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2012 Azimuth


  • o n e t e r m a t a t i m eazimuthalabama school of mathematics and science


  • Azimuth 04

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  • From the editor

    After all the classes, once all the grades have been put in, we see our seniors leave and welcome the incomings. We are sad to see them go, but we will always have this wonderful book to remember them by. So in twenty years when you happen to come across it again, you will be able to remember them one term at a time.

    This is a very important year for ASMS; this senior class is the twentieth class to graduate from ASMS. Through the years ASMS students have practiced the art of taking things one day and one term at a time. Each term offers a new experience for all of us; Geekfest, hall competitions, and the madness of finals.

    Every year we get a triple dosage.

    There have been a lot of changes around the ASMS campus in the last twenty years, not only in its appearance but also in the people that that make up our faculty. I would like to dedicate this yearbook to the teachers and staff that have out lasted ours and have served ASMS more than any other.

    I would like to thank the Azimuth staff for bringing to you this years yearbook. They have put a lot of time

    and effort into it and I could not have done it without them. Hopefully in another twenty years when you pick up this book you will remember your own history with ASMS and still be able to enjoy it, one term at a time.

    Azimuth 08

  • dedication: ann Smith BedSoleThe 2011-2012 ASMS Azimuth Yearbook is dedicated to Ann Smith Bedsole. Mrs. Bedsole was instrumental in founding ASMS in 1989 and has been a supporter and board member since that time. The Ann Smith Bedsole Library, which bears her name, was dedicated in 2008. In 1978, Bedsole became the first Republican

    woman ever to be elected to the Alabama House of Representatives and she has also served as an

    Alabama State Senator. She was elected the First Lady

    of Mobile in 1972, Mobilian of the Year in 1993, and Philanthropist of the Year in 1998. Bedsole is pictured in the above picture on the left in 1993 with former ASMS Director Dr. Allen Tubbs, Van Golden, and Senator Richard Shelby, as they stand outside of the

    school as renovations were underway to the Science and Administration Buildings. She is pictured on the right with ASMS students in the Ann Smith Bedsole Library in 2012.


    taBle oF contentSFall pg. 10 Move-in Day pg. 12 Dress Code Assembly pg. 14 Sports pg. 16 Spirit Week pg. 22 Geekfest pg. 18

    Winter pg. 26 Mega Musical Chairs pg. 28 Preview Day pg. 30 Winter Formal pg. 32 Sports pg. 36 Geekfest pg. 38

    Special Projects pg. 43 Berlin pg. 44 Appalacian Trail pg. 46

    Spring pg. 56 Interview Day pg. 59 Sports pg. 60; 68 Band pg. 62 Ambassador/ RLST pg. 64

    SGA pg. 67

    Clubs pg. 70

    Sophomores pg. 80 Class Trip pg. 82

    Juniors pg. 90 Class Trip pg. 92

    Seniors pg. 100 Baby Pictures pg. 108 Whos Who pg. 113

    Class Trip pg. 118 Steps Photo pg. 120

    Faculty pg. 124

    Ads pg. 130

  • Fall term

    Azimuth 10

  • Fall term


    Mobile heat, new classes, incomings in abundance, another first term has begun! A term of firsts: first western thought, first Geekfest, first workservice slip, first bookroom campout, first beastly combo of hell week and finals. Everything happens so fast its over before you know it!

  • move in day

    Its finally here, the start of another year. Returnings are trying to find friends they havent seen in months, incomings are trying to conquer their nerves, and the hall staff are overseeing the chaos. Boxes, bags, furniture, and parents are everywhere. The campus is a glorified mess. And it isnt even 10 AM yet. Meeting your new roomie. Laughing at the complaining Seniors. Watching second year Juniors strut around. Trying to get your mom to leave..for the fifth time. Embarrassing icebreakers, first hall meetings, and finding new friends. It hits you-- youre home.

    Azimuth 12

  • 13

    BiShop andudu

    Bishop Andudu spoke in the Auditorium about alleged human rights violations in his home country of Sudan.

    WoW car WaSh

    Students washed cars to suport the local Penelope House. Several customers came to have their car washed and to give a donation, or to buy some crafts hand-made by the W.O.W. club members, resulting in a considerable contribution to the charity.

    pumpkin carving

    Guts galore! A squishy, icky, smelly good time. While everyone else fell before the waves of pumpkin seeds (yeah, we are looking at you Mr. McPhail), Andrew Guo made a masterpiece.

  • dreSS code aSSemBlyDirt, pajamas, short shorts, and jerseys (except for game days). None of these should be worn to class on a typical day. Each year the senior class presents key aspects of the dress code in the legendary Dress Code Assembly. This years performance did not disappoint! Crazy colored hair, gangsters, and pajama clad students filled the auditorium stage as an example to incomings (and as a reminder to to returnings) of what NOT to wear.

    Azimuth 14

  • dorm Social

    Girls enjoyed not having to leave the comfort of the dorm while having fun with their male friends, while the guys talked about how clean and good-smelling the girls dorm was compared to their dorm.


  • cross countryVarsity Boys: James Alex, Jesse Aquino, Christian Bottenfield, John Chancellor, Matt Haskell, Chong Lim, Raghu Kasa, Luke Westerfield. Varsity Girls: Jin-Mi Mat-sunaga, Ramayee Nadarajan, Julia Rath, Lena Zhang, Kaitlyn Allen, Tabitha Mannick. Coach: Bill Broulliet.

