arvind saxena co. · 2018-12-24 · arvind saxena & co. chartered accountants oflice no.408,...

Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand) ilob. : 82S4294370, 9905114612 E-mail : [email protected] Auditor's ReDort To The Members of Boad NAV BHARAT JAGRITI KENDRA AT-BAHERA, PO.BRINDABAN, CHOUPARAN, HAZARIBAG-825406 JHARKHAND, Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements ofNAV BHARAT JAGRITI KENDRA (Pan Nor AAAAN0398R), which comprises the Balance Sheet as at 3lst March 2018, Income & Expenditure Account and Receipts & Payments Account fo. the year ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Matragemetrt's Responsibilitv for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation of these hnancial statements that give a true and fair view ofthe financial position, financial performance of the Organization in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India. This responsibility also includes the naintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provision ofthe laws for the time being in force, for safeguarding of the assets of the organization and for prcventing and detecting the frauds and other inegularities; selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making judgments and estimates that arc reasonable and prudenti and design, implementation and maintenance of intemal controls, that we.e operating electively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accounting rccords, reievant to the preparation and presentation of the financial stalements that give a tuue and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or enor. Auditor's Responsibilitv Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these finanaial statements based on our audit. We have taken into account the provisions ofthe laws for the time being in force, the accou[ting and auditing stimdards and matters which are requfued to be included in the audit repot. We conducted eur audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing prescribed by the ICAI. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical rcquir€ments and plan and H.0. : 1st Floor Pratap Bhawan,2716 Raja Ram Mohan Rai marg, Lucknow.226001

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Page 1: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

Arvind Saxena & Co.CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTSoflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower,Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

ilob. : 82S4294370, 9905114612

E-mail : [email protected]

Auditor's ReDort


Report on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying financial statements ofNAV BHARAT JAGRITI

KENDRA (Pan Nor AAAAN0398R), which comprises the Balance Sheet as at 3lst March

2018, Income & Expenditure Account and Receipts & Payments Account fo. the year ended, and

a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

Matragemetrt's Responsibilitv for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation of these hnancial statements that give a true and

fair view ofthe financial position, financial performance of the Organization in accordance with

the accounting principles generally accepted in India. This responsibility also includes the

naintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provision ofthe laws for the

time being in force, for safeguarding of the assets of the organization and for prcventing and

detecting the frauds and other inegularities; selection and application of appropriate accounting

policies; making judgments and estimates that arc reasonable and prudenti and design,

implementation and maintenance of intemal controls, that we.e operating electively for ensuring

the accuracy and completeness of the accounting rccords, reievant to the preparation and

presentation of the financial stalements that give a tuue and fair view and are free from material

misstatement, whether due to fraud or enor.

Auditor's Responsibilitv

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these finanaial statements based on our audit. We

have taken into account the provisions ofthe laws for the time being in force, the accou[ting and

auditing stimdards and matters which are requfued to be included in the audit repot.

We conducted eur audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing prescribed by the ICAI.

Those Standards require that we comply with ethical rcquir€ments and plan and

H.0. : 1st Floor Pratap Bhawan,2716 Raja Ram Mohan Rai marg, Lucknow.226001

Page 2: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

audit to obtain reasonable assumnce about whether the hnancial statemelts arc free from

material mis-statement.

An audit involves pedorming prccedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and

disclosures in the financial statements. The procedues selected depend on the audito/s

judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the hnancial

statements, whether due to ftaud or error. In making those risk assessmetts, the auditor considers

intemal financial control relevant to the organization's preparation of the financial statements that

give true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the

circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness ofaccounting policies used

and the reasonableness ofthe accounting estimates made by organization s management, as well

as evaluating the overall presentation ofthe financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtai[ed is sufficient and apprcpdate to prcvide a

basis for our audit opinion on the financial statements.


In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given

to us, the aforesaid financial statements, give the information required by the applicable laws in

the manaer so required and give a true and fair view in confomity with the accounting pritciples

generally accepted in lndia;

In the case ofthe Balance Sheet, ofthe state ofaffairs ofthe NAV BIIARAT JAGRITI

KENDRA as at March I lsI, 2018;

In the case oflncome & Expenditue Accounts, result ofoperation for the year ended on

that date:



For Arvind SaxenaTAfflChartered Acco6Wfi

<d*€ts.CARaj Kumar \\PartnerM.No- 405773Firm Reg No:- 013525cPlacer RarichiDate:30/06/2018

M. No.107573

Page 3: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

Nav Bharat Jagriti KendraAddress:- Village Bahera, P.O:- Britrdavan, Chouparan, Hazaribag-825406, JharL.hand

Balatrce Sheet As At 3lst March"Amount In INR"

Sr.No Particulars As At 31.3.2018 As 4t31.3.2017A!a





Sources oIFundFund Balances

Assets FundRevolving Fund

Reserve For General Purpose

Loan FundSecured LoanUnsecuaed Loan

Currert Liabilities & ProvisionsCurrent Liabilities


I02 lt03l

t 04l

66,457 ,90t .28

14,470,308.00251 ,279,862.62





Total Sources ofFund & Liabilities I1+II+III] 440.815.681.73 J81.988.302.00






Aoolication ofFundFixed Assets

Gross BlockL€ss: DepreciationNet Block


Current AssetsLoans & Advances

Other Current Assets

Cash & Bank Balance


I06lI 07lt 08l


78,243,222.59148,591 ,482.62

'7 5.335.023 .10

77 .919.257 .63 73,256,459.52



t2t ,940,10s.28


131 ,473 ,210.925,519 ,584,32


Tolal ADolicaEoo olFutrd & Alsels Il+II+[I] 4,t0-81s.681-73 381,988,302.00

Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts lt1 l

Notes referred to above and notes atlach€d there to form an integrsl part ofBalance SheetThis i! the Balanc€ Sheet referred to in our Report of €ven date.


For Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendrs

/.-t r _// 916*""'(Ji

Satish Girija(Secretary)


Nav Bharat .lagriti Kendra

-\05CA RajPartner

Prabhunath Sharma(TLeasurer)

I reasltrer

Nav Bharat lagritj KendrdM,No-407573Firm Reg Nor 013525c


Page 4: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

Nav Bharat Jagriti KendraAddress:- Village Bahers, P.Oi. Brindavan, Chouparan, Hazaribag-825406, Jharkhand

Income & Expenditue Account For The year Ended

',Amount In INR,,Sr.No




Particulars Note No 31t03/201A 3u03t20t7IncomeGrant-in-AidNBJK Own Project & Other IncomeDonations U/S 80GInterest on Revolving FundLiability Written Back


150,333,02s.68161,092,717 .5525,079,995.7 8


t25,669,203 .t6151,556,846.82



(I) Total Income 336.673.264.73 244,009,126.39l1a





ExpenditureProqramme ExDenses

Grant Programme Expenses

NBJK Pro$amme Expenses

Cost Incured On Assets AcquisitionProvisionDoubtful Loan Written offAdvances & C. Assets Written Off

Depr€€ialionIrss: Transfered To Assets Fund & General Fund



169,229,581 .83












(II) Total ExDenditure 241,669,492.63 253,a79,411.06

LI! Excess of Income Over Expenditure 49,003,112.10 30,129,715.33

For Nav Bhamt Jagriti Kendra

Significant Accoutrtitrg Policies and Notes to Accounts t17'l

Notes referred to {bove and notes attached there to form an itrt{igral part ofBalance SheetThis is the Balance Sheet referred to in our Report of eyen date.

