arxiv:cond-mat/0504483v2 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 20 sep 2005 · 2018. 11. 21. · wing ollo f the ideas...

arXiv:cond-mat/0504483v2 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 20 Sep 2005 * x 1-x T f T f T f

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    Spin-glass behavior in the random-anisotropy Heisenberg model

    Orlando V. Billoni,

    ∗Sergio A. Cannas,

    †and Franiso A. Tamarit

    Faultad de Matemátia, Astronomía y Físia, Universidad Naional

    de Córdoba, Ciudad Universitaria, 5000 Córdoba, Argentina

    (Dated: November 21, 2018)

    We perform Monte Carlo simulations in a random anisotropy magnet at a intermediate exhange

    to anisotropy ratio. We fous on the out of equilibrium relaxation after a sudden quenhing in the

    low temperature phase, well below the freezing one. By analyzing both the aging dynamis and

    the violation of the Flutuation Dissipation relation we found strong evidene of a spin�glass like

    behavior. In fat, our results are qualitatively similar to those experimentally obtained reently in

    a Heisenberg-like real spin glass.

    PACS numbers: 75.10.Nr, 75.50.Kj.


    Random magneti anisotropy seems to be a fundamen-

    tal ingredient for any realisti desription of amorphous

    materials, whih are systems of both pratial and the-

    orial relevany. For the partiular ase of amorphous

    alloys [1, 2℄ of non-S-state rare earths and transition met-

    als (RE-TM), suh as TbxFe1−x, the three dimensional

    lassial Heisenberg model with random uniaxial single-

    site anisotropy (RAM) is onsidered to be the proper

    model for studying both their thermodynami and dy-

    nami properties. This model was introdued by Harris,

    Plishke, and Zukermann, [5℄ who performed a mean-

    �eld alulation and found a ferromagneti (FM) phase

    at low temperature. Later on, Pelovits, Pytte and Rud-

    nik [3℄ laimed, using an argument similar to that used

    by Imry and Ma [4℄ for the random-�eld ase, that suh a

    FM phase is not stable in three dimensional RAM model,

    for any �nite value of the anisotropy. Sine then, the na-

    ture of the ordered phase at low temperatures and its

    dependene on the degree of anisotropy is a subjet of

    ontroversy. Reently, Itakura [6℄ proposed, by using

    Monte Carlo simulations and referring to former works in

    the literature, a shemati phase diagram for the RAM

    where di�erent kinds of order an be found, depending

    both on the temperature and the anisotropy strength of

    the system.

    When an amorphous material is ooled, it an even-

    tually get bloked at ertain temperature Tf , at whihthe magneti moments freeze pointing in random dire-

    tions. The value of Tf strongly depends on the degree ofanisotropy, the strength of the interations between do-

    mains and the ooling rate. It is worth here to stress

    that this freezing proess is a dynamial phenomenon

    whih an not be assoiated to any true thermodynam-

    ial phase transition. In partiular, this phenomenology

    has been reported, during the last years, in the study of

    hard magneti amorphous alloys [7, 8℄, whih has been

    also su

    essfully simulated using a slightly modi�ed ver-

    sion of the RAM [9℄. On the other hand, in experimental

    spin glasses [10℄, zero �eld ooling (ZFC) and �eld ooling

    (FC) urves of magnetization versus temperature are use-

    ful to estimate the harateristi freezing temperatures of

    the systems.

    Most of the numerial e�ort in the study of the RAM

    model onerns the ase of strong or in�nite anisotropy.

    In this ase the model seems to present a low temperature

    spin glass like phase (usually alled speromagneti [11℄).

    On the other hand, in the weak anisotropy limit, the sys-

    tem tends to order loally in a ferromagneti state [12℄

    (also alled asperomagneti). When inreased to inter-

    mediate values,the anisotropy seems to destroy the asper-

    omagneti ferromagneti state, and the systems orders in

    the so alled orrelated speromagneti or orrelated spin�

    glass. It has been reently veri�ed in Ref.[6℄, by means of

    a very extensive numerial simulation, that the ompe-

    tition between exhange and anisotropy gives plae to a

    quasi�long�range order (QLRO) low temperature phase

    haraterized by frozen power�law spin�spin orrelations.

    It is important here to remark that all the theoretial re-

    sults ultimately on�rm the observed lak of long range

    ferromagneti order observed experimentally in magneti

    materials with isotropi easy axis distribution [13℄.