    Azimuth 16

  • volleyballTeam: Audrey Arnold, Valentina Corbett, Kelley Foster, Meg Freeman, Hope He, Kalee Jones, Jane Murphy, Laura Oudenaarden, DNA Preyear, Raven Proctor, Alexicia Richardson, Courtney Rogers, Whitney Rogers, and Sydnee Wood. Managers: Suzanna Swanson, Gabbi Valle, and Amy Welch. Coach: Jane Allgood.


  • Fall Geekfest

    Azimuth 18

  • An epic convergence of everything geek, Geekfest is now the most famous and celebrated event on the ASMS calendar. This is why its surprising to us that it did not

    spawn at the dawn of time. In fact, Geekfest was created only eight years ago, the brain child of masterminds of the class of 2005, including Mike Zambrano, Matt McCawley, Licki Kallenberg, and Anindo Sarker, who were presidents of various geek clubs, including High Fantasy and DDR.

    It has evolved over the years to include activities such as board games and Guitar Hero, and has been held at various locations around campus. This year marks the very first time that a female has overseen Geekfest, with Laura Oudenaarden as Head Deacon.


  • german-american dayMusic? Check. Flags? Check. Nutella? Check. Must be German-American Day at ASMS. This years celebration of German culture in America came complete with an informational PowerPoint, a dance at assembly, and a huge dancing line through the courtyard. At the German caf held in the coffee house, our lovely German exchange students, Pia and Charly, helped serve customary German food to students who stumbled through their orders in German.

    Azimuth 20

  • multicultural FairAlbanian spinach pie is on a napkin next to crescent rolls slathered with Nutella. Some teenagers are reading chil-drens books in German, while others twirl South Asian scarves. This years diversity fest, hosted by the ASMS Multicultural Club, included stations from a variety of countries ranging from China to Spain, as well as food, music, and a few Bangladeshi greetings. In addition to ears and bellies full of different cultures, students had the opportunity to walk away with minds full of cultural understanding and increased tolerance.


  • Spirit Week

    When the guys dress as girls and the girls dress as guys, you know something unique is taking place. One week a year ASMS celebrates their equivalent of a homecoming with spirit week. Double-takes are more common than ever before. Spirit Week acts as an introduc-tion to the excitement of another year! Students don pajamas, fancy clothes, tacky wacky dress, sports attire, and adopt a twin for a day. Everyones favorite (or loathed) day however has to be Cross-dress day. To the guys: some things cannot be unseen, you know who you are. For the ladies: mens clothing is a welcome relief, Enjoy!

    Azimuth 22

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  • Azimuth 24

  • gooFy olympicS The anticipation. The face paint. The unity of a hall. Goofy Olympics has begun. Every year we wear our t-shirts and boast about our halls Olympic prowess. Einstein marches to battle in red, DaVinci blue, Newton struts in green, and Curie yellow. Each hall is confident they are going to win this year. The hula-hoop relay starts the festivities. Through the shouts, tangled bodies, and brightly colored people Einstein takes first! Next the math wizzes come to play. A bunch of equations, and a few smart people = a line of numbers with Einstein again in first. A few messy shirts, a couple broken eggs, and tada! Newton takes first in the egg toss. What do you get when everyones favorite pastime and a relay are put together? Cross dress relay! Where everyones a winner in being hilarious. The last relay is a dizzying affair, with DaVinci hopping their way into first during the sack race. And finally, tug-of-war! DaVinci, after a gruesome battle with Einstein, pulled their way to first. Goofy Olympics 2011 is a success! 25

  • Azimuth 26

  • Winter term


    Mega Musical Chairs. Science Bowl. Day of the Dead. WILD Weekend. Preview Day. Basketball. Winter Formal. Winter term may be a little colder than Fall and

    Spring, but the fun didnt stop. In fact, Winter Geekfest was one of the best on record.

  • mega musical chairsIts loud. Its stressful. And the best part is that its all for Charity. The annual Mega Musical Chairs event is a fun way for ASMS students and faculty to donate to the organization of the winners choice. We teamed up with friends and teachers for many different charities. The fewer people left, the more competitive the participants got. Without the Alternative Styles of Music Society play-ing great music to keep everyone in good spirits, violence may have erupted. In the end, Hallie Crosby won and donated the money that was raised to St. Judes Chil-drens Hospital.

    Azimuth 28

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    day of the deadLa Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica sponsored El Da de Los Muertos, or the Day of Dead. Many ASMS students got together to make las calaveras, or skulls, to help decorate. Then, a Mariachi band came to help us get in the mood with singing and dancing during lunchtime.

    Wild WeekendThis fall, some of ASMSs biggest foreign language enthusiasts headed for the Weekend Immersed in Language Development. There, students of French, German, and Spanish spent an entire weekend singing, playing, and socializing in only their respective target languages. Though it was a real challenge to refrain from English while trying to find a bathroom or herd their comrades out of the road as a car approached from behind, all survived and came away with improved language skills and insights.

