assignment on marketiong strategy of exim bank

Assignment On Marketing Strategy OF EXIM Bank In Bangladesh

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Page 1: Assignment on Marketiong Strategy of Exim Bank

Asian University of Bangladesh

Assignment On

Marketing Strategy OF

EXIM Bank In Bangladesh

Page 2: Assignment on Marketiong Strategy of Exim Bank

Marketing Strategy Of EXIM Bank In Bangladesh

Submitted To:

Abdullah M.TaherLecturer of Business Policy and Strategic Management

BBA - 4146 Faculty of Business Administration

Asian University of Bangladesh

Submitted By:

Group: Batch: BBA-33 Sec: Accounting,

Faculty of Business Administration

Serial no. Name of students ID no.

01 Mohon Kumar Kundu 200820232

02 Ovijit Kumar Saha 20082023003 K . M . Real 200820321

04 Md. Humayun Kabir Alam 200820248

05 Md. Mostafizur Rahman 200820292

Business Policy and Strategic Management BBA - 4146

Submission Date: 04/12/11Asian University of Bangladesh

Page 3: Assignment on Marketiong Strategy of Exim Bank

Latter of Transmittal

Date: 28/11/11

ToAbdullah M.TaherLecturer of Business Policy and Strategic ManagementBBA - 4146Faculty of Business AdministrationAsian University of Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of report on Marketing Strategy Of EXIM Bank in Bangladesh

Dear Sir,

Here we are submitting our report on “Marketing Strategy Of EXIM Bank in Bangladesh” Prescribed by you in your course Business policy and Strategic Management for this purpose, we have gone through internet, of the respect others and class lecturer sheets for the relevant information of the assigned topic.

Please call me for any further information at your convenient time and place.

Yours truly,Group:Batch: BBA-33 Sec: Accounting,Faculty of Business AdministrationAsian University of Bangladesh

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At first we desire to express our deepest sense of gratitude of almighty God.

With profound regard we gratefully acknowledge our respected course teacher Abdullah M.Taher Lecturer of Business Policy and Strategic Management, Faculty of Business Administration for this generous help and suggestion during preparation of the report.We like to give thanks especially to our friends and many individuals, for their enthusiastic encouragements and helps during the preparation of this report us by sharing ideas regarding this subject and for their assistance in typing and proof reading this manuscript.

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An Overview of EXIM Bank Ltd .

Historical Background

Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited (EXIM Bank), one of the leading private

commercial banks, is promoted by a group of renowned Bangladeshi entrepreneurs, and

commenced its banking operation on 3rd August 1999. Within an operative period as

short as eleven years, the bank has arrived at a strong financial and business position by

expanding its market share compared to its contemporaries and to some extent to the 2nd

even 1st generation banks of private sector. In addition, the Bank has also made a

significant contribution to the national economy under the prudent leadership and

untiring support of the member of the Board of Directors, who are leading business

personalities and reputed industrialists of the country. Now the EXIM Bank Ltd has the

72 branches in the Bangladesh and 15 branches in outside of the Bangladesh.

By the grace of Almighty Allah, the Bank has started its operation as full-fledged Islami

Bank based on Shariah through conversion from conventional interest based banking

system with effect from 1st July 2004 with the approval of Bangladesh Bank. It is our

great pleasure that every body gladly accepted the conversion with appreciation. It is a

breakthrough in the history of Islami Banking, because all other Islamic Banks of

Bangladesh are found Shariah based since inception i.e. at the time of their incorporation.

We have also experienced some traditional Banks having a few branches based on

Shariah. But we perhaps, first time introduce total conversion of a conventional Bank into

a full-fledged Islami Bank in the World.

It is noted here that a learned Shariah Council, consisting of 12 members who are

prominent ulema, reputed bankers and eminent economists of the country, has been

formed to guide, monitor and supervise the banking activities complying Shariah

principle since inception of its islami banking branches and thereafter transformation of

its operation from traditional to fully Shariah based Islamic banking system. Professor

Moulana Mohammad Salah Uddin is the Chairman of the council. Total 08(Eight)

meetings of the council were held during the period.

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Mission and Vision of EXIM Bank Ltd.

The gist of our vision is 'Together Towards Tomorrow'. Export Import Bank of

Bangladesh Limited, as the name implies, is not a type of Bank in some countries on the

globe, but is the first of its kind in Bangladesh. It believes in togetherness with its

customers, in its march on the road to growth and progress with services. To achieve the

desired goal, there will be pursuit of excellence at all stages with a climate of continuous

improvement, because, in EXIM Bank, we believe, the line of excellence is never ending.

