
3.0 Reflection In my work to done this task, I had reaches many trouble. I can’t find the material about type of sentences. So I try to find another way. I try to find the material of simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences in internet and books from library. I also cannot find the best material in the books from library because it not a university level but academic books in primary school only. After that I try to find the text of current issue in the internet. I tried to use the text to identified type of sentences and complete my task in English Language Proficiency. Beside that, I also stuck when I do this task because of the task’s question. I cannot understand what is the task exactly wanted. So I decide to see my lecturer, Mr. Tay Chong Seng to ask him kindness to show me what are this task really want. It is not easy to meet with Mr. Tay Chong Seng because he always not is around the Institute. Sometimes he has meeting, so I cannot see him if I have a problem in my task. I feel much enjoyed when doing the task because I can learn many things such as how to find books in the library, how to search internet and the outline of the report. All of it can help

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Page 1: Asigmen

3.0 Reflection

In my work to done this task, I had reaches many trouble. I can’t find the material

about type of sentences. So I try to find another way. I try to find the material of simple

sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences in internet and books from


I also cannot find the best material in the books from library because it not a

university level but academic books in primary school only. After that I try to find the text

of current issue in the internet. I tried to use the text to identified type of sentences and

complete my task in English Language Proficiency.

Beside that, I also stuck when I do this task because of the task’s question. I

cannot understand what is the task exactly wanted. So I decide to see my lecturer, Mr.

Tay Chong Seng to ask him kindness to show me what are this task really want. It is not

easy to meet with Mr. Tay Chong Seng because he always not is around the Institute.

Sometimes he has meeting, so I cannot see him if I have a problem in my task.

I feel much enjoyed when doing the task because I can learn many things such

as how to find books in the library, how to search internet and the outline of the report.

All of it can help me in my studies to become an English teacher soon. Because of him,

now I have understand what to do and then I do it on my own and completely done

before the date of submission. I really thankful to all of who had helped me to did my


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Student Profiles

Name :Mohd Aidil Bin Othman

I.C Number :901224-01-6035

Course :Rbt/bi/bm Kumpulan 2

Unit :Ppismp/Julai 2008

Institute :IPGM Kampus Tun Hussein Onn

Phone Number :017-6329952

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1.0 Introduction

Sentence Types

English sentence structure includes three basic types of sentences: simple, compound,

and complex. These types indicate how the information in the sentence is organized,

not the content of the sentence. The grammatical term for a sentence is an independent


Experienced writers use a variety of sentences to make their writing interesting

and lively. Too many simple sentences, for example, will sound choppy and immature

while too many long sentences will be difficult to read and hard to understand.

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2.0 Type of sentences

2.1. Simple sentences

The most basic type of sentence is the simple sentence. A simple sentence, also called

an independent clause, contains a subject and a verb, and it expresses a complete


Example: We arrived early today.

A simple sentence can be as short as one word.

Example: Run!

Usually, however, the sentence has a subject as well as a predicate and both the

subject and the predicate may have modifiers. All of the following are simple sentences,

because each contains only one clause:



Ice melts.

The ice melts quickly.

The ice on the river melts quickly under the warm March sun.

Lying exposed without its blanket of snow, the ice on the river melts quickly

under the warm March sun.

As you can see, a simple sentence can be quite long -- it is a mistake to think that you

can tell a simple sentence from a compound sentence or a complex sentence simply by

its length.

In written work, simple sentences can be very effective for grabbing a reader's attention

or for summing up an argument, but you have to use them with care: too many simple

sentences can make your writing seem childish.

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When you do use simple sentences, you should add transitions to connect them to the

surrounding sentences.



Canada is a rich country.


However, it has many poor people.


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2.1.0 Example of simple sentence

1) Kids love television

2) Does this sound like a normal routine?

3) Brazil and the United States are large countries.

4) Brazil lies in South America and has a large population.

5) They were raised as Soviets, and were taught to believe

that they were citizens of the great superpower.

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2.2 Compound Sentences

A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator

(coordinating conjunction). The coordinators are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet,

so. (Helpful hint: The first letter of each of the coordinators spells FANBOYS.) Except

for very short sentences, coordinators are always preceded by a comma.

2.2.0 Combining clauses

a) Method 1

Independent clause

Example: We arrived early, so we found a good place to sit.

b) Method 2

Semicolon + adverbial conjunction + comma

Comma + coordinating conjunction

, and , but , or , nor

, for , yet , so

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; also,

; in addition,

; besides,

; furthermore,

; likewise,

; moreover,

; in fact,

; indeed,

; for example,

; for instance,

; however,

; nonetheless,

; instead,

; meanwhile,

; otherwise,

; as a result,

; accordingly,

; consequently,

; therefore,

; nevertheless,

Independent clause

Independent clause

Example: We arrived early; consequently, we found a good place to sit.

2.2.1Example of compound sentence

1) Meagan studied hard, for she wanted to pass the test.

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2) Meagan studied hard, and her classmates studied, too.

