arxiv:1405.5118v3 [] 11 feb 2016 · 5.1. haantjes theorem for integrable systems 19 5.2. the...

arXiv:1405.5118v3 [nlin.SI] 11 Feb 2016 HAANTJES MANIFOLDS OF CLASSICAL INTEGRABLE SYSTEMS PIERGIULIO TEMPESTA AND GIORGIO TONDO Abstract. A general theory of classical integrable systems is proposed, based on the geometry of the Haantjes tensor. We introduce the class of symplectic- Haantjes manifolds (or ωH manifold), as the natural setting where the notion of integrability can be formulated. We prove that the existence of suitable Haantjes structures is a necessary and sufficient condition for a Hamiltonian system to be integrable in the Liouville-Arnold sense. We also prove theorems ensuring the existence of a large family of com- pletely integrable systems, constructed starting from a prescribed Haantjes structure. Furthermore, we propose a novel approach to the theory of separation of variables, intimately related to the geometry of Haantjes manifolds. A special family of coordinates, that we shall call the Darboux-Haantjes coordinates, will be introduced. They are constructed from the Haantjes structure associated with an integrable system, and allow the additive separation of variables of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Our analysis is performed in n degrees of freedom. We prove that some of the most classical examples of multidimensional Hamiltonian systems, as for instance the Gantmacher class, possess a natural Haantjes structure. Finally, we present an application of our approach to the study of some models, as a stationary reduction of the KdV hierarchy and a Drach-Holt type system; the separability properties of the latter were not known. Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Nijenhuis and Haantjes operators 5 3. The geometry of Haantjes operators 8 4. The theory of symplectic-Haantjes manifolds 14 4.1. Lenard-Haantjes chains 15 4.2. Symplectic-Nijenhuis manifolds and Lenard-Nijenhuis chains 18 5. Complete Integrability and Haantjes structures 18 5.1. Haantjes theorem for integrable systems 19 5.2. The analysis of Brouzet 21 6. New integrable models from Haantjes geometry 22 6.1. Harmonic functions and integrable systems 22 6.2. Waves and integrable systems 23 7. The theory of separation of variables in ωH manifolds 24 7.1. Darboux-Haantjes coordinates 24 7.2. Generators of a ωH manifold 25 7.3. Existence of DH coordinates 26 Date : February 9, 2016. 1

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Abstract. A general theory of classical integrable systems is proposed, basedon the geometry of the Haantjes tensor. We introduce the class of symplectic-Haantjes manifolds (or ωH manifold), as the natural setting where the notionof integrability can be formulated. We prove that the existence of suitableHaantjes structures is a necessary and sufficient condition for a Hamiltoniansystem to be integrable in the Liouville-Arnold sense.

We also prove theorems ensuring the existence of a large family of com-pletely integrable systems, constructed starting from a prescribed Haantjesstructure.

Furthermore, we propose a novel approach to the theory of separation ofvariables, intimately related to the geometry of Haantjes manifolds. A specialfamily of coordinates, that we shall call the Darboux-Haantjes coordinates, willbe introduced. They are constructed from the Haantjes structure associatedwith an integrable system, and allow the additive separation of variables ofthe Hamilton-Jacobi equation.

Our analysis is performed in n degrees of freedom. We prove that some ofthe most classical examples of multidimensional Hamiltonian systems, as forinstance the Gantmacher class, possess a natural Haantjes structure. Finally,we present an application of our approach to the study of some models, as astationary reduction of the KdV hierarchy and a Drach-Holt type system; theseparability properties of the latter were not known.


1. Introduction 22. Nijenhuis and Haantjes operators 53. The geometry of Haantjes operators 84. The theory of symplectic-Haantjes manifolds 144.1. Lenard-Haantjes chains 154.2. Symplectic-Nijenhuis manifolds and Lenard-Nijenhuis chains 185. Complete Integrability and Haantjes structures 185.1. Haantjes theorem for integrable systems 195.2. The analysis of Brouzet 216. New integrable models from Haantjes geometry 226.1. Harmonic functions and integrable systems 226.2. Waves and integrable systems 237. The theory of separation of variables in ωH manifolds 247.1. Darboux-Haantjes coordinates 247.2. Generators of a ωH manifold 257.3. Existence of DH coordinates 26

Date: February 9, 2016.


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7.4. Haantjes theorem for separable systems 287.5. Classical separable Hamiltonian systems 308. The inverse problem for systems with two degrees of freedom 338.1. A general procedure 338.2. On the super-integrable Post-Winternitz system 359. Applications to separable Hamiltonian systems 369.1. The stationary reduction of the seventh order KdV flow revisited 369.2. Separation of variables for a Drach-Holt type system 3810. Future Perspectives 39Acknowledgement 40References 40

1. Introduction

Integrable systems play a relevant role in modern science: they are ubiquitousin many branches of modern mathematics and theoretical physics. This is the rea-son motivating in the last decades the search for intrinsic mathematical structuresunderlying the notion of integrability. In particular, the investigation of the prop-erties of exactly solvability of integrable systems led to the discovery of importantanalytic and geometric techniques. Finite-dimensional integrable models comingfrom classical or quantum mechanics, and the infinite-dimensional ones describedin terms of soliton equations, share indeed many geometric and algebraic properties.

The study of the geometry of classical integrable systems has a long history,dating back to the works of Liouville, Jacobi, Stackel, Eisenhart, Arnold, etc. Inthis context, the bi-Hamiltonian approach has probed to be crucial.

Essentially, a bi-Hamiltonian manifold is a differentiable manifold endowed witha pencil of Poisson structures [34]. In particular, the special class of ωN manifolds,introduced in [43, 29], is characterized by a non-degenerate Poisson bivector (whoseinverse provides a symplectic structure ω), and a compatible (1, 1) tensor field N

with vanishing Nijenhuis torsion. Such a tensor, also called hereditary operator, hasa vanishing Nijenhuis torsion, as a consequence of the underlying bi-Hamiltonianstructure. The class of ωN manifolds offers a coherent approach to the constructionof separation variables, and has been successfully applied, for instance, to the studyof Gelfand-Zakharevich systems [24, 30, 18, 19, 20].

The purpose of this paper is to present a new formulation of the notion of classicalintegrability, based on the theory of the Haantjes tensor. This tensor has beenintroduced in 1955 by Haantjes in [27], as a natural generalization of the Nijenhuistensor. Quite surprisingly, the relevance of the Haantjes differential-geometric workin the realm of integrable systems has not been recognized for a long time, withthe exception of some applications to Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type[21, 11, 22].

We shall define a new family of manifolds, called symplectic–Haantjes manifolds.We shall prove that integrability of a finite-dimensional system can be characterizedin terms of a set of commuting Haantjes operators, whose spectral and geometricproperties turn out to be particularly rich. The notion of Lenard-Haantjes chain,defined in this framework, is a natural extension in the context of Haantjes geometryof previous similar notions known in the literature, as that of Lenard-Magri chain

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[35] and of generalized Lenard chain [60, 17, 37], for quasi-bi-Hamiltonian systemsand their generalizations.

There is a neat relation between the Haantjes geometry developed here and theknown Nijenhuis geometry. In fact, a subfamily of symplectic-Haantjes manifoldsis provided by the class of symplectic-Nijenhuis manifolds. Precisely, we shall showthat given a ωN manifold, one can construct, under mild assumptions, a ωH struc-ture by taking (n− 1) independent powers of N . In this case, N will play the roleof a generator of a ωH structure.

The notion of ωH manifolds is inspired by the very recent definition of Haantjesmanifold due to Magri [38, 39, 40, 41]. Our theory mainly differs from the fact that,besides the existence of n independent commuting Haantjes operators, we also allowa symplectic form ω compatible with the Haantjes operators to exist. Moreover,the Lenard-Haantjes chains of our theory are shorter than the ones defined in therecent Magri’s theory [39]. This is due to a weaker assumption that allows us todeal with both integrable and separable systems. This fact is an important noveltyof the present work that is not considered in the cited papers.

Our main result concerning integrability is a theorem establishing that the exis-tence of a ωH manifold is a necessary and sufficient condition for a non-degenerateHamiltonian system to be integrable in the Liouville-Arnold sense. As a byproductof this theorem, we will be able to define new general classes of integrable mod-els possessing an assigned Haantjes geometry. Quite interestingly, the systems soobtained are related to analytic functions and to the wave equation.

Another advantage of the present formulation a la Haantjes (which also repre-sents the main motivation for our study), is its generality: Haantjes tensors areindeed a larger class of tensors than those of Nijenhuis. The proposed theory in-corporates essentially all the known results on integrability and separation of vari-ables of finite-dimensional systems that have been developed in a bi-Hamiltonianframework up to date, i.e. all the approaches based on Lenard chains and theirgeneralizations (as quasi-bi-Hamiltonian systems [8], etc).

A noteworthy aspect is that the Haantjes operators appearing in the theory arenot necessarily diagonalizable. This aspect represents a significant generalization ofthe ωN approach, where the operatorN is diagonalizable by hypothesis. Moreover,our theory keeps the intrinsic simplicity enjoyed by the standard approach to theLenard-Magri chains for soliton hierarchies.

At the same time, the theory of ωH manifolds is motivated by the crucial prob-lem of the construction of coordinate systems allowing the additive separation ofthe associated Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) equation (the separation variables). This is,perhaps, the most important problem in the theory of classical integrable systems,to which many important contributions have been made.

In 1904, Levi-Civita proposed in [33] a test for verifying whether a given Hamil-tonian is separable in an assigned coordinate system. Another important result,due to Benenti [4], states that a family of Hamiltonian functions Hi1≤i≤n is sep-arable in a set of canonical coordinates (q,p) if and only if they are in separableinvolution, i.e. if and only if they satisfy the relations

(1) Hi, Hj|k =∂Hi



∂pk− ∂Hi



∂qk= 0 , 1 ≤ k ≤ n,

where no summation over k is understood. However, such a theorem as well asthe Levi–Civita test are not constructive, since they do not help to find a complete

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integral of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation. By contrast, a constructive definition ofseparation of variables (SoV) was given by Sklyanin [57] within the framework ofLax systems. In this setting, the Hamiltonian functions Hi1≤i≤n are separablein a set of canonical coordinates (q,p) if there exist n equations, called separationrelations, of the form

(2) Φi(qi, pi;H1, . . . , Hn) = 0 det





6= 0,

for i = 1, . . . , n. They are named the Jacobi-Sklyanin separation equations forHi1≤i≤n. The Jacobi-Sklyanin equations allow to construct a solution (W,E) of

the HJ equation. In fact, by solving (2) with respect to pk = ∂Wk

∂qk, one gets

(3) W =∑

pk(q′k;H1, . . . , Hn)|Hi=ai


However, the three above-mentioned criteria of separability are not intrinsic, sincethey require the explicit knowledge of the local chart (q,p) in order to be applied.To overcome such a drawback, in the last decades several approaches based on sym-plectic and Poisson geometry have been designed; they have offered a fundamentalgeometric insight into the theory of integrable systems. At the same time, a geo-metric version of integrability on differentiable manifolds can share new light onthe multiple connections among integrability, topological field theories, singularitytheory, co-isotropic deformations of associative algebras, etc.

The problem of SoV can be recast and completely solved, in principle, in ourapproach. With respect to this problem, the main achievement is a theorem en-suring the existence, under mild hypotheses, of a set of distinguished coordinatesfrom the Haantjes structure associated with an integrable system, that we shall callthe Darboux-Haantjes coordinates. They represent separation coordinates for theHamilton-Jacobi equation associated with the system.

Besides, we shall prove that a huge class of very general, multidimensional sepa-rable systems indeed possess a Haantjes geometry. The so-called telescopic systemsand the Gantmacher systems are all examples of very basic integrable models inn arbitrary dimensions possessing a ωH structure. Conversely, by using the un-derlying Haantjes structure, we will be able to determine separation coordinatesfor many integrable systems, including a family of Drach-Holt type systems, whoseseparability properties were not known.

We also mention that the fundamental class of generalized Stackel systems andthe relevant example of the Jacobi-Calogero model have been studied in [63] as anapplication of the theory proposed in the present work.

