aspo 2009 oct denver_matthew simmons - aspo peak oil message

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  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message




    ASPO 2009 International Peak Oil ConferenceOctober 12, 2009Denver, Colorado

    ByMatthew R. SimmonsChairman Emeritus

    Simmons & Company International

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    We Have Come A Long WaySince 1st ASPO

    Spring 2002: 40 of us met in Sweden to begin studying

    Peak Oil. Aspirations were high that we could begin educating the

    world that Peak Oil was real and would soon occur.

    Definition of Peak Oiloften misunderstood.

    Estimates of timing

    varied enormously.

    Source: TrendLines Research

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    But, Too Many Trees Have BeenToppled Too Often

    The Peak Oil scoffers still attack theterm as pejorative.

    These optimists abound with simplebeliefs:

    Energy resource endowments are

    boundless Advancing technologies make new

    energy additions easy

    Massive new finds cropping upeverywhere

    Shale gas and shale oil will providebridge to the 22nd century

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    The Optimists Are WinningThe Media Battle

    150th anniversary of Colonel Drake

    discovery brought out the optimistheavy-hitters.

    They rolled out a cornucopia oftheories.

    Their views were pleasant news

    to many key policy-makers andreconfirmed why Peak Oilistsshould be viewed with alarm.

    Edward Morse

    Michael Lynch

    Daniel Yergin

    Amy Myers Jaffe

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Energy Optimism Is StillA Faith-Based Belief

    There is no solid data to bolster the optimists claims. Their proof based on simple beliefs.

    It is time for data reform to end the optimists claims.

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    Proof (From USGS) That USAWill Always Have Abundant Oil

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Auditing Giant Oil field FlowsWould End Peak Oil Debate

    As has been said by manysavvy experts:A 3rdparty audit of flowrate history for all giantoilfields would prove or

    disprove Peak Oil reality.

    More important, audited

    flows would create accuratedatabase to plot likely futureflow.

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    It Is Time To Trust But Verify*

    The world seems happy to trust key oil-producingcountry reports on:

    Total country oil flows

    Potential oil producing capacity

    Remaining proven reserves

    Quality of flows and reserves

    There are no independent audits on origin of flow,capacity and reserves.

    This is like heading into WWII without radar.

    * Trust, but Verify was a signature phrase of Ronald Reagan. He used it in public,although he was not the first person known to use it. When Reagan used this phrase, hewas usually discussing relations with the Soviet Union and he almost always presented it asa translation of the Russian proverb "doveryai, no proveryai"(Russian: , ) - Trust, but Verify

    All vital indicators ofsocietys economic health

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Global Data Reform Would BeEasy To Implement

    G-20 leaders must demandkey field-by-field audits.

    Enact transparency fines($20 - $40/Bbl for oilimported into G-20 from

    non-transparent producers). This would force producers

    into transparency within

    30 days or create anenormous rainy day fundwithin 24 36 months.

    Where theres a will, theres a way!





  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Why Are So Many Parties ContentTo Stay In The Dark?

    The abundance of data lulls too many into false sense ofsecurity. Oftentimes, data is simply estimates:

    BPs Annual Review

    USGS Resource Endowment Predictions

    EIAs massive weekly, monthly and annual

    reports IEAs OMR and other publications

    OPECs Secretariat Report

    All this data points to varying degreesof proven oil reserves that forestallany peaks or running out.

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Ample Solid Data Is Available To ConnectDots

    The devil is in the details. Thereal data is available, but takessome digging.

    Results are not perfect, but

    enough for most juries to reacha verdict when properlypresented.

    ASPO has done a remarkablejob of assembling the key dots(by experts with no axe togrind).




















    Worldwide Oil Discoveries by Decade


  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Here Are Some Key Data Points

    Production histories from many key non-OPEC oil fields.

    Accelerating rates of decline inmany key oilfields.

    Diminishing flow size of most newdiscoveries.

    Disappointing results by most newdiscoveries. (They produce less andcost a lot more!)

    Difficulty in converting remaining lastbest hopes into real oil flows.

    Rapidly declining flow of high quality oil.

    Top 5382 Kb/d

    Next 10187 Kb/d


    588 Kb/d

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Histogram Of Non-OPEC Supply Additions

    Declines are rising. Each vintage getting smaller.

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    The North Sea Cannot Be Ignored

    North Sea fields provide only accurate field-by-field datain the world.

    Last major oil frontier discovered.

    Avid user of all advanced oilfield technologies.

    A showcase for rapid decline rates.

    A showcase for steadily declining field sizes.

    UK/Norway oil output peaked in 1999 (unforeseen bymost).

    A decade later, output at 55% of 1999 peak.

    North Sea declines still accelerating.

