associations between parental monitoring, adolescent disclosure, and adolescent risky internet...

Download Associations Between Parental Monitoring, Adolescent Disclosure, and Adolescent Risky Internet Behaviors Elizabeth Yale, M.A., Aaron Metzger, Ph.D., Amanda

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Post on 10-Dec-2015




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Associations Between Parental Monitoring, Adolescent Disclosure, and Adolescent Risky Internet Behaviors Elizabeth Yale, M.A., Aaron Metzger, Ph.D., Amanda Hanrahan Department of Psychology West Virginia University Life-Span Development Abstract Results Discussion MOTHER-REPORTED MEASURES Solicitation about internet/phone use: (7 items; =.90) Assessed frequency of mothers asking their teens about internet/phone behaviors (1 = Never to 5 = Always). Example: The types of text messages he/she sends on his/her cell phone? Family rules about internet/phone use: (4 items; =.78) Assessed the extent to which a family has rules about internet and phone use (1 = No rules to 5 = Firm, clear rules). Example: How long your is child allowed to be online? Covert monitoring of teens internet/phone use (4 items; =.70): Assessed whether parents utilized indirect strategies to gain information about their adolescents internet/phone behaviors. 1 = yes, 0 = no Example: Do you use social networking sites (such as FACEBOOK) to monitor your childs behavior? ADOLESCENT-REPORTED MEASURES Adolescent disclosure and secrecy about internet/phone use: 5 items assessed frequency of adolescents internet/phone disclosure (How often do you tell your parents about the following). 5 items assessed frequency of secrecy about internet/phone use (How often do you keep the following activities secret). 1 = Never to 5 = Always Example: The types of pictures and comments you put on your social networking site? Risky internet behaviors: (6 items; =.75) Measured the frequency of adolescents engagement in risky internet/phone behaviors (0, 1, 2-3, 4-5, 7-10, 11+ times) Example: How often in the last 30 days have you text/sexted sexual messages? Cyberbullying behaviors and cyber victimization: 5 items ( =.72) assessed frequency of engagement in cyberbullying behaviors. 7 items ( =.89) assessed frequency of cyber victimization. Table 1. Regression table for prediction of adolescent risky internet/phone behaviors Note. R 2* = adjusted R; Betas are from the final step of the regression; Non-significant 2-way interactions from the final model were excluded from the table; * p