  • preview day 2011The campus is spick and span, and every teacher is dressed to impress. Labs are waiting to be filled with a chorus of misinformed questions. What could inspire such unusual behavior? Preview Day, every precom-ings dream. The night before they go to sleep while images of equations and nerds dance in their dreams. The day begins with an eloquent display of our schools finest speakers. The whole campus seems overrun by foreign children with baby-faces and their overbearing/overprotecting parents. Despite the level of insanity the excitement and hope for the future fills the air, and even the most cynical senior can appreciate the naivety and whimsical joy of the day.

    Azimuth 30

  • Fall FestCotton candy, face painting, and cake walks galore! This was the sight of West Campus for the first Fall Festival. With the help of the students families, everyone had a fun afternoon, complete with tarot card readings, music, food, and arts and crafts.

    French cafeCrpes are flipping and Rs are scraping. Its National French Week at ASMS. This years celebrations started with crpe-baking lessons, where students mastered the art of flipping the perfect golden French pancake- and the art of slathering the mess-ups in Nutella. Then, students got to try ordering French food and drinks au Franais to the beat of French tunes. Though the pronunciation might have been enough to make a Parisian shudder, giggles and good food made it worth the while.


  • Winter Formal

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  • girls BasketballHallie Crosby, Heather Crosby, Kelly Foster, Kayla Hazlewood, Maggie Hess, Emily Kendrick, Jacqueline Ollison, Laura Oudenaarden, Alexicia Richardson, and Ayana Willians. Managers: Tracy Lin, Jazzlyn Smith, Alexis Flowers, Erin Retzlaff, and Iba Iyegha. Coach: Bill Brouillet.

    Azimuth ??Azimuth 36

  • Boys BasketballJimmy Kim, Stephen Penn, Lawson Pierce, Michael Shockley, Branson Pansing, Nick Chaplow, George Montgomery, Freddy Argu-eta, Kyle Nelson, Drew Beeco, Jerome Amos, Amit Kumar, Khalil Waddell. Managers: Erin Retzlaff, Iba Iyegha, Alexis Flowers, Jazzlyn Smith, and Tracy Lin.Coach: Larry Edwards.


  • Winter GeekfestJ

    ust when we thought the doldrums of Winter Term were going to drown us permanently, the one carefree, geek-out night of the year came. Geekfest

    was just as colorful as ever, with Rock Band, D.D.R., and movies, as well as some very intriguing cosplays and a Blackjack tournament right in the lobby. While we may regret the sleep deprivation and extra pizza the next morning, we will remember the fun with our friends on this magical night with a smile on our face for years to come.

    Azimuth 38

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  • chess teamThis years chess team, sponsored by Kevin Dolbeare and Orren Kickliter, competed in three rounds of the Mobile-Baldwin County Chess League in Daphne before hosting the final round of the League here at ASMS in January. Placing third in the league overall, they were eligible to go on to the state competition later in the year.

    Azimuth 40

  • Science BowlThe excitement! The frenzy! Poor Dr. Watts workservice! Science-bowl is here. The volunteer hours are free to anyone who can stand the constant sound of buzzers from students who could beat even us in a nerd-off. During the two science bowls that are hosted at ASMS, students and teachers come together to make outside students dreams of Science Bowl stardom come true. And at the end of it all Dr. Watt can relax for the first time in months.

    Senior BowlEach year our ASMS Ambassadors are invited to help out at the Senior Bowl Meet the Players event! This year our students had a blast getting out of class to race against each other to assemble sets of player cards and then hang out with some of the countrys best football players. Their high levels of excitement and energy far surpassed even the biggest players!


  • aSmS helps nicaragua!The Pulsera Project was started in 2009 by a group of American college students who had visited Nicaragua. Seeing the poverty and the situation that local orphans were experiencing, they decided to sell the pulseras (bracelets) that the orphans had made for their friends and relatives back home. Henceforth, they have expanded and sponsored Pulsera Projects all over the United States. ASMS was the first school in Alabama to host a Pulsera Project. The Spanish Honor Society sold pulseras made by these Nicaraguans at $5 each for a total of $1605. All of the money was donated in order to supply the children with basic necessities and scholarships for those who are too old to remain at the orphanage.

    BSu travels to BhamDuring Winter Term Academic Counselor Helen Clark took a group of students in the Black Student Union to visit Birmingham. While there, they visited important historical sites, including the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute and the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church.

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  • Special projects 2012


  • Spec

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    ts 2


    Azimuth 44

  • in february, German instructor muriel hoequist and history instructor dr. diane Gerard led a group of students to Germany during special Projects Week. the group flew into Berlin and visited such attractions as the brandenburg Gate, a bmW motorcycle factory, the sachsenhausen concentration camp, King frederick the Greats palace, the Cecilienhof Palace where the Potsdam conference took place, and the Pergamon Museum where the Gate of Ishtar from Nebuchadnezzars time is displayed, among many other attractions.


  • Spec

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    mr. mcphail took group of aspiring young asmsers to the appalachian trail for Special Projects this year. They saw the vast fields of wildflowers; however, they were starting to wilt. They were a bit more frosty than they expected, but it was all good fun. students hiked the trails of mt. LeConte where they dined at the summit. They learned what it meant not to shower for three days, and studied the sleeping habits of Mr. McPhail which included bear-like snores. All-in-all it was an interesting experience.