The structure of the paper is the following. In Section 2, we review the mainalgebraic properties of Nijenhuis and Haantjes tensors. In Section 3, the spectralproperties of Haantjes operators are discussed. In Section 4, we introduce themain geometrical structures needed for the discussion of integrability, i.e. the ωHmanifolds; also, we clarify their relation with ωN manifolds. Section 5 containsthe theorem that characterizes complete integrability via the Haantjes geometry.In Section 6, new integrable models related to analytic functions and to the waveequation are deduced from suitable Haantjes structures. Section 7 is devoted to theproblem of separability of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation in the context of Haantjesgeometry. In particular, a theorem guaranteeing the existence of the DH coordinatesis proved. In Section 8, a procedure for the construction of Haantjes structures

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for a given integrable system with two degrees of freedom is proposed. Also, therelevant example of the superintegrable Post-Winternitz system, whose separationcoordinates are still not known, is worked out. Some applications of our theoryof separation of variables are proposed in Section 9. Open problems and futureresearch plans are sketched in the final Section 10.

2. Nijenhuis and Haantjes operators

The integrability of a dynamical system defined over a manifold M essentiallyamounts to find privileged coordinate webs in which the equations of motion decou-ple. The natural frames of such webs, being obviously integrable, can be character-ized in a tensorial manner as eigen-distributions of a suitable class of (1, 1) tensorfields, i.e. the ones with vanishing Nijenhuis or Haantjes tensor. In this section,we review some basic algebraic results concerning the theory of such tensors. Fora more complete treatment, see the original papers [27, 52] and the related ones[53, 23].

Let M be a differentiable manifold and L : TM → TM be a (1, 1) tensor field,i.e., a field of linear operators on the tangent space at each point of M .

Definition 1. The Nijenhuis torsion of L is the skew-symmetric (1, 2) tensor fielddefined by

(4) TL(X,Y ) := L2[X,Y ] + [LX,LY ]−L(

[X,LY ] + [LX,Y ])


where X,Y ∈ TM and [ , ] denotes the commutator of two vector fields.

In local coordinates x = (x1, . . . , xn), the Nijenhuis torsion can be written in theform

(5) (TL)ijk =






j −∂Li



k +(∂Lα


∂xk− ∂Lα







amounting to n2(n− 1)/2 independent components.

Definition 2. The Haantjes tensor associated with L is the (1, 2) tensor fielddefined by

(6) HL(X,Y ) := L2TL(X,Y ) + TL(LX,LY )−L(

TL(X,LY ) + TL(LX,Y ))


The skew-symmetry of the Nijenhuis torsion implies that the Haantjes tensor isalso skew-symmetric. Its local expression is

(7) (HL)ijk =





αβ (TL)βjk+(TL)iαβLα

j Lβk−Li



(TL)αβkLβj +(TL)αjβLβ





We shall first consider some specific cases, in which the construction of the Nijenhuisand Haantjes tensors will be particularly simple.

Example 3. Let L be a field of operators that assumes a diagonal representation

(8) L =




∂xi⊗ dxi,

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in some local chart x = (x1, . . . , xn). Its Nijenhuis torsion is given by

(9) (TL)ijk = (lj − lk)



δij +∂lk∂xj




It is evident that (TL)ijk = 0 if i 6= j and i 6= k or if j = k. Thus, we can limit

ourselves to analyze the n(n− 1) components

(10) (TL)jjk = (lj − lk)∂lj∂xk

, j 6= k .


6= 0, each component vanishes if and only if lj(x) ≡ lk(x). Therefore, wecan state the following

Lemma 4. Let L be the diagonal field of operators (8), and suppose that its Ni-jenhuis torsion vanishes. Let us denote with (i1, . . . , ij, . . . , ir), r ≤ n a subset of(1, 2, . . . , n). If the j-th eigenvalue of L depends on the variables (i1, . . . , ij , . . . , ir),then

(11) lj(i1, . . . , ij, . . . , ir) ≡ li1 ≡ li2 ≡ . . . = lir

Thus, apart when each eigenvalue is constant, we can distinguish several cases,ensuring that the Nijenhuis torsion of a diagonal operator vanishes. For instance,

i) lj(x) = λj(xj), j = 1, . . . , n⇒ n simple eigenvaluesii) lj(x) = λ(x) j = 1, . . . , n⇒ 1 eigenvalue of multiplicity n ,

represent the extreme cases. An exhaustive analysis of all intermediate possibilitiesis left to the reader.

Example 5. Let dimM = 2. Then, it easy to prove by a straightforward compu-tation that the Haantjes tensor of any field of smooth operators vanishes.

Example 6. Let L be the diagonal operator of Example 3. Its Haantjes tensorreads

(12) (HL)ijk = (li − lj)(li − lk)(TL)ijk,

where (TL)ijk is given by eq. (9).

The following proposition is a direct consequence of eqs. (9) and (12).

Proposition 7. Let L a smooth field of operators. If there exists a local coordinatechart (x1, . . . , xn), where L assumes the diagonal form (8), then the Haantjestensor of L vanishes.

Due to the relevance of the Haantjes (Nijenhuis) vanishing condition, we proposethe following definition.

Definition 8. A Haantjes (Nijenhuis) field of operators is a field of operators whoseHaantjes (Nijenhuis) tensor identically vanishes.

As usual, the transposed operator LT : T ∗M 7→ T ∗M is defined as the trans-posed linear map of L with respect to the natural pairing between a vector spaceand its dual space

< LTα,X >=< α,LX > α ∈ T ∗M, X ∈ TM.

A relevant property of Nijenhuis operators, which is a direct consequence of Theor.17 below and eq. (11), and usually is not satisfied by Haantjes operators, is thefollowing

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Proposition 9. The differentials of the eigenvalues λi(x) of a diagonalizable Ni-

jenhuis operator N are eigenforms of its transposed operator NT

(13) NTdλi = λi dλi .

Very similar statements can be found in [52] and [25].The product of a Nijenhuis operator with a generic function is no longer a Ni-

jenhuis operator, as is proved by the following identity(14)

TfL(X,Y ) = f2TL(X,Y )+f(

(LX)(f)LY −(LY )(f)LX+Y (f)L2X−X(f)L2Y)


which holds for any function f ∈ C∞(M). Instead, the differential and algebraicproperties of a Haantjes operator are much richer, as follows from these remarkableresults.

Proposition 10. [9]. Let L be a field of operators. The following identity holds

(15) HfI+gL(X,Y ) = g4HL(X,Y ),

where f, g : M → R are C∞(M) functions, and I denotes the identity operator inTM .

Proof. See Proposition 1, p. 255 of [9].

Proposition 11. [10]. Let L be an operator with vanishing Haantjes tensor inM . Then for any polynomial in L with coefficients aj ∈ C∞(M), the associatedHaantjes tensor vanishes, i.e.

(16) HL(X,Y ) = 0 =⇒ H(∑

j aj(x)Lj)(X,Y ) = 0.

Proof. See Corollary 3.3, p. 1136 of [10].

Propositions 10 and 11 imply that the powers of a single Haantjes operator (bycontrast with the case of a Nijenhuis operator) generate a module over the ring ofsmooth functions on M .

Let us introduce an interesting example of Nijenhuis and Haantjes operatorsdrawn from the realm of Rational Mechanics.

Example 12. Let M = (Pγ ,mγ) ∈ (En,R) be a finite system of mass points(possibly with mγ < 0) in the n-dimensional affine Euclidean space En. Let usconsider the (1, 1) tensor field defined by

(17) EP (~v) =∑



(Pγ − P ) · ~v)

(Pγ − P ) ~v ∈ TPEn ≡ En ,

called the planar inertia tensor (or Euler tensor in Continuum Mechanics), and theinertia tensor field, given by

(18) IP (~v) =∑



|Pγ − P |2~v −(

(Pγ − P ) · ~v)

(Pγ − P )



They are related by the formulas

(19) IP = trace(EP )In −EP , EP =trace(IP )

n− 1In − IP ,

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where In is the identity operator in En. Both of them are symmetric w.r.t. theEuclidean scalar product, so that they are diagonalizable at any point of En. Fur-thermore, by virtue of (19) they commute; consequently, they can be simultaneouslydiagonalized.

If G is the center of mass of M, defined by

G− P =1



(Pγ − P ) m :=∑


mγ m ∈ R \ 0,

the following Huygens-Steiner transposition formulas hold

EP (~v) = EG(~v) +m(

(P −G) · ~v)

(P −G),(20)

IP (~v) = IG(~v) +m|P −G|2 −m(

(P −G) · ~v)

(P −G) .(21)

From eqs. (20) and (21) it follows that in the Cartesian coordinates (x1, . . . , xn)with origin in G, defined by the common eigendirections of EG and IG, we have

(EP )ij = λi(G)δij +mxixj ,(22)

(IP )ij = li(G)δij +m

( n∑


x2α − xixj



where λi(G) and lj(G) denote, respectively, the eigenvalues of the tensor fields E

and I, both evaluated at the point G. In [5, 6] it has been proved that the Nijenhuistorsion of E vanishes; then its Haantjes tensor also vanishes. Furthermore, weobserve that the torsion of I reads

(24) (TI)ijk = 2m





δik − δij)

+ xkIij − xjI




i.e. it is not identically zero, although its Haantjes tensor vanishes as a consequenceof the identity (15), applied to the relation (19).

Other relevant examples of Haantjes operators that are also Killing tensors in aRiemannian manifold can be found in [63].

3. The geometry of Haantjes operators

As we noted in Proposition 7, the Haantjes tensor HL of an operator L has arelevant geometrical meaning: its vanishing is a necessary condition for the eigen-distributions of L to be integrable. To clarify this point, let us recall that a referenceframe is a set of n vector fields Y1, . . . , Yn such that, at each point x belongingto an open set U ⊆ M , they form a basis of the tangent space TxU . Two framesX1, . . . , Xn and Y1, . . . , Yn are said to be equivalent if n nowhere vanishingsmooth functions fi do exist such that

Xi = fi(x)Yi , i = 1, . . . , n .

A natural frame is the frame associated to a local chart (x1, . . . , xn) and denotedas ( ∂

∂x1, . . . , ∂


Definition 13. A holonomic frame is a reference frame equivalent to a naturalframe.

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In other words, to say that a frame Y1, . . . , Yn is holonomic there must existn nowhere vanishing functions fi and a local chart (x1, . . . , xn) such that

(25) Yi = fi(x)∂

∂xi, i = 1, . . . , n .

Proposition 14. [7] A reference frame in a manifold M is a holonomic frame ifand only if it satisfies one the two equivalents conditions:

• each two-dimensional distribution generated by any two vector fields Yi, Yjis Frobenius integrable;

• each (n − 1)-dimensional distribution Ei generated by all the vector fieldsexcept Yi is Frobenius integrable.

Definition 15. A field of operators L is said to be semisimple (or diagonalizable)if there exists a reference frame formed by (proper) eigenvector fields of L. Thisframe will be called an eigen-frame of L. Moreover, L is said to be simple if all itseigenvalues are pointwise distinct, namely if li(x) 6= lj(x), i, j = 1, . . . , n, ∀x ∈M .

Proposition 7 amounts to say that if an operator admits a local chart in which ittakes a diagonal form, then its Haantjes tensor necessarily vanishes, therefore theassociate coordinate frame is an eigenframe that is trivially holonomic. In 1955,Haantjes proved in [27] that the vanishing of the Haantjes tensor of a semisimpleoperator L is also a sufficient condition to ensure the integrability of each of itseigen-distributions (with constant rank) and the existence of local coordinate chartsin which L takes a diagonal form. We call such coordinates Haantjes coordinates.Furthermore, he stated that the vanishing of the Haantjes tensor of an operator Lis also a sufficient (but not necessary) condition to ensure the integrability of eachof its generalized eigen-distributions (with constant rank) and the existence of localcoordinate charts in which L takes a Jordan form. An equivalent statement of theabove-mentioned results is that a Haantjes field of operators admits a generalizedeigen-frame that is a holonomic frame.

Let us denote with Spec(L) := l1(x), l2(x), . . . , ls(x) the set of the distincteigenvalues of an operator L, which we always assume real in all the forthcomingconsiderations, and with

(26) Di = Ker(

L− li(x)I)ρi

, i = 1, . . . , s

the i-th generalized eigen-distribution, that is the distribution of all the generalizedeigenvector fields corresponding to the eigenvalue li(x). In eq. (26), ρi denotes theRiesz index of li, namely the minimum integer such that

(27) Ker(

L− li(x)I)ρi

≡ Ker(

L− li(x)I)ρi+1


When ρi = 1, Di is a proper eigen-distribution.

Definition 16. A generalized eigen-frame (or a Jordan eigen-frame) of a field ofoperators L is a frame of generalized eigenvectors of L.

