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Page 1: Attract - Amazon S3In... · We all know money isn’t the end all, be all. We know money can’t buy happiness, right? But happiness CAN buy money!!! Yep, true stuff. Your happy,

Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 1


With Crystals

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-Wayne Dyer

Hey there!Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey to Prosperity and Abundance

using Crystals.

One of the most popular classes I’ve ever taught is one in which we learned to use

crystals for abundance attraction, using the vibration of certain crystals and stones to

manifest more prosperity and abundance in our lives. This class is a SUPER-POPULAR

ONE and for a very good reason...the techniques, supports and tools work!

*I’m telling you....when I used to offer this as a one-off class, students were knocking

down the doors to get in.*

We Crystal Lovers all have something in common. We are absolutely captivated by

crystals and know that they have the unique and uncanny ability to transform our

lives and manifesting prosperity of all sorts is a big part of that.

With this class and eKit you’re going to discover how to be a

magnet for prosperity and abundance while experiencing

practical crystal techniques to focus your attention on your

dreams and desires.

But before we start looking at the crystals we need to bust

out of our old mindset and get into the right one.

Are you ready to take that mindset-busting journey with me?

Page 3: Attract - Amazon S3In... · We all know money isn’t the end all, be all. We know money can’t buy happiness, right? But happiness CAN buy money!!! Yep, true stuff. Your happy,

Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 3

New Abundance Mindset Coming Right Up!

Abundance and prosperity isn’t always about mula.

It can mean acquiring enough of anything when there’s a lack. But many do tend to think

of “money” when they think of “prosperity and abundance”.

We all know money isn’t the end all, be all. We know money can’t buy happiness, right?

But happiness CAN buy money!!!

Yep, true stuff. Your happy, positive attitude about money can totally attract it to you.

But if you hate those who have it and have icky feelings about it then it’s really not

something that will ever be attracted to you, is it?

And if you keep thinking that you’re in need of money and that’s why you’re reading this

eBook….then that’s exactly what you’re gonna get.

You’ll continue to “NEED MONEY!”

So, I feel it’s necessary to first get into the mindset of already being grateful for the

prosperity and abundance that you already have. Before you even have it!

It’s like quantum physics, Baby!

Page 4: Attract - Amazon S3In... · We all know money isn’t the end all, be all. We know money can’t buy happiness, right? But happiness CAN buy money!!! Yep, true stuff. Your happy,

Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 4

There is no timeline so let’s just throw that out the window. Just flow with it.

All the while, remember to always be thankful for all the blessings, large and small…

even the ittybitty ones. We all have them. The very breath you’re taking now…be

grateful for that.

Spend the next 60 seconds listing everything in your world that

you’re grateful for. Just let it free-flow. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

You did it! Not so tough, right?


ABUNDANCE APPEARS. - Anthony Robbins

Page 5: Attract - Amazon S3In... · We all know money isn’t the end all, be all. We know money can’t buy happiness, right? But happiness CAN buy money!!! Yep, true stuff. Your happy,

Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 5

Crystals that support abundance and prosperity

Green AventurineThis is a type of quartz that grows in masses. You’ll often find them as tumbled

stones. I say “green” aventurine here because it does come in other colors,

although more rare. Also, the greens can vary from very dark to much lighter.

Benefits: This is a very important stone

to get your hands on because

it’s all about vitality…

Vitality of anything:

• health

• growth

• finances

• confidence

• friends

*Luscious green aventurine tumblies

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 6

Crystals that support abundance and prosperity

CitrineCitrine is a yellow quartz but actually comes in many shades from light

champagne to a deep iced tea color known as Madeira Citrine.

Benefits: Citrine is a sunny confidence-

boosting prosperity stone.

It carries the sun’s energy within and

about it and is perfect for boosting

finances and assisting in business

transactions of all sorts. In fact, it’s

actually known as the “merchant

stone” and is often kept in cash register

draws or wallets for this reason.

*Lovely yet rarer 100% natural Congo Citrine Points

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 7

Crystals that support abundance and prosperity

PyritePyrite is a shiny yellowish metallic crystal also known as Fool’s Gold.

Benefits: Pyrite has a very masculine

Sun Energy about it.