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  • Spec

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    Stained glass 101: an introductionto

    tiffany Style glass

    curtain up! goes


    Azimuth 48

  • culture through Wire, paper, and color!

    methods of Scientific research


  • the creative photography Workshop

    culinary adventures


    ial pr


    ts 2


    Azimuth 50

  • habitat for humanity

    ghosts of mobile


  • Spec

    ial pr


    ts 2


    portrayel of adolescents in media

    unmanned aerial vehicle

    Azimuth 52

  • Wall Street

    the american West in Film


  • Spec

    ial pr


    ts 2


    holographythe mathematics of codes and ciphers

    creative Writing

    Azimuth 54

  • creative Writing


  • Spring term

    Azimuth 56

  • Spring termWhat a wonderful day! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and its a marvelous day to be stuck inside the classroom. Spring fever is in the air, and the end of another year is in sight. Seniors have prepared their goodbye speeches and alligator tears for graduation, the Juniors have already begun practicing the art of senioritis, and no one can quite figure out what the sophomores are up to. There are only eleven weeks left, one more set of finals, Stress Fest, car washes, the pool opening, graduation, woo!


  • doctor!!!

    Women of the World

    Led by Martha Mozer, this years theatre production class performed an uproarious rendition of Is there a Doctor in the House?. This comedy, adapted from a farce by Molire, tells of the romantic struggle of Lucy (Liza Schwieterman) to avoid marriage to an old rich (Greg Valle), and be with her beau, Lester (Taylor LeMaitre).

    The Women of the World put on a wonderful display of women of the past, followed by Allison Kams stunning violin playing. The event was concluded with a dance intended to inspire some real girl power.

    Azimuth 58

  • Women of the World

    key club project

    interview day

    Key Club Convention is right around the corner, and its time for a service project! Key Clubbers Unite! Kayee Jones, President, oversaw the project that helped clean ASMS campus to pristine glory. The club members earned service hours by painting first floor of the humanities building, planting pretty flowers in the courtyard, and relieving the school of any and all trash that had littered her beautiful grounds.


    Whats that noise? Who are these strange people? Hear the eager voices of the prospectives. Can you imagine them swarming the school next year- because the ambassadors can! Saturday, March 31st, ASMS was overrun with their innocent baby faces. And just think, come registration day, well find out which ones will be coming to stay! Welcome, incoming class of 2012!

  • girls SoccerKaitlyn Allen, Victoria Boyle, Candice Clark, Sarah Clancy, Brittney Clem, Courtney ClemHallie Crosby, Heather Crosby, Shannon Driscoll, Alli Fry, Amelia Grider, Allison Kam, Jin-Mi Matsunaga, Jane Murphy, Ramayee Nadarajan, Jasmene Nettles, Laura Oudenaarden, Julia Rath, Alana Rister, Tylor Schmitt, Gabbi Valle, Anna Word.

    Azimuth 60

  • Boys SoccerFreddy Argueta, Christian Bottenfield, Michael Bui, John Chancellor, Hollis DeLaney, Sam Eberlein, Tyler Gomez, Zachary Grider, Andrew Guo, Matthew Haskell, Alex Ketchum, Amit Kumar, Chong Lim, Kyle Nelson, Lawson Pierce, Felipe Shinsato, Greg Valle, Jose Velazquez, Khalil Waddell, Ashton Williamson, Liam Wood.


  • choir


    Azimuth 62

    Choir: Keith Long, Tyler Colburn, Jose Velazquez, John Chancellor, JaQuise Caldwell, Morgan Jowers, Maren Bollinger, Rachel LeComte, Amber Harvison, Julia Rath, Laura Simison, Avery White, Jasmene Nettles, Suzanna Swanson, Ashley Terry, Caitlin Martinez-Lee, Kenna Planer,

    Veronica Kinoshita, and Catherine WilliamsDirected by Martha Mozer

    Garage Band:Dennis French, Brian Powell, Connor Minton, Greg Valle, Zac Thomas, and Alexandrea Moseley

  • concertJa



    Concert Band: Ali Fry, Sarah Clancy, Anna Word, Maddie Nordmann, Nathan Gilbert, Melanie Jenkins, Michelle Montabana

    All bands are directed by Tim Grabill

    Jazz Band: Dennis French, Aaron Langham, Liam Wood, Zac Thomas, Connor Minton, Turner Buckley, Greg Valle, Alexandrea Moseley, and MK Grissom

  • ambassadors Christian Bottenfield, Kaylin Bowen, Hannah Burns, Paola Capo, John Chancellor, Nick Chaplow, Sophia Chow, Sarah Clancy, Candice Clark, Heather Crosby, Hallie Crosby, Alyson Daniels, Andria Diamond, Ali Fry, Andrew Guo, Trey Harrison, Kalee Jones, Allison Kam, Ra-ghu Kasa, Amit Kumar, Rachel LeComte, Jin-Mi Matsunaga, Michelle Montabana, George Montgomery, Alexandrea Moseley, Jane Mur-phy, Tylor Schmitt, Liza Schwieterman, Aaron Stuber, Anthony Timberlake, Ticia Vogel, Hannah Waggerman, and Will Wagner.

