aspire aug 2011

PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ISSUE 17 SEPTEMBER 2011 INSIDE: Poetry Reading • The Aspire Centre • Parachuting • Hospice Charity Event Taiko Comes to Tupton! GCSE Results This year has seen another very significant rise in our GCSE pass rate with 87% of our students gaining five or more GCSE passes at A* - C and 67% gaining five or more A* - C passes inc. English & maths. The overall average points score was 510. Patrick Cook, Headteacher said, “This is a remarkable achievement based on a lot of hard work by students and staff with the support of parents. The tables below illustrate the level of improvement so far and will spur us on to achieve even more in the future.” A Levels Once again the school had an overall pass rate which is above the national average at over 98%. There was an increase of nearly 3% in the number of A*, A and B grades which helped most of our students to secure places at their chosen universities this year. This is particularly important in view of the high demand for the reduced number of places available through the clearing process. There were 30 A* grades, 57, As and 123 B grades. The sound of booming drums and rhythmic shouts echoed through the Music department this month when Taiko drumming arrived at Tupton Hall. Kagemusha Taiko from Exeter delivered workshops to a range of students throughout year 7-9, giving over 100 students the opportunity to experience this Japanese art form. Each group had a fantastic time, building up a rhythmic piece which also included movement and shouts! The Music department will be continuing this exciting new style of drumming next year by offering Taiko drumming as a new extra-curricular club! A. Davey-Caines Celebrating our 2011 Exam results Ave. Points Score for 2011 2010 2009 2008 students taking 2 or more A Levels 673 643 673 678 APS per exam entry 212 208 207 222 Overall pass rate 98% 99% 98.1% 98.8% Comments from the Head of VI Form “This years A Level results were excellent with the school securing its highest ever number of the A* grades. In total the students secured 30 grades at this highest level which is a clear indication of their talent and hard work. Tupton hall is delighted that so many students have secured the highest grades, with some students such Emma Booker securing full marks in all of their Art exams. The calibre of this year’s students has been excellent and they deserve to be congratulated on their achievement. Students such Ryan Jones secured A* in Physics, Maths and Chemistry and a further A in Music and will be taking his place at Nottingham to read Physics. Also special mention must be made to the Thackray family: Michael, Conor and Hope who secured 10 A Levels between them: 2 A*, 6 As and 2 Bs. All our Sixth Formers deserve a great deal of praise for their hard work and fantastic attitudes; they have demonstrated great maturity over the last couple of years and we are really proud of them all.” Charlotte Evans Head of VI Form

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Aspire Magazine August 2011


Page 1: Aspire Aug 2011


INSIDE: Poetry Reading • The Aspire Centre • Parachuting • Hospice Charity Event

Taiko Comes to Tupton!

GCSE ResultsThis year has seen another very significant rise in our GCSE pass rate with87% of our students gaining five or more GCSE passes at A* - C and 67%gaining five or more A* - C passes inc. English & maths. The overallaverage points score was 510. Patrick Cook, Headteacher said, “This is a remarkable achievement basedon a lot of hard work by students and staff with the support of parents.The tables below illustrate the level of improvement so far and will spur uson to achieve even more in the future.”

2011 2010 2009 2008

5+ A* – C grades 87% 77% 61% 53%5+ A* – C grades inc. Eng & Maths 67% 59% 47% 43%5+ A* – G grades 97.5% 96% 94% 94%1 A* – G grade 99.7% 99.7% 98% 98%

Average points score 510 463 381 321

A LevelsOnce again the school had an overall pass rate which is above thenational average at over 98%. There was an increase of nearly 3% in thenumber of A*, A and B grades which helped most of our students tosecure places at their chosen universities this year. This is particularlyimportant in view of the high demand for the reduced number of placesavailable through the clearing process. There were 30 A* grades, 57, Asand 123 B grades.

The sound of booming drums and rhythmic shouts echoed through the Musicdepartment this month when Taiko drumming arrived at Tupton Hall.Kagemusha Taiko from Exeter delivered workshops to a range of studentsthroughout year 7-9, giving over 100 students the opportunity to experiencethis Japanese art form. Each group had a fantastic time, building up arhythmic piece which also included movement and shouts! The Musicdepartment will be continuing this exciting new style of drumming next yearby offering Taiko drumming as a new extra-curricular club!

