audio wire redesign & relaunch

Audio Wire Website Redesign & Relaunch Fabian Schulenburg & Bernd Heimann Online Experience Specialists 09.01.12 | 1

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Audio Wire

Website Redesign & Relaunch

Fabian Schulenburg & Bernd HeimannOnline Experience Specialists

09.01.12 |1

Audio Wire Website Redesign & Relaunch

09.01.12 |2

Analysis of the online customer experience


Our recommendations

Web designSalesCustomer experience strategy

Audio Wire Website Redesign & Relaunch

09.01.12 |3

Analysis of the online customer experience

Difficult checkout process

Confusing navigation

Oversized photos

Lacking information

Audio Wire Website Redesign & Relaunch

09.01.12 |4

Audio Wire Website Redesign & Relaunch

09.01.12 |5

Audio Wire Website Redesign & Relaunch

09.01.12 |6

Our recommendations

Easier checkout process

Better navigation

Appealing photos

Precise information

Audio Wire Website Redesign & Relaunch

09.01.12 |7

Fewer clicks

Clear and structured website to reduce abandonment rate, easier checkout process

Audio Wire Website Redesign & Relaunch

09.01.12 |8

Better pics

Catchy product photos with only a short, to the point summary of the most important details, HD version can be seen with a mouse-over

Audio Wire Website Redesign & Relaunch

09.01.12 |9

Information that sticks

Et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent? Sequitur mutationem consuetudium; lectorum mirum est notare quam littera gothica quam. Quinta decima eodem modo typi qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari fiant sollemnes in. Illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros luptatum zzril. Dynamicus qui nunc putamus parum claram anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et. Elit sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat ut. Veniam quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea? Molestie consequat vel delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi nam.

On Audio Wires website, I find everything Im looking for. Its visual, its simple, and the product information is straight to the point!

Customer Testimonial

Persuase to purchase! Precised and detailed product information (improved copy-writing) can be seen in a table next to the image, include persuasive customer testimonials

Audio Wire Website Redesign & Relaunch

09.01.12 | 10

Additional information

Surveys to continuously improve customer experience

Special offers for returning customers

Latest / greatest column

When a customer has visited the site more than three times, he/she will be asked to give feedback in order to continuously improve customer experiance (also ask for newsletter via email)When a customer has bought more than 2 products on the site, he/she will be given a discount upon the next purchaseLatest/Greatest products are displayed on the homepage, if clicked upon, directed to checkout process

Audio Wire Website Redesign & Relaunch

09.01.12 | 11


Fewer clicks

Better pics

Information that sticks

Audio Wire Website Redesign & Relaunch

09.01.12 | 12

Prototype of the new website including the presented features can be visited already

Audio Wire

Thank you for your attention!

09.01.12 | 13

Fabian Schulenburg & Bernd HeimannOnline Experience Specialists


Chaunce Dolan

Chaunce Dolan's Album



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