Theorem 17. [27]. Let L be a field of operators, and assume that the rank of eachgeneralized eigen–distribution Di is independent of x ∈ M . The vanishing of theHaantjes tensor

(28) HL(X,Y ) = 0 ∀X,Y ∈ TM

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is a sufficient condition to ensure the integrability of each generalized eigen–distributionDi and of any direct sum Di ⊕ Dj ⊕ . . . ⊕ Dk (where all indices i, j, . . . , k are dif-ferent). In addition, if L is semisimple, the condition (28) is also necessary.

In the original paper by Haantjes, the proof of Theorem 17 is explicitly madeonly for the case of a semisimple operator. Below, we present the proof for themore general case of an operator admitting generalized eigenvectors with arbitraryRiesz index.

Here, for the sake of simplicity, we focus only on two eigenvalues of L, µ and ν,possibly coincident. Let us denote by Xα, Yβ , two fields of generalized eigenvectors,with index α, respectively β, corresponding to the eigenvalues µ, resp. ν, andbelonging to a Jordan chain in Dµ, resp. Dν ,

(29) LXα = µXα+Xα−1, LYβ = νYβ+Yβ−1 , 1 ≤ α ≤ ρµ, 1 ≤ β ≤ ρν ,

where X0 and Y0 are the null vector fields. Then, it holds true that

(30) Xα ∈ Ker(

L− µI)ρµ

, Yβ ∈ Ker(

L− νI)ρν


Evaluating the Nijenhuis torsion on such eigenvector fields, we get

TL(Xα, Yβ) =(

L− µI)(

L− νI)

[Xα, Yβ ] + (µ− ν)(

Xα(ν)Yβ + Yβ(µ)Xα



L− µI)

[Xα, Yβ−1]−(

L− νI)

[Xα−1, Yβ ] + [Xα−1, Yβ−1]


Xα(ν)Yβ−1 + Yβ−1(µ)Xα



Xα−1(ν)Yβ + Yβ(µ)Xα−1



where Xα(ν) denotes the Lie derivative of the eigenvalue ν(x) with respect to thevector field Xα. The analogous relation for the Haantjes tensor is

(31) HL(Xα, Yβ) =












L− µI)2−i(

L− νI)2−j

[Xα−i, Yβ−j ].

Lemma 18. Let L be a field of operators and Xα, Yβ, be two of its fields ofgeneralized eigenvectors in Dµ, belonging to possibly different Jordan chains. If

(32) HL(Dµ,Dµ) = 0,

then their commutator satisfies the relation(33)

[Xα, Yβ ] ∈ Ker(

L− µI)α+β+2

≡ Ker(

L− µI)min(α+β+2,ρµ)

⊆ Ker(

L− µI)ρµ


where min( , ) means the minimum of its arguments.

Proof. If α = β = 1 and µ = ν, eq. (31) implies that [X1, Y1] ∈(

L − µI)4

. By

induction over (α+β), and applying the operator(


to both members

of eq. (31) it follows that [Xα, Yβ ] ∈ Ker(

L− µI)α+β+2


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Proposition 19. Let L be a field of operators. An eigen-distribution Dµ with Rieszindex ρµ is integrable if

(34) HL(Dµ,Dµ) = 0.

In particular, if ρµ = 1, the converse is also true.

Proof. Lemma 18 immediately implies that the Frobenius integrability conditionfor Dµ

(35) [Dµ,Dµ] ⊆ Dµ

is fulfilled. In particular, if ρµ = 1, every µ-eigenvector of L is a proper eigenvector,and from eq. (31) one infers that

HL(Dµ,Dµ) = 0 ⇐⇒ [X1, Y1] ∈ Ker(

L− µI)4

≡ Ker(

L− µI)

= Dµ .

Lemma 20. Let L be a Haantjes operator. The commutator of two generalizedeigenvector fields of L, with different eigenvalues µ, ν, fulfills the relation

[Xα, Yβ ] ∈ Ker(

L− µI)α+1


L− νI)β+1


≡ Ker(

L− µI)min(α+1,ρµ)


L− νI)min(β+1,ρν)

⊆ Ker(

L− µI)ρµ


L− νI)ρν


with 1 ≤ α ≤ ρµ, 1 ≤ β ≤ ρν .

Proof. If α = β = 1 and µ 6= ν, eq. (31) implies that [X1, Y1] ∈ Ker(

L − µI)2



. By induction over (α+β), applying the operator(




to both members of (31) the assertion follows.

It is immediate to ascertain that the above Lemma implies [Dµ,Dν ] ⊂ Dµ ⊕ Dν ,so that the following result holds

Proposition 21. Let L be a Haantjes operator, and Dµ, Dν be two distributionswith Riesz indices ρµ and ρν , respectively. Then, the distribution

Dµ ⊕Dν ≡ Ker(

L− µI)ρµ


L− νI)ρν

, µ 6= ν

is integrable.

The Haantjes Theorem 17 is an immediate consequence of Propositions 19 and21.

In [16] and [26], the integrability of the eigendistributions of a Nijenhuis operatorwith generalized eigenvectors of Riesz index 2 was proved. However, the case ofHaantjes operators was not considered. On the other hand, to the best of ourknowledge, the proofs of the Haantjes theorem available in the literature (see forinstance [23], [25]) are based on the more restrictive assumption that the Haantjesoperator be diagonalizable.

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Let us show in detail how to determine a coordinate system that, under theassumption of Theorem 17, provides a Jordan form for L. Denote by

(37) Ei := Im(

L− liI)ρi


j=1, j 6=i

Dj , i = 1, . . . , s

the (n− ri)-dimensional distribution spanned by all the generalized eigenvectors ofL, except those associated with the eigenvalue li. Such a distribution will be calleda characteristic distribution of L. Let E

i denote the annihilator of the distributionEi. Since L has real eigenvalues by assumption, the tangent and cotangent spacesof M can be locally decomposed as

(38) TM =s


Di , T ∗M =s


Ei .

Moreover, each characteristic distribution Ei is integrable by virtue of Theorem17. We shall denote by Ei the associated foliation and by Si(x) the connectedleave through x belonging to Ei. Thus, the set (E1, E2, . . . , Es) generates as manyfoliations (E1, E2, . . . , Es) as the eigenvalues of L. Such a set of foliations will bereferred to as the characteristic web of L and the leaves Si(x) of each foliation Eias the characteristic fibers of the web.

Definition 22. A collection of ri smooth functions will be said to be adapted to afoliation Ei of the characteristic web of L if the level sets of such functions coincidewith the characteristic fibers of the foliation.

Definition 23. A parametrization of the characteristic web of an operator L is anordered set of n independent smooth functions (f1, . . . , fn) such that each orderedsubset (fi1 , . . . , fir ) is adapted to the i-th characteristic foliation of the web:

(39) fik|Si(x)= const ∀Si(x) ∈ Ei , k = 1, . . . , r, ir = i1 + ri .

In this case, we shall say that the collection of functions is adapted to the web andthat each of them is a characteristic function.

Corollary 24. Assume that L has real eigenvalues. Then, the vanishing of theHaantjes tensor of L is sufficient to assure that it admits an equivalence class ofholonomic generalized eigenframes. Furthermore, if L is semisimple the vanishingof the Haantjes tensor is also a necessary condition. In addition, if L is simpleeach eigenframe is holonomic.

Proof. Since each characteristic distribution Ei is integrable by virtue of Haantjes’sTheorem 17, in the corresponding annihilator E

i one can find ri exact one-forms(dxi1 , . . . , dxir ) that provide functions (xi1 , . . . , xir ) adapted to the characteristicfoliation Ei. Collecting together all these functions, one can construct a set of nindependent coordinates (x1, . . . , xn) adapted to the characteristic web.

The natural frame ( ∂∂x1

, . . . , ∂∂xn

) turns out to be an eigenframe. In fact, as

(40) Di =


j=1, j 6=i

Ej ,

the components of any generalized eigenvector W ∈ Di satisfy the conditions

(41) W j =W (xj) = 0 , j 6= i1, . . . , ir.

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Thus, we have that W =∑r

k=1W (xik)∂


, therefore

(42) Di = Span ∂

∂xi1, . . . ,



and each frame equivalent to ( ∂∂x1

, . . . , ∂∂xn

) is a holonomic eigenframe.Moreover, if L is semisimple Prop. 7 holds true and each eigenframe fulfills the

conditions of Prop. 14.

A local chart adapted to the characteristic web of L can be computed by usingthe transposed operator LT . Let us denote with

(43) Ker(

LT − li(x)I)ρi

the i-th distribution of the generalized eigen 1-forms with eigenvalue li(x), whichfulfills the property

(44) Ker(LT − liI)ρi =



L− liI)ρi

)= E


Such a property implies that each generalized eigenform of LT annihilates all gen-eralized eigenvectors of L with different eigenvalues. Moreover, it allows to provethat

Proposition 25. Let L be a Haantjes operator. The differentials of the char-acteristic coordinate functions are exact generalized eigenforms for the transposedoperator LT . Conversely, each (locally) exact generalized eigenform of LT providesa characteristic function for the Haantjes web of L.

The characteristic functions of a Haantjes operator are characterized by thefollowing simple property.

Proposition 26. A function h on M is a characteristic function of a Haantjesoperator associated with the eigenvalue li if and only if, given a set of local coor-dinates adapted to the characteristic web (x1, . . . , xn), h depends, at most, on thesubset of coordinates (xi1 , . . . , xir ) that are constant over the leaves of the foliationEi.Proof. If h = h(xi1 , . . . , xir ), it is constant on the leaves of Ei, then dh ∈ E

i .Viceversa, if we assume that dh ∈ E

i , then it can be expressed in terms of a linearcombination of dxi1 , . . . , dxir only. The thesis follows from the exactness of dh.

Remark 27. In particular, if L is a semisimple Nijenhuis operator, its eigenvaluesare characteristic functions for the Haantjes web, according to Proposition 9.

Remark 28. [26] Let us suppose that a generic operator L admits a symmetry,i.e. a vector field X such that

(45) LX(L) = 0.

In this case, the operator L will be called a recursion operator for X. Then, theeigenvalues of L as well are invariant along the flow of X and the correspondinggeneralized eigen-distributions are stable, i.e.

(46) LX(li) = 0 , LX(Di) ⊆ Di, LX(Ei ) ⊆ E

i ∀i = 1, 2, . . . , s .

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4. The theory of symplectic-Haantjes manifolds

In this section, we shall introduce the new class of symplectic-Haantjes manifolds,that we shall call the ωH manifolds by analogy with the known ωN ones [43]. Themain reason to define these manifolds is that they provide a natural setting in whichthe theory of Hamiltonian integrable systems can be properly formulated.

Definition 29. A symplectic-Haantjes or ωH manifold (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1)is a symplectic manifold of dimension 2n, endowed with n endomorphisms of thetangent bundle of M

Kα : TM 7→ TM α = 0, . . . , n− 1 ,

which satisfy the following conditions:

• K0 = I.• Their Haantjes tensor vanishes identically, i.e.

(47) HKα(X,Y ) = 0 ∀X,Y ∈ TM, α = 0, . . . , n− 1.

• The endomorphisms are compatible with ω (or equivalently, with the corre-sponding symplectic operator Ω := ω):

(48) KTαΩ = ΩKα, α = 0, . . . , n− 1 ,

that is, the operators ΩKα are skew symmetric.• The endomorphisms are compatible with each others, namely they form acommutative ring K

(49) KαKβ = KβKα, α, β = 0, . . . , n− 1 ,

and also generate a module over the ring of smooth functions on M :

(50) H(∑n−1α=0 aα(x)Kα

)(X,Y ) = 0 , ∀X,Y ∈ TM ,

where aα(x) are arbitrary smooth functions on M.

The (n + 1)-ple (ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) will be called the ωH structure associatedwith the ωH manifold and K the Haantjes module (ring).

The above conditions can be re-cast by saying that, essentially, the endomor-phisms Kα are Haantjes operators, compatible both with ω and with each others.Moreover, the assumption (49) ( respectively (50)) assures that each operator be-longing to the ring (respectively the module) K is a Haantjes operator compatiblewith ω and with the original Haantjes operators K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1.

As a consequence of the above conditions, we get the following simple propositionthat turns out to be crucial for many results of the present theory.

Proposition 30. Given a ωH structure, let P = Ω−1 be the Poisson operatorassociated with the symplectic structure ω. Any composed operator ΩKα, PKT

β ,


β , Ω(

Kα − f(x)I)m

, α, β = 0, . . . , n− 1, m ∈ N is skew sym-metric.