A. Davey-Caines

Celebrating our 2011 Exam results

Ave. Points Score for 2011 2010 2009 2008students taking 2 or more A Levels 673 643 673 678

APS per exam entry 212 208 207 222

Overall pass rate 98% 99% 98.1% 98.8%

Comments from the Head of VI Form“This years A Level results were excellent with the school securing its highest ever number of the A* grades. In total the students secured 30grades at this highest level which is a clear indication of their talent and hard work.Tupton hall is delighted that so many students have secured the highest grades, with some students such Emma Booker securing full marks inall of their Art exams. The calibre of this year’s students has been excellent and they deserve to be congratulated on their achievement.Students such Ryan Jones secured A* in Physics, Maths and Chemistry and a further A in Music and will be taking his place at Nottinghamto read Physics. Also special mention must be made to the Thackray family: Michael, Conor and Hope who secured 10 A Levels betweenthem: 2 A*, 6 As and 2 Bs.All our Sixth Formers deserve a great deal of praise for their hard work and fantastic attitudes; they have demonstrated great maturity overthe last couple of years and we are really proud of them all.” Charlotte Evans Head of VI Form

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Year 7 trip tosee 'SHREK theMusical' in theWest EndThirty Year 7 students had the fantasticopportunity to see top-class theare inaction when they went to see aperformance of 'Shrek the Musical' inLondon's West End this June. StarringAmanda Holden, the cast sung anddanced there way through animaginative retelling of the popular film. Students also toured the worldfamous Covent Garden, eating their lunch in the sunshine and soaking upthe buzzing atmosphere.

Year 7 Poetry Readingcompetition

All Year 7 students were recently challenged toperform a poem in front of the rest of their Englishclass - a nerve-wracking task for most! After carefuldeliberation, English teachers selected the topperformers from each group to go forwards to thesemi-finals. Held at lunchtimes, in the privacy ofENG5, the semi-final judges were bought to laughterand tears by the skill of the performers. It was onlyafter great debate that the creme de la creme of Year7 talent were chosen for the Grand Final.

Performing in front of the rest of their year group -300 students - the ten finalists wowed the judges, MrCook and Mrs Roberts. However, the confidence andquality of two students shone out. It is with great pridethat we crown Arizona Arme and Daniel Palmer theYear 7 Poetry Reading competition champions!

Year 8 Pen Pal linkThis year, fifteen Year 8 students have helped establish a link with Belanger Memorial School inNewfoundland. Situated in a remote part ofCanada, this school is very different from Tupton Hall, with just 100 students aged from 5 to 18. The students involved in the projecthave given up their lunchtimes to write letters to their new pen pals andhave waited patiently for their responses. Along the way they've found outabout the similarities and differences between their own lives and those ofteenagers from a very different culture.

Y9 ENGLISH G&T GET INTOUCH WITH NATUREOn 21st June 2011, a group of Year 9 Gifted and Talentedstudents took part in a nature walk around the school groundsand carried out a variety of multi-sensory activities. The studentsmade tree rubbings, observed wildlife at the pond, listened to thesounds of nature and even made notes on the smells! Theinformation was noted down as inspiration for pieces of creativewriting. Some produced fantastic poetry, whilst others producedbrilliant descriptive pieces of writing - worthy of a novel opening.Come and see the creative work on the display board in theupstairs corridor of English... Creative TRICs all round!

Miss Hutton (English)

The holocaUsT

(Written after studying The Boy in the StripedPyjamas by John Boyne).

Raise your thoughts on this occasion,To those who fought and died in the war.

Adults cried in terrible pain,The kids didn’t know they thought it was a game,Children lost their parents so dear,One day they just wasn’t here.

Hitler thought that he was clever,He never should have hurt them never,But however he just forced,Soldiers to fight the Holocaust.

Children died and then were fried,That would scare me I would have to hide,Hitler said the Jews were animals,He forced his men to kill them,And so we had the Holocaust.

Help for heroes support the people who try to saveour country and plus the hundreds that have losttheir lives for us.

By Sarah Kitsull


Mum I love you,No I don’t,I’m so stuck,Can I come home?