3) Meagan didn't study hard, nor did she pass the test.

4) Meagan studied hard, but her brother didn't study at all.

5) Meagan studied hard, or she would have failed the test.

6) Meagan studied hard, yet she wasn't happy with her grade.

7) Meagan studied hard, so the test was easy for her.

2.3 Complex Sentences

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A complex sentence has one or more dependent clauses (i.e. noun clause, adjective

clause, or adverb clause) joined to an independent clause by a subordinator

(subordinating conjunction) or a relative clause.

2.3.0 Combining Clauses

a) Method 1

Independent clause no punctuation

Subordinating Conjunction

(or Relative Pronoun) + Dependent Clause


as long as









provided that

so that



even though

rather than





as if

as though whether


Relative pronouns:








Example: We found a good place to sit since we arrived early.

Example: I can’t believe that he gave this excuse!

b) Method 2

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Subordinating Conjunction

(or Relative Pronoun) + Dependent Clause


as long as









provided that

so that



even though

rather than





as if

as though whether


Relative pronouns:








Example: Since we arrived early today, we found a good place to sit.

Example: That he gave this excuse is unbelievable! (Very short sentence – no comma)

2.3.1 Examples of complex sentence

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1) The hurricane struck while we were at the mall.

2) After the president gave his speech, he answered most of the reporter's


3) A girl whom I know was recently accepted to Harved University.

4) The Eiffel Tower, which is located in Paris, is visited by millions of tourists


5) What you need to do is buy a new computer.

6) The students wanted to know when their teacher would return


Student profile ……………………………………………………………………………..…… i

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Contents ………………………………………………………………………………….….. ii-iii

Part 1

1.0 Introduction …………………………………………...…………………………………… 1

Part 2

2.0 Type of sentences ………………………………………………………………..……. 2-3

2.1 Simple sentences

2.1.0 Examples of simple sentences ……………………………………………… 4

2.2 Compound sentences

2.2.0 Combining clauses ………………………………………………………….. 5-6

2.2.1 Examples of compound clauses …………………………………………….. 7

2.3 Complex sentences

2.3.0 Combining clauses …………………………………………………………... 8-9

2.3.1 Examples of complex sentences ……………………………………………. 10

2.4 Example text ………………………………………………………………………….11-13

2.4.0 Examples of sentences in text …………………………………………….14-16

2.5 Writing paragraph …………………………………………………………………….. 17

2.5.0 Classification of the sentences ……………………………………………... 18

Part 3

3.0 Reflection ……………………………………………………………………………….. 19

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Part 4

4.0 Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………………… 20

Part 5

5.0 References ………………………………………………………………………………. 21

2.5 Writing text

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Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple compound in Central Java in Indonesia,

located approximately 18 km east of Yogyakarta.The temple is a UNESCO World

Heritage Site and is one of the largest Hindu temples in south-east Asia. It is

characterised by its tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu temple architecture,

and by the 47m high central building inside a large complex of individual temples. The

main building was completed in around 1953. Much of the original stonework has been

stolen and reused at remote construction sites. A temple will only be rebuilt if at least

75% of the original stones are available, and therefore only the foundation walls of most

of the smaller shrines are now visible and with no plans for their reconstruction. The

temple was damaged during the earthquake in Java in 2006. Early photos suggest that

although the complex appears to be structurally intact, damage is significant. Large

pieces of debris, including carvings, were scattered over the ground. The temple has

been closed to the public until damage can be fully assessed

2.5.0 Classification of the sentences

1) Simple sentences

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Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple compound in Central Java in Indonesia

2) Compound sentences

The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the largest Hindu

temples in south-east Asia

It is characterised by its tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu temple

architecture, and by the 47m high central building inside a large complex of

individual temples

Much of the original stonework has been stolen and reused at remote

construction sites.

3) Complex sentences

The temple was damaged during the earthquake in Java in 2006

Early photos suggest that although the complex appears to be structurally intact,

damage is significant

The temple has been closed to the public until damage can be fully assessed

2.4 Global Warming

"With public sentiment nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed. Consequently,

he who molds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes than he who

enacts or pronounces decisions." Abraham Lincoln.

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People exist always only in combination with nature, they cannot be separated from it

by any means and thus any kind of changes either positive or negative are always

reflected in our lives. Long time ago one of the main problems on the planet became the

global climate change. The Artic ice starts to melt and disappear; Latin America and

South America suffer from lethal storms and floods. Europeans have to face melting

glaciers, forest fires and heat waves. The tree rings and ancient coral in ice cores show

that the world has not been as warm before as it is now. The warmest years were all

starting since 1998. Most of these changes are influenced by human activities, as

people burn the nature's stores of coal, oil and natural gas. As a result billions of tones

of carbon dioxide come into the air annually. Some scientists even suppose that these

changes were caused by the dawn of agriculture. The well known phenomenon

connected with global warming is greenhouse effect. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that

makes the obstacle for the Sun radiation in the troposphere, the lower atmosphere.