It’s stone of manifestation, confidence, action and strong “push” energy.

*This is a gorgeous natural pyrite cluster demonstrating its cubic crystal structure

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 8

Crystals that support abundance and prosperity

JadeJade is a tough resilient stone that also comes in many colors but is

most-often green (of many shades).

Benefits: Jade is known as the

“lucky” stone.

It is a growth-enhancer and allows good energy to flow (also helping with good health). Being a growth-stone, Jade is all about abundance-energy

*These gorgeous tumbled jade stones shows the many shades that green jade can come in

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 9

Crystals that support abundance and prosperity

PeridotPeridot is the gem-quality form of the mineral olivine and gets its green color

from the iron contained within.

Benefits: Periodot represents potent

manifestation and growth!

Born of volcanic fire, magma and lava spewed forth from volcanic eruptions, which have birth every bit of our planet Earth; this is a crystal that naturally represents prosperity.

*Sparkling Peridot crystals growing on rock matrix

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 10

What are your favorite go-to prosperity and abundance stones?

What things would you like to add to your morning ritual?

My Morning RitualI’ve made a habit of being thankful every morning upon waking, before I even get out

of bed. No matter what’s going on in my life or what occurred the day before.

No matter what…I do it.

I sit up and while doing my neck stretches, I try to think of all the lovely things in my

life that I am thankful for. I visualize them and feel the warm fuzzies and then I send

those energies love.

I mentally say “thank you”. I also sometimes have my hands in a particular mudra while

doing this…and sometimes my kitty, Topaz joins me in my lap along with a crystal that I

keep by my bedside. Lately it’s been a lemurian wand that I love.

Habits like these are extremely attractive to abundance. Abundance really likes to hang

around that sort of energy.

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 11

Be forewarned though.

I know from past experience that just

doing visualizations doesn’t always cut it

for everyone and although I try to keep

the negative speak and thought patterns

at bay; I’m not always perfect with it.

It’s hard sometimes.

Especially when those around you tend

to drag you back into old habits. We get

so easily caught up in it.

So, when this happens, it’s time to bust

out the BIG GUNS…

Feng Shui and CrystalsA few years back, I intuitively placed a large

Amethyst druse in my bedroom’s back corner. I

later learned that in Feng Shui this very corner is

known as the “Prosperity” corner in your home!

Feng shui also says that the color purple (as in

amethyst) is the color that nurtures wealth and

prosperity. Who knew?

My higher self-guided me well, huh?


- Deepak Chopra

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Abundance Ritual #1

Do you know???

You have this amazing ability to consciously and purposefully create exactly what you

need in your life and…crystals are handy-dandy tools and supports that make the whole

process so much easier and FUN! Simply by creating these new empowering beliefs,

you’ll more easily identify stuffs that have been getting in the way. You’ll also intuitively

recognize and vibe with attitudes and energies that attract abundance. How gneiss!

Here’s an easy and quick little ritual that you can do and one that my students

love! It allows you to shift your own personal prosperity energy anytime!

Ready to give this a try?

OK, let’s do this!

• You’ll need 1 tumbled stone each of citrine, pyrite and jade along with a little pouch

to carry them in, preferably a green or gold colored pouch.

• Next, you write this affirmation on a small piece of paper (green paper or green ink

if you can find it) and slip that into the pouch with the stones:

“I attract and gratefully receive prosperity, abundance and success in my life.”

• Carry this pouch with you everywhere for 1 full week and whenever you remember

to do it, pull out the crystals, hold them in your hands, state the affirmation and

then follow with a quick 5-10 minute meditation or relaxation time, allowing

yourself to vibrate with your abundance crystals, visualizing and being extremely

grateful for the prosperity that is already on its way straight to you!

• Try to do this 1-2 times every day for 1 week. You’ll be amazed at the changes in

you and magical prosperity flow that you’ll set in motion.

These exercises will allow you to get rid of self-limiting beliefs about yourself, setting

you on the path of forming new powerful beliefs. Wooohooo! It’s so empowering

when you discover just how powerful you are.