Mum I need you,You help me live,You give me air,So I can breath.

Mum I want you,You’re part of my life,Like I am the husband,And you are the wife.

Mum I can see you,In ten years time,Missing your daughter,Reading this rhyme.

Mum I love you,Mum I’m back,It’s all gone white,When it used to beblack.

Mum I missed you,Like you had gone,Kaydee, Tyler and evenJohn,

Mum I can’t do itwithout you,Why did you go?Please tell me,I’m sure you know.

Mum I love you,No I don’t,I’m so stuck,Can I come home?

by Levi Herbert

Arizona Arme

Daniel Palmer

Page 3: Aspire Aug 2011

This event was aimed at recruiting more boys into HigherEducation. Fourteen Tupton lads had a taste of universitylife for the day. They sampled Sports Science and SportsCoaching activities run by Derby academics, took part in afitness test and a campus tour. They also received footballcoaching from Derby County FC Academy, finishing offwith a game of football. Eleven students are now certainthey want to attend university in the future. They wereeven more certain about the best part of the day; therewere 14 replies of “The football”.

Faye Wyatt,Deputy Head of Sixth Form

The Sixth Form Prom 2011The Year 13 celebrated the end of their school career with a glamorous andsophisticated evening at the Derbyshire Hotel on the 27th May. The studentsput the forthcoming exams to one side for an evening to enjoy a fantasticprom. The students were dressed for the occasion with stunning dresses andsuites that would have looked perfect at any red carpet event. The eveninginvolved a three course meal, speeches delivered by the students, awardsand a disco to end the night. The entire event was organised by the studentsthemselves, from the venue, menu, flowers and the entertainment and it wasa thoroughly professional affair. The students all did themselves proud andthe Sixth Form team would like to wish them every success for their futures.

Miss Evans

Spanish trip to London

Boys intoHE Day at

Derby University

On Thursday June 29th the class of 2006 celebratedtheir Year 11 Prom at Ringwood Hall. Studentsarrived in/on many different forms of transportincluding; sports cars, limo's, a fire engine and evena helicopter! Over 200 students and staff enjoyed afabulous evening in the hall and the grounds

On Tuesday 21st of June a group ofvery sleepy but very excited Year 10students arrived at school at 7:30.They were about to go to London tomeet up with some languageexchange students from our partnerschool, the IES de Valga in Galicia,northwestern Spain.

We set off in the minibus; the students werea bit nervous about practising their Spanish!After arriving on the outskirts of London wegot the tube into central London to meet thestudents and teachers in front of the LondonEye. Although both sets of students werevery quiet at first, they soon got talking andmaking friends whilst we were on the

London Eye. Afterthe Eye we headedfor La Tasca andtapas for lunchbefore sayinggoodbye to ourpartner students andheading back on thelong minibus ride toTupton.

Well done to ZaylieCrowe, EleanorMiddleton and LaurenParmley for winningthe vocabularychallenge!

Year 11 Prom

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On the way down from Snowden

Teamwork while descending

At the finish

DUKE OF EDINBURGH NEWSReview of the year

Bronze, Silver and Gold expeditions took place in White Peak, Dark Peak and Snowdoniainvolving over 60 Year 9 to Year 13 students.

The County D of E Presentation Evening was held in November and our own PresentationEvening in January after twice being cancelled because of snow!

A special highlight was the visit of HRH Prince Edward in May. Tapton was one of only fourcentres asked to provide a display and meet the Prince. Our students were a credit to theschool. Outdoors team: Eleanor King, David Lovell, Josh Mellor and David Wilkinson.Presentation team: Adam Bargh, Laura Bassett, Chloe Britland and Catherine Lovell.

Future events

Fri. 30th Sept Derbyshire Presentation Evening at County Hall.

Fri. 14th – Sun 16th Oct Silver Practice & Bronze Qualifying expeditions in the Peak District.

Fri. 11th November 2011 Our Internal Presentation evening.

April 2012 Gold expedition, probably in the Yorkshire Dales (Years 12/13).

April/May 2012 Bronze expedition in White Peak area (Year 9).

May/June 2012 Silver expeditions in the Peak District (Years 10 & 11).

July 2012 Gold expedition – venue to be decided, possibly Scotland.

