asean-australia digital trade standards (dts) initiative

ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards (DTS) Initiative Senior Management Masterclass 31 MARCH 2021 WORKSHOP 1

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ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards (DTS) Initiative

Senior Management Masterclass

31 MARCH 2021


Page 2 ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards (DTS) InitiativeWorkshop 1 – Senior Management Masterclass, 31 March 2021

ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards (DTS) Initiative

The DTS Initiative is aimed at expanding bilateral political and economic linkages between ASEAN and Australia and strengthening ASEAN-Australia’s contribution to regional security and prosperity.

Implementation phase activities – current

• The Senior Management Masterclass is the first of four capacity building workshops that Standards Australia will lead in partnership with ASEAN National Standards Bodies and their stakeholders throughout 2021 to progress the work achieved to date.

• Additional capacity building workshops, certification-based training and research reports will be delivered by TRPC under the DTS initiative.

Implementation phase activities – completed

• Development of ten ASEAN Member States (AMS) playbooks; • Development of two further ‘deep dive’ market reports on Indonesia and

Myanmar; and• Development of a separate, but supporting, detailed report on Singapore-

Australia digital trade as part of the Singapore -Australia Digital Economy Agreement (SADEA).

Inception phase activities

• Suite of capacity building workshops run in select AMS by Standards Australia in cooperation with ISO, and regional partners;

• Development of a standards mapping exercise by TRPC, to identify priority standards linked to economic priorities; and

• Development and approval of a work plan by TRPC, for the Implementation Phase.

Concept phase activities

• ASEAN-Australia digital trade survey;• Focus group sessions with AMS;• Issues paper outlining key opportunities and challenges for digital economy

growth, and digital trade between AMS and Australia;• Two-day digital trade workshop which further collected information on

awareness, participation, adoption, and use of ISO/IEC standards and their support for digital trade; and

• Recommendations report, that outlined 10 key recommendations to enhance and improve digital trade within and between AMS and Australia.





Page 3ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards (DTS) InitiativeWorkshop 1 – Senior Management Masterclass, 31 March 2021

Digital Trade – What is it?

The term ‘digital trade’ is all too often used interchangeably with that of ‘e-commerce’, or other similar proxies. In fact, digital trade has far broader scope, encompassing the increasing digitalization of almost all economic and social sectors, the use of digital technologies in supply chains and logistics, the invention of new, commercially valuable communications and market access channels, and the value of the data that is created, transferred, and processed.

We consider digital trade to include the following:

1. Digital goods and services: We describe this component to include:

a. Digital goods are those that are stored, delivered and used in electronic format. Examples of digital goods include e-publishing, music files, software, digital images, website templates, manuals in electronic format, and any item which can be electronically stored in a file or multiple files. It can also include digital content which can be news, as well as the intellectual property (IP) rights of the content.

b. Digital services require digital technology for access and consumption. Examples include cloud computing services, digital video telephony services.

2. Digital delivery (full or partial) of tangible goods and services: The delivery and/or purchase of a product can be online, such as via a digital platform. However, the good or service may be consumed physically.

3. Digital enablers of trade which include the hard and soft infrastructure (cables and wires, platforms and devices, through to regulations) that protect data and IT systems such as digital logistics systems, goods tracking, privacy and cybersecurity, all of which support digital trade transactions. We consider four key digital enablers that increase the capabilities and reliability of the systems and technology, that can be deployed to support all forms of digital trade:

a. Connectivity: Provides the means to access services, content and communications. This includes the virtual networks and platforms that can facilitate the movement of goods and services.

b. Digital identities: Provides the ability to validate the parties to a transaction and audit and authenticate those transactions in all parts of the digital trade process.

c. Digital payments: Whether on smartphones or online, digital payments can increase efficiency, speed, transparency and security by lowering the cost of access and participation, thereby extending inclusion, as well as by increasing accountability and tracking and reducing the scope for fraud.

d. Cybersecurity and privacy: Refers to a broad range of protection services and support (privacy, piracy and theft, censorship, security). Such measures are essential in developing user confidence and assurance.

4. Emerging digital technologies: New technologies that are currently developing or will be developed over the next five to fifteen years, and have the potential to transform aspects of trade practice and process. Examples include 5G, blockchain technology, AI IoT, 3D-printing, tokenization.

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Current Participation in Digital Trade Standards

Below you will find several DTS committees identified at ISO and/or IEC, along with Australia and ASEAN’s current levels of participation in these committees. Any changes in participation since the Inception Phase in 2019 are also presented below.