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Some Pictures Are Worth A Thousand Words

    Snorre B

    Tordis East Vigdis

    Gullfaks Satellites

    Statfjord Field

    Ekofisk Area

    Source: Saga Petroleum Report

    M i C t ll Fi ld

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Mexicos Cantarell FieldIs Classic Peak Oil Surprise

    As Cantarells output began to fall, most Pemex experts assumed itwas due to mechanical failure and only temporary.

    As declines accelerated, fears began to confirm worst case.

    Cantarell will soon fall to400,000 Bbl/day.

    Three sister fields(Ku-Maloob-Zaap) rampedup by same nitrogen injection

    will soon also collapse.

    This will end Mexicos longera as an oil exporter.

    T M Oth K Oil P d i

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Too Many Other Key Oil-ProducingCountries In Irreversible Decline

    List is long and too important to ignore:1998 2003 2008 Est. 2009

    Nigeria 2.11 2.15 1.95 N/A

    Venezuela 3.12 2.36 2.35 N/A

    United States 8.37 7.83 7.52 7.90

    Mexico 3.50 3.79 3.16 2.94

    United Kingdom 2.84 2.28 1.56 1.49

    Norway 3.14 3.26 2.46 2.28

    Australia 0.71 0.67 0.55 0.56

    Indonesia 1.55 1.71 1.03 1.02

    Argentina 0.90 0.83 0.75 0.74

    Colombia 0.82 0.55 0.59 0.66

    Oman 0.90 0.82 0.75 0.79Yemen 0.40 0.45 0.31 0.27

    Syria 0.57 0.53 0.39 0.36

    Gabon 0.35 0.25 0.21 0.23

    Egypt 0.87 0.71 0.65 0.63

    Total 30.15 28.19 24.23 19.87

    Source: IEA Oil Market Report - September 2009

    --------------- MM B/D ---------------

    M t Hi h Q lit C d St

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Most High Quality Crude StreamsNow Mere Trickles

    WTI is now blend of many imported crudes. (Cushing,

    Oklahoma has become an oil-blending pharmacy).

    Other key light crude grades now getting scarce:

    Asias Tapis

    Nigerias Bonny Light

    Forties Brent

    Reason: The light oils are easiest to extract andremnants in basins producing these grades are nowheavier and more toxic.

    All now a fraction of what theyonce were

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Whats Ahead Is Not Pretty

    CERAs Above Ground Risk Thesis

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    CERAs Above-Ground Risk ThesisIs Real, Too

    CERA blames above ground risks when their forecastsare wrong.

    Their above-ground risks include:

    Insufficient access to reserves

    Proper spending rates

    Ensuring technology advances are implemented

    This concept is relevant, but their perceived above-groundrisks are modest.

    The Zombie list is real, serious and scary.

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    The Zombie List

    Rusting oil and gas infrastructure.

    Graying oil field workforce.

    Lack of new pool of

    properly trainedengineers and geologists.

    Diminishing oil fieldtechnological advances.

    Jitters Also Abound To Tip Over Oils

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Jitters Also Abound To Tip Over Oil sTable

    List of what could go wrong and hurt is long and deep.

    List of pleasant surprises is short and illusive.

    Items on my list:

    Irans Twitter revolution finally shutting down oil system Nigerias MEND morphs into civil war

    Venezuelas upheavals collapse PDVSAs oil flow

    Violence in Amazon jungles (Ecuador/USA tipping point)

    Terrorists finally strike oil system anywhere, particularly Abqaiq,Straits of Malacca or entrance to Galveston Bay

    The Enduring Risk List Is

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    The Enduring Risk List IsAging of Key Reservoirs

    Maturity brings on unexpectedwoes:

    Quality of life diminishes

    Cost to live soars

    Aging oil fields are like geriatrics:

    Broken down and in ill-health.

    Meanwhile Growing Oil Demand Is

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Meanwhile, Growing Oil Demand IsUnstoppable Without Careful Plan

    Many optimists believe oil demand peaked in 2008!

    This was also simply a belief, unsubstantiated with proof. Rebounding 2009 economies popped this belief.

    China, India, Brazil, etc.,

    are rapidly expandingand their thirst for oilwill grow.

    Middle East populationis rapidly expandingand struggling to create prosperity.

    Too Many Key Oil Exporters Now

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Too Many Key Oil Exporters NowGrowing Internal Oil Demand

    Savage blow to oil export flows comes when exportersinternal demand grows causing flows to ebb.

    This will happen throughout Middle East.

    If Angola and Nigeria ever create semi-prosperity, theirinternal energy demands will end their export era, too.

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    The Coming Surprise: Gas Has Peaked

    Data on global gas output makes oil data look pristine.

    But, solid data argues that global gas flows have also

    probably peaked: Western Siberian gas

    North Sea gas

    Indonesian gas Conventional U.S./Canadian gas

    Middle East gas not widely abundant and too sulfurous.