For instance, it has important consequences on the spectrum of the Haantjesoperators.

Corollary 31. Given a 2n-dimensional ωH manifold M , we will suppose that thenumber of distinct eigenvalues of each operator Kα, as well as the dimension ofthe related eigenspaces, do not depend on the point x, at least for x in a dense open

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subset of M . Then, every generalized eigen–distribution Ker(Kα − l(α)i I)mi



m(α)i = 1, . . . , ρ

(α)i , is even-dimensional. Therefore each eigenvalue l

(α)i (x) has both

its geometric multiplicity (dim(

Ker(Kα − l(α)i I)


) and its algebraic multiplicity


Ker(Kα − l(α)i I)



) even.

Proof. In a ωH manifold every generalized eigen–distribution Ker(Kα − l(α)i I)mi

has the same dimension of the kernel of the operator Ω(Kα − l(α)i I)mi , which is

skew-symmetric by virtue of Proposition 30.

Due to the above corollary, the number of the eigenvalues of a Haantjes operatorKα is less or equal to n, therefore their algebraic multiplicity is at least 2.

Definition 32. If the number of distinct eigenvalues of a Haantjes operator K ∈ Kis exactly n, we say that such an operator is maximal.

Let us denote with mK(λ) the minimal polynomial of K.

Lemma 33. A Haantjes operator of a ωH structure is maximal if and only if itsminimal polynomial is the product of n linear factors

(51) mK(λ) =




λ− λi



We shall also consider a particular class of ωH manifold, especially relevant for theapplications.

Definition 34. A ωH manifold (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) endowed with a vectorfield X ∈ TM such that

(52) LX(ω) = 0, LX(Kα) = 0, α ∈ 1 . . . , n− 1 ,will be called a symplectic-Haantjes manifold with a (locally) Hamiltonian symmetryvector field X.

According to Remark 28, each operatorKα is a recursion operator for the Hamil-tonian symmetry X and their eigenvalues are integrals of motion for X .

4.1. Lenard-Haantjes chains. The theory of Lenard chains is a fundamentalpiece of the geometric approach to soliton hierarchies. Lenard chains have beenintroduced in order to construct integrals of motion in involution for infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems [34, 35] (see also [56], for a brief history aboutthe origin of the name “Lenard chains”). However, only recently some non trivialgeneralizations of Lenard chains have probed to be useful in the study of separationof variables for finite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems (see [48, 49, 62, 17, 19] andreference therein).Hereafter, as a byproduct of our approach a la Haantjes, we propose a furthergeneralization of the standard notions of the theory, which has the advantage to beboth simple and directly connected to the theory of classical integrable systems.

Definition 35. Let (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) be a 2n-dimensional ωH manifoldand Hj1≤j≤n be n independent functions which satisfy the following relations

(53) dHj = KT

αdH , j = α+ 1, α = 0, . . . , n− 1, H := H1,

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(54) Kα :=



aij(x)Kβ , i = α+ 1 , j = β + 1, α, β = 0, . . . , n− 1,

and aij(x) are suitable smooth functions on M , that are assumed to satisfy theproperties

i) a1k = δ1k, k = 1, 2, . . . , n;ii) ajk are elements of an invertible matrix-valued function A, called the tran-

sition matrix between K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1 and K0, K1, . . . , Kn−1.Under these conditions, we shall say that the functions Hj1≤j≤n form a Lenard–

Haantjes chain generated by the function H.

Remark 36. The operators Kα belong to the Haantjes module K generated by theoperators Kα, so they are also Haantjes operators as a consequence of the assump-tion (50). Moreover, they are compatible with ω and commute with each other. Con-

sequently, the operators Kα endowM with the ωH structure (M,ω, K0, K1, . . . , Kn−1),adapted to the function H, that we shall call a modified ωH structure.

To enquire about the existence of Lenard-Haantijes chains, we have to considerthe co-distribution D

H generated by H through the (transposed of) the Haantjesoperators Kα

(55) DH := SpandH,KT

1 dH, . . . ,KTn−1dH ,

and to compare the distribution DH of the vector fields annihilated by DH , with the

distribution of the vector fields symplectically orthogonal to DH . We shall denoteit by D⊥

H ; it can be represented as

(56) D⊥H = P (D

H) = SpanXH ,K1XH ,K2XH , . . . ,Kn−1XH,

where XH = P dH is the Hamiltonian vector field with Hamiltonian function H .Indeed, from Proposition 30 we deduce the following result.

Proposition 37. Let (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) be a 2n-dimensional ωH mani-fold, and H be a smooth function on M . The relation

(57) D⊥H ⊆ DH

holds true. Therefore, DH is a co-isotropic distribution and D⊥H is an isotropic one.

Moreover, if

dim(DH(x)) = n ∀x ∈M

they coincide and form a Lagrangian distribution.

Proof. Each vector field belonging to D⊥H is annihilated by the one-form belonging

to DH as

<KTαdH,KβXH >=< dH,KαKβP dH >

(30)= 0

The following theorem states the necessary and sufficient conditions to ensurethe existence of a Lenard-Haantijes chain generated by a function H .

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Theorem 38. Let (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) be a 2n-dimensional ωH manifold,and H be a smooth function on M . Let D

H be the co-distribution spanned by theset of 1-forms

(58) βα+1 := KTαdH α = 0, . . . n− 1 ,

that we assume to be of rank n (independent on x) and let DH be the distributionof the vector fields annihilated by them. Then, the function H generates a Lenard-Haantijes chain (53) if and only if D

H (DH) is integrable in the sense of Frobenius.Under this assumption, the foliation FH of D

H is a Lagrangian foliation.

Proof. By definition, the Lenard-Haantijes chain (53) contains n exact 1-forms.Therefore they generate the integrable Lagrangian distribution

(59) D = SpandH1, . . . , dHn

which coincides with DH , by virtue of the linear relation (54) among the Kα and

the Kα.Viceversa, let DH be integrable and FH be the associated foliation. Then, thereexist n independent functions (H1, H2, . . . , Hn) which are constant on the leaves ofFH . Their differentials belong to D

H , hence

(60) dHi =







dH j = 1, . . . , n.

The choice H1 = H implies that K0 = I and, consequently, property i) in theDefinition 35. The fact that β1, . . . , βn and dH1, . . . , dHn pointwise are twodifferent basis of D

H(x), implies the property ii). In this manner, we can con-struct the modified ωH structure (54), equivalent to the original one but adaptedto the Lenard-Haantjes chain (53) generated by the function H . Furthermore,the functions (H1, H2, . . . , Hn) are in involution by virtue of Theorem 41 below,therefore they generate a Lagrangian foliation w.r.t. the symplectic form ω. Sucha foliation coincides with the foliation F to which the Hamiltonian vector fields(XH1 , XH2 , . . . , XHn) are tangent.

Corollary 39. Let (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) be a 2n-dimensional ωH manifold,and H be the Hamiltonian function of a Hamiltonian vector field integrable in thesense of Liouville. Also, let (H1, H2, . . . , Hn) be a set of independent integrals ininvolution and D the co-distribution spanned by their differentials. Such integralsform a Lenard-Haantjes chain generated by H = H1 if and only if H satisfies thefollowing conditions

(61) KTα dH ∈ D, α = 0, 1, . . . , n− 1.

Proof. Conditions (61) are equivalent to say that DH ⊆ D. Therefore, D

H ≡ D

as they both have, by assumption, the same rank n. Thus, DH is integrable and,by virtue of the previous theorem, it follows that the function H is the generatorof the Lenard-Haantjes chain formed by (H1, H2, . . . , Hn).

Conversely, if (H1, H2, . . . , Hn) form a Lenard-Haantjes chain generated by H ,

by Definition (53) it follows that KT

αdH ∈ D, for α = 0, 1, . . . , n− 1. Then, sinceformula (54) is invertible by hypothesis, conditions (61) are fulfilled.

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4.2. Symplectic-Nijenhuis manifolds and Lenard-Nijenhuis chains. A par-ticular but especially relevant class of ωH structures is represented by the ωN man-ifolds [43, 36]. They are symplectic manifolds endowed with a single endomorphismof the tangent bundle, N : TM 7→ TM that satisfies the following conditions:

• its Nijenhuis torsion (4) vanishes identically, i.e. ∀X,Y ∈ TM

(62) TN (X,Y ) = 0;

• it is compatible with ω, that is, the tensor P 1 = NΩ−1 is also a Poissontensor and is compatible with P 0 := Ω−1, i.e. the Schouten bracket of P 0

and P 1 vanishes.

The above conditions, that amount to say that N is a Nijenhuis (or hereditary)operator compatible with ω, in turn ensure that the ωN structures represent aspecial class of bi-Hamiltonian structures.

Remark 40. The requirement that the Nijenhuis torsion of N vanishes impliesthat the Haantjes tensor (6) of N vanishes as well. Thus Nijenhuis operators area special class of Haantjes operators.

Then, given a ωN manifold, one can construct directly a ωH structure by choos-ing as Haantjes operators the first (n− 1) powers of N

(63) Kα ≡ Nα , α = 0, 1, . . . , n− 1 ,

provided that they are linearly independent. It is easy to prove that the Haantjesoperators so constructed are compatible with ω, due to the algebraic compatibilitybetween N and ω. Moreover, they are compatible with each other since they arepowers of the same operator.

In a ωN manifold one can construct a special class of Lenard-Haantjes chains.In fact, in this context Theorem 38 amounts to say that the co-distribution

(64) DH = SpandH,NTdH, . . . , (NT )n−1dH

which is supposed to be of rank n, is integrable if and only if H generates thefollowing Lenard-Haantjes chain

(65) dHj = KαdH = pα(NT )dH,


(66) pα(N) =



ajk(x)Nk−1 , α = 0, 1, . . . , n− 1 , j = α+ 1.

Here ajk(x) are suitable coefficients fulfilling the requirements of Definition 35. As

the modified Haantjes operators Kα are generated by a unique Nijenhuis operatorN , the chain (65) will be called a Lenard-Nijenhuis chain. Note that this type ofchains have been called Nijenhuis chains in [17], and generalized Lenard chains in

[58, 61]. The particular chains with Kα ≡ Kα = Nα are the classical Lenard-Magrichains.

5. Complete Integrability and Haantjes structures

The aim of this Section is to prove one of the main results of this paper. Also,we shall show in a specific example how the Haantjes formulation overcomes, forthe vector field under scrutiny, an obstruction to the existence of a classical Lenardchain pointed out by Brouzet.

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5.1. Haantjes theorem for integrable systems. We propose a characteriza-tion of the notion of integrability in the sense of Liouville–Arnold in terms of ωHstructures.

Theorem 41. Let M be a 2n-dimensional ωH manifold and H1, H2, . . . , Hn besmooth functions forming a Lenard-Haantjes chain. Then, the foliation generatedby these functions is Lagrangian. Consequently, each Hamiltonian system, withHamiltonian functions Hj, 1 ≤ j ≤ n is integrable by quadratures.

Conversely, let H1, . . . , Hn be a completely integrable system in n dimensions,defined by a Hamiltonian H = H1 and a set of independent integrals of motionH2, . . . , Hn. Let (Jk, φk), k = 1, . . . , n, denote a set of action-angle variables,with associated frequencies νk := ∂H

∂Jk. If H is non degenerate [3], that is

(67) det




= det





6= 0 ,

then M admits, in any tubular neighborhood of an Arnold torus, an ωH structuregiven by

(68) Kα =






∂Ji⊗ dJi +

∂φi⊗ dφi


α = 0, . . . , n− 1 ,

where ν(α+1)i are the frequencies of the (α+ 1) linear flow.

Proof. By virtue of the classical Arnold-Liouville theorem, it is sufficient to provethat the functions Hj belonging to a Lenard-Haantjes chain are in involution w.r.t.the Poisson bracket defined by the symplectic form ω. In fact,(69)

Hj, Hk =< dHj ,P dHk >=< KT


β dH >=< dH, KαPKT

β dH >Prop.30

= 0

Let us prove the converse statement. The integrals of motion H1, . . . , Hn are allassumed to be smooth functions on an open dense subset of the phase space andin involution among each others. Due to the celebrated Arnold theorem [3], the2n-dimensional phase space is foliated by leaves whose connected components, ifcompact, are invariant tori. Also, there exists at least in any tubular neighborhoodof each torus a set of action-angle (AA) variables (Ji, φi), in which the symplectic2-form reads

(70) ω =



dJi ∧ dφi .

