atoll: equipe-projet atoll - liste des...

Liste des catégories Abbreviation GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF : A shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase used in place of the whole ( www.wordreference .com/english/defini tion.asp? en=Abbreviation+ ) DEF : A designation formed by omitting words or letters from a longer form and designating the same concept. ( ISO12620A-020108 Sue Ellen Wright ) English : TERM : Abbreviation French : DEF : Mode de réduction des mots savants (techn., sc., admin.) passés dans la lang. commune, fam. ou pop. : On emploie d'ordinaire ce terme pour désigner une réduction graphique (ainsi etc. pour et caetera), en réservant le terme d'abrégement à ce qui est une réduction réelle, ... MAR. Lex. 1961, p. 12. ( www.atilf. fr ABREVIATION I.B Ling ) TERM : Abréviatio

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Page 1: Atoll: Equipe-projet Atoll - Liste des caté · Web viewGENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb voice, in which the subject performs

Liste des catégories


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase used in place of the whole ( ) DEF: A designation formed by omitting words or letters from a longer form and designating the same concept. ( ISO12620A-020108 Sue Ellen Wright )

English : TERM: Abbreviation

French : DEF: Mode de réduction des mots savants (techn., sc., admin.) passés dans la lang. commune, fam. ou pop. : On emploie d'ordinaire ce terme pour désigner une réduction graphique (ainsi etc. pour et caetera), en réservant le terme d'abrégement à ce qui est une réduction réelle, ... MAR. Lex. 1961, p. 12. ( ABREVIATION I.B Ling ) TERM: Abréviation

Abessive case

GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : DEF: Carries the basic meaning of "without" ( ) TERM: Abessive case

Finnish : EXPL: In Finnish it is a rarely used case, especially in spoken language, but it is found in some commonly used expressions. Compare whith the Essive and the Inessive cases.

Ablative case GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: The case used to

English : DEF: A locative grammatical case which

French : DEF: Cas de la déclinaison lat.

Page 2: Atoll: Equipe-projet Atoll - Liste des caté · Web viewGENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb voice, in which the subject performs

indicate some adverbial function for a noun, usually translated into English with a preposition. ( )

carries the basic meaning of "from off of". EXPL: Ablative is one of the six locative cases which as their basic meaning correspond to locational prepositions in English. EX: By the window, in the doghouse TERM: Ablative case

réservé principalement au compl. circ. Il marque le point de départ, l'éloignement, la séparation. ( ABLATIF ) TERM: Ablatif

Absolutive case

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Marks the subject of an intransitive verb and object of transitive verb ( )

English : EXPL: Absolutive case is typical for ergative languages TERM: Absolutive case

Basque : EX: Gizona etorri da. "The man has arrived." Gizonak mutila ikusi du. "The man saw the boy." In Basque, gizon is "man", mutil is "boy", and a suffix -a is "the". Notice that gizon is different depending on whether it is the subject of a transitive or intransitive verb The first form is the absolutive case and the second form is the ergative case

Accusative case GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: The case used to indicate direct object, place to or toward which, or extent of space and time. ( )

English : EX: She threw the ball, They ate my lunch TERM: Accusative case

French : DEF: Cas de la déclinaison auquel se mettent généralement les compléments d'objet, de direction, de but, de durée, etc., et certains compléments prépositionnels. ( www.atilf.inalf.f

Page 3: Atoll: Equipe-projet Atoll - Liste des caté · Web viewGENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb voice, in which the subject performs

r Tlfi, ACCUSATIF, I.Gramm. ) TERM: Accusatif

Active voice

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb voice, in which the subject performs the action of the verb i.e., the subject is agent"

English : EX: She threw the ball, They ate my lunch TERM: Active voice

French : DEF: L'ensemble des formes d'un verbe qui indiquent que l'action est faite et non supportée par le sujet. ( ACTIF ) TERM: Actif

Adessive case

GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : DEF: A locative grammatical case which carries the basic meaning of "on". ( ) EXPL: Adessive is one of the six locative cases which as their basic meaning correspond to locational prepositions in English. TERM: Adessive case

Hungarian : EX: "asztalon" - "on table"; In Hungarian suffix "on/en" is used for adessive.

Adjective GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: -Partie du discours, variable en genre et en nombre, se rapportant dans la phrase au substantif. - Mot appartenant à cette partie du discours : 1. L'adjectif est un mot qui donne une qualification au substantif; il en désigne la qualité ou

English : DEF: A word used to describe, or limit the meaning of, a noun. Adjectives have three variables in Latin: number, gender, and case. They agree with nouns according to these variables. (

French : DEF: Qui se joint aux noms pour les qualifier ou les modifier. ( ADJECTIF ) TERM: Adjectif

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manière d'être. Or comme toute qualité suppose la substance dont elle est qualité, il est évident que tout adjectif suppose un substantif : car il faut être, pour être tel. C.-C. DU MARSAIS, Gramm. 1789. 2. L'Adjectif ne désigne ni un être physique, ni un être métaphysique; il exprime seulement la qualité ou la manière d'être du substantif. GIR. 1834, p. 239. 3. L'un des éléments les plus essentiels du discours (...). On appelle (...) ce mot adjectif, non pas seulement (...), parce qu'il s'ajoute toujours aux substantifs, mais aussi parce qu'il ajoute à ces substantifs l'idée des qualités ou des manières d'être sous lesquelles ils sont considérés. BESCH. 1845. 4. Nom que l'on joint à un substantif pour le qualifier ou le déterminer. LITTRÉ. 5. L'adjectif est un mot que l'on ajoute au nom pour exprimer les qualités, les diverses manières d'être des personnes ou des choses désignées par ce nom. NOËL-CHAPSAL, 1889, p. 91. 6. Les mots pleins exprimant les attributs abstraits des substances sont appelés adjectifs. TESN. 1959, p. 62. ( ADJECTIF GRAMMAIRE )

arlg/Latin_Web/glossary.html ) EXPL: "Agent" comes from the Latin verb ago, agere, egi, actus, which can mean to do or perform EX: A big horse TERM: Adjective

Adposition GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: An adposition is a cover term for prepositions and postpositions. It is a member of a closed set of

English : EX: He promised to help with whatever was the matter.TERM: Adposition

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items that - occur before or after a complement composed of a noun phrase, noun, pronoun, or clause that functions as a noun phrase, and - form a single structure with the complement to express its grammatical and semantic relation to another unit within a clause. ( )


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A word used to describe a verb, adjective, or another adverb ( )

English : EX: She threw the ball far, She threw the ball very far, An extremely big horse TERM: Adverb

French : DEF: Partie du discours neutre et invariable qui peut être rapportée à un verbe, à un adjectif, à une préposition ou à un autre adverbe, c'est-à-dire à toute partie du discours autre que l'article et les déterminatifs ( TERM: Adverbe

Affix GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: An affix is joined by derivation or inflection. ( ) DEF: A letter or group of letters which are added to the beginning or end of a word to make a new word. ( Sue Ellen Wright )

English : TERM: Affix

French : DEF: élément lexical qui s'ajoute à un mot ou à un radical pour en modifier le sens ou la fonction, appelé préfixe, infixe ou suffixe selon qu'il est placé au début, à l'intérieur ou à la fin du mot.

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( Tlfi, AFFIXE, B. Linguistique, 1 ) TERM: Affixe

Allative case

GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : DEF: A locative grammatical case which carries the basic meaning of "onto". ( ) EXPL: Allative is one of the six locative cases which as their basic meaning correspond to locational prepositions in English. TERM: Allative case

Hungarian : EX: "asztalra" - "onto table" In Hungarian suffix "ra/re" is used for adessive.

Allomorph GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: An allomorph is one of two or more complementary morphs which manifest a morpheme in its different phonological or morphological environments. ( )

English : EX: [-s] as in [hQts] 'hats' TERM: Allomorph

French : DEF: Variable combinatoire du morphème, il arrive souvent qu'un morphème spécifique soit représenté par des morphes différents dans des environnements différents. Ces diverses représentations s'appellent des allomorphes. Ainsi,en anglais, le morphème de pluriel qu'on peut désigner par (s) est régulièrement représenté par les allomorphes [s], [z] et [iz] » (J.

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LYONS, Linguistique générale, trad. de F. Dubois-Charlier et D. Robinson, Paris, Lar., 1970, p. 142) TERM: Allomorphe

Anaphora GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Anaphora is coreference of one expression with its antecedent. The antecedent provides the information necessary for the expression's interpretation.This is often understood as an expression "referring" back to the antecedent. ( )

English : EX: A well-dressed man was speaking; he had a foreign accent TERM: Anaphora

French : DEF: Procédé consistant à rappeler un mot ou groupe de mots précédemment énoncé par un terme grammatical. ( Tlfi, ANAPHORE, A.2. Gramm.) ) TERM: Anaphore


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: The noun for which a pronoun stands. ( )

English : EXPL: "Antecedent" comes from two Latin word: ante and the verb cado, cadere, cecidi, casus. It literally means to fall before EX: X is here, I see him TERM: Antecedent

French : DEF: Terme destiné à préparer grammaticalement l'énoncé d'un autre terme, dit conséquent : tel est antécédent de que dans : tel que vous me voyez. ( MAR. Lex. 1951 ANTECEDENT 1.GRAMMAIRE ) TERM: Antecedent


Page 8: Atoll: Equipe-projet Atoll - Liste des caté · Web viewGENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb voice, in which the subject performs

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: The aorist is a simple past tense that is predominantly used for narration. Both the perfective and the imperfective forms can be used in the aorist without any restrictions. ( )

English : DEF: A tense of the verb in classical Greek and in certain other inflected languages, indicating past action without reference to whether the action involved was momentary or continuous ( ) EX: Yesterday I came (perfective) home about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I was very tired and lied down (perfective) for a nap. I slept (imperfective) until 5 o'clock, after that I read (imperfective) a bit, I wrote (perfective) one letter, ate (imperfective) supper, and watched (imperfective) TV. I phoned (perfective) Elitza and spoke (imperfective) with her about an hour TERM: Aorist

