as media studies: evaluation question 6

Evaluation Question 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Page 2: AS Media Studies: Evaluation Question 6

CameraThroughout the process of creating my final opening scene, I have learned a lot of new skills.Although I was already familiar with using a Canon EOS 100D camera as it’s mine and I do photography, I have learned new ways to use it. For example, I had never used the recording feature of the camera so I had to get used to that. Also, I used manual focus for the first time which I really enjoyed doing and it added a professional quality to my film.Also, I have learned about a huge variety of camera shots (such as: close up, POV, OTS, wide shot), filming techniques (such as: shot reverse shot, tracking), and camera angles (such as: low angle, high angle, canted angle).I had to use a filming tripod to make sure the camera was kept steady and to keep the camera level on uneven ground. Although a lot of my film used the handheld techniques because I wanted the effect on someone watching, I did have to use the tripod as some points. I also used the tripod to do a steady pan of the Protagonist as she runs out of the room.

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SoftwareTo create my film I had to use software that I was unfamiliar with. This meant I had to learn quickly how to use it effectively.


I used Live Type to create my idents. I had never even heard of LiveType, let alone used it but I found it was very easy to use and I got used to it quickly. This was an element of the process that I really enjoyed and this software let me make a film that looked professional.


Although I had heard of iMovie, I had never used it. Similarly to LiveType, I found it very easy to use and I enjoyed using it. Some of the things I learned to do with this software were:

• Adding and cutting sound clips to fit the action.

• Detaching the audio to adjust the volume and improve the quality.

• Adjusting the brightness to make all of the shots look the same.

• Overlaying text onto the film to create credits.

• Using transitions such as fade to black and cross blur.

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Apple MacI am very used to using Apple Macs because I have used them since GCSE for Photoshop in photography. However, this is the only thing I had ever used them for. I had to get used to how they work compared to Windows which is what I use at home.Having used them since GCSE, if found it easy to get used to using them on a daily basis.The Apple Mac was a key part in the creation of my film because without them I couldn’t have used the editing software and other software I needed to make my film professional.

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Blogger played another huge role in the process of making my film. It’s where I recorded all of my planning and production. Also, it is where I logged all of my research.I had never used Blogger before but it’s very simple to use and having to use it daily meant I got used to it quickly.