For Arvind(Chartered

CA RajPartnerM.No-407573Firm Reg Not 013525cPlacerRatrchiDrte130/06,2018

/A*--:=-( rl'"Satish Girija. (Secretary)

SecretaryBharat Jagriti Kendrn

Y),/)-r ,/

^ c\) ,/\lan )5,z' irabhunath Sharma


Nav Bharat Jagriti KendaNav

Page 5: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

Nav Bharat Jagriti KendraAddressi Village Bahers, P.Or Brindavar, Chouparan, Hazaribag-825406, Jharkhand

Receipts & Payments Account For The Year EndedrrAmount In INR"

Sr.No ParticrlaIs Note No As At 31.3.2018 As At 31.3-2017AIa






Openi[q BalanceCash & Bank Balarce

Rec€ipts FromGrant-in-Aid Received

NBJK Own Project & Other Income

Donations U/S 80G

Loans & Advances

Socio Economic Development Revolving Iran Fund

lnvestment Mature Duing The Year





25,079,995 .7 8


82,507 ,52t .21

t36,351 ,922.50t5t ,657 ,422.82


7,5s9,52s.30t63 ,647 ,t t9.0025,019,351.00

(1) Tohl ReceiDts 106,960).10.26 572.423.383.21






GIant Progmmme Expenses

NBJK Programme Expenses

Cost locurred Otr Assets Acquisition

Socio Economic Development Revolving Loalr Fund

Grant Reflrnd

Loans & Advances

Cash & BankBalallceCash & Bank Balance IOEI





t2,t t3,t13.60




t2t ,940,105 .28 t42,596,500.00




177 ,621 ,521. .00558,014.54

Total Pa!'ments 706,960210.26 572,423343.21

Signifrcant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts L17 I

Notes referred to above atrd notes attached there to ford sn integml part of Balance Sheet

This is the Balance Sheet refered to itr our Repoft of even date,

tr'or Arvind(chare$d


For Nav Bharal Jagriti Kendra

- /') )) ,,// J(ur*-":----- . *{v .,,'L4)'- _^a\^. ,/

Soaish Giriia .72 g/abhuoath Sharma(Secretary) (Treasurer)

Secretary TreasurerNav Bharat lagriti Kendra Nav Bharat lagriti Kendm

CA Raj KumsrPartnerlvLNo-407573Firm Reg Nor 013525c


Page 6: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)


Nav Bharat Jagriti KendraAddresst Village Bahera, P.Or Brindavsn, Choupamtr, Hnzaribag-825406, Jharkhrtrd

Notes Forming Itrtegrrl Part ofthe FiraDcial Statements as at 3lst Marchi,Amounr In INRiI

Note No- ri0lrr Assets FundSr. No Particulais 3l103/20r8 31rc3n011

I Openine Balance 68.133.615 .96 67 ,815,164.642 Add:- Short Value of Assets Fund Taken in Previous Year 3,s22.867.033 Add : Addition 4.504.061.00 10.258,646.004 Lessi Deletion/Adiustment 156.175 Less : Sale Durins The Year 400-000_005 Less : Depereciation Tr stened lo lncome & ExDendirure AccouDl 9 302.s46.54 9.940.134.6A

Total 66,457,901.28 68.133,67s.96Note NG r'02riRevolvins Fund

Prrticulars 31/03/20r8 3llo3t20t7I WDRFIFCRAlRANCHI 6,321 ,223 .00 6,321 ,223 .002 WDRFIFCRAlPATNA 751.t73.00 '757.173_OO

3 WDRFIFCRAIHAZARIBAG 7 ,391 ,9t2.00 7 ,391 .912.00Total 14.470.308.00 I4,470J08.00

Note No- i03" R$erve & Surplus For GelemlPurDos€Particulars 31/03/2018 3l/03n011

NstionalI ODenins Balance 1't3.506.677.662 Less:- Prior Period Item I ,261 ,441 .283 Lessi DeDreciation Durine The Year l_281.653.684 Add : Exc€ss Of Income Over Expendihre 4',7 .263.172.8n 29.72t.486.4

Totd (A) 247,948,442.12 2t3-224-164-24B FOREIGNI SDenins Balance 1,59t,At.20 1.182;792_492 Lesst Prior Period Item

3 Add : Excess Oflncome Over ExDenditure 1 ,7 40,399.30 404.228.',71

Total {B) 3331,420.50 1.591.021.20Totat IA+Bl 251219-452.62 .204,819,r8s.48

Note No-|04" Current LiabilitieslReffer To Atrtrerure : Cl

Sr. No 31/03/20r8 3U$n0t7UnsDent Grant Balance 48.902,r71.83 3',7 .885 J 61 .12

2 Cunent Liabilities For Expmses 16.341.987.103 Cash And S€cudtv Fund 2.593 .217 .OO 4,036,928.004 StaffWelfare Fund 26.Ot8.476.97 24.11A.611 .975 Gratuitv Fmd 14,120,053 .7 4 11.212.518_746 fther Loans And Advances 13-678_478.08 969.325.61

Total 108.607.609-fl4 94,565,1J2.54Notc Nor'6" Loans & Advances

lReffer To Atrn€iure : DlSr. No Parricuhrs 31/03/2018 31t0312011

Socio Economic D€veloDment Revolvins Frmd Loan 135 ,7 42268.00 113_682-39s.002 Lessrloan Loss Provision 2,332.568.00 1.951 .399 .32

Total (A) 133.409.700.00 111,724,995.68

3 Other l-oans & Advances 21.535.458.39 19,7 48,215 .24Toaal (B) 21,535,458.39 19,748.215.24

Totrl 154,945,158.39 131,{13210-92Note NG "07i'Oth€r Current Assets

lRefier To Annexure : ElSr. No Particulars 31/032018 3 03t2011

8.260.897.32 4,326.804.002 fDS Receivable 1-838-95 t.10 1,192,780.32

.2ffiN. r0.099.848.42 5,519,584.32

G,M Yua \--M.l!o.(*'i c / Q--rq"'--'-'-- SecretaTy'

.)^t*P--t'i"utrtatharat lag*ti Kendra:'D AC Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra N?v B

Page 7: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

Notc Norr08r'Clositrs Cash & BsnkBalatrcelR€ffer To Annexure : Fl

Sr. No 31/m/20r8 3ll03D0t1Cash-at-Bank 120.195 .948.50 140.415 A30

2 FDR r.117.521.003 Cash-in-Hand 1.144,156.78 1,063,200.70

Totrl r21,940,105.28 142,596,s00.00Note No-rto9l Crant-In-Aid

lReffer To Antrexure : ciSr. No Particulars 31/032018 3ut3t2t11

Add : oDenins UnsDent Balance 37 .917 .912_A 31.049.222.t62 Less : ODeninq Grant Receivable 4,326,804.00 1 ,614 ,969 .843 Add : Grantln Aid Received r 59.J10.081.48 136-351.922.5O4 Add : GEnt In Aid Receivable 8,210,t31.i2 4326.404.005 Less : UnsDent Gmirt Balance 48-902-171 .83 37 .885.761 .126 Less: Gmnt Refrmd 1.956-189_91 558,014.54