French : DEF: Temps de la conjugaison grecque correspondant approximativement au passé simple et au passé antérieur français ( AORISTE ) TERM: Aoriste

Argument GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Que ce soit au niveau de l?argument-sujet ou de l?argument-objet, l?impact sur le concept grammatical de cause est doublement parlant. D?une part, la concordance des propriétés syntaxiques et sémantiques de l?argument-sujet peuvent amener à formuler certaines conclusions sur le caractère « involontaire » ou « indirect » de la notion de cause. D?autre part, la nature lexico-syntaxique de l?argument-objet confirme le lien étroit de la causation avec la

English : TERM: Argument

French : TERM: Argument

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notion de changement considérée comme un « invariant cognitif » que les prédications d?état et d?événement comportent dans leurs significations. ( )

Article GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: An article is a member of a small class of determiners that identify a noun's - definite or indefinite reference, and - new or given status. ( )

English : TERM: Article

French : DEF: Mot qui, dans certaines langues, précède le substantif pour indiquer sa valeur "définie, indéfinie" ( ARTICLE ) TERM: Article


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: The aspect of the verb is a way of looking at the action. There are two aspects of the verb in Bulgarian "and in the other Slavic languages"

English : EX: I'll phone my mother tomorrow. (The event is planed as a single completed action.) From now on every week I'll phone my mother. (The action is intended to be completed successfully and repeated more than once.) Tomorrow afternoon I'll be preparing myself for the English language test. (The action will be in progress by tomorrow afternoon.) TERM: Aspect

French : TERM: Aspect

Attributive adjective GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Grammatical function

DEF: An Attributive Adjective comes before a Noun and not after a Copula

English : DEF: (of an adjective or adjectival phrase) modifying a noun and constituting part of the same noun phrase, in English normally preceding the noun, as

French : DEF: Fonction d'un terme (adjectif ou équivalent d'adjectif, adverbe, locution, etc.) ou d'un

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Verb, like BE, SEEM, etc. ( )

black in Fido is a black dog (as opposed to Fido is black) ( ) TERM: Attributive


membre de phrase (proposition relative ou comparative) quand ils sont constituants du groupe nominal (p. oppos. à la fonction attribut ou prédicative composante du groupe verbal). ( EPITHETE Gramm. ) TERM: Epithete


GENERAL Morpho-syntax VALUE : Be

VALUE : Have

English : EX: Be TERM: Auxiliary

French : DEF: Verbe qui perdant tout ou partie de sa signification sert à former les temps composés des autres verbes auxiliaire de temps" ( AUXILIAIRE ) TERM: Auxiliaire

Base GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : TERM: Base

French : DEF: Ensemble constitué par le radical et, éventuellement, les affixes, auquel viennent s'ajouter les éléments de flexion. La base du génitif latin " genitoris ", " du père ", est " genitor- ". Base verbale, forme

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prise par le radical du verbe au cours de la conjugaison. Le verbe craindre a trois bases. ( Base ) TERM: Base

Be GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Used as a linking verb between the subject of a sentence and its noun or adjective complement or complementing phrase. ( -> 4) )

English : EX: I am happy TERM: Be

French : DEF: Verbe intransitif. (> Tlfi, 3.ETRE )

TERM: Etre

Cardinal numeral GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Numeral

DEF: A cardinal numeral is a numeral of the class whose members : - are considered basic in form - are used in counting, and - are used in expressing how many objects are referred to. ( )

English : TERM: Cardinal


French : DEF: On appelle adjectifs numéraux cardinaux, ou noms de nombres cardinaux, les adjectifs ou noms exprimant la quantité, le nombre précis (un, vingt, cent, mille, etc.), par opposition à ceux qui expriment l'ordre, le rang (ordinaux), la distribution en plusieurs catégories (distributifs)`` (Ling. 1972) ( 1.CARDINAL C.1.a ) TERM:

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GENERAL Morpho-syntax VALUE : Ablative case

VALUE : Accusative case

VALUE : Dative case

VALUE : Ergative case

VALUE : Locative case

VALUE : Nominative case

VALUE : Vocative case

VALUE : Genitive case

VALUE : Abessive case

VALUE : Adessive case

VALUE : Allative case

VALUE : Absolutive case

VALUE : Elative case

VALUE : Illative case

VALUE : Inessive case

English : DEF: A form of a noun "and any agreeing adjective" VALUE : Abessive case

VALUE : Adessive case

VALUE : Allative case

VALUE : Absolutive


VALUE : Elative case

VALUE : Illative case

VALUE : Inessive case

TERM: Case

French : DEF: Chacune des formes, dont l'ensemble constitue la déclinaison, que prend un substantif, un adjectif ou un pronom, modifié par une désinence, selon la fonction qu'il occupe dans la phrase. Les six cas du latin; accorder un mot en genre, en nombre et en cas. Le zend, avec ses mots longs et compliqués, son manque de prépositions et sa manière d'y suppléer au moyen de cas formés par flexion

( RENAN, L'Avenir de la sc., 1890, p. 206 ) TERM: Cas

Cataphora GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Cataphora is the coreference of one expression with another expression which follows it. The following expression provides the information necessary for interpretation of the preceding one. This is often understood as an expression "referring"

English : DEF: The use of a word such as a pronoun that has the same reference as a word used subsequently in the same discourse. ( ) EX: If you need one, there's a towel in the top drawer

French : TERM: Cataphore

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forward to another expression. ( )

TERM: Cataphora


GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : DEF: Used where English would use "in company with" or "together with". ( ) EX: A baràtommal mentem. The friend-my-with went-I 'I went with my friend.' In Hungarian the suffix used is val/vel TERM: Comitative

Finnish : EXPL: Found in Finnish, Hungarian and Estonian


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: - A noun phrase that follows a copula or similar verb, as for example an idiot in the sentence He is an idiot. - A clause that serves as the subject or direct object of a verb or the direct object of a preposition, as for example that he would be early in the sentence I hoped that he would be early. ( )

English : TERM: Complement

French : DEF: Mot ou groupe de mots de nature substantivale mis en relation de subordination immédiate avec une unité signifiante pour en compléter ou en préciser le sens. ( Tlfi, COMPLEMENT, C.1, Gramm. ) TERM: Complement

Conditional GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: (of a clause, conjunction, form of a verb, or whole sentence)

English : DEF: A conditional relation is a logical relation in which the illocutionary act employing one of a pair

French : DEF: Proposition introduite le plus souvent par la conjonction si,

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expressing a condition on which something else is contingent. ( )

of propositions is expressed or implied to be true or in force if the other proposition is true. ( ) EX: If you give her the ring, then you are married to her.I hereby pronounce you married.Are you married to her?Do marry her.If only you would marry her! TERM: Conditional

mais aussi par au cas où, à (la) condition que, pourvu que ou simplement coordonnée ou juxtaposée à la proposition principale, exprimant généralement une condition, une supposition, une éventualité qui détermine la réalisation du procès exprimé par la principale. La proposition conditionnelle est souvent introduite par le simple « que » ( www.atilf.fe CONDITIONNEL I.B. ) TERM: Coditionnel


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A system of verb forms. A given verb belongs to one of the four conjugations. The conjugation can be recognized from the infinitive: -are "long a"

English : TERM: Conjugation

French : DEF: Ensemble des formes, composées de terminaisons et d'auxiliaires que prend un verbe pour exprimer les catégories propres à cette classe de mots. (> Tlfi, CONJUGUAISON, 3.b ) TERM: Conjugaison


Page 15: Atoll: Equipe-projet Atoll - Liste des caté · Web viewGENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb voice, in which the subject performs

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A conjunction is a word that : - syntactically links words or larger constituents, and - expresses a semantic relationship between them. A conjunction is positionally fixed relative to one or more of the elements related by it, thus distinguishing it from constituents such as English conjunctive adverbs. ( )

English : EX: Coordinating conjunctions : and, or, but Subordinating conjunctions : because , when, unless TERM: Conjunction

French : DEF: Mot invariable qui a pour fonction de joindre deux mots, des groupes de mots. (> Tlfi, CONJONCTION, II.A ) TERM: Conjonction


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A constituent is one of two or more grammatical units that enter syntactically or morphologically into a construction at any level. ( )

English : EX: The sentence : "You eat bananas" contains the following constituents : Immediate constituents - you - eat bananas Ultimate constituents - you - eat - banana - s TERM: Constituent

French : DEF: Morphème ou syntagme faisant partie d'une structure plus large. ( 2.CONSTITUANTS ) TERM: Constituant

Coordinating conjunction GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Conjunction

DEF: A coordinating conjunction is a conjunction that links constituentswithout syntactically subordinating one to the other ( )

English : TERM: Coordinating


French : DEF: Mot qui joint des mots, des groupes de mots, des propositions et des phrases de même nature et de même fonction. ( CONJONCTION DE COORDINATION ) TERM: Conjonction de

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Copula GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A copula is a special word that combines the subject of a sentence and its description. Copulas are often irregular in many languages. The English word be is a copula. It is the verb whose inflection is most irregular in English. It combines the subject and its description. ( )

English : DEF: A verb, such as be, seem, or taste, that is used merely to identify or link the subject with the complement of a sentence. Copulas may serve to link nouns "or pronouns" EXPL: However, the word is in "The book is on the desk" is not a copula but an existential verb similar to the verb exist EX: Apples are fruits TERM: Copula


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Coreference is the reference in one expression to the same referent in another expression ( )

English : EX: You said you would come TERM: Coreference

French : DEF: La relation de coréférence peut mettre en relation un pronom et un antècèdent éloignés l'un de l'autre dans la phrase. ( ) TERM: Coreference