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 13

Abundance Ritual #2

We’ll actually perform Ritual

#2 in the video for this eKit

together! Yeah... POTENT


The materials you’ll need to

gather up are:

• 1 pyrite, lodestone or citrine

(can be tumbled or raw)

• 1 bill of paper money (any


• 1 green or gold candle

• 1 cinnamon stick

• a small green or gold pouch

• a slip of paper

• a pen

Now that you have your

materials gathered, go watch

the class video and let’s

perform this ritual together!

Click here to watch the video

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— Oprah Winfrey

Try one or both of the abundance exercises/rituals and

journal your experiences below.

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 15

CRYSTAL GRIDS to the Rescue!!Crystal grids are another way we can use to attract prosperity and abundance

into our lives. My official definition of a crystal grid is:

“A geometric pattern of energetically aligned stones charged by intention

set in a sacred space for the purpose of manifesting a particular objective.”

...and I find them to be supremely powerful.

Hey, don’t just take my word for it – keep reading for images and descriptions

of grids that our very own Hibiscus Moon Advanced Crystal Masters have so

thoughtfully put together and read how it’s affected their lives.

Special Crystal Props to them for being so generous in sharing with us!!

Hint, hint: that’s a BIG key in attracting more abundance and prosperity!

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 16

1. I jotted down on some little post-it notes names of crystals that I had on hand that

would give me the career, business mojo and powerful punch I was looking for;

orange calcite, citrine, peridot, pyrite and quartz for amplifying.

2. I decided upon the Flower of Life as my grid template.

3. I then gathered up a green cloth and some large 9 day green candles in glass…the

green color holds the frequency of abundance.

4. I laid all out all my supplies around me and just sat among them thinking it

all through.

5. I then put everything into place and also decided to add a few photos of things

that reminded me of what life will be like when my desire became my reality.

This recipe was PERFECT and most certainly did its job!

I’ve since tweaked the grid to align with my new goals – check it out next!

Hibiscus Moon’s

Sacred Business GridMy specific objective for this

grid was to grow my sacred

crystal biz to the point that I

could leave my day job as a

science teacher.

Did the grid work?

Ha! Worked like a charm and

I’m going to tell you exactly

what I did it, step-by-step:

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 17

At the time I made this grid, my creativity regarding my business had been

through the ROOF and quite chaotic. I was coming up with crystal ideas

like a glorious field of flowers growing everywhere!

Although very prolific, this was not good for getting my goals and

projects completed.

I decided to do a more focused grid to get my creative-brainiac state more

zeroed in on narrowing and completing projects at hand …then moving on

to the next fun project.

Laser-targeting. So with that focus in mind, this was the crystal grid I came

up with.

Hibiscus Moon’s

New Biz Focus Crystal Grid

This sacred crystal business

of mine makes me so

blissfully happy.

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 18

Crystal Grid Components:

• The whole grid faced south. Native American teachings tell us that south is all about


• A Flower-of-Life grid cloth

• My grid centerpiece (the Intention Antennae) is “Big Baby” again, my personal clear quartz

intention transmitting crystal.

• Under the centerpiece I placed personal pictures and an affirmation

• A gold mojo bag from the very prosperity and abundance ritual from the class included in

this eKit (contains some money, an affirmation, a citrine tumbled stone and a cinnamon


• The pendant you see wrapped around everything is an authentic Maori Toki, handcarved

Jade piece with a carving that harnesses Good Luck, Strength and Power. It was a gift from

Michelle, our Tech Princess. She lives in New Zealand.

• Next I surrounded the grid with tumbled pyrite cubes. Pyrite is a stone that has a big male

manifestation push while also good for anything having to do with business.

• Around that I placed rainbow fluorite cubes. Fluorite is a great stone for decision-making

and concentration.

• Around that I used clear crystal quartz lasers to push you the intentions and help amplify

• Then I wrote an activation affirmation that I use when activating or freshening up the grid

Of course, this grid worked beautifully. I’ve since tweaked and re-worked this grid multiple

times to further focus and align with my business objectives.

Crystal System Communication

The 3 crystals I used here in this grid are all from the cubic

crystal system.

If you’ve read my book on crystal grids then you’ll know that I

like to use stones from the same system to ease their energetic

communication with each other and to Source Energy. I feel the

message is so much clearer (less static and interference) when it’s

done this way. So the message is sent out to Universe UBER-clear.

