astrovoyager press kit - electropera act 03 - 2014

Press kit August 2014 ElectrOpera: Act 03, Convolutions New album Release October 17, 2014 Digiral September 21, 2014 CD October 17, 2014 Press contact : Philippe Fagnoni // +33/(0)6 81 32 70 01 // [email protected] //

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Press kit of the third Act of the new concept-album - ElectrOpera - from AstroVoyager


Page 1: AstroVoyager Press kit - ElectrOpera Act 03 - 2014

Press kit August 2014

ElectrOpera: Act 03, Convolutions New album Release October 17, 2014

Digiral September 21, 2014 CD October 17, 2014

Press contact : Philippe Fagnoni // +33/(0)6 81 32 70 01 // [email protected] //

Page 2: AstroVoyager Press kit - ElectrOpera Act 03 - 2014


ElectrOpera, a concept in 4 “Acts”… After two concept albums, Temporal Gravitation2 in 2006 and Symphotronic Lunation in 2010 followed by the Lunation Tour, Philippe Fagnoni - alias AstroVoy-ager - is back in 2014 with Convolutions, the Act 03 of his new project started in 2012: ElectrOpera. This is one step further along this atypical electro-composer's creative path, taking us deeper into his musical universe of electro-lyrical fusion. Philippe Fagnoni creates a new landscape, woven with the timeless purity of a diva's voice and the sound of church bells from the Franche-Comté region which act as an invisible thread linking the celestial AstroVoyager to his earthly roots.

When electro meets baroque… A string quartet and a mixed choir add to the pow-erfulness of this musical canvas adorned with electro-abstract videos which lift the "audi-spectator" into the baroque weightlessness of ElectrOpera. This is a work in four acts, released at the rate of one per year (2012 to 2015): Pulsations (Act 01), Modulations (Act 02), Convolutions (Act 03) and Oscil-lations (Act 04). The first ElectrOpera performance took place on October 19, 2012 at Ornans (25), un-derlining Fagnoni's attachment to the Franche-Comté region.

A prolific composer, Philippe Fagnoni created

AstroVoyager - a solo formation allowing his talents

as a keyboard player total freedom - in 2000.

Mixing natural, acoustic and synthetic sounds is very

much the "hallmark" of AstroVoyager, on which he

imposes but one restriction: a mighty sound, enfolding

sumptuous electro-symphonic canvases, completed by

an avant-garde visual choreography.

> Press release Biography


Photos gallery



Press Kit AstroVoyager August 2014

Press contact : Philippe Fagnoni // +33/(0)6 81 32 70 01 // [email protected] //

Page 3: AstroVoyager Press kit - ElectrOpera Act 03 - 2014


Welcome aboard the AstroVoyager, your pilot is Philippe Fagnoni. This atypical and creative artist invites you to explore the infinity of his audio-visual universe, to gravitate to the very limits of electro-acoustic, of electro-symphonic and now for the third of his projects, of ElectrOpera. The magnitude is on a par with the great masters of this art such as Era, Enigma, Vangelis and Jean-Michel Jarre, or of the most celebrated film score composers like Hans Zimmer or Eric Serra. AstroVoyager’s sound painting alternates intimate or-chestrations with polished, rhythmic compositions en-riched with a symphonic overlay that the inclusion of acoustic instruments turns into a bright path to bet-ter guide the "audi-spectator" through the dream. Born in Metz in 1974, Fagnoni is an architect of sound and vision. From the piano keyboard to those of computers and synthesisers, he fed on the electro explosion of the 1980s. In 2000, after several collab-orations on keyboard with various groups, he created his own solo virtual formation, AstroVoyager. He was at last able to give free rein to his talents as a

composer with a sole ambition: to take "audi-spectators" on a journey without them ever having to get out of their chair. And the first maxi-CD, self-produced in 2003, hit home. Fagnoni was instantly signed to the French label Dreaming-Musea who took over the internation-al distribution of future productions. The first album to emerge from this partnership was Temporal Gravitation2 three years later. That was fol-lowed in 2010 by a second concept album, Sympho-tronic Lunation, in which the integration of multime-dia crowned the virtual magnitude of AstroVoyager by following a lunar cycle through panoramic video pro-jections to better take us beyond time. In 2014, now produced by the French label

CosmXplorer and still distributed by Dreaming-Musea,

AstroVoyager is back with the Act 03 of his concept

in four EPs started in 2012: ElectrOpera. At the

heart of this new project, an even closer integration

of orchestral instruments, of songs without words and

of electro-abstract videos consolidate the musical and

visual hallmark of AstroVoyager.