Totrl r50J33,025.68 125.669.203.16NoteNo-"10'i Other Income For &E

lReffer To AnDexure : IIISr. No Prrticulars 31/03/20r8 3 03t20t7

12.102.7 53 ;t4 6,543,111.052 Income From HosDitals 53.896.226.95 4l-032.468.003 Income From Sch.x)ls 35,592,s82.00 32,789.066.004 Trainins & Waste Resources 348-700.00 8,505,089.00

5 Incone From Socio Economic Develonment Revolvins Fund Promme 11,241,831.00 27-387-550.98

6 Ceneral Contribution And Miscellaneous Incom( 27 .504.621 .46 34,872,590.797 Sale ofAssets 400,000.008 Income From Proiects 426,91t.00

Total fi1.0q2.111 .ss 151.556.846.82

Notc r'11 I't Crant Prosr.mme Exoens€s For I&ESr. No 31/03/2018 31n3nlt1

\atiotral Prosramme Erortrses tReff€r To Atrtrerure : IlSalarv- Sti.ned & Incentive 9,966,215.05 9.352;791.O0

2 Irainins 3-132.253.00 s43.s03.003 rravellins 1.029.061 .70 2t0.416.004 Office Support & Communication 3.814.632.t4 1 .7 54.148.33

5 Other Prosmmme ExDenses 61.333-593 34 52,597 ,t06.8tTotal (A) 79,275,715.23 64-458.565.14

B FCRA Pmsramme Exoetrles tRefier To Aotreture : I llProsame Cost 85 ,485,197 .62 90.456.256.42

2 Adminstrative Cost 4.468.008.98Total (B) 89-953.806.60 90,856,2s6.42

Total (A+B) 169129,581.83 I55314.821-56Noterr 12I' r NBJKProcrumme ExDerses For I&E

JReffer To Annexure : JlSr. No 31/03/20r8 31n3n011

Salarv. Stirned & Incentive 35,459,345.00 35.666-854.002 Tminins t.415.052.00 47,2 t8.003 8,791 ,919 .27 2.515-209.O04 Office Supoort & Communication 23.711 .992.67 15.468.551.88

5 Other Prosramme ExDenses 43.800.370.38 32.448.859.23Total 113,fi4,679.32 a6-146-692-11

Notcr'rl3ri Grant-In-Aid Received

lRe{fer To Antrexure : KISr. No Prrticrtffs 31/03/2018 3U03D011

Gmnt From Indian Sources 89,876,\89.32 38.826.427.00

2 Gmnt From Foreiar Sources 69.453.A92.16 91 ,525 495 .50

L---,:fiW n:i:, tiTotal 159330.081.48 136.351.S22-50

,{.. -,2[] '4- .,.<l{'' // lreSsurer

SecretaryI'lav Bharat Jagriti

Nav Bharat Jagrjti KendraKendra

Page 8: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

Note NoJl4" Other Income ForR&PIReffer To Ann6xure : Ll

Sr- No Prrticulars 3l/031018 31t03t2017Bank Intercst 12,t02.753 .74 6-543-t t 1.05

2 Income From Hospitals 53,896,226.9s 41,032.468.003 Income From Schools 35.592-582_00 12,789,066.00

Iraining & Waste Resources 348-700.00 8-505-089.005 lncome From Socio Economic DeveloDment Revolvins Fund Proq-ame I t,243,833.00 27,387.550.986 Ceneral Confibution And Misc€llaneous Income 27 .44',7 .270.52 34,812,s90.797 Tnterest On Relolvinp Funds 167.525.72 100-576_008 Income From Proiects 426.971009 Sale ofFixed Assets 400_000.00

Tot8l 161,198,891.93 151,6s1 ,422.82Note,' 15 ', I crlnt Programme ExDenses For R&p

Sr. No 3u03D0ta 3ll03D0t1National Prosramme ExDctrses lReffer To Aotrexure : lvllSala.,,. StiEed & Irce iYe 9,966,235 .05 9.352.791.OO

2 Iraining 3.132.253 .OO 541,501.00flavellins 1.u9,061.70 210-416.00

4 OIfice SuDDort & Communication 3,8t4,632.14 1.754,748.335 Other Proaainme ExDenses 5l-330-893.34 52,597,106.8t

Total (A) 79.273.[75.23 6,1.458.565.14B FCRA Prosramme ExD€nses IR€ffer To Annexure : Mll

Pmgame Cost a5 -445.797 .62 90,790,7 82.422 Admiistralive Cost 4.538.207 .98

Total (B) 90,024,005,60 90,790,7A.42Tot8l (A+B) 169.297,080.83 15s-249347 -s6

Note I' I 6 " r NRIK Progmmm€ Erpenses For ReceiDts & Pnvments

JRemer To Atrtrexure: NISr. No 31/03/2018 3U03n0t7

Salarv. StiDned & Inc€ntive 35.459,3M.33 35.664.516.002 Trainins- A$areness & Otier Activitv 1,415,052.00 47,2t8.003 Travenins 8;t91,9t9.27 2,515,209.004 Office SuDDort & Commmication 22,878,178.84 15,418.271.795 Other Proaramme E).lenses 44,487 .341 .86 32.434.t33 .32

Tolal 113,031.836.30 86.13935d-lr

Significant Accounting Policics and Notes to Accounts I17l

Notes rrfer€d to rbove ntrd notes attached there to folm atr integral part of Balance SheetThis is thG Brhnce Sh€et r€ferred to in our Report ofeven date.

For Arvhd(Ch t€r€d

For Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

CA Raj KrmirPartncrM.NG.407573

Satish Girija Prabhunath Sharma(Secretary) (Tressurer)

I reas,lrpr

.. _. S":l"tury- .. Nav Bharat Jagritj KenNav Bharat Jagriti KendraFirm RegNor 013525c

PlacerRanchiD,te!30/06101 a

Page 9: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)


SecietaryNav Bharot Jaqriti Kendra Nav Bharat

Page 10: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

An..rur.: IA l

N.rional Pmisrs PruislsI {.llMNovinClr d (amdia & Amoli ? Shan 200.000.00

Lk NMt Jai Prakdh Ere ltcDit.l . ChouNe D.v Neaw Saw & Nmi. Dar Morbai Budhani Tru<l Kohal PuiM Poblic Schml BodheNa INICI Pmlah Bhai Shah Ahenetlahad 600.000 00

lIk Nart Idi ?raiGsh E e H6oiial- Deka Imua tal Baiai & Idld Deyi Baia Seva Trusl5 HolhiticRnlsD Kodma HDFC Bmk Limited Mmbai 18.741.15r.00

6 SuDmn to ODnee Sursery & Eduadon co1 MotlE. & Child E$lth ConDrehemive Pros@n€ co 1.500000.008 249,000 00

9 Rosln Dhm Jharkhod Hrsh S( h@]. Ch(hu ,6her Xoch.IeLhn'c Ad lrd co2s.079.99s.78

Sig frcmt Accoutrlitrg Policies rtrd Notes to Ac.ounte

Nor$ ret r.d lo obove rnd .ot.s rrh.hcd ther.lo torm !n itrr.grrl p.n ofB;hnce sheetIbh is the Bd.Ne Sne.t rerered ro in olr R.port of.y.r drle.

for Nar Jagrili Kendn

/ \1-^up--2---lr)v

S isn Gir{r(sec.etary)

S€ci.rtaryNav Bhsrat Jagl.iti Kendra


Pmbhunrth Startu.