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 19

The crystals selected were:

• Clear/Smoky Quartz Tower with phantom (growth, overcoming stagnation).

• Malachite (adventure, insights change, breaks old patterns).

• Green Aventurine (leadership, compassion, creativity).

• Bag attached to pyramid with Citrine and Orange Calcite (abundance) and a

Jade trinket (becoming who I really am).

• Clear Quarts points (for amplification).

• Under a copper pyramid (for amplification).

Crystal Grid to

Increase BusinessSubmitted by Allie Phillips, ACM

The goal of the grid was to

increase the number of students

in my energy healing classes and

overall grow my business.

I decided to create a simple yet

powerful grid with crystals and a

layout that easy for even beginner

crystal enthusiasts to prepare.

In a one-week period after activating my grid, I saw a dramatic increase in people

taking my healing classes: Two students requested 2 healing classes not previously

scheduled, 3 new students signed up for one class. And I filled another healing

class. I have also connected with more kindred spirits interested in how I combined

energy laws and healing together. When I switched from the standard yellow-orange

abundance crystals (Citrine, Orange Calcite, Carnelian) to green crystals, it amplified

my heart-based business. I’m so amazingly pleased with the results!

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 20

Crystals selected:

• Center stone is Mohave Turquoise (for abundance).

• Jade (promotes self-sufficiency).

• Prehnite (to be aware of opportunities).

• Pyrite (perception, practicality, and optimism).

• Citrine (for prosperity and growth).

• Copper (provides connections between the stones and aid in personal and business


• Clear Quartz (for amplification).

• Stones were connected by a Ruby in Zoisite wand (helps to utilize your mental capabilities).

Crystal Grid to

Keep a Business BoomingSubmitted by Mary Oquendo,


I infused the grid with Reiki

energies and called upon

my guides to connect this

grid to financial growth and


Since activation we have been approached by several local practitioners who

wish to use our space for healing and for workshops. This would keep our

center open on a regular basis. A local magazine wants to highlight us in their

next issue. And we are getting more appointments for Reiki and crystal therapy.

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 21

Crystals selected:

• mystic merlinite (indigo gabbro) center sphere and rough stones (manifestation, intuition).

• emerald (prosperity consciousness).

• bloodstone (courage).

• moss agate (goal completion, abundance).

• green fluorite (focus, decision-making).

• green calcite (stress-release, social connection).

• labradorite (protection, intuition).

• green aventurine (optimism, growth).

• clear quartz points (amplification).

Crystal Grid to Bring

More Money into BusinessSubmitted by Ryelle Eterna, ACM

The base is a Crystal Rock

Star gold painted grid. The

symbol represents awakening

consciousness; eight squares to

represent grounding; the number

8 to represent infinity.

After activating the grid, I organized a successful business trip where over

$14k in sales were made. I have also been on a contest winning streak lately

which has helped me generate extra income. This grid has given me boosts of

motivation, creativity, optimism, clarity, and intuitive development.

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 22

Crystals selected:

• Large Crystal Quartz Point (amplification).

• Green Aventurine (good luck, manifest


• Merlinite(Indigo Gabbro) (Intuitive

understanding, manifestation).

• Jade (abundance, harmony).

• Tigers Eye (clarity, confidence, enthusiasm).

• Pyrite (manifestation, creativity).

• Peridot (prosperity, increase).

• 2 green candles, 2 white candles placed

a black and white flower of life grid cloth

(honesty, integrity, protection, grounding).

• On a green cloth (abundance, money,

adventure, growth) and used a clear

abundance quartz to activate. Center Quartz

is on an element bag with custom blend of

crystals and herbs).

Crystals and elements placed around center

Quartz Point:

• Cinnabar (manifestation and prosperity),

Madera Citrine druse (abundance), Heart

shaped Jade (natural shape) (abundance,

Harmony), Cinnamon (success), Himalayan salt

(cleansing, money).

• 3 Chinese coins (abundance), small white

feather (angel blessings). All surrounded by

small quartz points and 2 small quartz clusters

(for amplification).