Bank’s strategic plans and networking will strengthen its competitive edge over others in

rapidly changing competitive environments. Its personalized quality services to the

customers with the trend of constant improvement will be cornerstone to achieve our

operational success.

The bank has chalked out the following corporate objectives in order to ensure smooth

achievement of its goals:

∙ To be the most caring and customer friendly and service oriented bank.

∙ To create a technology based most efficient banking environment

for our customers.

∙ To ensure ethics in all levels

∙ To ensures sustainable growth and establish full value of the

honorable shareholders and

∙ Above all, to add effective contribution to the national economy

As a part of the said issues, the bank also emphasizes on the following area of services,

such as:

∙ Provide high quality financial services in export and import trade

∙ Provide defect free quality customer service

∙ Maintenance of corporate and business ethics

∙ Become trusted repository of customers' money and their financial


∙ Make our stock superior and rewarding to the customers

∙ To achieve high customer satisfaction level.

∙ Enhance shareholders wealth.

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Features of EXIM Bank Ltd.

It is permissible for the Client to offer an order to purchase by the Bank particular goods

deciding its specification and committing himself to buy the same from the Bank on Bai-

Muajjal i.e. deferred payment sale at fixed price.

It is permissible to make the promise binding upon the Client to purchase from the Bank,

that is, he is to either satisfy the promise or to indemnify the damages caused by breaking

the promise without excuse.

It is permissible to take cash / collateral security to Guarantee the implementation of the

promise or to indemnify the damages.

It is also permissible to document the debt resulting from Bai-Muajjal by a Guarantor, or

a mortgage. or both like any other debt. Mortgage / Guarantee / Cash security may be

obtained prior to the signing of the Agreement or at the time of signing the Agreement.

Stock and availability of goods is a basic condition for signing  a  Bai-Muajjal

Agreement, Therefore, the Bank must purchase the goods as per specification of the

Client to acquire ownership of the same before signing the Bai-Muajjal Agreement with

the Client.

After purchase of goods  the Bank must bear the risk of goods until those are actually

delivered to the Client.

The Bank must deliver the specified Goods to the Client on specified date and at

specified place of delivery as per Contract.

The Bank may sell the goods at a higher price than the purchase price to earn profit.

The price once fixed as per agreement and deferred can not be further increased

The Bank may sell the goods at one agreed price which will include both the cost price

and the profit. Unlike Bai-Murabaha, the Bank may not disclose the cost price and the

profit mark-up separately to the Client.

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Function of EXIM Bank Ltd.

As a commercial Bank, EXIM Bank Ltd provide all traditional banking services

including a wide range of savings and investment scheme products, foreign exchange and

ancillary services with the support of modern technology and professional management.

But our main stress is, as the name implies, put on export and import trade handling and

financing & the bank has become the pioneer in promoting Readymade Garment

industries and one of the largest financiers in this sector. Since the inception, the Bank

foresighted the bright prospects of this sector and extended finance to the deserving and

promising entrepreneurs. It provides this sector with financial support including market

information and advice and today the garment sector constitutes about 76% of the total

export of the Company

Investment Schemes of EXIM Bank Ltd.

There are many types of investment in the EXIM Bank Ltd ,which are so much important

and benefited for customers and the bank. That’s Investment Schemes are:

I. Izara Bill Baia (General)

Short term, Medium term & long term investments allowed to individual/firm/industries

for a specific purpose but for a definite period and generally repayable by installments

fall under this head. This type of lending are mainly allowed to accommodate financing

under the categories (i) Large & Medium Scale Industry and (ii) Small & Cottage

Industry. Very often term financing for (i) Agriculture & (ii) Others are also included


II. Izara Bill Baia (HB)

Investments allowed to individual/enterprises for construction of house (commercial) fall

under this type of investment. The amount is repayable by monthly installment with a

specified period. Such investments are known as Izara Bill Baia (HB). No investment for

construction of residential house building shall be accommodated to the Bank’s customer

where there is no other business consideration.

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III. Izara Bill Baia (Staff HB)

Investment allowed to our Bank employees for purchase/construction of house shall be

know as Investment (STAFF HB).

IV. Other Investment to Staff

Investment allowed to employees other than for House Building shall be grouped under

head of Staff Izara Bill Baia (General).