Owing to condition (67), the set H1, . . . , Hn depends on the action variables only.Then the functions Hi take the generic form

(71) Hi = Hi(J1, . . . , Jn), i = 1, . . . , n.

With these data, we shall construct a semi-global ωH structure associated with S.We can take as Haantjes operators the following diagonal operators in the action-

angle coordinates

(72) Kα =




∂Ji⊗ dJi +




∂φi⊗ dφi α = 0, . . . , n− 1 ,

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so that, at the same time, they have their Haantjes tensor vanishing, as requiredin eq. (47), they commute with each others, according to eq. (49), and fulfill thedifferential compatibility condition (50).

Once we have chosen the natural vector fields ( ∂∂Ji

, ∂∂φi

) as a basis of shared

eigenvectors fields for the Haantjes operators, it remains to determine their eigen-

values (l(α)i , l


Notice that the algebraic compatibility conditions (48) of the operators (72) withthe symplectic form (70) are equivalent to the conditions

(73) l(α)n+i = l

(α)i i = 1, . . . , n α = 1, . . . , n− 1.

Thus, the eigenvalues of our Haantjes operators (72) must be at least double. Fi-nally, we impose that the integrals of motion (H1, H2, . . . , Hn) form a Lenard Haan-tjes chain generated by H = H1, i.e.

(74) KTαdH = dHα+1 , α = 0, . . . , n− 1 .

Being Kα diagonal in the AA variables, such conditions are equivalent to the

following system of 2n algebraic equations in the n indeterminate functions l(α)i ,

(75) l(α)i




i = 1, . . . , n.

(76) l(α)i




Obviously, eqs. (76) are trivially satisfied, so that only eqs. (75) should be takeninto account. Assuming, without loss of generality, that νi 6= 0, i = 1, . . . , n, theequations (75) imply that the elements in the diagonal of the k-th operators mustbe the ratios between the corresponding frequencies associated to the k-th integraland to the Hamiltonian, respectively. It is easy to prove that the Haantjes operatorsso obtained are independent, due to the independence of the integrals of motion.Consequently, the Haantjes operators that provide a Lenard-Haantjes chain formedby H1, . . . , Hn read as in eq. (68).

Remark 42. The Haantjes operators (68) exist without any restriction on theform of the Hamiltonian functions (71), except for the condition (67). However, ifone wishes to construct a Nijenhuis recursion operator N for H, i.e. a Nijenhuisoperator that, at the same time, provides a classical Lenard chain

(77) dHj = (NT )(j−1)dH ,

and has the natural vector fields ( ∂∂Ji

, ∂∂φi

) as eigenvectors, then the Hamiltonian

function must be necessarily of the separated form

(78) H(J1, J2, . . . , Jn) =



Hi(Ji) ,

where Hi(Ji) is a smooth function of the single action variable Ji (see [43], [46]).

Remark 43. The eigenvalues l(α)i of the Haantjes operators Kα , α = 1, 2, . . . , n−

1, depending only on action variables, are integrals of motion for the Hamiltonianvector field XH , i.e. their Lie derivatives along the flow of XH vanishes:

LXH l(α)i = 0.

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However, this property does not imply that the Haantjes operators are recursionoperators for XH as

(79) LXHKα =




l(α)i − l


) ∂νi∂Jk

∂φi⊗ dJk .

5.2. The analysis of Brouzet. In [12], R. Brouzet studied the existence for acompletely integrable system of a Nijenhuis recursion operator, that is a Nijenhuisoperator compatible with ω and fulfilling eq. (45). He proved that the existenceof a Nijenhuis recursion operator for XH requires very strong conditions on theform of its Hamiltonian function. Accordingly, he presented an example of anintegrable system with two degrees of freedom that does not admit a recursionoperator compatible with the original symplectic structure. Here we show thatsuch example does admit a simple formulation in the context of the ωH geometry.

In his analysis, Brouzet considered the symplectic manifold M = R2 × T

2, withthe action variables (J1, J2) ∈ R

2, the angles (φ1, φ2) on the bi-dimensional torusT2, and the Hamiltonian function

(80) H = J1(1 + J22 ) ,

which is not of the form (78) and is non degenerate according to (67), in the denseopen submanifold M ′ := m ∈ M : J2 6= 0. The corresponding Hamiltonianvector field

(81) XH = (1 + J22 )

∂φ1+ 2J1J2


is completely integrable, since any smooth function depending only on the actionsis an integral of motion for it. For instance, let us take

(82) H2 = J22 ,

which is functionally independent of H in M ′. One can easily verify that the twoHamiltonian functions in involution (H1 = H,H2) form a Lenard-Haantjes chainw.r.t. the ωH structure given by the standard symplectic form

(83) ω = dJ1 ∧ dφ1 + dJ2 ∧ dφ2

and by the Haantjes operators

(84) K0 = I , K1 =1



∂J2⊗ dJ2 +

∂φ2⊗ dφ2



constructed in the open submanifold of M ′ where J1 6= 0, according to the pre-scriptions (68).

It is interesting to observe that the authors of [32] have by-passed the Brouzetobstruction to the definition of a Njenhuis recursion operator for the Hamiltonian(80) (and for other examples presented in [13]) by using a different strategy. Thealternative approach consists in allowing a Njenhuis recursion operator compatiblewith a symplectic structure different from the original one. By contrast, in ourtheory, the Haantjes operators are compatible with the very original symplecticstructure.

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6. New integrable models from Haantjes geometry

Once we have stated the conceptual equivalence between complete integrabilityof a Hamiltonian system and the existence of an associated Haantjes structure,we can use this equivalence in both ways: to construct integrable models froma given Haantjes geometry (the direct problem) or conversely to determine theHaantjes geometry of a given integrable system (the inverse problem). In thissection, we will adopt the first point of view, in order to show the flexibility of theHaantjes approach in applicative contexts. Indeed, by imposing the existence of aLenard-Haantjes chain generated by a specific Haantjes operator, we define classesof associated integrable models.

6.1. Harmonic functions and integrable systems. Even the case of uniformHaantjes operators (i.e. independent of x ∈ M) provides an interesting class ofintegrable models directly related to the theory of analytic functions.

Theorem 44. Let M be a symplectic manifold of dimension 4, (x, y, px, py) aset of Darboux coordinates in M , ϕ(px, py) = ϕ1(px, py) + iϕ2(px, py) and ψ =ψ1(x, y) + iψ2(x, y) be two analytic functions (i2 = −1). Then, the Hamiltonian

(85) H1(x, y, px, py) = ϕ1(px, py) + ψ1(x, y)

admits the first integral of motion

(86) H2(x, y, px, py) = ϕ2(px, py) + ψ2(x, y) .

Proof. Consider the uniform Haantjes operator

(87) K = − ∂

∂x⊗ dy +

∂y⊗ dx− ∂

∂px⊗ dpy +

∂py⊗ dpx .

We construct the Lenard-Haantjes chain

(88) KTdH1 = dH2 .

It amounts to solve the systems of equations


∂py= ∂H2



∂px= −∂H2





∂y = ∂H2

∂x ,∂H1

∂x = −∂H2

∂y ,(90)

for the functions ϕ1, ϕ2 and ψ1, ψ2 respectively. These relations are nothing butthe classical Cauchy-Riemann equations. Hence, these functions and consequentlyH1 and H2 are all harmonic functions.

Example 45. A simple class of integrable models arises when both analytic func-tions ϕ(px, py) and ψ(x, y) are chosen to have a polynomial structure. For instance,choosing a third degree homogeneous polynomial in the momenta (px, py) , we havethe system

(91) H1 = p3x − 3pxp2y + x2 − y2 , H2 = 3p2xpy − p3y + 2xy .

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6.2. Waves and integrable systems. Solutions of the wave equations also defineintegrable systems, via the Haantjes geometry.

Theorem 46. Let ξ = x+y√2, η = x−y√

2, pξ =


, pη =px−py√


coordinates and momenta in an open set of M . The Hamiltonian

(92) H1(ξ, η, pξ, pη) = f(η) + g(ξ) + F (pη) +G(pξ)

where f , g, F , G are arbitrary functions of their arguments, is integrable and admitsthe first integral of motion

(93) H2(ξ, η, pξ, pη) = −f(η) + g(ξ)− F (pη) +G(pξ).

Proof. Consider the uniform Haantjes operator in cartesian coordinates and mo-menta

(94) K =∂

∂x⊗ dy +

∂y⊗ dx+

∂px⊗ dpy +

∂py⊗ dpx .

We construct the Lenard-Haantjes chain

(95) KTdH1 = dH2.

This chain is defined by the differential relations


∂py= ∂H2



∂px= ∂H2



∂y = ∂H2

∂x ,∂H1

∂x = ∂H2

∂y ,(96)

These equations can be combined to provide the wave equations

Hi,pxpx −Hi,pypy = 0, Hi,xx −Hi,yy = 0, i = 1, 2 .

Therefore the Hamiltonian functions

H1(x, y, px, py) = F (px − py) +G(px + py) + f(x− y) + g(x+ y)(97)


H2(x, y, px, py) = −F (px − py) +G(px + py)− f(x− y) + g(x+ y) ,(98)

where F,G, f, g are arbitrary smooth functions of their arguments, define a com-pletely integrable system, separable in the coordinates (ξ, η, pξ, pη).

Example 47. Choosing the functions F,G, f, g as a power of their argument, weget the interesting class of models

H1 = (px − py)n + (px + py)

n + (x− y)m + (x + y)m ,(99)

H2 = −(px − py)n + (px + py)

n − (x − y)m + (x+ y)m .(100)

For n = 2, the Hamiltonian function H1 is quadratic in the momenta and cor-responds to a class of separable systems that can be found in [54] (page 81). Inparticular, for n = 2,m = 3 one gets the Sawada-Kotera system [1]. For n > 2 onegets, to the best of our knowledge, a new family of integrable systems.

The inverse method outlined in this section can be widely adopted to generatenew models from known Haantjes operators. However, an exhaustive analysis ofthis approach is out of the scopes of the present paper.

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7. The theory of separation of variables in ωH manifolds

7.1. Darboux-Haantjes coordinates. The simple form admitted by the Haan-tjes operators (68) in AA variables suggests the search for a set of distinguishedlocal coordinates in M that, at the same time be symplectic and diagonalize everyHaantjes operator of the underlying geometric structure.

Definition 48. Let (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) be a ωH manifold. A set of localcoordinates (q1, . . . , qn; p1, . . . , pn) will be said to be a set of Darboux-Haantjes (DH)coordinates if in this set the symplectic form ω assumes the Darboux form

(101) ω =



dpi ∧ dqi

and each Haantjes operator diagonalizes:

(102) Kα =




( ∂

∂qi⊗ dqi +

∂pi⊗ dpi


α = 0, . . . , n− 1,

with l(0)i = 1, i = 1, . . . , n.

Remark 49. The set of semisimple operators is closed under C∞(M)–linear com-binations and under the product of operators. Thus, if a set of DH coordinatesexists in a given ωH manifold, the compatibility conditions (49) and (50) are au-tomatically satisfied, thanks to Proposition 7.

There is a natural relation between AA variables and DH coordinates in theHaantjes geometry, as clarified below.

Proposition 50. Any set of AA variables for a completely integrable system is aset of DH coordinates for the Haantjes structure (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) givenby the symplectic form ω and the Haantjes operators (68).

In the subsequent considerations, under mild hypotheses we solve the problemof the existence of DH coordinates for a given ωH manifold, possibly different fromthe ones of Theorem 41.

First, we present some properties of algebraic and differential nature that holdunder the assumption that the ωH structure is semisimple.

Definition 51. Let (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) be a ωH manifold. It will be saidto be semisimple if each operator Kα is semisimple, that is each Kα admits areference frame of proper eigenvectors (according to Definition 16).

Proposition 52. In a semisimple ωH manifold, the relations

Ω(Dαj ) ≡ (Eα

j ) ⇔ Dα

j ≡ P ((Eαj )

) = (Eαj )

⊥ ,(103)

Ω(Eαj ) ≡ (Dα

j ) ⇔ Eα

j ≡ P ((Dαj )

) = (Dαj )

⊥ ,(104)

hold true.

Proof. Property (103) follows from the compatibility condition (48) and from theinvertibility of the symplectic operator Ω. In fact, for each eigenvector Yj ∈ Dα

j ,

the one-form ΩYj is an eigenform of KTα , as one infers from


(48)= ΩKYj = l

(α)j ΩYj .