Dative case

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: The case used to indicate indirect object; reference; after certain compound and other verbs. ( )

English : EX: They ate themselves a good lunch TERM: Dative case

French : DEF: Cas qui, dans les langues à déclinaisons, sert à marquer le complément d'attribution. ( DATIF ) TERM: Datif


Page 17: Atoll: Equipe-projet Atoll - Liste des caté · Web viewGENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb voice, in which the subject performs

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: System of noun and adjective endings. A given noun belongs to one of the five declensions. An adjective may be of the first/second declension category, or of the third declension. The declension is recognized from the genitive singular ending: -ae = 1st declension; -i "long"

English : TERM: Declension

French : DEF: [P. oppos. à la conjugaison, paradigme des formes verbales] Action d'énoncer selon un paradigme les formes variables pourvues d'affixes que peuvent prendre les différents constituants d'un syntagme nominal dans les langues à flexion. ( DECLINAISON 3. ) TERM: Declinaison


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Deixis is reference by means of an expression whose interpretation is relative to the "usually"

English : DEF: The use or reference of a deictic word. ( ) EX: The following TERM: Deixis

French : TERM: Deictique

Demonstrative GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Adjective


English : DEF: A word that points out something. ( ) EX: That book TERM: Demonstrative

French : DEF: [Selon la grammaire traditionnelle] adjectif, pronom déictique, servant à " montrer ", comme avec un geste d'indication les êtres ou les objets impliqués dans le discours, ou simplement à noter que l'être ou l'objet dont on

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parle est connu parce qu'il en a déjà été question, ou parce que, pour diverses raisons, il est présent à l'esprit du destinataire; [selon la grammaire structurale et générative] déterminant de même nature que l'article, commutable avec lui, ou bien préarticle qui, en structure profonde, est suivi d'un article défini ( d'apr. Ling.1972 ) TERM: Demonstratif

Derivation GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Flexion

DEF: Derivation is the formation of a new word or inflectable stem from another word or stem. It typically occurs by the addition of an affix.The derived word is often of a different word class from the original. It may thus take the inflectional affixes of the new word class. ( ) DEF: A change in the form of a linguistic unit, usually modification in the base/root

English : EX: Kindness is derived from kind TERM: Derivation

French : DEF: Procédé qui consiste à former de nouveaux mots en modifiant le morphème par rapport à la base. ( DERIVATION GRAMM. 2.b ) TERM: Derivation

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or affixation which signals a change in part-of-speech-information ( Sue Ellen Wright ) DEF: A change in the form of a linguistic unit, usually modification in the base/root or affixation which signals a change in part-of-speech-information. ( Sue Ellen Wright )


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A determiner is a word or affix that belongs to a class of noun modifiers that expresses the reference, including quantity, of a noun. ( )

English : EX: All these houses TERM: Determiner

French : DEF: Mot précédant le substantif, de même genre et de même nombre que lui, qui le caractérise, en précise la valeur dans la phrase. ( DETERMINANT ) TERM: Determinant

Direct object GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A noun, pronoun, or noun phrase whose referent receives the direct action of a verb. ( )

English : DEF: A direct object is a grammatical relation that exhibits a combination of certain independent syntactic properties, such as the following: - The usual grammatical characteristics of the patient of typically transitive verbs - A particular case marking - A particular clause position - The conditioning of an agreement affix on the verb - The capability of becoming the clause subject in passivization - The capability of reflexivization

French : TERM: Complément

d'objet direct

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( ) EX: A book is the direct object in the sentence They bought Anne a book TERM: Direct object


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Ditransitivity (or Bitransitivity) is a term which describes a verb or clause which takes two objects. ( )

English : TERM: Ditransitive

French : DEF: verbe admettant deux compléments (un c. direct et un c. indirect) : he gave her a present et en anglais ayant donc deux constructions passives. on dit aussi ditransitif ( ) TERM: Bitransitif

Elative case GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : DEF: A locative grammatical case which carries the basic meaning of "out of". ( ) EXPL: Elative is one of the six locative cases which as their basic meaning correspond to locational prepositions in English TERM: Elative case

Finnish : EX: "talosta" - "out of the house, from house" In Finnish elative is typically formed by adding "sta/stä"

Estonian : EX: "majast" - "out of the house, from house", in Estonian - "st" to the genitive stem.

Hungarian : EX: "házbÓl" - "out of house" In Hungarian a suffix

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"bÓl/bol" is used for elative.


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Elision is the omission of sounds, syllables, or words in spoken or written discourse. ( )

English : DEF: The omission of a syllable or vowel at the beginning or end of a word, esp. when a word ending with a vowel is next to one beginning with a vowel ( ) EX: cats 'n dogs = 'cats and dogs' TERM: Elision

French : TERM: Elision

Endophara GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Endophora is coreference of an expression with another expression either before it or after it. One expression provides the information necessary to interpret the other. ( )

English : EX: If you need one, there's a towel in the top drawer TERM: Endophara

French : TERM: Endophore

Ergative case GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Assigned to the subject of a transitive verb as opposed to absolutive case which is assigned to the subject of an intransitive verb and the object of a transitive verb. (

English : EXPL: Ergative case is used in Basque; Samoan and many other Oceanic languages; virtually all Caucasian languages (Abkhaz, Chechen, etc.); the various Inuit dialects (Inupiaq, Inuktitut, etc.)

French : DEF: [Dans certaines lang. flexionnelles comme le basque] Cas exprimant l'agent du procès. ( Ergatif Gramm. )

Basque :

EX: Gizona etorri da. "The man has arrived." Gizonak mutila

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ikusi du. "The man saw the boy." In Basque, gizon is "man", mutil is "boy", and a suffix -a is "the". Notice that gizon is different depending on whether it is the subject of a transitive or intransitive verb The first form is the absolutive case and the second form is the ergative case.

Essive GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : DEF: Carries the meaning of a temporary state of being, often equivalent to the English "as a ..." ( ) TERM: Essive

Finnish : EX: In the Finnish language, this case is marked by adding "na" to the genitive stem of the noun, but with strong consonant gradation. "lapsi"

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"child", "lapsena" "as a child", "when (I) was a child". In Finnish, essive case is also used for specifying days and dates when something happens. For example: "maanantaina" "on monday", "kuudentena joulukuuta" "on the 6th of December".


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Etymology is the study of the origins and history of the form and meaning of words. ( )

English : TERM: Etymology

French : DEF: Science qui a pour objet la recherche de l'origine des mots en suivant leur évolution à partir de l'état le plus anciennement attesté. Science qui a pour objet la recherche de l'origine des mots en suivant leur évolution à partir de l'état le plus anciennement attesté. ( Tlfi, ETYMOLOGIE, A ) TERM: Etymologie

Event GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: An event is a kind of information in discourse

English : DEF: Anything that takes place or happens, esp. something important;

French : TERM: Evenement

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that... - actually occurs, - is overt , and - occurs at the now point on the time line. ( )

happening; incident. ( ) TERM: Event


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A word which serves no grammatical function, but which fills up a sentence or gives emphasis. ( )

English : DEF: - An exclamation or swearword; an oath or a sound expressing an emotional reaction rather than any particular meaning. - Any syllable, word, or phrase conveying no independent meaning, esp. one inserted in a line of verse for the sake of the metre. ( ) EX: Wowee !!! TERM: Expletive

French : TERM: Juron

Feminine GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Feminine gender is a grammatical gender that : - marks nouns that have human or animal female referents, and - often marks nouns that have referents that do not carry distinctions of sex. ( )

English : DEF: Denoting or belonging to a gender of nouns, occurring in many inflected languages, that includes all kinds of referents as well as some female animate referents ( ) TERM: Feminine

French : TERM: Feminin

Spanish : EX: Here are some examples of words that have feminine gender: - la mujer 'the woman' - la gallina 'the hen' - la mesa 'the

Deutch :

EX: German Zeit ``time'' and Ehe ``marriage'' are feminines

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table' Finite

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Descriptive of a verb form that is limited according to person and number. Cf. infinitive. ( )

English : DEF: Denoting any form or occurrence of a verb inflected for grammatical features such as person, number,and tense. ( ->4 ) TERM: Finite

French : TERM: Fini


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: First person deixis is deictic reference that refers to - the speaker, or - both the speaker and referents grouped with the speaker ( )

English : DEF: a grammatical category of pronouns and verbs used by the speaker to refer to or talk about himself, either alone (first person singular) or together with others (first person plural) ( ) TERM: First

French : DEF: En s'impliquant soi-même dans une action, un récit. Tout fait psychologique est, au contraire, un événement à la première personne et ne peut être formulé qu'à la première personne. Il est inséparable d'une histoire, à d'une affirmation, d'une signification et d'une valorisation personnelles (MOUNIER, Traité caract., à 1946, p.45). ( PREMIERE PERSONNE Gramm. ) TERM: Première


Flexion GENERAL English : French :

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Morpho-syntax TERM: Flexion

DEF: [Dans certaines langues] Changement morphologique dans la finale d'un mot (nom, pronom, participe, adjectif) selon la fonction qu'il occupe dans la phrase ou dans la proposition, par l'adjonction d'un affixe ou désinence au radical ou au thème. ( FLEXION II. Gramm. A ) DEF: Ensemble des formes fléchies d'un mot (nom, pronom ou verbe) variant selon le cas, le genre, le nombre et la personne. ( FLEXION II. Gramm. B ) TERM: Flexion

Focus GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Focus is a term that refers to information, in a sentence, that - is new - is of high communicative interest - is marked by stress - typically occurs late in the sentence, and - complements the presupposed information typically presented early in the sentence. (

English : EX: It was math that gave him trouble TERM: Focus

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tIsFocus.htm ) Futur

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb tense that indicates action or state of being in the future. The future corresponds to two English tenses. ( )