V. Bai-Muazzal

Investment allowed to individual/firm for trading as well as wholesale purpose or to

industries to meet up the working capital requirements against hypothecation of goods as

primary security fall under this type of lending. it is a continuous investment. It is

allowed under the categories (i) “Commercial Lending” when the customer is other than

an industry and (ii) “Working Capital” when the customer is an industry.

VI. Murabaha

Financial accommodations to individual/firm for trading as well as for wholesale or to

industries as working capital against pledge of goods as primary security fall under this

head of investment. It is also a continuous investment and like the above allowed under

the categories (i) “Commercial Lending” and (ii) Working Capital”.

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VII. Izara Bill Baia (HP)

Izara Bill Baia (HP) is a type of installment investment under which the Purchaser agrees

to take the goods on hire at a stated rental, which is inclusive of the repayment of

Principal as well as profit for adjustment of the investment within a specified period.

VIII. Izara (LF)

Izara (LF) is one of the most convenient sources of acquiring capital machinery and

equipment whereby a client is given the opportunity to have an exclusive right to use an

asset usually for an agreed period of time against payment of rent. It is a term financing

repayable by installment.

X. Bai-Muazzal (General/FO)

Investment allowed to individual/firms against financial obligation (i.e. lien on MTDR/

PSP/BSP/Insurance Policy/Share etc.) This may not be a continuous Investment.

XI. Bai-Muazzal (WO)

Investment allowed against assignment of work order for execution of contractual work

falls under this head. This investment is generally allowed for a definite period and

specific purpose i.e. it is not a continuous investment.

XII. Bai-Muazzal (Export)

Investment allowed for purchasing foreign currency for payment against L/Cs (Back to

Back) where the exports do not materialize before the date of import payment. This is

also an investment for temporary period, which is known as export finance and falls

under the category “Commercial Lending”.

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XIII. Murabaha Import Bills (MIB)

Payment made by the bank against lodgment of shipping documents of goods imported

through L/C falls under this head. It is an interim investment connected with import and

is generally liquidated against payment usually made by the party for retirement of the

documents for release of imported goods from the customs authority. It falls under the

category “Commercial Lending”.

XIV. Murabaha Post Import (MPI)

Investment allowed for retirement of shipping documents and release of gods imported

through L/C taking effective control over the goods by pledge in Godown under Bank’s

lock & key fall under this type of investment. This is also a temporary investment

connected with import that is known as post-import finance and falls under the category

“Commercial Lending”.

XV. Trust Receipt (TR)

Investment allowed for retirement of shipping documents and release of goods imported

through L/C fall under this heard. The goods are handed over to the importer under trust

with the arrangement that sale proceeds should be deposited to liquidate the investments

within a given period. This is also a temporary investment connected with import and

know as post-import finance and falls under the category “Commercial Lending”.


Payment made through purchase of inland bills/cheques to meet urgent requirement of

the customer falls under this type of investment facility. This temporary investment is

adjustable from the proceeds of bills/cheques purchased for collection. If falls under he

category “Commercial Lending”.

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XVII. Musharaka Pre-shipment (ECC)

Financial accommodation allowed to a customer for exports of goods fall under this head

and is categorized as “Investment on Export”. The investments must be liquidated out of

export proceeds with 180 days.

XVIII. Musharaka Pre-shipment (P.C.)

Investment allowed to a customer against specific L/C/firm contract for processing/

packing of goods to be exported falls under this head and is categorized as “Musharaka

Pre-shipment”. The investments must be adjusted from proceeds of the relevant exports

within 180 days. It falls under the category “Investment on Export.


Payment made to a customer through purchase/negotiation of a foreign documentary bills

falls under this head. This temporary investment is adjustable from the proceeds of the

shipping/export documents. It falls under the category “Investment on Export”.


Payment made against documents representing sell of goods to Local export oriented

industries that are deemed as exports and which are denominated in Local

Currency/Foreign Currency falls under this head. This temporary liability is adjustable

from proceeds of the Bill.


Payment made to a customer through Purchase of Foreign Currency Cheques/Drafts fall

under this head. This temporary investment is adjustable from the proceeds of the


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Services of EXIM Bank Ltd .

The EXIM Bank Ltd. provides different types of services to their customers as a

commercial bank. The customers of the EXIM Bank Ltd are also benefited to take the all

services by which provides the bank. The services of the EXIM Bank Ltd. as follows :

Account of the customers

Western money transfer.

