ashley lynn sidhu - gis portfolio

Ashley Lynn Sidhu [email protected] (908) 448 - 7318 Geographic Information Systems PORTFOLIO

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Page 1: Ashley Lynn Sidhu - GIS Portfolio

Ashley Lynn [email protected]

(908) 448 - 7318

Geographic Information Systems


Page 2: Ashley Lynn Sidhu - GIS Portfolio

Digitizing Data FeaturesNorthshire Properties

Hope, NJ | Aug 2016

GPS Data CollectionNorthshire Properties

Hope, NJ | Aug 2016

Raster Data: Slope and Water Flow DirectionNorthshire Properties

Mansfield, NJ | Sept 2016

Spatial Analysis ToolsNorthshire Properties

Bangor, PA | Sept 2016

Spatial Statistics: Directional DistributionRutgers University

Intermediate Geomatics | Fall 2015

Calculating Diversity IndexRutgers University

Intermediate Geomatics | Fall 2015

Spatial Statistics: Hotspot AnalysisRutgers University

Intermediate Geomatics | Fall 2015

Raster Calculations: Suitability AnalysisRutgers University

Advanced Geomatics | Spring 2016

Page 3: Ashley Lynn Sidhu - GIS Portfolio


Digitizing Data Features

Northshire Properties

Hope, NJ | Aug 2016

Northshire Properties is a startupcompany that hired me todevelop a standardized approachfor creating natural resourceinventories (NRI). The NRIs weredeveloped as references forhomeowners for propertydevelopment and sellingpurposes. A land cover analysis isone map within a series of mapsthat highlight natural featuresfound within a given property.

The target property was a 25acre residence/farmland thatfeatured multiple horseenclosures and stables. Idigitized the map using aerialimages, general remote sensing,and field observations. The areaof each land cover type wasdetermined by calculating thegeometry of each polygon, andthe proportions of each sectionwere included in the legend.

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GPS Data Collection

Northshire Properties

Hope, NJ | Aug 2016

Another map created for thetarget property’s naturalresource inventory was ahunting-related map. Allproperties examined forNorthshire Properties are large-scale, thus are more likely toinclude trails and forested areas.A hunting map includes thetrails, pathways, and any game-related features.

I used a Trimble Nomad tocollect data not visible fromaerial imagery. Aerial images,parcel boundaries, and streetlayers were uploaded to the GPSunit to assist data collection. Iutilized the tracking feature,collected point data, anddeveloped a data dictionary toorganize field data. I thendefined the projections for mypoint, line, and polygon fielddata.


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Raster Data: Slope and Water Flow Direction

Northshire Properties

Mansfield, NJ | Sept 2016

An important section of thenatural resource inventories isslope and water flow direction.Slope categories were definedaccording to the SOTER Modelfor land development. This mapis meant to act as a reference fordevelopers to determine idealareas for infrastructure.

The slope was created from a10m Digital Elevation Modelacquired from the New JerseyDepartment of EnvironmentalProtection. The water flowdirection was determined usingspatial analyst tools throughArcGIS.


Page 6: Ashley Lynn Sidhu - GIS Portfolio

Spatial Analysis Tools

Northshire Properties

Bangor, PA | Sept 2016

Some of the assessed residentialproperties included waterfeatures, such as ponds andstreams. While conducting a fieldassessment, I determined thatboth the pond and stream werein poor quality. The largepresence of duckweed and lackof fish were key determinants inmy assessment. Using myknowledge in ecologicalrestoration, I determined thatcreating a riparian buffer aroundboth water features will improvewater quality.

The riparian buffer map wascreated by digitizing the pondand stream. After online researchwas completed, I determined a50 foot buffer was ideal for thelocation and size of the property.The NRI included specific detailsabout riparian buffers andcorridors.


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Spatial Statistics:Directional Distribution

Rutgers University

Intermediate Geomatics | Fall 2015

For a final project, my groupdecided to examine crime in theNew Brunswick area. We soughtto identify any distributionaltrends in crime in relation totime of day. Our analysisshowed that the popular“nightlife” streets, CollegeAvenue and George Street, weremost prone to crime in both theday and night times. Resultsalso showed that time of dayhad little influence over thelocation of crimes in the NewBrunswick area.

To complete the analysis, Ireorganized all reported crimesin an attribute table. I then usedspatial statistical tool,directional distribution, toexamine trends in crime basedon time of day.


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Calculating Diversity Index

Rutgers University

Intermediate Geomatics | Fall 2015

The following map was anassignment from my course,which shows the ethnicdiversity within Texas counties.I acquired race and populationdata from the US CensusBureau. Using state counties asboundaries, I calculated theprobability that any two peopleselected at random will havedifferent ethnic backgrounds.Calculations were completed inMicrosoft Excel and the tablewas later exported to ArcGIS.

This map required me toacquire online GIS datasets,calculate statistical equations,and work across multiplesoftware platforms.


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Spatial Statistics: Hotspot Analysis

Rutgers University

Intermediate Geomatics | Fall 2015

The following map was anassignment from my course,which examined populationtrends in the Bronx. Instead ofidentifying areas with a largepopulation density, I identifiedthe statistically significanthotspots of the area. Resultsshowed that the north Bronxhas intense clusters of lowpopulations (cold spots),whereas the western area,including Manhattan, hasintense clusters of highpopulations (hot spots).

This map required me toacquire online GIS datasets,determine fixed band distance,and utilize various spatialstatistic tools in ArcGIS.


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Raster Calculations: Suitability Analysis

Rutgers University

Advanced Geomatics | Spring 2016

For my final project, my classwas told to develop an analysisto present to the HunterdonLand Trust (HLT), anorganization that preserves landin Hunterdon County, NJ. Mygroup decided to determineareas that are most suitable forthe HLT to acquire. I determinedthat land cover, population,slope and soil types contributedgreatly to HLT land acquisition.The map, in addition to otheranalyses, were displayed usingArcGIS Online Story Maps webapplication.

To complete my analysis, Iconverted my vector datasets toraster data. Then, I reclassifiedeach parameter according toimportance. Using the rastercalculator tool, I created a finalproduct displaying thesuitability of land for the HLT.ArcGIS Online Story Map Link: