asymptotics for minimal blaschke products and best ll

Computational Methods and FunctionTheory VolumeY (20YY),No. Y, 1-20 Asymptotics for Minimal Blaschke Products and Best Ll Meromorphic Approximants of Markov Functions Laurent Baratchart, Vasiliy A. Prokhorov, and Edward B. Saff Abstract. Let JLbe a positive Borel measure with support supp JL = E C -1,1) and let Keywords. Blaschke products,meromorphic approximation, Markovfunc- tions, bestapproximation. 2000 MSC. 41A20, 3OEIO, 47B35. 1. Introduction Let G be the open unit disk {z: Izi < I} in the complexplane. We assume that the circle r = {z: Izi = I} is positively oriented with respectto G. Received March20, 2002. The research of L.B. and E.B.S. was supported, in part, by NSF-INRIA collaborative research grantINT-9732631 as wellas (for E.B.S.)by NSFresearch grantDMS-0296026. ISSN 1617-9447/$ 2.50 @ 2001 Heldermann Verlag where Bn is the collection of all Blaschkeproducts of degree n. Denote by Bn E Bn a Blaschke product that attains the value ~n. We investigate the asymptotic behavior, as n -t 00, of the minimal Blaschkeproducts Bn in the case when the measure p.with support E = [a, b) satisfies the Szegc:> condition: (b log(dp.{dx) dx > -00. la ";(x -a)(b -x) At the same time, we shall obtain results related to the convergence of best £1 approximants on the unit circle to the Markov function f(z)=~ {~ 21r1 1 E Z -x by meromorphic functions of the form P {Q, where P belongsto the Hardy space HI of the unit disk and Q is a polynomial of degree at most n. We also include in an appendix a detailed treatment of a factorization theorem for Hardy spaces of the slit disk, which may be of independentinterest.

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Page 1: Asymptotics for Minimal Blaschke Products and Best Ll

Computational Methods and Function TheoryVolume Y (20YY), No. Y, 1-20

Asymptotics for Minimal Blaschke Products and Best LlMeromorphic Approximants of Markov Functions

Laurent Baratchart, Vasiliy A. Prokhorov, and Edward B. Saff

Abstract. Let JL be a positive Borel measure with support supp JL = E C-1,1) and let

Keywords. Blaschke products, meromorphic approximation, Markov func-tions, best approximation.

2000 MSC. 41A20, 3OEIO, 47B35.

1. Introduction

Let G be the open unit disk {z: Izi < I} in the complex plane. We assume thatthe circle r = {z: Izi = I} is positively oriented with respect to G.

Received March 20, 2002.The research of L.B. and E.B.S. was supported, in part, by NSF-INRIA collaborative researchgrant INT-9732631 as well as (for E.B.S.) by NSF research grant DMS-0296026.

ISSN 1617-9447/$ 2.50 @ 2001 Heldermann Verlag

where Bn is the collection of all Blaschke products of degree n. Denote byBn E Bn a Blaschke product that attains the value ~n. We investigate theasymptotic behavior, as n -t 00, of the minimal Blaschke products Bn in thecase when the measure p. with support E = [a, b) satisfies the Szegc:> condition:

(b log(dp.{dx) dx > ";(x -a)(b -x)

At the same time, we shall obtain results related to the convergence of best£1 approximants on the unit circle to the Markov function

f(z)=~ {~21r1 1 E Z -x

by meromorphic functions of the form P {Q, where P belongs to the Hardyspace HI of the unit disk and Q is a polynomial of degree at most n. Wealso include in an appendix a detailed treatment of a factorization theoremfor Hardy spaces of the slit disk, which may be of independent interest.

Page 2: Asymptotics for Minimal Blaschke Products and Best Ll

2 L. Baratchart, V. A. Prokhorov, and E. B. gaff CMFT

Let Lp(r), 1 :5 p :5 00, be the Lebesgue space of functions <p measurable on r:with the norm

lipif 1 ~ p < 00,

IIcplip =

< 00.

esssuPr Icp(~)1 if p = 00.

Let JL be a finite positive Borel measure. We assume that the support E ofJL contains infinitely many points and that E c (-1,1). For any nonnegativeinteger n, denote by Bn the collection of all Blaschke products of the form

nII z -~iB(z) = -, ~i E G.

i=1 1 -~iZ

Let L2(.u, E) be the Lebesgue space of measurable functions on E, with the norm

( 1/2 Ilcpl12,p = L Icp(x)12d.u.(x)

In this paper, we investigate the limiting behavior, as n -+ 00, of the solutionsto the following extremal problem:

(1.1) ~n:= inf (IB(x)12 dJl,(x),BEBn J E

and we do this in connection with best meromorphic approximation in L1 (r) tothe Markov function (1.2) so that the present paper may be viewed as a sequel to[3]. Beyond meromorphic approximation, such minimization problems arise, forinstance, in the theory of n-widths of sets of analytic functions (see, for example,[7], [8], [16]). Moreover, they constitute a natural generalization of the Szegotheory of orthogonal polynomials to the hyperbolic setting.

Denote by A the restriction to E of the closed unit ball of the Hardy spaceHoo(G). It is proved by Fisher and Micchelli (see [7], [8]) that

dn(A, L2(Jl, E» = d"(A, ~(Jl" E» = 15n(A, L2(Jl, E» = J:ln IIBI12,J"

where dn, f1r&, and 15n are the Kolmogorov, Gelfand, and linear n-widths of A in

L2(Jl,; E), respectively.It is easy to show that solutions to (1.1) exist and that any solution Bn is aBlaschke product with all zeros belonging to the smallest interval K(E) contain-ing the support E of Jl. It is proved in [2] that all zeros X1,n, ..., Xn,n of Bn aresimple. .

As we mentioned already, there is a close connection between the extremal con-stant ~n and the error in best meromorphic approximation to the Markov func-tion

Page 3: Asymptotics for Minimal Blaschke Products and Best Ll

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in the space LI(r). This connection goes as follows.Let H,(G), 1 ::5: p ::5: 00, be the Hardy space of analytic functions on G. LetMn,,( G), 1 ::5: p ::5: 00, be the class of all meromorphic functions of G that can berepresented in the fonn h = P/Q, where P belongs to the Hardy space Hp(G)and Q is a polynomial of degree at most n, Q ~ O.It is proved by Andersson [2] (see also [3]), that

~n = inf II! -hillhEM".l{G)

and there exists a best approximant hn in Mn,l (G) to the function ! in the spaceLI(r) such that ~n = II! -hnlll and hn = Pn/Bn, where Pn E HI(G) and Bnis a solution of the extremal problem (1.1). Moreover, the function hn satisfieson r the following equation:

(1.3) (Bn2(1 -hn»(~) ~ = 1(1 -hn)(~)II~1

(see [3]). Since! 1S holomorphic on r, it follows from (1.3) and the reflectionprinciple that the functions (I -hn) and hn may in fact be continued analyticallyacross r (see, for example, [10]).Let us mention that Szego type asymptotics of minimal Blaschke products forcertain extremal problems connected with n-widths of sets of analytic functionswere studied by Levin and Saff [12], and Parfenov [13]-[15] (see also Fisherand Saff [9]). In another connection, the present authors investigated in [3] theconvergence of the best meromorphic approximants and the limiting distribu-tion of poles of the best approximants to Markov functions in the space L,(r),1 < p ::5: 00 (for the case p = 2, see also [5]).

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present some formulas involv-ing the extremal Blaschke products Bn as well as their orthogonality properties.Subsequently, in the case when the measure J.L has support E = [a, b] and satisfiesthe Szego condition l b log(dJi,fdx) dx>-oo

a y'(X -a)(b -X) ,

we state in Section 3 (Theorem 4) the asymptotic behavior of the extremalfunctions Bn in the doubly-connected region C\ (EUE-I), where E-I is definedby E-I = {x : X-I E E}. Section 3 also contains a description of the region andrate of convergence of the best approximants hn to f (Theorem 5). Finally, inSections 4 and 5, we prove Theorems 4 and 5, respectively. The methods thatwe use are based on an investigation of Szego type ~ptotics for orthogonalpolynomials with varying weight (see Totik [24] and Stahl [21]).

In the Appendix, we derive auxiliary results on Hardy spaces of the disk slitalong a real segment that are of technical use in Section 5; these results, that wewere not able to locate in the literature, can be generalized to domains whoseboundary consists of finitely many rectifiable Jordan arcs and curves, and maybe of interest in their own right.

Page 4: Asymptotics for Minimal Blaschke Products and Best Ll

4 L. Baratchart, V. A. Prokhorov, and E. B. gaff CMFT

2. Some formulas

~ E r.

Proof. Let u be any harmonic function in G that is continuous on the closeddisk G, and let v be the harmonic conjugate of u. The function eE(u+iv) lies inHoo(G) for each real c. By (1.3), (1.2), and Cauchy's formula, we have

L eE(u+vi)(z) Bn2(x) d.u(x) = 1 eE(u+iv)(!.)I(f -hn)(~)II~I.

Differentiating this last equation with respect to c and setting c = 0, we obtain

LU(X)Bn2(X) d.u(x) = l u(~)I(/ -hn)(~)II~I.

Since u is an arbitrary function harmonic in G and continuous on G, we get

(Bn2d.u)*(~) = 1(/ -hn)(~)II~I, ~ E r,

where (Bn2 d.u)* is the balayage of the measure Bn2 d.u on r. Using the formulafor the balayage of (Bn2 d.u)* on r (see, for example, [20, Section II.4]), we get(2.1). .Lemma 2. The Szego function (cf. [23, Chap. XV

( 1 (~+ z I(f -hn)(~) I )CPn(z) = exp 4; Jr {"=""Z log ~n I~I, Izl < 1,

for 1(/ -hn)(~)I/ ~n, ~ E r, is non-vanishing and analytic in G, continuous onG, and satisfies IICPnl12 = 1, cpn > o on (-1,1), and

(2.2) 1(/ -hn)(~)1 = ~nICPn(~)12, ~ E r.

Furthennore, there exist positive constants C1 and C2 not depending on n suchthat

zeG.C1 :::; ICPn(z) I :::; C2,

Proof. It is well-known (and easy to see) that the outer function rpn is non-vanishing in G, and satisfies (2.2), from which it follows that IIrpl12 = 1. Since,by (2.1), .

1(1 -hn)(~)1 = 1(1 -hn)(oE) I, oE E r,

we obtain that l'Pn(~)1 = l'Pn(oE)l, oE E r, and 'Pn is real on (-1,1). Moreover,since 'Pn(O) > 0 and 'Pn i= 0 in G, we can conclude that 'Pn is positive on (-1,1).Inequalities (2.3) follow easily from (2.1), (2.2) and the maximum principle ap-plied to 'Pn(z) and 1/'Pn(z). .

2.1. An auxiliary function I{Jn.

Lemma 1. With the notation of Section 1, we have

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Y (20VY), No. Y Minimal Blaschke Products and Best Appraximants of Markov Functions 5

2.2. Orthogonality. The embedding operator J: H2(G) -+ L2(JL, E) is givenby restricting an element cp E H2( G) to E:

(2.4) J(cp) = cplE.

For the adjoint J*: L2(.u, E) -+ H2(G) of the embedding operator J we have thefollowing formula (cf. [3]):

J*('I/J)(z) = -21 f 1'I/J(Y) dJL(Y), Izi < 1, 'I/J E L2(JL, E).7r J E -yz

Consequently, for cp E H2(G),

(2.6) Bn2(~)(J -hn)(~) = -.!- [ Bn2(X) dJ.t(x) , ~ E C \ E.<Pn(~) 27ri JE <Pn(X)(~ -x)

The function <Pn can be extended analytically to C \ E-1, and satisfies the equa-


~ E C\E-1~1 Bn2(x) dp,(x)27r E Ipn(x)(l -~x) = ~nlpn(~)'



(2.8) .!- ( ~n(x)dJL(x) = Lln(CPnBn)(~), ~ E C \ E-l.27r JE CPn(x)(l- ~x)

Writing Bn = W:/Wn, where w:(z) = II::l (Z-Xi,n) and Wn(Z) = II:=l(l-xi,nz),the following orthogonality relations are valid:1 w' (2.9) ~ ( ) n 2( ) dJL(x) = 0 for k = 0,1,..., n -1.


This formula will be used to establish Lemma 3 in which we show that the Szegofunction CPn can be extended analytically to C\ E-1, where E-1 is the reflectionof E in the unit circle r -In this lemma we also obtain an analytic continuationof the function B~(J -hn)/CPn and orthogonality properties of the numeratorpolynomial w: associated with Bn-

Lemma 3. The function B~ (J -hn) / CPn can be extended analytically to C \ Eand

Proof. Let cp be any function in H2(G). Using (1.3) and (2.2), we can write

(2.10) (cpBn2)(~)(f -hn)(~)/CPn(~) ~ = Lln<p(~)~ I~I, ~ E r.

Recalling that hn = Pn/Bn, Pn E HI (G) , we get with the help of (1.2) that

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6 L. Baratchart, V. A. Prokhorov, and E. B. gaff CMFT

= ~CPn'

It follows from the last formula that

(2.12) J* J (~tpn

where J: H2(G) -t L2(p.,E) is the embedding operator. By (2.12) and (2.5), weget (2.7) for ~ E G. Since the left-hand side of (2.7) is analytic in C \ E-1, itprovides an analytic continuation of tpn to C \ E-1.

Let tp E H2(G). Multiplying equation (2.10) by n:W yields

(tpBn)(~)(f -hn)(~)/tpn(~)~ = L\ntp(~)tpn(~)Bn(~)I~I, ~ E r.

Using now the last formula, we get

1tp(x)~"(::2~~ = L\n f CP(~)~n(~)Bn(~) I~I,E tpn(x) Jr


J*J = ~nCPnBn,



from which (2.8) follows.Taking ~ = Xi,n in (2.8), we obtain that

[ Bn (X) dp,(x)

JE CPn(x)(l- Xi,nX)


which implies (2.9).

It follows from (1.3) and (2.2) that

Bn2(J -hn) ) 1 (1 1CPn (~) = ~nCPn(~)~ = ~nCPn ~~' ~ E r,

where we used the fact that CPR is real on (-1,1). Using (2.13), we can concludethat Bn2(j -hn)/CPn can be extended analytically to C \ E. Hence, by (2.13)and (2.7), we get (2.6). .

We assume hereafter that the support of p, is a closed interval E = [a, b) and themeasure p, satisfies the Szego condition

(3.1) r log (dJ1,/dx) dx> -00.lE V(x-a)(b-x) .

It will be assumed without loss of generality that E C (0,1) so that E-1 =[l/b,l/a]. Denote by ~ the conformal mapping of the region It\ (EUE-1) onto{w: r < Iwl < 1/r} with ~(1) = 1 .Then

( 'irK r=exp - -2K'

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where 11 dx (1 -a2)(l -b2)K= , ~= ,

0 V(I -x2)(I- r2x2) (1 -ab)2

and K' is the corresponding elliptic integral for r' = ..j"i-=-T"i" (see, e.g., [20]).

Let gE(Z,~) = log 1(1- (Z)/(Z -~)I be the Green's function of G with singu-larity at the point ~ E G. Denote by £Il the unit equilibrium measure for Ecorresponding to the Green's potential

Vg~(z) =LgE(Z,~)~(~).

As is well-known the Green's potential V~ has the following equilibrium prop-erty:

v; = log(l/r) on E,

and the measure ~ can be represented in the form

k(3.2) dI.AJ(x) = dx for x E E,

V(x -a)(b -x)(1 -ax)(l -bx)

where k = (1 -ab)/2K' (d. [20, Section II.5]).

Let dp, = 1/1dI.AJ + dp", be the Riesz decomposition of p" where 1/1 = dp,/ dcJJ denotesthe Radon-Nikodym derivative of p, with respect to the equilibrium measure (11,and p", is a singular measure. Denote by g(&l ( 1/1) the geometric mean of thefunction 1/1 with respect to (11:

g/IJ(1/J) = exp(LIOg1/JduJ) .

It follows from the Szego condition that g/IJ(1/J) > O.

Denote by V",(z) the Szego function of 1/J for the doubly-connected domainC\ (EUE-I) (cr. [3]). We have

V",(z) = JQ:(:;j;) exp ( V(z -a)(z -b)(l- az)(l- bz)

1 l b log(1/J(x)/g",(1/J)) 1 -2xz + X2 dx2; a y'(X -a)(b -x)(1 -ax) (1 -bx) (z -x)(I- xz) x

Here and in what follows we take that branch of the root that is positive on thepositive part of the real line. V",(z) has the following properties:

1. V",(z) is analytic and non-vanis~ing in C \ (E U E-l)j V",(z) is an outerfunction in the Hardy space H2(C \ (E U E-l)) (cf. the appendix)j

2. IV",(x)P = 1/J(x) a.e. (almost everywhere) on Ej3. IV",(z)P = g",(1/J) on f.

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8 L. Baratchart, V. A. Prokhorov, and E. B. gaff CMFT

We remark that in property 2), IV",(x)12,x E E, is defined as the nontangentiallimit of IV",(z) 12 as z -t X, z E C \ (EU E-l).

The rate of convergence to zero, as n -t 00, of ~n was investigated by theauthors in [3] (see also [4]). As consequence of results related to the convergenceof the best meromorphic approximants to Markov functions in the space Lp(r),1 < P ~ 00, we proved that

~n\ V.V I 2r2n()1&/ (1/1) -+- 1

We now describe the limiting behavior of the functions Bn and CPn-

Theorem 4. The sequence of measures (Bn2 / ~n) dp, converges weak'" to dcAJ:

(-1 A\ Bn2

as n -)0 00.

*,~.., dp. -t d,(.A)

~nFurthennore, for i E t \ (E U E-l)

as n -+ 00.

(BnV",)(z) -+ 1cI> n ( Z ).JQ:- (".ij;)

andforz E C\E-l

(3 6) ( ) A ( ) ~2.CPn Z -t cP z = v(l -az)(l -bz)'

where the limits as n -t 00 are locally uniform.

The next assertion describes the convergence of hn to f.

Theorem 5. We have(/-hn)(z) -t k ,

(3.7) ~~ iy(l- az)(l- bz)(z -a)(z -b)ct:l"(z)

unifonnly on compact subsets of It \ (E U E-l) as n -+ 00.

Concerning the asymptotic distribution of the zeros Xi,n of the Blaschke prod-ucts Bn, we have the following easy consequence of (3.5).

Theorem 6. The sequence of discrete probability measures1 n

vn = -~<5z. ,n L.., .,ni=1

where t5z denotes the unit point mass at x, converges weak* to dt.4J as n -t 00.

We remark Theorem 6 is valid under much weaker assumptions on the measure J1,.For example, it suffices that dJ1,/dx > 0 a.e. on E = [a, b].

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4. Proof of Theorem 4

4.1. Auxiliary results. Denote by \II the conformal mapping of the regionC \ E onto {w : Iwl > I} such that \II(oo) = 00 and \II'(oo) > O. Let C(E)be the logarithmic capacity of the interval E = [a, b]. It is well-known thatC(E) = (b -a)/4 (see e.g. [20]). Let W1 be the unit equilibrium measure for E:

1 dxdw1(x) = 'lry(X -a)(b -x) for x E E,

with corresponding logarithmic potential

V"'(z)=110g-1 11 dJ,;I(x) E z-x

We have for x E E

7rk J;:-;-dt.u(X) = / (1 ~_'/1 1._')( ) dt.u1(X) = 7rV2kcp(x) dt.u1(X),

V \.1 -ax}\.1 -bx}


Jk72cp(z) = y(1 -az)(1 -bz).

Let dJL = 'l/J1 dt.AJ1 + dJLa,l be the Riesz decomposition of JL, where 'l/J1 = dJLI dt.AJ1 isthe Radon-Nikodym derivative of JL with respect to the equilibrium measure l.A)1,and JLa,l is a singular measure.

Let gwl('l/Jl) be the geometric mean of the function 'l/J1 with respect to l.A)1:

9"'1 ( t/Jl) = exp (L log t/Jl dcAJl

Since the measure J.t satisfies the Szego condition (3.1), glJJl(1/;l) > o.

Denote by D,pl(Z) the classical Szego function of 1/;1 for the simply connecteddomain C \ E. D,pl(Z) has the following properties:

1. D1/JI (z) is analytic and non-vanishing in C \ E; D1/Jl(Z) is an outer functionin the Hardy space H2(C \ E) (cf. the appendix); .

2. ID1/Jl(Z)12 = 'l/Jl(Z) a.e. on E and D1/J12(OO) = ()1&11('l/Jl)'

We have (see e.g. [24])

(4.3) dxDt/ll(Z) = expv(z -a)(z -b)~ l b IOg('l/Jl(X)) 1

27r I ( -~\(J. -\-a V\x-a)(b-x)Z-X

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10 L. Baratchart, V. A. Prokhorov, and E. B. gaff CMFT

4.2. The convergence of <Pn. Let

bn = ( w~2(x)d.u(x) = ( Bn2(X)dJ.L(x)JE Wn2(X)<Pn(X) JE 'Pn(X)

Since, from (2.9), the polynomial w~(z) = n:=l(Z -Xi,n) is the n-th orthogonalpolynomial with respect to the measure dJLI CPnwn2, and CPn is bounded frombelow and above on E by constants not depending on n, by virtue of the resultsof Totik [24, Sections 14 and 16] and Stahl [21],


w~2D1/1Ilwn2cpn2(Z)(4.5) C(E)2n'I12n(z)gIll1 (t/11/wn2'Pn) -+- 1

uniformly on compact subsets of C \ E as n -+- 00. Moreover, the sequence ofmeasures (Bn2/'PntSn) dtJ; weak* converges to diJJ1:

B2n *\~.UJ ~ dJL -+ dw1 as n -+ 00


(see [3, page 407] for more details concerning the application of results from [24]and [21]).

