·ecollections.mun.ca/pdfs/hgstandard/harborgracestandard18650830.pdfa~t! then he hr. t~n~ on.,.u~da...

... .-· .. . . . . ... \ .. .. . ,. . .\ . .. , ' I ; - .. .. .. · . ... · ... . . .. ' I .. · .. ' · . / .. .. ' . . ' ... - - . \ -' . - . . . .. .... . . '"- . IURBOR GR, \tk \VEIIlESIU, " AllflUSl · . NO. · 43. - --- ed in I e bowa ol io . . time" It . brute r••••d _;.. hauled b)" th o" port aul e of the •lup, and •• IMI II lii of what use wa• aen!unolltal ahllraction,;;.,- - .. ·NOTICt:. POETRY. : . f:i " ORTllEllN .. •. . . .. .. S U-R --A.N CE M PAN Y. .... . \0 •• • · .. . . .F FIRE · '4}vD UFE. . . I · £1,259,760 ) .• · ·· "ds. .upwards of '600,00 Ann. unl . l{e\·enue o\"er , • 206.000 ' . REPORT, 18G3, , tXTnACrS FROM 'l OF TIIR . :. ·: lliJ . U::<.;TOlt"S Jo'Oll THE YEAH 18tl;l. . _ ·6ttbti "tWl .tJI 1•e .2. 71h Oe!!t!JJL Ai ec!_.iu _o.[ . · . Jlritt or arid htld , · ·; on lite 12/lt day _nf. Juue, . .l SG:J, ., ·t '• . ,·Fillg ·T'"' ,.· . of lite _ rtar. ·.'. rr rmiumo rte<JY«l . • · . . £12i 018 2 · 01 tci by ,Fire (iut)lldi uJt aU our''"uding clo. im"/ couuui. ..... iiOII to Age. b, aucl I.!LI.tl;\!1 or Ul11Uiigth1U1t a:rp l bble '" •. Llhii. Brallc ll .. · · .. . . o.; tlS8 1a 1 ·• "SurJl uo · . . . • ·. . . . J: J2 2 J7 0 1 ,. +- --Yo ur uinc uS " woul,t call the attrntinn or tht :-.ha n- ho .,L ·. _ ll.ie · fDct tandh :.Jt a futther len .of JC.nrnut>, ttt rou p;h o Jt ht Amerirau hu.int'l Amouut . his to U)• :!' 'anl' ... r £10. 000, tJte IW:l Jhu_. • C' OIU•iduabit rucrNK UJ\1011 I he JH'OCOI"'thn& )'tar· l hC" Nee p IIIIUIUJ (or ll llOn! t.t'fl 10 1 !\. itl., wii! It . t -·· · .a '"iffy l htt a1\1uunt iJ iu I SOl by UJ-Ward ot £12,1)()1). ' · · ·· · · •• (t muJ t, l tOlUYrr. bt borne in nti"-rt, iha t ll •r rtriod tin· . b nctd irt \.t\1 . ic count.J (or t' ·c 1tkl .. r C'OII ' i"tr-d or II n1 oiuht Oulr, 10 th•t t he' inc:rra.se i gre. t a .. , .S t 6n1 1ight it ':tJlPcArl; bt.t, utn ! t:l t lh : ClfCIIOI.t.l&_t 'ct-1 nf rm-tl '• ; . ..,. (O\t'f h 1 r , Yt i 1 prdbAb)y a Yd) ' t.rV ar1vautt• ..,. .. .,. ;.El yf.!\T 1S.i2,wh,.n t} ae ompa ny · took th r .. imJtQri iP I t ·, xt.1 dht(. t, •. heyoutl 1t1e n:1rru•• • . · _ 1; nh1 of :mel tll:l tam IU l n laud, ttl h,ch, • t mril irlwt l u"-cou fit td. i b: u.Jhegm fouuue ·•. u.rdn'f<'IOD to nu(f lht:mJo.t-h't'i )'l':t·r 10t'f Jtkr, in a. ·.• 1 iuu ti:t 1t :JX» lln All oO UI t or PfOflrl"'P> t Uch u n•y lc• of l hr }o 'ir 0fl . C4 .,_ to.f I h ill .f.'CUI !I lt 4-a\'t at A.n1; pe.riQd ..,( thfh - lil1ot)". h the yrar 1& 1.2. •tht: wh ... lc h'\'\.'I I Ut: ortht '_l;:• n•'p ur hnn F .no Premiums did uut "Ut ! OUU\ Jt ,CJ:;u, tAl. or about .. t1n m: .. ..,, umn." tlw a m• UJ tat •lnC'h :_ t &IOOtl teo )'nil ago. aud tht Cmnpttny " -'------< 1' ;;: ";.' in t hat per·iod riKn b tlroUpy c •• It vnuh'' pliC<: (ili ..... ·m t ffii<"uVi 'oc ' e , ru •• l'trc r'llic1.! It ... • ' )nn tloJ\1. ; " .. itmly in r ft htm:gnitudtort:, Comrao)'• ral .... "-t iot.s th t your Dirce toB lwk b;; cl-. .,.wi th -.:.li•l•t t.cn uu tl e Ia bout• of the patl tt.n · y•-a •a. \\ hile it b .. .;t em all h•ntl' tlu.t the 1 u1: ut!fo i ''I, F. re lnfurmcc hu. lluri!-11 . - •• t h&- ohbat l.--c: F.od, bt-tn. ou tlu: wlauf-.•, uuptufi t. •' 1.: lo tht Uffieta, t he Nunh , t'Tn ·Comp:tuy, 110l.-id1 alandiug lotus . ha'i l•a \'1 b..""t"n able: to .-how a liill tiiiJic 5un'1 nt the crtdil Clf !ht: )Ctnrve Fund. Ou :,),t Jai .uory, ltiu,, th i• "'u<Jd at .C·Ii,l31 1 .. .• but. h• com tflurnCt' n(t lte len • wl.ich t he: Con 1pauy aou , t ai ucd by 01\ ·• t which q..:curt'd in l 40tldou in June , ur, ll:o Fuutl "., 1"\'tlu.:N to ito <J ooe 10 t'!!-!, 4GQ S.. 6d. Afkr pro\'il' 'l mg !un 11 oubt.•ndiug d a.hua, the t-'und wi l now . tfl t d •l £.s.6, 7t* 2L t.hl ... a I ight.r un uuut th•o h h•• ·• at any tiwe ..Wet th• \•.r ti " t:o:upany." LIFB J!ccmue and E"Tpntdilure of l"tqr. P remi um& (rt..;nsur:mcC') £S2 8:.!3 0 4 · ll>lolbtou accumulatiuua J 1.182 17 U , Ntt ll=iproG4, 00.i 18 6 CJ•im- by dtath bonu.a &dthticma · and ollU"t<anc..kfluanog ment • . 3·M3.! 10 8 su.,luo (urritd to_Au,\ Fund) 7_ 0 . A...'(NUITitS. . Amount ft\.."f'ivcd • on attow.t of 18 Aoauiliu durinr t!le ytor • . · . 6 i!il! Ja I On I<CutnldotiuUI ,. -' '!.._!! S...S.17 3 7 .Amount raid in r,.l'fCiofl62·currcnt Anaub..,Hi 3 10 i-'---'-- l .. omnt i.aitU 10 A&mt.. . aud proponioo or . cbOJ&<I •.• • • - :wv 8 r --!- . ... --- ·. - . THE DF.ACON-LIOUT. ' ,. .... DorltntU ..... d,.p'llin.r o'er tht ..,.,, - And ••ill ih c wit .... ,,. on; N<ue, Her ul.btl ''·aacl co •P1ont: Ol"IOID)' _ .... _._liir_..,llar, Eoeb a ara.o, Wht11 full in oigl .l, th• beocon Ca.1n t atr amina o'tr lhe ••vt! T1 en wildly rWt tho glad'llin1 about Oklt t hat .. Ifulalyth•r put the helm about, tho thrr lttw; Storm woo roort>l, toil httdt:d n<t, Am\ loud th• ehrertl••r A• ruli in •iabt, the (;.ocou.laht - Cau1c... trt.amlnc o'tt the 1 And &•il)· orl tile toletht)' to'd, . Wbt"ll IIH')" w re .. r. OD ahoro, ' . ,. Jlow b""ns had swok, and boP." 1rowo cold, · Am1d tbe billows roar; That ator hod By ita pale to ....,,, Canteatrtamini: O'ulllt wan. - ' . TK K L.-\ hNG 01'' ," (II;E . A"I :LANl'IC CAJiJ..E:. ,. •he drofted o•·cr the cuur c of I he when mstant •tr•nuou• wao d•m•nd •d 1 Alae but, tt ea. "'"· up the •train on it, •· :-•etlan I '!'here aruund lay tho vlocid. AllantiO amil: ooWIU!r to the tnthcatnr, bttnK ftom fifty IU . "'II . on the eun, nnt.l not a ti;m?lc to ahow where ley " twt .• although t!!elatter the maxi- ao ma ny hnti•• buril'd [if -e Ill•• be a m• nl !:ill thtt DQm 01.1ly on ion, \\'o . wer<:, hnw- ••• . sil •u up her dead·. But there . wu no hfank dt- l f!•r; uorly .tn 2il00 fotholll 11 ""'con- opatr, nmltf they "PI"•••t'JI tl••up•ri· tircumatance thot we hod not• tnc• or it, whilat by rar tba numlfrr nf : tho .. ' IP'._a few further, u we 1bnuld har e then on looud were actunlly animatrd, no: by tha loaa u. lill. ihe. nry d"'open part or flte Atlantic pi !tau. a ulf, \bt aeetdental f! r D\ could be tht 1hip W I Ji ow OYer Allol frll jl'l"eattr O)nfldence than ")lrntle . eltn tton, on. he top of whioh there wu only or the cablr. Cot•toin Moritrty to 19JO fathoo,. of water. The Jllcking u;> wo• oa uaual, the foot nf tho companion to up !lai ly at.att- tediou•, and one hour anJ forty minut e. mrn 1 of the •hip 1•o•ition, hn:ng had neellent ob • tlupoetl b.-fore rne mi lo ••• got on boord. Tbrn 101 v •Lion. when tho newa camr. "'I fear" aeid hr unr the engirfe'a ,ecc entric j;< , Ar out or orrlcr ao .... .. wi :l not feel much intotfated nnw knowin • il'lt"ball lOS onU y with a oiiiJspl Ql C y I OW ur WO Urd ftum lf•art 1 & 01\ldn H -wedgt of" ond and an elutl o bout!, to aid the wr o1 c!t - wn 1omtthlng tn·know. thou9h it wa liu.t .. rd"t'llllinc. Next t he or f uil 11. n:u l that Vft hod ot noon run prr caarl y Jl (), fmil •' tin.,: w J•un th r atea ru •aa , gnt up it """' foun ll th nt :her e )"••t•rtl'll\', thnt were 100:!.4 mile. from Valenti• . .. 1. not wot.r tnough in tho boil t' ro, om!. eo tho pi ck- G nO.Gmllt'j from II Ut'li Gontent, that.-we-wrr• in lal· - it lg Ufl eeascJ ahng tthcr. 'f'hcn OCOUtrCU the great 61 t3. Jbng . 30 6, OUr COUUO bring 76 8. 1 and 24 w: 1nl•fortuno. l,u,tch wao j11 t ovrr. ::i or n• hot! lol\ 'l'he ..., .. oignallotl "the coble wu · 1 . 1atted" thu tubl -., "ero ah uu t lcov irog. Thu acientiflc nntl 'IU requu ted tu brar dotrn tu u1, which 1h"e di'tl , gtnt le men had chet•r etl uo by otartin;: •n h)'p•· .aud -cnme to off our 1 •a rt boom. A 1\rr a brle.f eonaul· thoo !t aut! toting a " (h o,r tbo lotion, Mr. Vauning, whou pr ••nell or mind and r. ult w•• only aix milu and 10 ero dud night- •• If pnou uion never •• n hirn, d'iernl[netl to rur • · wa hope to hove, ihe fnult on hnord, mal< e. the cahlo at tho boll om or the A!lantlc, (al but •II'•· I. new •1liee. pr_occtd ou ou "r ."•Y to Ueart'o ginus folly . It aeem,..l,) to g•t nut dl"Op ·t•n•, grograt•h•cally about GOO mtlea a war. Sudd•n· do\tn on It and pick It U:> again. - Nner had At=- . l)o Caqniug in the aoloon,ond in a mnn- ahem itt lcet chance of ftndins jrold buttooa l'n· the ner :which ! Jll d all, uid-"'It it D.H or .er. it it gollll !" JlrQ•t. from · ,.-hich ba :wu ae..king, a 11111 potabU., then he hr. to c•bin., Mr. a ph!lo•?rtoer'a , a&one. But, thea, what would tboy }'poJd, ere the lhflll of surpn e and pam ocea11on r cl ••Y m England tf not nrn an al!empt, howner dH- wnTtla had "JlU edo(l ar , came from the com· pa· att, had been m•de P There were mtu gn bQartl pan ion taloon, und' so[d with compoaure a• 'ho haol ptr.k ed UJ- eahlr (rom tha Metllterran"n full mitabl un.dtr tho luoli1• qui' · rotl:ama·ttow,J. The weather wu bwantiful, 1114 trell h11 cheek b!:nced-" The cab.Je h•• partecl _ ,r there"" no eoundlugo, and the depth beneath u 1 ar.d"bat\goMonrboard.". All wcrtion deck in a mo · waa matter of coujocture, wu unlet! otl ... t that _, · ment, ando tben indeed a glancl' re•·eoled tbe truth. the Greet 1'.411tern ahoultl al<'am ten or twelu 111llre , .- . llY DIL W. II. l will uow !o •lain tn you how \he fatal to and eaat.ar!i or tbe potltion In •blob Co "rrupnnQ.Qt.,pj-llu--LoiadiJra oil boCJTii At occurred. I ••Y fatal, ror • altbru h •• I a he wu ll'hen-thl CaW' went down, out (Jre.1lE<Utem. wrl!t au driftln down ujnin ihiilputlii'iheliope neiT anuwlre ropi, an dl h_1Tf"aoin acro11 tbt eoiii'H ,; or ltettlug:hold .11f the cai,Jo with grol'nela, I ac•rff · or the track in which the Cable wa• auppoaed to be p · ttotQte to hopJ tbe ettmpt will be crowned wiill' lying. Althoush all utteranett,of hope waa auppr-.. . IUtceto. . ' } . . e4 1 wutd or oonfidenoe e-ped lhl Jlpa,lhe · GRP.AT at _Stlf., :A•g,..l ll1A. •. the face a wmdo,..., and D16tk1ng abadowe.ot_ both were trflltUed ia eome . :. eotn p .tl&. Slup6.1trlle, Lat. 61.29.30, - tmalflnt that he 11 atandtng t.owa of t'te Great quiet nook of the fanoy. The doctrine or cbe- --.-.. : If/· :19.!1.0. --- ''heo; of 9QIIri•, on b11 will lit tht coultl ·..nat m<!h a_ .eoimn1eney "(co:scLUD&D] atubeard, •nd an hia len the port 11de or ehlp. up011An•! now rorth the · When· the .. ble waa baulrd round on th' lel\·hll,ct :-lwo ll•e·umed an_ebora, with lluhubarpiJ nnecl Aagutt 1.-We paned the fatal aide, and paned 11rn the V .. b ... , It,..., carried our and ta11enn•to an oblique. tootb·lilteeod-tbe boob where lie l•uTitd ·all that remalae of the Atlantie ·a dPnn;-whlch ', we mait auppoae to bi bel:ind the · with wbieh the 8iant l>iapelr,.. plo1 n 1 to lall Cibl••· · the thlp'.-pnlitioo•ot noon wulat. 61.62.:10, eo! led up a1 fatt ae It wu dellwied rrom the (ffill Eutem for 1 t.ab WorcJi, whit all Itt long 3G 3.30-.diJtacett frnm Valentia IH6 milea, 717 from tbe P.ioking-up apparatua. But whrn rbe enginet belonglagt, mor, t"'an ·• mUlino, '"'nil ehlp atOaos fro"! Con paid out 1081 tp •o!k I hi• apparatua 1 of couna the "!'ble re- away •om• thirteen or fourtHD 111UN floom tht tpo& Uurmg the day occurred to mamed mouonl< u, and q the ahir. wu drifted by whPre the tedutnl . o«trrred,tnd than !1) to " la emoo&h thr uniform JITogreaa of the ie the win"d rrom right to ltft and al ghtl) forw"d, at water; with the Terrible in oompaay. The pptMI auppoatd that we ere in aoundinga betw"n 18711 and fut the cable came clote up tp the. bow undtr tht weighing three o•t.,abaoklld and MGUffifto aleafll& 2200 rat hom a. ,Tbe' weather, ahhouab oY-.t and ferefoot of tbf ah ip. There are the bo!l'a of tile of wire !luoy· rope-or wliloh there Wfte he mllee Oil wu fnoural.llt T&e wlod from . the N. W:., Great Raatern I«Jge bawubolee, the iron rima board (breaking alrain ee!olll•ted et" ttb toai)'-- altering to S.W , by W. 3 4 \f. The Terrible ia b•r o( which •. prc'iject rofmnte than 1 font be) ODd the brouabt tilt to the bowa, and at8 20 tblp'• :tme wu tltu.al ·po•ition. Especatione enterwold of Heing line of tire •l•rn .' Against one of the•• the thrown our ond . "butlecl through the - a,;., to :ond on Saturday morning. eaaaht on the aidt 1 wbikt the ahlp kept fortun, . At llut thr lron.flnk but elowly, but -• t.-A ud aod memorable clay running- to the !ell, and thu• cbafttl ar .d "ltrained-the tha momentum or deteent tacrcaaed ao 11 to lay l"ftl in thQ annal• of Atlantic After m:4niallt oeble greatly "'"" the bow., The Eutern at " eae on the pleklns ap macbiner,., which wu Hll• the wind ro.e, •ccompanj,d by beny ahowtre lr could uot go utern tbe cabje ahould be anappetl, d. erld &\ "alleble lowuing tha" oonl -apr rain anJ dt!nte orTPf 1 •nd incr .. aed tn a atrong and wuhout·mot on tome way there ia no po.-er of w[th or aterch to the fuaitiYft bldd111 Ja 1 .. gale to tho 8. W. , t)le ahip acarcelt Mt It, and •tlt'fl&e, :' At thit critical moo>ent, !')0 1 the wind torloua eanrna ben .. th. Lenatb llew afltr on paring out cable without let or indranett at aliilied ao u I() under it rool'e fo ltrep the o\tor oogwbooland drum, till the Iron, Wltlllioa wltl& a hiKh note or tpeed-aeren knoll an hour •• About htad o( the abip -up to Aa th• coble thut work, lut ao u to ooonrt the ...... , throw do) break the wmd auddenly abifletl to N.N. W., an4 chafed io·mueh tliat•ln two pla.eea damage wu done upon the macbintrr Into claude of et--. Tile tJ.e r.!Lto Le,m,Jbt...(l)urH waul- olt,.l..lhaclr.le cbain- a'IC: a:wilirJipo. belonglag to one PAJ•etl heuily lodMd I All lite ball tll8tl.oDt.ia die tertd toN W. by W. 1-2 W., the aea falling, Morn- of\bt cable bWiya were onr the cable and II· 'y-.J, and no ooiH wu ·b-tl aoept the dllll pu. ing broke beautifully, and the. cable ran out e .. u,. 11t- ·cured In a below tbe hawaebolca. Theae wera ins 'of the wire l!lble onr the wbeela at the liOn. the rate of aeve" an hnur. At 0.36 a.m., "hauled ao at . co bririi' tba cable to the ritrht-hapd 'l'IM -.,oat epetbetlo iDd IDdi&rlllt waaltl u•e -'· time, the were, and at abip' aide of tlje bow, the a hlp" atill dri(\ing to tho lei\. It llced muob tO ben btard th• ramble of die aable wu itopvtd fro•n the eleetriciana' rOQm. wo neeeaury to do tb11 lnatnct or nrring awer, •• agala, and w011ld hue thoupt llld Mlettaltllt tile In racl, at 8-a.m., Greenwich tim· tt. or • minute afler, •• were nr.r the of the cut cable. ·In the bow moat rrlltafol m111il In \be world. Tlae BleotrWatat wbilat tile •lfttrielooa...,.wtre paaailiK theftr , tt or be - thtre-i a large !:on 11heel; wllb" a deep lfl'OYI in the room WU GlOIId,· allther aul!Jle .. ppantul etoocl fuD .. halr:"bourlr of cunenta to the "ihon,tbe gal no- . clreumftorence, (teobnically called a V wh .. t, fro111 &he tlonl-, IUid oell aloo and eopPet lllptrloa- ototter •udd.en!y detr<>led a.lluw- oJ r!t"Ctri9ity which' llyotbnide ot which ia a. tlrullar-but-'ntAII oue cvrenCAI In the dukeof'll mamblr. Tile Jooklf• indioated. ve'iiO.ii Jault, lttla .guano ruult •br..l on tlie llmf uia. .Tbe callle and_ tbe wire bed run thtlr raoe and ill tWr iloa Mddl•· sn.,hta (coni<d,lo Fuod) •. 121 II . 8 al to l'!CIIity, rur the" liiul '(U 'rttJ .nrying j but it rope tofether were tominr in oYer th• bo*a In the ' Tba cfrume beet DQ more 1 tbeiJ' loa1 ,_'Jbr W81 Nuu ••.r.oll.ifo J'olici., cunl1l.t on ll1c 31•t waa l,tolieyetl(.p n"t. far frQ..m the ll_ ern ifOon·tn ' the larg_er whetol, the belng : !"011nd endeil at lut.ln the mullllll rol! of d•th. Tilt& 1862-540+, ' of the ehtp. h appHof wbtlt·Mr. Or.r111 Fteld opon a by lb" macht11ery, wbtch -waa wblch bad bttn broltlll ouu1d llYI 110 1rOIIWe te ol"tboA111oun11 tbenoby inourtd 2.169, 7St. - wu on. watch fn· \lie a little the ti.iae ol'- taore.in.mouon, end ' the · wire top• . h«i)lg In breUJ, !ful!llm t!lunqfll e..Jqio.llw ... t.U ... _.."" chi t ftJ to the odnntog .. oft"onltd by the the ICC:Ident,e grotlus ao1ae wu. aucbbltatlbe cable round tb .. papatan br ban. But tht ropt pnd cable mute wltna ... 'll'etlleatifylna to the Co"'P'l!f to thooe •ba Join · Participali"l' et ... uf POlicy.- llew our the coil utdo. One ot " the t•""rteooed . !i " eie not. eomlqg ri•ht llno,but-tre IMing ltauJ. wiahN. ' hddrtl 111 (' nUqUf'11ce c.( !'hfth eotnpantinly r.w iun&ac::: -f" r- r D tioo• fuid •hch woy to the. • Non-Pottit:ipatinj!" Bnnch, rho 'banda immediatrly aeid :-' There it e piece ohtir.,' . \n WJ!h a ft'eo} tlrein them at an tho AnJIItw Jh• wire •!renda 11;111\11 1fttr Jtel'la• du• il• ot th e D.pa.nmwt .. uy pouo ... end callttl to look oul man ebefe to . pua tbl\ in· tt&ht-hanJ! 11t!e, ao thay dtd not wprk dtreetly Jn the · Ocean ,. .. Indeed lnaatteblt. !lion' licl man.• r ... for tbe th4n thoy.olo ror Ute Inrun:d (ormation aft, no nolice •epee:ra to hhe bren . in tfio wl)eel. Bull, up they-came. The malo wu cried the tleuahttr o( \blhor .. J.Gb• from tbe blltk l t' nrlo r'tht"' ci"'mnolonr:tt,it ;. tot he l•t•er tbot Y ur DirtC t.aken of the clreumlt&nH. Al\tr tbtah.lp wal ll ll il · '1hown on the ·IQdieato:;:o ·be :rery big!>, but not nrar night or wateu, and ati.U the rope deeoendfll. o.._ "':-,._/ tent hAVe, in the 6t1t in•llllco • 10 cll"tr t.btir tcdll'ltuladoo pet!, entlthe remainder oCtha"ilo&lt . e a · piece a breaking iirtlln. Jut up camllbe cable a ott thouaand fatbO<DI-II(tMil bundrecl (athou-- 011 tlo ""'"''"or the yur. ' r . d , h .l :--. •Uy comparinR the fi•"'!"h•s•ith former _RA,po 1 to it will or wire wu lffn [trojt"Cting out o( the cable in. the wlre·ro.,e •hackling tog I her on ·the V 1 wh eflln tba thouallll ••t oma -an .. lullldrecle -.. be onnd thot iu leG-2 ol11110r oCoew <utranu joined ftake underneath that in wblcb 1he (ault· WU tu•pect: lio_;. :}fiiy . were wound round -on Jf alowlf, -a nil Ut>-1111 lut, at 0, 6."p.m,.; \he ttleln wu clfmiNIJi tl•tfParticipatlniJ IJio,neh tlioo in any pr<Yiouo yur. The ed to niat; on one or the m•n taltina in hi a were opening onr tbe wheel "together, the 6rat dam• eel, eat! at 2,60(' liethoma, or 10,000 fMt, tile ., .... a claim• b1 d .. th were, It the ume time con " d•r•blY llngera.,.and trying co btnd . lr" doWn . the wire brokp part bemg in boa d, -when jar ••• gl•en to the ruched htd. or th• Allan de, ·e: M& 10 Jt.a-:&u\ or ' th•n tht-••kulo•iont or tt.e Offiq pro•id«< ror; an the ahort oil'. It wu near!•· three inc_ bu lon•, and .ayua11ometer, which llew up (rom .aixty cwt ,·tho finding and boldlnatha cable. lwn CUIIaJ ... • • omou11t oddtd 'ta the .ccumulated Fuod io within a frlc'ion ' · 10 ., t d b k r dentij of bard, mettd, which bad ft own ht ghrat point marked,·"!ith a audct•n jrrk, lhree and o/ co una beyon umon nuw,tdp; hal u tM eblp ·•• 0 Brar.ch, wbieh lnlerftlt tbe"Pn>. out tbrou&h the rtranda in the tank. 'l'h• "clt.to .. r'y a.h.olr ,nchet-in fact, the chtiin ahackle affd wjre rope drifted down aerou Ita or e. there wu Jut • ..a · ' j )!rio ton alOIIt, oltho•.•h u btforellated, the amount of new 'WU in aome mcuure a n,litf to men'a rnind4, that a•lt . were up out ,6( tb• groore on th• o( head-ahaki. DJf aurrnlu that tbl grapael 1 • bu•in,.. hu b<••nmall, the cloun by duth han not beta one cert.alaly-lhd aeeond poaoibly-of ihe l'rOYi · rigbt-hand ai.dt of he. y of tha :wheel, got on t hil it,_ that the ahtp miaht . fu el i1o, tb&& the _ lioo ,.,. .__, , bdo"' whll wuto be cxpectt:d In the t.-tnty-stnllth :rur oa• (aul:o, ll!lghl h.ue been the rnult of &CCtdenL top ,or the rtm th •whtel, and r4•h•d down be brought up agou., anU tbat tht oeblell-- · the C'<unpony'otxiot&..,; •ntl the oum cerri.d 10 the ctttitt It waa atmarked,-howenr, that tbil fault 114!efrrrrd_ln 'Whlra cra•lr on tile amaller:- 1tltJef, no doubt i might-hen traa t!ae moat huardOIII bltola oltll- . , • • ..... nhe Ac<"un.ubted I• la'l!•·.' b h II b . A h • I , 'k ( 1 '-' . 1 b 1 .1 "(h 1 b L• ll '"'"" .L--1 _._ , , . r To lUng the two Urauch .. tDCtthtr, it oiitl be am th .•t. In l e ••me watc u a t e pUYIOUa onee. a .t t _! ;tenre a1 .ot 1 Je e u•t, to w 110 wu auac leu. eeme up •• au rcnatng. ut...,., , • ._ ,.,_ , . or New Pulici<1 i.llo u d, 181!"'lf&le or m•ur- wu too tHiou• to be OY<"flooked and aa wa a The ttill In motion. "The eablo and' --And .•o lo the <I at knou . of lbt olgbt, no\ - •d. onil' orising Uoercrrom, the mult• ofrheyear difficulty in de!eeting eitulltlon, preparatiooa were · tbr rope ranlled ,rt t<fgether, ono cap- jtloomy thao errand, tbi Oreal Eut.ata, una, OlCC<thltOJeoho:r of ito prcd..,....ra." ,made to get tbe ·picking up apparatlll readr.. PrOYl· .at4n 'the otllet io•ard , tiM drum; 'l'io en; juol u the cleareU awaf one of lue q. 11 buuy1, ll oY• · . Dl\'.I.DBND '(0 SllARBIIQ.I.DERS. __ o!!!.Jo doiouo two cull in tha cable reached th e- d)'llanumet r 1 !t and wilh, h" bewa,wu len·u a aport to tht willd, 111d tlr\tt.acl ·. ·- Th; gon 00 toolatethat, huins r.ganl to tbt 6nt a .. r tbe bfd ap ice betw"n tbe miif11 ahtlt . e one liound !taped ,_, . h - 11etre onr tl few feci o tnter· at the tate of ahen17 r.et • minute ckllra UpoD the .&tarocLO'l' t.(Uo to uflloe ye.r, aud to the :.u1e of the fore tank, cable all rigbt-tbe aecond wt thne m11.. . •enirig apace, anti i.Jlto the aee. i• not pot· itba&iner) line baoeath .wbich tha o.blt baclellllk to ·. - . llnntu• l:'urd tbe Dirtetoro bod pkuurc io m:onum-ndiur onbolrd, wnicb. abo wed fault to be o•erboatil: albt• fqr an)' w. ordi to tbe tliamay \l'tlh whltb reaL · · ( lh• i•ltlit t.t l>i•itt.nd,a ttbc r• te or £10 The wire roptiacd lht chain were now e.etllted tcr (be · tbe tight · wa the newa hterd. It wu . 1UUUDAT, .Auguit 3.- Throarbov& ••ct nt.olllte I' Alcl-up aodthe ••me cablu forward, whicb abo•ecla mui"um or aullicll!n t lo moreto teau: And •hen a came the Ornt &.tern the Atleado, parohJ.o, twtnty-tliree ond a"ball owL, .nd at 9.M, ·Oreenwich -ft with a piece. or the loner end laabed atill tu the · In her oour • the gnpnelantl 1•0 md11 _. C .. , · 'OBN. "RUICKSIINKA, L.L D, Secret•"'· time, the cab1e wu anered 111d wtnt our the etern, . chain,·apd one · aew the tortured atrandt, tht torn or•line, iritb wblth oh• wu fla'ainr for the " -, 1186 mile• banng been paid out wbtn the end •p!ub- " l'in•, the lactreted oore, It ' It no nagreration to tay Whan morniag and whtn abe wu 10 US ·o. . liAYWAlW, A,mt for ed into the water. Witb 1111 di11iouhr · tb111 u•ual, · tb\t a tttlilp freling or pit,, u tbouab far·aome bne go}lt beyond-utt traclt ol hrr pc., .,.• ..._ · ' . ' • · / Ne'll'fouodlaad. in fact, witb eompentin tacilitr;th• cable wae htul- " "atielit.crtlllln DiutUehd · aa4· by th# watcben of tli• • liue-:-bll ball ODot .. dan ··.1 st:J illj n'•,·Aug.o. . • • . . 1 ' . .... ' r '- .. .. .. 0 . .. - ... . . . .. 0 f ' •• ,J - '• ' . ·- . . :. - - l •• . - . ' .. '" " -- - •. ,_ ... . . .. . ' - . . . . . .. .. - . ·. .. I

