assignments and matchings chapter 12 presented by yorai geffen

Assignments and matchings Chapter 12 Presented by Yorai Geffen

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Assignments and matchings

Chapter 12Presented by Yorai Geffen

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• Definitions• Bipartite ( צדדי cardinality matching problem (דו• Bipartite weighted matching problem• Stable Marriage Problem• Nonbipartite cardinality matching problem• Bipartite Matching Algorithm• Nonbipartite Matching Algorithm• Summary

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• Matching: Subgraph with the property that every node in the subgraph has degree zero or one.

• Simple Network: Every node in the network, except the source (s) and sink (t) nodes, has at most one incoming arc or at most one outgoing arc.

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Bipartite cardinality matching problem

• Bipartite matching problem: Given undirected graph . Our target to find a matching with maximum edges.

• We transform it to a maximum flow problem

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Transformation to max flow problem

1. Direction: Pointing nodes in to nodes in 2. New nodes: 3. New edges: points to all nodes in and all

nodes in points to 4. Capacity: Each arc in the network 5. Simple network: One incoming arc to , one

outgoing arc from

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Solution and time complexity

• Matching of cardinality k in = flow of value k in

• Proof on board…• The unit capacity maximum flow algorithm

establishes a maximum flow in unit capacity simple networks in time. [Chapter 8, Theorem 8.2, page 254]

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Bipartite weighted matching problem

• Bipartite network , with • Arc weights • If directed, require • If undirected, make it directed from to

AKA The Assignment Problem

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Transformation to min cost flow

• Objective function:

• Possible solutions: Successive Shortest Path Algorithm, Hungarian Algorithm, Relaxation Algorithm, Cost Scaling Algorithm

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Successive Shortest Path Algorithm

• Reminder: Augments shortest paths from a node with excess supply to a node with unfulfilled demand.

• Time: where is the upper bound of the supply, and denotes the time needed to solve a shortest path problem with nonnegative arc costs bounded by .

• Applied on the matching problem, each iteration augments 1 unit of flow assigning to one node in

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Relaxation Algorithm

• Relaxed constraints: Allows any node in to be assigned multiple times.1. Assign to with min cost 2. In each iteration, choose over-assigned node in run

shortest path in residual network, update potentials and augment path to an unassigned node .

• Each assigns one more node in , and never makes more unassigned, so within iterations it will end to a feasible assignment.

• Maintains optimality conditions.• Overall time:

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Stable Marriage Problem

• men and women.• Each man ranks each woman by perference

and vice versa (high means favored).• A (man,woman) pair is unstable if they’re not

married, but prefer each other• A perfect matching (marriage) is stable if it

does not contain any unstable pairs.

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Stable Marriage Problem cont.

• Input: Two preferences matrices.• W.L.O.G we assume each rank is an integer

between 1 to .• We use the matrices to construct priority list

for each person (decreasing order). Can be constructed in time.

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Stable Marriage iterative greedy algorithm

1. LIST = 2. m.current_woman = m’s top priority3. Until LIST = do:

1. For each m in LIST:1. m proposes to w = m.current_woman2. If w is unassigned and not engaged, then she’s now engaged to

m.3. If w is engaged, she chooses her preferred one and rejects the

other4. Rejected man r chooses the next on his priority list to be

r.current_woman5. Add\Remove man from LIST accordingly to engaged\rejected

AKA Propose-and-reject Algorithm

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• Correctness: On board.• Complexity:– At each iteration, a woman receiving a proposal:

either (1) receiving her first proposal (once per woman), (2) rejects some proposal (at most times). Therefore steps per woman.

– In total, steps ( women).– Cannot be better: it is linear in the input data


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• There could be several stable matchings.• A pair (i,j) is stable partners if some stable

match matches man i with woman j.• Algorithms property: Each man obtains his

best possible stable partner.• We refer to such a matching as man-optimal.

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Man-optimal proof (1)

• Lemma: In the propose-and-reject algorithm, a woman never rejects a stable partner.

• Proof:– the constructed matching by the algorithm.– Suppose the lemma is false.– The first time a woman rejects a stable partner.– Continue on board…

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Man-optimal proof (2)

• Lemma: The propose-and-reject algorithm constructs a man-optimal stable matching.

• Proof:– Immediate after the previous lemma:– The preferred stable-partner of a man will not

reject him, as by previous lemma.

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Nonbipartite cardinality matching problem – notations (1)

• – a node’s adjacency list• A matching of graph is a subset of arcs with

the property that no two arcs of are incident to the same node

• The arcs of are matched arcs, while the others are unmatched arcs.

• Nodes incident to matched arcs are matched nodes, else unmatched.

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Nonbipartite cardinality matching problem – notations (2)

• A path is an alternating path in if every consecutive pair of arcs in the path contains one matched and one unmatched arc.

