audience survey review

Audience Survey Review

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Post on 10-Apr-2017



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Audience Survey Review

Page 2: Audience Survey Review

What is your gender?The majority of answers from my survey came from female participants. This helped as the main target audience for my music video was likely to be more female based than male. Also, the main protagonist in my music video will be female so a female audience are more likely to relate to her.

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What is your age?As the target audience age for my music video is the younger generation and most of the responses came from teenagers, this meant that I could use their answers so that my product related specifically to its target audience. However the responses from other ages meant that I could also target them and use their opinions to make my music video the best it could be.

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Do you watch music videos?Only two people responded ‘no’ to this question which suggests that my target audience do watch music videos as the two ‘no’ responses were from older participants when looking into it further.

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How often do you watch music videos?The responses to this question mean that the majority of my target audience watch music videos regularly as the ‘rarely’ or ‘never’ answers were again from the older participants. Because my target audience watch music videos regularly, they will know the conventions of a music video and expect to see certain criteria in the one I produce, for example lip syncing.

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What is your preferred genre of music?

The genre I have chosen for my music video is Indie/Pop and these are the two categories with the highest ratings. Pop is the most common genre of music and is what the charts usually consist of. By adding the ‘indie’ genre to my music video, it gives the style a unique quality that isn’t seen in all music videos. This could be shown in the editing.

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How often do you watch music videos?

This is important as my music video will only be released on to YouTube and therefore only accessible by the internet. This is the most popular response.

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Why would you watch a music video?

Lots of responses said that they will only watch a music video if they like the song. This is why I chose a modern, upbeat, popular song. Because it didn’t have a music video, this would make the audience intrigued when mine is produced.

Also, other responses said they watched the music video to see the story behind the lyrics which is why I have taken reference from the lyrics to produce the idea/story for my video.

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Which style of music video do you prefer?

In my final question, it is clear that performance based music video is preferred. This is why I intend to have my actress perform to the camera using lip syncing and visual representations of the actresses personality/lifestyle. This will make it clear what is happening in the video.