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Page 1: ·ecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18650830.pdfa~t! then he hr. t~n~ on.,.u~da to hi~. c•bin., Mr. a ph!lo•?rtoer'a ,a&one. But, thea, what would tboy }'poJd,



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ADVERTISER~ .... . . '"- .

IURBOR GR,\tk \VEIIlESIU, "AllflUSl ·a~ l~S~. •

· .

NO. · 43.

• • ----

ed in o~er I e bowa ol io . . o:~.~ Oro~nw:o.h" time" It . brute fnr~, r••••d tbrou~b .h~.hl'tlrlo o~. _;.. ~d h~•n hauled b)" tho" port aul e of the •lup, and •• IMI • • II lii of what use wa• aen!unolltal ahllraction,;;.,- -

.. ·NOTICt:. POETRY. : ·~· -.....:.··-=----·:.,.----------------''----

. • f:i"ORTllEllN ..

•. . . .. .. ·'-A~S S U-R--A.N CE &¢ M PAN Y.

• .... . • ~ \0 •• • •

-· ·. . . . .F FIRE·'4}vD UFE. . . • • • I

,.>,suh$-~ribea:cllpital· · £1,259,760 ).• · .\~W:o ·· "ds. .upwards of '600,00

Ann.unl. l{e\·enue o\"er , • 206.000 ' . REPORT, 18G3,

, tXTnACrS FROM 'l JtE .~IIRl'hll1' OF TIIR . :. ·: lliJ.U::<.;TOlt"S Jo'Oll THE YEAH 18tl;l. .

_ ·6ttbti "tWl .tJI 1•e .2.71h Oe!!t!JJLAiec!_.iu _o.[ P~· . · . Jlrittor• arid P_ol.i"!f-ltol~, htld aL.Aberclce~, ,

· ·;on lite 12/lt day _nf. Juue, . .l SG:J, ., ·t '• . ,·Fillg DBP·AltTMI-.:~l'l'

·T'"' ,.· . . iJ~ce~w~ ~~~ f!:rr>endilur~ of lite _rtar. ·.' . ·~JJ rrrmiumo rte<JY«l . • · . . £12i 018 2

~. · 01 tci by ,Fire (iut)lldiuJt aU our''"uding clo.im"/ couuui. ..... • • i iOII to Age. b, aucl I.!LI.tl;\!1 or Ul11Uiigth1U1t a:rp lbble '"


Llhii .Brallcll .. · · .. . . o.; tlS8 1a 1 ·• "SurJl uo · . . . • ·. . . . J:J22 J7 0 1

, . +- --Your uinc uS" woul,t call the attrntinn or tht :-.ha n-ho.,L ·. _ ~_,to ll.ie·fDct th;a ~Jtot-v. i~ tandh:.Jt a futther len .of JC.nrnut>,

ttt roup;h Lbr~di .c<i.n\i nuat•Ct' oJtht Amerirau hu.int'l Amouut . • his to U)•:!''anl' ... r £10.000, tJte l'n.nti~ms' fi•r IW:l Jhu_. •

C'OIU•iduabit rucrNK UJ\1011 I he JH'OCOI"'thn& )'tar· l hC" Nee p IIIIUIUJ (or ) ~J llllOn! t.t'fl 10 .flJ~ &~• 1 !\. itl., wii!It. t

-·· · .a '"iffy f.:ho~n. lhtt a1\1uunt iJ eic~cd. iu I SOl by UJ-Ward• ot £12,1)()1). ' · · ·· · · •• (t muJ t, ltOlUYrr. bt borne in nti"-rt, iha t ll•r rtriod tin·

. ~ bnctd irt \.t\1 .iccount.J (or t'·c 1~" 1tkl .. r C'OII' i"tr-d or II n 1oiuht Oulr, 10 th•t the' inc:rra.se i not~ gre. t a .. , .St 6n1 1ight it ':tJlPcArl; bt.t, utn!t:l t lh: ClfCIIOI.t.l&_t 'ct-1 ~IJO \' t: nfrm-tl

'• ; . ..,. (O\t'fh1

r ~)l~rt:h~ ld~U ,Yt i 1 prdbAb)y COD~idt: r il~ a Yd)' IA~f'.t~ • ~-~ t.rV ar1vautt • ..,. ..

~ ' ~ .,. • ;.El i rin ~o"'e the yf.!\T 1S.i2,wh,.n t}ae ompany ·took thr .. • ~. imJtQri iP I t tt~o·u.o r ·, xt.1 dht( . t, ~u•J •lh •. heyoutl 1t1e n:1rru•• • . · _ 1; nh1 of Stt.t l •t~ :mel tll:l tam (!~&t nct.o IU l n laud, ttl • h,ch, ~--.- • tmril i ll<'~. irlwt lu"-coufit td. i b: u.Jhegm fouuue

.~ ·•. ofy~ u.rdn'f<'IOD to nu(f lht:mJo.t-h't'i )'l':t·r 10t'f Jtkr, in a. ~i· ·.• 1iuu ti:t 1t:JX»lln All oO UI t or PfOflrl"'P> t Uch u n•y lc• of lhr

}o'ir 0fl. C4 .,_ to.f I h ill .f.'CUI!Ilt 4-a\' t achi~o. \·eJ at A.n1; pe.riQd ..,( • thfh-lil1ot)". h the yrar 1& 1.2. •tht: wh ... lc h'\'\.'IIUt: ortht '_l; :•n•'p•ur hnn F .no Premiums did uut "Ut!OUU\ t~£1 , 1,000.

Jt i11~ow uC':U~ ,CJ:;u, tAl. or about .. t1nm: .. ..,, umn." tlw ~ - a m• UJ tat •lnC'h :_t &IOOtl teo )'nil ago. aud tht Cmnpttny

"-'------<1';;:";.' in that per·iod riKn b tlroUpy c •• It vnuh'' pliC<: (ili ..... ·m t ffii<"uVi 'oc ' e , ru •• l'trc r'llic1.! It

... • ' • )nntloJ\1. ; • • " · ~ .. ~ 1\t~"~ itmly in m~d r fthtm:gnitudtort:, Comrao)'• ~ J·ral .... "-tiot.s th t your Dirce toB lwk b;;cl-..,.with -.:.li•l•t t.cn

uu tl e Ia bout• of the patl tt.n ·y•-a•a. .· \\ hile it b .. •dmi~ .;t • em all h•ntl' tlu.t the 1 u1:ut!fo i ''I, F.re lnfurmcc hu. lluri!-11

. -

•• t h&- grc&o t~o.r ~rt ohbat l.--c:F.od, bt-tn. ou tlu: wlauf-.•, uuptufit. •' 1.: lo tht Uffieta, the Nunh,t'Tn ·Comp:tuy, 110l.-id1alandiug occ~sional tc~""Y lotus. ha'i • l•a\'1 b..""t"n able: to .-how a ~n­liill tiiiJic 5un'1 nt the crtdil Clf !ht: )Ctnrve Fund. Ou lh~ :,) , t Jai .uory, ltiu,, thi• f\tn~ "'u<Jd at .C·Ii,l31 1 .. II~ .• but. h• com tflurnCt' n(tlte MVl·~ len• wl.ich t he: Con1pauy aou, taiucd by th~ 01\·• t Fi~ which q..:curt'd in l 40tldou in June t~f t hat , ur, ll:o Fuutl "., 1"\'tlu.:N to ito <Jooe 10 t'!!-!,4GQ S.. 6d. Afkr pro\'il''l mg !un11 oubt.•ndiug d a.hua, the t-'und wi l now . tfl t d •l £.s.6,7t* 2L t.hl ... a I ight.r unuuut th•o h h•• re:aclu:d~

·• at any tiwe ..Wet th• ntat..li~bmn.t \•.r ti" t:o:upany."


J!ccmue and E"Tpntdilure of I~ l"tqr. P remium& (rt..;nsur:mcC') £S2 8:.!3 0 4

· ll>lolbtou accumulatiuua J 1.182 17 U

, Ntt ll=iproG4,00.i 18 6 CJ•im- by dtath (in~ bonu.a &dthticma Joo·urm.dtr~

·and ollU"t<anc..kfluanog ment • . 3·M3.! 10 8

su.,luo (urritd to_Au,\ Fund) 29,~10 7_ 0 . A...'(NUITitS. .

Amount ft\.."f'ivcd • on attow.t of 18 Aoauiliu ~r1nted durinr t!le ytor • . · . 6 i!il! Ja I

)Die~t On I<CutnldotiuUI ,. ~ -' '!.._!! S...S.17 3 7

.Amount raid in r,.l'fCiofl62·currcnt Anaub..,Hi 3 10 i-'---'--l .. omnti.aitU 10 A&mt.. . aud proponioo or ~neoal

. cbOJ&<I •.• • • • -:wv 8 r --!- . ... ---

·. - .


• ....

DorltntU ..... d,.p'llin.r o'er tht ..,.,, - And ••ill ihc wit ....,,. on;

Nn nil ·t••n•werto~ N<ue, Her ul.btl''·aacl co •P1ont:

Ol"IOID)' _...._._liir_..,llar, Eoeb IOJit<d"burr~ a ara.o,

Wht11 full in oigl.l, th• beocon li~M

Ca.1nt atr amina o'tr lhe ••vt!

T1 en wildly rWt tho glad'llin1 about Oklt that h•~-=-

.. Ifulalyth•r put the helm about, An~ t~rough tho ~urf thrr lttw;

Storm woo roort>•l, toil httdt:d n<t,

Am\ loud th• ehrertl••r ~··· A• ruli in •iabt, the (;.ocou.laht - Cau1c... trt.amlnc o'tt the w·av~ 1

And &•il)· orl tile toletht)' to'd, . Wbt"ll IIH')" w re .. r. OD ahoro,

' .


Jlow b""ns had swok, and boP." 1rowo cold, · Am1d tbe billows roar;

That not~ ator hod ~~arar

By ita pale .~•m to ....,,, ~ • Canteatrtamini: O'ulllt wan. - ' .

TKK L.-\ hNG 01'' ,"(II;E .A"I:LANl'IC CAJiJ..E:. ,.

lkw~nd at~od •he drofted o•·cr the cuur c of I he when mstant •tr•nuou• acti~n wao d•m•nd•d 1 Alae • C'<lbl~, but, tt ea."'"· up rcad~ly, the •train on it, •· :-•etlan I '!'here aruund lay tho vlocid. AllantiO amil: ooWIU!r to the tnthcatnr, bttnK ftom fifty IU fift~ · five . "'II .on the eun, nnt.l not a ti ;m?lc to ahow where ley " twt .• although t!!elatter 6~ure re~resented the maxi- ao ma ny hnti•• buril'd [if -e Ill•• be a m •nl !:ill thtt DQm 01.1ly r•~chrd on onu · o~ca ion, \\'o .wer<:, hnw- ••• .sil•u up her dead·. But there . wu no hfank dt- l

f!•r; uorly .tn 2il00 fotholll ~toter,!tut 11 ""'con- opatr, nmltf any · fd~<tl they "PI"•••t'JI tl••up•ri· ~e~d. r~vpurilble tircumatance thot we hod not• tnc• or it, whilat by rar tba ~trentor numlfrr nf : tho ..