    Azimuth 64

  • rlSt






  • robotics teamThe robotics team vastly improved their skills in both FTC and FRC. The junior FTC team won the PTC Design Award and placed 14th while the seniors placed 11th. In FRC is where the team saw most of its improvement. At FRC competition in Louisiana this year the team completed the qualifying rounds in 16th place out of 49 teams but were not chosen for the elimination round.


    A special assembly conducted and presented by the underclass-man had the whole school craving chocolate bunnies, rolling on the floor laughing, and enjoying the martial arts of Allison Kam, Feng Li, and Sarah Clancy.

    Azimuth 66

  • robotics team



    Junior initiative


    Soph opp

    academic affairs

    president vice president Secretary treasurer

    clc co-chair clc co-chair ac chair


  • Boys tennisDylan Vines, Branson Pansing, Greg Tate, Nick Russo, Joseph Thornton, Zach McCall, Jack Lenjites. Coach: Jane Allgood.

    Azimuth 68

  • girls tennisAvery White, Sophia Choi, Pressley Weil, Kalee Jones, Esther Grubbe, Lena Zhang, Tiffany Ngo. Coach: Jane Allgood.


  • anime

    Women of the World


    Azimuth 70

  • Black Student union

    anime French club

    Spansih honorSociety


  • l.i.n.k.



    Azimuth 72

  • l.i.n.k.

    high Fantasy




  • Flava ent

    alternative Styles of musicAzimuth 74

  • key club

    math circleFlava ent



  • Science olympiad

    multicultural club


    Azimuth 76

  • lab of learning

    Science olympiad


    deca club

    lab learning

    String Fellows


  • Beta club



    Azimuth 78

  • ignite

    Sadd oculus

    geekfest deacons

    Scholars Bowl


  • Sophomores

    Azimuth 80

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  • Soph



    Azimuth 82

    They say the ride is half the fun of trips. This seems even more true on Sophomore Trip, with a bus full of your class-mates headed for the The Big Easy. The sun was shining bright as the bus pulled into the parking lot of the river tour center. Soon we were off in to the Pearl River Swamp, where

    we saw all manner of creatures, from alligators to swamp snakes. Then we ate a quick lunch on the hillside and were back on the road to New Orleans. Then we spent almost two hours in French quarter. On the way we visited some of New Orleans most haunted locations. Finally, to end our day, we

    had French coffee and Beignets at Caf du Monde looking out at the Saint Louis Cathedral. -Quinton Turner

  • trip


  • Kaitlyn Allen

    Jerome Amos Kirsten Andersen Audrey Arnold

    Drew Beeco Will Blackwell

    Lydia Burnette JaQuise Caldwell




    Brittney Clem Paris Coleman

    Maren Bollinger Mac Braswell

    Azimuth 84

    James Alex

  • Rachel Combs David Cooley Noah Coon Emily Cox

    Nick Davison Shannon Driscoll Emily Elia Jacelyn Fitch

    Dennis French Ariel Gibbs Jennifer Ginas Amelia Grider

    Zack Grider Sierra Hawkins Kayla Hazelwood Timothy Holley 85

  • Christine Kallenberg Jimmy Kim Veronica Kinoshita Mellie Lammon

    Aaron Langham Allen Langley Narkita Laye Feng Li

    Aidan McNellis Rebecca Melkerson Caitlin Nowlin Toyosi Obikoya

    Joseph Osborn Branson Pansing Daniel Parsons Alexander PeeplesAzimuth 86

  • Toria Peters Kaleb Piggott Michael Pitts Jennifer Radford

    Julia Rath Sam Richardson Hunter Russell Nicholas Russo

    Trisha Sengupta Michael Shockley Laura Simison Dustin Smith

    Will Sullivan Suzanna Swanson Ashley Terry Quinton Turner87

  • Dylan Vines Guy Vogel Justin Wahlers Tony West

    Ayana Williams Liam Wood Sydnee Wood Anna Word

    Eric Wu Kira Yancey

    Azimuth 88

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  • Juniors

    Azimuth 90

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  • Junior trip

    Azimuth 92

  • Junior tripWhat goes really fast, makes you dizzy, and leaves you feeling like youve been hit by a truck? Junior Trip of course! Tuskegee, Oglethorpe, and Auburn were assaulted with the energies of ASMSs Class of 2013 as they explored the daunting concept of college. But thats not even the best part. Six Flags was a twisting, turning, spastic good time. Some were pros at coasters others rode their first kiddie coaster. Goliath, Batman, Superman, and many others heard the insane screams of adrenaline pumped teens. The return to class however, can be named the zombie.