Committee Designation Committee Title Participating

MembersObserver Members

ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information Technology |||| |||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 Coded character sets || ||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Telecommunications and information exchange between systems |||||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 Software and systems engineering ||| ||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17 Cards and security devices for personal identification ||| |||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces |||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 23 Digitally Recorded Media for Information Interchange and Storage ||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24 Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation | |||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 Interconnection of information technology equipment || |||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 IT Security techniques ||||| |

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 28 Office equipment | ||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information || ||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 Automatic identification and data capture techniques |||||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Data management and interchange | ||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Document description and processing languages |||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 User interfaces |

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36 Information technology for learning, education and training | ||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 Biometrics ||| ||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38 Cloud Computing and Distributed Platforms || ||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 39 Sustainability for and by Information Technology | ||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 40 IT Service Management and IT Governance | ||||

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41 Internet of Things and digital twin ||| |

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 Artificial intelligence || ||

ISO/TC 307 Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies |||||| |

ISO/TC 321 Transaction Assurance in E-Commerce | |||

ISO/TC 68/SC 9 Information exchange for financial services || |

ISO/TC 22/SC 32 Road Vehicles - Electrical and electronic components and general system aspects |

ISO/TC 184/SC 4 Automation systems and integration - Industrial data

ISO/TC 261 Additive Manufacturing |||

ISO/TC 268 Sustainable cities and communities |||| |||

IEC/ TC 57 Power systems management and associated information exchange ||

Key: | number of existing members| number of new members

since 2019

4 3

2 2

0 5

3 2

3 3

0 3

0 2

1 3

2 3

5 +1 1

1 2

2 2

0 5

1 +1 2 +1

0 3

0 1

1 2 +1

3 2

2 2 +1

1 2 +1

1 4 +2, -1

3 1

2 2 +1

6 +1 1 +1

1 3 +2

2 1

0 1

0 0

3 +1 0

4 +1 3 -1

6 1

2 0

Page 5ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards (DTS) InitiativeWorkshop 1 – Senior Management Masterclass, 31 March 2021

Workshop 1 – Senior Management Masterclass

Previous workshops focused on NSB operations and activities. Targeted at decision makers and influencers of AMS NSBs, this workshop aims to assist senior NSB management to foster support for DTS from senior ministry and regulatory authorities and build the profile of the NSB under the context of digital trade.


9:45am ICT | 10:45pm SGT | 1:45pm AEST | Zoom line opens

Time (ICT) Speaker Topic

10:00am Karen Batt Head of International, Standards Australia Opening of workshop

10:05am Adrian O’Connell CEO, Standards Australia

Setting the Scene - ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards Initiative


Caroline McCarthy Assistant Secretary, Regional Trade Agreements Division, FTA Investment and Digital Branch

The Importance of Digital Trade

10:20amTorrin Marquardt International Engagement Manager, Standards Australia

Progress and participation in DTS

10:30am Sabrina Anthony Deputy Director, Standards, Enterprise Singapore

Singapore’s Approach to DTS Engagement

10:40amAdam Stingemore General Manager, Engagement and Communications, Standards Australia

Australia’s Approach to DTS Engagement

10:50amFakheezah Borhan Senior Assistant Director, Standardisation Division, Department of Standards Malaysia

Malaysia’s Approach to DTS Engagement

11:00amBrendan Slowey International Learning Specialist, Standards Australia

Interactive Activity: Pitching the benefits of involvement in DTS

11:30am Karen Batt Head of International, Standards Australia Closing of workshop

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Ms Karen Batt

Head of International, Standards Australia

Karen’s current role is Head of International and is responsible for

identifying and managing key international engagement and policy priorities, and representing Standards Australia at international and regional forums. Her responsibilities encompass governance and policy representation of Standards Australia at international standards development organisations including membership on the ISO Technical Management Board (2021-2023), international policy and development management, and maintaining relationships with other National and Regional Standards Bodies.

Mr Adrian O’Connell

CEO, Standards Australia

Adrian was appointed as CEO at Standards Australia in September 2019. As CEO, Adrian

works closely with the Board, Executive and Senior Leadership Team, existing and potential partners, government and their relevant agencies, industry and industry associations and international standards development bodies. The CEO is responsible for the creation of a dynamic, adaptable, sustainable and growing organisation consistently delivering on its mission.

Ms Caroline McCarthy

Assistant Secretary, Regional Trade Agreements Division, FTA Investment and Digital Branch, DFAT

Caroline McCarthy is an Assistant Secretary at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the lead agency for Australia’s foreign, trade and developmental policy. She heads up the FTA Investment and Digital Trade Branch and was Australia’s chief negotiator for the Australia-Singapore Digital Economy Agreement. A senior trade negotiator, Caroline has led negotiations at the World Trade Organization, and in multiple bilateral and plurilateral negotiations on digital trade, services, movement of natural persons, investment, intellectual property and quarantine matters.

Ms Sabrina Anthony

Deputy Director, Standards, Enterprise Singapore

Sabrina Anthony is a Deputy Director in the

Standards Division at Enterprise Singapore. She is the secretary of the Coordinating Committee for Smart Nation that coordinates standards development related to Smart Nation initiatives. She also oversees participation in ISO platforms, including user administration for technical committees and supporting contributions to governance committees.