We now prove that, as n -+ 00,

CPn(Z) -t <jJ(z)

uniformly on compact subsets of It \E-1, where <jJ(z) is defined in (3.6). By (2.7)and (4.6), for zEit \ E-1, we have



1-* .=27rV(1 -az)(l -bz)

Since II'Pn112 = 1 and 111/ V(l- az)(l -bz)112 = .J2/k,

Lln 1(.1 7\ -* as n -* 007rV2k '

as n -+ 00.

~ L <pn(x)t5n(l- zx)1 r diu1(x)2; J E i -zx


and for z E C \ E-l

,fffi'Pn(Z) -+ cjJ(Z) = V(l -az)(l -bz) ,(4.8)

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Y (20yy), No. Y Minimal Blaschke Products and ~ Approximants of Markov Functions 11

where the limit as n -+ 00 is locally uniform. We remark that it follows from(3.3) and (4.7) that

as n -+ 00.

4.3. The limiting distribution of zeros of Bn. In this subsection we obtainSzego type asymptotics for the Blaschke products Bn- We have

Bn2dJ1 cSn Bn2dJ1.- "P-6n 6n n cSn"Pn

From this, on account of (4.7), (4.8), (4.6), and (4.2), we get (3.4).

We now prove (3.5). LetB 2V 2

n 1/1, Un = <I>2ng",(1/J).

We remark that un'is analytic in C \ (E U E-l). By properties of the Szegofunction V1/1, we have

Iunl = 1 on r

Bn21/J(4.10) r2nyw('ljJ)

a.e. on E. We claim that Un --+ 1 uniformly on compact subsets oft\ (EUE-1)as n --+ 00. Since Iunl = 1 on r, it is sufficient to show that, for z E G \ E,Un --+ 1 where the limit as n --+ 00 locally uniform.


Iunl =

( ) -2Bn2(Z)Wn2(Z)(D1/11/Wn2cpn)2(Z)mn Z -dnw2n(Z) ~(4.11)

it follows from (4.4) and (4.5) that

(4.12) mn(Z) -+ 1

uniformly on compact subsets of C \ E as n -+ 00.

Let13n2(Z)tVn2(Z)LJ~2(Z)Vn(Z) = \T!2n(z)(LJw,,2)2(z)r2ng(ll(1/I).

It is not hard to see that the function Vn(Z) is analytic in C \ E and

(4.13) Ivnl = 13n21/1/(~ng(ll(1/I))

a.e. on E. With the help of (4.2), we can represent Vn(Z) in the form

( 8n LJcp,,2(Z)Vn(z) = Tnn z). .n;2W'7rV2k 2r2ng(.J ( 1/J)

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12 L. Baratchart, V. A. Prokhorov, and E. B. Saff CMFT

By (4.8), (4.9), and (4.12), we get

(4.14) Vn(Z) -+ 1

uniformly on compact subsets of C \ E as n -+ 00.Let gn = unlvn. Then gn is analytic and nonzero in C \ (E U E-l). By (4.10)and (4.13), we_get Ignl = 1 a.e. on E. From this, since 'D,p E H2(C \ (E U E-1))and D,p E H2(C \ E) are outer functions in the corresponding Hardy spaces, weobtain by Remark 10 and Theorem 11 of the Appendix that gn E Hoo(G \ E)and 11gn E Hoo(G \ E). Using now a normal families argument, and the factsthat Ignl -+ 1 uniformly on r as n -+ 00, and (unlvn)(x) > 0 for x E (b, 1), weget gn -+ 1 uniformly on compact subsets of G \ E as n -+ 00. Therefore, by(4.14), un(Z) -+ 1 uniformly on compact subsets of G \ E as n -+ 00. Hence,(3.5) is proved.


5. Proof of Theorem 5

Using (2.6), we can write

ZEC\E(1 -hn)(z) = * .~ 1 Bn2(X)dJL(x)Bn (z) 27ri E CPn(X)(Z -x)'

By (4.6),

-cPn(X)(Z -x) -+ L ~ = -::J<~~~(~~~'

uniformly on compact subsets of C \ E as n -+ 00. Hence, by (3.5), (3.6) and(4.9), we get (3.7).

Appendix A. Hardy spaces of a slit disk

A.I. Definition and boundary values. For 1 :$: p < 00, the Hardy spaceH,(D) of a domain D c C is the space of those analytic functions 9 in D suchthat 191', which is subharmonic in D, has a harmonic majorant there; the Hardyspace Hoo(D) is simply the space of bounded analytic functions in D. Clearly,this definition is confonnally invariant.

Hardy spaces of the unit disk are well-known and we shall refer freely to theirclassical properties (see, for instance, [6, 10, 11]). From them, one can proceedto Hardy spaces of simply connected domains whose boundary is a rectifiableJordan curve via confonnal mapping, and basic properties remain valid in thiscontext with minor modifications, especially when the boundary is analytic (seefor instance [6, Chapter 10, Section 10.2] for an introduction). For multiplyconnected domains things get more difficult, but the case of boundaries consisting

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of finitely many analytic Jordan curves has been considerably worked out, both inits functional-analytic aspects and from the geometric point of view on Riemannsurfaces (see, for instance, [25, 26] and also [8, Chapters 3 and 4] for a self-contained introduction and further references). However, even in this case, itseems that factorization theory has not come to the degree of completeness ithas reached on the circle. For instance, when needed on a slit disk for the proofof Theorem 4, the authors could not locate a published analog on such a domainto the classical fact that the ratio of a H,(D)-function by an outer factor lies inHoo(D) if its boundary values lie in Loo(8D). The result is carried out indeed onthe annulus in [19, Theorem 6, Section 6], with a different (but equivalent on theannulus) definition of Hardy spaces, but we could not even find in the literature atreatment of (generally twofold) boundary values when some components of theboundary of D are Jordan arcs rather than curves. Moreover, in the latter case,Hardy spaces defined through integral means differ from those defined throughharmonic majorants, essentially because summability with respect to harmonicmeasure and with respect to arclength become distinct notions. This is theraison d'etre for the present appendix. Although the results below generalizeto finitely connected domains whose boundary consists of rectifiable Jordan arcsand curves, we make no attempt at being general and we shall proceed as quicklyas possible with the result we need, namely Theorem 11 below.