    Although the RAM model has deserve muh attention

    during the last years, most of the works were onerned

    on its equilibrium properties as well as on its magneti

    behavior, paying little attention to its relaxation dynam-

    is. The main question we want to address in this work

    onerns the possible existene of a spin�glass like dy-

    namial behavior assoiated with QLRO low temperature

    phase in the intermediate anisotropy regime. We analyze,

    through Monte Carlo simulations, the out of equilibrium

    relaxation of the three dimensional RAM model de�ned

    on a ubi lattie. In partiular, we report results ob-

    tained in the low temperature phase (well below Tf ) andfor intermediate values of the anisotropy to exhange ra-


  • 2


    The system is ruled by the following lassial Heisen-

    berg Hamiltonian:

    H = −J∑

    ~Si · ~Sj −D∑


    (~ni · ~Si)2 − ~Hi · ~Si (1)

    where D and J > 0 are the anisotropy and the exhangestrength, respetively, and

    ~Hi is an external �eld at-ing on the site i. The spin variable ~Si is a three om-ponents unit vetor assoiated to the i�th node of thelattie and the �rst sum runs over all nearest-neighbor

    pairs of spins. ~ni is unit random vetor that de�nes theloal easy axis diretion of the anisotropy at site i. Theseeasy axis are quenhed variables hosen from a isotropi

    distribution on the unit sphere. The simulations were

    performed in a system of N = L3 spins (L = 15), usinga Monte Carlo Metropolis algorithm [14℄ with periodi

    boundary onditions (in fat, we have ompare di�erent

    system sizes up to L = 20, on�rming that for L = 15�nite size e�ets beome very small). The ratio between

    the anisotropy and the exhange strength was �xed at

    the value D/J = 3.5, whih is omparable to those valuesobserved in real amorphous material and lusters ferro-

    magneti alloys [9℄. Following the ideas used in Ref. [9℄,

    at eah spin atualization the diretion of the spin is ad-

    justed in suh a way to maintain an a

    eptation rate lose

    to 0.46.


    The �rst step was to loate the freezing temperature Tffor these partiular values of the parameters by looking

    for the temperature at whih zero �eld ooling (ZFC) and

    �eld ooling (FC) urves split eah other. Fig.1 shows

    the magnetization divided by the �eld M/H (d susep-tibility) as a funtion of T/J , both for the ZFC and FCproesses. The simulation protool used is the following:

    we performed 1000 Monte Carlo steps (MCS) at a given

    temperature and at a onstant a

    eptane rate in order

    to equilibrate the system, after whih, we used other 1000

    MCS to get a time average of the magnetization before

    dereasing the temperature. In all the simulations pre-

    sented in this work we have used between 20 and 40 dif-

    ferent realizations of the disorder to average the results.

    We �nd that the freezing temperature Tf/J is lose to0.5. At very low temperature the d suseptibility in theZFC urves is onstant and the magnetization almost

    zero, indiating a speromagneti spin�glass like order. In

    other words, the spins are frozen into random orienta-

    tions with average orrelation over at most one lattie

    parameter (we have veri�ed this behavior by alulating

    the dependene of the spin-spin orrelation funtion as

    funtion of the distane). As temperature inreases the

    0 1 20



    H/J = 0.32

    H/J = 0.16

    H/J = 0.08 ZFC FC



    FIG. 1: Magnetization divided by the �eld M/H (d sus-

    eptibility) as a funtion of the resaled temperature T/J fordi�erent applied �elds, both for the ZFC and FC proesses.

    d suseptibility also inreases, indiating that the sys-

    tem goes to an anisotropi asperomagneti phase. Here

    again, the same onlusion has been veri�ed by analyz-

    ing the orrelation funtion whih stabilizes in a non zero

    value for distanes larger than approximately four lattie


    On the other hand, it an be seen that as T → 0,MFC → 0.5, as expeted in an asperomagneti phase(and in agreement with other theoretial [12℄ and nu-

    merial preditions [15℄). Due to loal harater of this

    asperomagneti phase, a su�iently large system ould

    eventually develop a loal order without any global mag-

    netization (QLRO), as in fat is observed in amorphous

    materials. Notie that both urves present, above Tf , anin�etion point whih is very lose to the Heisenberg rit-

    ial temperature, indiating the loss of magneti order

    and the entrane in the paramagneti phase (or super-

    paramagneti phase, in partiulate systems). It is worth

    here to remark that the FC urves display a lear usp,

    that losely resembles the experimental results obtained

    in spin glasses, as for intane in AgMn [10℄, on�rming

    the random freezing of the spin orientations.