TreasurerBharat laqritj Kendra

Fim R.gNor 0l!525cNav

Page 11: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

Anrexure ! I B I

Cost Itrcured on Ass€b Acouisition

I Nrtio.orl


Ircviding Suslainable Livelih@d To 21600 UnemployedYouih Of Mareinalized Comuity & weaker in 4 Y€ds ,dris Brnl Limited, Mmbsi 685,445.00

2 Amoli ADllm Hirh Sctml Mmedh Nav Bbeat Jaeflti Kodra 53 7J6 003 Gelml IDd INICI Dumka Nav Bh@t Jagrili KendE 4 000 00

Nav Bhdar Jdriti Ksrlh HO 333.350.005 GoeEl Imd Co lH,trihapl Nav Bhdar Jenti ksdn co 1.064.891.006 Komal Puim Puhlic Schml Bftllpavi INICI PiEl€sh Bnai Shah, Almedabad 1-450-820.601 lik Navaklai ?ntrsh FreHmDial Ch.nnFtr NavBh at JaFili Ken&a 3.051.355 008 Lok Navak Jai PraLash Eve Hosrital. Dunla Nav Bh@t Jasrili KendE 924.412.009 lew Sekha Pnkash Bhai Public School Nav Bhml JaFili Kenda 1.475 343 0010 Roshni Dhruv Jhekh d Hish Schml. Churchu \av Bhml Jasriti kendra CO 65 400 00ll \av Bhaal Jas.iti Kend6 :IO

'Ja\ Bhral Jasriti KmdE :IO 4,410 0013 Satellile Colre Eve Hosbilrl He ibeh \av Bhdat Jeiti Kendra :o 57.757.0014 ]PIS \av Bhdat JMiti Kendn JO 517.378.00l5 \av Bharat Jagriti Kendm to 17400 00l6 Women Developmdl Revolvins Fud \av Bhdat Jasiti Keda ll8 000 00

Tot l I1l 10,14J,9E7.60I2l Forcim Proiecl8

Yivekamda Mislion Asm Netia Nirahay Niketo HO318r2700

2 tDiebility Righls In Bftr & Jharkh d tPrcject IDI010237617t,

Actiotr Viuage lndia- Big Lott€ry, U.K. CO?5,600.00

Prcviding Sutainable Livelihood To 2 t 600 UneoployedYouth Of Mdginalired CoMUni(y & weake. in 4 Ye6

Axis Br rimikd Mmbai



SAIIYOG 1.040.329 00Child Cent€red Comunity DeveloDmdl" 287.41400Lod Buddha Home Ior ChildEn StichtinsKinderhulp Bodhsaya/Child Welfde

B.dhcrvr Innnd,rinn N.ti.nindBodh Gaya

t31,600 00

Povdry Education And Commuity Bsed IncluiveDevelopmml of PWDS in & Disrict ofBihd Jhdkland and:hahisq6rt Stare oalndia "DIAT

AUSAID CBM Gmdy98,71600

Tohl [21 1.969.i26.00Gmnd Totrr Il+21 lt.tt3.1t3-60

Sig.ificmtAccounliry Policies md Notcs to Accounts

Noles referrcd to above &d .otes ,thch.d th..e to Io.m rn iDtegrat pfut of Brtance Sheetrred to in ourReporl of.vcn dat .

(ChrrtercdFor NN BIrnt Jrgriti Kendm

,,^,,,- ^J/// >AE-'

L -,ISatb[ Gi.ija(Se$etiry)

<6-r^!r--J!! 'crorylliy Ehtsrat Jaqritj Ken.Jrn

CA Rrj Kunr

- r^l-lA\

M.No-407573Firm R€ No! 013525c

1' ".in,n,*


IreasuretNav Bharat.,ia.]l iti i(e.dra

Page 12: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)






e t'r\1,

MurhuBrN( Khu iDisnd ri rhrdJ,id a A DdEr Fd6Mh wih rnisiomiis Omli'y orLi

rresEnru rorcd BuidoEMrto BLNlq h iDiridh

$ppon i turhd : Mrb Bbck (odralh 25@ tuldde)

Rud Er s{[i Prcslmq he o]rclfurrcdmollsthsddyrqlfuBH

.d hr@di@r ( rtu chaPir )

sirlls6rPtrjdrorBitu&rn{$ d'pi'r r, tr, 14 N, v, u sflr@drio4 N., &hiIUfi h'm'iorul

Page 13: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

-ip* d- ..;*d. s"'@n F MEndid MddLv

H;;;;d c"*,i,v tu"d hd.d- r"dq*s "tms'i"aou;a*gIu:uro"*end.hd*dshEotld

*^p--\-\-rL\\ --''--\;1*-".,.-"

TreasurerNav Bharat ls Nav Bharat Jiqi'ii l'.n.r'l

Page 14: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)




r c9;I =rDidtre\ >;i Q 1-{tt \ t'6 \t)i\

Child Lii.lndi, Fomddi@ Mmbai

Affis b Slrr ftinr inE wF Ad Sdiud' For r000 Houlnolb or

Crtrd w]li,.lilsaomiia QJdiry oaur. or2,500

suppon in Jhal,imd I Murn Brocr (ou@h 2500 Hou.hold,

So&,i6bl. Liv.lihood To 21600 Uimploy.d Yourh or

Cl),lruity De€loplmt arpbrt TImDsh Grm lac$qd

Page 15: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

Powtr Enucdo ADd CMmiry B'!.d InclBirc Ddelorqt of

Sigdificlni [email protected] Polici6 ,nd Not6 b A@oun&

lhei€ to IorE !n i.rq.rl p,n of Brlatrc Shdr Report or trvctr D,le form FC{ Ateched.


ForNlYBhlr Jrq.itiXddn/- //)1*fu'"u'--


SecretaryNav Bharat Jaqriti Kendra

s" -l -v tt'\ o \'- ---,'-

Pmbhmalh Sh.m.