Thanks to Mr Ebbage, Mr Goodliffe, Miss Stimpson, Miss Parkinson, Miss Avory, Mrs Caveand Mr Smallwood. Also Mrs Hucknall who shares the organisation and training. If anyother staff or parents wish to be involved, please contact me.

As well as challenging expeditions, participants must complete activities in three sections:Volunteering, Skill and Physical. For Gold an additional residential activity is required.Parents can find out more at

Gold inSnowdoniaAttitude, teamwork, determination and outdoorskills were all tested on the Gold Duke ofEdinburgh Award expedition to Wales.Six students successfully qualified: Alex Bramley,Chloe Britland, Matthew Fox, Sally Jones,Catherine Lovell and Lewis Squires.By the end of a wet first day, tents werebeing pitched in the Ogwen valley, beneath thesummit of Tryfan. On day 2, the party walkedover the Glyders range and down to theLlanberis Pass. Day 3 was a sunny day for theascent of Snowdon. On day 4, the grouptraversed the mountains to finish at Capel Curig.Students said:“I will never forget standing at the trig point andwatching the clouds lift to reveal the most stunningviews, from the blue lakes below to the far offhills.” (Matt - on Snowdon)"Completing Gold D of E pushes you to your limitsand you realise how strong you can be, bothmentally and physically." Catherine“…this expedition was an incredible experienceand I'm so glad I was part of such an amazingteam.” Matt

Outdoor EducationTissington Team BuildingYear 7 spent a day in the Peak District around Tissington getting to know each otherand developing team learning skills. After a circular walk they took part in variousteam building tasks. It was a privilege to spend four days with our new Y7 students; Ivery much look forward to helping them progress through the school.

Hathersage CampYear 8 went on a two day camp in house groups with their tutor over the summer.Students completed various activities (History, PE, RE, Geography) followed byswimming at the open air pool. Students took part in team building activities andprepared their own food! On the second day students completed a circular walk inthe Peak District National Park.Students said:‘I thought camp was great. I liked the walk ‘though it was quite long. The outdoorswimming pool was great. Overall I loved it.’‘It was fun. I enjoyed it and wanted to stay for longer!’‘I had a really good time; the night walk and swimming were great!’

Lathkill DaleYear 9 visited the Peak District around Lathkill Dale and Arbor Low Stone Circle.Students completed a walk involving PE, history (Lead Mining), geography (tourism,conservation area and SSSI site), RE (stone circle) and science (habitats, sustainability). Students were joined by Natural England Wardens. Our students were outstanding.A big thank you to school staff who made these trips possible.

Mr M.D EbbageDeputy Headteacher

ENRICHING FUN AT PGLOn the last week of the Summer Term, sixteen students from Year 7 to 11 took part in a three-night residential toPGL in Shrewsbury. The fact that seven of the sixteen students had been before speaks volumes – each year it getsbetter and better! The activity holiday includes abseiling, climbing, high ropes and raft building. This enriching experience enables students to conquer fears, develop team-building skills, gain confidence andbecome more independent. It gives students a sense of achievement. Staff at the centre praised our students’ positive attitudes, enthusiasm and sense of fun. This is the sixth consecutiveyear that we have run trips to PGL; we hope to offer this enriching experience again next year. The students involvedwere a credit to themselves and the school. They were: Adam Bargh, Lizzie Donaldson, Ryan Baldwin, and JoshMellor from Year 11, Sorcha Ward from Year 10, Harpreet Singh, Adam Lievesley, Charlotte Lievesley, Sam Mercer,and Laura Lynch from Year 9, Ciara Billyeald, Natalie Williams, Lauren Macluskey, and Connor Field from Year 7.

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Rot aryCompetitionSophie Mahadevan won 3rd place in thefinal of the competition, with Haslandtaking first and second place. The girlsin the final were a credit to the schooland their work looked really good! Theywere each presented with a framedcertificate and £20 book token. Work willbe going up in the corridor on Fridayalong with some of the photos.

Summer SpendingOnce again the technical department hasfocused its summer spending towardskeeping the excellent ICT facilities atTupton Hall up to date. This year will seeanother 60 PC’s replaced in the core ITsuites allowing us to roll out Windows 7and Office 2010 in all of the suites.Further laptop trolleys have also beenpurchased to increases the availability of ITacross the school. There will also be improvements to thecore switching that runs the school networkas we bring the last of theCommunications rooms in line with the restof the school giving us the ability to deliverGigabit speeds to every desktop in school.