Crystal Grid to Bring

Prosperity and AbundanceSubmitted by Jane Wallace, ACM

Affirmation: The Universe

provides Financial

Abundance in My life and

I am Grateful!

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 23

Crystals selected:

• Clear Quartz channeler, points, and tumbled (amplification).

• Citrine natural rough and heat-treated druses (abundance, confidence, self-power).

• Green Aventurine tumbled (good luck, growth).

• Fluorite tumbled and rough (focus, clarity).

• Lemon Quartz cabochon (creativity, optimism).

• Rutilated Quartz beads (grounding manifestation).

I placed the center crystals on a mirror for

amplification and anointed all candles and

crystals with a special essential oil blend

I made for attracting abundance. Also

included in this grid are my animal totems:

Owl for wisdom, and the butterfly which

represents transformation.

Crystal grid to attract abundance, prosperity and focus within business and balance solar plexus for

Confidence and Self-EmpowermentKim Grandal, ACM

I made an elixir using Green

Aventurine, Citrine, Fluorite,

Clear Quartz and an essential oil

blend. I lightly spray the grid to

amp it up even further!

Within a few days of activating this grid I received several orders for crystals as

well as other products I sell. I also had inquiries into private group webinars that

I offer which is uncommon this time of year. The most amazing part of this grid

so far is the focus and confidence I have. I’ve been more creative, determined,

joyful, energized, and highly focused!

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Isis (center crystal): The Manifest Spirit Crystal

to guides me in connecting with the archetypal

Goddess energy and in giving birth to my dreams

through action.

Dream Quartz (lower right on pillow): Dream

enhancement, contact with guides, and release

of stress.

Rose Quartz (owl-lower left): opening to the

future, heart/brain, destiny, trust. The owl is one of

my animal spirit guides.

Apatite, Green: to manifest my vision, increase

abundance and heal imbalances around money.

Carnelian: for courage and confidence to act upon

whatever is necessary to enhance my business.

Jade: for abundance and joy. Peridot: to increase,

prosperity and well-being.

Quartz, Clear (points): Amplifies my purpose

and intentions.

Tiger Eye “Abundance” stone on pillow in front of

the Isis): for balance, vitality and strength.

Zincite (small piece on pillow to the left of the Isis):

Aids in my manifestation process and given to me

by one of my clients. It broke off of her piece.

Green Aventurine (wand): Connects vitality,

growth and confidence to all crystals in the grid.

The Wolf Card is my protector spirit guide. The St.

Francis of Assisi is an Ascended Master that

frequently works with me when giving Crystal

Healings and Reiki Sessions.

Intuitive Grid for Manifesting

Personal and Business NeedsSubmitted by Sue Haag, ACM

This grid was created on Friday night. I was all set to send in info regarding my other grid,

but then I was guided to make a new one. The crystals were intuitively chosen and surprising

enough, really were spot on in what the grid needs to manifest for both myself and my

business. On Saturday I was at a Local Fair and made my goal in sales and scheduled Reiki

sessions. On Sunday I sold more from my home and today I received a request for more items.

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 25

Center stone is Quartz with Hematite inclusions. I used:

• smoky quartz

• hematite

• citrine

• single terminated quartz

I created this grid in front of my statue and offerings to Lakshmi who

I have been working with during this entire process.

My intention for this grid was to ground the anxiety and

expectations for both the buyer and us as the selling and to have a

mutually satisfying and financially abundant experience.

Crystal Grid to Help with Negotiations

During the Sale of a HomeSubmitted by Angie Yingst, ACM

I created this grid after receiving

an offer on my house, but before

we closed.

This grid helped ease anxiety and fear about the house selling and moving process.

It was the last thing I packed up during our move. We had a quick turnaround with

closing and moving out of the area. Though we had some hiccups with inspection

I felt calm and grounded during the process. This attitude was the game changer

for me, and I credit this grid for helping my overall vibration and approach.

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 26

Crystals selected:

• Five inch fluorite sphere (for clear focus on present and future goals for

my business).

• Pyrite clusters (to attract and manifest opportunities).

• Green aventurine (for steady growth).

• Prehnite with epidote (to bring about sudden and rapid change).