English : EX: I will praise TERM: Futur

French : DEF: Temps de l'indicatif situant le procès dans l'avenir par rapport au moment de la parole ou par rapport à un moment pris comme repère. ( Tlfi, FUTUR, II.A, 2 ) TERM: Futur

Futur perfect

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb tense that refers to an action or state of being completed in the future. Its translation into English requires the use of the auxiliary verbs will/shall have. ( )

English : DEF: Denoting a tense of verbs describing an action that will have been performed by a certain time. In English this is formed with will have or shall have plus the past participle. ( ) EX: We shall have praised TERM: Futur perfect

French : TERM: Futur


Gender GENERAL Morpho-syntax VALUE : Masculine

VALUE : Feminine

VALUE : NeuterDEF: Catégorie reposant, selon les langues et les systèmes, sur la distinction naturelle entre les sexes ou sur des critères formels. Genre naturel, grammatical;

English : VALUE : Neuter

TERM: Gender

French : DEF: Forme donnée au pronom, adjectif, ou participe passé, correspondant au genre du nom representé ( Tlfi, 1.GENRE, subst. masc., Gramm ) EX: La chien :

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genre animé, inanimé; genre féminin, masculin, neutre; genre épicène; adjectif, substantif des deux genres. ( Tlfi, GENRE, d, gramm )

incorrect TERM: Genre

Genitive case

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: The case used to indicate possession; partitive; objective; subjective. It is most often translated with the English preposition of. ( )

English : EXPL: Hardly any English nouns decline, but the genitive case is indicated by the endings 's (belonging to one) and s' (belonging to more than one) in such phrases as the dog's bone, the cats' litter box. EX: The brick of the wall TERM: Genitive case

French : DEF: Cas des langues à déclinaison exprimant, dans un syntagme nominal, une relation de subordination du premier terme par rapport au second; il ,,peut, dans certaines langues, assumer la fonction d'autres cas comme l'ablatif "ainsi le génitif grec" ( GENITIF ) TERM: Genitif


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: an adjective formed from a verb, expressing the desirability of the activity denoted by the verb ( )

English : DEF: a noun formed from a verb, denoting an action or state. In English, the gerund, like the present participle, is formed in -ing

( ) EX: the living is easy TERM: Gerundive

French : TERM: Gerondif

Grammatical function GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : TERM: Grammatical

French : DEF: Le terme de fonction désigne, dans l'analyse

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grammaticale traditionnelle, le rôle joué par un terme dans la structure grammaticale d'une phrase; on oppose ainsi la fonction (syntaxique) d'un terme à sa nature (morphologique). ( ) EX: Dans l'âne mange du son, la nature de âne est "nom commun", et sa fonction est "sujet" du verbe mange. TERM: Fonction



GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: An auxiliary verb is a verb which accompanies the lexical verb of a verb phrase, and expresses grammatical distinctions not carried by the lexical verb, such as : person,number, tense, aspect, and voice. ( )

English : EX: I have a car TERM: Have

French : DEF: Emploi trans. Être en relation (concrète ou abstraite, permanente ou occasionnelle) avec quelqu'un ou quelque chose. [Le suj. désigne une pers., l'obj. désigne soit une chose concr. ou abstr., soit une pers. dont on peut disposer] ( AVOIR ) TERM: Avoir

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GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A homograph is word that has the same spelling as another. Homographs differ from each other in - meaning - origin, and - sometimes pronunciation. ( ) DEF: A word that is spelled like another, but that has a different pronunciation, meaning, and/or origin. ( ISO12620A-101805 Sue Ellen Wright )

English : EX: bow, the front part of a ship || bow, to bend || bow, a decorative knot TERM: Homograph

French : DEF: Dont la graphie est identique à celle d'un autre mot. Cette différenciation des homographes en Syntol est complétée par une élimination de tous les synonymes, du moins au niveau des monèmes ( HOMOGRAPHE COYAUD, Introd. ét. lang. docum., 1966, p. 45 ) TERM: Homographe

Homonym GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Here are three senses of homonym. - A word that has the same pronunciation as another. Homonyms differ from each other in * meaning * origin, and * usually spelling ( ) DEF: A word that is pronounced like another word and that can be spelled the same way (homograph) or can merely sound the same (homophone). ( ISO12620A-10180501 Sue Ellen Wright )

English : EX: two and too TERM: Homonym

French : DEF: Qui a une prononciation et/ou une graphie identique à celle d'un autre mais un signifié différent. ( Tlfi, HOMONYME ) TERM: Homonyme


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GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A homophone is - a group of two or more letters representing the same speech sound, or - a homonym. ( ) DEF: A word that is pronounced in the same way as another word but that is spelled differently. ( ISO12620A-10180502 Sue Ellen Wright )

English : DEF: [En parlant d'unités ou de groupements graphiques "signe, syllabe, mot, phrase" EX: The letter "c" in city and the letter "s" in song TERM: Homophone

French : DEF: [En parlant d'unités ou de groupements graphiques (signe, syllabe, mot, phrase)] De prononciation identique. ( HOMOPHONE ) TERM: Homophone

Illative case

GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : DEF: A locative grammatical case which carries the basic meaning of "into". ( ) EXPL: Illative is one of the six locative cases which as their basic meaning correspond to locational prepositions in English TERM: Illative case

Hungarian : EX: "házba" - "into house" In Hungarian suffix "ba/be" is used for illative.

Imperative GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb mood used to express direct command. In English, the implied subject "you" is never expressed. ( )

English : EX: Do this TERM: Imperative

French : DEF: Mode impératif, subst. masc. Mode exprimant un ordre, une défense ou un souhait, caractérisé en français par une formation propre au présent et au passé avec conjugaison à la deuxième personne du

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singulier, à la première et à la deuxième personne du pluriel (> Tlfi, IDIOME, A.Gramm ) TERM: Imperatif


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb tense that refers to action in the past that is incomplete or ongoing. It is translated into English with the auxiliary was, were, or alternatively with other formulae. ( )

English : EX: She was praising TERM: Imperfect

French : DEF: Temps simple de l'indicatif, exprimant notamment qu'une action s'est déroulée ou répétée pendant une certaine période dans un passé réel ou imaginaire, qu'elle a été concomitante ou antérieure à une autre action passée. (> Tlfi, IMPARFAIT ) TERM: Imparfait

Imperfective aspect GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Aspect

DEF: Imperfective aspect is an aspect that expresses an event or state, with respect to its internal structure, instead of expressing it as a simple whole. (

English : EX: Here are some examples of imperfective aspect: Progressive aspect Example: be + -ing Habitual aspect with Example: used to TERM: Imperfective


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GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: (of a verb) having no logical subject. Usually in English the pronoun it is used in such cases as a grammatical subject, as for example in It is raining. (of a pronoun) not denoting a person ( )

English : DEF: An impersonal verb is a verb that - occurs only in third person singular forms - has no specified agent , and - has a dummy subject or no subject. ( ) TERM: Impersonal

French : DEF: Qui exprime une action sans relation avec un sujet déterminé. Tour impersonnel, construction impersonnelle. Mode impersonnel. Mode du verbe (infinitif, participe, gérondif) qui ne comporte pas de flexion indiquant la personne. Verbe impersonnel. Verbe qui ne s'emploie qu'à l'infinitif et à la troisième personne du singulier précédé du pronom neutre il, lequel n'a pas de contenu sémantique. ( IMPERSONNEL Gramm. ) TERM: Impersonnel

Indicative GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb mood. The indicative mood indicates a fact "as opposed to an order or a condition contrary to fact"

English : EX: English is a good thing TERM: Indicative

French : DEF: Indicatif ou mode indicatif. ,,Système de formes verbales formellement non-marquées quant au mode,

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dont l'emploi convient pour présenter le signifié d'un verbe comme purement assertif, ou neutre quant à l'attitude du locuteur envers ce qu'il est en train de dire ( MOUNIN 1974 ) TERM: Indicatif

Indirect object

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A noun, pronoun, or noun phrase indicating the recipient or beneficiary of the action of a verb and its direct object ( )

English : DEF: An indirect object is a grammatical relation that is one means of expressing the semantic role of goal and other similar roles. It is proposed for languages in which the role is distinct from the direct object and the oblique object on the basis of multiple independent syntactic or morphological criteria, such as the following: - Having a particular case marking, commonly dative - Governing an agreement affix on the verb, such as person or number - Being distinct from oblique relations in that it may be relativized ( ) EX: John in the sentence I bought John a newspaper TERM: Indirect object

French : TERM: Complément

d'objet indirect

Inessive case GENERAL English : Finnish : Estonian Hun

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DEF: A locative grammatical case which carries the basic meaning of "in". ( ) EXPL: Inessive is one of the six locative cases which as their basic meaning correspond to locational prepositions in English TERM: Inessive case

EX: "talo" (house) "talossa" meaning "in the house" In Finnish typically formed by adding "ssa/ssä"

: EX: "majas" - "in the house" in Estonian - by adding "s" to the genitive stem.

garian : EX: "házban" - "in the house" In Hungarian a suffix "ban/ben" is used for inessive.