ICT MarkTupton Hall hasbeen re-accreditedwith the ICT mark;this prestigiousaward celebrates

the schools excellence in ICT and was firstawarded to us in 2008.With the demise of BECTA under the newgovernment the ICT mark looks like it maybe a way in which the DFE monitors ICTexcellence in schools.The re-accreditation of the mark is theculmination of a lot of hard work and onceagain shows that Tupton Hall is dedicatedto driving ICT forward in all aspects ofschool life.

Market Research -Business Trip!On Monday the 4th of July, the A2business classes took a trip in toChesterfield Town with Mr Gibbons andMiss Brett to collect information for ourbusiness plan developments. To do this, weapproached people on Vicar Lane toanswer questionnaires that we hadprepared in our lessons. We got anunexpected good response from thepeople of Chesterfield, making the day amore enjoyable experience! To find outhow many potential customers would enterthe store we are ‘buying’, we had to do a‘footfall count’ and count how manypeople walked past the shop for an hour,which, although a laborious task, will helpin numerous ways to our business plans.The questionnaires, the viewpoints ofpotential customers, and knowing theamount of people that could come in toour make-believe store is going to be veryhelpful in terms of writing futuredocuments. Overall, a day out with theteachers that wasn’t too bad! By Rosie Hamson and Ben Mallender

Economists ‘diptheir toes intoworking life’Our future Y13 Economists were given an‘end of year challenge’ which involvedthem presenting their findings in businesswear. It quickly transpired that the topics of‘contemporary issues around transporteconomics’ were a lesser concern than thequestion of ‘What to wear???’. It was veryinteresting to follow the predominantlymale conversations of: which tie might gowith which kind of shirt. Mr. Gibbons kindlyoffered parts of his wardrobe to help outwith the choice of tie issue!When the students arrived in their smartbusiness wear it was fantastic to see theprofessionalism with which every singlestudent approached their presentation.After what we saw, we are very confident tohave seen some future leaders amongstour students! Congratulations to all of youbut specifically to our two winning teams!

Thomas Hunter & Ben Mallender

Mitchell Buxton & James Hardwick

Two very proud teachers! Mr Gibbons & Ms Dieckhoener-Kelly

Year 6 ICTTransition DayThe ICT department have recently held ourannual Year 6 transition days. Over 3days, we had 128 pupils from 6 of ourlocal primary feeder schools. Each schoolspent the day in the ICT suites makingmovies about the primary school that theyare leaving and the secondary school thatthey are moving to in September. Thestudents used the Microsoft Movie Makerpackage to make their movies, whichallowed them to add photos, videos, musicand special effects to make a movie.

Aspire Round-up

Thank you Rosie and Ben for taking onthe task of journalists for the day!

Ms Dieckhoener-Kelly

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Mrs. Marriott Mrs. Priestley– Extended Schools Director – Health & Welfare Officer

In September 2010 Mrs Marriott and Mrs Priestley, who previously worked atDeincourt School full time, joined Tupton Hall School for two days each week. Theremainder of their time is spent at Tibshelf School’s two sites. Whilst at Tupton Hall,they are based in the Aspire Centre, usually on Thursdays and Fridays.

Mrs Marriott’s role at Tupton Hall School is to ensure that extended service activitiessupport current provision both during the school day, before and after the ‘normal’school day and during school holidays. This includes such activities as:

• Ensuring that there is a variety of activities available after school and in theholidays;

• Applying for funding for projects, trips and activities;

• Working in conjunction with other agencies on joint projects to improve student(and parental) involvement in school and in the community.

Mrs Priestley’s role is to assist in the provision of Health and Wellbeing relatedactivities, supporting the work of the school and that of other professionals. She isable to offer such activities as:

• Girls’ pampering • Girls’ group • Baby life choice project • Healthy Eating

She liaises with staff, students, parents and other providers to try to meet the identified needs of young people.

In October a lunchtime survey was carried out. More than 300 students were asked about activities they are currently involved in andany that they would like to have access to. This information has influenced some of the activities and trips for the February half termholiday.