• Odd\Even alternating path – as the number of arcs in the path.

• Alternating Cycle is an alternating path which starts and finishes on the same node.

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Nonbipartite cardinality matching problem – notations (3)

• Augmenting path – odd alternating path where the first and last nodes in the path are unmatched.– By switching the matches we augment the

cardinality by 1.• Symmetric difference of sets -

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Properties (1)

• If is a matching and is an augmenting path in , then is a matching of cardinality + 1. Moreover, in the matching, all the matched nodes in remain matched and two additional nodes, namely the first and last nodes of P, are matched. (augmentation)

• Explanation:

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Properties (2)

• If and are two matchings, their symmetric difference defines the subgraph with the property that every component is one of the six types shown here:

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Augmenting Path Theorem

• Theorem: If a node p is unmatched in a matching M, and this matching contains no augmenting path that starts at node p, then node p is unmatched in some maximum matching.

• Proof:– Let be a maximum matching. Assume p matched in , otherwise done.– Look at One of six figures. Yet p is unmatched in , so only (d) and (e)

are possible, when p is the starting node on the left.– No augmenting path rules out (d). So must be (e).– also maximum matching and p is unmatched.– Thus such a maximum matching exists.

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Bipartite Matching Algorithm

• is a maximum matching, by the previous theorem.• At each iteration, number of unmatched nodes reduces by

1 (either by matching or deleting).

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Finding an augmenting path from node p

• Search algorithm to identify all reachable nodes by alternating paths from p. If it finds an unmatched node reachable from p, we found the path. Else it does not exist.

• Complicated: Straight forward solves it for bipartite case, but it fails for the nonbipartite case.

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The straightforward approach

• Search tree from p to others via alternating path.• p – the root node (remember: p is unmatched)• The search tree – an alternating tree.• Nodes in the alternating tree – labeled, else

unlabeled. Each labeled node is even or odd depending on the unique path from p.

• If odd and unmatched – it is an augmenting path.• LIST of labeled nodes, examined one by one.• Assign label to its adjacencies (if unlabeled).

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• Time: • Search and augment executed at most n times• Augment takes time.• Search takes time.– Examining an odd node takes – just the matching

arc.– Examining an even node takes , all its neighbors.

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Search algorithm

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Correctness of the search method

• If we find an augmenting path, it exists.• If we fail to find, can we conclude one does


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Unique label property

• A graph is said to possess a unique label property with respect to a given matching and a root node p if the search procedure assigns a unique label to every labeled node (i.e., even or odd) irrespective of the order in which it examines labeled nodes.

• Use: If a graph poses this property, then if an augmenting path exists, the search will find it.– Proof: Take an augmenting path, label in its order. So

all other orders should be labeled the same.

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Unique label property cont.

• Bipartite networks satisfy this property.• If the root is in then every labeled node in will

receive an even label, and every labeled node in will receive an odd label.

• This is why the algorithm works in bipartite networks.

• Nonbipartite networks might not satisfy the unique label property, and therefore the search algorithm might fail to detect an augmenting path even though the network contains one.

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Nonbipartite network counter example

• Path 1-2-3-4-5 6 is given odd Augmenting path• Path 1-2-3-7-8-5 6 is not even scanned (not part of a

unique matched arc to 5). Thus the algorithm fails.• We can connect node 5 to the root by both an odd-length

and an even-length alternating path.

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• Allow nodes to have both an even and odd labels, and scan it accordingly.

• Fails:

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• By assigning just one label to each node, we might overlook an augmenting path.

• By assigning two labels, we might falsely believe that we have found an augmenting path.

• Why? What is the cause?– Certain subgraphs called flowers, composed of

particular types of paths and odd cycles.

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Flowers and Blossoms

• A flower in respect to a matching and a root node p, is a subgraph with two components:1. Stem – An even length alternating path that

starts at p and terminates at some node w. If p = w, we say that the stem is empty.

2. Blossom – An odd length alternating cycle that starts and terminates at the terminal node w of a stem, and has no other node in common with the stem. We refer to node w as the base of the blossom.

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Properties (1)

a) A stem spans 2i nodes and contains i matched arcs for some integer i 0.

b) A blossom spans 2k + 1 nodes and contains k matched arcs for some integer k 1. The matched arcs match all nodes of the blossom except its base.

c) The base of a blossom is an even node.

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Properties (2)

• Every node i in the blossom (except its base) is reachable from the root p (or from the base of the blossom w) through two distinct alternating paths; one has even length and the other has odd length.

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Even nodes in blossom

• In a blossom – each node can receive both even and odd labels.

• We would prefer to give even labels to the nodes for the following reason: – Even-labeled nodes - we can label nodes outside

the blossom (all unmatched arcs incident to nodes in the blossom).