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb form that is not limited "ergo, "infinite""

English : EXPL: The English dictionary entry is simply praise, v.t.. The "v.t. (verb transitive) part is important, because it distinguishes the verb to praise from the noun praise, as in "I like lots of excessive praise." EX: To praise TERM: Infinitive

French : DEF: Forme nominale dont la fonction essentielle est d'énoncer purement et simplement le procès exprimé par le verbe. En tant que terme nominal, l'infinitif peut être substantivé "le manger, le boire" ( INFINITIF ) TERM: Infinitif

Infix GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Affix

DEF: An infix is an affix

English : DEF: An affix inserted into the middle of a word. ( )

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that is inserted within a root.or stem. ( ) DEF: A sound, letter, or syllable inserted in the middle of a word to change its meaning or grammatical value. ( Sue Ellen Wright )

EX: - bili: root 'buy'/-um- : infix 'AGT' /bumili: word 'bought' TERM: Infix

Inflection GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Flexion

DEF: Inflection is variation in the form of a word, typically by means of an affix, that expresses a grammatical contrast which is obligatory for the stem's word class in some given grammatical context. In contrast to derivation, inflection : - does not result in a change of word class, and - usually produces a predictable, nonidiosyncratic change of meaning. ( ) DEF: The variation of nouns, and in some languages, adjectives, by declension, and verbs by conjugation ( ISO12620A-020208 Sue Ellen Wright )

English : DEF: A change in the form of a word, usually modification or affixation, signalling change in such grammatical functions as tense, voice, mood, person, gender, number, or case. ( ) EX: Tend to be regular and productive, in comparison to derivational operations, and tend to occur in paradigms TERM: Inflection

French : DEF: Élément variable à la finale d'un mot, qui, ajouté au radical (ou au thème de flexion), sert à marquer chacune des formes verbales (dont l'ensemble constitue la conjugaison) ou nominales (dont l'ensemble constitue la déclinaison ou la flexion). ( DESINANCE 1.A GRAMM. ) TERM: Désinance

Instructive GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : DEF: Carries the basic meaning of "by means of". ( )

Finnish : EX: Characteristic ending -n Comparatively rarely used case,

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TERM: Instructive

though it is found in some commonly used expressions, such as "omin silmin" "with my own eyes". Also used with Finnish verbal second infinitives to mean "by", for example "lentäen" "by flying", "by air".


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A word used to intensify a noun or pronun, translated into English with the suffix -self. ( )

English : EX: themselves TERM: Intensive

French : DEF: Qui renforce la notion exprimée par un mot ou un radical. Verbe, adverbe, préfixe intensif. Subst. ( INTENSIF ) TERM: Intensif


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A word or sound that expresses an emotion. ( )

English : EX: D'hoo !!! TERM: Interjection

French : DEF: Terme qu'on emploie seul ou qu'on insère dans l'énoncé pour exprimer un sentiment ou une sensation, un ordre ou une défense. ( INTERJECTION ) TERM: Interjection

Interrogative GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: An interrogative mood

English : DEF: Denoting or belonging to a class of

French : DEF: Qui sert à interroger.

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is an epistemic mood that signals that the speaker wishes to elicit information concerning the content of his or her utterance from the addressee. ( )

words, such as which and whom, that are determiners, adjectives, or pronouns and serve to question which individual referent or referents are intended ( ) TERM: Interrogative

Adjectif, adverbe, pronom, terme interrogatif; phrase, proposition interrogative. Tous ces soi-disants modes optatif, impératif, interrogatif, dubitatif, ne sont que des locutions abrégées (DESTUTT DE TR., Idéol. 2, 1803, p. 197)Les interrogatifs sont des pronoms, des adjectifs ou des adverbes qui indiquent que l'on pose une question (Ling. 1972). ( INTERROGATIF B. ) TERM: Interrogatif


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Refers to a verb that does not take a direct object; that is, to a verb that does not express an action which directly affects another person or thing. ( )

English : EX: They fall TERM: Intransitive

French : DEF: Qui exprime un état, une action et qui n'a jamais de complément d'objet parce que ne faisant jamais passer l'action accomplie par le sujet sur aucun complément d'objet ( d'apr. DAGN. 1965 INTRANSITIF ) TERM: Intransitif


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GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A word considered as its citation form together with all the inflected forms. ( ) DEF: The base form a word or term that is used as the formal dictionary for the term. Note : For nouns, the base form is frequently the nominative singular form (in languages that show variation by case). For adjectives it is the positive form of the adjective, as opposed to the comparative, fot instance. In some languages it is uninflected, whereas in others it is the masculine singular. For verbs it is generally the infinitive rather than an inflected form. ( ISO12620A-020803 Sue Ellen Wright )

English : EX: A pronoun. For example, the lemma go consists of go together with goes, going, went, and gone. TERM: Lemma

French : DEF: Forme graphique choisie conventionnellement comme adresse dans un lexique. ( LEMME b. ) TERM: Lemme

Lexeme GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A lexeme is the minimal unit of language which : - has a semantic interpretation and - embodies a distinct cultural concept. It is made up of one or more form-meaning composites called lexical units. ( )

English : TERM: Lexeme

French : DEF: Unité minimale de signification appartenant au lexique. ( Tlfi, LEXEME )

TERM: Lexeme

Locative case GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Indicates a final

English : DEF: Corresponds vaguely to the preposition "in",

French : DEF: Les propositions

Russian : EX: On

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location of action or a time of the action. ( )

"at", or "by" of English. ( ) EXPL: The locative case is found in some classical Indo-European languages, particularly Sanskrit and Latin. It is in common use in Slavic languages, in which it is called the prepositional case. It is still found in uncommon, archaic or literary use in certain modern Indian languages (such as Marathi in which a separate ablative case has however disappeared). It is still in common use in Baltic languages. TERM: Locative case

subordonnées « locatives » sont essentiellement des relatives sans antécédent, introduites par où ou par là où (Lar. Lang. fr., s.v. lieu). En partic. (Cas) locatif et, locatif, subst. masc. sing. Cas (dans les langues à déclinaisons) ou son équivalent (mot, groupe de mots dans les autres langues) indiquant le lieu, parfois le temps où se situe l'action. ( 2.LOCATIF 1. ) TERM: Locatif

chital v komnate. (This is Cyrilic)He read-past in room-loc. 'He was reading in the room.'


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A mark placed over a long vowel to mark quantity.

( )

English : TERM: Macron

French : DEF: élément indicateur. - Marqueurs structurels. Morphèmes grammaticaux "affixes, désinences, prépositions, ordre des mots, etc." ( MARQUEUR ) TERM: Marqueur

Masculine GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : TERM: Masculine

French : DEF: Genre masculin. Genre grammatical qui,

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dans une classification en deux genres, s'oppose au féminin et qui, dans une classification en trois genres, s'oppose au féminin et au neutre ( Ling. 1972 ) EX: Oeil TERM: Masculin


GENERAL Morpho-syntax VALUE : Participle

VALUE : Imperative

VALUE : Indicative

VALUE : Subjunctive

VALUE : Infinitive

VALUE : Conditional

VALUE : InterrogativeDEF: The mode or manner in which the action of a verb is represented. Latin has three moods: imperative, indicative, and subjunctive. ( )

English : TERM: Mood

French : DEF: En termes de Grammaire, désigne la Manière dont on envisage l'action, suivant qu'on la considère comme certaine, douteuse, probable, etc. Mode indicatif, subjonctif, conditionnel, impératif. Il se dit aussi des Formes spéciales qui servent à indiquer ces différentes nuances. ( MODE ) TERM: Mode

Morpheme GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in the grammar of a language. (

English : EX: unladylike TERM: Morpheme

French : DEF: Signe minimal de nature grammaticale. ( Tlfi, MORPHEME,

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saryOfLinguisticTerms/WhatIsAMorpheme.htm )

A,1 ) TERM: Morpheme


GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : TERM: Neuter

French : DEF: Genre neutre. Dans certaines langues à trois genres, genre qui s'oppose au masculin et au féminin par des marques formelles; genre représentant souvent l'inanimé, un nom d'objet "en français, on qualifie de neutres des pronoms tels que rien, quelque chose, tout, quoi qui représentent des inanimés" EX: quelque chose TERM: Neutre

Nominative case

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: The case used to indicate the subject of a finite verb ( )

English : EX: I did it TERM: Nominative case

French : DEF: Cas exprimant la fonction de sujet et d'attribut du sujet. ( Tlfi, 2.NOMINATIF,D.1, a ) TERM: Nominatif

Non-finite GENERAL Morpho-syntax VALUE : Infinitive

English : DEF: Verb forms without tense (

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VALUE : Participle

VALUE : Gerundive

grammar/verbs/xverb3.htm ) EX: En. infinitive It took courage to continue after the accident.(En. -ing form) Leaving home can be very traumatic. En. past participle Leave immediately when you are asked to do so. TERM: Non-finite


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A word used to express the name of a person, place, or thing. See also number, gender, case. A noun has two variables: number and case "gender is given"

English : EX: Spiderman TERM: Noun

French : DEF: Mot ou groupe de mots qui sert à désigner une réalité concrète ou abstraite. ( Tlfi, 1.NOM ) TERM: Nom

Number GENERAL Morpho-syntax VALUE : Singular

VALUE : PluralDEF: A grammatical category for the variation in form of nouns, pronouns, and any words agreeing with them, depending on how many persons or things are referred to, esp. as singular or plural in number and in some languages dual or trial.