  • Ai Abshire Lathan Adams Freddy Argueta Kaylin Bowen

    Victoria Boyle Nathaniel Bryan Michael Bui Hannah Burns

    Paola Capo Justin Charlong Candice Clark Courtney Clem


    Azimuth 94

  • Meredith Coe Jordan Danford Brianna Daniels Alyson Daniels

    Caleb Davis Hollis DeLaney Bekka Dicks Selina Dukes

    Sam Eberlein Kyle Filby Sara Fulcher Jalyn Gariepy

    Nathan Gilbert Tyler Gomez Esther Grubbe Hope He95

  • Baylin Hester Kathryn Hurst Latei Iyegha Melanie Jenkins

    Kalee Jones Allison Kam Emily Kendrick Alex Ketchum

    Rachel LeComte Andrew Lee Taylor LeMaitre Tracy Lin

    Keith Long Tabbi Mannick Mina Momeni Alexandrea MoseleyAzimuth 96

  • Jane Murphy Ganesh Nadarajan Julia Nelson Kyle Nelson

    Jasmene Nettles Jacqueline Ollison Parker Owen Ariana Parsons

    Eric Peterson Alexis PierceStephen Penn Lawson Pierce

    Brian Powell DNA Preyear Lisa Renye Erin Retzlaff-Roberts


  • Alexicia Richardson Steven Robbins Courtney Rogers Whitney Rogers

    Jennifer Royal Tyrone Rudolph Will Seery Elizabeth Self

    Aaron Stuber Mya Thomas Joseph Thornton Anthony Timberlake

    John Upton Gabbi Valle Jose Velazquez Tricia VogelAzimuth 98

  • Khalil Waddell Hannah Waggerman Kristina Warren Jania Washington

    Amy Welch Catherine Williams Michael Williams


  • SeniorsAzimuth 100

  • 2012101

  • Valentina Louisa CorbettClothes are inevitable. They are

    nothing less than the furniture of the mind made visable.

    -James Laver

    Tyler Jean ColburnLife is not always in our hands. What happens, happens for a reason and we cant change that, so live life to

    the fullest.

    Hallie Nicole CrosbyA journey of a thousand miles must

    begin with a single step. -Lao Tzu

    Sarah Marie Clancy I may not have gone where I

    intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to

    be. -Douglas Adams

    Nicholas Anthony ChaplowLove all, trust a few, do wrong to

    none. Be genuine. Be you. -William Shakespeare

    John Wesley ChancellorYou get yours and he/she/it/you/you(formal)/they/(insert someone trying to hold you back here) can

    have a coke!

    Hyo Eun ChoiDestiny is for losers. Its just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.

    -Gossip Girl

    Turner Joseph BuckleyAnd to all you C students out there... You too can be president. - George

    W. Bush

    Christian Gerald BottenfieldDont try to be different. Just

    be good. To be good is different enough. -Arthur Freed

    Olivia Angeline BaughKeep your eyes on the stars, and

    your feet on the ground. -Theodore Roosevelt

    Jesse Alexander AquinoLife is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think.

    -Jean de La Bruyre

    Azimuth 102



  • Nathaniel Trey HarrisonWhen your soul becomes part

    of what you do, then what you do becomes your soul. -K. Wentworth

    Austin Dean HaleyI may not have gone where I

    intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.

    -Douglas Adams

    Amber Leigh HarvisonThe moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able

    to do it. -J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

    Andrew GuoReal living is living for others.

    -Bruce Lee

    Dana Kayleen DowneyIf your success is not on your own

    terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all. -Anna Quindlen

    Andria Nicole DiamondWhat lies behind us and what lies

    before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us

    -Robert Emerson

    Kerry Jamison EllisImagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

    -Albert Einstein

    Heather Brooke CrosbyBe adventurous. Be confident. Be thankful. Be humble. Be brave. Be generous. Be compassionate. And

    be you!

    Alexandra Meg FryOne can never consent to creep when one feels the compulsion to

    soar. -Helen Keller

    Mary Margaret FreemanLife moves pretty fast. If you dont stop to look around once in a while you could miss it. -Ferris Bueller

    Mary Katherine GrissomWhats comin will come and well

    meet it when it does. -Rubeus Hagrid

    Alexis Tamara FlowersMy dreams are who Im racing with but you can see Im pacing it so that

    Im always chasing it. -Drake


  • John McKenzie LentjesAll the people you knew were the

    actors. -Isaac Brock

    Amit KumarYou can never cross the ocean

    unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

    -Christopher Columbus

    Chonghoon LimOnly the unloved hate; the unloved

    and the unnatural. -Charlie Chaplin

    Konnor Alan KuhlmannLet us read and let us dance - two amusements that will never so any

    harm to the world -Voltaire

    Steven Kurtis ImleFear makes fools of us all.

    -Alan Sells

    Margaret Alaina HessWho knows where life will take you. The road is long, and in the end, the

    journey is the destination -Whitey Durham

    Ibasaraboh Dorcas IyeghaA friend understands where you

    have been, accepts what you have become and still gently allows you to

    grow. -William Shakespeare

    Matthew Royce HaskellWhen you look back on your life,

    youll regret the things you didnt do more than the ones you did.

    -H. Jackson Brown Jr.

    Raghavendra KasaYou must be the change you

    see you wish to see in the world. -Mahatma Gandhi

    Brittany Morgan JowersWere all just stories in the end. Just make it a good one. Because it was,

    you know. It was the best. -Doctor Who

    Jeremy KnottA number two pencil and a dream

    can take you anywhere. -Joyce A. Myers

    Brandon Maurice JohnsonOur lives begin to end, the day

    we become silent about things that matter. -Martin Luther King, Jr

    Azimuth 104

  • Tiffany Kim NgoMotivation is when your Dreams put

    on work clothes.

    Ramayee Shoba NadarajanStrength does not come from

    physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. -Mahatma Gandhi

    Madeleine Dayle NordmannBe Nice. -Kurt Vonnegut

    Aaron Christopher MurphyMusic gives a soul to the universe,

    wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.