Press release

> Biography ElectrOpera

Photos gallery



Press contact : Philippe Fagnoni // +33/(0)6 81 32 70 01 // [email protected] //

Press Kit AstroVoyager August 2014

Page 4: AstroVoyager Press kit - ElectrOpera Act 03 - 2014


ElectrOpera, an electro-acoustic opera in 4 acts ElectrOpera takes us to a new level of sound explo-ration and Philippe Fagnoni propels the experience further into the unexpected. A real electro-acoustic opera in four acts where the baroque rubs shoulders with the abstract, opening a new dimension to the imaginary voyage and inviting you to explore time and space accompanied by the sounds that rhythm our lives. Added to the electro waves, the celestial purity of a Diva's voice, the velvety layers of a string quartet and the depth of a mixed choir, are the sounds of church bells. But make no mistake, because here is is very much the symbolism of the original sound that counts; the first sound land-mark of man, the ringing out of a warning, the sound that calls people to come together, the sound that guides. Overlaying the electro strata - like an invisible thread linking AstroVoyager to Earth - the recording of these bells was carried out in four buildings in Franche-Comté, Fagnoni's adopted home. Because the originality of this new concept comes from its re-gionalism; that of the bells of Franche-Comté, record-

ed in Ornans, Besançon, Dole and Deservillers and that of the collaboration with renowned artists from the region. They include Sophie Elert (ElectroDiva), the Tetraktys ensemble (ElectroQuartet conducted by Dominique Miton - Viola leader of Besançon Sympho-ny Orchestra, First Prize of Lyon Conservatoire) and an ElectroChoir formed especially by the choirmaster Stéphane Barçon, all mixed by Flavien Van Landuyt at Zèbre Studio (F-25 - Aldebert, Les Infidèles, Cirque Plume soundtracks, ...) and mastered by Jérémy Hen-

ry at Villa Mastering (F-75 Vladimir Cosma, Mylene Farmer, Indochine, ...). It

is as if all the temporal magnitude of ElectrOpera originated in eastern France.

More than a simple concept album, this is a total audio-visual show. Conceived around electro-abstract geometric shapes created by Eric Parisi (Inzieye) cut with aerial views of typical France-Comté bell towers, the synopsis of the video element finally envelops the "audi-spectator" in the

journey. Pulsations (Act 01), Modulations (Act 02), Convolu-

tions (Act 03) and Oscillations (Act 04), the four

acts of ElectrOpera which will be released at a rate

of one act per year, are firmly anchored in the

transmitted movement, echo, sighs and sensations

Presse release


> ElectrOpera ~ Concept Photos gallery



Press contact : Philippe Fagnoni // +33/(0)6 81 32 70 01 // [email protected] //

Press Kit AstroVoyager August 2014

Page 5: AstroVoyager Press kit - ElectrOpera Act 03 - 2014


ElectrOpera, Act 03 - Convolutions - Out October 2014 - Track list Convolution I = Act 03 overture with a martial and orchestral piece. The end of the song is punctuated by a typical 80's solo synthesizer, replacing audi-spectator on the AstroVoyager's orbit ... Convolution II = AstroVoyager’s Franche-Comté region Time Hymn, tribute to his home land. Mixture of grand-father clocks sounds, ElectroDiva voice and bells of Franche-Comté sounds (Besançon, Dole, Déservillers, Or-nans...) ... Note the amazing glockenspiel melody. Convolution III = AstroVoyager's spaceship is placed in standby position. This rhythm free song is only carried by the air piano melody. In the background, the syn-thetic arpeggios convolutions invite the "audi-spectator" to unleash his imagination ... Convolution IV = Minimalist track with rhythmic and catchy melodies. Mid-tempo, typical 80's to current sounds, this song announced the forthcoming closure of the ElectrOpera's Act 03. Convolution V = Last bit of ElectrOpera's Act 03, marked by the return of the ElectroDiva's voice wearing a crystalline melody (the AstroVoyager's Anthem) sup-ported by an electro-trance beat. The journey continues in Act 04 ...

