assignment tv productions

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  • 7/25/2019 Assignment Tv Productions


  • 7/25/2019 Assignment Tv Productions


    Assignment Megan Mc Clean

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  • 7/25/2019 Assignment Tv Productions


    Assignment Megan Mc Clean

    TV Productions

    By Megan Mc Clean

    Throughout the history of television a number of new television

    productions were formed, such as; sports entertainment, dramas,

    comedies, chat shows, game shows, competition shows, sitcoms etc!

    "orms of television such as the above have shaped the movement of

    television! "or this assignment # am going to e$plain and compare the

    genre conventions, narrative techni%ues and technical characteristics of &

    TV studio productions!

    A sit com is 'nown as a situation comedy, to where the main characters

    fall into di(erent events that )ta'e part in humorous storylines centred on

    a common environment, such as a family home or wor'place* +-! .itcoms

    were originally written for radio but moved into television in the /01s

    and /21s such as I Love Lucy, The Abbott and Costello Show, and Your

    Show of Shows, bringing us right up to new uprising stars of the genre

    today such asNew Girl, Friends, andThe Mindy ro!ect"

    "or my 3rst TV production, # am going to dive into the American series 45ew 6irl7!

    5ew girl was 3rst aired on "o$, 81th.eptember 81! The show was developed

    by 9li:abeth Meriwether under the title of, )Chic's Ma$ 6reen3eld@ and inston

    >amone Mornc@; also starring Cece >annah .imone@ and Coach >

  • 7/25/2019 Assignment Tv Productions


    Assignment Megan Mc Clean

    This show is a series that )combines comedy and drama elements* +8- with their

    characters in their midthirties having to deal with real life problems such as

    mature relationships or career choices! As an audience we can relate to these

    issues as they are everyday issues that we face!

    5ew girl employs a simple use of camera techni%ue! The director uses a

    techni%ue called, 4single camera7 which involves a single camera that is,

    )employed on the set and each shot to ma'e up a scene is ta'en independently*

    +&- in some cases two cameras can be used to ta'e an openDwide shot and a

    close up of what is happening on screen! ).ome shots are crosscovered i!e! are

    3lmed with a shooting camera on each person at the same time to allow for

    better improvisation* +0- this improvisation moves the comical e(ect of 5ew

    6irl or other sitcoms to a distinctive humour of the real life people playing these


    =a'e =ohnson >5ic' Millar@ tal's of how they )Eust do a ton of improve and so

    many ta'es that our characters are ultimately de3ned by what they choose in

    postproduction* +2-! This improvisation ultimately has a real life e(ect on these

    lovable characters that we watch day to day!

    As you can see

    from the above images the

    director has created

  • 7/25/2019 Assignment Tv Productions


    Assignment Megan Mc Clean

    intimacy with the audience, as he has set the camera to be from the waist up or

    otherwise 'nown as a Medium .hot >M.@! This type of shot ma'es us become

    more involved with the characters and what is happening in their lives as we

    watch as a bystander!

    "rom my 3ndings # have found that the director cleverly uses ide .hots of the

    main characters around the dinner table! This is smartly used to give a sense of

    community to the audience but also so they can see the reactions on the faces of

    each character ma'ing these 3ctional characters become our friends!

    The lighting and cinematic colours of new girl can be seen as warm and inviting

    welcoming us into this bright, humorous sitcom! The main 4hangout7 for the

    4gang7 is their home >the loft@! #n most cases of sitcoms there usually two or three

    di(erent places for the 4gang7 to mingle for e$ample in famous series Friends,

    they have their apartments and a local cafe or in another famous series #ow I

    Met Your Motherthey also have a Fat but this time instead of a cafG, a bar! #n the

    case of 5ew 6irl the main characters seem to revolve around the loft; leaving the

    oft or should # say studio rarely! hen the characters do leave the loft they

    seem to gather in a bar that 5ic' >=a'e =ohnson@ and Cece >annah .imone@ wor'


  • 7/25/2019 Assignment Tv Productions


    Assignment Megan Mc Clean

    #n the living space 'nown as the loft with its wide

    open windows and set lamps give an earthyD

    vintage tone of colour that helps to light the scene

    naturally! As an audience we then become comforted by the earthy colours and

    soft tones ma'ing us comfortable in the home of these %uir'y characters; an

    escape of our own realities and lives!

    Throughout the series the bar where 5ic' wor's is a meeting point for the main

    characters to meet new people and ma'e new relationships but also build their

    own! The lighting and tones of the bar involve seductive reds and earthy brown

    tones as the bar is dimly lit at times to set a mood of seductions! ith its open

    light heartedness, the bar also is a place where people are welcome bringing the

    audience into the stories of the characters involved!

    The editing of this show is seen as a seamless smooth piece, with no cross cuts

    and Eolty Eumps this gives the story a seamless e(ect of velvet as the audience

    can move along with the characters and the stories that are being told!

    Hverall this sitcom is a perfect e$ample of clichGs that follow with the sitcom

    4genre7; with its characters dwelling on real life situations that we can relate to

  • 7/25/2019 Assignment Tv Productions


    Assignment Megan Mc Clean

    in our everyday lives and the use of lighting, camera set up, props, set and

    where the 4gang7 of seemingly happy friends hang out! This sit com is perfect for

    people holding onto youthfulness as these characters )lives are moving forward,

    +but- theyIre still trying to hang on to some 'ind of cra:y youthJ +K- as the

    director does not Jwant them ever to seem pathetic* +L- this in a way helps

    people watching the series laugh at the comedy as they are in a way laughing at


    A panel game show involves the participation of celebrities that may compete

    with each other and are led by one main host or in some cases two! #n the past

    panel shows were )stuc' to the traditional %ui: show format in which celebrities

    tried to get the right answers and win, the primary goal of modern panel shows is

    to entertain the audience with comedy* +- whereas today panel shows are

    structured in a way that the comedians can tear the %uestions apart and ma'e a

    laugh from them!

    "or my second TV Production i am going to loo' at the Panel game show, out of

    1 cats!

    out of 1 cats is a panel show based on opinion polling this is based on

    statistics and opinion pollsand draws on polls produced by a variety of

    organisations and new polls commissioned for the programme, carried out by

    company arris Poll* +/-! The name of the show thrives from a poll that claimed

    that J out of 1 cats prefer his'as* +1-!

    out of 1 cats employ the camera techni%ue that is 4multicamera7! "or this

    techni%ue there are multiple cameras that are set up to )simultaneously record
  • 7/25/2019 Assignment Tv Productions


    Assignment Megan Mc Clean

    or broadcast a scene* +-! This is a big contrast to single camera set up that is

    used in sitcoms!

    #n these images we see medium close ups >MCN@ of three men from out of 1

    cats! The two men at the top are regular presenters and hosts on the show,

    whereas the bottom picture is of a reoccurring guest! The director carefully

    selected this form of centred framing and shot to invite the viewer into the

    comedy of these comedians and to see the reactions on their faces! This shot is

    also used to ma'e eye contact with the viewer, as if the comedians are loo'ing at

    right us, tal'ing to us!


    these wide

    shots we are behind the audience! The director has carefully chosen to place the

  • 7/25/2019 Assignment Tv Productions


    Assignment Megan Mc Clean

    camera in such a way that us viewers get to become involved in the episode and

    sit in the audience view! This gives a sense that the cheers and laughter are real

    and not edited in!

    Throughout panel shows, cinematographers use & point lighting with large 9