VISA card

Credit cart

Letter of credit (L/C)

Pay order

Volt service

Demand Draft (DD)

Clearing chque by Clearinghouse

Money transfer from one branch to another branch.

Money exchange service

Different Departments of EXIM Bank Ltd.

There are many department in EXIM bank Ltd. All of the department always works to

provide the better banking service to their cutomers. All department incharges are so

much concern about their duty.In EXIM bank Ltd all departments activities related with

the another department activities.

Investment Department

Investment department is the most important department of the bank. By this department

bank provides the loan to their customers. The investment department also maintain the

mortgage and security against the loan. This department selects how much loan will

provide against the instrument. Mainly this department arranges to earn big part of the

total profit of the bank profit.

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Cash Department

The cash department plays the vital role of the total banking activities. The main

activities of the cash department are receive money and payment money. Here the

customers pay the money at the agnist of DD,L/C,pay order, deposit scheme and etc. In

cash recevie department recevies the money from the customers. When the cash money is

shorted, then the bank borrow money from the other bank.In same cases the cash

department lends cash money to the other banks.The cash department always so much

concern about recevie money from the customer,because sometime customers place the

false note.For this reason the empolyees of the cash department work very carefully.

Clearing House Department

The Banglsdesh Bank arranges the clearing house activities by the other commercial

bank. The two times in a day under the Bangladesh Bank the all commercial banks meet

up their DD, pay order and chque. The bank collects the DD, pay order and chque from

the customer and these places in clearing house. In clearing house bank collcets DD,pay

order and chque from the other banks and these transfer to the customer account. This are

the activities of clearing house. All these activities by the bank representative.

Letter of credit (L/C)/ Foreign Exchange Department

The main activities of the L/C department to export and import business between the two

countries by the business man. L/C means the security paper which shows that ,if the

party is unable to pay the price of goods of foreign then bank will be liable to pay the

price of goods of foreign country. Here bank provides L/C to the party when the party

pay money to the bank equal amount price of goods. Here home country and the host

country’s bank transfer their information by the FAX. In L/C paper bank refers the

amount ,name, brand, quality and price of the goods clearly. Here all export and import

business are conduct in Dollar ($) currency. The rate of Dollar selects the seller and buyer

by the current exchange rate. When any person goes to outside of the country , he/she can

purchases the dollar from this department.

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Account Execution Department:

The duty of the account execution department are the opening the account and closing the

account and provide the information to the customers related to the account opening. The

person who engaged to this department mainly, his called Executive Officer (EO).

Without those departments of EXIM Bank Ltd. has many important departments, which

departments work in Head office in Dhaka. That are Recruitment department, Audit

department, Branch Monitoring department and Branch Establishing department.

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Marketing strategies of EXIM Bank Ltd .

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What does marketing mean?

Many people think of marketing only as selling and advertising. Today, marketing must

be understood not in the old sense of making a sale “telling and selling”- but in the new

sense of satisfy customers needs.

Relationship Banking is a process, which has the aim of persuading customer to become

lifetime customer and to place their banking business with one bank now and in the

future. Relationship banking enables to provide a cost-effective, proactive service to

selected customer.

As a whole, Relationship Banking refers to a long term, mutually beneficial and

exclusive problem solving relation between customers and Banker.

Marketing Strategies

For achieving balanced and sustainable growth, we must satisfy two group’s new

customer and repeat customer. Today, the marketing should be all effort to retain current

customers and build lasting customers relationship. Thus, marketing is service oriented.

The service is “a bridge between products and customer”.

Marketing thus mainly focused as:

a) Customer Focus: It also means “the design, creation and delivery of service products

based on meeting customer needs and exceeding their expectations’.

b) Co-operation: It implies “Share information and share resources”.

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c) Continuous Improvement: This is the part or marketing research. We take feedback

from the market, we take note of the customers complain and try to improve our product

service on a continuous basis to remain competitive in the market.

d)Satisfied customer: One satisfied customer will do advertisement on our behalf and

automatically bring chain of new customer. On the other hand one dies-satisfied customer

is enough to ruin our image & good will.

e) What Customer Want: They want solution of their problems. we can solved their

problems by way of Analyze, plan and act. Once customer gets solutions to their

problems they will do marketing for us.

