attachment theory paper revised due to plagiarism (autosaved) with writing lab

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  • 8/2/2019 Attachment Theory Paper Revised Due to Plagiarism (Autosaved) With Writing Lab


    God as an Attachment Figure

    Attachment Evolution and the Psychology of Religion

    Lee A. Kirkpatrick

    Gwendolyn Brown

    Class Time: 12:30 TT

    Revised 4-10-12

  • 8/2/2019 Attachment Theory Paper Revised Due to Plagiarism (Autosaved) With Writing Lab


    In the attachment theory Lee K. Kirkpatrick describes the theory as God as an absolute,

    adequate attachment figure for the believer.

    The study of God as an attachment figure has been researched by theologians ranging as far

    back as the early 1930s gives the foundation for Kirkpatrick argument that God is a good

    reference as an attachment figure. Each author cited, parallels in their thinking that you must

    have a good definition of what attachment is, to understand if an attachment to God measure up to

    a true attachment figure.

    The most important feature of God as an attachment figure is the foundation for religious

    values and beliefs Kirkpatrick declares. He also notes that people with a belief in God realize that

    as long as they have faith in God, he is an ally during times of adversity and distress. A victorious

    outcome is always apparent, even though problems of life come.

    Theologians throughout the article reference the importance of protection and security from

    an emotional point of view when comparing ones belief to the attachment theory. Especially as

    Kirkpatrick indicates that a parent is perceived as insufficient attachment figures. Viewed as

    falling short repeatedly over and over again.

    Kaufman stated also that God is the ideal and absolutely adequate attachment-figure;

    particularly because God is believed to be the ultimate parent that makes no mistakes and cares

    unconditionally for his children.

    The uniqueness of Christianity comes when a secure attachment figure is compared to the

    bond that the Christian has with God as their attachment figure.

  • 8/2/2019 Attachment Theory Paper Revised Due to Plagiarism (Autosaved) With Writing Lab


    First, to have a secure attachment he states you want closeness to the caregiver, especially

    when frightened or unease. Ainsworth in 1985 defined a specific list identifying a strong

    attachment. She notes the caring person provides security, comfort, and support in times of need.

    And furthermore, she states a sense of security provides a secure base; and the anxiety caused by

    the fear of separation is the believers realization that God is omnipotent.

    One important fact, pointed out by the author is that the very principle desire to be close to

    the caregiver with respect to God clearly creates a problem because the believer closes is different

    then the attached person closeness with their caregiver. A physical closeness from a psychological

    view: means Gods presence is accessible right now through pray.

    Research show that the need for proximity will experience change frequently from infancy

    to early childhood. At the infant stage, there is a great amount of dependence to have close contact

    with the mother. As the child grows up, the maturity level of the child seeks to discover their own

    world, assured that the attachment figures are always available.

    Therefore, the conclusion was that the power of God is understood from a religious

    standpoint to be also always being available, and is with all believers all at the same time.

    It was stated as a reminder that the Bible is full of scriptures, many Sermons preached, and

    religious books have been read that all point to the conclusion that God is always in close

    proximity to the believer, in like fashion in which a caring parent responses to their crying child.

    Crying can be seen as a sign of distress and the parents need to respond, Just as the writer declares

    that talking to God is an illustration of having a close and personal connection with God.

    Before the attachment theory was formed noted Kirkpatrick, a conversation with God has

    always been found as helpful to the believer in the time of crisis.

  • 8/2/2019 Attachment Theory Paper Revised Due to Plagiarism (Autosaved) With Writing Lab


    Rituals can be compared to several attachment behaviors, such as going to Church, can be

    seen as bring about closeness to God, and can be seen as a form of a behavior of approaching. The

    extension of the arms upward is also another form of worship which

    shows reverence to an almighty power, looking toward God for their needs, such as a child nee to

    be picked up by a parent in that same way.

    Total trust in God, confirms the beginning of a religious foundation for the believers

    concept. The concept that is the formation of a haven of safety when afraid, distress and hurting,

    on a daily basis with God.

    When considering human attachment, the elements of fear, and sickness creates

    the comfort and security in the presence of the caregiver. That same comfort and safety in these

    same instances affect the believer in the presence of God. God is seen by many as providing

    comfort,support, encouragement and a source of personal strength for getting through difficult

    times both point out by Kaufman, Ainsworth, and many other theologians.The secure base function of attachment is as important as the haven of safety function.

    The belief held by an individual is that an attachment figure is available to him whenever he

    a desire is comparable to the essence of Christian belief that God is always near was the central

    theme throughout the article.

    Therefore, the fact is that there is no fear, no anxiety nor uncertainty when there is faith

  • 8/2/2019 Attachment Theory Paper Revised Due to Plagiarism (Autosaved) With Writing Lab


    in God. The very thought that God provides the needed security brings about strength and a

    sense of peace and reassurance for the believer help Kirkpatrick come to his conclusion.

    It seems clear that beliefs about a personal God who watches over the universe can also

    serve as a secure base. Just as the physical attachment of a human-being make it easy to relate to

    the concept that an attachment figure that is universal, all knowing, and all-powerful provides a

    most secure attachment base, can also relate to the theory that God too can serve as the ultimate

    attachment-figure and support all evidence of the articles and reference noted.

    Mary Ainsworth and Attachment Theory

    However the interpretations of each draw to the conclusion particularly with Mary

    Ainsworth defined four basic criteria:

    1. Maintaining a close relationship with the attachment figure

    2. A secure base

    3. A haven of safety

    4. The experience of anxiety when separated from the attachment figure

    Using these criteria, its clear to see how God can be found for a true believer as a strong

    attachment figure. Based on Kirkpatrick theory, parallels can be drawn between personal

  • 8/2/2019 Attachment Theory Paper Revised Due to Plagiarism (Autosaved) With Writing Lab


    experiences with God and the four criteria sight by Ainsworth.