• Clear quartz points (to anchor and amplify the energies).

I try to sit by my grid daily and repeat this process for at least 2 to 3 minutes.

Crystal Grid to Gain

clarity in businessSubmitted by Jill

Bloomer, ACM, RCT

While activating the grid, I

visualized my biggest goal for my

business as if it already exists. I

allowed myself to truly “feel” all of

the emotions that go along with

the realization of my goal.

One of my goals for this grid was “clear focus”. I started to see results within

days. This is a time of growth and transition, and my grid is working beautifully

by keeping me focused as new ideas and opportunities present themselves

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 27

Crystals selected:

• Large Clear Quartz: amplifies my intentions.

• Pyrite: to attract wealth and riches.

• Ruby: activates chi, stone of courage

and action.

• Emerald: Financial security and profit.

• Garnet: Prosperity and creativity.

• Green Aventurine: heal money issues so

prosperity can flow.

• Nephrite Jade: For luck, prosperity, good


• Lodestone: Magnetic to draw wealth and

good fortune and ground the intention to

Mother Earth.

• Cinnamon Sticks: Money.

Crystal Grid to

Enhance Prosperity in BusinessSubmitted by Kelly St. Claire,


I activated this grid right before

the full moon with my favorite

Lemurian Laser Wand, and I

could feel the buzzing energy


It didn’t take long before I was waking up to emails from potential clients and

receiving unexpected income from surprising places. I even had one of my blog

posts go viral and woke up each morning to a list of new emails from people

who wanted to work with me; it was like the floodgates opened. I was not only

having potential coaching clients contact me, I was also hearing back from

people who had received help and healing through my work. It is wonderfully

affirming to know that what you are doing is making a difference.

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 28

Here’s my grid recipe:

• Set your ingredients in the South East portion

of the home to strengthen the wealth sector.

• Place your crystals on a sacred geometry

Flower of Life grid to create harmony.

• Start with a heaping Brazilian Quartz point to

amplify the energies of the other stones.

• Mix in some Citrine, (the merchant stone) and

place it strategically in a hexagonal design to

mimic the internal structure of the crystal.

• Stir in a few wealth stones such as an Emerald,

rough Ruby, Peridot, Green Aventurine, Pyrite

and a Jade Buddha.

• Top it off with a Citrine druse, Himalayan and

Lemurian Quartz points.

• A pinch of a Quartz Merkaba for Divine


• Garnish with cinnamon sticks to sweeten


• Set your intentions and activate.

Crystal Grid for

Abundance and ProsperitySubmitted by Patricia (Tree)

Cinque, ACM, Reiki Master,

Certified Hypnotherapist and Sound

Healing Practitioner

This powerful grid is responsible for unexpected financial gains of several

thousands of dollars to some of the participants! Over two hundred names have

been included under the center stone. Some received small sums, large sums--

even job opportunities! It’s no secret how or why.

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 29

Crystals used include:

• Lemurian (connection to Divine).

• Pyrite (manifestation, personal power).

• Herkimer Diamond (amplification).

• Metamorphosis Quartz (transformation).

• Green Aventurine (abundance, growth).

• Quartz Points (increase energy).

• Jade (achieve goals).

• Prehnite with Epidote inclusions (move

forward, face fears).

• Bloodstone (strength, courage).

• Green and Clear Apophyllite (lift veil, Divine


• Quartz points at corners (2 are enhydros) to

help move and increase energy.

Crystal Grid for Health, Financial Security and

Abundance in BusinessSubmitted by Paula Martin, ACM

I chose mostly green stones to resonate

with money and Archangel Raphael and

growth. The goal was to move my business

forward, provide financial security and

good health. I placed written intentions

under the center stone,activated the grid

and created an enormous Chi Ball of all

the energy of the Universe.

Big changes started right away. At first, they were overwhelming. I was amazed that

once I stopped “getting in my own way,” everything quickly fell into place. I didn’t

worry about “how” things would work out, just trusted that they would. Within 10

days, I was able to leave my “day job” to work full-time at my healing business and

money started flowing in from unexpected sources.