    Zachariah Colin McCallIn three words I can sum up

    everything Ive learned about life: it goes on. -Robert Frost

    Jin-Mi MatsunagaTime you enjoy wasting was not

    wasted. -John Lennon

    Connor Andrew MintonI believe in my Country, because it is

    a land of freedom and because it is my own home.

    -George Petrie, The Auburn Creed

    Caitlin Bethany Martinez-LeeDont ever underestimate the value of

    doing nothing.

    Shelby Alexis MontesaniWomen who behave rarely make

    history. -Eleanor Roosevelt

    Anna Michelle MontabanaIn order to be irreplacable, one must always be different. -Coco Chanel

    George Anthony MontgomeryDo what you want. Stand for what you believe in and dont let nobody

    tell you otherwise. Im a freaking unicorn. Tyler The Creator

    John Keith MitchellI hear and I forget, I see and I

    remember, but I do and I understand -Confucius


  • Jazzlyn Nadine SmithI am not eccentric. Its just that I am more alive than most people. I am an unpopular electric eel set in a pond of

    goldfish. -Edith Sitwell

    Felipe Ryuji ShinsatoDo not go where the path may lead,

    go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Gregory Keith TateNo great mind has ever existed without a touch of maddness.


    Rachel Grace ShelburneWhen the face in the mirror doesnt

    please you, turn it into a canvas. -Tablo

    Lexi Teri PowellI do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I

    couldnt. -Unknown

    Kenna Lauren PlanerDo good things to good people, think for yourself, and question authority.

    Raven Alexis ProctorOh yes, the past can hurt. But you

    can either run from it or learn from it. -Rafiki

    Laura Elizabeth OudenaardenGuess why I smile a lot? Because

    its worth it. -Marcel the Shell

    Caitlin Mary SchraderDream no small dreams for they

    have no power to move the hearts of men. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    Tylor Kaylee SchmittI do not know what my future may

    hold, but I know who holds my future. -John Abernathy

    Liza Kathleen SchwietermanI have never let my schooling interfere with my education.

    -Mark Twain

    Alana Lee RisterThe Brick walls are not there to keep us out; they are there to give us the chance to show how badly we want

    something. -Randy Pausch

    Azimuth 106

  • Justin Andrew ZimlichIm a warrior. -Fleece Johnson

    Lena ZhangWhen I get sad, I stop being sad and

    be awesome instead. True story. -Barney Stinson

    Timothy Ashton WilliamsonNone of us will ever accomplish

    anything excellent except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone. Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Gregory Vincent ValleYou dont have to be dumb to laugh

    at farts, but you have to be stupid not to. -Louis C.K.

    Peyton Michael TireyThe inner machinations of my mind

    are an engigma. -Patrick Star

    Zachary Thomas Werner Van Scoy

    Compared with me, a tree is immortal. -Sylvia Plath

    Zachary Andrew ThomasAnd the last run is just a flurry of

    notes. Just do it and hope you dont suck. -John Petrucci

    Luke Steven WesterfieldFacts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

    -Aldous Huxley

    Nicole Pressly WeilMemory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you

    are, and the things you never want to lose. -The Wonder Years

    Avery Leighann WhiteIm not going to miss out on

    something great just because it might also be hard. Listen to Your Heart

    William Patrick WagnerSilly people forfeit original thought

    and substitute it for reference to excerpts in scripture.

    -Andrew Hussie




  • ...AllGrownUp...Laura Oudenaarden

    Nick Chaplow

    Azimuth 108

    John Chancel lor Sarah Clancy

    John Mitchel l L i ly Baugh

  • Avery White


    Tyler Colburn

    Shelby Montesani J in-Mi Matsunaga

    Tylor Schmit t Lexi Powel l

    Sophia Choi Ramayee Nadarajan

  • Azimuth 110

    Peyton Tirey Wil l Wagner

    Brad Johnson Al i Fry

    Raven Proctor Michel le Montabana

    George Montgomery MK Grissom

  • 111

    Jazzlyn Smith Kenna Planer

    Dana Downey Ashton Wil l iamson

    Tina Corbett Lena Zhang

    Jack Lent jes Fel ipe Shinsato

  • Azimuth 112

    Iba Iyegha Tiffany Ngo

    Kerry El l is Chong Lim

    Raghu Kasa Morgan Jowers

    Zack McCal l Andrew Guo

  • whos who

    Most Athletic: Laura & Amit Best Hermits: Ramayee & Justin

    Best Smile: Jin-Mi & Raghu Best Shoulder to Lean On: Liza & Aaron 113

  • whos who whos who whos who

    Best Roommates: Laura & Liza Best Roommates: Greg & John

    Best Dressed: Lena & Austin Most Likely to Blow up the Chem Lab: Dana & LukeAzimuth 114

  • whos who whos who whos who

    Biggest Flirt: Meg and Steven Biggest Troll: Morgan & Peyton

    Best Tutor: Alana & John Most Likely to Return as Hall Staff: Michelle & Kerry

  • whos who whos who whos who

    Biggest Creeper: Avery & John Most Likely to Text in Class: Pressly & Zack

    Most Studious: Maggie & Christian Most Competitive: Hallie & NickAzimuth 116

  • whos who whos who whos who

    Most OCD: Tylor & Jack Most Likely to Become a Millionaire Online: Kenna & Andrew