' IP'._a few Dllle~ further, u we 1bnuld har e then be~n on looud were actunlly animatrd, no: by tha loaa u. lill. ihe. nry d"'open part or flte Atlantic pi !tau. a ulf, bu~·by \bt aeetdental natu~ f! r D\ could be "certain~ , tht 1hip W I Jiow OYer • Allol frll jl'l"eattr O)nfldence than ")lrntle .eltntton, on . he top of whioh there wu only or the cablr. Cot•toin Moritrty to 19JO fathoo,. of water. The Jllcking u;> wo• oa uaual, the foot nf tho companion to pu~ up !laily at.att-ntN·din~tlr tediou•, and one hour anJ forty minute. mrn 1 of the •hip 1•o•ition, hn:ng had neellent ob • tlupoetl b.-fore rne mi lo ••• got on boord. Tbrn 101 v •Lion. when tho newa camr. "'I fear" aeid hr unr ~r the engirfe'a ,eccentric j;<,Ar gn~ out or orrlcr ao ...... wi :l not feel much intotfated nnw ~~ knowin •

il'lt"ball lOS onU y with a oiiiJspl ~. Ql C y I OW ur WO Urd ftum lf•art1& 01\ldn H l(i':O::W::e::Y:::f:-fr~lt,....--•--1 -wedgt of" ond and an elutlo bout!, to aid the wro1 c!t - wn 1omtthlng tn ·know. thou9h it wa liu.t .. c11m·r~rt rd"t'llllinc. Next the ll\O~Iy or Ilea~! fuil 11. n:ul that Vft hod ot noon run prrcaarly Jl (),•fmil • ' tin.,: wJ•un th r atea ru •aa , gnt up it """' foun ll thnt :here )"••t•rtl'll\', thnt ,..~ were 100:!.4 mile. from Valenti•

. .. 1. not wot.r tnough in tho boilt' ro, om!. eo tho pick- GnO.Gmllt'j from II Ut'li Gontent, that.-we-wrr• in lal·-itlg Ufl eeascJ ahngtthcr . 'f'hcn OCOUtrCU the great 61 t3. Jbng. 30 6, OUr COUUO bring 76 8.

1 and 24 w:

1nl•fortuno. l,u,tch wao j11 t ovrr. ::iorn• hot! lol\ 'l'he T~rri~le ..., .. oignallotl "the coble wu · 1.1atted" thu tubl -., ot~trt "ero ahuut lcov irog. Thu acientiflc nntl 'IU requ u ted tu brar dotrn tu u1, which 1h"e di'tl

, gtnt lemen had rath~r chet•retl uo by otartin;: •n h)'p•· .aud -cnme to off our 1•a rt boom. A 1\rr a brle.f eonaul· thoo!t aut! toting a pred iction ~ "(ho,r l.tcli~ •· cd tbo lotion, Mr. Vauning, whou pr ••nell or mind and r. ult w•• only aix milu •w~·· · and 10 ero dud night- ••If pnouuion never •• n hirn, d'iernl[netl to ·~" rur •

· r~n wa otj~:bt hope to hove, ihe fnult on hnord, mal< e . the cahlo at tho boll om or the A!lantlc, (al but •II'•· I. new •1liee. •!~d pr_occtd ou ou"r ."•Y to Ueart'o ·~m: ginus folly .It aeem,..l,) to g•t nut -~ia ~rapntla, dl"Op

· t•n•, grograt•h•cally about GOO mtlea a war. Sudd•n· do\tn on It and pick It U:> again. - Nner had At=- . l)o ~lr. Caqniug a~peared in the aoloon,ond in a mnn- ahem itt lcet chance of ftndins jrold buttooa l'n· the ner :which !Jlld all, uid-"'It it D.H or.er. it it gollll !" JlrQ•t. from · ,.-hich ba :wu ae..king, a11111• potabU., • a~t! then he hr. t~n~ on.,.u~da to hi~. c•bin., Mr. a ph!lo•?rtoer'a ,a&one. But, thea, what would tboy }'poJd, ere the lhflll of surpn e and pam ocea11onr cl ••Y m England tf not nrn an al!empt, howner dH­~ytb•u wnTtla had"JlU edo(l ar, came from the com· pa· att, had been m•de P There were mtu gn bQartl pan ion int~ _the taloon, und' so[d with compoaure a•l· 'ho haol ptr.ked UJ- eahlr (rom tha Metllterran"n full mitabl un.dtr tho oircutnatan~ro, t!1ou~;h luoli1• qui'· ~ ·HRI rotl:ama·ttow,J. The weather wu bwantiful, 1114 trell ~ h11 cheek b!:nced-" The cab.Je h•• partecl _,r there"" no eoundlugo, and the depth beneath u1 ar.d"bat\goMonrboard.". All wcrtion deck in a mo · waa matter of coujocture, i~ wu unlet! otl ... t that

_, · ment, ando tben indeed a glancl' re•·eoled tbe truth. the Greet 1'.411tern ahoultl al<'am ten or twelu 111llre , .- . llY DIL W. II. ·RU~l!ELt.-, • l will ·n~eanur uow !o ~ •lain tn you how \he fatal to -win~wartl and eaat.ar!i or tbe potltion In •blob Co"rrupnnQ.Qt.,pj-llu--LoiadiJra T!~~tu, oil boCJTii At aeeld~nt occurred. I ••Y fatal, ror •altbru h •• I a he wu ll'hen-thl CaW' went down, out wlth~...JI·

(Jre.1lE<Utem. • wrl!t w~ au driftln down ujnin ihiilputlii'iheliope neiT anuwlre ropi ,andl h_1Tf"aoin acro11 tbt eoiii'H ,; ~ • or ltettlug:hold .11f the cai,Jo with grol'nela, I ac•rff · or the track in which the Cable wa• auppoaed to be

p · ttotQte to hopJ tbe ettmpt will be crowned wiill' lying. Althoush all utteranett ,of hope waa auppr-.. • . Uli~~I'T, . _ IUtceto. . ' } . . e41 o~:l,. no wutd or oonfidenoe e-ped lhl Jlpa,lhe

· GRP.AT E.iBTf,lt~· at _Stlf., :A•g,..l ll1A. ~ •. Le~ the ~eader.turn !n~ face l~wartla a wmdo,..., and D16tk1ng abadowe.ot_ both were trflltUed ia eome . :. eotn p .tl&. Slup6.1trlle, Lat. 61.29.30, - tmalflnt that he 11 atandtng on ·t~o t.owa of t'te Great quiet nook of the fanoy. The doctrine or cbe-

--.-.. : If/· :19.!1.0. --- ..Eut~ ''heo; of 9QIIri•, on b11 ri~bt will lit tht coultl ·..nat t011o~ m<!h a _.eoimn1eney U:we -MIHe-=-=~ "(co:scLUD&D] atubeard, •nd an hia len the port 11de or l~t ehlp. apee~late up011: · An•! now .~m~ rorth the p;~oeUe

· • • When· the .. ble waa baulrd round on th' lel\·hll,ct :-lwo ll•e·umed an_ebora, with lluhubarpiJ nnecl TcESD.\~1 Aagutt 1.-We "hu~ paned the fatal aide, and paned 11rn the V .. b ... , It,..., carried our and ta11enn•to an oblique.tootb·lilteeod-tbe boob

~not where lie l•uTitd ·all that remalae of the Atlantie ·a dPnn;-whlch ',we mait auppoae to bi bel:ind the · with wbieh the 8iant l>iapelr,.. plo1 n 1 to lall Cibl••· · the thlp'.-pnlitioo•ot noon wulat. 61.62.:10, tpeetator,~and eo! led up a1 fatt ae It wu dellwied rrom the (ffill Eutem for 1 t.ab WorcJi, whit all Itt long 3G 3.30-.diJtacett frnm Valentia IH6 milea, 717 from tbe P.ioking-up apparatua. But whrn rbe enginet belonglagt, mor, t"'an ·• mUlino, '"'nil ehlp atOaos fro"! ije~rt'a, Con len~. Ca~lo paid out 1081 ~ilu r~l~ tp •o!k I hi• apparatua1 of couna the "!'ble re- away •om• thirteen or fourtHD 111UN floom tht tpo& Uurmg the day notbt~l •~•tenr occurred to tnt~r· mamed mouonl<u, and q the ahir. wu drifted by whPre the tedutnl.o«trrred,tnd than !1) to"la emoo&h r~p~ thr uniform JITogreaa of the op~ratian. I~ ie the win"d rrom right to ltft and al ghtl) forw"d, at water; with the Terrible in oompaay. The pptMI auppoatd that we ere in aoundinga betw"n 18711 and fut the cable came clote up tp the. bow undtr tht weighing three o•t.,abaoklld and MGUffifto aleafll& 2200 rat hom a. ,Tbe' weather, ahhouab oY-.t and ferefoot of tbf ah ip. There are a~ the bo!l'a of tile of wire !luoy· rope-or wliloh there Wfte he mllee Oil

~~ey, wu fnoural.llt T&e wlod from. the N. W:., Great Raatern ~o I«Jge bawubolee, the iron rima board (breaking alrain ee!olll•ted et" ttb toai)'-­altering to S.W, by W. 3 4 \f. The Terrible ia b•r o( which •. prc'iject rofmnte than 1 font be) ODd the brouabt tilt to the bowa, and at8 20 tblp'• :tme wu tltu.al ·po•ition. Especatione enterwold of Heing line of tire •l•rn.' Against one of the•• the ~:~~hie thrown our ond . "butlecl through the - a,;., to :ond on Saturday morning. eaaaht on the 1~1\.band aidt1 wbikt the ahlp kept fortun, . At llut thr lron.flnk but elowly, but -•

\\"ED:SI!SDAY,-Auj~. t.-A ud aod memorable clay running- to the !ell, and thu• cbafttl ar.d "ltrained-the tha momentum or deteent tacrcaaed ao 11 to lay l"ftl in thQ annal• of Atlantic Tel~grephy.. After m:4niallt oeble greatly "'"" the bow. , The Or~at Eutern at "eae on the pleklns ap macbiner,., which wu Hll• the wind ro.e, •ccompanj,d by beny ahowtre l r could uot go utern le•~ tbe cabje ahould be anappetl, d.erld &\"alleble r~r lowuing tha" oonl -apr rain anJ dt!nte drif~ orTPf1 •nd incr .. aed tn a atrong and wuhout ·mot on tome way there ia no po.-er of w[th w'~rranl or aterch to the fuaitiYft bldd111 Ja • 1 .. gale to tho 8. W. , ~ut t)le ahip acarcelt Mt It, and •tlt'fl&e,:' At thit critical moo>ent, !')01 the wind torloua eanrna ben .. th. Lenatb llew afltr ~ w~nt on paring out cable without let or indranett at aliilied ao u I() under it rool'e · aim~ult fo ltrep the o\tor oogwbooland drum, till the Iron, Wltlllioa wltl& a hiKh note or tpeed-aeren knoll an hour • • About htad o( the abip -up to tbe·eable.~ A a th• coble thut work, b~ateclet lut ao u to ooonrt the......, throw do) break the wmd auddenly abifletl to N.N. W., an4 chafed io·mueh tliat •ln two pla.eea damage wu done upon the macbintrr Into claude of et--. Tile tJ.e r.!Lto aJt~hL.b.teue, a~flal Le,m,Jbt...(l)urH waul- olt,.l..lhaclr.le cbain-a'IC: a: wilirJipo. belonglag to one •PAJ•etl heuily lodMd I All lite ball tll8tl.oDt.ia die tertd toN W. by W. 1-2 W., the aea falling, Morn- of\bt cable bWiya were pui~ onr the cable and II· 'y-.J, and no ooiH wu·b-tl aoept the dllll pu. ing broke beautifully, and the. cable ran out e .. u,. 11t- ·cured In a blg~l below tbe hawaebolca. Theae wera ins 'of the wire l!lble onr the wbeela at the liOn. the rate of aeve" mile~ an hnur. At 0.36 a.m., •hip'~ "hauled ao at . co bririi' tba cable to the ritrht-hapd 'l'IM -.,oat epetbetlo iDd IDdi&rlllt waaltl u•e -'· time, the p~dtllea were, l!~pped, and at 0.4~ _the abip' aide of tlje bow, the a hlp" a till dri(\ing to tho lei\. It llced muob tO ben btard th• ramble of die aable wu itopvtd by .or~~ra fro•n the eleetriciana' rOQm. wo neeeaury to do tb11 lnatnct or nrring awer, •• agala, and w011ld hue thoupt llld Mlettaltllt tile In racl, at 8-a.m., Greenwich tim·tt. or • minute afler, •• were nr.r the ~nd of the cut o~ cable. ·In the bow moat rrlltafol m111il In \be world. Tlae BleotrWatat wbilat tile •lfttrielooa...,.wtre paaailiK theftr,tt or be - thtre-i a large !:on 11heel; wllb" a deep lfl'OYI in the room WU GlOIId,·allther aul!Jle .. ppantul etoocl fuD .. halr:"bourlr a•ri~ o f cunenta to the "ihon,tbe gal no-. clreumftorence, (teobnically called a V wh .. t, fro111 &he tlonl-, IUid oell aloo and eopPet ~of lllptrloa­ototter •udd.en!y detr<>led a.lluw- oJ r!t"Ctri9ity which' gror~'t) llyotbnide ot which ia a. tlrullar-but-'ntAII oue cvrenCAI In the dukeof'll mamblr. Tile Jooklf• indioated .ve'iiO.ii Jault, 1"b~ lttla .guano ruult •br..l on tlie llmf uia. .Tbe callle and_ tbe wire bed run thtlr raoe and n~powd ill tWr iloa Mddl•·

sn.,hta (coni<d,lo . ~orumulated· Fuod) • . 121 II . 8 al to l'!CIIity, rur the" liiul '(U 'rttJ .nrying j but it rope tofether were tominr in oYer th• bo*a In the' Tba cfrume beet DQ more 1 tbeiJ' loa1 ,_'Jbr W81 Nuu••.r.oll.ifo J'olici., cunl1l.t on ll1c 31•t Do.cttu~r waa gene~ally l,tolieyetl(.p ~ n"t. far frQ..m the ll_ern ifOon·tn 'the larg_er whetol, the d4~lc belng :!"011nd endeil at lut.ln the mullllll rol! of d•th. Tilt&

1862-540+, ' of the ehtp. h appHof t~at wbtlt·Mr. Or.r111 Fteld opon a drum.~ bebmd. by lb" macht11ery, wbtch -waa wblch bad bttn broltlll ouu1d llYI 110 1rOIIWe te AFif"~" ol"tboA111oun11 tbenoby inourtd 2.169,7St. - wu on. watch fn· \lie Ia'!~• a little ~ore the ti.iae ol'- taore.in.mouon, end ' the · wire top• . h«i)lg ~ken In breUJ, !ful!llm t!lunqfll e..Jqio.llw ... t.U ... _..""

·o~mg chitftJ to the ~rut odnntog .. oft"onltd by the the ICC:Ident,e grotlus ao1ae wu.aucbbltatlbe cable round tb .. papatan br ban. But tht ropt pnd cable mute wltna ... 'll'etlleatifylna to the t~Di11'11111111lilia Co"'P'l!f to thooe •ba Join t~e · Participali"l' et ... uf POlicy.- llew our the coil utdo. One ot "the t•""rteooed. !i"eie not. eomlqg u~>-1n · ri•ht llno,but-tre IMing ltauJ. wiahN. ' hddrtl 111 (' nUqUf'11ce c.( !'hfth eotnpantinly r.w iun&ac::: -f" r- r D ~ tioo• fuid •hch woy to the. • Non-Pottit:ipatinj!" Bnnch, rho 'banda immediatrly aeid :-' There it e piece ohtir.,' . \n WJ!h a ft'eo} tlrein o~ them at an a~gle rro.~ tho AnJIItw Jh• wire •!renda 11;111\11 1fttr Jtel'la• du• il• ot the prOf.~orthi• D.pa.nmwt ~.,,., .. uy pouo ... • end callttl to th~ look oul man ebefe to.pua tbl\ in· tt&ht-hanJ! 11t!e, ao thay dtd not wprk dtreetly Jn the · Ocean ,. .. Indeed lnaatteblt. • !lion' licl • man.• r ... in~,rrut for tbe Sboreh&l~•n th4n thoy.olo ror Ute Inrun:d (ormation aft, bu~ no nolice •epee:ra to hhe bren . in tfio wl)eel. Bull, up they-came. The malo wu cried the tleuahttr o( \blhor .. J.Gb• from tbe blltk

l t' nrlo r'tht"' ci"'mnolonr:tt,it ;. tot he l•t•er tbot Y ur DirtC t.aken of the clreumlt&nH. Al\tr tbtah.lp wal ll llil · '1hown on the ·IQdieato:;:o ·be :rery big!>, but not nrar night or wateu, and ati.U the rope deeoendfll. o.._ "':-,._/ tent hAVe, in the 6t1t in•llllco •10 cll"tr t.btir tcdll'ltuladoo pet!, entlthe remainder oCtha"ilo&lt. e "ai_d~ out, a· piece a breaking iirtlln. .~ Jut up camllbe cable a ott thouaand fatbO<DI-II(tMil bundrecl (athou--• • 011 tlo ""'"''"or the yur. • • ' r . d , h .l :--.

•Uy comparinR the fi•"'!"h•s•ith former _RA,po1to it will or wire wu lffn [trojt"Cting out o( the cable in. the wlre· ro.,e •hackling tog I her on ·the V1 wheflln tba thouallll ••t oma -an .. lullldrecle ~· -·~ -.. be onnd thot iu leG-2 ol11110r uum~r oCoew <utranu joined ftake underneath that in wblcb 1he (ault·WU tu•pect: lio_;. :}fiiy . were wound round -on Jf alowlf, -a nil Ut>-1111 a~ lut, at 0,6."p.m,.; \he ttleln wu clfmiNIJi

tl•tfParticipatlniJ IJio,neh tlioo in any pr<Yiouo yur. The ed to niat; •~d on one or the m•n taltina i~ in hi a were opening onr tbe wheel "together, the 6rat dam• eel, eat! at 2,60(' liethoma, or 10,000 fMt, tile .,....a claim• b1 d .. th were, It the ume time con "d•r•blY li~hter llngera.,.and trying co btnd . lr"doWn. the wire brokp ~ l(e'd part bemg in boa d, -when • jar ••• gl•en to the ruched 1~1 htd.or th• Allan de, ·e: M& 10 Jt.a-:&u\ or

' th•n tht -••kulo•iont or tt.e Offiq pro•id«< ror; an the ahort oil'. It wu near!•· three inc_bu lon•, and e~i- .ayua11ometer, which llew up (rom .aixty cwt ,·tho finding and boldlnatha cable. lwn CUIIaJ ... • • omou11t oddtd 'ta the .ccumulated Fuod io within a frlc'ion ' · 10 ., t d b k • r dentij of bard, 111-ttm~red mettd, which bad ftown htghrat point marked,· "!ith a audct•n jrrk, lhree and o/ co una beyon umon nuw,tdp; hal u tM eblp

• ·•• 0 :v~ Non-partici~ation Brar.ch, wbieh lnlerftlt tbe"Pn>. out tbrou&h the rtranda in the tank. 'l'h• "clt.to .. r'y a.h.olr ,nchet-in fact, the chtiin a hackle affd wjre rope drifted down aerou Ita or e. there wu Jut • ..a

· ' j )!rio ton alOIIt, oltho•.•h u btforellated, the amount of new 'WU in aome mcuure a n,litf to men'a rnind4, that cl lunbcrt~ a•lt . were up out ,6( tb• groore on th• o( head-ahaki.DJf aurrnlu that tbl grapael mlabl~ 1 • bu•in,.. hu b<••nmall, the cloun by duth han not beta one cert.alaly-lhd t~• aeeond poaoibly-of ihe l'rOYi· rigbt-hand ai.dt of he. y of tha :wheel, got on thil it,_ that the ahtp miaht . fuel i1o, tb&& the _lioo ,.,..__,,

bdo"' whll wuto be cxpectt:d In the t.-tnty-stnllth :rur ~r oa• (aul:o, ll!lghl h.ue been the rnult of &CCtdenL top ,or the rtm ~qt th •whtel, and r4•h•d down m•gb~ be brought up agou., anU tbat tht oeblell-- · the C'<unpony'otxiot&..,; •ntl the oum cerri.d 10 the ctttitt It waa atmarked,-howenr, that tbil fault 114!efrrrrd_ln 'Whlra cra•lr on tile amaller:- 1tltJef, ~iYing no doubt i might-hen traa t!ae moat huardOIII bltola oltll-

