astronomy by quran and hadist and scientific evidence

Page CHAPTER 1: THEOREM IN QUR’AN Bismillah In argument, Islam clearly testifies to the science of astronomy which is as follows: A. THE SUN MOVES (EVOLVED ON EARTH) theorem: 1. "And the sun runs on the circulation ..." (Yasin: 38) 2. Abu Dhar rodiyallohuan says: "Rasululloh shollallohu'alaihi wasalam said: 'do you know where does the sun go?' The companions said: 'Allah and Apostle know better.' He said: 'the real sun so that it runs up to the circulation beneath the Throne, then he prostrated , he remained always like that so it is said to him: 'Arise! back as before you came!' then he went back rises from the place of publication ... " (HR.Bukhori: 4802, Muslim: 159, Ahmad: 5 / 145) B. EARTH MOTIONLESS (non-rotating or revolution) Theorem: "Allah actually hold up the sky and earth so as not to shift (move) ... (QS.35: 41)

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Page 1: Astronomy by quran and hadist and scientific evidence





In argument, Islam clearly testifies to the science of astronomy which is as follows:



1. "And the sun runs on the circulation ..." (Yasin: 38)

2. Abu Dhar rodiyallohuan says:

"Rasululloh shollallohu'alaihi wasalam said: 'do you know where does the sun go?' The companions said: 'Allah and Apostle know better.' He said: 'the real sun so that it runs up to the circulation beneath the Throne, then he prostrated , he remained always like that so it is said to him: 'Arise! back as before you came!' then he went back rises from the place of publication ... "

(HR.Bukhori: 4802, Muslim: 159, Ahmad: 5 / 145)

B. EARTH MOTIONLESS (non-rotating or revolution)


"Allah actually hold up the sky and earth so as not to shift (move) ... (QS.35: 41)


1.Ibn Jarir Imam rohimahulloh says:

"Lest shifts (moves) from both places."

2.Imam rohimahulloh Ibn Kathir says:

"That is, so they do not move from his place."

3. "... Allah created the mountains and drove it on the earth so that the earth was motionless." (Narrated by Ahmad: 11 844, Tirmidhi: 2369)

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1. "... The distance between the sky and the earth is 500-year journey (camel journey) ..." ( Darimi, Thabrani and Bayhaqi)


1. "Seventh sky ... between the seats is 500-year journey (camel), between the seats with water is 500 years of travel and the Throne is above the water and Allah is above the Throne ..."

( Darimi, Thabrani and Bayhaqi)

2. "Rohman almighty Allah rest upon the Throne." (Thoha: 5)

3. "... And His Throne over the water ..." (Hud: 7)


1. "Indeed why have you disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two days ... then he headed the creation of the skies ... then He said to the heavens and the earth:" Come ye both according to my commandments ... "(Fushshilat :9-12)

2. "... The skies and the earth were fused then We parted them." (Al-Anbiya: 30).

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Likewise scientifically prove the truth of these propositions, scientific evidence that is:

About Scientific Evidence that the Earth Motionless

More and more evidence of advanced technologies that prove that the earth is stationary (does not rotate and evolve)

A.Satellite Observation

Here are the results of satellite observations of the interferometer in which one of them proves the earth is actually silence:

1.The observation of satellites prove that the earth is slightly oval to the right and left side, with fingers close to 6400 km in the region near the equator and 6300 km in the polar regions.

2.There is not a conical shock wave emission on all sides.

 3.The surface of earth is not flat.

 Let's look at number 2 above, the rules of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, if the earth actually moves with the rotation speed approaches 1 mach (nearly 333 m / s) and evolved with a speed close to 300 mach, then it should be found jet shock wave interferometer arrested Satellite.

Thus, our earth is stationary (does not rotate and evolve) so there were no such conical shock wave.

B.Symptoms of 'Geodetic wrap': No Evidence of Earth's rotation

Symptoms of 'Geodetic wrap' is symptomatic of the energy of the mass of air to arch dimensions around. was once described by scientists, but they had time to explain: "why such energies appear simultaneously on our earth? '

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The answer of course because our earth is not rotating is motionless, because if the earth rotates the energy 'geodetc wrap' will be erased by the motion of the Earth. 'geodetic wrap' effect can be seen at the event:

geodetic wrap formula that can change the next few years

1.We ride bikes through a tree, then the frequency of air around the tree will sound higher.