In February Tupton Hall students participated in trips to Rollerworld, Doncaster Dome, Laserquest and Bowling, Girls’ Pampering, NailArt and Graffiti Art sessions. Another survey will be undertaken to identify what students thought of previous sessions and to establishnext steps.

Tupton Hall Cluster primary schools are also involved, ensuring that younger students have access to a wide range of out of schoolactivities which will, hopefully, help them to become more engaged in not only leisure activities but school.

Meet the Year 7Pastoral TeamOur new Year 7 students will be in thecare of Miss S. Neep – Head of Year and Mr R. Tinsley – Deputy Head of Year.Together with the Year 7 Tutor team theyprovide an appropriate blend ofexperience, energy, creativity andcommon sense. If you have any concernsabout your son or daughter during thefirst few weeks please do not hesitate tocontact them. There will be an opportunityto meet with the form tutor at a parents’evening on Wednesday 19th October.

THE ASPIRE CENTRE - ONE YEAR ONThe Aspire Centre, our Inclusion Centre, opened in September 2009 and since that time we have supported over 150 of our mostvulnerable students in school. The centre offers a range of activities, on a one to one basis, or in small groups, that cover a variety oftopics; including healthy lifestyles, developing self-awareness and improving self-esteem. All programmes are devised to help studentsovercome their personal barriers to learning. The aim is for all our students to achieve the Every Child Matters outcomes and ultimatelyenjoy school and achieve their potential.

To support transition we work alongside our primary feeder schools to ensure the transfer from primary school to secondary is a lessdaunting experience. For the last two years we have invited a group of sixteen, new, Year 7 students to attend our summer transitionproject. Students gave up the first two weeks of their summer holidays to take part in activities like wacky science experiments, healthycooking and turn their trash into fashion items, to name just a few.

The Aspire Centre has developed as the hub of extended services in school. Staff in the centre work with a vast range of colleaguesfrom outside agencies to support the students in our school; including Connexions, Safe Speak, Health 4 Life, Police Youth InvolvementOfficer, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and the Education WelfareService. In addition to this the NHS Stop Smoking Service, the Specialist SchoolCommunity Nurse and Safe Speak also provide a weekly drop-in service wherestudents can access support and advice. In September 2010, Pam Rowley wasappointed as Family Resource Worker; who provides a pivotal liaison rolebetween families, school and other agencies.

The Aspire Centre is going from strength to strength. Over the next twelve monthswe plan to enhance the range of support offered to our students’ by extending thelinks with outside agencies. We already have successful projects underway withthe Fire service. In 2010, 12 students completed the Youth Engagement Scheme(YES) Project. Year 7 and Year 8 students are working towards completing thePeak Awards Challenge, supported by the Youth Service and two groups of Year 8students have completed the Health 4 Life programme. We have securedfunding, through extended services, to develop an allotment on the school site.

Sarah Burton – Aspire Centre Manager

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National School Sport Week at TuptonTupton Hall students took part in this nationwide event at theend of June. Schools were challenged to “launch” a vortexhowler as far as possible on a virtual mission to reach London.

Well done to the following Tupton Hall pupils:• Thomas Pike – Year 9 boys winner with a throw of 72m• Anna Stevenson – Year 7 girls winner with a throw of 37m• Georgina Wilby – Year 8 girls winner with a throw of 34m• Darby Kew – Year 9 girls winner with a throw of 37m• Ellie Weldin – Year 10 girls winner with a throw of 38m

This was a clean sweep across the district for the Tupton Hallgirls.

Tupton Hall also entered a Change 4 Life Celebration Eventfielding teams for the Table Tennis, Boccia and Handballcompetitions. The programme aims to encourage greaterparticipation in selected Olympic and Paralympic Sportsthrough a sports club owned by young people. We hope toexpand our Change 4 Life clubs in Boccia and Table Tennisfrom September.

Primary School Mascot Competition

Based on the national mascot competition, primary schoolswere challenged to create ‘local’ versions of Wenlock orMandeville. Congratulations to Jay, Katie and Joel, year 6pupils from Hunloke Park for winning the Key Stage 2competition.