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Then, by taking into account eq. (44), we deduce that ΩYj belongs to (Eαj )

. Sinceit has the same dimension of Dα

j , we get eq. (103). The relation (104) follows fromeq. (103) and from the observation that, by construction, Ej is a complementarysubspace of Dα

j in TM .

Proposition 53. In a semisimple ωH manifold, the distributions Dαj are integrable

and even dimensional. In addition, if the ωH structure is semisimple, their integralleaves are symplectic submanifolds of M and are symplectically orthogonal to eachother, namely

ω(Dαj ,Dα

j ) = symplectic(105)

ω(Dαj ,Dα

k ) = 0 j 6= k(106)

Proof. The distributionsDαj are integrable due to Theorem 17 and are even-dimensional

by virtue of Corollary 31. Moreover, they are symplectic as

Dαj ∩ (Dα

j )⊥ (104)

= Dαj ∩ Eα

j = 0 .

Finally, property (106) follows from the fact that Dαk ⊆ Eα


(104)≡ (Dαj )

⊥, ifj 6= k.

7.2. Generators of a ωH manifold. We shall investigate here the possibility thatthe Haantjes operators of a ωH manifold can be generated by a single Haantjes (orNijenhuis) operator.

Definition 54. Let (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) be a 2n-dimensional ωH manifold.An operator K will be called a generator of the ωH structure if the set

(107) Bc := I,K,K2,Kn−1is a basis of the Haantjes module K. Such a basis will be called a cyclic basis of Kand allows one to represent each Haantjes operator Kα as a polynomial field in K

of degree at most (n-1), i.e.

(108) Kα = pα(x,K) =



a(α)i (x)Ki ,

where a(α)i (x) are smooth functions in M such that det(a

(α)i ) 6= 0.

Proposition 55. The set of the generators of an ωH structure coincides with theset of the operators that belong to the module K generated by the original Haantjesoperators K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1, and have their minimal polynomial of degree n.In addition, if the ωH structure is semisimple, any generator of K is maximal,according to Definition 32.

Proof. If K is a generator, together with any of its powers, it belongs to K thanksto Proposition 11. Therefore, all of its powers are Haantjes operators compatiblewith the ωH structure. Moreover, being Bc defined by (107) a basis of K, the first(n−1) powers of K must be linearly independent; thus its minimal polynomial hasdegree not lesser then n. Precisely, it has just degree n, as the powers of K greaterthan (n− 1), belonging to K as well, can be written as linear combinations of thecyclic base.

Conversely, if K is an operator belonging to the module K, we deduce that K,together with its powers, is a Haantjes operator compatible with the ωH structure.

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Since its minimal polynomial is of degree n by hypothesis, its first (n − 1) powersI,K,K2,Kn−1 are linearly independent; they form a basis for the module Kand consequently generate K.

Finally, if the ωH structure is semisimple, the Haantjes operators Kα admit acommon reference frame (thanks to their commutativity (49)) where they take adiagonal form, and each element of the module K is semisimple as well in the samereference frame. Therefore, any generator is semisimple and, having the minimalpolynomial of degree n, is maximal by virtue of Lemma 33.

Let us denote with Dj the eigen-distributions of a generator K, and recall thatDα

j denote the eigen-distributions of the Haantjes operators Kα.

Proposition 56. Let (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) be a 2n-dimensional, semisimpleωH manifold. If the Haantjes module K admits a generator K, then the followingalternative conditions hold(109)Dj ∩Dα

k = 0 or Dj ⊆ Dαk , α = 0, . . . , n− 1, k = 1, . . . , n .

Proof. Let us consider the eigen-distributions Dj := Ker(

K − lj(x)I)

, for j =

1, . . . , n, which are two-dimensional by the maximality property of any generator.As K and Kα commute by the hypothesis (49), Dj is Kα-invariant, therefore Kα

can be restricted to Dj and such a restriction is semisimple. Consequently, in Dj

there exist two independent eigenvector fields Y1, Y2 of Kα. Let us show that they

correspond to the same eigenvalue of Kα, say l(α)k . Indeed, if by absurd should they

correspond to different eigenvalues of Kα, the property (106) would imply that

ω(Y1, Y2) = 0 .

Nevertheless, being Dj two-dimensional, this should imply that Dj is isotropic, incontradiction with the property to be symplectic (105). Hence the thesis.

7.3. Existence of DH coordinates. We shall prove that, in a given semisimpleωH manifold, the existence of a Haantjes (or Nijenhuis) generator is equivalent tothe existence of a set of DH coordinates.

The main result of this section is the following theorem, establishing the existenceof DH coordinates.

Theorem 57. Let (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) be a 2n-dimensional, semisimple ωHmanifold. If a set of DH coordinates and (q,p) does exist, then each operator ofthe form

(110) K =



λi(x)( ∂

∂qi⊗ dqi +

∂pi⊗ dpi



(λi(x) being arbitrary smooth functions on M fulfilling the maximality conditionλi(x) 6= λj(x), ∀x ∈M) is a generator of the given Haantjes structure through therelations

(111) Kα =




Πj 6=i(K − λjI)

Πj 6=i(λi − λj)α = 0, . . . , n− 1 .

Conversely, if the module K generated by K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1 contains a max-imal operator, then there exists locally a set of Darboux-Haantjes coordinates.

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Proof. In each set of DH coordinates, the Haantjes operators K1, . . . ,Kn−1 as-sume a diagonal form. Let us take as possible generators the family of diago-nal operators (110). They are Haantjes operators compatible with ω and withK0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1 thanks to the Remark 49. In order to assure that Kα is gen-erated by K, according to eq. (108), it suffices to show that there exist (n − 1)polynomial fields pα(x, λ), λ ∈ R, such that

l(α)i (x) = pα(x, λi) =



c(α)k (x)λki (x) , α = 1, · · · , n− 1 .

These algebraic equations are solved by means of the Lagrange interpolation poly-nomials of degree (n− 1)

πi(λ) =Πj 6=i(λ− λj)

Πj 6=i(λi − λj),

which yield the expressions

pα(x, λ) =



l(α)i (x)πi(λ) .


(112) Kα =



pα(x, λi)( ∂




= pα(x,K) α = 0, . . . , n− 1 .

Conversely, if the module K contains a maximal operator K, such an operatoris a generator of the ωH structure thanks to Proposition 55. Moreover, being K

a maximal Haantjes operator, we show that K admits a set of symplectic coordi-nates, in which it takes the diagonal form (110). Indeed, we need to prove that aparametrization of the characteristic web of K exists with 2n coordinate functions(q1, . . . , qn; p1, . . . , pn) that are Darboux coordinates for ω. Under the maximalityassumption, the characteristic web is of type (n, n, 2), with characteristic fibers ofco-dimension 2 (see [2]). Furthermore, the distributions Ej , (Ej)

are integrable;we shall see that their foliations (E1, E2, . . . , Es) form the characteristic web of theωH manifold. Equivalently, any parametrization of the web always diagonalizessimultaneously each operator Kα and KT

α .Each characteristic distribution Ek is integrable and is of co-dimension 2. One

can find in each annihilator (Ek) the differentials of two functions (fk, gk) that

span (Ek). Collecting together these functions, one obtains a parametrization

(f1, . . . , fn ; g1, . . . , gn) of the characteristic web of K. By virtue of Corollary 24,such parametrization enables us to put the operator K in diagonal form, whilst thesymplectic form reads

(113) ω =



bi(fi, gi) dgi ∧ dfi.

In fact, as ∂∂fj

, ∂∂gj

∈ Dj due to relation (42), eq. (106) implies that

0 = ω( ∂




= ω( ∂




= ω( ∂




, j 6= k .

Furthermore, the closure of ω implies that the component functions bi dependonly on the pair (fi, gi). Then, by means of eq. (105), inside the subspace (Ej)


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where the restriction of KT is a multiple of the identity thanks to the condition(109), one can perform a Darboux transformation qi = fi(fi, gi), pi = gi(fi, gi),involving only the pairs (fj , gj). After these transformations, one obtains a localchart (q1, . . . , qn; p1, . . . , pn) in which the symplectic form ω takes the Darbouxform (101). Therefore, we have proven the existence of a coordinate system (q;p)which still diagonalizes the generatorK and simultaneously reduces ω to a canonicalform.

Finally, even the original Haantjes operators Kα, being generated by K accord-ing to eq. (108), in such coordinates take the diagonal form (112). We concludethat these coordinates are DH coordinates in the considered ωH manifold, for eachHaantjes operator belonging to the module K.

As an immediate consequence of the previous Theorem, of Proposition 26 andof Proposition 9, we have the following

Corollary 58. In any set of DH coordinates, a function fi is a characteristic

function of the Haantjes web, related to the eigenvalues l(α)i 1≤α≤(n−1), if andonly if it depends on the single pair (qi, pi) only, that is

(114) fi = fi(qi, pi) .

Therefore, (fi, fj) satisfy the involution relations

(115) fi, fj = 0 i 6= j .

Moreover, a family of generators of the Haantjes module does exist, formed byNijenhuis operators. They are the operators that in DH coordinates take the form(110), with eigenvalues

(116) λi(x) = λi(qi, pi) i = 1, . . . , n ,

where λi is an arbitrary smooth function depending only on the single conjugate pair(qi, pi). Therefore, such eigenvalues are characteristic functions of the Haantjes weband are in mutually involution.

The Haantjes generators (110) are parametrized by the arbitrary functions λi(x);therefore, they form an infinite family of operators. By contrast, given a set ofn functions in involution (H1, . . . , Hn), the Haantjes operators providing the as-sociated Lenard-Haantjes chain (53) are uniquely determined, once a holonomicframe of common eigenvectors has been chosen. Thus, the Haantjes operatorsK0, K1, . . . , Kn−1 appear to play a more fundamental role than their genera-tors K.

7.4. Haantjes theorem for separable systems. Without loss of generality, weassume, that we have already exchanged the original operator Kα with Kα and,for the sake of simplicity, we drop off the tilde over Kα from now on.The next theorem is the main result concerning the existence of separation vari-ables for ωH manifolds. It states that such structures characterize each separableHamiltonian system.

Theorem 59. Let (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) be a semisimple ωH manifold and(H1, H2, . . . , Hn) be a set of n functions belonging to a Lenard–Haantjes chaingenerated by H = H1. If the Haantjes module K contains a maximal operator, theneach set (q,p) of DH coordinates provides separation variables for the Hamilton–Jacobi equations associated with each function Hj.

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Conversely, if (H1, H2, . . . , Hn) are a set of n vertically independent functions,that is

(117) det





6= 0 ,

and are separable in a set of Darboux coordinates (q,p), then they belong to aLenard–Haantjes chain w.r.t. the ωH structure (M,ω,K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1) givenby

(118) Kα =







∂qi⊗ dqi +

∂pi⊗ dpi


α = 0, . . . , n− 1 .

Proof. Theorem 57 guarantees the existence of sets of DH coordinates. Thereforeit suffices to show that the functions Hj are in separable involution in these coordi-nates, according to eq. (1). To this aim, let us note that, due to the diagonal form

(102) of KTα in a DH local chart, the relations


∂qk= l





∂pk= l




hold. Here l(j−1)k denotes the eigenvalues of the Haantjes tensors KT

α , α = j − 1.Therefore,

Hi, Hj|k = l(i−1)k




∂pk− l





∂pk= 0 .

We prove the converse statement in a way analogous to that of Theorem 41.Without loss of generality, we can assume that ∂H

∂pi6= 0 , i = 1, . . . , n. The opera-

tors (118), being diagonal in the separated coordinates, have their Haantjes tensorvanishing. Also, they commute with each others and fulfill the differential compati-bility condition (50). The algebraic compatibility relations (48) with the symplecticform are equivalent to the conditions

(121) l(α)n+i = l

(α)i i = 1, . . . , n .

Thus, the Haantjes operators (118) must possess eigenvalues that are at least dou-ble.

Finally, we impose that the integrals of motion (H1, H2, . . . , Hn) form a LenardHaantjes chain generated by H ≡ H1. Being Kα diagonal in the (q,p) variables,such conditions are equivalent, for each α, to the overdetermined system of 2n

algebraic equations in the n indeterminate functions l(α)i











i = 1, . . . , n. However, the above equations are compatible, because the Benenticonditions (1) of separate involution assure that







∂qi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n .