. , • • ..... nhe Ac<"un.ubted Fun~ I• cotnSpondin~t la'l!•·.' b h II b . A h • I , ~ ' k ( 1 '-' . 1 • b 1 .1 "(h 1 b L• ll '"'"" • .L--1 _._ , , . r To lUng the two Urauch .. tDCtthtr, it oiitl be am th.•t. In l e ••me watc u a t e pUYIOUa onee. a .t ~.au t _!;tenre a1.ot ~ 1 Je e u•t, to w 110 ~ wu auac leu. eeme up •• au rcnatng. ut...,., , • ._ ,.,_ • , . niiJI\~r or New Pulici<1 i.llou d, 181!"'lf&le or ••n~ounll m•ur- wu too tHiou• to be OY<"flooked and aa the~ wa a The m~obincry .waa ttill In motion. "The eablo and' --And .•o lo the <I at knou. of lbt olgbt, no\ -

• •d. onil' l'mt~iuma orising Uoercrrom, the mult• ofrheyear difficulty in de!eeting i~ eitulltlon, preparatiooa were ·tbr rope ranlled ,rt t<fgether, ono t~'!"•rd• tb~ cap- jtloomy thao ht~ errand, tbi Oreal Eut.ata, una, • OlCC<thltOJeoho:r of ito prcd..,....ra." ,made to get tbe ·picking up apparatlll readr.. PrOYl· .at4n 'the otllet io•ard ,tiM drum; 'l'ioen; juol u the cleareU awaf one of lue q. 11 buuy1, and~~ ll oY•

~ · . Dl\'.I.DBND '(0 SllARBIIQ.I.DERS. __ o!!!.Jo doiouo two cull werc~>madt in tha cab~tbi cable reached the- d)'llanumet r1 !t ~arted, and wilh, h" bewa,wu len ·u a aport to tht willd, 111d tlr\tt.acl ·. ·- Th; Ro~nrheo gon 00 toolatethat, huins r.ganl to tbt 6nt a .. r tbe bfd ap ice betw"n tbe miif11 ahtlt . e one liound !taped ,_, . h -11etre onr tl few feci o tnter· at the tate of ahen17 r.et • minute ckllra UpoD the

biMb l~ .&tarocLO'l' t.(Uoto uflloe ye.r, aud to the :.u1e of the fore tank, cable all rigbt-tbe aecond wt thne m11... •enirig apace, anti ftt~bad i.Jlto the aee. I~ i• not pot· itba&iner) line baoeath .wbich tha o.blt baclellllk to


-· - . llnntu• l:'urd tbe Dirtetoro bod pkuurc io m:onum-ndiur onbolrd, wnicb. abo wed t~e fault to be o•erboatil: albt• fqr an)' w.ordi to portr~)' tbe tliamay \l'tlh whltb uu:~• reaL · · (

' · lh• i•ltlitt.t ofanlnerta>(~ l>i•itt.nd,attbc r•te or £10 ~r The wire roptiacd lht chain were now e.etllted tcr (be · tbe tight ·wa irllntiJ~ant.: the newa hterd. It wu . 1UUUDAT, .Auguit 3.- Throarbov& tbe~& ••ctnt.olllte I'Alcl-up Capitalofi~Com,..n:y, aodthe ••me cablu forward, whicb abo•ecla mui"um •~lin or aullicll!nt lo moreto teau: And •hen a mar~ came droY~ the Ornt &.tern o•~r the Atleado, !~';::3 ~ ~~":d~u~~~ £::'~~:!~'f.':.'• parohJ.o, twtnty-tliree ond a"ball owL, .nd at 9.M,·Oreenwich -ft with a piece. or the loner end laabed a till tu the · In her oour • the gnpnelantl 1•0 md11 _. • C

.. , · 'OBN. "RUICKSIINKA, L.L D, Secret•"'· time, the cab1e wu anered 111d wtnt our the etern, . chain, ·apd one · aew the tortured atrandt, tht torn or•line, iritb wblth oh• wu fla'ainr for the loa::'~~~ ~ " -, 1186 mile• banng been paid out wbtn the end •p!ub- "l'in•, the lactreted oore, It' It no nagreration to tay Whan morniag o.tnt~, and whtn abe wu 111~ 10

~·A\)GUI:I1 US ·o . . liAYWAlW, A,mt for ed into the water. Witb 1111 di11iouhr · tb111 u•ual, · tb\t a tttlilp freling or pit,, u tbouab far ·aome bne go}lt beyond-utt traclt ol hrr pc., .,. • ..._ · ' . ' • · / Ne'll'fouodlaad. in fact, witb eompentin tacilitr;th• cable wae htul- ""atielit.crtlllln DiutUehd ·aa4· ~-ai!Uidtr by th# watcben of tli• • liue-:-bll ball ODot .. dan • ··.1 . · st: J illjn'•,·Aug.o. .· . ~ • • . . 1


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Page 2: ·ecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18650830.pdfa~t! then he hr. t~n~ on.,.u~da to hi~. c•bin., Mr. a ph!lo•?rtoer'a ,a&one. But, thea, what would tboy }'poJd,

·, ' ' • .. ' - ..


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been jnr~u•!f agitat d hy a ~e Mwa aha• th! 11r~pnrla buoy )TU tbr..e n>ilea d istant, and g~•i ua b~arlngs:• '••• a~oe~oo!'er. lyio~ to by the ll r> t ~uoy, and ~ran an.! that benl.nll hn•l struck~? ~nd ~rut lt~pe1 ,.·ere lao1.1inlf, an;! ... ere, u 11 prond, dtctlv-<l.:..p r~ The OreaL J..Asto>rn ••••aaed up, and found the buoY gin11 along11de wu balled hy th• n>o aer, '!'hose narne \Vere eotr rt amed of II jtllll<l bcrr m<> fi •lad r

rl'd to bout "'" the wir~ ro ,. and ·~•k th••ir fortun~. at 3.4J. · She •iKnalled to the ter til!to 1 01ain h ~_Ql kf!!l li to •~'1!!.\'e i! he wu looktn~1 ~' r ~~~ ..Makerrl al!O.:U lent)• <>m 1, ;,11"0 h•··~ . ...;.,._..., ·~,:....;;.'-'•,.,-+-'jf.L 111 ·a.m. te.'n .. ae tt m.t,L ep1e in~ UJlll~•cu nt•, 11e uuy dunng tfio ntg L, an ThCiiltea1n~ • .W. buqy. Th e- O.neat tat;_or a come up d co's! of Lnbr dur t ae prnc:~ • ~e son

. . · .. r e for d h• a he rap•tan c .. n tuoll)~"·• • eL to work I>•.· II', for •is mjlu, intending to dtift and puL dowo though the wind was fai r for bim here •• 0 " T he foil "inn i d • 1: ry . ~ 'r

' whal he could to llid tho WOrk, and 10 Juy 10 1111 the <' •1 ·~ • l,IC\1'6 olVO•ltOtl Q!

. . tn )leu I up the line wh i h bon• a ltt in f ten tons. th e ,:rnpnel if the wind chnnjlt'd. • ,1. ' bl IJ•twpre IN a-linlv rr"ri'l when · · by •'Seaulcm n -. ho ut rn· o:l .~ere on Slturd

1 · .. At fir t itc..meup n il) ,atrdthedyn•momete,.how C:<u.\Y , Aujt. 8-A ·uighLofl'o~ a.nd Clriulin~t r roa eeameup. '· • ' " I · h , D ' d • d · • r · n h · · , 11 d b · d f I' 1 be ,...1 told th• tthe cabl had nar.tet! , and 1 on. glod all an t c Ilea mer. '."'no-11 • and con bo aa r-)1 • , • only a tram ,, . ra .. htr<'n cw•. ut. l e r 1 to nee rou1 was •o ow~ v a morn tn!l an ay o nr) 111 e • • r 11 d •

.. . .. ' tbe rope ropidl)' incre• td, \ill it reacht'd n poinL h•ller "'"'h r. ·The 'l'•rril<lo wos ai>en e&rl)' 111 the that the narne of •he lht lo YO ••Ill known aLa <<· dr pcnde uro.n fur accurary :- · indicated by iO cwt. .'\l i.l5 11.m .. IOO faLhon>s hod auornin11 through · a break 111 th e r•ll of thick (;'' I' nll. ~ ueteu to the' Flui-'Frua_l'' of Urid]JOrl, anJ Augnsl 17 -Brig Hktbor,ll ol·un I e Tick I ·~ ~n reconriid. AL 7 .~~ 200 l• thom , the roin in· cluuda "hi h 8 Mtd Mer tho water, buL •• l<>• t••ght b1av ab-e. re ch Harbor Oraco in tafcty. Aft• r tun>t I ndian an-! E 1 il) '1 lbrbor b at; :;00 1e· · •' ttft.inJtiO 76 ~!fl. t\t a.m 300 f .thonu w rc in, of in a •bon timr, and of c~nru the buoy ,. .. · inn•• rJ.tiberallo n with. llr, ~ooeh,, Capt. ,And.r on ~nd GOO qu'inta 1 , ' 7 ' ane• and iL brcame evident thaL all on board that the grop- ihl , Thero ha, Lc n no gontj ob.ser•at ion now for ot h•rt, Mr. Canmng d c1dtd on "' k•ng arothor I· 18 p k' H b r' d Il 1 1 d nellwu b6lding on ond lifting aometlnn'g f< ont abc till''" d~ , nnd we 'tao only gar .. wheru11e ate •. The (otll)l\ to gra'Jiplo the ~oli.o'and take iL on board, on.d · - c

1. or J a~ ong san bo&i'e

; '· bot <Dm. And •hat rould thateoru thing be but the no rf w inrd .so edingly cohn, and we <!r ifled along ordu •rcre~:in'n Lo live oil wircr~lteana l hawa•r fit l-20 10 l-10. ••m••a •I 10 .)00. · .; · -eablt? Tbe u:ient j8c men calculottd Lbe strain , and 10 11eodily LhoL iL \1' 1 diOieuh Cor one. ia. tlw uloo.n · fo r .the JIUrtfo e in ru,)jnell: I.ieut. l'•owoe retu rned · Cu_rlcw, Or~d r. ~lack hi nd, . lndi n Tickle,

,., . , · dttttmintd it eoulll nbt b~ fro:n tbo •ire ~opo and to to ·lh·•·-e he wo afl oa t •in the Atlauti"c. 'l't.• fog· :P the Terrible tu t OII\IIIUmco(o th• rc ult, anu ~· .'· Dummo 11uJ U.ll t ~ aus, boa~O, t :> 100, scuic1 • , - ppn ll•okly, ana it couf<l only be inf.rrtt~ Lh n thot "hi •tie oounded ito mo t dreadful warnin~t• ron IRU· C'li!Tord and hi I If orep rtd for the I ut <ITurt. I 0 3 to 500. . · . ·

• , ulb• bottom· of Lb e tlar.tiQ il rree fr:nn rock here, oualv throughouL lh• day. AL LOA~ i.m., chu rch. AI obr iaLe the t~il whi<.h hao ori~Crom the pick in ~ · 11 1' · .Griffi n'• llarb?'r: boa ts 103 to 130 • . : ··~d ~-·~e tlpth.af•hit b th• rope bt~n to real.~·· noou StilT Commander ~Jorairty dt'duc d. I ~fand 'tnochanery. r.m .. g, ~ t:ll,oing is 10 be PUJ ruu&nl ·~· . S eal Ial~nd s . C~m'forl IJ i.:ht , ,; l~tcra R ek . ! , . cfccd with· the auppostd 1oundanc•, at had r , lly lon~r • .lroru hit esp<rienot', and from many t•ltulatiotls c:>JI tan to mcroase ••• d1ametcr by four C••1• ond •••h 1 1 d H k H ll b ~(l • 0 •

· rar.plfll th4 pr_in. At !I tho opur wb .l ttf the pa~k • and d vice& '(o make. up for I he ah~Mce..u! a 11111 ind allock1• iUJdJwinl o b ·· ·ite.r.ollll. will-b r r d _l' Cl pn aw ~ ar or, >att 10 !IQ, tein 1 · _- ' ing_·ll ~)ilratu brrll:.t,• a~td the optrauoa of takang the horiaon. - ~'" o'dofk, p.n>.th e b ·ny w • •up)to,_ nnd rep I• :1!<1 b)· a"""' •yaten>_of t.olta. 'fhis lf ilt t.d<e 250 ~ 300 .. ._-'!"'--. ..-- n ·ibt pi"bt<:ame d ngtrous aJ wdl u d1tlicult ."f<>r d to beaome liheen nnlet elf u1, N W. 1·:t W , the tw(l' day• 19 arcont;>lteh. Tho Great Eustern nnd '~'• •· 2 .-Venason Tielt:.le1 boa II !10 to 100, teine1 ; • .J ll~ P.~•9im~s w.it h 1ucb force aa to knock down •ind bein& 1!:. • E. h thur appear• we ltu•·o h¥ o rihlc kept by the buoy till 6 o'clock, .. hen Lh• inrr a- 2~0 tel -100.

':' '<' •• · 1lao.o• ;Jltar 1t, and one o( the mo t nluable oC 1lr. dtirtiog again II tb e wind. Therrfore people oay -'The in!( win!l and ••• nde~rd_ it ,espt'dienL for t.h:'!' 10 D ead · I land, Triang · ~ .-· DU(f : H arbo r, and · .. . Cannlni:'.s :a:alr rec<>ifed a atTtre cut on tht cbe<k, OulC StrF m,' and ~iplain n~rythil g. Night co10 krrp the~r hP~d• to the \\ .~.\\.,and up to mal ~~~~~.1 • Sq11 nre ht.,nd, bQoll 70 10 100. 1einea 3 10 4•00 ·· and aae•her bad· an ugly inJ"urr ili ft ictcd on hi1 Coco in[C on w lo)· to in fug as befor , uttlcontendod oflr · hnal\ \'tUel•. tn •olerahly ~lo•• company, ateam· · \\ · 0 • 1 H b b 7'0. SO · •

•· • ....., ' · ..,, 1'he wealbor: whicb bad .bo-en T<r)' arf•~• •ith hopin11 fur t he future, . '. ·N. \\•, in holf a j;alo ~r " ind, which the Oreal E IC111 ccnStor.a ar or • 0 ' 1" to • lttne• 3 t.o . , 1hiek and ban, now , uled down into a denu fug, ~l o:su,\\', Aug. 7.-Tho 1rnthtr "as thick ln · thi .me< 11 ithou ttb• anta1le•t inconv•r.ienc~. 400.. . -: · · • .-

' . ~ ·• ' 'I nil-' tlon- tght or th Ttitiblo ; but the confit t i·•o ni •bt, bat cl<art'd a ay lo>~ard• 4 a.m., and aha Ter- · \\' ~ll:<f.~llA , .\us. U.-Uuring the night • •tr n . I• a 111 "11 S htp· Har'lbr~ Frail eat 1-farbor anJ ·. . 1hat Ult~ cable,...., re lly once moN auacheo to tho tible soun afttr ol ylue3k, ,..., vi•ible nvar the huoy lor ze, \\hich ev n • Uo r'l enlh•d a summ er'• ;.-nl r, Bil!h•, ,bol._ 60 cr. iO, aeanea :.!50 I'> 300 . . •. · .;9reat ~tern, no mauer bow precariouily end no front which we had Urift~d 12 mil•• · i3nal was o1ade bl•w from the. W. N. \\' r.n.t roioed n lt eovy atn which . i\l erch•u tm 11'6 Har~or, boau. 70 to !JO, ecioea· ~ •: .matter bow far olr, a!rord d too much m Urr for con. LO ir. qu lr~ if Wb \l'etC gni11g to grapp)P for the (;abl , .. l }h< Grt•t Eu<ltrn rolli.J) • ~lillie. at)d .£:.ll Nl !l1o 2.,iQ t<t.:l00. _ -- - -- • -~P

1\-~,-. • rt'111UilloD. tonJ - tuN -atti! tU!Jl~n.lt to .illow !'inc!b to w.ll1rh tlie OreaL .E'<Sl'orn ~~~ wrretl inth.,..a ffirii•a· P!"'~c•lon of• · ll~dle.,' on the u oph 1&. . • •L, 11Tl t1t · ':>lurrny'~ anrl Lit Jo H ·rbbr ilo&u ~O 10 1o· nom 'for otbtr tboligb!.. . Thrr.e..,.'(as a c~ance, J La llvr , and the ship• \hen 'ichang<d1atitude and long IIIIIP, as a l".""aullpno~y me4 uro 1<1 ch~ck •h~ t•! •y oJ seinrs 250 to aoo. . ' •

\ha eable tnag'htbe ·ura~egtd "I' from the itudt. .\1 s.a "'"'· the GrtaL E a ttrn t••ued th Jllat~s and d< hes. 1 he roll• " rc very ataldy •nJ - . ,. •


. et.etJ b'undr d rat tlom or hawoer haded in b•IO)- tlOd OLeer d N. \\'. 10 Dl to Jtt L TFering ro.~m fur .,.,. •ul r; Olld ·~ ll ' tec/lnob or t her~ ahou~. Of course Sprnr li ar but, bo~ts '0 to JIO . ae ao cs 3 to bowa wu jbyotalT- recorde<:, &lid m rk<d .-. · tlo~ ll'atmd ami for .:rifiing down on tb~ eourae' of rr wa ftllpo iblt t.i k"''P near tho buoy unrl •r ouc~ to -1007"' - •. - -

a~:~~':?t"'P [o tb t 'mareb ofthd forlorn hope . t he ••lilt. At I . 0 ILm., the T•rrible being dtllnt circum•tnnc~ •• OJid at •is p.m. i< ... . ... t.uluted we Ualllo - 11 rbor, C•p• C':hul is and Chimney •· 1 &.3ilN and ;>)lllrd at ifit were a livlnl; . about 12 rnil a,'ahe Gr~ l Ea11ern "" lloppcd , 1nd hoJ run t hir ty-o re n.ilu At thot hour thu 1o1i1•'• Tickle, boat~ 60 ~o 70. seine• :.! to·aoo .

.... n••-aod tltucla OUI of a conoid\!.table anglo frorul he al 11.10 •hip'• time, IA7 p.m. Oreeawich timo, the cuuu. \I'U ah<red, so 01 to let her brar d .. .. II ..!' " . . H enley H rbor aud Chatt.aas, lloats a o :o • • ·,<bow•, •• i(ii were towed b.J iume giant to• c.: U!L<li; •. g rapnel, wiLh ·•;oo f.!thoms o(tablt, wa1 ho•e ovrr.•. _rho buo)·. and eb~ tteared nrarlr r\ ~. 1::. t o1r~rrls 40. seines ·10 10 GO.- .. ..

· -ih 'ud &'fa :rrom tbeat-am r. \\ben 300 r.t~ - ::.o mucb wu the ni cbin ry lmprn.-ed Lbat Lhegrap- the 1'</rtbl~. "hieh was iJl ••ght, Iring to •o !ted lh )·. bouts .SO 10 GO. seines ~~O • . Cillo 'II' r e.,on •rd tbe moat 1ceptical odmittt <L tl,e uelw 1 only bol fthe t.me in teaching the bottom, on~ •• to g i v~ riaa .. to •he hope 'hat . •h• ..... ' hung

'• ' t:abl. ·m,.at, t;.·in the Uon book•, aod a11aii'ty and a us: at 12.6 1h~ diwinntion in the •train ou Lb'e d(n~molo- in u n~ r our m! •ing .,a . mork nl wns pru . J,a .ce A' Lout>: lioMs.. l 00. ~ • , •pfJlte-rOIP hij!Oer JUI at Uie 'Jlrobabil ty of r CO\'Cf• tier, tbow•d thai it .... ro Li ug Ill 0 ! I : l'li't d•f om • At n'O n our )11\ hloh " s lat. 5.1 !!!l.ao. <u n;: • •• A guo:l si n-o( h~rr in . II trl rra-tho s·hore , "n

. • ',

·. ~ th• <!'Iii• beCame, I u wid•. UuL at S:W thip!t turn ed ouL moat fu••orablt ; aat~udr bNne from. !b~ :10.6.0. 'fhe Tnrible, in reph· to our a~n)l , u .u fl<h catching in mo 't ploc~-- Tho wea!ber- IYd ll!D•,:all· om· !'Uta and hope wwo abruptly ended. NdrLh- drift ing the thip tow rd ;he Cable at t ile rate h did not JICil the buoy, buL h• licved it to be S.::<. v.ry u1 fu~our~Lbfo. for m~kin fi<ll • 'lbe drum·lltw rouod r ljlidlr . t.be :ail of rhe rope Onu. of a mile an hour broad !dr 'on. - At noon uc.l!eot> !;. r'f her. At 12:~ Lhe Grc•l I.:. at rn •~• ah r•a•a

-riallecl iD ih4 atr af ' 'it, ftew J!lb'lard, .and with " olight oba•r;.ationa were taken •hi® J!UI oa;;r po h on att.t : or tlfo r. riblr, nnd alltr'N h<r eou11o to · ', !Jr ·E, 1·2 apleali~otberta:I'di<fd'io\o'tb~ Atllllllic. Oneortbe 61.27long. 3 .'12. }'or • ~vera) hour th o 11r•p~l K ._and uth •h; p•,«ith look out ann in tho topo, >ll·

·' 11<111 owi l bad )'iddri to tbt ltrain. -The rope us d ·drag11ed a h e bottom wilhout ob tructi~n. · '!'btl d) nl· n• t'd tlieh crutinr of the t. ro•·ioc ntera ot """'• · · wa cfl•~ intoJrni{bs 'qC.IOO foLLomt, ea~b bninj; 11 mometer intlicatOd a v-ryih~ r<lillcince to ita piogreaa. diotanc,o· aport. It •'as a d iffi cul t an~ <Xtilia.g chase.