This year the P.E. Department have organised two hugely successfulcharity events in aid of local charity Ashgate Hospice.In March, Year 10 and 11 football teams, along with a number ofwilling volunteers from Year 8, spent eight hours bag packing atMorrison’s Supermarket in Chesterfield. Staff and customers praisedthe students who raised £2531 – Ashgate report this is a record fora single day. Top earners were Zac Forster £202 and Baba Jack£161.In May, Year 10 and 11 boy’s football teams competed atChesterfield F.C.’s new B2NET Stadium. Year 10 caused an upset bywinning 3-1. Goals from Liam Chapman, Jake Johnson, and Manof the Match Charlie Dawes.After the game, nearly 200 people, made up from students, staff,parents and local businesses attended a hospitality event in theB2NET’s ‘Legend’s Lounge’. Both events led to a £5,000 donation tothe Hospice. I would like to take thisopportunity to thank every singleperson who gave up their time,effort and money in order tomake these events such a hugesuccess. The students weremainly responsible fororgansising and carrying outthese events which was fantastic.

Andy White

ParachutingFourteen students attended a training and personal developmentday at Lea Green in June.

The aim was to explore leadership and teamwork. The dayincluded team building, parachute games and classroom basedactivities. By the end of the day, students would be able to leadtheir peers, tutor group or a small group of primary schoolstudents through a series of activities.

Many of the students are working with Aspire Centre Staff as wespeak. Many thanks to Mr White and Mr Hendley for their helpin running this programme.

Mrs Neville


Staff and students from Tupton Hall School hosted a visit in Juneof 26 Y6 students, who start at our school in September 2011.

Students from ‘smaller’ feeder schools can look round, meet keymembers of staff and make a few friends before the ‘big’induction day later in the school year.

This year’s programme included aspects of Sport, PE, DT and ICT.All students were presented with a poster to commemorate theirday at Tupton Hall and a certificate of attendance.

Get Set Network, goes live...The London 2012 Olympics will soon be upon us, and as part of the preparation for the globalevent, the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (LOCOG) has launched a website. The Get Set Network is the official website of the London 2012 Olympics and hosts a wealth ofinformation, competitions and information.As a school we have gained official recognition for our commitment to the Olympic and Paralympicvalues. We are now part of an active London 2012 community of schools and colleges across theUK and will access exclusive competitions and 2012 Games related opportunities over the comingyears.Students, parents and teachers are welcome to register with the network and be linked to the TuptonHall

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Tupton Hall School, Old Tupton, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S42 6LG Tel: 01246 863127 email: [email protected] www.tuptonhall.derbyshire.sch.ukedited, designed & printed by printed on recycled paper

Expressive Arts Celebration Evening 2011The annual celebration evening was held on Thursday 7th July to recognise and celebrate the achievementsof our students throughout the year. Art, Drama and Music teachers had the difficult task of selecting justfour students from each year group to receive Bronze, Silver, Gold and Effort certificates and awards. Thisyear the task was even harder than usual and competition for the awards was high. In Art, 6 gold awardswere presented to Y11 students due to the impossible task of splitting the students who all achieved 100%in both their coursework and exam components, a truly exceptional achievement. In Drama, 3 goldawards were also presented to Year 11 students for their outstanding contribution to the DramaDepartment.

Family and friends of the students nominated for the awards were invited to the evening where they wereentertained by Music and Drama performances and given the opportunity to view an exhibition of artwork.Congratulations to all our students who won these prestigious awards.Lisa Dana (Head of Expressive Arts)

ART AWARDSYEAR 7Gold - Jamie Marples 7GXSilver - Daniel Knowles 7CXBronze - James Norman 7CXEffort - Casey Bell 7T1

YEAR 8Gold - Nathaniel Attenborough8HASilver - Jade Hopkinson 8H1Bronze - Felicity Otter 8H1Effort - Natalie Ward 8GA

YEAR 9Gold - Maria Alfiarovich 9GXSilver - Sophie Wood 9GXBronze -Billy Edwards 9T1Effort - Ammie Malia 9HA

YEAR 10Gold - Chloe Bradbury 10GA Silver - Megan White 10C1Bronze - Sian Griffiths 10T1Effort - Lauren Ellis 10CA