( -> 12 )

English : TERM: Number

French : DEF: Forme donnée au pronom, adjectif, ou participe passé, correspondant au nombre du nom representé. ( Tlfi, NOMBRE )

EX: les TERM: Nombre

Numeral GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT :

English : TERM: Numeral

French : DEF: Qui indique un nombre ou un

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AdjectiveDEF: A numeral is a word, functioning most typically as an adjective or pronoun, that expresses - a number, and - a relation to the number, such as one of the following: * quantity * sequence * frequency * fraction ( )

rang. Mot, nom numéral; adjectif numéral cardinal*, ordinal. Il existe également des adjectifs numéraux multiplicatifs, comme simple, double, triple, quadruple, etc. (Ling. 1972). ( NUMERAL B. ) TERM: Numßral

Object GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Argument

English : TERM: Object

French : DEF: Syntagme prépositionnel constituant d'un syntagme verbal comportant déjà un constituant complément d'objet principal, lorsque le noyau de la phrase de base peut subir une transformation passive et le syntagme prépositionnel une transformation de détachement accompagnée de pronominalisation, le pronom ayant la forme oblique à la troisième personne et la forme tonique aux deux premières ( d'apr. J. LE GALLIOT, Description

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générative et transformationnelle de la lang. fr., Paris, Nathan, 1975, p.96 ) TERM: Objet

Order GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A state in which all components or elements are arranged logically, comprehensibly, or naturally

( )

English : TERM: Order

French : DEF: La construction est (...) la première partie de la syntaxe. Elle en est la plus importante, et celle dont l'utilité est la plus universelle; car il n'y a pas une circonstance dans le langage, quel qu'il soit, où il ne faille pour le rendre intelligible, établir un ordre quelconque entre les signes qui le composent... DESTUTT DE TR., Idéol. 2, 1803, p.171. Dans une langue donnée, quand il existe une certaine liberté dans l'ordre des mots, on parle d'ordre grammatical ou ordre canonique pour celui qui est le plus conforme aux règles générales de la langue; d'ordre logique pour celui qui paraît conforme à la démarche

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supposée de la pensée; d'ordre psychologique pour celui qui résulte de l'état d'esprit de celui qui parle (Ling. 1972). ( 1.ORDRE B.1, b) ) TERM: Ordre

Ordinal numeral

GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Numeral

DEF: An ordinal numeral is a numeral belonging to a class whose members designate positions in a sequence. ( )

English : TERM: Ordinal numeral

French : DEF: [En parlant d'un adj. numéral] Qui exprime le rang d'un élément dans un ensemble. Sauf premier et second, les adjectifs numéraux ordinaux se forment à partir des numéraux cardinaux par l'adjonction du suffixe -ième: Huit = huitième. Dix = dixième. Cent = centième (WAGNER-PINCHON 1962, p.108). ( ORDINAL I.A ) TERM: Ordinal

Paradigm GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A model or pattern which contains all inflectional variations of a given word. (

English : TERM: Paradigm

French : DEF: Ensemble des formes que peut prendre un élément "généralement un mot" (

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g/Latin_Web/glossary.html ) PARADIGME ) TERM: Paradigme


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verbal adjective. Participles have five variables: as an adjective, they have number, gender, and case; as a verb, they have tense and voice. ( )

English : EX: The screaming person drove us crazy TERM: Participle

French : DEF: Adjectif ainsi nommé parce que les grammairiens anciens le considéraient comme participant d'une part de la catégorie des noms en ce qu'il peut comme l'adjectif être fléchi, d'autre part de la catégorie des verbes en ce qu'il peut éventuellement exprimer le temps et la voix et être doué de rection ( MAR. Lex. 1951 ) TERM: Participe

Particle GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A particle is a word that : - does not belong to one of the main classes of words - is invariable in form, and - typically has grammatical or pragmatic meaning. ( )

English : EX: up (in set up) TERM: Particle

French : DEF: Mot-outil très court, souvent monosyllabique, invariable (morphème non autonome, monème grammatical) - Mot-outil servant à modifier le sens d'un mot principal (p.ex. les préfixes) - Mot-outil servant à établir un rapport

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grammatical entre des mots ou des (membres de) phrases (p.ex. les conjonctions, les adverbes négatifs, les prépositions). Particule de liaison (synon. conjonction de coordination); particule conjonctive, copulative, affirmative, négative, adversative, disjonctive, restrictive. Les mots composés (...) où entre la particule in, négative lorsqu'elle est synonyme de non (BERN. DE ST-P., Harm. nat., 1814, p.270) ( 1.PARTICULE ) TERM: Particule

Partitive GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: The basic meaning is "partialness". ( )

English : TERM: Partitive

fr(Code langue) DEF: Qui exprime l'opposition de la partie au tout. Adjectif, substantif partitif; génitif partitif. ( PARTITIF Gramm. ) TERM: Partitif

Finnish :

EX: In Finnish, partitive case is used in the following circumstances, with the characteristic

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ending of "a" or "ta": After numbers: "kolme taloa" "three houses" For incomplete actions and ongoing processes: "luen kirjaa" "I'm reading a book" After certain verbs, particularly those indicating emotions: "rakastan tätä taloa" "I love this house" For tentative enquiries: "saanko lainata kirjaa?" "can I borrow the book?" In places where

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English would use "some" or "any": "onko teillä kirjoja?" "do you have any books?" For negative statements: "talossa ei ole kirjaa" "there is not a book in the house"

Part of speech GENERAL Morpho-syntax VALUE : Possessive


VALUE : Possessive noun

VALUE : Reflexive


VALUE : Relative Pronoun

VALUE : Noun

VALUE : Pronoun

VALUE : Proper noun

VALUE : Verb frame

VALUE : Preposition

VALUE : Adjective

English : DEF: Noun, pronoun, verb, preposition, adjective, adverb, participle, gerund, gerundive, expletive, interjection, conjunction, etc. ( ) TERM: Part of speech

French : DEF: Catégorie servant à classer les mots du point de vue du sens et de l'emploi grammatical. ( Tlfi, PARTIE DU DISCOURS )

TERM: Partie

du discours

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VALUE : Adverb

VALUE : Participle

VALUE : Gerundive

VALUE : Expletive

VALUE : Interjection

VALUE : Conjugation

VALUE : Conjunction

VALUE : Coordinating


VALUE : Subordinating


VALUE : Abbreviation

VALUE : Symbol

VALUE : Residual

Passive voice

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb voice, in which the subject is the recipient of the action of the verb. The agent "if a person"

English : EX: My lunch was eaten by them TERM: Passive voice

French : DEF: [En parlant d'une forme verbale] Qui présente l'action comme étant subie par le sujet grammatical au lieu d'être faite par lui. (> Tlfi, 2.PASSIF C.1,a ) TERM: Passif

Past GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Past tense is an absolute tense that refers to a time before the moment of utterance. (

English : DEF: denoting any of various tenses of verbs that are used in describing actions, events, or states that have been begun or completed at the time of

French : DEF: Le passé englobe tous les temps qui réfèrent effectivement à une époque révolue par

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utterance ( ) TERM: Past

rapport au moment de l'énoncé du locuteur pris comme origine. En français on distingue, d'après leur forme et leur signification, un passé simple ou défini (J'attendis), un passé composé ou indéfini (J'ai attendu), un passé antérieur (J'eus attendu), deux passés du conditionnel (J'aurais attendu, J'eusse attendu), un subjonctif passé (Que j'aie attendu), un participe passé (Attendu), un infinitif passé (Avoir attendu), voire un impératif passé (Aie fini d'ici une heure).MOUNIN 1974. ( PASSE A.3.b) ) TERM: Passé

Past perfect GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Past perfect tense is an absolute-relative tense that refers to a time in the past relative to a reference point, which itself is in the past relative to the moment of utterance (

English : DEF: denoting a tense of verbs used in relating past events where the action had already occurred at the time of the action of a main verb that is itself in a past tense. In English this is a compound tense formed with had plus the past participle (

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tIsPastPerfectTense.htm ) EX: The ?had + verb? construction expresses past perfect tense, as in the following sentence: - By that time, nearly everyone had left. The construction had left is in the past relative to that time, which itself is in the past relative to the moment of utterance

english/definition.asp?en=past+perfect ) TERM: Past perfect

Perfect GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb tense that refers to completed action in the past. It corresponds to three English tenses. ( )

English : EX: She praised TERM: Perfect

French : DEF: Dans certaines langues "en particulier en grec ancien" TERM: Parfait

Perfective aspect

GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Aspect

English : DEF: Perfective aspect is an aspect that expresses a temporal view of an event or state as a simple whole, apart from the consideration of the internal structure of the time in which it occurs. ( ) EX: He walked there.This type of construction expresses a temporal view of walk distinct from those expressed in the following constructions: - He was walking there. - He used to walk there TERM: Perfective aspect

Person GENERAL English : French :

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Morpho-syntax VALUE : First person

VALUE : Second person

VALUE : Third personDEF: First, second, or third, indicated in Latin by a verb ending. ( )

EX: you TERM: Person

DEF: Catégorie grammaticale marquant le rapport à celui qui parle, à celui à qui on parle, à celui ci) ( 1.PERSONNE ) TERM: Personne


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb tense taht refers to action or state of being completed before some other event in the past. Its translation into English requres the use of the auxiliariy verb had. ( )

English : EX: They had praised TERM: Pluperfect

French : DEF: Temps composé du verbe servant à exprimer l'aspect accompli et l'antériorité d'une action passée par rapport à une autre action passée. ( Tlfi, PLUS-QUE-PARFAIT ) TERM: Plus

que parfait


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Catégorie grammaticale traduisant par des marques linguistiques la pluralité des êtres ou des choses; nombre pluriel. ( Tlfi, PLURIEL, II,a )

English : TERM: Plural

French : DEF: Terme de Grammaire qui sert à marquer qu'il s'agit de plusieurs personnes ou de plusieurs choses; il est opposé à Singulier. Nombre pluriel. Substantif, adjectif pluriel. Terminaison plurielle. ( PLURIEL ) TERM: Pluriel

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GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Adjective

DEF: Denoting an inflected form of a noun or pronoun used to convey the idea of possession, association, etc., as my or Harry's ( )

English : TERM: Possessive

French : DEF: Déterminant personnel exprimant, entre autres rapports, la possession (ex. mon, ma, mes). On doit employer le possessif, non l'article défini, quand il faut éviter l'équivoque, quand on parle d'un mal bien connu ou quand le nom est accompagné d'une épithète ou d'un complément. ( POSSESSIF ) TERM: Possessif

Possessive noun GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Noun

DEF: A possessive noun is a noun that expresses possession. ( )

English : TERM: Possessive noun

French : TERM: Nom


Possessive pronoun GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Pronoun

DEF: A possessive pronoun is a pronoun that expresses ownership and relationships like ownership, such as - kinship, and - other forms of

English : TERM: Possessive


French : DEF: Pronom exprimant entre autres rapports, la possession (ex. le mien, la mienne; les miens, les miennes): Les pronoms

