audit your reactive applications

Audit your reactive applications +PhilippePrados @ pprados +François-Xavier Bonnet @ fxbonnet

Upload: philippe-prados

Post on 14-Jun-2015




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You use Play, AKKA, VertX, RxJava, AsyncHTTPClient ? Audit your code to detect all blocking methods.


Page 1: Audit your reactive applications

Audit your reactive applications

+PhilippePrados @pprados+François-Xavier Bonnet @fxbonnet

Page 2: Audit your reactive applications

What is reactive?

● Responsive● Resilient● Elastic● Message driven

“Non-blocking communication allows recipients to only consume resources while active,

leading to less system overhead.”

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The problem: blocking APIs

● Blocking APIs consume the thread pool because of too much waiting time

● We should have no more threads than cores

on the machine

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How do I track blocking API calls?

● Modifying the JVM?● Generating warnings during compilation?● Instrumenting the code at runtime using a

JVM agent?

Code Compiler JRE

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Modifying the JDK

● This strategy has been used by Google in Android SDK in order to avoid the use of blocking API in a UI thread

● Not too hard for pure java methods but what about native methods (OS specific)?

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Generating warnings during compilation?

● Annotate JDK methods inside an IDE? Used by IntelliJ for @Nullable and @NotNull annotations but not standard

● JSR 269 allows to do things at compile time

● Compilation occurs in several phases, we can access the syntax tree only after the first phase

o The pure syntax, not the called method name

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Generating warnings during compilation?

● JSR308 allows to do things after the second phase

o The augmented syntax tree

● But not included in JDK 8

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Generating warnings during compilation?

● Many things can be seen only at runtime

● Ex: is blocking for a file or network connection but not for memory

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Instrumenting the code at runtime using a JVM agent?

● Patch the code at application startup● Solution:

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Auditing using Aspect programing

● Load time weaving● Java agent at JVM startup● List all blocking methods

● But, can not be weaving the SDK itself

Some tweaks:● Some methods might be blocking depending

on the arguments or internal use!

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Aspect programming: example

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Checking an application - Play

Page 13: Audit your reactive applications

Log output with Play


Page 14: Audit your reactive applications

Log output with PlayHIGH : Call method void with /tmp/sbt1269029892078438540.logcom.octo.reactive.audit.lib.FileReactiveAuditException: Call method void with /tmp/sbt1269029892078438540.logat thread "play-internal-execution-context-1"at sbt.ConsoleOut$$anon$3.print(ConsoleOut.scala:52)at sbt.ConsoleLogger.setColor(ConsoleLogger.scala:158)at sbt.ConsoleLogger.reset(ConsoleLogger.scala:153)at sbt.ConsoleLogger.sbt$ConsoleLogger$$printLabeledLine(ConsoleLogger.scala:168)at sbt.ConsoleLogger$$anonfun$log$1.apply(ConsoleLogger.scala:164)at sbt.ConsoleLogger$$anonfun$log$1.apply(ConsoleLogger.scala:163)at scala.collection.IndexedSeqOptimized$class.foreach(IndexedSeqOptimized.scala:33)at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$ofRef.foreach(ArrayOps.scala:108)at sbt.ConsoleLogger.log(ConsoleLogger.scala:163)at sbt.ConsoleLogger.log(ConsoleLogger.scala:151)at sbt.AbstractLogger.log(Logger.scala:31)...

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Use it with in testing scope

● Because the analysis is performed on effective method calls at runtime

● The audit should be used while runningo Integration testso Functional tests

● Not relevant in unit tests

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● Alert for all calls to blocking methods?

● We need some filterso Startup shifto Thread name (pattern matching)o Kind and level of blocking call (CPU, File, Network)o Annotations

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Configuration at runtime

Page 18: Audit your reactive applications

Log output with Play


Page 19: Audit your reactive applications

Checked SDK APIs +500

Page 20: Audit your reactive applications

Supported frameworks/languages/servers

Framework Windows Mac/linux

unknown > reactive-audit> java %AUDIT_OPTS% ...

$ source reactive-audit$ java %AUDIT_OPTS% ...

jetty > reactive-audit jetty> java %AUDIT_OPTS% -jar start.jar

$ source reactive-audit jetty$ java %AUDIT_OPTS% -jar start.jar

catalina > reactive-audit catalina -run catalina run $ reactive-audit catalina -run catalina run

play > reactive-audit play -run activator run $ reactive-audit play -run activator run

vert.x > reactive-audit vertx -run vertx run ... $ reactive-audit vertx -run vertx run ...

maven > reactive-audit maven -run mvn ... $ reactive-audit maven -run mvn ...

gradle > reactive-audit gradle -run gradle ... $ reactive-audit gradle -run gradle ...

sbt > reactive-audit sbt -run sbt ... $ reactive-audit sbt -run sbt ...

Page 21: Audit your reactive applications

Build integration and continuous testing

● Sample script foro Maveno Gradleo Sbt

● You’re welcome to propose others

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Use it with your reactive project

● Play● Akka● VertX● AsyncHttpClient● RxJava● …

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We need you !

● Check it with your project● Improve the rules● Submit some extensions● Submit plugins for others tools● Submit XSTL to format XML log file

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Philippe PRADOS

Manager Tribu Reactive

+33 (0)6 20 66 71 00

[email protected]

François-Xavier Bonnet


+33 (0)6 13 26 82 99

[email protected]