2. Between two fingers clamp we have air-dimensional curvature which could continue to light such as a concave lens, therefore it can only be observed by people with myopia.

C.Technology 'Trigger Effect': Earth is Centre of Universe is a Fact

Structure of the earth based on recent experimental studies by means of a trigger tool "trigger effect 'with the basic principle of the experiment:

'When we give a series of explosions that blast frequency exceeds a threshold frequency of the total particle layer of the earth, then each particle in the layer of earth will reflect the frequency of excess, the excess frequency which is then received by the detector according to the type of particles of matter.'

This principle applies also to the technology now in atom.With absorption spectrometry experiments on the obtained results:

1.Surface the Earth's core consists of iron and nickel high-temperature liquid.

2.Surface middle there is a vacuum layer that serves as the style of 'levitation' style ie towing above it.Surface layer in this vacuum as applied to a nuclear bomb to stabilize the position of U-238.

3.Surface outer consisting of several layers of rock and soil.

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4.Length waves emitted by each particle layer is simultaneous, it is at the evidence that the earth is motionless, as if the earth moves it will produce a discrete wavelengths, as the analysis is produced on a seismograph reading of the following: 'Arc of the small waves are generated simultaneously between body waves and surface waves, another case with a slight movement of the earth such as plates or seismic shift in the wave generated is discrete.'

Thus our earth does not rotate much less evolved with a speed of 30 km / s or about 1/6EXP-11 parsek / sec, because if the earth moves in this way it will produce a graph that really descrete.Why U.S., Japan and Europe did not conclude Thus when those who have done this experiment?


1.They not know yet.

2.They hide knowledge.

D.Earth's Magnetic Field technology and secret

To study the magnetic properties of a substance needed a room that has a magnetic field is homogeneous in the sense of 'liberated' from the influence of the magnetic field required Earth.Thus a coil with the size, number of windings and the electrical current as well as the size of the room. proved with the coil Helmholtz in Oakland University.With the experimental results:

"Emitted by Earth's magnetic field to influence dispensed by the Helmholtz coils are simultaneously and keep the size and shape are not discrete (discrete in the sense here is lost and not fixed in number)."

Let's study!

The above proves the earth is motionless. if the earth moves, there will be major changes in Earth's magnetic field which means a Helmholtz coil can not be determined whether the current, magnitude and number of these the coil. appropriate formula:

dB = m / qr * dv

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However, the reality in Kettering Magnet Laboratory (USA) proved that the measure of electrical current, magnitude and number of the Helmholtz coil windings can be set to be able to negate the influence of Earth's magnetic field and create a homogeneous magnetic field to be able to assess the magnetic properties .With Thus, it is proving no major changes Earth's magnetic field which means that the earth does not move.

Thus, the designer known secret is the earth as Helmholtz coils producing a magnetic field is motionless, so the magnetic field of the earth's surface with such a large amount of electric current and the coil can be determined.

E.Fact Motionless Earth Vs. Theory of the Earth rotates

Round 1:


Actually in fact an experiment conducted Michelson-Morley experiment to prove the existence of ether precisely the experimental results are evidence that the earth is motionless.


In this experiment, did not reveal any shift in the interference pattern in the sense of the speed of light is emitted in an upright position or direction or opposite direction to the rotation of the earth must have found a marked difference in speed with the lapse of time from the capture detector, but the result is not found the time difference means any position of the speed of light emitted is the same speed.

This happened not because of the absence of ether, as they say, but instead it is a fact that the earth is motionless.cause in physics, gravity influenced the speed of light (note the gravitational red-shift experiment) which means if true then the earth rotates should each firing position the light source will affect the speed in the presence of ether or not there (think about it), because that affects the speed of 'field rotation' (if there is rotation) to light, instead of ether.

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Examples of reality:

We ran on a moving escalator in oxygenated room.

let us take heed!

clearly that affect the speed of change we ran was a moving escalator instead of oxygen.

Thus, this experiment proves the absence of "escalator that moves" in the sense that the earth is motionless.


Ether is a chemical compound that is supposed to make it easier to detect its presence in the air carried out chemical analysis rather qualitative analysis, rather than by interference of ligth. if so, this is difficult to looking for copper ions in solution with a light reflection system, of course this is difficult, for it should be done with the addition of chemical that is form a precipitate.Then precipitate Cu(OH)2 are invisible to the eye.