TreasurerBharat lagriti KendraNav

Page 16: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)


rhalkbmdEve He€lrh Poslmme Chih INda V,sn gish Saver lntrharioEl Kolkah lo

{d suEkhr Pnkash Bfiai Public School ioond Dev.lonmenl Revolvins Fund. Hsaibas

',rano.,l Rur, Eye Health ProEEmme, Dumka INICIRoyal Ormon*.th Sdciery For The

(ndem, Themrl Poser Shrion

,nhlic Aflain Cmbe Bmsalore

lt,oviding Subinable l-ivelihood To 21600 Unemployei Youlh Ol

in 4 Y.,n Peri.d in J1,sthsd {ris BaI} Liniled, Mubai

{d. Re$ur6 ?mmm - HDdbm

rhdklland sbrc seiil wslf.e Bo4d,

l5 Gflenl Fdd. Gr ftlietbaslJsha sil.i Schml Poj{r olBihar & Jhrkndd" Phas I, II, m, Iv, v. vI S€n Foundation, New Delhi lusha


I]lskh,nd Rul Eve Hslrh Pbsma Chatra-New lish Savs Intemdonal . Kolakata HOviveksmdr Mision As]m Neh

3 Diebilis Ridis h Bih4 & Jha*hlnd lPoied lD: 01023?6171'

:apocilaling md tuablinc SGtul AclivGh l,o Red@e Poveny As well As

E sde Ard Psviding continuoG suppon b Mrginaliad Mdtdly ill

Itredesn Fouddion, Mumbai

Esbblishins Susbinnble Seflices for DBolind Childien in Jhdknnnd Sla icns.lih,rion rlndirl Ahned,6,ABHIGYATA IF/F}O] ]/DTIO]2]SOI /INTO34 I coM,i ffi olBaic Amelilies Like Toild, Acces to WaEr and Baic

E$hli*hin! slMimble S.ryies for Dealblind Childretr in &arkhed Sh

Suppo* For l0 Non Fomal Edu€iion CentEs And ExtE Cariucular

r.t Nrvak Jav PBksh Eve HdbltlJ

t3 Nstiml Rml Eye H€l Pogmmme, DDka Royal commonwsllh s@iety lor The

gnilicanr A@udling Policid rnd Nolq io Accounls


€,;rz&(a R.j ku;?i \J

rhere ro fo.m on idegrol prn 6l Bd,trc Shet

M, No4075?3

Ior Nav Bhrml Jigrili KeDdra

./2,w2'L'{iu* ",*^ (s.crer,ry)

5ecretaryNav Bharat Jagriti Kend,a

q,) -v-/Ln

q]./'^ ;",".".'"..,

TreasurerNdv Bharat Jagriti KenCra

Page 17: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)


ur 6i-<


r"g -II)ga'e-- u

",_E; >

q\;it r





SLNo Funded By

Anoli A.rM Prihatu Schsl Ashanm Nav BhantJaFiti Kendra 18.015 20.0002 Amoli ADNa Hiln School Mesuh Nrv Bha6t Jasiti K€nd6 t0.364.00 4,482l0 25,q85.00 I17,615 55

Adilya B a SDd Life AMC Limil€d, Mumbai lo 6,998.061.00

4 Child Line Indir Fonnddinn Mumlxi I4,601.00 14,718.00

5 Nav Bhamt Jariti Kendn lto 92.294.24 4.r38.358.r06 Nav Bh{Er JaEriri Kendr. uo 35.00 18.88r.00

7 ik Nauk hi Pratash Eve tlGoital . ChouMEtr Nav Bnaat Jaaiti Kmdrn 5,lll.l6 8,571248 \,Iew SuElda Pmkash Bhai Publi. S.h..l Nlv Bh{mtJapriti KendB lIo 2.999.939.48 3.139.00 1.664412.19

9 iurekha PrrlGh Bhai Publi. Sch6l Nav Bn8mt Jaoriti Kmdral0 Nrv Bhrarlasriri Ksdra EO 135.546.?5 39.403.00 88.936.80lt N&v Bhamt JaEiii (endB ,28,704.50 26,282.00

t2 {rcss ro SrG Drinking waicr And sanilalion" Foi I000lousehotds OfMurnu Block, Knuhd District Jha*haod

19,714.00 186,698.30

luBuilding Mu n Block, Xnund Dislricl ln Jheknand Ai ADiyd For Regioml Crc*th While Tmsfoming Qurlily Of sir Raid Tlia Trusq Mumbai 689.00 212.440.00 10,644.00 2,161,114.30

l4Ioint Prosmme Towords "Buildins Murhn Block KhnntiDisrrid In Jharkldd As Per Drirer For Resioml Crosd wlileTi&sroming Quahy Of Lif€ Of2,500 Llouse[olds

Si, RarM Tato Trust, Mumb.i J,026.00 63?,536.00 8,831.00 1,215,1I00

\1* Bhml Jae li kndE 3 044 00 1.046.539.62 1,628,486.92

I6 Ioplementation Ofhtemel Sellli Initietive I. Mndr" I Sn R h. Tata Irusq Munbai 17,701.00 105,4t0.9t 556.00

t7 Livelihood Enhucemenr. Khurri Bonch" Sir Raran Tata Trusi, Mumbai 5,457.71 1,000.00I8 wom.! Dcvelopmqt Revolvins Fund. Khuti Brech .,1,v Rh,r,r Lcriri (.ndB 259.407.00 3.489.387.00 t93373.00 1.862.818.30

l9 Won.n R€v.lvine Fnnd Hr7,rih,! \av B[mt Jasriti Kendra 18,80500 t0,821,895 r2 7,804.00 ,1,408.000.62

20 Ge.eEl lund. INFCI Pat a ',Jav Rhadt ldriti Kendrt 781.683.8021 'l!v BhaEtJas iKetrdra '141.559.93

22 \,Jav Rhrht Jariti Kendm 5.926.11

23 Kdn,l Ptrir Public School Rddhev, INFCI Prakarh Rhdi Shih Ahenedahrd 793.749.00 110,412.42

24 Gfleral Fund INFCI Dnnka Nav Rhaai liriti Kendi,

25 401.982.30 6,10t,589l026 Lok Nar* Jai Praksh Eve EcDiill. Dunka \,Iav Bhahl Jadili K€nda 540.769.7t

27 National Rural Eye r.Iqlth Proemmne, Dumka [NFC]tolEl ComDonwalih Society For The Bli.d'Sislt Swer Inimtioml) t8, t76 65

28 Nav Bhrat Jamiii Kendra 25,t66.48 250,r0.9829 Holisitic Rulcr DercloDmdt of 15 ViIa!6. Kodema HDFC B,nt I inied Munl,ai \.61\.727 ,O5 29.392.34


Mq.II ISWM.SLNA 377.A0 r.451.270.95 7,l6l,t1l c5

\au&dY!0eshed Kodma Na! Bhamt Jariti Kendn 295,154.00 30?.09r.0032 taielliL-&nrE Kodema Nrv Bll3mr lisriri l(endR 8.795.00 9.010.50


Page 18: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)



Sr.No33 Chalda TEininc CenLc chakla .,Iav Bheat Jaeriri Kmdn 3.847.00 t_949.364.23 4.392.00 1.832.260.9534 Ihinins & R€eurce Re@€ry !o@m. ChaNa .,Iav BhaEt Jasr i Kenda 14.538.00 381,12t.12 6.696.00 437 611 2735 {av BhaEtJasni knd6 1r.766,s60 87 18.114.00 2,500,742.01

36Pmgm For Reduction ofchild Mad6se, Inc@se inseonda4 t u!.tion -rN Pld lnrenalionalr lndrrChapler )