    All in irreversible decline

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    We Still Have New Supplies To Bring On

    But, they are all either small or tough to create.

    Kashagan (nicknamed Cash is Gone) just saw its latestcost to complete soar again (now $38 billion to begin oilproduction in 2012).

    Kuwait just announced it will take until 2030 to increasetheir oil flows (with third-party help).

    Brazil is pressing edge of technical envelope to create oilflows in Santos Basin.

    Exxon Proved How Costly It Is

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Exxon Proved How Costly It IsTo Create New Oil Flows

    On October 6, 2009,Exxon announcedagreement to purchase24% of Ghanas Jubileeoil field being developed

    for $4 billion. Production system

    just beginning to be

    built. Projected peak oil is 120,000 b/d.

    Exxon paid $200,000/peak barrel for a tiny extra supply.

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Easy Oil And Gas Additions Died Years Ago

    Onshore oil and gas flows

    peaked in late 1970s. Shallow water oil flows peaked

    decade later.

    Most deepwater plays never hitestimated peak flows and alldecline fast.

    There are no visible large newprojects to create.

    15 Years Of New Field Start-Ups Barely

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    15 Years Of New Field Start Ups BarelyOffset Declining Base

    Between 1995 - 2009, new field start-ups grew oil flows by13 MM B/D.

    But, new fields inprevious decadedeclined by 8 MM B/D.

    Almost all new vintagesdeclined at higherrates.

    History Of Recent/Planned New Oil Fields

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    History Of Recent/Planned New Oil FieldsIs Startlingly Story

    Only handful of new oil fields in 2006 - 2009 are estimated to produceover 100,000 B/D:

    Balance average 30,000 - 40,000 B/D.

    Fields TotalPeak

    2006 7 1,240 62%2007 8 1,050 61%

    2008 10 1,650 56%

    -------- Non-OPEC Start-Ups --------

    2006 9 1,625 81%

    2007 5 740 69%

    2008 6 1,350 83%

    -------- OPEC Start-Ups ---------

    Source: SCI Non-OPEC Supply Report July 2009

    Non-OPEC OPEC Total

    2006 1,993 1,996 3,989

    2007 1,711 1,080 2,791

    2008 2,954 1,625 4,579

    2009 1,696 3,310 5,006

    2010 1,354 906 2,260

    2011 1,291 581 1,872

    2012 1,390 1,649 3,039

    2013 1,298 1,530 2,8282014 1,040 1,630 2,670

    ----- New Field Start-Ups -----

    -------- 000 B/D -------

    ------- 000 B/D -------

    ------- 000 B/D -------

    F t L Fi ld A G tti M S

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Future Large Fields Are Getting More Scarce

    List of 200,000 B/D new fields planned is not lengthy.

    - 000 B/D -

    2009 Khurais 1,200

    Hawijah 300

    IGD Habshan 270

    Shaybah 2502010 Hassi Messaoud EOR 200

    2011 Pazflor Block 17 200

    2012 None

    2013 Egina 2002014 Manifa 900

    Kashagan 220

    None are easy. All might never

    reach full potential.

    Most Recent Large Oil Field Additions

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    Most Recent Large Oil Field AdditionsFailed To Make Target*

    Number of start-up sizeableoil fields which hit targeted

    outflow were few. Their forecast peak lasted


    Of 100 fields, only eight hit orexceeded design capacity.

    On average, 100 fields hit

    54% in year two, 56% inyear three, and were downto 47% in year four.

    *For additional information please refer to closing slide for contact informationregarding form major project performance and statistics.

    Peak Oil And Gas Is True Threat

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    To Sustainable Society

    Global oil peaked in 2005.

    We probably peaked in global gassoon thereafter.

    How rapidly flows ebb is unsolvedmystery.

    Absent data reform, no onecan make an educated guess.

    Best case by 2020: Global crude flow 55 60 MMB/day Global gas flows fall faster Oil and gas shocks become

    prevalent over next decade

    Source: EIA Monthly Energy Report March 2008

    Thus Far, 2005 Set Record For

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message


    ,Global Crude Flows

    Four years have elapsed since global crude output setall-time record of 73,728,000 b/d.

    How many added years of falling supply need to happenbefore we accept that oil peaked?

    2003 69,433

    2004 72,481

    2005 73,7282006 73,446

    2007 72,989

    2008 73,706

    2009 71,723

    September 2009 EIA

    Monthly Energy Review------ 000 B/D ------

    [Record production]

    [Assumes Saudi Arabia produced 9,281]

    [*6 month average]*Source: EIA Monthly Energy Review - September 2009

  • 8/9/2019 ASPO 2009 Oct Denver_Matthew Simmons - ASPO Peak Oil Message




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