·atiadile •tll!e nd, 11'tlh a btU)' iron a~iret. ' I be AL 0 14thu 1tr in. incre 1 d front 4J ct..t. .hl 4 C!ft., t\t a !bile diflon•e the buny ,,.., hut a tpi'Ck on ah Mad. ott~• bold qf one of• tbcoe bacf ,h n. drirea ahd roo•• b gu to · riu etudil)· tonrdo JJ c t : and· ocnq. c.,,, t nll ~llll.Jial 1 had been driving !he vo~ -

• "' _risbJ lfaroliab ~~ iro'n collar a,l)C)Q fathotn,;.hlld beeti thenrc to GU cwt. ' l?r t:a,n< ly tb•anxlouo •Y • ~wt. : .;~~. I• ubouL all 11i~ht. 'l'h•lnlnr :nigh: have been ca r-~·ed. · 'Nut .a motnenL waa . lo•t:in d tcidhig irh~t . -.:ere11:ctd oil the ccmpaaaand cm.U\~·head o.Cthe Guo ried awoy in th hr •Y ••:i which ..:n$¥unning. Ag !"

~A !1!:111 t•s ncci • nt or.cy rtt·d t T'!PJ4il ., the son or Mr. J.ohu lla ll.!on, who r~ id s :n , ' · ncillh.b~ r bo?<l, by 'th ., o e cid ~nl I di•char~:u of . gun i~•tltc hands of a componion wbile tol(etl er· in the wot d • It apprar that the ch rg (.;bo•r ll fUr k •the f<J rtbcnd Of p00r 1-J ,I<IdOO, Who n IY

' lies in a cri t\c .• l conditi tm ·: •t~ti , abo utd· be a JDeaa~e &6 puuue: It""' r~tb~r eceouraging than EaJJe'an oburred i. .tery alight. (~nif-ncy in hrr ·bu'd aL a.b~~ a:au,. shit•'s time,_ the '1~rrih!• on tl . Oreal

•dle-ftHrN ~ bnt 1111de the m al ao..abrup~t1 coo..'. !" comrnund t~ the wand.. It WJI ~to~, nry to Ea I~Ln. c~me a ear en_l ugh to rs~ho .. g.e. .. •nata. Cl..t.d, l9r 11. wu demonstrated ibat tin gra;Jntl ' tndCt-11. 'fbe abt;> cum•d httle. to not•ct tboanUura1~ • II !~ ) OU •• n th t buoy,?' a ktd tho r n cr. 'Cbe on· ,OOIIId )I~ op the cabl~ in more th n 2000 fathomJ, Ia which she waa ·becommg painfuhy 1ut,j~c ed, ui1- : 1 1!~ "'" ' No,' a ltd then foll"'••d mqre·•;qnall is lu tlwwi.te rope of be cable itself would btar.tbe pur- dalnlng thifceble clue wbn;b i olicit.-id ber attentioll •muU~ll po it ion. Capt . .'\urlcrson nml Stnlr Con>­·dlaw ad welglrt of baulinJr1>1' frOOl4Uch uot drptba. to the l•br!'inl h ot ~ible brneath, bu: in au hour a nil 'm~ndrr ~oriort) trete w.orkin;: nut calculatioill, OJod

w ,rnin~.t to (l,..trr!•· allm...m 'hl'"i ~luren !be ·usa o! fire rn10 at.!oo ealf)' 1\" •:r~ . •

1:7 \\' Y. nrc pi•• e,J t.o learn th~ t a •econd Vol·


' ,,

. .,._ .... wirt rop~ enough left tp ohke anot bt .r at:· a holf rbe c~wc rouool from ~ by S. 1 2li. to K ll 4 sbaua1ing tho ruonrcet of thrir art in. fixing the ... p& 10 NYI the cal.) e. n wu retoiTe!i th:.tlbe Y. 1'h.~ ltr~[P ,grvt,. gaColet ~nrymumeot. 'Ow~ . ll•ol'lll$1 and diotanoe af.the n>il'ing ohj'"d. 'tlify "-ito!!,..__ to..puraut ""uld be,-a...O<ifl ' to poinl- uh ' bl.'-l o IOt>s r IO~oubt; The.(:Jablr.r&a-callghl-;- ocarcdy di!Trred a mil• in ;\b~irreapecli'l'il re oltr, el.,... -pie of aillta to the Wfatwatd of tbe place wheie egoio. · Uer wu a Lri urut•h pf oeamantitiJ• and p r- tho ugh the•t.ip had been 'ltering •••erol c uues, frJ tile a.ble tad grapnel ~ra. auppo .. d to be, 10 aa lo ao•l'rancl. ,Tbe lhiJI'al:ud iru brough\round to th t! •hort diatance .- lL wot poaith ~ aL 'ltiat that if. 1hr aq;) oanelna or~~ a!atl. cauMd br tba eo.deuour wind.b.J t~e •erew <~nd d!a ca~tan en~in! 'faa •• ' to bull')' 0Unttd ~~ito !llocnnct , ..ie wtre oL further than iii pt It ~a boara, and 11 WI! calculated that tl would •ark \o a1d .11\e new, machan rf altho p1tkuog.11p 111"11. \br¥ .or '"'' milt'! froaa -!J. • .Io , reply to '~"o•h•r ... - •••1 to jCel the cable ur> fJ'OIO that t~~d, and to bau"l up tho ·cat.te. AJ 7.4"9 Jl.m. tb111'( utne (UY. OlJ!n••1, tbe Great Eatt•rn •Dformea the '1'tr(iblt that tht I~ iuadatiott wou1d probabl)' be perftCI east· 30 Greeuwiel, t ime) the nrain rao up to 00 cwt ., and be was going to ·gn~ppel for tba Cftble 'iain. Sud-

'unteC1' lt ifl e .Cumpiny i ir, c->ur e of furm ti ••n bore, anJ t hAI uur pa;blie'spirite.t to~<nsma!).. W • J, s:· Doone I ·, 1':~. . has ordcr_!!j. r..L.l!.is n._.....,._.;; ex pense "lauata fur aixty men. We bopt a-oun to se~ them on I he' march, ' headed by, we pre:

• ....,. oftba rraJlntl, uJhe abap would b• a t tbe Val- at 8 p.m. the ill· fat d macbinuy broke do•n aL Lbe de,:ty the much ought fur ft ag ·ellff waa d!.eo'fl•rtd - nda aide oft he lf!!lt wh'clt.bld c&u<ed apc!l disHJera. J><!_'!f,.~Jl..cl 4light .Ulay·occurred, but the main pari of r(om the Great Eaattrn' 1 alid u Iter Oa~ wrae go:ng - Capt. "'KiianiOn p~td to LUD fourt.eon or flll een tha ,.o,k'being. transfe:rred to Lhe capst..in Lbe rope alul\ to announew lbt fa" to the '1'trrtble, a oign•l . lllllee llaclt, and dnl\ down ai owly u pouible wat ateodaly hou!ed in at the rats or 160 fllthomt jld Crom the l•tter waa icing up. at he1 discovery o>f it

1 - tbtlbe ohhe cable u duuibtd, but the wind bour. At 11.30 abip'otime, aoo fstbomt wtre in, ogi1 · and il\ poaitlon to !be Ornt E.llt~rn.. AL -&.40' p.m. -act orery l'aTciurable. On allrting, 't 1.30 p.m., tho dynanon.eter •bowed a 11eady arraio of 62 to IJ6 tbe Orea' ~ttrn was abN'all cfthe buor, tlowod her

· alllp'atlme, '"e Oreal Butero .!red a gur, to warn c .. l .· A lonly m'<!onligbtaod a Cjl)m ua aod fnour- tnginee;aod vu\ her helm to ltarboard, in ordtr to lhe TfPrible 1111 '!l'as moTiar, and aller oome uP,e a iog breeae incr aaed tbe pleuure •ith which all not •tat aa cloll> to it •• poaoibJo. Our tniuing friend 4l!ac.t th.ud tbr0up tbe foe made 111 aware that tba tnj!a; ed in duty .reLired to root, and thankfuffllr the bau tfiden\ly puL in a b•rd night of it, and bod puii­.Terril.Jie had bard the aiJnal. Sti!l. at nothi ng bnghL 1~op~a for tO'·ml>flOW: ln tbt wur,da of!'ur aig· •d l!i•ll"' ~o.tigbt rouna bis tlllr t"bat not? vella~, ... - ' h•rd Crom btr, tht Oreal Eaatern blew nat L'> hmble •• •ere ,o,og on ho1•~fully. , of at waa fltalile norp\ tb• rl'd bara. 'fho Terrible

._ ,...._.,. and attiUII-wbiadee, and fired more gun• 'J'UE&IMT, A~g .8.-.,Skall, 1raman1bip, perae...oranee came up aa-.r'ke]lt on our. port beam. 10 aa to \tlllcb M ... a&talllfod awa7, ud al\er a time it waa tbuugbt hue rai led. Our hopu appeared 10 nnr their frui- tbey uoy at tb• oLher oil!e. 'l'owar.t• eveninj! tbu •·ind we W loa& oar aole but rather dittaiat eomoanion. lion that the diaoppoaotmeot it doubtr ae•ere. Dr ruudit-....J nrr ntuc~ ~ud the ~«JCPduallT ran n .. tr dowu.: Xo oblerntioa coald ~~ .had, and our poaiiioo ••• the utmo•t e4ro and'conllaot watcbfulne11 Capt. An- Th.rwo•k ,or · p"'V""'~' -..l' ~~~ tiu.ll • ~u~ at uigha •he •attn of ~mill wbea tbe Oreal Eaot.ern bad der10n aod Stair Comrulllloler' M~riariJ ~·eked up tb• ·d..:La wne ~ll•·<d up~•!ll'• r .. ~tir~and qm••re~ u>·du <be ..:.t....o L- 'I • b 'L-d . blawl of l..cl.;a, 'U an 1! ranc, and <ron goowed fur the woo& -• _. au a ~r 10! engao~s were llopped uoy u descrau. ··-~nd dnfled t.crou ao_ caughL t!te of 10' n ruw. '.the <ap•.tanjlLlo be c...cd In iron, a tU by de·

oume, l\lr . U. a t.beir CoJ>LIID. . . &;;i" FiliD,\Y lu L , .. , a b···~· d~J ·,'vi•h our J~orl'~ men., i! being I he 'lir• t ,Juy o the •1•orting aea\ on,'' · .~ fe •• hral:~ or .bard~ only w~re ba~t~:ed, as p r:. ridifea are not over plenLy this season. '

&;;i" B'r tht Gaulle we obsnvo th 11t the Oencrai Electiona will take . plrice · in N ove mber nest, n9minari:~n nn ·the GLh &!,ld pollintr on the II• ~ .


An in')llUI waa h clol on a he 23rd intton', be­fore J. l'etera, E sq ., Coro~er, and "' j ury, 011 1he buJy oC Will iam Fromage, of ltoae Rlan·c·.c, liobern•en, wb.., waa found flo•O ng in the wa(e r ncar tbe premisee of Mea rs. Walker & It '"• when the jury_ returoed 11 ! erdict of foJild drown ed. •-•~"8t-lay-to for the aagbt·sn a •mootb aea. · able")' IUfday. fbere could be no doubt a~ollt a f. ,,..... nMIOI oftbe plcki~·\ID n~achi •lfry hu t..-11 l\tn~Y<d

l'am.u·, A•r· 4.-Drltllog! b7 no tileao• •xciting, 'fbo •train pro wed it, for iL increueo a!eadily aod coo- . ~~~ ~\''Pl!f.gt&r. A au ... ¥ r o( awi••la baYO h..- . r.mo•ed ec:=-=-=-=--=--==="'=='"=~=====:--=:==='"' .._llill~~oe011 ,.I'J, •• wt had no ather meant of get· at;uJLiy . . Dotwe<n 6 aod il.a.m . the dyaanotnet•.r rou WJ4c, ·~·~kt .. ~abta\ut..d; ""· ~ ~o w.ke the tookle 1'ull DISTRESS AT LABn.t.Doa.-The Q •••brc

tiN> ......_llllfecoMUiubleloulitJ•ht:re tre were fr om 6:.! cwt. 10 86 cwt., &Dd·tbence to '87·cwt., and it 11 ~f• 11 b •• Our 1!21"'1 ~"' """8· . . . C'11ron1'clo has the 'ollo••a·11a ·.-.. L • Lto- re -e un· ·-• • • • • u1 d b · · :uua U.\Y, Ang. 111.--fhc Grut Ea.<em dnf<ed from sue " •· ,., • " OJII'ftli0D6. fbe 1ft '!U calm, aod al, we •a• ca!~ att t l l Lbe grapoe! WI I~ Lbe <:oble -~ IO k Y < litltta IU I he Euttuul gain I ' the wilrl bet wren 9· d .. rotand. bave been recciTcd from the }ln. ' Jl,

W ao obHnadoaa yeat.erd::J, a hne wu patched theo nalng fro~ tbe liouum. 1 he rope·h•o •C'?DIIi. uo p.lll. 1 .. 1 night auct&ix a.m. tbi.o n>ornln in ,ob..Jimcc to a W ainr.igbt wh wa ntrutted- witb • 'lur di'ltri• --,....-: •2.10 taka_ aoudlnga, and b?tto.lll.S.aa...tnuch .at.eadily.at.aa..uerap..of-.160-..lathoma.an..hout~w utr- rong-anrw , H0:30 • ,., 0Rt~l1flc , li• e, !be g "n• 2:1100 C.tiM B.at of what tbe boUom waa c1 mpaa- the aicbt. At 7,30 a.m. a bore-was a otrong u.preu ioa wu hoT..o .. rboant, • ilh 2-16J fathonis wire rol"' ami"""""' but ion of tbe flour aent d owh l~s t fall fur tbe re­.telliMn,.. ao IDI&Oa of Judjrlag,'To&:.-lhlllltia-brue .. ot ~nlldeuce . -in ou'i .. •ueq.u. •aad rreai glbu u';,'> on · ~~~ach<d. ""'at 11'.18 Ull. , bad ofn out olr1. •• l :ior. The lier ·of Hie diatrosu d •hermon lin the cout oC ill ba·l:- •P alter 800 fat1iuma bad"-- got on detk board. Tne oilo mile mlrk ., .. .!lauled in aud we •lup,.UI"" ~ud•r can, .... 0 '11" '19"'0 acrop.the lin• or CA~l<, I,ibraJ or. Tbis relief waa me>s t timcl~, and erl-fte ~~ ·fl ~1

• "" • ~ . r' . . • .abOut 8 m1Jc or 10 W~t Of the pl, ct whert: the gr .. IJUe.J UUt: I Ttr e ound 8! oat early iD tbo forenoon. bad dtil'onatratN th' CaoL that-a 1blp cou d ·ptck up parted uo tlo~Stb. At ll.lfl a.n•. •hip'• alone, th•ro woa ao•n• a bled tboae who were unsucccss!ul in their aum -1

0.. of her boata, after a ,~u n1. ao111• two inilea, a cable 'in 2,600 fatliolllf. or. water aDd Jlull"l' 'onf mila •ligb .. ttpl -x· .lor ~pn<l boldius on beloor, bullbe •MJ>'• mer &·shing to aubsis t tbrou~:h the ,;.inter, M~ f -•ap with IJnt. Prowae to kno• what we were from tire bottotn,. :I-t&t cabh!-:wu noi_autpe&d .. d 'lGQ'I :h ad .U:OU I'\'COYf!<il. .At n-. our pt»illon a. :!6, \'' • • b h h I :1 d •dill ud what we intended to do. Tba one wu fatboma, or one zaifeaod a baJC below ut, in .tbo oCf'au:. '"'!I· :llh<!l. ~~d•ng \~ N.\y. At'!.... •cad .call)• • vaanrag. t, "' 0 " ttnel ~ over two hun •

• - eilll,..aol4 than \be Oilier 1 but u a ....,..,a} re• Tbe at rain tl!crei1fa. to. 811 ew.t. at ou audden- ug 1!'.1<11 tQ Jb• ~.,,u, ao!lilic. &triln ou..t~o ublo; wh•cl, b .d milea of the co .. t d escribes the-coodiLto • Lha _.. L. 1 ~ .... , L •·- • • • d d . . · • ~. .: . . ned frotn ru rt.. fiv<t c'll't, oreot up 10 lilt)' cw1., but ,,. peopl• e' apec'all . 1• P t t t '- · 1 ..... - wu I!•Onn.,. we meant to &Hp pegg•ng 1n ee 11 came up. to ~ cw~ . u~ bad ~rgnall..t ~~~ ~ ""\ ..;.;., o<et: A~.~o p.m it ..ra., ~!ear Wftlaa po-.1 vcr · ,, · > n rca c o "' tn~, mos awpf ulo~J« u we bad taekt- leA. At aooo an ob-. good nowa to the ferrable In an mttantmore, whal th 1round ~aaucc tully. J 'he Captain hl d 1 .. no oruh to destitute; r~~pecto'bl o; women the Mt'~cza · of atnation wu anatdiN at, which gan our position our 8og4 wne at ill. Dying, tll .wu pnr. . o;,,, of tb~ !"k• •u.th• srapu•l~i""• wbifb "'l" up au~ down &J&d ... me fdmalicarnot b o•ing a hie to atand up in his pres-' ~.111..14.30,101!&· ~-~· abowlng tbaf· we had' !lri . tbacklea aod swinls:'w)lic!l j oin ead-1 leoath of· wire . "'~on.,deta. l}' n•Jut:td. A\ ·~•idu!gb< I>IW fawou•• •t.lt «· tnce for fear qf cxpoa 11re, 10 ·acantly were theT tc11hlrlr·fov milea, which, with rwebo milea •tea ed rope to tbe other, h•d cotn~ n•·er the "bow, ba

1d pa n d ''!"'•.n•d o .. r~~··11 At • ...; • Lh 1 h ~bd ·, tbc meo huiog convert~. d •.b~ a· r bed1a'rke

.. fort blllil f .. b tlJ bJ tb 'd I) ' ), b' d d ( kiDU, .. ug .. - ~ . ..,a.n>. tGr:tpnt ..... OYe pu LJ·I " rom our pottUon w eo • • o onr - o rum an was, 10 ! e t If roun ° . roll!• .tl'oa rd and ir p><a'i~made tor &J oti&cr aue111~t to re.over ioto trouaera thl\ t they might havo some clothing

~ed. 1t waa ruolnd to . make a ral't on w c~ to tdten_ tn by the capst4G, ~be.o be ~···~ of. tho &Wl· tl•~ •• ~le, wh1ch wu od:r<d more hope1ut by .findi• rg that I • ~a bufly to alip our, wl:h two and a half ' Tel ptn gavo way, and qu•ck at lagbtnwg' the tnd, the gropnel had bau ho cb..J bytheeb•u• oogving dowu.aud upon I tem huwever insuffi cient to protect them itlfae .:able ltwlf auedled ·to a muahroom .ancbor, flouri shing the iron ohoclr.le .}ike a mailed fin iti lha·' oJd uo< hav,e '"~ ht our)''".!'"' it p edovoiL At I.W from the cull lug cold of II Labrador winter wind. a-u we bad reached the. 1pot where wa grap- air r;ghL ud lef1 as at otenaeiug witb dra<h Lbc bard• v•u •.O""'nw>eh liuor, th•l;ropncl, ~ t~ 1000 f•tl•onu of w•re Wo und~r •aud th at a acbooncr saila for the coaat s::ecllh bl •a d A" 1 r 1 • 1 d d d · ,·· d ~ · •op.·, :!UI1f.thom•!Jf ~••nlh•,•r.d ~ l u fo11om uF-hrt~p h•w- ,

t 01 e J;:;r aJ. . uer a oug uoannl u enemy • ao are stan '"'.'" · tlpen.te w~>:· gla,nc"" .. ,, ,. .. ho-. o•••OO:.rd for • t. 1 ttf,rt,aud 11,. ut • • t:: .. a: un S~turd~y o e.:u." , ::J.• tbc Gnat tela arr1~ed •' tbejlaco eetim , olofL aQd I a.,ed uultautly toto the aea .tOJVID l~e c • em dnli«l.t!owu acr0o1 thcnueofcabl.. A< 330 I'"' shi p'• , .. ___ .;;-=-·--.:.... ___ _ ~· clropjlecl ~ buoya!'d ~cbor, an attlltled oil' bit and the 1,6('() fathum1 of- • !rc ropo wblcb •till Lu"':• t.o .. lt.in 011 til\; d) nauou.rterantll)lc.d<Ot~:<lo.ior <ht Pn£r ~RATIONs FOR w A.R ON TOE lho Oa.LV•

• apto atlO p.m., Oreea•'lch lime, 10 u to drop llCfOII bu ng fr om the arapnel. . Now, all theao shack!. s •ncl a hi~ a h?~ <oh\ tlu t "tb• g~pn•l "" hol~ oug. . Al i .IO ~ tn. the o;able oeat moanh.g. , , swl\·et' bad be.n ·examined mio~lel) before Lhe) were <he .. ttou• •u~re•~o:d rro!u,uo c,..,t. t• "!1-cwa., and • • "!'• "'"' DE.-\\' ben tbo·American Oo"\'ernment co Linu•

8&T171lD.t.T Aug. 6.-Another night of drift ln.. put n...er . tir.d·every Cl<l'O taken to 1~revint the recur- 10 l uG " "'"·.~nd L!le ~lnp • bead •••rl. J•o~• \I • \\ ''1.; \I · e<l to head it1 column~ lu ... ards 'l'e:tas, cv I ' L• ; b Th' . ... f. . . by .s. A l MB , .m, olUJt.!o the llr>JD btUlg at !)0 CWL, fur . I h d f b b I I d !IO ... nr out !or our uoy. . . e weather 10 tt~act. .w& r•nce. n atct~;nt, whtcb bad already !ruotr111ed ~ur -..me tim~ P"'''luu•ly, .iii•Qlt ,.,.., I> l O.S u a abacl:lo 011 amtu I e aurren cr o I e r e u 6.1 1ere, wo C»Ul eqold IH Dljthrr IIIII nor lioaxlt), and the nav•ga laon exert1on1 1 ht woak was of Drown, Ullnos .& to., tlto;.bo•nu came ot< uoar~ ;:'an~ th• ropo. parted a< Otloe i1ra r not help an ticipatinj[ Lrou ble In Mexico ; aud

')t - lrf\ to the ruourctl of internal consdOUIIIU I to no beuer nllJ!.~·· • fhe linin Wal not ne r lfl"aL pu I ' th• ••!'"'''" .. 760 f>thOIUI hd btt:o golln, leniog ,bout Napoleon appears, naturau,. enoagh, to· have~, •• . calealate o:s,oaition. AI we were aoon in. den•e d~lln 41 the bru iting point, aqd yellhlll'e wu Lhe 1_7W ••li•ou .. ,a •• ~k IO tbe bottom with ·~·cablt. 'l'lle1'.r- I . II .