    Disordered systems, when suddenly quenhed down

    into the low temperature phase, su�er a drasti slowing

    down of their relaxation dynamis. At the same time,

    a very strong dependene on the history of the sample

    emerges, a phenomenon usually alled aging. In a real

    experiment, the simplest way for measuring aging is by

    suddenly quenhing the system without �eld into the or-

    dered phase. The system ages in this phase during ertain

    waiting time tw, at whih the �eld is swithed o�. Themeasurement of the relaxation of the magnetization then

    strongly depends on both, the age or waiting time tw andthe time t elapsed sine the �eld was turned o�, indiat-ing the loss of time translation invariane (TTI) proper

  • 3

    103 104 105 106



    T/J = 0.2

    tw = 40000 MCS tw = 20000 MCS tw = 10000 MCS tw = 5000 MCS

    C(t w

    +t,t w


    t [MSC]

    FIG. 2: Correlation urves C(tw + t, tw) as funtion of timet (MCS) obtained at T/J = 0.2, for L = 15 and for di�erentvalues of tw.

    of any equilibrated state. In a omputer simulation the

    same e�et an be visualized by measuring the two time

    auto orrelation funtion after a sudden quenh from in-

    �nite temperature into the low temperature phase:

    C(t+ tw, tw) =





    ~Si(tw) · ~Si(t+ tw)〉



    where tw is the time elapsed after the quenhing and [· · ·]means an average over the disorder.

    In Fig. 2 we present the urves of C(tw + t, tw) ob-tained at T/J = 0.2, L = 15 and for di�erent values oftw. The plot learly on�rms the appearane of aging,

    haraterized both by the loss of TTI and the fat that

    the system deays slower as its age tw inreases.Atually, aging is so ubiquitous in nature, that one an

    wander whether it is useful or not to look for this phe-

    nomenology. But fortunately, the peuliar dependene of

    C(tw + t, tw) on t and tw on a great variety of systems(both theoretial and real systems) suggests the existene

    of only a few universality lasses assoiated to the out of

    equilibrium relaxation of the model, as o

    urs, for in-

    stane, in ritial phenomena and oarsening dynamis.

    All this indiates that, despite any mirosopi di�erene

    between di�erent systems, the relaxation must be domi-

    nated by a few relevant ingredients.

    In order to lassify the universality lass, we looked

    for the best data ollapse of the urves obtained for

    di�erent waiting times, heking di�erent saling forms.

    The best results we obtained are presented in Figure 3,

    where we followed the standard saling proedure used

    in spin glasses materials (like for instane CdIn0.3Cr1.7S4

    [18℄). The two time autoorrelation funtion is assumed

    to have two di�erent omponents C(tw+t, tw) = Cst(t)+Cag(tw + t, tw), the �rst one orresponding to an station-ary part (independent of tw) and the seond part (the

    0.1 1.0 10.0




    T/J = 0.2

    T/J = 0.15

    T/J = 0.1

    C(t w

    +t,t w

    )-A(t/t 0



    FIG. 3: Resaled orrelations urves for three di�erent values

    of T/J (0.1, 0.15 and 0.2). Eah urve we shown in the graph

    orrespond to four orrelation urves C(tw + t, tw) with tw =5000, 10000, 20000 and 40000 (measured in MCS).

    TABLE I: Fitting parameters of the saling.

    T/J A α µ

    0.10 0.002 0.4 0.93

    0.15 0.012 0.06 0.86

    0.20 0.16 0.07 0.83

    aging one) depending both on t and tw. The stationarypart is a power law funtion A(τ0/t)

    α, whih is predomi-

    nant at very small times. The aging part is a funtion of

    λ(t, tw)/tw, where

    λ = tw[(1 + t/tw)1−µ − 1]/[1− µ] (3)

    The urves presented in Fig.3 orrespond to three dif-

    ferent values of T/J (0.1, 0.15 and 0.2), all of them wellbelow the freezing temperature of the system. In eah

    urve we have ollapsed the four di�erent urves obtained

    for four di�erent waiting times tw = 5000, 10000, 20000and 40000 (measured in MCS). Note the exellent super-positions obtained, whih extends over the omplete time

    span simulated. It is worth to stress that this saling law

    has been vastly used in the study of aging dynamis in

    real spin glass materials, yielding exellent data ollapses

    of the experimental results [16, 17, 18, 19℄.

    The set of �tting parameters obtained (shown in table

    I) are in a good agreement with those obtained experi-

    mentally in real spin glasses [18℄. This behavior indiates

    that C(tw + t, tw) sales as t/tµw at short t (sine µ < 1),

    while in the large t limit and for the values of µ obtained(whih are all lose to 1) its behaviors is almost logarith-

    mi on t/tw (as expeted in a ativated senario [20℄).