Round 2:

Foucault pendulum

Foucault's pendulum movement deviates each specified time and claimed as evidence of the earth rotates is not true.


Let's make a simple pendulum of an object or see the original pendulum clock, then for 24 hours we will not see the pendulum deviation, unless there is interference from the air or the end of the rope pendulum.


Our suspicion as a team of researchers located at the end of the Foucault pendulum pole connected to a pulley system and under a field of sand which marked deviations pendulum. So from here Foucault attempted to engineer the earth rotates.

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Round 3:

We are certainly influenced by the driving forces of gravity and of course we feel the car is moving, as are we up plane.Then if the earth rotates, why we do not feel it? (Of course there is the influence of gravitational force)


Because the earth is motionless.


If the earth rotates with the Earth's radius of about 6400 km in 24 hours, it means velocity approaching 1600 km / hour.


whether the speed of 1,600 km/h did not feel to us of course there is gravity while riding a car with a speed of 80 km/h of course we really feel it in the car also in the influence of gravity.

With a sure course we do not feel the earth move, which means the earth is motionless.

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Now we have a question, if the earth is motionless then how the sun revolution to the earth?


let us reflect on the previous word being the main creature; Rasululloh shollallohu'alahi wasallam says:

From Abu Dhar rodiyallohuan:

"Rasululloh shollallohu'alaihi wasalam said: 'do you know where does the sun go?' The companions said: 'Allah and Apostle know better.' He said: 'the real sun so that it runs up to the circulation beneath the Throne, then he prostrated , he remained always like that so it is said to him: 'Arise! back as before you came!' then he went back rises from the place of publication ... "

(HR.Bukhori: 4802, Muslim: 159, Ahmad: 5 / 145)

Salaf scholars (diviners everything based on the words and deeds of the apostles) did agree that the sun moves and the earth motionless.Then how the science of astronomy which has suggested that the earth is rotating?

he said we must believe with the apostle and his clerical opinion, why?


His words Salllahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

ضاللة على وسلم عليه الله صلى محمد أمة يجمع ال الله فإن بالجماعة عليكم

Keep you together then surely Allah do not let gather people of Muhammad on the error.

With a little opening at the top now let us look into the real science of scientific evidence:

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Electron currents of the earth and the line/flux Earth's magnetic field that extends from the south pole with a tilt angle approaching 11 degrees, the sun will affect the result of the sun will experience a 'Lorentz force' resulting from the interaction between electrons and magnetic field of the earth, so that the sun moves around the earth .


Lorentz force occurs due to the Earth's magnetic field flux which fuse with the phonon (the distance between the electron interaction energy) whose energy is energy that maximum.Phonon experience because it is on the influence of high temperature solar distance of interaction between the electrons lead to dilated or have a large wavelength , this is in accordance with the formula:

phonon length (ta) = lambda ^ 2/ba (the distance an electron to nucleon)

so the major obstacles to the flow of electrons of the earth according to the formula:

E = V ^ 2 / R * t

therefore the dynamo technology, to accelerate the speed of the armature rotary done:

1. the addition of coil windings.

2. addition of temperature on the 'system' dynamo.

both are made to increase the resistance system dynamo, so that the resulting Lorentz force is greater effect rotation speed of the solar dynamo increase.the corelation with the revolution that is with a high temperature of the sun it will increase the resistance system 'electric-magnetic' the earth so that the Lorentz force generated as a result of the revolution speed of the sun to the earth, according to:

F = B * V / R * l

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The average peak wavelength spectrum emitted by the sun is 1.75 nanometers, so that by entering into the following equation:

lambda = C / T

E = mc (t2-t1) = mgh = mc ^ 2

with a note:

lumped energy equation above because in fact the light its movement is influenced by gravity (gravitons) as symptoms of "gravitational red-shift", and a light touch with the movement of electrons through a medium heat (note the relationship between experimental scientists and electron heat), and the formulation is based on techniques to calculate the distance to the radiation heat source heat:

"Radiation source that emits heat and light that can be measured the distance with the concept that objects emit radiation with a certain temperature can be determined the distance from the detector (microwave diode detector) with the formula:

s = mc (dt2-dt1) / Bil

for the distance of the sun and the earth as the source of radiation (in this case the sun) emit forms of radiation 'of light and heat' and the temperature of the sun is very high then the formulation is used:

E = mc ^ 2 = mgh = mc (dt2-dt1) "

to obtain an average temperature of the sun approaching 8 million degrees Celsius and the average distance to the sun the earth's surface near 800 km.

