grant expenditures to the

proper project code and submit quarterly grant reimbursements based on those expenditures

Allowable Costs-Use of Project Codes

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FindingGeneral ledger detail did not agree to the line

item expenditures reported on the grant claims

District did not request amendments to original budget approved by DPI

Lines for salaries, employee benefits, purchased services, non-capital objects, and capital objects were not in agreement.

Total expenditures charged to the grant agreed in total to the grant claims

Allowable Costs

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Auditor Recommendation Before submitting reimbursement request, District

should request a budget amendment to move expenditures between the budget line items, if necessary

Allowable Costs

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Finding Drew down Title I funds before incurring the

expenditure Lack of controls in place to prevent the drawdown

prior to the expenditure

Auditor Recommendation Procedures be put in place to verify expenditure

occurred prior to the claim

Cash Management

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Audit Finding filed with DPI

DPI School Finance Auditor Reviews

School Finance Auditor provides appropriate program staff with the finding

Program staff follow up with districtResolution requiredFollow up in subsequent yearFiscal Monitoring

DPI Follow-up and Resolution to Federal Audit Findings

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Requires the State as the pass-through agency to issue a management decision on audit findings and ensure that appropriate and timely corrective action is taken.

The management decision states whether or not the audit finding is sustained, the reasons for the decision, and the expected action to repay disallowed costs, make financial adjustments or take other action.

Prior to issuing the management decision, the State may request additional information or documentation

OMB Circular A-133

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ContactsBob Soldner, Director

(608) [email protected]

Liz Kane, Assistant Director(608) [email protected]

Kathy Guralski, School Finance Auditor(608) 266-2658 [email protected]

Margaret McMurray, Consultant(608) 266-5728

[email protected]

Michele Tessner , School Finance Auditor(608) 267-9218 [email protected]

Mark Magnuson, Grant Accountant(608) 266-3489 [email protected]