The most important factor and crafting a marketing strategy includes the following


Product Strategy

Price Strategy

Distribution Strategy

Promotion Strategy



Positioning Strategy

EXIM Bank Ltd marketing strategy is based on its positioning of different product. On

the focus to customer side the market is mainly upper-middle and middle income

professional who need saving with some attractive profit to meet any emergent

requirement in future as well as to develop a sizable amount of money to procure some

valuable future earnings. This segment of market includes individual, having a regular

monthly income ,male or female ,age not blow 18 years and educated or less educated

Bangladeshi person.

Product Strategy

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EXIM Bank Ltd accept deposit on the basis of Mudaraba in the following types of


1. Mudaraba Short Notice Deposit Account.

2. Mudaraba Saving Account

3. Mudaraba Term Deposit Account

4. Other Scheme Deposit Account

Average 70% of profit earn by the bank is distributed proportionately among depositors


Price Strategy

a. Deposit Scheme

i. Al Wadiah Current Deposit

ii. Mudaraba Saving Deposit

iii. Mudaraba Trm Deposit

iv. Mudaraba Short Notice Deposit

v. Monthly Income Scheme (5 years)

vi. House Deposit Scheme

vii. Monthly Deposit Scheme

viii. Mudaraba Multiple Deposit Scheme

ix. Mudaraba Education Deposit Scheme

x. Mudaraba Double Deposit Scheme

xi. Pension Deposit Scheme

xii. Marriage and Investment Deposit Scheme

xiii. Monthly Installment Based Hajj Deposit Scheme

xiv. Monthly Installment Based Term Deposit Scheme

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b. Investments Modes

To provide interest free Banking EXIM Bank Ltd has adopted the following modes of


1. Musaraka (equity participation on the basis of sharing profit and loss)

2. Mudaraba (sharing of profit and loss in business where one partner provides

expertise and management and other partner provides capital remaining inactive.)

3. Mudabaha (Buying and selling of goods with profit)

4. Bai-Muajjal (credit sale with profit)

5. Ijara (leasing for rent)

6. Hire purchase or Shirkatul Melk

7. Bai-Salam (purchasing of agricultural product while in production and providing

advance money to the producers)

8. Quard

Distribution Strategy

EXIM Bank Ltd. is one of the biggest private bank of the Bangladesh. For this reason its

has the big customer demand. To providing this banking services, EXIM Bank Ltd ha

opened 44 branches all over the Bangladesh. In out of the country this bank’s has 12

branches. All of this branches always work to provide high qualitiful and the helpful

services to their customers.

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Promotion Strategy

Vigilance &Control Division (VCD) and Marketing & Development Division (MDD) at

EXIM Bank Ltd Head office will jointly arrange for well publicity of the brand name of

new deposit scheme with its important features by the national newspaper and electronic

media (TV). Every branch will show special and attractive banners of the new offering

for awareness. Leaflet, placard, festoon ,poster and brochure will be supplied to each

branch for distribution and exhibit to all important place with the differentiation feature

and attractive .

The EXIM Bank Ltd also offers to their marketing employees (Field worker) extra

incentive ,if they fulfill the following chart. It is the financial motivation to their

marketing employees. As a result they express their better effort in banking service.

Sl. No. Deposit (TK) Number of new


Cash Prize

1 1.00 lac 10 100/=

2 2.00 lac 12 200/=

3 3.00 lac 14 350/=

4 4.00 lac 16 475/=

5 5.00 lac 18 600/=

6 6.00 lac 20 750/=

7 7.00 lac 23 9,85/=

8 8.00 lac 24 1,125/=

9 9.00 lac 26 1,300/=

10 10.00 lac 28 15,500/=

This table indicates that, when a banker arranges to open number of 10 accounts which

value will be 1.00 lac then she/he will get extra 100 Tk. next one account. The fillip the

12 accounts and value will be 2.00 lac then banker gets extra 200 Tk for extra one

account. The EXIM Bank Ltd. by this way maintain the extra account commission to

promotion their bank’s employees.


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To provide better services, bank divided the banking sector lots of segmentation.

Segmentation just depend on the basis of the lots of element. When the marketing team

divided the market under the segmentation, then they consider the feature of the

customers, financial condition of the customers, local area and business nature of the

geographical area.


This bank name is Export and Import bank. That’s why rich and elite person are the

target customer of this bank. But in present time this is targeting mid class customers for

“EXIM Bank Deposit Programme”. This bank all time searches the unused mony from

the general people as their valuable capital.

Positioning Strategy

EXIM Bank Ltd is required for positioning “EXIM Bank deposit programme”. Account

as a most convenient to its target market using product differentiation with other existing

products due to its special features that are not provided by the other banks. The

following approaches are considered for the strategy:

a. Positioning by Attribute

Attributes of the product are features, nature, color and etc. “EXIM Bank Deposit

Programmed” are more quality based than the attributes of similar types of other

products. As such ,it can be able to create its positioning by attributes. Because any

private banks does not arrange this types of similar deposit programmed.

c. Positioning by Use

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Customer consideration about the types and number of purposes the product will serve.

“EXIM Bank Deposit Programme” will serve the saving purpose and to obtain loan

against the same simultaneously, thus will able its positioning by use or application. By

this programme, the customer will be more interested to get a big amount of money at

end of the deposit scheme period ,if they maintain profitable deposit scheme among the

other various deposit scheme of EXIM Bank Ltd. Because EXIM Bank Ltd starts

“EXIM Bank Deposit Programme” which programme is not available in other private


d. Positioning by Product User

The number of classes “EXIM Bank Deposit Programme” will serve relatively more due

to its variety of range in according to the saving capacity of the customers. So,

positioning by user will take place. Because in EXIM Bank Ltd offers many types of

profitable deposit scheme which do not offer other private banks under the deposit


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Data Analysis

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It

involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the

internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that


Strengths: attributes of the person or company those are helpful to achieving the


Weaknesses: attributes of the person or company those are harmful to achieving the


Internal Factors External Factors

Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat

SWOT Analysis

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Opportunities: external conditions those are helpful to achieving the objective.

Threats: external conditions which could do damage to the objective

Strengths of EXIM Bank Limited

1. In recent years the EPS (Earning Per Share) of EXIM Bank Limited is increasing.

2. The number of branches of EXIM Bank Limited is 76 at this time. There are few

private banks in Bangladesh which has such a network.

3. EXIM Bank Limited was established in 1999. But it is an old and experienced one.

4. It has more than many foreign correspondents world wide.

5. It has arrangement with many exchange houses by which any person from any

country can send money.

6. Long positive public image.

7. Substantial deposit structure.

8. Skilled management group.

Weaknesses of EXIM Bank Limited

1. EXIM Bank Limited has not been introduced debit card Service to its clients

whereas many private banks has done.

2. EXIM Bank Limited has not been become member of Automated Clearinghouse.

3. EXIM Bank Limited has lacking in Computer and Software technology.

4. Some old empolyees are not so much introduce with the morden technology.

5. EXIM Bank Limited does not provide credit card service to its clients.

6. Lack of creating awareness to the consumer.

Opportunities of EXIM Bank Limited

1. EXIM Bank Limited can introduce ATM Booths all over Bangladesh.

2. EXIM Bank Limited can diversify their product.

3. Focus on superior value proposition.

4. Expansion of branch network.

5. Expansion of T&D Program.

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6. Expansion of R&D.

7. Introduction of One Stop Service.

8. Introduction of online Banking.

Threats of EXIM Bank Limited

1. Promising new banks are coming with lucrative products and services.

2. A group of professional banker in the market.

3. 3rd Generation Banks which have already been exist in the market.

4. Upcoming guidelines imposed by Bangladesh Bank.

5. Banks those provide banking service by agents and brokers.

Questionnaire Analysis

Marketing strategies of EXIM Bank Ltd. is higher standard rather than the other private

banks of Banglsdesh. The most of the bank customers are no experienced about the

banking marketing strategies. For this reason i have used the banker s as the respondent

of my questionnaire.

The questionnaire analysis of EXIM Bank Ltd on bankers about the marketing strategies

of EXIM Bank Ltd using the five point likert scale:

Particulars Mean Standard



Bank follows proper and effective marketing


3.90 0.056 100

Bank provides financial and non financial


3.85 0.303 100

Bank provide extra commission to their

bankers for extra work

3.95 0.147 100

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Bankers are satisfied on their salary scale 3.60 0.523 100

The marketing strategies of this bank is more

standard rather than the other private banks.

3.50 0.420 100

Bank uses any advertise 3.55 0.291 100

Marketing officer regular monitoring the field


3.70 0.340 100

Bank uses the positioning strategy 3.50 0.478 100

Bank uses the product strategy 3.90 0.09 100

Bank uses the target and segmentation strategies 3.70 0.264 100

Average 3.715 0.2912

Using the five point likert scale i have prepare this questionnaire. I have given this

questionnaire the employees of the EXIM Bank Ltd.