Page 30: Attract - Amazon S3In... · We all know money isn’t the end all, be all. We know money can’t buy happiness, right? But happiness CAN buy money!!! Yep, true stuff. Your happy,

Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 30

Recently my husband needed to sell a home that was part of his business. The home kept

getting offers, he’d take the house off the market and then the deal would fall through a

couple weeks later. Very frustrating and we kept hearing that the longer the house stays

on the market the harder it is to sell. So, I decided to stop leaving it all up to chance and to

take the bull by the horns and of course, do a crystal grid!

This grid ROCKED THE KASBAH! It worked like a quick CHARM!!! Crystal grids work every

single time when you work them in total faith of what you’re capable of. This Universe

School we’re all in can be so much FREAKIN’ FUN!

Hibiscus Moon’s ROCKIN’ Home Selling Crystal Grid

* Make sure to watch the House Grid Video in

this eKit for all the details! Click here to watch the video

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 31

Hibiscus Moon’s ROCKIN’ Home Selling Crystal Grid Continued

• 2 green prayer candles

• 1 big baby clear quartz

• 1 Peridot gem in rock matrix (photo below)

• 6 green aventurine tumblies

• 6 tumbled pyrite

• 6 small clear quartz laser wands

• Shredded money (this is retired money legally

shredded by the Federal Reserve, not by

you!) must respect the $$ ;)

• Flower of life grid cloth

• Post it note (for address)

• Contract

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 32

List three things that you feel could use a good dose of prosperity

and abundance crystal gridding.

Describe the situation before you used your crystal grid:

What crystals do you feel will work to achieve each of these goals?

Choose ONE thing that you’d like to create a crystal grid for:








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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 33

Describe the situation after you used your crystal grid:

Now remember, no matter what you do…It’s all just right and exactly what you

need, right now. Throw all the silly rules to the wind!

Don’t worry about being perfect.

So what if you don’t have all the perfect exact prosperity and abundance

crystals and stones! I always say…”go grab what you have and get to it!”

Use something similar and above all…use your intuition.

It’s your most powerful tool!









— Louise Hay

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 34

Here are some resources that will enhance the knowledge you gain in this class and from

this eKit. Of course, you may peruse these resources now, but they will make much more

sense and have a greater impact if you go through them after you have watched the class.


1 piece of pyrite, lodestone or citrine (2 stones total of any combo or 2 of the same), 1 bill of

paper money (any denomination), 1 green or gold candle, a lighter, 1 cinnamon stick and /or

cinnamon oil, 1 small slip of paper, 1 small green or gold pouch.


Crystal Grids: How and Why They Work by Hibiscus Moon (yep, that’s my book!):


Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies By Richard Gerber



Fair warning…heavy on the biology, but great book! The Biology of Belief:

Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton




My blog post and vlog on MONEY and SPIRITUALITY:

Feng Shui Wealth Vase instructions and video (super fun!):


Attracting Prosperity CD by Stephen Halpern (Relaxing music plus subliminal affirmations):


The Secret to Attracting Wealth by Kelli Howell, guided meditation CD:

CL ASS Resources

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 35

My video on creating a gem elixir:

Dr. Bruce Lipton free mp3 download explaining how we control our perceptions and beliefs

on a biological level:

Video on the power of human consciousness:

Root chakra video meditation:


Om Shreem Lakshimya Namaha mantra video:

Don Benard explains the Shreem mantra (cutie patootie!):

Shreem mantra chant 108 times:

The path to abundance is gratitude, free guided meditation mp3:

Breaking the Illusion of Limitation:


Elation Lemurian Gem Elixir:

Free! Printable Pocket Gratitude Diary perfect for ushering in prosperity from my friend,


CL ASS Resources

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SUN MandalasHere, we have some yummy Sun mandalas to color for ushering in prosperity.

Color them in, infuse them with your energy and use these as beautiful personal

templates for your crystal grids!