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association. ( )

possessifs ne représentent pas toujours des noms précédemment énoncés; Ils prennent parfois par eux-mêmes le sens d'un nom particulier et désignent : Au masculin pluriel: des parents, des amis. ( POSSESSIF ) TERM: Pronom


Postposition GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Adposition

DEF: The equivalent of a preposition in languages where the preposition appears after the noun. ( )

English : TERM: Postposition

French : DEF: - Place d'un terme après un autre avec lequel il forme un groupe syntagmatique, lexical. Anton. antéposition. Postposition du sujet (par rapport au verbe) dans les phrases interrogatives. Maspéro distingue la règle d'antéposition qui marque un rapport de déterminant à déterminé, et la règle de postposition qui marque un rapport de direction (Philos., Relig., 1957, p.38-4). - Dans certaines langues, morphème ou particule

Hungarian : EX: Hungarian: kutya nélkl dog without

Korean :

EX: Korean: Hanguk e to Korea

Japanese : EX: Japanese: doko ni where at, doko e where to

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invariable placé(e) après ou à la fin du terme qu'il régit. Anton. préposition. Les mots latins causa et gratia sont des postpositions qui suivent le nom au génitif qu'elles régissent (Ling. 1972). ( 1.POSTPOSITION ) TERM: Postposition


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: The verb and the part of the sentence that comes after the verb. ( )

English : TERM: Predicate

French : DEF: En un sens (...) restreint, le mot désigne spécialement le prédicat de la phrase nominale, composé éventuellement d'un verbe attributif et de son attribut (le jour paraît long...). En un sens plus restreint encore (...), il désigne l'attribut à l'exclusion du verbe attributif (long dans l'exemple qui précède)`` (MAR. Lex. 1933, p.149).

( PREDICAT ) TERM: Predicat

Predicate adjective

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GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: An adjective that follows a linking verb "e.g. is, seems"

English : DEF: The part of a sentence in which something is asserted or denied of the subject of a sentence; one of the two major components of a sentence, the other being the subject. "as modifier" EX: The man is tall TERM: Predicate


French : TERM: Adjectif


Predicat pronoun GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Pronoun

DEF: A noun or pronoun which follows a linking verb and which is the same as the subject. ( )

English : EX: Quintus is a farmer TERM: Predicat


French : TERM: Pronom


Predicative adjective GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Grammatical function

DEF: A predicative adjective comes after a copula verb and not before a noun ( )

English : DEF: A predicate adjective is an adjective that is used to predicate an attribute of the subject. ( ) EX: Here are some examples of predicate adjectives: - Roses are red. Noses often become red. TERM: Predicative


French : DEF: Fonction grammaticale d'un adjectif ou d'un substantif relié à un substantif par le verbe être ou un verbe équivalent (dit " verbe attributif ") ( ATTRIBUT ) EX: Malade dans Il est malade, Il devient malade, est un attribut. Il y aussi des attributs de compléments d'objet. Dans Je le crois riche, Riche est l'attribut de le.

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TERM: Attribut

Prefix GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Affix

DEF: A prefix is an affix that is joined before a root or stem. ( ) DEF: A syllable or syllables added to a word to change its meaning. ( Sue Ellen Wright )

English : TERM: Prefix

French : DEF: Affixe placé à l'initiale d'une unité lexicale, précédant le radical "p.ex. défaire" ( AFFIXE ) TERM: Prefixe


GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Adposition

DEF: A word placed before a noun or pronoun which is used to indicate position, direction, time, or some other abstract relation. ( )

English : EX: into the woods TERM: Preposition

French : DEF: Partie du discours invariable qui, placée devant un élément à valeur nominale subst. pour Pierre; pron. pour lui; adv. pour aujourd'hui, syntagme inf. pour le retrouver; prop. conj. pour qu'elle retrouve" ( PREPOSITION ) TERM: Preposition

Present GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb tense that indicates action or state of being in the present. The Latin present tense corresponds to three English

English : EX: He praises TERM: Present

French : DEF: Cette fraction de la durée en tant que l'on y situe l'action ou l'état exprimés par le

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tenses. ( )

verbe. Le présent, dans le discours ( PRESENT ) TERM: Present


GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : DEF: Has the basic meaning of "by way of". ( ) EX: The most used Finnish examples are "postitse" "by post", "puhelimitse" -> "by phone", and "meritse" -> "by sea". TERM: Prolative

Finnish : EXPL: In Finnish prolative case is only found in a few "fossilised" forms but it is alive and well known in Estonian


GENERAL Morpho-syntax EXPL: The term pronominal is also used as an adjective to mean "of, constituting, or resembling a pronoun." DEF: A pronominal is a phrase that functions as a pronoun ( )

English : TERM: Pronominal

fr(Code langue) DEF: Verbe qui se conjugue avec un pronom personnel de la même personne que le sujet ce qui entraîne l'emploi de l'auxiliaire être aux temps composés. ( PRONOMINAL B. ) TERM: Pronominal

Pronoun GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A word used in place of a noun. A pronoun agrees with its antecedent in number, gender, and case. A pronoun has three variables: number, gender, and case. (

English : EX: She TERM: Pronoun

French : DEF: Terme de Grammaire. Celle des parties du discours qui tient ou qui est censée tenir la place du nom. Pronom personnel.

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Pronom démonstratif. Pronom relatif. Moi, toi, lui, eux, etc., sont des pronoms personnels. ( PRONOM ) TERM: Pronom

Proper noun GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A proper noun is a noun that is the name of a specific individual, place, or object. ( )

English : EX: New York city TERM: Proper noun

French : TERM: nom


Punctuation GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Punctuation marks are (perhaps surprisingly) treated here as a part of morphosyntactic annotation, as it is very common for punctuation marks to be tagged and to be treated as equivalent to words for the purposes of automatic tag assignment ( )

English : TERM: Punctuation

Qualifier GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Adjective

DEF: Also called MODIFIER : A word or phrase that qualifies the

English : TERM: Qualifier

French : DEF: Élément caractérisant qui, placé à côté d'un élément générique ou d'un appellatif exprime une qualité, une

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sense of another word; for example, the noun alarm is a modifier of clock in alarm clock and the phrase every day is an adverbial modifier of walks in he walks every day ( )

manière d'être physique ou morale de la personne, de l'animal, ou de la chose représentée par le nom (qui se trouve ainsi qualifié) (d'apr. G. MAUGER, Gramm. prat. du fr. d'auj., Paris, Hachette, 1968, p. 31). ( QUALIFICATIF I.B. ) TERM: Qualificatif


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A referent is the concrete object or concept that an expression represents. ( )

English : TERM: Referent

French : DEF: Ce à quoi le signe linguistique renvoie soit dans la réalité extra-linguistique ou univers réel, soit dans un univers imaginaire ( Lang. 1973 ) TERM: Referent

Reflexive adjective GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Adjective

DEF: An adjective that refers to the subject of the sentence. ( )

English : EX: The groundhog saw his own shadow TERM: Reflexive


French : TERM: Adjectif


Reflexive pronoun GENERAL English : French :

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Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Pronoun

DEF: A pronoun that refers to he subject of the sentence, translated into English with the suffix -self, -selves. ( )

TERM: Reflexive


DEF: Pronom personnel représentant en fonction de complément direct ou indirect"

TERM: Pronom


Relative pronoun GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Pronoun

DEF: A pronoun which introduces a relative clause. The relative pronoun agrees with its antecedent in number and gender, while its case comes from its use in its own clause. ( )

English : EX: The man whom we saw is tall TERM: Relative


French : TERM: Pronom


Reported mood

GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : TERM: Reported mood

Residual GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : DEF: The residual value is assigned to classes of textword which lie outside the traditionally accepted range of grammatical classes, although they occur quite commonly in many texts and very commonly in some. For example: foreign words, or mathematical formulae. It can be argued that these are on the fringes of the grammar or lexicon of the language in which the text

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is written. Nevertheless, they need to be tagged. ( ) TERM: Residual


GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : EX: Establishment TERM: Root

French : DEF: Elle désigne, en termes de Grammaire, un Mot primitif, d'oÙ dérivent d'autres mots. Le mot Front en français est la racine des mots Frontal, Frontière, Frontispice, Affronter, Effronté, etc... Aujourd'hui, dans l'usage des grammairiens, il désigne plutot le Monosyllabe ou le dissyllabe auquel on arrive quand on dépouille un mot des préfixes, des suffixes et des flexions. ( RACINE ) TERM: Racine

Second person GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Second person deixis is deictic reference to a person or persons identified as addressee. ( )

English : DEF: a grammatical category of pronouns and verbs used when referring to or describing the individual or individuals being addressed ( )

French : DEF: La deuxième personne (tu, toi, te, ton) renvoie à l'interlocuteur ( DEUXIEME PERSONNE Gramm. )

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TERM: Second person

TERM: Deuxième


Semantic role GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A semantic role is the underlying relationship that a participant has with the main verb in a clause. Also known as: Semantic case, thematic role, theta role "generative grammar"

English : TERM: Semantic role

French : TERM: Role



GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A sequence of words capable of standing alone to make an assertion, ask a question, or give a command, usually consisting of a subject and a predicate containing a finite verb. ( )

English : DEF: A sentence is a grammatical unit that is composed of one or more clauses. ( ) EX: I am reading a book TERM: Sentence

French : DEF: Assemblage de mots, grammaticalement cohérent, marqué par une intonation ou une mélodie spécifique, encadré de pauses (à l'écrit, de signes de ponctuation forte: point, point d'interrogation, point d'exclamation), que le locuteur considère comme produisant un sens complet (assertif, interrogatif ou injonctif). ( PHRASE B. ) TERM: Phrase

Singular GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: En termes de Grammaire, Nombre singulier ou substantivement