// Bonus tracks //

Convolution IV ~ Seventh bridge Mix by David Bénard Electro-pop remix based on 7th harmonic, very present in the original composition.

Convolution V ~ Speed Mix by Fabien Labonde Remix with a surprising introduction played on a toy piano. It places the ElectroDiva's voice on a speed elec-tro-beat.

Presse release


> ElectrOpera ~ Track list Photos gallery



Shop ElectrOpera ~ Act 03 ~ Convolutions ~ 2014

5 tracks & 2 bonus - 30 minutes Dreaming DR 8489

Digital version: itunes / virgin / fnac / amazon / cd1d

CD version : Musea Records / cd1d / Fnac / Amazon

Digital price: 4.99 €

CD price : 7.90 €

Press contact : Philippe Fagnoni // +33/(0)6 81 32 70 01 // [email protected] //

Press Kit AstroVoyager August 2014

Page 6: AstroVoyager Press kit - ElectrOpera Act 03 - 2014


ElectrOpera, Act 02 - Modulations - Out October 2013 - Track list Modulation I = Opening the Act 02 of ElectrOpera, a piece modulated in two parts: the first with the strength of the symphony orchestra, the second with a deep atmospheric beat backed up by a powerful synthetic lead. AstroVoyager takes off again and replaces in or-bit ... Modulation II = Viewing position reached and first UFO viewed: an unexpected encounter between the rich vo-cals of an ElectroDiva and accents of a vintage dirty synthetic rhythm. AstroVoyager distills his call to conti-nue the journey ...

Modulation III = The AstroVoyager saucer captures a distant message: a female voice invites it to join her and to leave with her… In the background, the rhythmic modulations of time mingle with the intensity of carnal mixtures: a caress, a daydream open space ... Modulation IV = Down-tempo spatio-temporal modula-tion around a throbbing synthetic chorus. AstroVoyager is alone again with you, given the immensity of space: nostalgia and emotions to share together... Modulation V = Up-tempo conclusion for Act 02 of ElectrOpera ! The ElectroDiva voice rings the second terrestrial ElectrOpera recall. An exchange between heavenly voice and heady lead over an unleashed elec-tro-trance synthetic beat, as an air bridge between Heaven and Earth ...

// Bonus tracks //

Three new remixes by Destillat, famous electro-dark composer from Ornans and faithful accomplice of AstroVoyager's pro-jects for already 10 years.

Modulation III ~ Not Another Dream Mix by Destillat Both celestial and hot remix that gives this track even more air dimension.

Modulation I ~ Not Another Ghost Mix by Destillat Pure electro-dark remix where symphonic parts are sampled and peplum-oriented reworked.

Modulation III ~ Not a Hot Mix by Destillat Extremely hot remix with a binary and modulated rhythm.

Presse release


> ElectrOpera ~ Track list Photos gallery



Shop ElectrOpera ~ Act 02 ~ Modulations ~ 2013

5 tracks & 3 bonus - 35 minutes Dreaming DR 8488

Digital version: itunes / virgin / fnac / amazon / cd1d

CD version : Musea Records / cd1d / Fnac / Amazon

Digital price: 4.99 €

CD price : 7.90 €

Press contact : Philippe Fagnoni // +33/(0)6 81 32 70 01 // [email protected] //

Press Kit AstroVoyager August 2014

Page 7: AstroVoyager Press kit - ElectrOpera Act 03 - 2014


ElectrOpera, Act 01- Pulsations - Out October 2012 - Track list Introduction = ElectrOpera overture. Might and mys-tery blend here, picking up the introductory theme of all AstroVoyager concept albums. This 2012 re-orchestration is a chance to construct a call to travel through an unusual encounter: a Diva's voice. Pulsation I = The first piece to be composed in this the project. It hits a lively and nostalgic note. Like lift-off, you gaze from the window of your virtual spacecraft onto the patchwork of landscapes below. This is followed by emptiness and a spatial echo, but always connected to life and the power of mankind. Pulsation II = We are in orbit … space sighs con-trast with a rhythm both haunting and fast. The Diva continues to exude a call to go ever further in this

detachment from planet Earth.