– Odd-labeled nodes - we label only the nodes in the blossom (matched arcs).

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• If we assign all nodes in a blossom with even, the search algorithm will find an augmenting path.– All nodes in blossom are matched, except its base.• Can be reached with either an even or odd path.

– If stem is not empty – the base is matched too.

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Contracting a blossom (1)

• Popular approach: Shrink blossom to single node.

• Blossom B = turns to a node b (pseudonode – always even):– Neighbors: – Update neighbors: – To recover information we form a circular doubly

linked list of its nodes, and deleted them and all their arcs from the network (another update).

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Contracting a blossom (2)

• The result network the contracted network.

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Nonbipartite Matching Algorithm

• Search procedure assigns even or odd labels.• Algorithm will identify the possibility to assign even\

odd to an odd\even respectively.– When discovering we can assign different label than what

node i already has, we suspend the search. Trace back the indices of these paths until the first common node. That node is the base, and the nodes traced are the blossom.

– Then we contract it to a pseudonode.• If we find a path containing a pseudonodes, we expand

them one by one until none are in the path (pseudonode can contain other pseudonodes)

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Algorithm (1)

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Algorithm (2)

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Example - Finding

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Example - expanding

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Correctness (1)• Lemma, If contains an augmenting path starting at the root node p

(or the pseudonode containing p) with respect to the matching, then the original network contains an augmenting path starting at the root p with respect to the matching .

• Proof:– If does not contain a node b, then is valid in .

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Correctness (2)• Lemma, if contains an augmenting path from node p to node q

with respect to a matching , then contains an augmenting path from node p (or the pseudonode containing p) to node q with respect to the matching .

• Proof:– P in from p to q. Only unmatched nodes in .– If P has not node in common with a Blossom B, then P is also a path in the

contracted network – nothing to prove. So assume it has nodes in common.– Case 1 – stem is empty:

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Correctness (2) cont.• Proof (cont.):

– Case 2 – B has nonempty stem.– - even alternating path from p to w (base of B). – - p matched, w unmatched. – contains augmenting path in so in too. w,q are the only unmatched nodes in ,

so must contain an augmenting path between them.– matching of contracted graph in respect to .– In , B has an empty stem, so case 1 applies, and we have an augmenting path

after contracting the nodes of the blossom.– So contains an augmenting path with respect to the matching . But since and

have the same cardinality, must also contain an augmenting path with respect to the matching . This conclusion completes the proof of the lemma.

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Complexity of the Nonbipartite Matching Algorithm

• Lemma, during an execution of the search procedure, the algorithm performs at most contractions.

• Proof:– A blossom contains at least three nodes, and contracting

it produces one new node. So each contraction reduces the number of nodes by at least 2.

– Since the network initially contains n nodes, we can perform at most contractions between two augmentations.

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Complexity cont.

• Same as the bipartite, except contacts and expands blossom in the search procedure.

• Instead of deleting nodes in contractions, we declare them inactive. (same as to arcs)

• We check if active before examining it.• Increasing neighbors: contraction adds at most one

element to any, algorithm performs at most contractions, adjacency list will never contain more than elements, therefore it will not add to overall complexity.

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Complexity cont. (2)

• Time spent without contracting and expanding blossoms: For each node i, the search procedure performs one of the following operations at most once: 1) It discovers that node i is inactive, in which case it does nothing.2) It executes examine-odd(i, found).3) It executes examine-even(i, found).

• Clearly, the first two cases require 0(1) time.• The time for the third-step however, is proportional to. • The search procedure examines at most nodes.• We obtain a bound of on its running time, ignoring the time for

handling blossoms.

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Complexity cont. (3)

• Time for contracting blossoms:– Bottleneck: forming adjacency list for pseudonode b: .– Using the “Marking method” – first all nodes unmarked,

then examining the blossom nodes one by one, we mark all nodes in . When finished handling the blossom, we take all the marked nodes and say they’re .

– Each time we contract a blossom takes time (which we do times) plus time spent scanning

– Scanning sums to over all contractions. (each node – part of one blossom at most – turns inactive ; and number of arcs ).

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Complexity cont. (4)

• Time for expanding blossoms:– Suppose found augmenting path P from p to q.– We trace back from q until:

1. We arrived at node p.2. We encounter pseudonode. Then we expand.

– After at most iterations we obtain an augmenting path in the original network.

– We’ll show time to expand one blossom, and then it’ll be a total of • Say j first psudonode. Pred(i)=j. i not psudonode.• Marking approach to mark all nodes of B. Then scan to find a marked

node, say k. We then trace back through k’s matched arc, until the base of the blossom. From it, we trace back the path to p.

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• Bipartite cardinality matching - • Bipartite weighted matching -

• Stable Marriage Problem -

• Bipartite Matching Algorithm – • Nonbipartite Matching Algorithm -

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