Some researchers also show that cosmic rays are also connected with this effect. As

soon as the atmospheric CO2 rises the global temperatures are luckily to rise by around

2C to 5 C. As a result the ice starts to melt, changes in clouds and vegetation occur and

so on. When the glaciers melt, they will certainly cause some rivers to overflow, while

others will be emptied. The situations with water resources might cause conflicts in

different regions. All this will of course influence the natural ecosystems, as not all

species can move quickly enough to put up with the global warming, for example coral

reefs. The melting ices will influence not only the level of rivers' water, but also the level

of the oceans is disturbed. And if the level of the ocean rises 6 meters higher, that

would be enough to flood the lands of billions of people.

Forests and oceans on our planet were able to absorb about half of the CO2 people

produced, but since 2001 the amount of CO2 is twice bigger, which really limits the

resources of the nature.

Methane is the second most important gas for greenhouse effect. The effect of methane

is even 20 times greater than carbon dioxide, but there is less methane in the

atmosphere. Methane influences 25% of global warming. Methane is produced by cows

and termites. Thus agriculture and rice growing can produce methane. Besides coal

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mining and oil wells also produce methane. The level of methane in the atmosphere is

constantly increasing - this is also an alarming fact for the Earth climate.

Public Health organizations are also worried about global warming, as researches state

that the global warming is luckily to increase human mortality, when the cases of

diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and other  parasites increase. But the American

Council on Science and Health announced the conclusions of its study which show that

such diseases could become serious problems for people disregarding global warming

and that these diseases can be prevented not only by reducing greenhouse gas

emissions. The aim of these conclusions was certainly to make the diseases for the

government not associated with global warming

But no matter what is said, global warming still stays a great problem of the whole

mankind. Certainly it is not possible to stop all human activities that disturb the

atmosphere as they are connected with producing food and making people warm. But

we should not forget that some predictions about global warming are close to tragic.

People are controlling the whole Earth as there are almost no places, which never felt

the hand of a human. And thus the whole responsibility is on people. There are certain

measures to at least avoid the worst case, the disaster on the planet. People can

reduce of greenhouse gas emissions with the help of energy conservation, like turning

the computers and other technical devices off, when they do not use them, use compact

fluorescent lights, and unplug the chargers of cell phones and digital cameras and so


The issues of global warming and fossil fuel usage are certainly closely connected. The

use of oil and natural resources will decline in a decade. But this would not reduce the

carbon dioxide emissions automatically; the replacements with coal, heavy oil and tar

sand contain even more carbon, if to make them produce the same amount of energy

they will produce twice more carbon. But the fact is that all transport, roads and airports

for this transport are useless without oil. To create a new transport system is a task for

the whole society, not for an individual, besides it would need money, time, natural

resources and a lot of brain power. So the previous arguments concerning a lot of

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money spent on the stopping or at least slowing the global warming can be put aside

against these ones.

2.4.0 Type of sentences

Paragraph 1

Simple sentences

With public sentiment nothing can fail

Without it nothing can succeed

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Paragraph 2

Simple sentences

The warmest years were all starting since 1998

Complex sentences

And if the level of the ocean rises 6 meters higher, that would be enough to flood

the lands of billions of people.

Some scientists even suppose that these changes were caused by the dawn of


Paragraph 3

Simple sentences

Methane is the second most important gas for greenhouse effect.

Methane is produced by cows and termites.

Compound sentences

The effect of methane is even 20 times greater than carbon dioxide, but there is

less methane in the atmosphere.

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Thus agriculture and rice growing can produce methane.

Besides coal mining and oil wells also produce methane.

Paragraph 4

Compound sentences

But the American Council on Science and Health announced the conclusions of

its study which show that such diseases could become serious problems for

people disregarding global warming and that these diseases can be prevented

not only by reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Paragraph 5

Complex sentences

Certainly it is not possible to stop all human activities that disturb the atmosphere

as they are connected with producing food and making people warm.

People can reduce of greenhouse gas emissions with the help of energy

conservation, like turning the computers and other technical devices off, when

they do not use them, use compact fluorescent lights, and unplug the chargers of

cell phones and digital cameras and so on.

Paragraph 6

Compound sentences

The issues of global warming and fossil fuel usage are certainly closely


The use of oil and natural resources will decline in a decade.

But this would not reduce the carbon dioxide emissions automatically; the

replacements with coal, heavy oil and tar sand contain even more carbon, if to

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make them produce the same amount of energy they will produce twice more


4.0 Bibliography

Ang yian, T., Angeline Francis, Chew Poh ,C.,Lee Sau, K., Lee Yet, L., Ng Keat, S.

( 2009). Malaysian University English Test. Selangor Darul Ehsan: Federal

Usha Devi, V, (2008) PMR English Model Essays. Selangor Darul Ehsan: Sistem

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English Grammar Types of Sentences:http:// LearningNerd.htm

Advanced Composition for Non-Native Speakers of English:

Descriptive Text: http:// PAZEDU.htm