Here, put-up ten questions. They fillip these ten questions, on the bases of these ten

questions i have analysis the data. Here, first question’s mean value is 3.90 and standard

deviation value is 0.056 and respondent is 100 empolyees. 2nd question’s mean value is

3.85 and standard deviation value is 0.303 and respondent is 100 empolyees.

3rd question’s mean value is 3.95 and standard deviation value is 0.147 and respondent is

100 empolyees. 4th question’s mean value is 3.60 and standard deviation value is 0.523

and respondent is 100 empolyees. 5th question’s mean value is 3.50 and standard

deviation value is 0.420 and respondent is 100 empolyees.6th question’s mean value is

3.55 and standard deviation value is 0.291 and respondent is 100 empolyees. 7 th

question’s mean value is 3.70 and standard deviation value is 0.340 and respondent is 100

empolyees. 8th question’s mean value is 3.50 and standard deviation value is 0.478 and

respondent is 100 empolyees. 9th question’s mean value is 3.90 and standard deviation

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value is 0.09 and respondent is 100 empolyees. 10th question’s mean value is 3.70 and

standard deviation value is 0.264 and respondent is 100 empolyees.

All of these ten question’s average mean value and standard value is 3.715 and 02912.

Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion


1. The success of consumer service programs depend upon the upgrade Generally

employees of financial institutions are not interested to adjust with the policy

changed responding the situation.

2. Information technology and computerized system. But most of the senior

employees are not so much interested to cope with this technology and system.

3. The EXIM Bank Ltd does not use any advertisement for their marketing


4. The EXIM Bank Ltd uses manual system to verify specific man signature of

client it consumes a lot of time.

5. Many of the banks are now member of automated clearinghouse but EXIM Bank

Ltd. is not yet because of lack of proper technology.

6. Debit Card and the ATM booth’s availability is another popular service for a

certain segment of consumers. It is a matter of sorrow that EXIM Bank Ltd. can’t

provide this service yet.

7. lees experienced empolyees performing the marketing sector.

8. The number of branches is not cover the country.

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EXIM Bank Limited is a successful and resourceful organization has been performing

banking business in Bangladesh. If EXIM Bank Ltd. follows the guidelines it can be

benefited more, I expect.

1. The bank should use proper marketing channel.

2. They should should Swiftly serve their customer.

3. They should appointed dynamic experienced marketing officer, who has

marketing degree.

4. EXIM Bank Ltd. should follow cost minimization strategy in their

branches in an effective and efficient point of view

5. The management of EXIM Bank Ltd. should be more serious in

Recruitment & Selection process

6. They should increase the number of ATM booth in the country for the

better service of their customers.

7. EXIM Bank Ltd. can arrange training session for attitude and behavior in

a service oriented organization to develop its cash department employee’s

attitude and behavior.

8. EXIM Bank Ltd. should follow cost minimization strategy in their

branches in an effcetive and efficient point of view.

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9. They should introduce the non stop service center.

10. They should increase their branch. Because their current number is not

sufficient to provide better service to their customers.


Despite all the economic challenges and political crisis faced in previous years EXIM

Bank Ltd. stood resolute in its firm commitment to financial growth. The objective of

EXIM Bank Ltd. is geared towards the changing needs of its customers. The Bank is on a

strong footing to impart tailored services. The focus of the Bank lies on its large clientele

base and their expectation from the Bank. It is the aim and intension of EXIM Bank Ltd.

to accelerate the trend of growth and development in advanced level, so as to reach a

position where the Banks’ brand will be associated with being the leading provider of

quality banking and financial services in the country.

Modern Commercial Banking is an exacting business. Commercial banks are great

monetary institutions, important to the general welfare of the economy more than any

other financial institution. It has a vastly sobering and exacting responsibility.

Today is not like yesterday and tomorrow will be different from today. Given the fast

changing, dynamic global economy and the increasing pressure of globalization, l

consolidation and disintermediation, it is essential that EXIM Bank Limited should make

a reasonable change in its inanimate environment to serve its consumers in a more

attractive and effective way that are sensitive to these changes. To improve the customer

service programs further, EXIM Bank Limited should adopt some of the industry best

practices that are not practiced currently.

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