Plan litemdonrl ( Indir Charler ) 48.00 2,719,10e.t4 64q,002.16

:ommunitv Motrilorin! of ?MGSY Rod Public Atrans Cente, Baomlore 2t2,056.00 146.393.00Women Develoome.l Revolvins Fund Nl R ncl Nr! Bhmr J.qih Ys.lo t2,639.37 1,297.08t.0t 9_906.04 t,5t9,557 95

Slrenghthening of Sabla Programme io 7 Disticts ofJharkland 63474.26

40Providing€ Lielilrod To 21600 Un€hployed youthOfMa8inali@d Cmnunity & Wealr in 4 Yems Period in Axis But Limiied, Mumbqi

co51,0?5,00 2,9t1,744.90

4l W6le R€surc6 Prcsam - E@ibaq :ud lon DVC Sadr Hosnilal co 667.888.?4 410.t45 t442

',Jav Bhmt JaFiti Kendm 12.869.00 9\3,225.00 97.00 203.440 0043 Siatr W€lIm lund. INFCI .Iav ahd'l Ja.sitr Kddm :o t_294.OO 25,554.t40 70 78.0044 G€neral Fund. Co lH@ibasl ',lav Bh8El Jalrili Kendn :o 295.459.45 17.829.653,16 219.063.87 rt.107.9851045 SuDpon to OrDhanse, Suraery & Eduution :o t52,544.20 219,673_3146 Motner & Child Healih ComDrehensive lolrmne co t,500.000.00

47To Pnvide Acadenic Suppori To Childre. In Clss \4[-XThrcugh R€medi.l Coehins Centc4 {RCC)

HDB Fi.ecial S€ryices Limited co 20,606.00 905.648.70

48 Nrv Bhtu.r Jasnit Kendra co 41.877.00 2.033 00 1.104 0049 co 198.143.33 384.246.1550 loshni Dhru! Jheknand HiEh School Ch@hu Nav Bha6t Iaeriri kend6 co 3.021.55 1.907,574.A0 9.\10.55 2-155.224 005l Sarelliie CenEe Eye EojDital Haaibaq INFCI ',rav Bhmr JaErili KendE co 481 00 838.54S.6s 81,00 751,112.49

51 Integrated ComDuiO D*elopn€Dt Apprc&h Thmugn cmSBI loundation, Munbai

co 4,7ll,686.40

53Usha Si,ai Sch@l Prcje.t ofBihar & Jhartnand , phase I, IL ltl SeB Fouodation, N€w Delhi lusha Intemariona]

lo 88,561.00 222,121.00

746,569.71 108.685.390.54l2lloreirn Proiccl

I Nav Bhmi Jmiti KddB HO t5.005.00 66t.24235 5.812.00 459.127.992 \atioml Rnral Eye Holth Prosamme ChaiE-New Sisht Savcr Inlematioml Koll@ia HO 29.\32.003 Vileloned Mi$ion Ashram. Kolkala HO 510 9U 00 3?.145.00

ao 2-169.199 3R t6t,t62.14 910.959.895 SGid Action And Capacity Bnildina of Snall NGO,S Bv AVI' Aciion Villale India U K 00 222-A) 44.20991 655.00 290.913.176 Girls Education & Voatioral Tminins :o 354.530.65

7Capaciiaiing {.d Enabling s ocial Adivists to Reduce ?oErtyAs W€ll Al Ensure Ard PNidine Conrinuou Support ioIrarsimlired Meniauy ill l6plc

:o 25,512 00 7,309,890.64 2,s70.31

8 Nav Bha6t Jasiti Kendra 2.056.009 suDDort io oot e.. surEeN & EdMi.n t.00 73.42155 59.00 76.425.34l0 Rqr@r@i{gbt to 1000 vnhges in rndi. lProieci Noi I l25l co 261.743.21 187.811.15

II fr6ii.-i{ffi.r. ra*,to", Disabre dd orphln cr rdAvenuo India. Silicon Valley Comnmiir

4,475.50 44,648.t0

g,t1) Ac(






iv,f; ,U+

:?',,q.. t- '\'kzj\t,\

Page 19: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

rurded Dv12 \av Biamt Jariti KeDdm co 51200 60t 263 00

r3 '!av Bhaftt Jasriti Kendd 5.558.00 137.984.10 5.318.00 182.361.88

14 IST - MIP Swey Inndon Sch6l Of Hygi€ne ed Topiql7A%.0n 9,608.00

15 Wmen D.velooftor RdolvinslFcl Fund Rmchi CaE Rinchi&T7f,dek l)( 9 t67.20 t3.040.66 213.s23.06r6 Child Cohd Cotmunity DeleloDoena 4.064.00 1032.321.00 1.924.00 2423.962.t0t7 GeneEI Fund. Ml Patra \av Bhe( Jaariri Kenda [email protected] Kinder N.i Hilife Gem,nv 5r r.182 07 616.295 06

t9 Monm DdeloDm€bl Revolvinp Iu.d20 \av Bhdat Jaeriti Kmdra I24ll632t lod Buddha Home For CI ldr.n Stichting l(ind€rndp Bodngayrchild WelfaE

BodbsvaFoundation Nefierland355.00 3,312,541.44 355.00 579,745.65

22?Nerty Education And Commuily BNed Incluive)€velopmenr of PWDS in & Dist ict olBihu Jharkhand Andl[anissarn Sl{te oflndia DFAT

AUSAID CBM Gcrmn! I,717,561.78 | .994,143.04

23 :okNdak Jlv Pratash Ere HosDital 247.r88.90

Nav Bhdat Iasriri Kddn 86.75.00 430.938.32

25 \htioDal Rml Ey€ Heal Pogremq Duml@Roral Conmonwqllt S@ieq For Tne Blindlsirht S,!en Inleinrri.n,l\ 61,419.00

26 vatiolalRlnl Eye Hedth Programd€ 'lantiraRolrl Commo.@lth Seie! Fo. The Blindlsiohl Sdv€n lntemaii.nrtl


27 ',Iational Ruittl Eye EeBl Prosramme, laku Ror€l Colmonwltt Seiery For Tn€ Blindrsiehl Sav€s Inrem8liomll


Wonen Devetobmenr Rev.lvinr ltrnd HZB 12J.6J3.00 681.7lL00 1.229_tX 328.106.30

Jr4,?76..r., t0.614.149.50 12,1t0,0s?.961,06tJt6.10 I,t44,t56.78 120,795,948.50

Signifi.rnt Accoutrtirg Policies ,od Notes 1o Acconnts

Notes referr€d lo.bove.trd notcs rtt..h.d there ro foim in itrtcgrrlp{rtofBrlatrceSheetto in our Rcport of cven drtc.