  • 4

    Finally, we analyzed the Flutuation Dissipation Rela-

    tion (FDR), whih an be expressed as [21℄:

    R(tw + t, tw) =X(tw + t, tw)


    ∂C(tw + t, tw)


    where R(tw + t, tw) = 1/N∑

    i ∂ 〈Szi (tw + t)〉 /∂hi(tw)

    is the response to an external magneti �eld hi(t) in thez diretion and X(tw + t, tw) is the �utuation dissi-pation fator. In equilibrium the Flutuation Dissipa-

    tion Theorem (FDT) holds and T X(tw + t, tw) = 1,while out of equilibrium X depends on t and tw inan non trivial way. It has been onjetured [21℄ that

    X(tw + t, tw) = X [C(tw + t, tw)]. This onjeture hasproved valid in all systems studied to date.

    Instead of onsidering the response funtion it is easier

    to analyze the integrated response funtion

    χ(tw + t, tw) =

    ∫ tw+t


    R(tw + t, s) ds. (5)

    Assuming X(tw + t, tw) = X [C(tw + t, tw)] one obtains

    3Tχ(tw + t, tw) =

    ∫ 1


    X(C)dC (6)

    and by plotting 3T χ vs. C one an extrat X from theslope of the urve. In partiular, if the FDT holds X = 1and 3Tχ(t) = (1−C(t)); any departure from this straightline brings information about the non-equilibrium pro-

    ess. In numerial simulations of spin glass [22℄ and

    strutural glass models [23, 24℄ it has been found that,

    in the non-equilibrium regime, this urve follows another

    straight line with smaller (in absolute value) slope when

    t/tw ≫ 1. In this ase the FD fatorX an be interpretedas an e�etive inverse temperature [25℄ Teff = T/X . Attime tw we took a opy of the system spin on�guration,to whih a random magneti �eld hi(t) = h ǫi was ap-plied, in order to avoid favoring the QLRO [26, 27℄; ǫiwas taken from a bimodal distribution (ǫi = ±1). Us-ing the results from the FC and ZFC alulations, the

    strength h of the �eld was taken small enough to guaran-tee linear response; the integrated response then equals

    χ(tw + t, tw) = m(tw + t, tw)/h, where m(tw + t, tw) isthe staggered magnetization onjugated to the �eld hi(t),averaged over the random �eld variables.

    In Fig. 4 we display T m(tw+ t, tw)/h vs. C(tw+ t, tw)in a parametri plot. The urves orrespond to the three

    di�erent values of T/J plotted in Fig. 3; in eah asewe present the results obtained for two di�erent waiting

    times tw = 5000 and 40000 MCS. In all the ases studiedwe observe a typial two time sale separation behav-

    ior, proper of real spin glasses. At t = 0 the systemstarts in the right bottom orner (fully orrelated and

    demagnetized) and during ertain time (that depends in

    this ase both on tw and µ) it runs over the equilibrium

    0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.00.00




    0.08 T/J=0.2






    tw = 5000 MCS tw = 40000 MCS

    FIG. 4: Parametri plot of T m(t + tw, tw)/h versus C(t +tw, tw) for three redued temperatures T/J (0.1, 0.15 and0.2 from bottom to top) and two di�erent waiting times tw(5000 and 40000 MCS). The solid line indiates the validityof Flutuation Dissipation Theorem (slope 1/3).

    straight line, indiating the existene of a quasi equilib-

    rium regime. Nevertheless, at ertain time the system

    learly departures from this quasi�equilibrium urve and

    moves along a di�erent straight line, but with a di�erent

    (smaller) slope, indiating an e�etive temperature that

    is larger than the temperature of the thermal bath. This

    one�step temporal regime observed in this model is very

    ommon in strutural glasses but also in spin glass ma-

    terials. Both numerial results on the Heisenberg spin

    glass with weak anisotropy [28℄ and experimental mea-

    surements in CdIn0.3Cr1.7S4 spin glasses, present this

    kind of dynamial behavior.


    In this paper we have studied the out of equilibrium

    dynamis of the RAM model. The parameters have been

    hosen in suh a way to model systems with a freezing

    temperature well below the ordering temperature. We

    have restrited ourselves to onsider the ase of interme-

    diate values ofD/J , where both e�ets exhange and ran-domness, ompete with eah other. This peuliar regime

    is speially interesting, sine on one hand there exists

    ertain degree of ontroversy about the expeted order-

    ing of the system, and on the other hand it allows to

    model di�erent interesting real magneti materials. Our

    analysis, based the study of ZFC-FC urves, aging and

    on the FDR in the low temperature phase, are onsistent

    with the existene of a spin�glass ground state of the

    model, where the slowing mehanisms are then related

    to the topology of the energy landsape of the model.

    This work was partially supported by grants from

    CONICET (Argentina), Agenia Córdoba Cienia (Ar-

  • 5

    gentina) and SECYT/UNC (Argentina).

    ∗Eletroni address: billoni�; Postdo

    fellow of CONICET, Argentina

    †Member of CONICET, Argentina

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