We assume hereafter that [a, b] C G is a real segment, and we set for simplicity0 = G \ [a, b] so that an = r u [a, b]. Occasionally in the paper, we also refer tosome of the definitions and results below for the domain If:: \ ([a, b] U [l/a, lib]),and we leave it to the reader to check that everything carries over to the latterwith obvious modifications, using e.g. reflection across the circle.

Lemma 1. For 1 ~ p ~ 00, any member of H,(O) has nontangential limitalmost everywhere on rand nontangential limits from above and below almosteverywhere on [a, b] with respect to Lebesgue measure. The boundary functionsthus defined are measurable with respect to Lebesgue measure.

Proof. From [6, Theorem 10.2], it follows that each function in Hp(n) is thesum of a function in Hp(G) and a function in Hp(C \ [a, b]); actually, the theo-rem that we refer to is stated for domains whose boundary consists of a finiteunion of Jordan curves, but examination of the proof shows that is still validfor increasing unions (keeping connectivity fixed) of such domains and thereforeit is valid in our case. Now, the existence of measurable nontangential limitson r for Hp( G)-functions is well-known, and from it the existence of measurablenontangentiallimits from above and below on [a, b] for Hp(C \ [a, b])-functionsfollows by composition with the conformal mapping(A ) (b -a) 1 a + b

.1 z+-z ,

from G onto C \ [a, b], granted the conformal invariance of Hardy spaces.

a(z) = +-4 2


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14 L. Baratchart, V. A. Prokhorov, and E. B. gaff CMFT

It is well-known that Hardy functions on the disk can be recovered from theirboundary values through a Cauchy integral and through a Poisson integral aswell. On 0, the analog of the Poisson integral will be more useful for our purposes,and this is why we need now introduce harmonic measure. On a domain D, theharmonic measure from a point ZED, denoted by (.I.Jz,D, is the unique Borelprobability measure on aD such that every harmonic function h on D that iscontinuous on fJ satisfies

h(z) = r h(~) dtJJz,D(~).18D

Such a measure exists for every zED whenever aD has positive logarithmiccapacity, see e.g. [18, Chapter 4, Section 3] or [20, Appendix 3], and this is thecase in particular when D =.0.. Moreover, although Wz,D depends on z, thereis an inequality of the form Wzt,D .s: CWz2,D, for some constant C = C(Zl' Z2),whenever Zl, Z2 E D (see [18, Corollary 4.3.5] or [20, Appendix 3, Section V]),so we simply speak,of subsets of harmonic measure zero on aD and likewise ofmeasurable and summable functions with respect to harmonic measure.

Lemma 8.

(i) The hannonic measure of!1; is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesguemeasure on 00 = r u [a, bJ.

(ii) If A E L1(UJz,C\[a,bj,[a,b]), then A E L1(UJz,n,[a,b]), and if

h(z) = r A(t) dl.4Jz,C\[4,bj(t), z E C \ [a, b],


designates the corresponding solution to the generalized Dirichlet problem,then

(A.2) h(z) = ( h(~) dulz,n(~) + ( A(t) dulz,n(t), zEn.Jr J[a,b]

(iii) 1f1] E L1(wz,G,r), then 1] E L1(wz,n,r), and if

u(z) = i 1](~) d£uz,G(~), Z E G,

designates the cofTesponding solution to the generalized Dirichlet problem,then

(A.3) u(t) ~z,n(t), z E o.

Proof. Let Z be a Borel subset of r or [a, b]. H we discard one of the con-nected components of 00, we get a simply connected domain 01 such thatWZ,nl(Z) ~ wz,n(Z) for each z E 0 [18, Corollary 4.3.9]. This shows thatL1(wz,C\[a,b],[a,b]) C Ll(Wz,n,[a,b]) and also that L1(wz,G,r) C L1(wz,n,r) forz E 0, which accounts for the summability assertion in (ii), (ill), and reducesthe proof of (i) to showing that wz,G and wz,C\[a,b] are absolutely continuous with

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respect to Lebesgue measure on r and [a, b] respectively. The disk case is trivialsince ~z,G(8) = Pz(8)d8, where Pz is the familiar Poisson kernel, and the caseof C \ [a, b] follows for instance from the fact that ClJoo,C\[a,b] is the equilibriummeasure of the segment [a, b] for the logarithmic potential [18, Theorem 4.3.14]which is given by (4.1). This proves (i).