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SUN Mandalas

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 38

Abundance and Prosperity AFFIRMATIONS

(Hand write out your favorite one and place in a crystal grid under your center stone)

I receive an unmatchable

Supply of Abundance

In my daily life

Inspirationflows easily to me

Love and gratitude Thank you, thank you,

thank you

Optimistic Thoughts Bless Me with a Life

More Abundant

There is Limitless supply and it is mine

My Prayers

are always answered, in support of my dreams

I Pay My Bills

with Ease Because Abundance Flows Freely Through Me

Miracles manifesteveryday in wondrous ways

I Releasemy need for financial


I AM Always in the right place at the right time

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 39

Body Layouts

Business/Job Manifesting

• Pyrite and citrine

• Natural citrine point, very powerful for this

• 10-15 min

• 1/day for 1 week

• Make note of energy shift at end of week

Abundant Resources Manifesting

• Jade, Aventurine, Emerald, any combo

• Pyrite @ Earth Star Chakra

• 10-15 min

• 1/day for 1 week

• Make note of energy shift at end of week

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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy • www.HibiscusMoon.comReminder: no files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. All content is © Hibiscus Moon™. 40


Q: I’d like to make an Abundance and Prosperity grid to bring in more money into

my life, and coincidentally, this is also a goal that one of the members in my family is

oriented towards (i.e. my mother has been struggling with her business), can we do a

grid and focus our intentions on it together?

I’m going to see my mom this weekend, it’s her birthday. I thought it would be a

good present for us to spend some time together, and to work on this Prosperity

grid together, since we both constantly voice to each other our lack of money and

the many difficulties we’ve encountered (her with her business, and me with finding

a job). Is it possible for both of us to do the grid somehow? Have you ever heard of

something like this being done? Suggestions?

A: Absolutely you can do a group grid! That’s the whole premise behind the World

Peace Grid. The fact that 2 or more will be focusing on the same intentions, aligned

and in harmony will exponentiate the power…creating a stronger higher amplitude

resonant frequency. Woohooo!


Q: I have a question regarding the pouch that was created in the ritual for this class

- is it appropriate to place the pouch in the Abundance and Prosperity Grid that I am

creating or does it need to be placed in the places where money is already generated

or paid out? Also, is there a special place that I should put the extra crystal?

A: Yes, you can certainly do that. I’ve placed mine in my Business and Prosperity grids

several times. They boost each other up. The energy flows both ways. Whichever

method feels right to you is the one to go with. The extra crystal can also go with the

pouch or in a wallet or kept in your special collection. Where ever you’ll be able to

connect with it.


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I am so grateful to you for purchasing this eKit.

I hope you’ve enjoyed every smidge of it, learned and

loved it as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it for you!

I hope this class and eKit stokes your Prosperity Fires

from within. Know that crystals are here as your tools

and supports on this journey but you have the gifts

and power within you to achieve anything you desire.

If you have a quick second, I would love to hear what

you think about this eKit and class.

Drop us a line at [email protected]

Many Abundant Crystal Blessings to You!

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If you’re looking for more crystal goodness you may be interested in becoming

a Certified Crystal Healer!!

Please check out our totally FUN Certification Course that infuses all the Science

into Crystal Healing!! It’s one of the most popular, powerful and transformative

courses on Crystal Healing around Mother Earth!!

I and many others enthusiastically and absolutely stand behind the power and

integrity of this Certification Course and I know it can make massive miracles and

changes in your life as you learn to help others with the power of crystals.

“Hibiscus Moon is truly a wonderful teacher. Hibiscus Moon’s scientific

approach grabs you from the beginning and takes you step by step

through the entire healing process. Her outgoing personality and

passion is captivating, uplifting, and inspiring. It’s a fun course,

the highlight of your week.”

Karen Terranova

“I truly believe this course was divinely put on my path. I had to save

for about six months to afford the class and it was one of the best

investments I have ever made. The Blue Sapphire level presented itself

at a time when I was going through a spiritual quest. I prayed and

asked God to bring the knowledge I needed to pursue my destiny of

becoming a holistic healer. I truly believe this course was divinely put

on my path.”

Mercedes de la Cruz

“Hibiscus Moon will help you shed light on all the misunderstood areas

of crystal healing. I used to hide so many facets of myself. Now I have

no fears, complete acceptance of my path and confidence to back it

up. Hibiscus Moon will help you shed light on all the misunderstood

areas of crystal healing. She is incredibly knowledgeable, committed,

and such a fun personality.”

Jeannine M. Spencer