    Most Artisitc: Tina & Konnor Most Likely to Have a Blonde Moment: Raven & Chong

  • Senior Trip

    Azimuth 118

  • Senior Trip


  • Azimuth 120

  • 121

  • Third-Year SeniorsAzimuth 122

  • Third-Year Seniors


  • Faculty & Staff

    Azimuth 124

  • Jane Allgood Jenny Arras

    Stephanie Autry Nasrullah Aziz

    Derek Barry Joyce Boatman Wayne Bouler Sarah Brewer

    Bill Brouillet Levi Brown Kim Brunson Jeremy Cale

    Larry TurnerASMS President


  • Helen Clark Christina Cooley Kevin Dolbeare Malcolm Donalson

    Travis Ebert Tabatha Ely Diane Gerard Cecilia Godwin

    Jeff Goodman Tim Grabill Muriel Hoequist Deborah Hoffman

    Julie Hoffmeyer Andretta Hopkins John Hoyle Larry HylandAzimuth 126

  • Patrick Issac DJ Johnson Beni Johnston Cornell Jones

    Andrew Keifer Gina Keifer Zunair Khan Orren Kickliter

    Shirley Lee Albert Lilly Bebe Lindsey


    Debbie Manning

    Stephanie Martin Linda Mayson Barry McPhail Justina Miles

  • Angela Mollise Monica Motley Martha Mozer James NJengere

    Patricia OFarrill Peggy Partridge John Petty Natalya Prokhorova

    Pamela Quintana Elisa Rambo Amber Rankins Carlotta Russell

    Alan Sells Courtney Upton Garvin WattuhewaAzimuth 128

    DaShan Taylor

  • Don Wheeler Brittany Wilder Roderick Wilder


  • o not go where the path may lead, go instead

    where there is no path and leave a trail. - RW Emerson

    With Love From Dad, Mom,

    Samantha, & GG

    Go Ali Go!

    Alexandra Meg Fry

  • John,

    Words never tell the real, true story. Up close and personal, I have watched you mature into a wonderful, young man that any mother or father could be really, really proud of. This disarrayed world has not impacted you. This I know by the example that you are to all who come across your path. I have watched you dominate the baseball field, shine in show choir, be the main characters in many plays at school and church, be a tutor to all your friends, be a mentor to any who needed mentoring, and overpower the academics that was thrown at you while running track and around the soccer field head butting and kicking the soccer ball. A new page in your biography you are about to write. For this I would like to remind you that you are a conqueror, an overcomer, many blessings, an instructor, a mentor, a prince of peace, an evangelist, and most of all a mirror image of God for great is the one inside of you than he who is in the world. Remember to acknowledge God in all your ways. Continue to pray without ceasing. Seek advice from the one who knows everything. Follow the directed steps provided by God and you will never lose your way. Also, when this world wants to tell you that you cannot, remember that you can do all things and I mean all things through God who strengthens you through Christ Jesus. I really cannot wait to see what you and God get done in this next Chapter.


    Mom, Dad, Charity, Dustin, Anna, Jason, and Eavenly

    With God you were firstto me you came to quench my thirst

    On your way in reverseBack to God as first.

    singing happy birthday to Jesustaking our birthdays from us

    Losing your teeth to a silver disgustWalking into Kindergarten with robust.

    Dominating the field in baseballHaving your name inscribed on the Presidents plaque

    mounted against the Coppinsville wallKeeping score for team old Junior basketball

    Galloping to mobile as you left your comfort zone Enterprises stall.

    At ASMS sports were fewIn academics you grew

    and you made a friend named raghuMy how time has flew.

    our hats are off to youDeclaring youre a blessing or maybe twooutstanding prints are left by your shoe

    in the halls of Green dragon blue.

    None can say that you were not a mirror of Gods ImageServing your friends with long hours of tutelage

    Praying without ceasing to get your fuselageto transport more to the ancient of age.

    Continue as you have and you will be the headBlest in the city and field as you are lead

    To Gods Kingdom steadThrough Jesus blood red.

  • Eighteen years ago God gave us the most precious gift, a beautiful tiny little browneyed girl that has grown into an amazing young woman. We are so proud of all that you have accomplished so far. You have always reached for the stars by stepping out of your comfort zone. So reach for the stars as you begin the next chap-ter in your life and remember to stay true to yourself and your faith and you will continue to be an amazing young woman. May all of your hopes and dreams come true.

    All of our Love Mama, Daddy, and Granny

  • Youve had six short terms hereBut youve made us proudYouve had a great impactThough youre not very loudYou love us, you hate usThe street goes both waysBut the books finally finishedWe fought through the hazeYoure to be commendedYouve made it this farCongratulations, well miss youGo shine like a starNice job surviving a staff full of girls! We hope that we made you proud!Love, The Yearbook Staff

  • yearbook StaffAfter a long year of camera-stalking,

    journalism, and format design, our crew finally succeded in completing the masterpiece you are currently holding.

    We hope you enjoy!

    editorJohn Mitchell

    staffElizabeth SelfKaylin Bowen

    Alexandrea MoseleyAvery WhiteKira Yancey