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1 Undergraduate Studies ePortfolio Travis E. Gottschalk BA Psychology, 2010

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Undergraduate Studies ePortfolio

Travis E. GottschalkBA Psychology, 2010

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Personal Statement

Life is like a snowflake, even though there may be similarities between some of them, every life is different. I am competitive but only with myself, not with others. I push myself to do better, go faster, do more, and to take charge. I try to always do my best and to please others. I care about what other people think, but only to a certain point.

I am a very independent person. I like to take charge and not be a follower. I rarely will ask for help with something, no matter what the task is. If I need to move a piece of furniture, then I am going to try my hardest to do it by myself. Aristotle once said that happiness belongs to the self-sufficient. I am sure that part of my reasoning for being so independent comes from a fear of being let down, or seen as being weak. In this world there is a lot of competition, and you almost have to always be one step ahead of the pack if you hope to make it.

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Personal Statement

My life has been surrounded by chaos, from rapid changes to violence. As a child I went to eight different schools, some due to moving and some due to violence. I have been plagued by a pattern of bad luck and dealing with wrong place wrong time ideas. I do not believe in fate or destiny. I believe that everything in life is coincidence, in that the possibility to triumph or fall happens by the choices that we make. If someone leaves their house and gets into an accident on their way to the store, just shifting 30 seconds in time could have made the difference in that happening. If they had left early, maybe they would have made the red light that they otherwise had to stop at. But timing and coincidence goes both ways. Martin Luther King, Jr. said that the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

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Travis Gottschalk 11017 223rd 206-484-1131

Ave Ct. E

Buckley, WA 98321

Objective My objective is to gain fruitful experience through employment with your company. I plan to use the information that I learn and apply it to everyday life

Education January 2008- Present Argosy University Seattle, WA

Psychology Major Currently working towards my BA.

Work History Dec 2007- Present QFC Seattle, WA 5th Manager I am in charge of normal day to day leadership of checkers and courtesy clerks. Making sure the customers are being satisfied is my primary goal.  

Volunteer experience

I volunteer for the Special Olympics, Habitat for Humanity, Friends of Youth, and various food banks around the community.

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Work experience I have held a variety of jobs including supervisory positions, retail, manufacturing, and food services.

Interests and activities I am interested in learning more about human behavior and societal views.  

Languages I am fluent in English and a beginner level in Spanish.

Hobbies In my free time, I like to partake in outdoor activities and knowledge enhancement.


Cherie Thomas 509-922-8355 Former Supervisor

Nick Spragg 509-280-5985 Coworker

Meghan Nichols 509-230-5149 Friend

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My academic tenure at Argosy has had its ups and downs. I started out strong and motivated but slowly fell into a slump. Through determination I have been able to pick myself back up to finish out my degree. I have learned a lot about myself and my capabilities through it all, and what I want out of an education establishment. My self-analysis of strengths and weaknesses in my journey this far have been pretty middle of the road. I did not have any particular area in my education where I was over or under exposed.

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Table of Contents

Cognitive Abilities: Critical Thinking and Information Literacy

Research SkillsCommunication Skills: Oral and WrittenEthics and Diversity AwarenessFoundations of PsychologyApplied PsychologyInterpersonal Effectiveness**Include work samples and projects with a Title Page and organized accordingly to demonstrate each of the Program Outcomes above

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Cognitive Abilities and Research Skills

Cognitive Abilities: • Positive Self-Regard (2009). This paper illustrates how the

this type of therapeutic practice works. I use analysis to break down the theories and practical uses.

Research Skills:• Research Project: Career Choice and Favorite Smell: Is there a

link?(2008) and Arousal Cost-Reward Model (2009). This research paper helped me understand the necessity for validity and how to obtain it through various tools. I used questionnaires and data analysis to achieve the results I was interested in.

Arousal Cost-Reward Model

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Communication Skills

3: Communication Skills:• To illustrate me communication skills, am using a paper/

power point presentation that I did in a communication class. I used visual aides and the power point in order to stress the need for motorcycle safety. I had a few props and included a hand out for the audience.

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Ethics and Diversity Awareness

Ethics and Diversity awareness:• In my psychology of gender class, I wrote a paper called Gender

Roles in Society (2008). I discussed the roles that different genders play in our society. I illustrated how what the common society gender roles are and how they differ from what gender really play in different career paths.

Knowledge of Foundations of the Field: • I have shown my capabilities in some of my previous classes work

samples. One of which is from a health class that I took in Community college. I discussed the Kubler-Ross’ five stages of death, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, 5 symptoms of depression, and other critical areas of knowledge in the psychology field.

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Knowledge of Applied Psychology and Interpersonal Effectiveness

Knowledge of Applied Psychology:• I have shown this in my work sample that is a final for one of

my classes. In it I had to look at several different scenarios and break them down psychologically in order to deduce what was being said and what treatment options should be recommended.

Interpersonal Effectiveness: • Goleman’s Social Intelligence. (2008). This is a paper that I wrote

on the book describing some points that are made in the book that I found to be interesting.

• Another example of my interpersonal effectiveness is shown in my power point presentation of gender roles. I had several visual aides and example to help express my views.

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Critical Thinking

I have presented work samples that exemplify my abilities and knowledge in the field of psychology. I believe that I have learned the necessary skills that are required for this level of education. I also see that I am ready to continue on to further my education. In my work samples there is a wide variety of work shown that stretches from opinions to fact and literature reviews. They stretch from the beginning of my college education to the end of this step in the process.

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My Future in Learning

Learning is a lifelong process. I see myself being in school fulltime for at least another few years. After that I see part-time education continuing. In order to be successful in any career, you have to be able to stay current with the times. That requires you to keep up with new research, look into alternative practices, and be able to drop tools that are no longer useful. This is why learning is a lifelong process.

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Contact Me

Thank you for viewing my ePortfolio.

For further information, please contact me at the e-

mail address below. [email protected]