English : EX: eat TERM: Singular

French : DEF: Catégorie grammaticale traduisant la singularité dans

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Singulier, par opposition à Pluriel, Nombre qui ne marque qu'une seule personne, qu'une seule chose. ( SINGULIER )

les noms comptables "table opposé à tables" TERM: Singulier

Stem GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A stem is the root or roots of a word, together with any derivational affixes, to which inflectional affixes are added. ( )

English : EX: The verbs tie and untie are both stems TERM: Stem

French : TERM: Stem

Subject GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Argument

DEF: A word, phrase, or formal expression about which something is predicated or stated in a sentence; for example, the cat in the sentence The cat catches mice. ( )

English : DEF: The noun or pronoun that, with all of its modifiers, immediately precedes the verb. He Is defined entierely in terms of position. ( ) EX: Socrate TERM: Subject

French : TERM: Sujet

Subjunctive GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb mood that suggests possibility, wish, contrary-to-fact condition, etc. "as opposed to a fact or an order"

English : EX: Long live the king TERM: Subjunctive

French : DEF: Mode du verbe qui sert à exprimer une action ou un état dépendant d'une autre action ou d'un autre état, et qui par suite est surtout employé dans une proposition

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subordonnée. ( SUBJONCTIF ) TERM: Subjonctif

Subordinating conjunction

GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Conjunction

DEF: A subordinating conjunction is a conjunction that links constructions by making one of them a constituent of another. The subordinating conjunction typically marks the incorporated constituent ( )

English : EX: Listen when I speak to you TERM: Subordinating


French : DEF: Mot invariable qui introduit une proposition subordonnée en la mettant en dépendance syntaxique par rapport à la proposition dite principale. ( CONJONCTION DE SUBORDINATION ) TERM: Conjonction de


Substantive adjective GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: An adjective that modifies an implied, but not expressed, noun. When translating such an adjective into English, you must supply the missing noun. ( )

English : TERM: Substantive


French : TERM: Adjectif


Suffix GENERAL Morpho-syntax GENERIC CONCEPT : Affix

DEF: A suffix is an affix that is attached to the end of a

English : TERM: Suffix

French : DEF: Affixe placé à la fin d'une unité lexicale, après le radical, et qui modifie le sens de

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root or stem. ( ) DEF: An affix occurring at the end of a word, base, or phrase. ( Sue Ellen Wright )

ce radical. Il se dit de Lettres ou syllabes qui s'ajoutent à la fin des mots pour en déterminer la signification. Substantivement, Un suffixe. ( SUFFIXE ) TERM: Suffixe


GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : TERM: Symbol

French : DEF: Signe dont le signifiant a un lien naturel avec le signifié. Le symbole a pour caractère de n'être jamais tout à fait arbitraire; il n'est pas vide, il y a un rudiment de lien naturel entre le signifiant et le signifié. ( SYMBOLE I.B.4 ) EX: Le symbole de la justice, la balance, ne pourrait pas être remplacé par n'importe quoi, un char, par exemple (SAUSS. 1916, p. 101). TERM: Syntaxe

Syntax GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: The relationship of words to each other in a sentence (

English : EXPL: English syntax is almost wholly determined by word order, whereas in Latin word order is much less important in determing

French : DEF: Partie de la grammaire traditionnelle qui étudie les relations entre les

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who did what to whom. TERM: Syntax

mots constituant une proposition ou une phrase, leurs combinaisons, et les règles qui président à ces relations, à ces combinaisons. ( Tlfi, SYNTAXE, I.A, 1 ) TERM: Syntaxe


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Tense is a grammatical category, typically marked on the verb, that deictically refers to the time of the event or state denoted by the verb in relation to some other temporal reference point. ( )

English : DEF: A category of the verb or verbal inflections, such as present, past, and future, that expresses the temporal relations between what is reported in a sentence and the time of its utterance. ( ) VALUE : Present

VALUE : Futur

VALUE : Futur perfect

VALUE : Imperfect

VALUE : Perfect

VALUE : Pluperfect

VALUE : Past

VALUE : Past perfect

TERM: Tense

French : TERM: Temps

Third person GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Third person deixis is deictic reference to a

English : DEF: a grammatical category of pronouns and verbs used when referring

French : DEF: La troisième personne renvoi à ce qui n'est ni le

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referent(s) not identified as the speaker or addressee. ( )

to objects or individuals other than the speaker or his addressee(s) ( ) TERM: Third person

locuteur, ni l'interlocuteur. La personne où le locuteur est impliqué avec d'autres est dite première personne du pluriel (nous, notre, vôtre). La troisième personne du pluriel est homogène en ce sens qu'elle vient de la réunion de deux ou plusieurs «troisièmes personnes». La troisième personne du singulier comme au pluriel, est celle de la personne dont il est parlé sans plus. C'est la personne passive, absente du système de l'interlocution. Ce n'en est pas moins une personne, et il est inexact de parler d'elle comme d'une «non personne»; c'est la personne de tout ce que la pensée a appris à désigner, la personne inhérente à toute sémantèse, à tout ce dont le langage est capable de parler à (G.. MOIGNET, Systématique de la lang. fr., 1981, p.124):

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Token GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A token identifies a unit of information. Usually, "tokens" are the result of some processing pass that has performed lexical analysis and divided a data set into the smallest units of information used for subsequent processing. Exactly what constitutes a token varies by context. ( )

English : TERM: Token

French : TERM: Atome


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: A verb which takes a direct object; that is, a verb that expresses an action which directly affects another person or thing. ( )

English : EX: The man has a horse TERM: Transitive

French : DEF: Il se dit des Verbes qui font passer l'action du sujet sur un complément direct. Aimer est un verbe transitif. [En parlant d'un verbe] Qui se construit avec un complément d'objet. ( TRANSITIF ) TERM: Transitif

Translative GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : TERM: Translative

French : DEF: Marquant

Finnish :

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DEF: Indicates a change in state of a noun, with the general sense of "becoming X" or "change to X". ( )

morphologique de la translation. Les translatifs ont (...) pour fonction de transformer la catégorie des mots pleins. Ainsi, dans le n?ud substantival fr. le bleu de Prusse, le est le translatif qui transforme l'adjectif bleu en substantif, et de est le translatif qui transforme le substantif Prusse en adjectif, le groupe de Prusse ayant en effet valeur d'adjectif (TESN. 1965, p. 80). ( TRANSLATIF ) TERM: Translatif

EX: Characteristic ending -ksi added to genitive stem: "maalaa se punaiseksi" = "paint it red"; "tunnen itseni väsyneeksi" = "I feel tired". (Hungarian)Characteristic ending và/vé. A béka egy fiatal herceggé vàlt. The frog one young prince-into turned 'The frog turned into a young prince.'

Unique GENERAL Morpho-syntax

English : DEF: The unique value is applied to categories with a unique or very small membership, such as negative particle, which

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are `unassigned' to any of the standard part-of-speech categories. The value unique cannot always be strictly applied. ( ) TERM: Unique


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: An utterance is a complete unit of talk, bounded by the speaker's silence. ( )

English : TERM: Utterance

French : DEF: Ensemble des signifiants "quelle qu'en soit la substance phonique ou graphique" ( EXPRESSION ) TERM: Expression


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: Valency refers to the capacity of a verb to take a specific number and type of arguments "noun phrase positions"

English : TERM: Valency

French : DEF: Nombre d'actants qu'un verbe est susceptible de régir. ( Tlfi, 6.VALENCE A,4 ) TERM: Valence

Verb frame GENERAL Morpho-syntax VALUE : Transitive

VALUE : Intransitive

VALUE : Ditransitive

VALUE : Pronominal

English : TERM: Verb frame

French : DEF: Mot exprimant un procès, un état ou un devenir, variant, dans de nombreuse langues, en nombre, en

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VALUE : Unique

VALUE : ImpersonalDEF: A word used to express an action or state of being. Finite verbs have five variables: person, number, tense, mood, and voice. ( )

personne et en temps et ayant pour fonction syntaxique de structurer les termes constitutifs de l'énoncé. (> Tlfi, 2.VERBE II ) TERM: Verbe

Vocative case

GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: The case used to indicate direct address.( )

English : EX: You're a good man, Charlie Brown TERM: Vocative case

French : DEF: Cas exprimant l'apostrophe, l'interpellation directe au moyen d'appellatifs, et ayant pour effet d'exclure de la construction de la phrase, à la manière d'une incise, le terme qui désigne l'objet interpellé. (> Tlfi, VOCATIF ) TERM: Vocatif

Voice GENERAL Morpho-syntax VALUE : Active voice

VALUE : Passive voice

VALUE : Middle voiceDEF: A category of the verb or verbal inflections that expresses whether the relation between the subject and the verb is that of agent and action, action and recipient, or some other relation.

English : DEF: Active or passive, q.v. ( ) VALUE : Middle voice

TERM: Voice

French : TERM: Voie

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( )


GENERAL Morpho-syntax DEF: One of the units of speech or writing that native speakers of a language usually regard as the smallest isolable meaningful element of the language, although linguists would analyse these further into morphemes. ( )

English : DEF: A word is a unit which is a constituent at the phrase level and above. It is sometimes identifiable according to such criteria as : - being the minimal possible unit in a reply - having features such as : * a regular stress pattern, and * phonological changes conditioned by or blocked at word boundaries - being the largest unit resistant to insertion of new constituents within its boundaries, or - being the smallest constituent that can be moved within a sentence without making the sentence ungrammatical. A word is sometimes placed, in a hierarchy of grammatical constituents, above the morpheme level and below the phrase level. ( ) TERM: Word

French : DEF: Son ou groupe de sons articulés ou figurés graphiquement, constituant une unité porteuse de signification à laquelle est liée, dans une langue donnée, une représentation d'un être, d'un objet, d'un concept, etc. ( 4.MOT ) TERM: Mot