audience feedback


Upload: h-bell1

Post on 12-Aug-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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“I liked this as a first shot. I really thought it set the scene well and established everything, the character, setting, mood and the story”

“The close up shot of the artist immediately after the narrative part really works. It comes in when he starts singing which tells the audience he’s singing about her.”

“This shot in the video is really well done. The zoom in on the character I really liked and you can see the guitar which tells us the genre-Acoustic.”

“I like this part of the video. In the song at this bit, is says ‘lights gone, days end’ yet her days only just started. It made me realise the video was going to tell a story and I wanted to know more.”

“The panning in this shot is really effective, it ‘s the first time you actually see the girls face”

“The black and white shots made me feel sorry for the character and created empathy within the video, because you realise that she did once have a family and a home and now she doesn’t. It adds emotion I thought. I also think that the clash of coloured shots-black and white and colour-is good. I thought it was to show the opposites, like past and present.”

“This shot was really long but I liked how the camera moved around the artist”

“This bit, when the guitar was just being played on it’s own and it was accompanied by this single shot of the guitar I liked. It identified the genre”

“I really really liked this bit. The cars were going past really fast and it was like time was passing her by and all these people saw her, but didn’t care. I felt really sorry for her”

“I liked how this shot was filmed over her shoulder and you saw her reflection in the mirror and that’s how you saw her face, I thought that was really clever”

“I’d heard the song before so I knew it was about prostitution and drugs. I wondered how you would approach it and show this part of the story, or if you were even going to. I like how you did it, just showing her getting in a car, its not too heavy and leaves it to the imagination and for the audience to decide.”

“This part broke my heart! I felt so sorry for her, I actually said ‘awww’ when Iwatched it!”

“I thought this bit was really dramatic, it added another dimension to the video and was actually really well done”

“I really empathised with the character after seeing this part”

“It was like the Climax in a film, it made you go ‘oh no, is that the end, really?’”