Pulsation III = The orbit stabilises, it is a time of calmness. We can begin to observe the immensity of it all. The string quartet breaks the spatial silence and sets the rhythm for the rest of the voyage. Pulsation IV = A second unusual encounter on this journey. An acoustic/electronic dialogue between violin and synthesiser. Pulsation V = End of Act I. This is the first reminder of Earth. A virtual exchange between synthesisers and bells, spatialised by the Diva's voice which forms an aerial bridge between Heaven and Earth.

// Bonus tracks // Pulsation I ~ Prodige Mix by Cédric Leroy: film score composer. He offers a peplum-orientated remix.

Pulsation II ~ Not a woman Mix by Destillat: dark

electro composer from Ornans. He offers a Gothic

Dark remix, backed by the power of a male voice


Presse release


> ElectrOpera ~ Track list Photos gallery



Shop ElectrOpera ~ Act 01 ~ Pulsations ~ 2012

8 tracks - 38 minutes Dreaming DR 8487

Digital version: itunes / virgin / fnac / amazon / cd1d

CD version : Musea Records / cd1d / Fnac / Amazon

Digital price: 4.99 €

CD price : 7.90 €

Press contact : Philippe Fagnoni // +33/(0)6 81 32 70 01 // [email protected] //

Press Kit AstroVoyager August 2014

Page 8: AstroVoyager Press kit - ElectrOpera Act 03 - 2014


Press release



> Photos gallery Discography


© Bruce Pierson ~

© Dominique Villy ~

Press contact : Philippe Fagnoni // +33/(0)6 81 32 70 01 // [email protected] //

Press Kit AstroVoyager August 2014

>> High definition visuals on request

Page 9: AstroVoyager Press kit - ElectrOpera Act 03 - 2014


Press release



Photos gallery

>Discography Contacts

ASTROVOYAGER - Lunation Tour Live LP&video / 2011

34 tracks - 120 minutes 2 CDs / 180 mi-nutes 3 DVDs - Dreaming FGBG9030 / mp3

ASTROVOYAGER - Apollo 11 Single / 2011

3 tracks - 11 minutes / mp3

ASTROVOYAGER - Full Moon RendezVous EP / 2010

5 tracks - 20 minutes Vinyl / mp3

ASTROVOYAGER - Symphotronic Lunation LP / 2010

18 tracks - 55 minutes CD / 60 minutes DVD - Dreaming DR8460 / mp3

ASTROVOYAGER - Temporal Gravitation² LP / 2006

15 tracks - 45 minutes CD Dreaming DR8436 / mp3

ASTROVOYAGER - Gravitation Temporelle EP / 2003

8 titres - 20 minutes CD / mp3

Press contact : Philippe Fagnoni // +33/(0)6 81 32 70 01 // [email protected] //

Press Kit AstroVoyager August 2014

Page 10: AstroVoyager Press kit - ElectrOpera Act 03 - 2014


Press release



Photos gallery


> Contacts

Design Citro Givré, collectif [moLotov]sKwaTT ~ © Maisons du monde / Bruce Pierson ( / Dominique Villy (

ASTROVOYAGER Philippe Fagnoni [email protected] +33 (0)6 81 32 70 01


Bernard Gueffier

[email protected] +33 (0)3 87 36 18 18


FM MANAGEMENT Marc Fazio [email protected] +33 (0)6 99 43 09 00


Philippe Fagnoni

[email protected] +33 (0)6 81 32 70 01

AstroVoyager crew

Press Kit AstroVoyager August 2014