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Consequently, the equations (123) provide the unique solution (118), where theHaanties operators Kα are independent thanks to the condition (117).

Constructing explicitly a set of DH coordinates is a difficult task that entailsto integrate the eigen-distributions of a Haantjes generator K for the Haantjesmodule generated by K0,K1, . . . ,Kn−1. We will use this method in Subsect.9.2. However, it can be simplified when a Nijenhuis generator N is at our disposal.In fact, the non constant eigenvalues of such N are just characteristic functionsof the Haantjes web by virtue of Corol. 58. Therefore, if all the eigenvalues arenot constant and functionally independent, being N maximal, one can start withhalf of the DH coordinates (λ1(x), . . . , λn(x)). Moreover, it has been proved in[42] that they can be complemented by quadratures with n conjugated momenta(µ1(x), . . . , µn(x)) satisfying

(124) NT dµi = λi dµi.

Therefore, in such canonical coordinates (λ,µ), the Nijenhuis generator N takes adiagonal form, consequently they are DH coordinates for the given ωH structure.They have been called Darboux-Nijenhuis (DN) coordinates in [17] and specialDN coordinates in [19]. Let us note that, in such a situation, the tensor fieldP 1 := NΩ−1 turns out to be a Poisson bivector compatible with Ω, endowing theωH manifold M also with a bi-Hamiltonian structure.

7.5. Classical separable Hamiltonian systems. In this Section, given a genericHamiltonian system whose Hamilton-Jacobi equation can be solved by separationof variables, we construct an associated Haantjes structure.

Hamiltonian systems solvable by separation of variables are obviously integrableby quadrature. Theorem 41 holds for non degenerate Hamiltonian systems which,consequently, admit the Haantjes structure (68). However, we will prove that aHaantjes structure can also be constructed starting with separation variables dif-ferent from the AA variables. Moreover, such a structure does not necessarilycoincide with the one coming from (68).

As an application of the defining relations (118), we get explicitly the Haantjesstructure for three large classes of separable Hamiltonian systems (see [3], Propo-sition 5, page 125).

Remark 60. For the families of n-dimensional Hamiltonian systems treated belowevery Haantjes operator for n > 2 is not maximal. However, the associated Haantjesmodule K contains, by construction, at least a maximal generator of the form (110).

The proof of the statements presented hereafter is direct and is left to the reader.

Proposition 61 (“Functionally separated” systems). Let us consider the Hamil-tonian function

(125) H(

f1(q1, p1), f2(q2, p2), . . . , fn(qn, pn))


together with the integrals of motion

(126) Ij = fj(qj , pj) , j = 1 , . . . , n− 1 .

This system admits the Haantjes structure given by the Haantjes operators

(127) K0 = I, Kj :=








, j = 1, . . . , n−1 .

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The spectrum of Kj is

(128) Spec(Kj) =







Such Haantjes operators provide the Lenard–Haantjes chain

KTj dH = dIj j = 1, . . . , n− 1 , I0 = H .

Example 62. The expression of the natural Hamiltonian function additively sep-arated in cartesian coordinates reads

H =





+ V (xj)



It admits the integrals of motion

Ij =p2j2mj

+ V (xj) j = 1 , . . . , n− 1 .

The Haantjies operators are K0 = I, and the uniform ones

Kj :=


∂qj⊗ dqj +

∂pj⊗ dpj


j = 1, . . . , n− 1 .

Proposition 63 (Telescopic systems). The system defined by the Hamiltonianfunction

(129) H






. . . f2(f1(q1, p1), q2, p2), . . . , qn−1, pn−1


, qn, pn



together with the integrals of motion

(130) I1 = f1(q1, p1) , I2 = f2(

f1(q1, p1), q2, p2)

, In := H ,

admits the Haantjes structure given by the Haantjes operators K0 = I and(131)

Kj :=




∂fn−2. . .









j = 1, . . . , n−1 .

The spectrum of these operators is given by

(132) Spec(Kj) =





∂fn−2. . .





The operators Kj form the Lenard–Haantjes chain

KTj dH = dIj j = 1, . . . , n− 1 .

Example 64. The most general Hamiltonian function separable in spherical coor-dinates (q1 = φ, q2 = θ, q3 = r) is given by

(133) H =1



pr +p2θr2


r2 sin2 θ


+ g(r) +h(θ)



r2 sin2 θ,

where g(r), h(θ), s(φ) are arbitrary smooth functions of their argument. The inte-grals of motion are

I1 =p2φ2m

+ s(φ), I2 =1



p2θ +p2φ + s(φ)

sin2 θ


+ h(θ) , I3 = H .

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According to eqs. (131), the Haantjies operators are K0 = I, and

K1 = r2 sin2 θ


∂φ⊗ dφ+

∂pφ⊗ dpφ



K2 = r2(

∂φ⊗ dφ+

∂pφ⊗ dpφ +

∂θ⊗ dθ +

∂pθ⊗ dpθ



Remark 65. If g = −k/r, h(θ) = s(φ) = 0, one gets the classical Coulomb-Keplersystem. For such model, the authors of [44] proved that it does not exist a Nijenhuisrecursion operator compatible with the original symplectic structure. Indeed, theNijenhuis structure they found provides a Lenard chain of dependent integrals ofmotion.

Accordingly, we stress the fact that a Haantjes structure is needed to constructthe Lenard–Haantjes chain formed by

H1 = H , H2 = I1 , H3 = I2 .

Proposition 66 (Gantmacher systems). Let us consider the Hamiltonian systemdefined by the Hamiltonian function

(136) H =

∑nk=1 fk(qk, pk)

∑nk=1 gk(qk, pk)


with the integrals of motion

(137) Ik = fk(qk, pk)−Hgk(qk, pk), k = 1, . . . , n− 1.

The system admits the Haantjes structure given by the Haantjes operators K0 = I,and

(138) Kj := −gjI +G


∂qj⊗ dqj +

∂pj⊗ dpj


j = 1, . . . , n− 1 ,

with G :=∑n

k=1 gk(qk, pk), whose spectrum is given by

(139) Spec(Kj) = −gj , G− gj .

They provide the Lenard–Haantjes chain

KTj dH = dIj j = 1, . . . , n− 1 .

Example 67 (Liouville systems). Choosing in eq. (136)

fk :=1


2k + Vk(qk) , gk := gk(qk),

one gets the class of systems that Liouville showed to be separable [54]. For instance,they include each natural Hamiltonian system in the plane, separable in cartesian(x, y; px, py), polar (r, θ; pr, pθ), elliptic or parabolic coordinates (ξ, η; pξ, pη). Theassociated Haantjes operators read, respectively

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Kcar = −(

∂y⊗ dy +

∂py⊗ dpy



Kpol = −r2(

∂θ⊗ dθ +

∂pθ⊗ dpθ



Kpar = η2(

∂ξ⊗ dξ +

∂pξ⊗ dpξ


− ξ2(

∂η⊗ dη +

∂pη⊗ dpη



Kell = −η2(

∂ξ⊗ dξ +

∂pξ⊗ dpξ


− ξ2(

∂η⊗ dη +

∂pη⊗ dpη



Remark 68. The Haantjes operators (141), (142), (143), obtained through theconstruction (118) do not coincide with the Haantjes operators of the same systemthat one could construct through AA variables according to eq. (68). In fact, as aconsequence of Remark 43, the eigenvalues of (118) must be integrals of motion,whilst the eigenvalues of the operators (141), (142), (143) are not invariant alongthe flow of the Hamiltonian vector fields. This fact implies that Haantjes structuresfor integrable systems are usually not unique.

8. The inverse problem for systems with two degrees of freedom

In this Section, we are concerned with the inverse problem. In other words, givena set of independent functions in involution, we will construct a Haantjes structurefor them, that is we shall determine the Haantjes structures of an assigned integrablesystem.

8.1. A general procedure. Let us consider the simplest case of Hamiltonian sys-tems with two degrees of freedom. We propose a general procedure to compute aHaantjes operator adapted to the Lenard chain formed by two integrals of motion.We search for a generator of the Haantjes module, that is, a Haantjes operator Kwhose minimal polynomial should be of degree two, namely, the maximum degreeallowed by our assumptions:

(144) mK(λ) := λ2 − c1(x)λ− c2(x) .

Let us note that such a request does not imply the semisimplicity property for K,unless the existence of two distinct roots of mK(z) is also supposed.

Remark 69. In the case n = 2, every pair of Haantjes operators I,K generatesa Haantjes module (see Proposition 10) and a ring w.r.t. the operator product

(Proposition 11). Any other generator K has the form

(145) K = fI + gK ,

where f is an arbitrary smooth function and g a nowhere vanishing smooth function.Thus,

(146) det(K − λI) = det(fI + gK − λI) = gn det


K − λ− f




Therefore, the eigenvalues λi of K and li of K are related by the affine equation

(147) λi = f + g li i = 1, 2 ;

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consequently, λ1 ≡ λ2 is equivalent to l1 ≡ l2. Then, we can conclude that theHaantjes module contains a maximal generator if and only if all generators aremaximal.

The procedure entails two steps.

(1) Given two independent integrals of motion in involution (H1, H2), find aHaantjes operator that provide a Lenard-Haantjes chain for them, thereforefulfilling the conditions (61). Consequently, find an operator K such that

KTΩ = ΩK(148)

KTdH1 = dH2(149)

(KT )2dH1 =(

c1KT + c2I



HK(X,Y ) = 0 ∀X,Y ∈ TM(151)

The algebraic compatibility condition (148) allows to reduce the unknowncomponents of the K operator from 16 to 6. Therefore

(152) K =

l11 l12 0 l14l21 l22 −l14 00 l32 l11 l21

−l32 0 l12 l22


where lij are arbitrary functions onM . The conditions (149) and (150) pro-vide a system of 8 algebraic equations in the 6 unknown functions, beingc1 = l11+l

22 and c2 = −l11 l22+l12 l21−l14 l32. As such equations are not indepen-

dent, we are left with 3 unknown functions. The vanishing of the Haantjestensor of K (151) provides an over-determined system of 24 PDEs of firstorder, which can be managed with some suitable ansatz. For instance, somehomogeneity properties for the components of K can be assumed.

The next step allows to construct DH coordinates.(2) If the Haantjes generatorK found is maximal, it does exist also a Nijenhuis

generator N . Then, find two smooth functions (f, g), with g nowherevanishing, such that

N = fI + gK(153)

TN (X,Y ) = 0 ∀X,Y ∈ TM(154)

The vanishing of the Nijenhuis torsion furnishes an over-determined systemof 24 equations with the two unknown functions (f, g).

If the above procedure is successful, the eigenvalues (147) of N are half of the DHcoordinates that we are looking for, by virtue of Rem. 27. A set of conjugatemomenta can be found as characteristic functions of the Haantjes web as we shalldo in Subsect. 9.2.2.

Remark 70. For a large class of systems, i.e. the so called quasi-bi-Hamiltoniansystems [14, 48, 49, 62], step 2 can be simplified. In fact, thanks to the results of[63], we can prove that if eqs. (153), (154) admit the solution

(155) f =1

2trace(K) , g = −1 ,

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then the Hamiltonian system under scrutiny has a quasi-bi-Hamiltonian formula-tion. Therefore, the eigenvalues of the Haantjes generator K, found in step 1, arethemselves characteristic functions of the web since, by plugging the solution (155)into eq. (147), we obtain that

(156) l1 = λ2 , l2 = λ1 .

This property will be useful in Section 8.

Let us note that eq. (19b), for n = 2, coincides with the projection of eq. (153),with the solution (155), from the tangent bundle T ∗E2 onto E2.

8.2. On the super-integrable Post-Winternitz system. In this section, bymeans of the procedure described above we face the inverse problem for a systemwhich recently has attracted much attention: the Post-Winternitz (PW) system[55]. Indeed, it is a maximally superintegrable system [47] with integrals of motioncubic and quartic in the momenta. As a consequence, its bounded orbits are closedand periodic. Thus, as well as every superintegrable system, it does not fulfill thenon degeneracy condition (67) and Theorem 41 cannot be applied. Despite its regu-larity properties, the separability structures of the PW system are not known. Sinceit does not belong to the Stackel class, the PW system is certainly not separableby an extended point transformation.

Let us consider the Hamiltonian system

(157) H =1

2(p2x + p2y) + a



a ∈ R ,

with the two independent integrals of motion

(158) H2 = 2p3x + 3p2ypx + a


9y13 py + 6






(159) H3 = p4y − 12ay13 pxpy + 4a



p2y − 2a2(

9y2/3 − 2x2




We shall prove that they form two different Lenard-Haantjes chains (H,H2) and(H,H3), each of them being sufficient to assure the complete integrability of thePW system.