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There are two possibilities:

1. plasma composed of hydrogen (actually a mixture of proton, deuteron and triton complex) as fuel.

2. the two materials making up the hydrogen plasma and plasma of other combustible gases, eg methane, ethane, propane and ether.

The second possibility is equally as strong because:

a.It can be alone solar hydrogen plasma composed only so that when the fire burned the original nodes * (transparent) because the direct contact with air (air burning) of the earth then becomes yellow because at an altitude of 800 km from the Earth's surface there is still a layer of air. what about the science of astronomy is now stating the sun is at a distance of 150 million km and is in a vacuum (without air)? means the appearance of sunlight should be clear(transparent) because the hydrogen flame will remain clear before contact (burn) other substances.

* Hydrogen flame clear / translucent prior to contact with oxygen or gas or other materials based on experimental results.

The second obvious sun blazing flame will be colored because hydrogen has contacts with other gas plasma is a constituent.


With a peak spectral wavelength range from 0.2 to 3.0 nanometers in the form of the trajectory of the sun to the earth is circular but rather oval because it has a range distance of the sun to the earth's core than 6500 km - 7900 km, thus obtained:

-Long orbit of the sun close to 45,000 km

-Speed revolution of the sun to the earth is 524 m/s or close to 1900 km/hour.

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centrifugal, centripetal is essentially not exist in reality

Imbalance of the centrifugal force of the sun and the amount of upward force of air pressure due to the sun with attractive forces between the earth and sun, so the sun does not fall to the earth or out of orbit, according to the formula:

F1 = mv ^ 2 / r

F2 = rho * Vg

F3 = G * m1 * m2 / r ^ 2

F1 + F2 = F3

With the solar revolution speed of 524 m / s and an average distance of the sun to the earth's core 7200 km and mass of the sun close to 1 kg (because the mass of plasma is very small), is obtained:

F1 = 0.04 N

F2 = 7.68 N

F3 = 7.72 N

then the mass of the sun which rose by 76.80% and atmospheric pressure at the point of 'qorib' (the sun's closest point to earth) the mass of the sun that rose 94.72%. This is what lead to changes in season, because when the sun is at its' qorib 'then the surrounding air pressure is high and if the sun is at its furthest point to the earth that is 7900 miles from the center of the earth then it works in reverse, with the angle of the sun's orbit 11 degrees to the equator.

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Nearest point and farthest moon from the earth

With the moon on the earth's orbit angle is greater than the angle of the sun to the earth's orbit to the equator of the earth * and when the angle between the Earth's moon, sun and moon distance of 26.67 degrees and the average surface of the earth-sun is 800 km, then the sine rule we can determine the distance of the earth-moon, with the formula:

sin 26.67 degrees = 0.448851

sin 26.67 degrees = x/800

then the average distance from the surface of the earth to the moon is approaching 359 km, of course just the distance to the moon because the moon would be closer rather than a collection of gas that is heavier than the sun.

* This is why we will never see the moon is right close to 90 degrees above us and the moon will not precede and collide with the sun.

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A.Correction Against Hubble Observations

To support the big bang theory, Hubble presented its findings that he’s 'theory' that stars which he observed was always moving away emit radiation within the meaning of red, he further states that the universe including the we are expanding like a balloon.

Whereas the right conclusion for the results of his observations is that the radiation or light emitted by the detector telescope has been slowed by the force of gravity, so which emit radiation of light red when the first radiation who has been slowed by the gravity of the earth, so that the beam of light through the long wavy captured detector (red radiation).

This can be understood by the gravitational red shift experiment that shows every radiation / light emitted will be slowed by the speed of gravity, so the greater the angle of the earth's surface the stronger the influence of gravity to weaken its speed.

Thus Hubble theory which states that the universe continues to expand is wrong, because the logic was 'where perhaps the entire universe including the we continue to expand every second with a speed so parsek while we do not realize that our body inflates like crackers skin?'