YEAR 11 Gold -Chloe Knowles 11GAGold -Lauren Smith 11HAGold -Tess Goulding 11H1Gold -Jessica Hadfield 11HAGold -Hayley Watts 11CXGold -Jessica Holmes 11G1

YEAR 12Gold - Lily Hammond 6CSPSilver - Dominika Madurska 6LGO

YEAR 13Gold - Emma Booker 6LGOSilver - Annabel Platts 6RBESilver - Sophie Cocker 6PGI

DRAMA AWARDS YEAR 7Gold – Victoria Moseley 7GASilver - Ellie-Rose Walker7TABronze – Georgina Marsh 7C1Effort – George Edginton 7G1

YEAR 8Gold – Georgina Wilby 8HXSilver – Lauren Robinson 8T1Bronze – Joshua Wainwright 8CXEffort – Adam Wilbourne 8TX

YEAR 9Gold – Lorna Smylie 9HASilver – Abigail Barnes 9HXBronze – Ashleigh Attwater 9GAEffort - Matthew Parker 9TA

YEAR 10Gold – Daniella Mulvey 10G1Silver – Sophie Corker 10CABronze – Isabel Hampson 10CAEffort – Matthew Smith 10CX

YEAR 11Gold – Edward Wilkinson 11G1Gold – Abigail Hutton 11GAGold – Hannah Lloyd 11H1Effort – Georgia Hodgkins 11GA

YEAR 13Gold – Laura Ogden 6GJO

MUSIC AWARDSYEAR 7Gold – Bethan Roper-Jones 7CASilver – Tyler Burton 7GABronze – Eliot Wood 7GAEffort – Anna Stevenson 7H1

YEAR 8Gold – Emily Caldwell 8CXSilver – William Thirkell 8HABronze – Billie-Jo Hudson 8HXEffort – Joshua Wainwright 8CX

YEAR 9Gold – Luke Downing 9HASilver – Hannah Ganecki 9H1Bronze – Holly Irving 9C1Effort – Fabienne Wynne 9CA

YEAR 10Gold – Charlotte Hall 10CXSilver – Guy Lawrence 10CABronze – Matthew Ayres 10CXEffort – Christina Bailey 10CX

YEAR 11Gold – Nathaniel Marsh 11T1Silver – Laura Mahadevan 11HXBronze – Edward Wilkinson 11G1Effort – Charlie Box 11T1

YEAR 12Gold – Francesca Morris 6RBESilver – Kerry Wigston 6RBE

YEAR 13Gold – Ryan Jones 6AMPSilver – Richard Fox 6KWA

Lisa Dana

A-Level Art ExhibitionWe had an abundance of high quality AS andA2 artwork exhibited this year at our A-Levelshow, which was held on Tuesday 21 June.The event was well attended by students,parents and staff who were bowled over by thequality and scale of work on display. Guestswere treated to a glass of wine and nibbles.

The work was very individual this year with students producingexciting pieces on a diverse range of themes and created usinga variety of different media from painting, mixed media,printmaking and sculpture. It takes a long time to produce thequantity of work required at this level and it was evident to allthe sheer amount of time students had put into their work inand out of school to produce such high quality work.

One of our students at A2 Level, Emma Booker and one studentat AS level, Lily Hammond achieved 100% in both thecoursework and exam components, an exceptional and rareaccomplishment in Art at this level.

Lisa Dana

Arts CaféOn Tuesday 17th May we held our annual Arts Café to showcaseand celebrate the work of our GCSE students in Art, Music andDrama. The evening was a great success attended by manystudents, parents and staff. Again this year the work showcased byall three areas was of an exceptionally high standard. The RichardSmith Hall was transformed into an atmospheric café with candleson the tables. The event was made even more special by thefantastic food provided throughout the evening for our guestscreated by Year 10 Food Technology students and organised byMarj Pratt and Kathy Pearson.

Artwork from every student studying Art at GCSE was exhibited, aconsiderable feat again this year requiring all the available space inthe Art department, Richard Smith Hall and surrounding corridors.A selection of GCSE Music students and a group of GCSE Dramastudents performed throughout the evening in our Café.

Congratulations to the 2011 Year 11Expressive Arts students for theirachievements this year and a big thank youto everyone who contributed to the evening.

Lisa Dana