·fJii.in the 7 c.orporeta aod io the mind marit ime cain fu) r .. ult. 'fbo ll~\fl Will signalled to tboi 'Terti; n~r. was Ol opce.Oiiftalled to, and b•• ""!lit &IOhi~de.t.r our k~n a simi I f 'fleW • e cannot a eo what object ' •• . b h . • l rh~ta, apd l~e (,i f<al .Eutem rt1Ul'tll to •b~niM Wllh Mr. the u.aitcd Statel c n potaibly have in gather:ng

., pat .. nee ecama n~t ao moe a ~irtue aa.an uorlell~· le, and. her on.swer ha~ upt loug beoo. Oown wlten F.cld on~ a11 <t.1c .. t:.tr fcrth.wilb, much •tronthencd y I he f • · .able; Dtcftllty, If we would alleY tale the •gnuraace f er buat-puL ofT trlth Laeut. Pruwao to ldrn •boL t'OOViction 1bar&-u1 orlhe a Ullin !he -ca61e tJ100Jd ''orld an ·army 0 eighty tbou-f\n d m en o·n •tlte 'ftio

• .. .IH 'fCJrld io which ·~ '\Jtre bning o~r ~ing, if not eoune we were abouL Lo punue. AL 9.60· a ucond ~! u the Now wJiultf. b ... ·)' ._,1rrc tbls uniiOJ b1, !l•• All>nrl<> G~ nde except to lovada Mexico, and, is, con­o~r .•onor, •••1 ra.,•cliJ • . The 1'~rrable .•aa lott to buoy ae'cur.d ou ~raft aud culaa "'" lowered, ) it~ , J "!C:S'" Ph!· aulf aum>a!<.l .by <h• firo>:st bcllti' m ul•uuate . 6~quently, making prepa~ationa ' to infreoao t~o

. atglit, and when· lut teen waa u diatanl-ao Dunt by . 2,600 fathom• ofrd ·~apb c• blo moored to a bzoken .u, ..... f · tml' erial force on the otbrr ahle of the riv~r. - · biJDttil, of • q,aullou• Clara' could han dealt d, but •par wheel. lL cam e• a black ball ·at tbe eo'd of a ~h• ·, g:,f13-l.',_ttt"'. . Both ar111iea are in an exeitltblo it<lte.-Jl( "

•. ""• leut fXJ«Ied •be did.ua_ a aervi • In the. otalhnd t.elow tho ball Ooati a Bag, .whilea.nU h-d, lUI ~ ;p "WI\ .u • IV ' for-o the ool7 brealaa in the monotonr o oating an three horixori tal porta. 'fhe buoy i• mor~ed i1 trea. tlness. , •• ' . l • ~o "'' r,rey ·Atl&ntic in ".grey sky .wao effo.rded.by wbite1ett.en on red ground" 'fd•grapb,. No. 3"-it . · H i\ llll.Oll {l(LA(.;E, WEO?\ESIH.Y, AUG. 30•

. • ahoal patpoi&H &Dd gaampu1 .. , wbac~ found u1 too Ooa~ low, and baa been let go aa close aa pouible 10. fo! tbetr taoka,aod IOO!l abaodoned uo for •tome the 1pot where tbe grapnel rope uok. If tbcae buuya

r-~-t,';..lw't~•bar tbipa: Al\er tnld-day tbo ·haa• lifted, do noL break adrift th•y ·•ill be of greatllenice whu Ucl· tblre lay •be Tttrible ,near tbe boriuti on o'ur a-reoewtd altempt io moc!e to lift tbo cable. l.aeut. 11urt 1 bca~ .,At . 2.3.0 .. •b• •iaoaUttl. 10 ua thattbe Pro:trn told ,ualb•t oo Sunda:r 111ornios tbe·.Terriblt

·: .. - \ . ~ . . ' . • . ':.'

-. .. . ~

¥ • •

' ' .... . •• • . --· --•


---.,.·). ... -;-.

. . •

l:lj ~,; · ~~~~!O~·r :Dia!'lil~lfr .. 1tb1ch arrive~ her~ on Si.t\lrdPJ laaf, hom tbo t"aliradol', w-e Jearn I bat tbc fi•hcr)' at tb•t plate waa sood ¥tller.lly ' - .....

. . - . . .

; . .. ... . . .. -.

. .

' '

'V c regret uce'edingly to' learn that tbe po· tatq blight hn,matle it. appearance to tbe •eat~ ward, and' n>ucb d~~ago ia likely to accrue to rhe crops, wbiull pr :niaed to bi! unuaually al!un• dant'-aJ:aood, •111 this Ticinity, 1ie hare ao fir



·' - --· •


J. ~


Page 3: ·ecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18650830.pdfa~t! then he hr. t~n~ on.,.u~da to hi~. c•bin., Mr. a ph!lo•?rtoer'a ,a&one. But, thea, what would tboy }'poJd,

• I ~ -- • ·- • ' . . .-. .

. ' . ' . . -, j ' . ·. " .. -. . • ,- - _ _. I

' • . ':.. .. . • -. • . / -...

'The .Btan: tlard. . . -, •

I : ~ ' _. '

· hranl no _complnmt wilb rc~:nrd tn it, though the •-: · : 1runn i • not } et p-a I duri.!•g which it mAk e• ita

etl~anc•- - lJaih News. ·

DIED. -. ·--~--:---------:<---

' '



-. ---.

Arc now Lnncling E-x " Dolplii11;'' and · offer for Sale • -On July ·20111, •t Tau nton, arcer a lin jlerit•tr

;11 .;·b,. \\' ill in m Hickr~rd How, E•i! 811"'t ;s 1400 Barrels Extra and &fine. F LOU R ~ em. · 'He d r~• ••cd jlen ttem•n bad.rrsidrd in 250 do. !'rime. PO~K . · (11ie colo~ )' tl~ rcn ~ ~r1.e ~ r rat er portiot! o_r bislire; - 100 Sides SO 1-E LE:\.tUER · tU!llgtd 10 the prHCIICd or cbe h ';l&( prcression, • 5 lJ . (" :

.- iu " bich I.e had won hillh confidence and •· 0 o_xr.s J.-\.N DLl::S. term. He waa.ror ntb ll!' years a member or tl,c Au l(:.23. ·

' ·' .~ , -l!,bly an~ o~ _ t he Ex..ruti-·c C'o uneil or the =======-=-=--==--~==--===i·:; . ).land, 'and in tl lf•oc Jl">.itions w&s ahvo •·s rc-

l(&~rJe~ US a l!l AII, or tnsibiP bfiU cnodern\C ~· i ew& , .. :Eulou ly .tlc,itOI!d ro pt umott what he. I.e ­

l ie~~ . \Jl .be.· t,h~ true inlerccils of his adopted ~ CO U)t~:y. ·L- ..

. - - "··: SHI? NEWS. '-j • . • ' -~,...---.

:· . .- PO.ffl' :OF 1/AlWOR 0 /:AC:Ef. -' ' •. -

: ' ... )lit. 1S.;- ll i~;hlo nd• r, Fro><•, IJ o~~dKk, cau le - Pa'-,.,n & h ot.ld .

· · ~- Sau J<M, (>_p.) Goliano, Porco ltico, b•IIJat- ltiu:eJand .· .. -;; .....

NOTICES. ------------ ---~--~----


By ho Aet 283 Vrcoria, C•p. 2 -All T.eera • •en\ from tl.is Colony, an.J .. n Local Lett eze

tlepo ited in any I:Ust Office in 't h~ Colony, lor dc!i..-ery or tranamiuion within it, sh;ll be Pre.' pallf, ~Ktampt. •rtrr lb" l.:i tb -day of Non: ll~ N E IL nut, or otherwite auch L~tt<rs ah•ll be Cb a r~eable with Double Postage h> the received.

Part iea_-deeirou• ul ' ending Newrouodltnd Postage Stamps will be allowed A Cummiu ioo or five per cent . .

NOT ICES. NOTCIES: . =--:;;::·.;=:::;=--:--::-

REA. ·uy· an Act"11f tl 11 · I .eg-i la-ture of tlt i Colony, :l. 't h · \~ic .. , -

.. u·.

B 8 R B ~ ;\ t K I N G· .• -. ___ _;..___ - - - ----·--PUBLIC . NOTICE.

n-p. 5, ntit l ·.ll · :\ n Act to 1 rovide l•• r tit Ht• <Yi ~ trntion. of 13irth , ~J a rio~ell and D•:;•ths; in th i ~ Colony nnd its J>c­pcudcll(·ic.s.' ' pn ·. d ou · the 7th dny of.

wuEnE.-\ S hy n'ti Aqt of the T.~gi .. Jn- - pri l Ia t, it Wtl"' nncJ d . .. that the · ' tn_re of fhi __ 'ulony, :! ' t)t ) ic. , ."tipcnd ia rv )! :ui ·trnte fdr th • ev rat' C.1p. 5,' t•t.ttittc I, ".-\11 Act t'> provide J> i~ trit (· ~-f this ' l~ny- hnll be, &­for tl e HP• ·i~ t ru ti (l n of llir ths, :'ll arri a- Officio, Hrgi ·tm!-- of lli;th;;, fnt'l'inges

· gcs and Dea ths> in 'tit ! ·.-· ol ti\: aut! it a nd Dt•a th: , imd shuiJ compile"""-'-"''". :..-­JcriNuh•tH·i'Ps." Jia Cd 0_11 the. ith .d ii ~: I' :ttrit · of' ){ arr il\"'(' eeJebra •d Witltill

of April Ia t, it wa · curu:tcd, ':.th 1~ J'C 1 · j', - 1Ji' tri ·t · in _ca ·It Year, ctitl iary ~J i " J ti·ates for tit ·~wra\ a ' well fmm otlicial r cord · kc.pt by

I listric · of this ,olon ' hull b F r tit · 'lt' l'"'\'111 n of the. ~;c,·cral M norni­·Qjficio. llcorisii'Uf " Gf llirtlts, ){ nr·J:in ~> . lion, , atttl from other 0\ll'C(" of infor• !Uld _De.atl a , . tHi shall .c·ompi lc· tl~·i r mation that' hllly be nvnilnlllc ' to""t ucm. rt-ttim s· of Mnnitt;.{CS t· lcbt-atccl ,;,·ith in •· TlJnt the F ather ot· the Mothm: of. lhel.r rc pective l>i tricts in each Year, cve1·y newl y bont •hild , or ju.t he case !h;' 'well from ~ftici n l record k pt by o( death 0 1' absrnc • ot ' tlie 1::: thri nnd

Stt<ntpa ,i n·all"eli es, n"Ue"'p -icl TOr' in a d v;iice~ . JOHN nELA NEY, J', M. 0.

th ler.-.ymen of the cYeral cl nom i- the intlhili ty of the Mother, tho Owner nt-\011 . am\ ftom Oth t' Ot'ir "o lll (or· 0 1' . rtl!ll"'t'r. o the f ou cl in-wuiclt S~lCil< .-

mat ion' that m. y be n,·niia)Jie to U em. Child may be born, shall, . within £ i.u-- • .

r.oif1· OF ST. J OILV'::. . G ~n ~ral Pc•t O.l!ict , - } .

.~ ' · J •>hu '~ · 15.h Aug,, 18G5. .. • •• That the FatHer or tho Moth r of tlay:, o1· as oou n CQtweuieut ly • ·-

-1 { . . . . r :-Tt:IIF.D.

..-AcF. t , .~ T.t:>it• ('<' .) ~ . •lnqut•z . p ..,·io. \\'. 0 i•n 11.d Cu. ·, f\ i.,: l .t '• · ~Dit-, ~uu t h, lJ ll lt.Hl TI . K. ~ic l..t. l aaul :SOua.

'· :_ ,f-~!yo• .1 ~ c1 ~. thO"r.. 'l '~b,· a·p••, 11 ... \ "' J 1 -Ua.ine J ut u.tou a••d-""' -· . -) R,:.. Uipodhunncl , ltyan.: Grt,ncdc: . do. Pl.luitl,.(""' lttb. }o(~.:w Y. rl-.,·U.a n, , T ud :rr A!ul Co.

t . ]U.- J t>d , Ur y,l.onch u, ll . l'r :.w..,_. -. ut! •1111. • Dahl ; O .. rdc.n, Gn.t1.1 · • iut, Jbluakuand Co. _

- · 8. Jo-tu•. I 1a n• r ,"lhtp."•tt•, J . :& 1141 \\ . l'iu • • .,. .. . ,, 1Ul11 , .M ~ o .... u._·, . Q.u 1'MK"L, Uo~iu \ J t•hn•a·•• aahl Co.

• J 1t1o ~~~- ,,..:dr, ~~. l'oul \". lSt. ~A' tc n~ U.Ul!l. t; - }o. Ut-\'4o S,.ol.etvUyu, (, p ) '.l.Oi•U, 1-'u•t.J JUcu, W. O ri~te au tl

(,;d. ~ • • ,,_ .,., •

'· 1.111Lin . P-1'~11. l'o' c.T•Ibj!c. ll roo:>kiug r no Co • . bt, :& udnw, t•,_\ :o-"ott Gl".:;;""', .\ .:\l okt \'.

,: ~ l\U; '"a vloattJ i l•· Hi....oJ p,,tto h icn, ( ', f:- ,\;:u(!l. 21 :-JT...-.. a, \ • I I t' , ,J; Iol, } !" tli ~J,:l\ob. •

· ChaifuJse: l'ottt' r, Snhh :r-S ~ : a rch. · • . -::.: · )ya . II Afri , ' dn } , }l.l,.\ll' lit g. Bru!l. ' .

•. :' . .- l'ai' ~ tl• • 'fl ~utltr. ~J.r~. (u, so . J · a.wl ·. F~wo tt. \ l..lu j u ,.,.,.toac,"Mt.D. ua .d, /u 11i(UIH"h . . Alld \\. Pit ta.

· •· J,..l .ri(~) Gulltfo1d;!_! nt . Bo~t.u ·J~u,.,uu aud.~-· , _ ~ --7 - • • CL~~\ tt tt ti . ~· •

~.-~. . . .. .... ,. :& u1= .17 - rauhna, Cu nit; ('h ita \"~thla , Uaint-, J luu lcn

: : • • •1id f u. - · . ' • M .. • ~; :a nbl C·r.) r •'nx. t' arct lonA. W.O rit ''e a nd Co. ;. •h n , (lop )-F 111• n~. z, U IU\.'\ Ion~ . J .•nU W,. S it.Wart . '- l a . ...:. .tnul) C,nlh u, ~ l L ... ttf, lhu ltl ck. C ift, \\ ood :tDtl c.,.

- · ~a ia, C. ar.J IIl. U 1rl .. IIJn a.. C. F ' !kum.u .. u,l C... · • · 9.-Jr tl ~om•!ICU\,._ OJ•a:.Jl• r · W. Go ic rcw.ctCo~

lu a ( ' tn .a, ·Pdcl l, O po1to, do. • · . . F I) U J Cl~~d, ~l t.l o. tj rr, l,i n~ .. !'• \\', \\'f> ro.tly. . • .

· ; r,-1\"dl w {•P.) Seotr. ~ l outnn t , A .lkl by. ·. J h,•J" Adel l, Fult..·u . Qur~. H.trtr) . Tl•~k,•r and Co. , .21 .- l-' •vorh~ -J...au,.,.J? c Yt LGndvu, Kw u "-bb. • • ;

, '\V. )). S111ith, Oi:Utl1 J1o1 t II c;od, J . "uti W. Pitu.. J · .Samu•·l lout- , J le1 auey,lli~Aut tt r;,

JWv r'l llt)dn,llhodt>, :-.ydti•y, ~~~Uride and Co. • .•


·- -------------- ·'· ry n<!wly born hild, ·or in the ca o c~\u be done aft~t· the B i.rtl , t tnrt mitt ~1 1 cl >nt h or ab~cnce of the }'ather ami th n ar t lte<>i trar of Births,the timtt thP imibilit y of the :\lothe1: tho .Owner nnd pl ace thcr of, nnd, where known,

• . or_l\lauugcr of the llcm • in whiclt such the- name of both parent!;. -FOR SAI:.E Child m~· be- born, hall, within fvur- ·• That the :FathL·r, til e .Mother, or, in


] ; N"e \IV Bello \IV 8 . ,.: i en days, or as soou as· com·emciit.iy the ovcnt of there b~ing none such, the · · con be done uftcr the llirth, t ronsmit to Son, \ ife, or other Jlenrcst relative of ·

1 d.e.·- -· ANVTT , - . the nenr st Uegistrn-t• of llirths, the time nny one-~vbo shal die t_ nuy plnpa . nnd n set of other implempnts .' used in ~ar d place tit r<;of,,nn9 t wiu~re knQ.W~ within !h#t .Colony 11' .i~s!_epcwls:nciet~_;: ,cmTying 011 ' mithey. Foi: :1iarticu- tl~ nnmrs of both parents. or ·nt- sea or abroad (if temporarily ab-lurs pll'll e up ply ut the office f the ' " 'Jhnt the ~·u th er, the ~I other, or, in scut ui1d l l ret~ ideut of the Colony,) or -." ' tnodurd," where all information will the ev itt of there i)ciu" nouo ncb, the in the event of ~to uch relative, . tho IJ ~.'g!venJo infending purchasers:. on, \\"ife, or o.thcr n~arcs t r ·lative of ·n vncr or Munnt;er of t~o House in · • · AN E ARLY U . .u.i. · 1s ~oucJTt:D! nil ' one who shall die· 4l t nov place which such Per ou shall have died. or

_- Au~·nt 2·. • . . • -: . - __. wiihin. the Colon.r Ol' 'its deJ'l_e'q~~ncie ' •'\yh.ich sucl;t.. - on shllll..be. b · • . -1'\YlFL · ot-. be ~ccoun.tnble for, nny 01: l_lt ~ell o.r r~oronu ( if temporarily nb- ed; ~d the Co9'n01:_ or .Magistrate be-

l) bt 1 ·t 'd . - sent _an~ n re:~ident ot tl,lc 9olon)',) or fore wl}om nn m~\(es t c,u !'ur Person · ~" 8 con rnc 0 10 my name-or in · tlie :C\:cnt of uo '!>"lfc'li relative, · :the dCC'ensed lihnll Le held; shall, within

<fo t· any prc,viously \vnrnecl-without . a ·• • · - · • 0 .\\' '1 I~ 0 1' ~l nnager o.f the lli>USP. in fourteen . days, Or as SOOf\. ~ COnVeni•

wnttl'n· o.t:tlel·. from· m)sclf or through which such J>or ot. 5ha0 hu~e died, or ently ct\u be done after such death, my u~t-~o.rise~ ng~~~itt H 1"Nll>. l lm•: ....... ·l1-'~u~bich. ual.L:Pcrson. uiij:..ije . of.Deatll . Drigur; Aug. 15, ·£d ·; and the Coroner oi· Mogistraie.. \Je-· .of tlre . nme, R '!siilence, - ---'---------,.--__:::._:._ fo1·o \vllom any· iuqucst ot) nny Pere.oti -nnd Ag~ of the p~ty dec~ru.ed, and ~ BRUff. _£J. ·]SLAND , ....... _, il~ce ~d sltnll be. held; ·shall, ·,vithm fnr as is knoWII, of' tho cause o~ death.

fourteen days, or lis soon as conveni- And every petl(ln ;who ahall refuse or ~.OTI&f TO. M1\filNEHS. ~entJy ·cnn ·be done, n"(t~r SJlch death, neglect to p9rform any of the dutiea

Aug.IG.- lll•monlo, Eun~r• • .ilrool.ing aud Co. JHE Roard. ·of Works hereby gi\'e . 21.- Ub nu E uroptt, Uowring, Urv-t. 1\.T • h h L• }i l 'rpa. (· p) · ,.a~n, II'. Gri .. oand CQ. p Otice, t at t e tg . t-at Brunet

give to' the nenrest:Registrnr Gf Deaths imposed by the said in }lart recited Act .informr.tion of the .Name, Residence, shall be liable to f01feit and p~y a nnd Age ilf the party decell8ed;.and u sun1 not exceeding 'l'\YF!~'l'Y lJOL-

.. . · · ~!!land, on ¥ercqr's Head, Fottune Bay, ON SALE. · was put in· op~mtion ·on TUE'iiJ'.AY,_ --- Fon SALE_ the '27th June last, nnd will continue to

bE' exh!bited ~very bight, {rom sun - . BY THE SUJ!SCRIBER till sun rise. . , . ... . . Extra and Superfine :Flour . The l-ight iH a powerful flashing l'rime a_nd Prime Mess Pork ·'\ ·bite Ltgbt·; and attains its gren~st Bread ....... No. 1~ 3, llutter briJliancy every Ten seconds. It·.burns. St1gar-, Molasses, Pens, Coffee, 'fea at nn elevation of- 408 teet a'bov the

·- 'l'obapco, Hice, Oat,nenl Soda level of the setl, and, in clear weather; Wine, _&c., Butter Crackers, S'ol)p, and n will be s_een 'Ihirty-fiv,e Mile ,...:..and

1.. GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF be . \risible in 'e~<:ry direction from• -~-G:nQGF*·REES- o.rtb.,J.~:U0.d EasL illld. Sou~to .:_W.