O prosecutors realized science! as well as a lecturer who said to us "the earth is rotating with a speed of 800 km / h, we did not feel it because the speed is fixed so that no moment of inertia", so we said "if you do not re-read your physics books that when changing the position of the Earth perihelium point to point aphelium not been major changes both in terms of the distance scale of the earth to the sun and the rotational speed? then where are the moment of inertia and centrifugal force exceeds the magnitude of the force of gravity on the body of every human being? "

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B.THE FACT IN LHC (Large Hadron Collider)

With nuclear sub-art research tools to prove that the expanding energy of the universe is not a matter of the universe

Let us consider the stages of the events of the compilers of the motion of atomic nuclei can be observed by the most sophisticated tools of this century the LHC (Large Hadron Collider):LHC

⊙ With the events of cosmic rays hit atoms of atmospheric gases who then explored the mechanism of strange quarks are always interchangeable decays into bosons and charm quarks

⊙ while the charm quark will always decays into bosons and anti-down quark.

Then ⊙ anti-down quark decays will continue to produce with bosons or energy

⊙ From this it is concluded that who’s expands in every direction is not matter (closed string) but the energy (open string)

Thus the ever-expanding universe of matter is not widespread but is the energy emitted by each particle nature of the discovery of Hubble universe.While that the star is moving away or moving in a sense extends the sky (because it emits a red wave), know exactly is causing this happens is because sources to detect the emitted light wavelength is what weakened by the influence of gravity so as to produce a red emission (red-shift).


In the gravitational red-shift experiments demonstrated that each photon must have its movement slowed by gravity so that the wavelength continues to weaken.

Of course this will straighten out the facts about the discovery of the radiation spreads in all directions are found by scientists in support of the big bang theory.

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So where lies the fault of astronomy as we learned?

It turns out that the location of faults missed by the scientific method as follows:Core Correction

Astronomy is the core assumption Mistakes That Keep Light Speed Its value is 300,000 km / s, although facts prove that the speed of light changes according to the amount of power sources, such as the following explanation:

The progress of science there was a disagreement among scientists about the determination of the speed of light that should be explored further, as it can be a parameter the actual size of the universe because the universe is based on the measurement tool on the basis of the calculation speed of light.

There are several procedures to prove the speed of light, which in essence looking for the "lag time" to slow the speed of light so it can be measured.

In simple fact has been clear that any light that forms must be influenced by the presence of electron and positron energy "per package" 511 keV photons, and the formulation also explains that the speed of light are formed depending on the voltage source, this means the speed of light is NOT CONSTANT.

1. Simple experiment:

Stage 1:

Put the two fans in parallel with the views, front and rear behind.Fan rotated with a frequency lower than the fan who was in front, observe round rear propeller fan through the fan blades in front.observe and try with frequency variation between the front fan and rear.

Stage 2:

Put the red light behind the fan who played with some frequency variation rounds, observe and observe all the lights in some variations of voltage.

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From the observation can be concluded that the 'frequency' of light in each of a different voltage is not constant, which means the speed of light varies according to the voltage source.

 2. Modern Technology FactThat the Speed of Light Not Constant (300,000 km/sec), but changing accordance Voltage Sources

A. Foreword

After completing that Einstein's theory which states that the speed of light remains at 300,000 km / s is the phonon system judging from the findings of this recent technology, there's a really scientific evidence shows clearly that the speed of light depends on the voltage source that is in an AMD Phenom II processor.

B. Discussion

Scientific data are shown in the following processors:

AMD Phenom II processor frequency

With the processor core voltage close to 1 volt (exactly 1.345 V) is a formulation based on the factors determining the speed of light phonon:


then obtained the speed of light (radiation) near 10 m/s, then to know the processor core with the formulation:

f = c / lambda

With lambda = r/15 = 3 nm


10/3EXP-9 = f = 3333 MHz near

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This is consistent with the detector data processor with a frequency of 3000 MHz core and close to 3500 MHz when overclocking.

AMD Phenom II overclocking frequency

C. Conclusion

With the above indicate that the speed of light is not fixed 300,000 km / s but still according to the voltage of source. Therefore, measurement of the universe with constancy of the speed of light-based telescopes should be corrected and the theory of the formation time path of the reaction triggered hadrons CERN scientists are lie, because his theory comes from the "Schwarzschild metric" which assumes that the speed of light remains.


Batam,30 October 2011

Abu Muhammad Alfatih