ForNrv Bhrrt Jqnti Kcrdr.2 /')

/ X,atr y€\-Jr "S.ttuh Girijr(5m.etiry)

SecretaryNav Bharai Jagriti Kendra

(C \l."^'SY z)l- \ \ /zPrubhuruth Slrrma


TreasurerNav Bharat Jagriti Kendra

CA Rrj

M.No-4075?JFirm RegNo! 013525c


Page 20: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)



i-. qqff

zi\r3{7dq/4 \ '-,


pqtlm.roNdr.Build4Mu uBioclsr'iDhrrrLrtud

$@n iirh* Mu u Blo* (oune.i 25m fioE.hoid, U|d.r

RqDrEy.Mdh@4 Dmrr INI R4r .@no$Brd s@dy rq rr. Briid (si3hr

as4!dqEdlqtbn.e, Prs kedi@r ( dh cMpu )


sd F@ddbi, Ne{hhi tLLh hrmrdomr Lrd,

Page 21: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)


$d cddoiwrri s&ay Fo n Bhd (sish,

6yd cdhoiwnh sddy Fo rhe Bhd (si3ir

6Fr.onnoolBlh s6!r Fq rE Bkd (sigh

- (sq.bry)5ecretary

Nav Bharat lagriti KendraTreasurer

Nav Bharat lagriti Kendra

Page 22: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)









R4hd tu tu rMrmhs odr orLiG o.


dhE@d sd hiidw h Mfr't xi@dl

M E)! MU 'Dg!ll@

lfu INF'Icom@w6kiryr6rfuEid


sdrdk rldM ro nmo u@dod Yqtr d<d

Page 23: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)



s!.b4tuffihrdi!4 iidwdfirc



Bharat Jagriti lGndraNav Kena13

Page 24: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)



Bbc( h!!d Dhrid b ftarh0d tu Er

*Y3ur@di,ri,rrsd Muh! B1o.L (ou@d ^00

tsouFiouo udd fre

icc$iisoiilryE/u,oi.&!Pls'h htuidd ( hdir o&rd )


rh sn,isd@rPrcid orBfiu & rtud tue! tr,[, N, v u&w' s.a rMd.ro4 N.w &rhi tusr,. hrmriomr Lr4 ca


- \ ---'\-l\ ^' u-;7-


TreasurerIVav Bharar lagriti (?nCra

Page 25: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

Antreruret II I IForelin Prcsnmme ExDens€s For Incom€ & Exoenditure


Totrl Cost

Nav larcili Kmdm 462.742.00 462 742 00

2 Ihr*hrnd Runl F-v€ H.rlth Pror,mma Chalra-N€w Sisl Saver lntemarional . Kohlola go ,9.t94_00 425.615_00

lalion l R@l Eve Health Prosmme. ChareNew lisht Srver Inlmalional Kolkat 11.563.00 112.914.00 t84.477.00lario@l Ru6l Eye Health Proqamme Chalra-OLD Sisnl Saver Intmational. Kolkata :IO 2.r00.00 2-r00_00

"Toilel cosi.uction Unde. Seilatio. P@gIm' Vison 2020 lr@rpoEted, NSw2072, Auslralia HO4s3.044.88 453-0,14-88

6 roMs vivektrmd Mission Asnrm klkala HO 86090800 860.908.00

7 Virekuuda Mission Asrm Neha Nirm.y Nikela 353.218.00 353.218.00

8 Disabrliry Ris.hts ln Bihd & Jhffkn&d [Pmi4' ID.0l02J76l7l- action villas€ India- Bi! L.fte U K :o 986.\15.27 12136 424 46 17.122-539.13

9 lo 123.851_00 123-851_00

"Flood R€l.if Pr@rmme" Action viUase lndi& UK :o 13.558.00 295 854 00 109.412.00

t1 'social Action And CDacitv Buildine of Small NGO'S Bv AvI" Aclion Villase India. U.K :o 19,734.43


Crpacitating md Enabling social Activists to Roduce Povorty As Well AsEnsurc And P.ovidins Continuous Suppod 10 Mdgi.aliad Montally ill People


8.239.605.00 8.725.231 .82

l3 Ceu Lilelihood SuDDort Prosamne :a 4t0446.58 410.446.58


P.omoting The R.@gnition And Iroltrsion Of C.B OfTh€ Diebled AndMo(ally III Ir Irdia

:o 55,853:58522 08t 00 517.934.54

tuh.ort ro OmhmEe. Sured & Btucation lo 113.193.21 lll.l93.2I16 ResloE E\6ishr L) l000villasen inhdia lProiedNo.- l lr5l lo 505.439 00

t'l SwedeshF.undalion Mnmhai :o 263.839.00 2.479.513.36 2.743.352.36

I8Support For Bli.d, Cnk Education, Dbabl€ &d Orphe Child

Avedu6 Indi4 Sili@n Vall€y Conmunityao

ta5_227.00 185.227.00

t9Prcviding Sustlinable Livelih@d To 21600 Unmplor€d Youth OIMasinalikd Commuiry & Weker in 4 Yesrs Pdiod in .Iharklmd

Aris Rank Limiled Mumbai lo t89,633.001.128.960 00 r.1r8.593.00

20 Esrahlishinr Sustainable Sedices for D.alblind Childied in .Illeklmd Slale scse lntemarional (hdia). Almedabad lo 526 595 00 526.595.00

2t small lnidative Prcsamme Acti.n Villipe India II K :o 593.006_00 593.006.00

22 StaffWelfat Fund. lICl Nav Bh at Jasrili Kddm CO 3.190 00 r.190.00

23 ARH]CYATA TF/EPOI3/DFIO32/SOI/IN}(]M vs. lndia Trust New Dethi co 122-899.00 273.665.00 396.564.00

24Mainten ce of B6ic Ah€nities Lik€ Toilel. Acess to Water ed Bdic

183.924.00 I8U 924 00

25 Cl@ Dev€loDoot M&hdism, Rachi Lava . Visbaksbahm . AP 6.416_00 74,0r4.00 80.490.00

26 csrabl,shrns \ustarnable Sc r(s lbr Dealblrnd Chrldren m lhdkh d SraE" R: 2.15E.055.00

27IsT - MIP Su ey hndon Sch@lOlEysiene d Tropical Medicine

585 286 00 585 286.00

28 SAIIYOG 1,037.813.00 I 037 8ll 00

29 child Centcred Comunitr D€veloDment" 8.850_34r.50 8-850.341.50


Support lor l0 Non lomal Educalion Cots And Erfa Ceiuculd Activiires

:oo childrc rfffis25.015_44

220.11.80 245.403.28

rruY\/o{a- No.