By performing the extended-point canonical transformation

(160) q1 = y13 , q2 =



, p1 = 2x


px + 3y23 py , p2 = y

23 px ,

we reduce the Hamiltonian functions to a rational form from which we infer theweights of the three components of (152), still unknown after having imposed theconditions (149), (150). As a result of the previous approach, we get the Haantjes

structure (ω, I,K(2)PW ) for the Lenard-Haantjes chain (H,H2), where

(161) K(2)PW = 3

2px py 0 3y0 2px −3y 00 0 2px 00 0 py 2px


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Similarly, we obtain the Haantjes structure (ω, I,K(3)PW ) for the Lenard-Haantjes

chain (H,H3), where(162)

K(3)PW = 4

p2y + 2a xy2/3 −(pxpy + 3ay1/3) 0 −3ypx

0 p2y + 2a xy2/3 3ypx 0

0 0 p2y + 2a xy2/3 0

0 0 −(pxpy + 3ay1/3) p2y + 2a xy2/3


Although both K(2)PW and K

(3)PW have their minimal polynomial of degree 2, they

are not semisimple, since each of them has only one eigenvalue of algebraic multi-plicity equal to 4, with two proper eigenvectors and two generalized eigenvectors.Therefore, they do not fulfill the assumptions of Theor. 57. Moreover, neither of

the two Haantjes modules generated by I,K(1)PW and I,K(2)

PW possesses a max-imal generator by Remark 69. However, their two Lenard–Haantjes chain ensure

the superintegrability of the PW model. Thus, the existence of K(2)PW and K


shows that the Haantjes theory can be naturally applied to non-Stackel systemsnot possessing any evident separability structure, even when they do not satisfythe nondegeneracy condition (67).

9. Applications to separable Hamiltonian systems

In this section, in order to show the large range of applicability of the theorypreviously developed, we will discuss two important examples of integrable systems.The first one concerns a Hamiltonian system on a six-dimensional symplectic man-ifold, which is obtained as a stationary reduction of the seventh order equationof the Korteweg de Vries (KdV) hierarchy. The second one is a Drach-Holt typesystem, considered to be an example of nonseparable system till now.

9.1. The stationary reduction of the seventh order KdV flow revisited.In [60], a method to obtain the Poisson pencil P1−λP0 of the stationary flows of theKdV hierarchy was presented. In [48], this method was applied to get the stationaryreduction of the seventh order equation of the hierarchy. The restricted Poissonpencil turns out to be a degenerate pencil of co-rank one in a seven dimensionalmanifold M(7), being therefore a Gelfand-Zakarevich system [24]. It possesses apolynomial Casimir function of length four, starting with a Casimir of P0 andending with a Casimir of P1. Then, a Marsden-Ratiu reduction procedure [45],similar to the one used in other cases [60, 50, 51, 18, 20], was performed to eachsix-dimensional symplectic leaf S0 of the Poisson tensor P0, in order to get rid ofthe Casimir of P0. Furthermore, by restricting the polynomial Casimir function toS0, one of the authors was able to obtain in [48] three Hamiltonian functions ininvolution in the Darboux chart (q1, q2, q3, p1, p2, p3)

H1 = p1p2 +1

2p23 −


8q41 +


2q21q2 +



23 −


2q22 ,


H2 =1

2p21 + p1p2q1 + p23q1 − p22q2 − p2p3q3 −


2q51 −



23 +



23 + 2q1q

22 ,

H3 =1


21 + p23q2 − p1p3q3 − p2p3q1q3 +



23 +



23 − q1q2q

23 −


8q43 .

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However, as typically happens in the cases of Gelfand-Zakarevich systems [19],the reduced integrable Hamiltonian systems on S0 do not allow a bi-Hamiltonianformulation. Nevertheless, they can be described in the context of our new theory.In fact, proceeding analogously to the case of two degrees of freedom, we searchfor a Haantjes operator K1 whose minimal polynomial be of the maximum degreeallowed by our assumptions, in this case 3:

(164) mK1(λ) := λ3 − c1(x)λ2 − c2(x)λ− c3(x) ,

and that satisfy

KT1 Ω = ΩK(165)

KT1 dH1 = dH2(166)

(KT1 )

3 dH1 =(

c1(KT1 )

2 + c2KT1 + c3I



HK(X,X ′) = 0 ∀X,X ′ ∈ TM .(168)

Under the simplest ansatz that its elements be linear in the Darboux coordinates(q1, q2, q3, p1, p2, p3), we find the unique solution

(169) K1 =

q1 1 0 0 0 0−2q2 q1 −q3 0 0 0−q3 0 2q1 0 0 00 −p2 −p3 q1 −2q2 −q3p2 0 0 1 q1 0p3 0 0 0 −q3 2q1


Since the minimal polynomial of K1 is of degree 3, by virtue of Proposition 55K1 is a generator of the Haantjes ring K. Thus, we search for another Haantjesoperator K2 such that

K2 = fI + gK1 + hK21 ,(170)

KT2 dH1 = dH3 ,(171)

where f , g, h are suitable smooth functions on M . The unique solution is K2 =(q21 + 2q2) I − 2q1K1 +K2

1, therefore(172)

K2 =

0 0 −q3 0 0 0q23 0 −q1q3 0 0 0

−q1q3 −q3 q21 + 2q2 0 0 00 0 p2q3 − p3q1 0 q23 −q1q30 0 −p3 0 0 −q3

−(p2q3 − p3q1) p3 0 −q3 −q1q3 q21 + 2q2


Since the ωH structure (M,ω, I,K1,K2) admits a maximal generator, i.e., K1,the Hamiltonian functions (163) have a set of DH coordinates as separation vari-ables. A set of such coordinates can be computed finding a Nijenhuis generator ofthe Haantjes module generated by K1. This is what one of the present authors didin [48] by a complete different method, that is to say by means of the Marsden-Ratiu reduction procedure above mentioned. In that paper, separation coordinateswere called Darboux-Nijenhuis coordinates. In [28], the same coordinates have beenconsidered as orthogonal separation variables for the Hamiltonian function (163),in the cotangent bundle of a three–dimensional Minkowski space.

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9.2. Separation of variables for a Drach-Holt type system. The approachproposed in this paper offers an effective procedure to construct algorithmicallyseparation variables. As a paradigmatic example, we shall study the case of a systemshowing an irrational dependence on its coordinates, namely a three-parametricdeformation of the Holt potential, that has been introduced in [15]:

(173) H1 =1



p2x + p2y)

+ a14x2 + 3y2

y2/3+ a2




a1, a2, a3 ∈ R .

This system is integrable in the manifoldM = T ∗(E2 \y = 0), with a third-orderintegral

H2 = 2p3x + 3pxp2y + 12 a1


6xy1/3py +2x2 − 3y2




+ a2


9y1/3py +6x



+ 6a3y2/3

px .

When a1 → 0, the Hamiltonian H1 converts into a one-parametric deformationof the Post-Winternitz superintegrable potential (157). A crucial aspect is thatH1 has been considered in the literature to be an example of nonseparable sys-tem, since, not being of classical Stackel type, it is not separable by means ofan extended–point transformation. A natural question is whether there is a fullcanonical transformation (in general difficult to find) redeeming its separability.Our theory of integrability a la Haantjes enables us to solve this problem, since itprovides a set of DH coordinates by means of the procedure outlined in Subsection8.1.

9.2.1. The Haantjes structure. The prescription in step 1 provides with a Haantjesoperator linear in the momenta, which reads

(175) KDH = 3

2px py 0 3y0 2px −3y 0

0 −24a1 y1/3 2px 0

24a1 y1/3 0 py 2px


It endows the manifold M with the ωH structure (ω, I,KDH). The Lenard-Haantjes chain is defined by

dH2 = KTDH dH1 .

According to the general theory developed above, the potential functions of theexact one-forms belonging to the eigen-distributions ofKT

DH provide the separationcoordinates. In particular, as stated in Remark 70, it can be checked that thissystem is quasi-bi-Hamiltonian. Therefore the eigenvalues of the Haantjes operator(175) are just characteristic functions of the web of KDH , due to eq. (156).

9.2.2. Separation Coordinates. These functions , for a1 > 0, read

(176) λ1 = l2 = 6(px + 3√2a1y

2/3), λ2 = l1 = 6(px − 3√2a1y

2/3) .

In order to get a system of DH coordinates, they can be completed with a pair ofconjugate momenta that have the non trivial expressions

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µ1 =1





p4x + 12√2a1p


2/3 + 108a1p2xy

4/3 + 216√


+12pyy1/3 − 24

√2a1x+ 324a21y




µ2 =1





p4x − 12√2a1p


2/3 + 108a1p2xy

4/3 − 216√


−12pyy1/3 − 24

√2a1x+ 324a21y




and have been computed as potential functions of two exact 1-forms belonging tothe two characteristic eigen-distributions (E

1 , E2 , ) of L

TDH , that locally decompose

T ∗M = E1 ⊕ E

2 . The set of coordinates (176), (177) are separation variables forthe Hamiltonian functions H1 and H2, due to Theorem 59.

9.2.3. Separation Equations of Jacobi–Sklyanin. In order to solve the Hamilton-Jacobi equation of the Drach-Holt model, one has to write down the Jacobi–Sklyanin equations that read

b1µ21 −


b2λ41 + b3


µ1 + b4λ81 + b5λ

41 + b6λ

31 − λ1H1 +H2 + b7 = 0 ,

b1µ22 −


b2λ42 + b3


µ2 + b4λ82 + b5λ

42 − b6λ

32 + λ2H1 −H2 + b7 = 0 ,

where bi, i = 1, . . . , 7 are the constants given by

b1 = 10368√

2a31, b2 =a118, b3 = 216 a2

√2a1, b4 =



b5 =a2

1728, b6 =


216, b7 = 18 a3

√2a1 .

We arrive therefore at the separated solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation

W1(λ1;h1, h2) =1


∫ λ1


− (b2λ41 + b3)±

(b2λ41 + b3)2 − 4b1P8(λ1)



W2(λ2;h1, h2) =1


∫ λ2


− (b2λ42 + b3)±

(b2λ42 + b3)2 − 4b1Q8(λ2)



where h1, h2 are the values of H1, H2 on the lagrangian tori, and

P8(λ1;h1, h2) := b4λ81 + b5λ

41 + b6λ

31 − λ1h1 + h2 + b7,

Q8(λ2;h1, h2) := b4λ82 + b5λ

42 − b6λ

32 + λ2h1 − h2 + b7.

10. Future Perspectives

The extension of the present theory to the case of quantum integrable systemsis a nontrivial task. This research line would pave the way to an algebraic in-terpretation of the notion of Haantjes integrability developed here, in terms ofinfinite-dimensional commuting operators on a Hilbert space.

Also, it would be interesting to compare the geometric structures underlying thevision offered here with the intrinsic, purely algebraic structures developed in [31],in the context of nilpotent integrability.

A natural extension of the present theory to the case of superintegrable systems[59], especially maximally superintegrable ones, is in order. Along these lines, wealso wish to construct a generalization of our approach to the study of the geometry

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of certain classical systems, as the Post-Winternitz model of Section 8.2, that do notpossess any simple system of separation coordinates. We believe that our theory canoffer a proper language in which the study of the relation between superintegrabilityand separability indeed can be carried out.


The authors wish to thank heartily F. Magri for having drawn our attention tothe theory of Haantjes manifolds.P. T. acknowledges the support of the research project FIS2011–22566, Ministeriode Ciencia e Innovacion, Spain.G. T. acknowledges the financial support of the research project PRIN 2010-11“Geometric and analytic theory of Hamiltonian systems in finite and infinite di-mensions”. Moreover, he thanks many useful discussions with his colleagues andfriends S. Logar and D. Portelli.The authors also thank the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the Universitadi Trieste for providing financial support in the context of the scientific interchangeprogram between the two institutions.


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Departamento de Fısica Teorica II, Facultad de Fısicas, Universidad Complutense,28040 – Madrid, Spain and Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas, C/ Nicolas Cabrera, No13–15, 28049 Madrid, Spain.

E-mail address: [email protected], [email protected]

Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze, Universita degli Studi di Trieste, piaz.leEuropa 1, I–34127 Trieste, Italy.

E-mail address: [email protected]