As to (A.2), we observe by Brelot's theorem [20, Appendix 3] that the right-hand side of (A.2) is the generalized solution to the Dirichlet problem on Q withboundary values h on r and ,X on [a, b], and therefore it is the lower (resp. upper)envelope of those superharmonic (resp. subharmonic) functions Sinn that arebounded below (resp. above) and satisfy

liminf S(z) ~ 'x(t) and liminfS(z) ~ h(t;,)z-+tE[a,b] z-+F.Er

(resp.limsupS(z) :$: "\(t) and limsupS(z) :$: h(~».z-+tE[a,b:] z-+f.EI'

Since h is itself the generalized solution to the Dirichlet problem on C \ [a, b]with boundary values .,\ on [a, b], it can be characterized, using Brelot's theoremagain, as a lower (resp. upper) envelope of a family of superharmonic (resp.subharmonic) functions which is easily checked to be included in the previousone. Therefore h is at the same time not smaller and not bigger than the right-hand side of (A.2). The proof of (A.3) is similar. 8

We are now in position to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 9. Let 1 ~ P ~ 00 and 9 E Hp(.o.). If g* denotes the nontangentialboundary function of 9 on rand g:f: its nontangential boundary function on [a, b]from above and below, then Ig* IP concatenated with Ig:f: IP, as well as log Ig* I con-catenated with log Ig:f:l, are summable with respect to the harmonic measure wz,n.Moreover, it holds that

g(z) + g(z) =


Proof. Note that g* concatenated with g% i.~ indeed mea..~lIrable with respectto (the completion of) harmonic measure by Lemmas 7 and 8. If 9 E Hoo(n),then g* and g% are obviously bounded, and the summability of their log-modulus,as well as (A.4), will follow from the case p < 00 since Hoo(.o.) c Hp(.o.). Thuswe assume that p < 00 and, upon decomposing 9 as the sum of a function inH p (G) and of a function in H p (C \ [a, b]) like we did in the proof of Lemma 7, itis enough to prove the theorem when 9 belongs to one of these spaces.

The case where 9 E Hp(G) is clear from Lemma 8(iii), the fact that functions inHp(G) are Poisson integrals of their boundary values, and the subsequent fact

Jr+ r (g+(t) + g-(t)) ~z,n(t),


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16 L. Baratchart, V. A. Prokhorov, and E. B. gaff CMFT

that g(2) is the solution to the generalized (complex) Dirichlet problem in Gwith boundary values h(eiD) = g*(e-iD).

To prove the result when 9 E Hp(C \ [a, b]), we consider again the conformalmap a: G -+ C \ [a, b] defined by (A.I), and we observe that it extends to acontinuous map G -+ C that covers [a, b] twice, each subset of r having thesame image as its conjugate, with the restrictions a: r n {::i::lmz ~ O} -+ [a, b]being homeomorphisms. Therefore, if h is a harmonic function on C\ [a, b] that iscontinuous on C, then H = hoa is a continuous function on G which is harmonicin G and satisfies H(eiD) = H(e-iD)j conversely, any H with these properties isof the form h 0 a for some harmonic function h on C \ [a, b] that is continuouson C. Hence we get by definition of harmonic measure that for z E G

(A.5) r H(~) ~z,G(~) = H(z) = h(a(z» = r h(t) ~a(z),C\[a,bj(t).Jr J[a,bj

Moreover, since it has connected boundary, C \ [a, b] is a regular domain for theDirichlet problem [18, Theorem 4.2.4], which means that ~y continuous functionon [a, b] extends continuously to a harmonic function on C \ [a, b]. Consequently(A.5) implies that

(h 0 a(f;) dUJz,G = ( h(t) dUJo(z),C\[a,b](t)Jr J[a,b]

holds for every continuous function h on [a, b], implying that the inverse image ofwo(z),C\[a,b] under a is the Poisson integral at z on those Borel subsets of r thatare invariant under conjugation. In particular, it holds that

(A.6) Wo(z),C\[a,b](a(B)) = ( -Pz({}) d(J, B c r n {x Imz ? OJ.JBUB

From this, we deduce that if 9 E Hp(C \ [a, b]) and r is the boundary functionfrom above or below on [a, b], then

Ja'b]= 17r Ig%(a(eiS))IP Pz(O) dO

+ 121fIg:f:( a( e-iB)) IP P z (fJ) dfJ,

la,b]log Ig%(t) I dtAJa(Z),C\[a,bj(t) =

+ 1211"


Ig%(a(e-iD)) I Pz(8) dfJ.

Because f H- f oa establishes a one-to-one correspondence between Hp(C\ [a, b])and Hp(G), and since a preserves non-tangential convergence to the boundary

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at every point of r \ {-I, I}, the announced summability now follows from thewell-kown properties of Hp(G). To establish (AA), we use (A.6) to compute

( (g+(t) +g-(t») dlNa(z),C\[a,bj(t)J[a,bj

= 111" (g+(a(ei8)) +g-(a(ei8))) Pz({})d{}


+ 11" (g+(a(e-iD)) +g-(a(e-i8))) Pz({})d{}.

Taking into account that a(e-iD) = a(ei8), we reorder terms in the right-handside to obtain:

r (g+(t) +g-(t)) dwa(z),C\[a,b](t)


+ 111" g-(a(eiD)) P z(fJ) dfJ + 1211" g+(a(eiD))) Pz(fJ) dfJ

Since go a E Hp(G) has boundary values g+(a(eiB)) on the upper half of randg-(a(eiB)) on the lower half, and since moreover a(Z) = a(z), the above quantityis just g(a(z))+g(Q(Zj). By Lemma 8 (ii) equation (A.2), we now conclude uponrenaming a(z) as z that (A.4) indeed holds in this case too. .