. . .N. w. . . - -.ALSo-- ~ .. · : . Mcrcer.,s ·n ettd· is a bold

-· .nnd situate~ in long. 55:59·.~0 w, nn~. ~ FUR N-1 T U.R.i, . 1at47.ts N • . - · . .. -

CONSIJTlNO ·OP -:.......-- - .. -

So'tas, Cheffoniers; Chests Dra,vers 'l'abl~s; Chairs and Bedsteads .

·-fll~P FOR USB •fiSH OR OIL. ..f . · ALEXAND~ CLIFf.

Aug. _30.

• ·JOHN H. wA.rumx. · · - y. ' Obairmu Doaid Wo'rkt :-

• Bl'ard Wo~lia Office, • }. · St. John'•· Nftd., 19tli JtilJ~ 1865. · •

ON SALE. · ·. I

-&Y- ·. . . PUNTON &. MUNN.

FoR SAT/£ _. Now· Land.ing1 Ex "Glen!/arr,y," from .. Nc.w York, · ·.

. . BY TH!J. SUBSCRIBER, _. 1500 brls . superfine nnd e.xtra. FLOUH. 300 do. Prime PORK

fur as is lptowl}, of the .came of death. LARS." · · ~ Abd G.te'rs ·pPrson who shall ref4se or I, the undersigned Stipendiary Ma­I}Cglect to Jlet:form npy . of t~e duties gistrate for the District of Harbor imposed brthe said in part recited Act Gmoo do hereby give notice that all shall be liatle to fo~fcit nnd pay a pe rsons, to whom tho provisions of tho sum ndt · exceeding 'l'W E~l'fY DOL- said Act relate, are required strictly to LARS.'' . ~ · .. conform to the same. -' . . I, ~~e \mc!ersigt:t~ ~tipen4iar} Ma- Poallce Office, Hubor Orace,lu11e 28th, A. D.

glst.rnte for the th trlet of Vnrbonear 1866

' - ·--:-'".iOSEPH pftn:as, 1. p, do hereby @'ive. n'o~icc t hut nlt' persons,_ .to whom the prQ.visiohs of the said Act reiate, ~e' require-d strictly to c~nforin •~-..~-e~&nme.- - - , · ~ . ~ .. '\

Police Oflbo, .Carbonear,.July lOth. A. D. 1866. .. - - ' i. L. f oN-RlLL1 J . ~~ --~ . . .

'TRY , :FOX'S INDIA RUB· . '_ .-8-ER~·aLACK.NG.- ~ --

··· .. . ~

: . --. ·. c:::rt~ arl.~~ ~ox, ' THE' original maktr, corltiduet \o earefuli) prepat1

thie fl ue qualit) of Oil, . . TI.e auperiority of hi• C.!,il i1 1\ill m'alntaiued over all ot!1era, and 'ita wotl · ltf,own qu litiea or aweetnua, cotdne11 to the 11alate, Tteetlqm from •htot in the throAt, alao ·raneidity, &ltll. i\ being tH, ttcr.ret.aiaed than otbort on U!e·mott de-Ha le atomacha. · · " · . · '


. ~TRU~BE81:~­Tbomaa ~tlward lllo11,.&q, Llferpool Cbrietophtr Duebell, :R.q., Li.,rpool Edward Heath, Eaq., Linrpuo .• .e.RQam..E.S OF Tl:lE QOEEN .lNSUB.\XOI&

. CO\'il>ANY. -The buelnn• at tbt tW.rd 71Al aA.r tbt fclriiiAik

or each company:- · Fi,. Prwmlu- Ulo l'lanola-

.'rl•• Qu..., Dl,810 .CI2,871 LimpoOland Londoa 111,611 ,_.., Ro al l l,ltll t.1Q

'1Jru1,... ol t.M fourtb71&r"- · • l-111 Pmnhu•s. Life.._,,_

Tile Queen · ~17,420 .tl .... Llwpool lad Loodoa • l ii.G'LJ Ull Rota! • .• ' K,+711 ' 1Pfl

l 'be b~Uincaoflbo All4 }'CU :- • • } 'U., Prtmillma. U1o p..,.._

rhe a-. · .tUS,1100 .&lTP.ll Yl•••pool abel LoadOil · · il0,608 r.M J\oya 1 • 44.1128 t.JHI


. .

TIMM ftl!"ret ~"'•c that lr t he fil\b 7oar ol.a ...,.,.., lh• PIJ!II''" m..t. 1>1 U.. QU<ou h ·. _ __.,.,,_ ..... n the Fu'll Depattmoat- · _ - l'o bti bad b.r-llt•' •inglt botfle, al •, Sd. fftch. . lOP do •. -do. . BEEF

·;Ex Marie lidela, irom Montreal ; nnd . Adria, from New York,

. PJ:our Pork ~ . . '

· 'ieef,l'ilot Bread Crackers, Ch.:ese . Sole,and Upper Leather .. . .

. ~ ~·o;- R .liA..tu).

. -Tens,Sugars. Molasses, Coffee: &c., &c., • _ ~~llin~ lo'Y J.O.I; Cash, :Fish or. Oil.

: +"' • • . . P. GREEN. . A:og. 23. · - . ' . BUY..,fOX'S INDIA RUB· ~~ ~ .. ·,.

.... ' tiER BLACKING. • ·, :· · :-.' c.. ~· • • ·••

'· ( -- • '·.. I . , •. . . .. ·:.. . . . .:. ' •· .

. . > ' ~ . ....

; . .. -.. ' . ' . . ...-.

. • • I • ' ; :

.. .. . '


•• cu~ely patkeil .in· Clu~a, c.ork d,· labfUed, eap•uled offour doaen, eaelr. -- • _,

A email quant!ty of Extr~ 8nb ollat :Ia. per pint bollle, to be bad Ol\ly of · . . -:- : ·-. L. 0 ' RII!N & Co., l!erohaota. . . .

1 (10 _ Frks. do. BU'rl'};R. JuiJ19. ' ·

. .. '

LUMBER,. SPARS, lc. .-__ __,., ...-'.:.1::._ ,_ -- .• . -~ ·- -!,; --

~ n· India Ru~ . ~r Blacking ia now gttti~g 1qto ~. · W • . 'X'rapn.c;> : general uae, to ~hail-of:tbe principia Oroce~a and

OFFERS FOR S.ALE ltetailora ib·S!:lobn'• • ·. · , _Pine, Syruce and Hemlock ·Lumber . wao~E.S-{f~ AliudJF-402 URE, 1 o(sting and Studai.gg,"Hewiin"Sc:iiiitliiigj s J!ihil'•, ~St; • · --s-·w . .Water trtot.

Pine and Fir Clap Board, Shingl~s .:. Hard Wood Plank

BP A:n.B .. · ~o. '11!-•1 24.

• ·' .. . ..

• .. . -

. . . ··D•- C.· F". TOUSSAINT '8 -eos 1<> inform &b;Jnlabibcnt.or Harbor Grace aa4 • lciA

• it,Y tliat bemay.l>e ton.oul ted at alt lioun at hla -8\uJt ry -tiM BlloJI..I&kl7 oceupit4 ., Tu&ouru Orre~a; ~

)U71!. . . • . .......

., ' • - -, < .. -. • t ~

•• ' ·-.

2M p.r emc. ov U..t oflht Ll•er;ool atw1 Lead•, 6(J l'C': -t. ,.,.,. tliit ortr ... Bor•L

And Ia tho Lilt O.portmeut .:. • 5.17 per cenr. o•rr that ortbo Llnrj>ooi&IMI Laa.lea-00 IH!r CHit. onr tbalort e ltoJal:

They aloo ,h~w thatlht in<,.... or li 1 Allh ,_r •- dot (ourth ,.a._ [h tl•!.}'ire o,_pan ..... t ~

Ia tr,.--g.....,, - ; 41 ,.._, Jd the ).iftrjiiiOiand London • · ' · 10 " •

"' l h u..~,., . . . . . *Z1 • • thua abowitlf lb.o ht buai ..,, ol lhe ~" hi laM!*' • from )'Hr l4 Jtar mo,. n pldl1 thau lbat ol oltW V lllil ocbn ofllcnlu thf aamt penod or t hei r blteooj. ar

l lilun•...,. ollldtd on all ltlnd• o( p~tr tt . ,,..., n too ol p1'6ii1Di!IJ, 4Dd • II a-. .... ~ with Iii.~ aml-.. lafr- which hu hi•hcrto eh"""'MIIId die ' • fn all ita de&llnp wllb the p~bllo, .u .., ... a.. wwt4.

,. D. W ~II'KO\Y r:lf! •. OIIIltral Aplt. 233 lluckw9rth !i:rnt, St.lolua'~o

JOHN HAYWARD, 8 il b-Agtnt, No,. 3. ~ Harbor Oraoe . ~

Page 4: ·ecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18650830.pdfa~t! then he hr. t~n~ on.,.u~da to hi~. c•bin., Mr. a ph!lo•?rtoer'a ,a&one. But, thea, what would tboy }'poJd,

. . . . ·­. . . -; ; •

• .. .

. . . . .. . . . ..

• " , . . .. ·'

~~. ~~~~--~7.~.--~~~----~~~----------------~~~

• ., .... - ~ -. ! .. . .

. • _ ......... < . .... . . . ;.

• .. ,. . -~;.,~ .. •• . . ..

• The standa,rd~,-·-

.. . "!~~--~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • .. •• # • ~ -

--- -'.: _. ' TilE ATLA:'o\TIC CABLE. greater porta of ita euc:out; ao ia New Bruni· :.u.s 'Ol<IVEllUL auouacu. .. . ~OTICES-; _ .

~ .• . . - wick. so is OYen the frrtile and blooming leAl or Beaidea all ;h~ee ·: adnntageR, Newfoundland. H.E OR 1' N . , - . Prfparat1nru ~~ ffet ·ce ·it in - N twfo11ndla11d1 - tbe. Arcad.iana and fh.!iJioniana. Newfoundb.nd c4a boast oj 'nerd rr!2.!!rcea of n~ co · J lui ~ ~ SCHEM-E .

'. .. · . _ Dt~criplinn of Heart'• Co~tent a"d the ia tloe fog11i~at of them all, no doubt; but -that blc character. 'l'here are not •n.nu~g . CC'A , A,· OF Til~~ ~ f.i!rJ;O•m.diflg COUIII.cy.=~tltgraph House and i• easop by a perpetual fog abould bo- al- theorist• who enn eel', or fancy th?Y ··~· .. I• l .• .

' '•

.. .. :. Jrutrumeuh.- ketch of the Past 1!-nd Pre- lo\,·ed to hang arOU)ld her hiatory, her p~ople abd catio·n. of gold and eil er . in ~ert&tn <.h lrtCII. LIFE ~s~or_( .':'ll j fi,\1 OF sro·rl.l.'ln •

. . · •t~tt of 1'trra Nor:a.-It1 ~eople, R~~ur. her resourc.es. I ha~c used_ the word biatory; Coal formation• bne bren .dt.scovcred on the 1l J IJ rU \1 ,1 ~ 111J cea and Jfintral Jl[ealth:-T./Ie Clunatt , ·!Jut until ,·e ry r~ccntl7 there waa almoat nothing wut aide of the talat.d, and copper. is not. only Ptoduction• .cutd A ml{ltment1, et-c, tEe, &c. worthy of the namo in u ,i1tence. Scrapa of geil·- known to exist, hilt is at prraent 'being worked Un lcr this Seh•rne the Auoci~tion bu be•n

1111: •

~ era I in format ion respecting her m :gbt ban been out by English mining· companiea • . Gy~surn .i' nently auc:cuaful inJeducing tlie ex >dun of Lire A•- . ( raox '-rua coaaEsPo~m;; :-.--r oP TUB 'Kll\9',. ToJlx found, ·accidcn'-llY u il - were, in worka upon ·•!Jundant. AJoat of your readeu have tresh to · urance. r

11. . r B

other sul>itet• , and they were the only source their recnllection1

nb doubt-, the rcaulta of ~IT. In conuquence 0 " ocattoh II pro II, l'olicy hold. ·;'' · · JlEIIALD.) • h 'd f . h b d • . _, & d' - tu .t'ter citcht )'tnr ard now r<<J•tired to pay· only

/. , ·' .• . . upon wbic an 1 ea o the country m•g t e e- Gisbornc'a Ia e exploraltona anu t. c 11co•.ory, ~2s. 6J, or .. rtcr fh·e yeunlJI. per £1 of their pro111

• ·; ·· (co~CLUDlp) ri\·cd, nlways excepting, of courae, intelligent in 186t, of tlio remarkable load ultron pyutea, rums. ·· · ./ · · Sr. Jou. 's, N. F ., .July11. prrson I observation and tra.-el It is not extra- coai~ininjl ~lso much copper ore; wl.ich •vcre de- A_c:redil arat~m ".'">' alao:ho .~ by which

1 · - ' · · ordinary t~at a rountry clalmin,g co have beeo tee ted in the Yi:i'nity of J:.iulc bay, on 'tbo north- 'lOrJ•on or the prem• uma moy· be lei\ u~ :· · ·. :&i,.4:1l<tiQX OJ' TlfB- lflim•roUNDLJ.o'(.D Lll<ES-' discJYered aom~ 4 c~nfurjea anterior t the birltt eaat coast. The- attention of l!:ngli~h capi•aliats i.s 1ho PC!Iioy hol(l• r p1t1U1'. ·

1 -~ :. : -r~ Ac,emuT TO TDll OULP CABLE. of Columbua abould bo tbut slightea by hiatori- baYO been dr'&wn !C~ontly to these minerrl dove- - Furlher, the Glau·A l'~lic~s ~rill ; il) a I'Dlljority or · ldr;>)l~u·7 baa had men at work pulling Ujl ana-a country, too, without it romance and-itt to eriien ·, lilll I am informed that componiee caa • be rdieved.on RJit•hc;.•t!oR, - 3ftPr ftv• ytar~, ur

· .: 'l~ " " · "' :S b • d .., t' Co t 1 P ' II • oil conditions, aa to rluce of rtsj.Jeuc•, occupation · tnea ... ~.or.eo .. t. o n • an ..=ear • n en • fabl~s ? - ~ . haYo already been . formed. and are at.t in p~o- &c.' , • • . • . • · · · ~ ! · and by nda7 next ihe cornm•ricll:ion by te- In · the year of o11r Lord lOQI it i1 eald,'· yoa eeu of formation, with a view. to very cxten,.ve NE \\' FO NOT,:\ NO HR.\ 'iC!i, ·. · · .,. :Jrrtlph be.tl.ec'n tboae two, placet ill hue been are aware; that on~ Biorn, a aeo. kiag of Iceland, operations. A' litile leann of Yan~ee gcniua ll !:;.\U Of'PICN- I:il'. JOlt . ··.;

· ; ·, · C91Dpl8ted. : To-day there rema· oal;r 3 milea not only knew of the uisteoce ofNe.,Coundlatod, and enterpriao would be found very useful out o t K v c To • a: ' · • · o ' Ill. kt8 •long the road. am aorr7 to be but actua~7 · toc.k_ pononion of it, and •.ttJle~. here. · Your F:ogliab.capitalist ia very eo lid anJ · ll-

1t; ~}~~l~~~~r,~~\c~ ,

"obll;..t : tcr ~ tate that the at'ctdoat to thi •.ubma- i omewhere in tho netgltb~rhood o( arbor Grac~. yrry•u~e, but he it 21agUd.J .•Iow and ncn·oualo IIU I-:Il l' c;lli~VE. ~: ii. riqe cable it.t'rOII the Gulf of st. ·Lawreoce, con- 'fhia IDIJ' be a fable or it III&J not; but it ia at bsumtog ri•il•· - ' ' Medicd umcer-W. C: Stli&IS · lliq., M.D.

'· lleciioi',Cape Breton with Ne.,Conndlaod, llill all enttts probable, u claimed b7 aome,thll as I han aaitl th•tthere waano histories'bf:-few- -'s·nt•udilocret.ary- I; L.HJWh!. · · ··rernalu onremedied, and, what ia worae, there early u the eleYentb and h•elftb centuriea tho fountlland until a: n ry tate period, but I "ould · Fon CoNCEYrtO!f BAY.

-' .. Ja'Dc;.piolpeclwb&tue~dit.encrilljl._tb h r- Nor,.eig--.u•mpt•d ill c:olopiaatioD Tho --be doing ipjullioe w•re lto·umit ment-ioning tho -.AiedicalQfficct-W. DOW·. i::.Q. M:D. -• -;otei or th8 'IJiiahap. The cable !ailed to nant• ori11inal inhabitan!a are a anage race of Indiana, na9~ei ,of 1\YO gentlemen '"ho hava recently en- Ag~nts-U~ l'IIEHFOHD DltO'l'J:iERS,

.IJ..C:llnr.eotl O::l the ht o( Jane laat. Mr. Mac- dlllctlng iu many reapecta from tb,e aborigine~ d•noured til reacu~ from oblivion the acanty rc- -~ ug HI. · 1 •

J.. ' .. l'.•'"" a .la'e aebooner fro Ill ·c~pe R&7, with a uf otbtr pllrts or North America. Tboug~ fluce ~ rda of the p ~1 t of Ter'ra N .. u. Mr. Ch~rlea • 'l!trl!P~r.~ · and .Uitable inatrument•; to ionat- jn diap..reitioo, thc.1 were uncon.monl7 ilhrew' Pedley, 0 ( thia Jolace, q.~s wrj~tel) and published

• eauae pf the accident, ;nd make the and ole"er, and apent their time largel7 in bllnt· a n:y fin• bialor1c I akr1cb of the i land, and ·r . repaire. The expedition ·wu under ing the deer and llabing in. tbe beautilul. Jakel the Itight. Rn. Dr. John Mullock, R. C. lhsl.np

;" ' ~ tiomaiaod: b( .Captaiu •Jobn .MIIrphy. • 'l'be aod ponda that abound-all onr the country, nen of N~w(oundlond .'baa contributed 1ome valua!lle ·.• . . "9bl• .wai anderrun (or tbr~e mtlea out at . both on t.bc tops of the moun taint. Their fate bai p•pora on the ancieot and prr aent condition of

·&It• ewrowicl~ ao-a Cape Bre~o aidea, with- been tJ.at of the ludian enrywbe" ~:lle-:oes\Cf- the scene ot' h16Jabora '1 he publi ihed ler.ure~ . Oal •comio.jf al. the point where the break or mination bcforn the march of ciYili&atio~ a~d IJle of thii prelate di~p!ay a nsi ~trtouot rf reaearch

•.•.. other i'l:iiident occqrred. 'fbe innatigatiODI white man Not one or the, tribe catt ,now, be and. i'rofouud acientific ~tiuw)edp:e. loa recent '· - ' -w'ire J!rDiecGt~ . oci further, aod all ~ort tore- m•t with ~n the ialand, hniog been drinti 'off lecture on the auhjcct delivered '>y him in this

• .: pair·tbl! iaj~17 ha.a,:tbererc~. been pottpune~ to .Labrador bj the_ European in1:~den. a~d th~ ' t'ityJ be.re'llukaaa f"U""~ reapecting the !Jliocr~l . - . : ntil '\h ann•&l oC.. .. ,lte~ir-Jroin New York: Mlcmaca of.No~a Scolta-A, t.ri&e IDdegenou~ .t& ..f.OIOtlrcea'" th.o.ial lid : - -

· ~o:x:.'s ::ai~0~\'1;1.& . o.n.1Y''1::l.al.r :tfie

pri.oe or "tbe · · .. - .&n:ier i.oa.n·. -.

~\ pplicants for 0rowu L:md can ob·t .lin blaf:!k ·Forms of petition as required by Government notice, at my office, !:h.y lwber4s, or at the "Stnu l rd" QIJice, Harbor Grace. - Parties must have a ciear path · for instru!nent I)Ud chaill to IVOl'k l'OUUIJ.their lund.

': • Tlll8 II jrfatl7'10 • br regr~tteJ, In •!•" or .~he . the aoiJ" of the Blue Noaea. A few tradea of lbtir ' If the countr} ·~ere explored and c~pital in­probable llj~ID of the .A'tl.Utic cable enterpnee. rude _a kill ati11 femain, aho.wiiig a dtgret of in , VUUd in roiniog, under judiciuus manegt men t, SiDe. tbe.IK'CIIrrence of I~ accident there- hal ge'lu:ty highly creditable to a race euppoeed fo -tbete ia no doubt lo\' that tbe enterprise wuuJJ

,~li _amP,I• tiJ1u~ _to' la7 &."n_ew cable, !hie~ would baYe been ao loli do.>to in the at age oJ eiYilpa- be a gr 11 1ouree of •nahh lor ccnturiea, perhaps • • . ii&te been tb~ '!'oat certatn, way· llf tn.1~r1ng .u~- ti'!n •• , A renee t~ir17 milea l~llg, uee.i aa a to~t u gr at u the JUhery-i' at present; b.ul wh•n Diagrams or plans of pri \1ate propel•

. '·· • r 11f!kaa .co~•DIItoitl~li !rom Euro;>e to e~~ ct". : oC net to _en• rap ~~~. ~nd .but1~ from wat~:.; to c:onaid-r that ' only • . ambU pur:ioo uf th J ty d.ru.wu ut m:>~lerute chm·5es . . . · . .. , ~ ~ ~~ Pf Allltnca. T~ oply. · lht.ng that .. "a~er~tb-a ga~ 1~ ~be~d4l~. w.h~r-~t.he ~~- cprun)rJJi..!ll be~o_hjthert" ~XJ!Iorrd, and only \)U _ _ G. W. lt 'HJt:atLllil", • . -· .eaa -~- IIDL&a.l~;t.e a laat ltearner RIO.)'· fna ""ll won~ lo he tn wat~ for tli-tt pray, 11 a- the na coaat that whene,·er mining ·operatiunt' D o1iuy C;rl) wn C.~11J durnyor

1 ~'-~··'··-·' . at -Cap Ra~ tu r..•rrrrno&u~•• ·a~rou to _g•pe ' ~ong ~~··~ reli~ of. aboriJI~al-fniueatill le_f~c · a:..e -bee·n und•rtake~ •.• escept at lA ){aoche, Ray ltohers, •g. :.1 : • •·. ~\1111. 1hb wtl,l be alo" method, 'b~t _the ltandlng. • · • · , lh~J bavoo been of the most auperfici I character. __ . .....:...• ----- ----------• _ . Wet lhat cal! be res.ort_ed to under the crrcum- lJut to return. ~e•fo~ndlaod Ia by no rneana ·w~r~ly aurfac:e work~, and th"t it '"'~ only rery --. JI B N 1_ 1' A· · 0 L l }' '1',

........ It11 probabl• the Great &tt~ro, wb.t the bmen "'•tte u ~'Ia bee-n repruented to be . . recetitly that an7 attention at all baa been p. id ; · IM-wrina, '!'ill ltan autlh:ient of the n:tra ca- The rocltr~ inboepita'>le J:mlt of ita c?aat ie iici to mining-lho aea bei ng M iurally oonaidcrcd . • .Atwmey awl ~olicitor, f!olar!l Public, .!c., -· •· W. to Ill Dp, tha JIP betwe•n Cape .Breton and crite1i9o for tbe re~t of the coun1r7. A •bort .bJ.& 1naritime and fi•biog p~>p ulation as the only li •tb>r ~••<•· • ll iJeu~ . . . . . Mr. '8. P..,....,..,

.,.....,..;~· · ·~· .. Jif..toapdlaad, Tbare ia 1 me taljl of runntog_ ditt¥1l f~lina the nia~~· ~oll :chat..c:ouJ4.: -m'plt·w·onlrexplori~~·:mne iatieri -rea~i•r ~- t .ll..t....;.' -.J~,......~-l'•J•p.~rilliOc> "-~ ·-i . otto 7 ae7, fe ou, a1'o be made rtchly produ~llve ~1 culttYahlln are •· 'than llll the l'i h•cr mtn~a ~f Muico,_ pro.:ucn•i . . •

; \Mphftt Ctrcultouuoute by "a7of AlpJ-B•7· buodaat, •nd the· fact baa bern teat•d l)ltceu- million• for 'tbo laettoiee centuriea, and fnell- O ~t. C F" TOUSSAINT ' -~- ~Oillcl, udoDbtedl7, be • cbuge for tbe fU'Il7· . Wheat, pc:tatoea, apple•, pluma, cberrie~. ba)latib!o-=.'Je· ouabt 1.9 r ar'aati.fled otilh what • . • lie&wi. - : - · · : raap)lefriea, ~ctuian!•• iOOIIbtniu, . and. ·ather baa been ~6ao.&a ab. tarnhl o'f what "ill be done B EO ·, • inform the !~,, .. b:t "'"or ll.>rbo< Or>co a.·t •ioia

• 1 L d •1 l t .• t b...t he inay he o"n"!'ulte t- 1 all~ botatJ at his S..u·,cry o•DYA1'10ll(l oifll't"wllllv•ll"".D.nr OU~I.. ' fiillta .. arid veattablea .,._growu n &;,Un ance, hereafter • . I regret, iodeeo, that the ltad mine - lhe s .... p oat.l1 u<:ca~!·J ,.. l '£L£0UPU Orrtt'-• I beline 1 hiYe. ciu'n JOD briefly a •ketch of n?twitb~tan~fn~t. the_ f~ct t~at t~e a~aaon• lu!table ef J-.1 Mancbe baa been, .~ot aliAndoned, but· the At•y 1'. · ·

alll'ltaow about tbe pteparatwn• in Ne.wfoond-, for ·~ch cuhn~llon II ofbne!du~allon. ~I m~kea -:o.rka,. •u•pen~i!d fpr a 11f'?t· 1 heard froi'Q ~lr. au· y ___ f_O_X_'_S __ I_N_O_I_A __ R_U_a_._ Janel lor th• ,.ceptlon of the ~ablt, aod 1 eball; up tn d•"ee, ·ho,wrnr, wb~t 1\ la~ka tn lime. Ctocltel, one ot the ~upenntend<nts there; t~o da.nron', .tlll ap the rnt of m7 Jetter. •ith a few ~any of tbeee_ Crutt•. flou~ilh tn_a w•.ld atate, aa yeara ago, ·!b t t~te •us then as much I• ad Jl•~-taltn vatioaa 011 J.lrewloubdland in general-what U.o t~o: red and whue clonr, aa~ J::.arope"!' ~d coured 11 1!- tl}o•ursand men co1~kld !I"' rc

1mf _oYe m BER ·BLAQ'liJ uo,

I h&Ye lltll, ;&'hat I hen hoard, and ~bat I b.an ArniJlC&n _graaae•: ~ • . , _twen.tJ, JI'- •· I o a person . 1 e my~e tl •.P· s, A 11 na4. A.8 a atHIIboro joal urind in the cciun- .... ~m>. nv.s w.u.&anro PUC:& :ro• AX%JIU!'.L ptail!d .unaoco!fntable that aucb a rell,hln of lead ~. 1 1111 of COUI'M not qaaliflad to din dlept7 ~be climate ia .not by many de~er• ao 1ft'ere .•• I ••?" tli,re ah?uld ~ J,.f, idle, bu~ I hope in ON SALE. bito llti8 1ubject. Jf I wer'e to do an7 njuotice •• II·CO'llmonl)' auppoaed. lndeed,trw_!Jat l h~n tbe·apr!ng OJ).!rattona will be commenced ao~w. co the place or the J18ople Iltoow I ebould come obtened rnyaeiC bere 'alread,, and what the. pea. and aucb ,a_ aource o~ -•lth not allowed to lie

·' "· ha ror a fair •bare or :epro•ehea and odium. pie tbemeelYu •'Y be of '"7 ulue, cbe chmate fali~OJ . . SiiYer ia found ·n aome of the had ape-Bat I lhiak ther• i8 little dan~r of ih~t happen- ia in tb~ bigbeat ?egre~ •~lllbrioua. The trmve- oiman_a 1_ han •e.l!n• lbol!gh not in. any "great . IAt !or the almple reaaoo that I· ban been (aYO• rature J!lll n.ow 11 dehgbtful, the pare aod cool· quannty 1n the L1 MIU\che ote, and I bl\·e ae~ n · r ir impr-,.IIArtthmoat of what ( ban alrud7 aea breeze. being to ,m7 taate a mo!t grate~ul mi'!~te tbre~d' ~t n• tin. ~ilnr tn atonea tak~o -II' with Ill)' O'lfD e1ea, and IJie reanlt.of 107 in· e.baoge troll?' ~he ..lomd bluta ~nt gel! •~en at . from a well dug .'D' !~~ netgh_borboo~ of the h_os­


CHC:A.PER THAN EVC::R qairi• about m, rtll q eqllaUJ happ7for New· tb., moat. el~gt_ble of the .. 1fafe.rtng placu to the -p,ital of St. :So~~ 1. .Itme. wtll !ell wbetbe~, h.ko. 200 foalldlQd. . • - State~. ~h11 11 the tru~~f!Dg P}:c• for J_euog tbe Lfgentan rntn?, •u,og )ty Moore, tbeae tndtc-

ilEA DST0:-1 ES

St.- .'lalm'a 18 1101 a l(iw "X,prk, uor:' nen a At;ne!tca·•t.l am not Y.ef7_r~ucb m11taken, and.1 !"lion• are 'onl7 - ~angle~ onr, t e aurl•ce, but I Bo'&oua, bu& aquairtt old-Caabioned town, with th.ank the ttrne I! not r~.r !lllt&Jll when tbr · fac~ .• hue not · the leaat doub~ that coppe~ and lead a comfortable claa• oCrnidonta numberipg eome wtll' bt generally reco~ntsed. •Wb't fin~r place ate moat abundant aod wtll h~reafter be an en­thlr1JI4cl tbouNnd8. I am ioiol'llied that buai- in the world, 'for instance, could'tbere b'6 ~ba~. orll!oora~utcecif wealth to. the coonlrJ: ~Cna-11 ... Ia . n\h•r dull her• juat o:~w, but I abal) thla for--tbe l~"er"- of the no!lle ~~~( .•oswur. ti"e ~rol~, tbougb "lbe.~o~t g~ner.l}l' dtatrabutcd poat~ an7 extended remarlil aboul the place lfe~e :r..o~u~ t_rout ~n.~ ~·l~oo~ b&libut, _mack- of aij !""''-Ia 1 hue not ace~ a apo~tme~ bu~ on~· .. •11tll J9111e fatare letter; allrr J &ball heYi had. ere, an~ C~d In prodtgtOUI anil•tne.&b&tUilbJ!·. I• W}lh 10mu miC~OICOpic parJtc.Jes ghll: mng ID f~e Jel8an' to M. .for mjaell. 1 will lllerely jot bundaii(Ce •. )Vhat !Dor.e doe .. _tb~lportman~aue.? qllltiJ:; .tho per1on who bad 11 t_old me _be ~ould d!lw'D Ia pauing that the bulk or the houeu are If yo~ wa~t to.apeu: Jobateni:Qr boc.k 11.!• 9r call a~am and t~ll me the locaht~ of bta dtaco.-.

-,Ida; but rabna11 tJ.-1~ wb'll.-rome fhr..-bulldlujl catch hnnbge, hera 11 the .tp.ot tot. ~!'~·' I( yoiJ., ·rr7, ·but1

ne.-er .did ·so,, It would be euy to try d.a& WOillcf omament' eYen 70ar melrcipolia are want . top ttontiDlf 011'"& 'JilDre•extenll¥'0 "'C~Je, 6'y ama gaiiiition wbeth~rtbe. ap, ngles \fCfO ~told to .lit 1oUDd tere, There ·q at leaat one there are w~IYel &bd beara .eo~UR~ h~re I?~ ha4 :or po\,· · Tne gold mat~ix.u. ~escrfbtd by Hum­rOd ·hotel, the' Union, kept · by . ~ra. War- for the eeektng •• _Lud ~d a~u~u~ btr~ ~e ala~t -~.oldr an.a · o~bera, certatnly nuts, !>ut the au~~-rlapn, a ccily; pleaa8nt, homelike apot, ""7 !e!7 oumerou1. ;- . . . . - _ • : tlO~ Of the· perP.Ie bn n.e":r been ~·ll?d to .. lt taj\~ the 1811tral rUil o( .botela 001 me eta io IU.· 80KJ!TD.IICO AB~'OT CEJ_f~E. AJI1.lll'~ .. •. I. " remark.able that tbe· fl •hermen IU t.to Jowtr " r • • At a proof of·the Jug.b ,aan11ar7 condliJOD of patl of l',j_acentttbay used to g<J to La i\Jaocbc.,

• ~ - ' • • lhe ieland, I am told thaftbe· inbabitantaliYe I~ ' take. the~uro g~ena, anitlt it', and run jiggers ' ~T TllUlrriOJCI .Allov-r· ~. ISL.urD-ITa a patriarchal old age. F.~ur acore aod ni.n,o ia ,out of it; and auU tbt: n;iat~nce of the mine,

UO&CJUI'&I .AliD .PJW.DVC'tlo. 1• nothing ono•.ual while tb'tre 111 man7 no" Jjy. thlntgll almoal ner7 .. p_etiblt on lbe· a bore had

... lt .. pectioc the· count17 io general nry little ing ."ho are .,id to bn~. ret ched tb~ir ct~nt~n~ry . apecita ·or !.ad i,n it, was eitb~r unknown or d;e, .

baa be"n '!'rhten, u you are aware, and .nen .ana tnnary. In 1~29-1 am·quutmll' from·li•.e- regarded. Tb11 abo•r• Low much wo .rrqutre chatlittfe b-.lhad.a teo'deno7 to miarelf!aent tor.ical recorda-Martin G•len of l'Ja~entl~ :UaJ, that tho coun~r1 _abould be_ e:iplor~d by ce~Qpe­aod di.apange. . Pf'nona who hen underfaken wn• onr ooe bundr~tl year a of ag_e, l:v' d tn ex~ teot peuone, Stnco ~be d11t:.~ver)' tqr~e or. four to write ·•bouflt bne for the moat -part baeed cell<ol health, tnd, tn company wllh 'bia brother, tetra ago,. mspy t.hounna pound• worth of lead their .opialOiie upoa a <t:U7 haat7 tour of _the I•· c•~gbt tha.t year r.ine q_uintal• of fts_b. Se•~nty baa been · eJtippe~;o~, Ooco "'bile I was t?cre, land; or rather, 1 rbt'uld ••7· or .. par: of tl, r.oo- yeau prntoua be bad ptloted Capta!n. 'Cook lnto 'iixty-6yo tona, valued &.! forty-five pounds. ton, Ani~g.themteiYn to a ride ab~u\ tb~ capii'at and the ba1. A lady named Tait lind to t~e . rit~e- wero,ahipped off, and~anolher time I aaw ·~"era!,

.. -"' raJiid ·glaneee at aome otb~r of the well .kno\fn old tge of?ne hundred and twen17-ll~e 1e~a 10 perhaps on.e .buodred tona, ?f drd~P.d ~re m~ar­

. nd t)ljekiJ pepulated dtatrtcta. aturally tno~gb the 10me ntghborbood, an•J another worn&Q reacl~- ror., p~cp re4 Cor cxp>rtatum ; _and altll•o httle . -t~ i:on1eqoence baa been gro11 rniufatement or ed an equel degree of longnity at ~place ~~ll~d k irowledgo' did · I be p~ople · poa~ e-aa of the trea. -.ill7 -fabricatio11. • · Tor bay, not far from tbe city of St. Jo,.n'a. ,Of aure e:s:iating ~ tbeirmidat tbp.t-for generttiona, .

It i8 cuatcmp.17 to apeak or Newfoundland · the latter it iuelated tbat ahortl7 P1~Yiout to tb~ <!nl7 "¥'m11cle: of it was to dig o~t. a bit to JbihlJ U a,Jpg17, barren, DIIIJ1 fril(id, aband. her d_eatb l~e bad .aent for t~O dootor .to attend m•ko a .jigge_r, : ···.

lU .Mo~unENTS, 5 To)Uls lO liARDLE


St. John·a, Jan. 27. &c., . ·· ~ .. ,.,. fill,'-• ....., •


-.-·- BLANK·.fORM9 . J:o'OU SAbl:!, .

A\)ply nt the' Office of this Paper. ' .

".X"h.e1· S1ia..n.~a.Cl, AND CO.\:CEI'TJON :JJ.-l.Y ADVERTJSEJJ

It .Prlntetl and Published enr.r WEl>~&Sll~Y morning, by \VIt .f;-1•\lll SQUA~Bf, .•t ;hia of£~ opJto•itu• the premt.lel of hlL. f, litggtnl1 Jlar• bur Gi3e.:, N. F. .

Tirni.r.-Tw~:;·p· SIIlLLllfOS per an.nullf, pa,..bl• half-yearly. lloOK ANU JOB PRilfTL'IO"Of etery deaaripti n, U•

outed in a superior rnanu r. • , T t: II:Ua FOR .AonmTi.st:o~o.-'Fiut iMcrtion-For Two I.inea, 11.-l•'or every additional Lipe, :Sd.-Fot each Contiou•tion-One third the firat charge.· -

Thi• paper is not iutJI to any Sub1criber for a· len term tbuu six months. • .

• - · oned· .ao!l God·foraakeo lu.mp on the ter'reatial her 11ck cbtld, an Innocent httl.e .Pratler .of- o'!r.l' . it:c.uL 0 11

TIU: .A.ll.alllOU COl<IUL. .•· ' fkibe, lab•blt~ cht~fl7 bJ rude lbhermen, abag- nin•J7JOara of age. That wa_l what a Now _York

. '17 jlop, wbioiag anlt,ltungry woiYU and other _bo7 woultl..ca'l a ~igh old iofant.. B~t whe~e! '•.Mr. Con•~•~ 0. Leach, who baa bten tbt Ameri-•

~ AJot.rJilt1Mnl8 r~cttotd aliAe O!Jice oj thil PrJ. per wilhoul wrilltJt ~•ulruclion~ li~iting 1M ,.,... obt:t of ll!ltrlioni ( 4'l_clion Siilu and Not~ W."" delermiru t.M•n~tilou a ccpttd),repwltd until orrkr• dl in wriJi11g lo ~ 1D~II1 1111d c:Amw«i acoord-inglr. · _ ,.....---

'". A'IJ ~ ·l .T S, l._) .. · •pet!iltl41qa of tbo brute ~:reauoo. 'fbi1 ia notor- tbe7. 1ive long .or ·d1e earlr, one thing )I certatn, can Cnnaut:al this port Cor the laat4 yeara, te'ceiv · ioaal7 th. a "'.•nular etlimation bC Terra Non. and that ia that a finer t7pe of people, ph7aic~)J . l eu~u from ·i 0 '•rnmeot acceptiog bia rttigpation by 1

' "'" ~ tho a eamer "bicb · broJgbt uo on bert. Ho gou ----l'i~••· what .it the real truth of the matter? th•n the- ' Newfoubdlandeu, bred and born, uo btime i" the Alpha on . the 13th. His recall waa in tbt !act i.a, that-Newfoundland ia not · at not euil7 to be met with: The7 ar'e healthy, c-ompliaoco wilh hia 0 , 0 wiabea. Ur.: 'Cbomas l\:

all at it it cr•c)ted down to be. Of couru it :>looming,' ~obuat, SOlld loo1Lios and aplond.idly 1\lo)fny, ,a com~iutNt .mercharit in tbi' eity1

baa been itJtu!JjijCt ·:"t o•'fug ';'bitt to ia Maille af9111 the dnelop_ed; appointed Yi aconsulpro .tempuu.. · ·

-- ~ . ... . . - . . .

' -" . . ' ... • • I • > I'

• ' I • " . -' -

. .. · . .. . . . . .. ..... ... , .

) . . .

• .. ~ . ·. '1 ... •


. .

~-':--­. '

.. . .

• -. I .. . . . .

st: JoJan••-M.r:·:t'. nyau. • lJrigu~--lf . 'l'arraban. Ba!l Roberll-, Mr. Adriel H\erlihy.

. H01 bor Mai1u-lu • .'l'..Strapp, Jtinr. C!Jrbo~ar · Mr. J· E. Pike. J./Nr't'fitlom11ti-:- r. I. Ryall. ·•

.~ •• -~-

' • 6