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Ms Fakheezah Borhan

Senior Assistant Director, Standardisation Division, Department of Standards Malaysia

Ms Fakheezah began her career at the Department of Standards Malaysia in 2009 after serving Prudential Services Asia (Singapore) for 2 years. She graduated in Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology from the Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia in 2007 and have been a Certified Lead Auditor for ISO 9001:2015 in 2016. With more than 10 years experiences, she currently is Senior Assistant Director, Standardisation Division and heading the secretariat of Standard Development Committees (SDC) on Information Technology, Communication and Multimedia as well as other sectors which are Halal, Consumer Interest and Logistics. As the secretariat of these committees, she has actively involved in the development of Malaysian Standards and international standards i.e managing expert participation in international technical committees and consolidate input from respective National Mirror Committee (NMC) for ballot of international standard including under ISO/IEC JTC 1 committees that Malaysia actively participate.

Ms Torrin Marquardt

International Engagement Manager, Standards Australia

Torrin Marquardt has been with Standards Australia

for over six years. In her current role as International Engagement Manager, Torrin’s responsibilities encompass international policy and development management. This includes the design and implementation of standards related capacity building projects (primarily in the Pacific and Southeast Asia), strategic support for Australia’s governance and policy positions at regional and international bodies, and ongoing engagement with National Standards Bodies and governments globally.

Mr Adam Stingemore

General Manager, Engagement and Communications, Standards Australia

Adam is responsible for leading Standards Australia’s national and international engagement teams, member relations and marketing and communications. Since joining the organisation in 2009, Adam has had various roles in engagement and standards development. He has been a member of the Executive Team since 2015 and represents Standards Australia on numerous national and international committees.

Mr Brendan Slowey

International Learning Specialist, Standards Australia

Brendan has been a learning specialist with

Standards Australia for 2 years. He is responsible for designing , developing and delivering learning solutions for Standards Australia’s International Engagement and Strategic Initiatives teams. This included the 2019 capacity building ASEAN DTS workshops.

Page 8 ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards (DTS) InitiativeWorkshop 1 – Senior Management Masterclass, March 2021

Pre-Workshop Activity – Where would you like to get involved?

Prior to attending the workshop, we would like you to review the content of this workbook and answer the following questions:

1. Looking at the list of DTS committees on page 4, select one committee where your NSB would like to increase its participation.

2. Why did you select this committee?

3. Based on the DTS committee you selected, if you were creating a national mirror committee, who would be the three most important stakeholders to engage? What ISO stakeholder category do they represent? Consideration should be given to ensure gender equality, disability and social inclusion.

Stakeholder’s name ISO stakeholder category


After you complete these three questions, use the save function to save a copy of this workbook.

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Activity – Pitching the benefits of DTS

[To be completed during the workshop]

Have a group discussion about the content covered throughout the workshop and this workbook.

What are some of the key messages you could share with potential stakeholders to increase their involvement in DTS initiatives?

After you complete this question, use the save function to save a copy of this workbook.

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Post-Workshop Activity – Stakeholder Engagement

Please use the ‘Standards Australia – Stakeholder Engagement Toolkit’ provided to complete the following activities.

1. Using the SH Balance tool in the Stakeholder Engagement Toolkit, list the different stakeholders that you would potentially engage if were you to create a mirror committee from the DTS you identified on page 8.

2. Using the SH Prioritisation tool in the Stakeholder Engagement Toolkit, map the stakeholders you identified to where they would sit in the matrix.

3. Using the content shared during the workshop and the Stakeholder Engagement Toolkit, approach two of the stakeholders you identified in part 1 of this activity regarding getting involved in DTS. You may also choose to invite them to attend Workshop 2 as part of your consultation.

Stakeholder 1

Who did you approach?

What ISO Stakeholder Category were they?

Where did they fit into the Stakeholder Prioritisation matrix?

What strategy/key messages did you use to engage them?

What was the outcome?

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Stakeholder 2

Who did you approach?

What ISO Stakeholder Category were they?

Where did they fit into the Stakeholder Prioritisation matrix?

What strategy/key messages did you use to engage them?

What was the outcome?

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Upcoming 2021 Dates

Workshop 2 – Introduction to the World of Digital Trade Standards 23 June 2021

Workshop 3 – Effective Digital Trade Standards Mirror Committees 15 September 2021

Workshop 4 – Digital Trade Standards Distribution and Outreach 8 December 2021

Key Project Contacts

Ms Torrin MarquardtInternational Engagement Manager, Standards [email protected] +61 2 9237 6159

Ms Karen BattHead of International, Standards Australia [email protected]+61 2 9237 6056