We can now define an outer function in Hp(O) to be some 9 E Hp(O) with thefollowing three properties:

.9 has no zeros in 0,

.191 has a well-defined boundary function on 00, that is to say the moduliof the upper and lower nontangentiallimits of 191 must agree a.e. on [a, b],

.log 191 solves the generalized Dirichlet problem with respect to its nontan-gential boundary values:

(A.7) log Igl(z) = f8f1.10g Igl(~) d£JJz,n(~), z E 0,

where we have kept in this equation the notation Igi to denote the nontan-gential boundary function since this is non-ambiguous here.

Remark 10. Note that (A.7) is well-defined in view of Theorem 9. Note also, byLemma 8(ii), that an outer function in H,(C \ [a, b]) (similar definition) restrictsto a outer function in H,(O). The same applies via the same proof to an outerfunction of H,(C \ {[a, b] U [l/a, lib]}).

Our ~oal is to establish the following result:

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18 L. Baratchart, V. A. Prokhorov, and E. B. gaff CMFT

Theorem 11. Let 1 ~ P ~ 00 and 91,92 E H,(O) with 92 outer. Then, 91/92 EHoo(O) if, and only if, its nontangential boundary values on r and on [a, b] fromabove and below lie in Loo (00) .

To proceed with the proof, we need a few facts from uniformization theory thatwe outline briefly. As n is a planar domain with more than two boundary points,recall from the uniformization theorem (see for instance [1, Theorem 10.4} or [8,Theorem 2.3]) that there exists an analytic covering 1: G -+- 0, and a group }:::of Mobius transformations G -+- G acting transitively on the fibers called theautomorphic group of G, with the property that 10 U = 1 for each u E }:::.The automorphic group is isomorphic to the fundamental group of 0, namely tothe group of integers Z. The covering 1 can be normalized by picking Zo E nand requiring that 1(0) = ZO, 1'(0) > 0, and it is then unique. Now, usingelementary properties of harmonic functions, it is not difficult to check from thedefinitions (see for instance [6, Theorem 10.11]) that g H- go 1 establishes aone-to-one correspondence between Hp(n) and those functions in Hp( G) thatare invariant under right composition by members of }:::.

Note, since n is bounded, that 1 belongs to Hoo(G) and thus it has a non-tangential boundary function 1* on r, which is clearly invariant under rightcomposition by members of }:::.

We claim that 1* maps r into an.

Indeed, if we had 1* (eiDo) = Zo E 0, then by the covering property there wouldbe a connected neighborhood V of Zo such that 1-1(Zo) consists of a disjointunion of connected open sets, each of which is homeomorphic to V under 1. Byconnectedness, one of them, say W, would contain a ray {Tei80j TO ~ T < 1}on which we can pick a sequence Zn converging to ei80 in Cj but Zn does notconverge in W whereas 1(Zn) converges to Zo in V, contradicting homeomorphy.This proves the claim.

Now, since n c G, the function 1 can be viewed as a map G -+- G, so the Julia-Wolff lemma [17, Proposition 4.13} implies that the angular derivative 1'(~)exists at every ~ E r where 1*(~) E r. In the same vein, composing 1 with

Z H- 2z -(a + b) - I (2Z -(a + b) \ 2 .2z -(a + b»)2 -1,

b-a V\ b~a oJ -1

which conformally maps C \ [a, b} -+- G and sends the upper (resp. lower) halfof the cut onto the lower (resp. upper) half of r, and which is clearly conformalat every point of (a, b) from above and below, we conclude that the angularderivative 1'(~) exists also at every ~ E r where 1*(~) E (a, b). Altogether, 1 isconformal a.e. on r.If now h is a harmonic function on n that is continuous on 0, then H = h 0 1is a bounded harmonic function on G and as such the Poisson integral of its~

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nontangential boundary values H*. As H* = h 0 T* by the continuity of h, weget by definition of harmonic measure that

(A.B) ~ i h(T*(ei8» Pz(9) d8 = H(z) = h(T(z» = 100 h(t) dwT(z),n(t),

so the image of T* has full measure on 00, and since f>. is regular for the Dirichletproblem we conclude that the inverse image of WT(z),n under T* is wz,G on thoseBorel subsets of r that are invariant under }:::.

The key to the proof of Theorem 11 is the following lemma.

Lemma 12. Let 9 E H,(f>.) and f E H,( G) be such that f = goT. If 9 is outerin H,(O), so is f in H,(G).

Proof. Clearly f has no zeros in G, and it remains to show, granted (A.7), that

(A.9) log Ig 0 ,TI(z) = i log I(g 0 T)*I{~) dl.AJz,G(~), z E G.

As we just saw that the inverse image of wY(z),n under T* is Wz,G, (A.9) willfollow from (A.7) if we can show that (g 0 T)* = g* 0 T*. This in turn followsfrom the previously observed fact that T is conformal a.e. on r. .

Proof of Theorem 11. If we introduce the functions hI and h2 in Hp(G) suchthat hI = 910 'P and h2 = 920 'p, and if we observe that h2 is outer by Lemma 12,we are left to establish the corresponding property on the disk where it is iswell-known (cf. for instance [11, Chapter IV, Section E]). .

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Laurent Barntchart E-MAIL: baratcha.~sophia.. inria. frADDRESS: INRIA, 200... Route des Lucioles B.P.93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, Fmnce

Vasiliy A. Prokhorov E-MAIL: prokhorovGmathstat. usouthal. eduADDRESS: Department of Mathematics and StatistiC8, University of South Alabama, Mobile,Alabama 96688-000£, U.S.A.

Edward B. Saff E-MAIL: esaffGmath. vanderbilt.eduADDRESS: Center for Constructive Approzimation, Department of Mathematics, VanderbiltUnitJersity, NashtJille, Tennessee 971J,4°, U.S.A.