N .4


Nav Bharai ldgriti


Nav Bharat lagriti KendraKenCra

Page 26: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)


3l KidderNol Hilife. Gemmv 331.742.90 2-905-459-00 3.237 -211.911

32 Nrv Bhrat lreriii Xehda 711.517.00 713.5r7.00

33Lord Buddha Eom€ For ChildEn

Stichting Kinddhulp Bodhgydchild WelfeeB.dhlNa Fdundifi.n Nefherl.nd 5,053.509.82

Povo.ty Educ.tion And Community Bsed Inclusive Delelopment of PWDS in& Diskict of Bihd Jhdkled And chaitisgarh st le of India "DIAT

AUSAIDCBM Germ y79,646.00

29.16t.454.9135 Lok Navak Jav Pnl6h Ew Hosoital 637.174.00 t -474.577 -10 1.755.t036 Nav Bhua( Iasrili KendB 16.958.80 16.958.80

37\alional Rural Er Heat lrogrmnq Du6ka

Royal conmon*ealth sociely For The Blind (sight 21,096.00585,6?600 606.772.00

t8 Nalional Runl Ey€ Heallh Prosmme "Jmi.raRoyal ComDonvoalth Society For The Eliod (Sient 860.00

202 167 0O 2t\3 027 00

Nalional Ru$l Eye Heal !@grumq PalurRoy.l coDhonwealth society Fo. Tbe Blind (sight 1,320.00

139.449.00 140.769.00

40 wom€n DeveloDnot Revolvids Fund BZB 190.70 t90.70GrantTotal 4.468.008.98 85,485.797.62 89.95J.806.60

SigDili(iDt Accounting Policics and Notcs to Accountt

Notcs r€fc.rcd to &ove and notesltt&hed th€re to fom !n integrd p8rt ol Bahr.e Sh€€tThh is theBalance Sheet Referred to In OurR€portofEveD Drte form fC-6 Atilched.

rorN&vBhant Jag tiKerd.!

. /,.,. J-/(-:)r'' e-=--SrthhGirta(S€crehry)

- '.\

- ,2-'--2 -.q-g{$-'-----\2

Firm Reg Nol013525c


Secretany' TreasurerNav Bneri,l J6erili K.ndrd llav Bharal Jagriti Kendr

cA Raj

Page 27: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

NDJ( PDrnnn. f,rD.trss ror In

l.:3l.llt 55

kEr puj4 public s.hdol, Bodhsnri INFCI


Iicrnt A..ounlirg Pollctcs rnd Nol6 ro A.mDah.dih.Elo rom!ni .grul plriolB.hrcaSh@r

is ih. B'l,m. shEi.rfdrdl io i4g! R.pon ofev.n d!ie.

\ \ ---^.t..J\.,2\r.-rL'\- -"


TreasurerNav Bharat Jaqritj (endiJ


Secretar/Bharat Jagr;ti Kendj-eNav

Page 28: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)! I x I

Aditys Bnh Smd Lift AMC Limltd.

Cddu.ting Callfu E)r Sug.ry in JhdklEd A Cay3 (Bih{)

Jh klDd Eye H@lih Poerllmc chda [Ntu vddrl sishr Sawlnh iooil, Kolkab

Lk Naral Jai Prnksh Eve Hostihl - CheNo

Ndimal Rml Eye Halln ProgrMme, Cl'a@ 8.reha Visq sjghtsav*lrfulionil,KoIGh

Acs io safe l)'inlinc wtu And suihrim' For 1000Hou$lDlds orMuhu BIE*. $un.i Disbc! JhrildlndBuildiigMdhuBIocExhuiiDisidIn Jbir*t dAs ADiv6 For Recidd crfin wtiG Ttuslming Qulity Or SnR@ Taa IUL Mmbsi

Joinr ProE annc Towords 'Builditrs Muihu BId.*, Khun.iDilrid In Jl,*nmd Ar Pq Dny* Fdr Regioial Co*d' wh,lrTruromins QDlity oll-ife 012,500 Ho6c]lolds

E&Y swpo( ,n lhdkled : Murhu Blck (Ou@ch 2J00H.LsholddLiderl]lece xlIJrdiaIniriative

sn Pub Tdi Ttu, Munbal

Elimiution olAmidable B[ndne$ D@ To CaMr &ad'ryz B'n, Fmr.,:l sfli6 Mmbai

Notio&l Rnrrl E e Heilh ftrllme, Dumka [NFC]Ro}!l Com@wqlrh Smiety For'nreBllnd (Siqht S.vr Ineadron l)

(odm Itemd Pod SEtion

'rognm For R.ddion orqrnd Maiasq hd*E inssnd{J EdMiN-E s!$NhrsMnsal(h{tachngd )

Plan lnhotioml ( lndh Chlprn )

stmdrhmiBg of sabl. &og]zme in 7 Dfrids of Jhitddd

&oviditrg Sudaimble Liyelih@d To 21600 UimployedYouth Of Mi.smt6d Cnmuity & W@lr ii 4 Y6 Axis Bmk Fomditim, Mutu6ii

t9Phviditrg SushiMble I-ivelihtud To 21600 UndDloy.]lYouth OfMirsnatzd Cnmmity & wale in ,l Ys

21rhirkhind Srib soci,l wef,E BMd,

lo Prcvide A..denic Suppon-to Childm In Clcs \4n-XIDB Fimcirl Sflic* Linitd


Idce ed Cllmhity Developmnr Appruch l.]muglr Cnn

25ush, silai schel Phjd olBibtr & rldllmd" Phe I, Il, td Foundarioa Nfl Ddni lusha

ntmotional Ltd. Co. Nw D€lhi

Sigbls,verInlflal'onal'xolalouSisbr sawr Inhdiotr,l. klklESishr sarfl InlenelioDt. Kolkl!vision 2020 Llt:@nrn. Nsw 2072. AuVivslsnd Misioo Astie Ko ch

S&ial Adion And Cmicis Buildinq ofstuill NGOI By Avl'lnL Edudim & vGtioonl Tdinina 'CaMcihridc ind Em6lb! Seial Adivisb to Redu.c Povd r

2 &ddid It. P.mBition And ltulusion Of Cus Of'Ihe D3 slmn b ofthme swd & En@ion

RebE E,eiehi 6 1000 villaeds in Idia lProiel No! I l2t

tmmd Fd Blind. 6**Eh..totr. Di*ble od Oohm Ctuld Av.rc I'rlia Sili@r vdlflC.nneiry coE$blilhinc Sdlhiu+&Htt{-hr Da$lind Childlo in Jh& S.ns Intmeiodrl (lddia). Anmdabad

/ \i,r& tlo.'iosttNI $ift'*= -



i t-eaSLlTerNav Bharat l.qriti K.ndra Nav

Page 29: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)


lhild Cetred Comuiry Drlelorof

sdchior Kb{r6h,no B.dhaa/chld wi

ft,ndmd tuml EE Pmsalrm Dutlr & ldu',lrtioon Rnr,l Eve Hen Pr{)@. Durtn r6d comonvsxb sEid Ftr-nre Blir ioon Rnirl Eye Hend Pbl:,fue 'jtu rod Comon*e']ln sEierv For fte BliNdioorl Rnnl Ele Hql fttme. Prlu to\ol Comon*e'16 Seien For Tte Bli

siatrifr r A@uriry Polici6 .nd Nor6 to Asounis

Not6 rf..rd lo .bov. ,nd rot6 rtLched rherc ro lom ir btegnl prn ol &lrnc. she.i

For Nlv J.8lili Kedn,/. ,.2

./ -.\ \\"-l ijt"

Satnh Cirij.(serct!ry)


Nav Bharat legi,ii (..'r'1

.z),'r,r -fr4rf"' -''

z' i",u,o,rt st,-,Gr.Nue.)

TreasurerNav Bharat Jagriti Kendrd

Page 30: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)





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Page 31: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

TreasurerNav Bharat lagriti KendraNa'.,

Page 32: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

*Y prd i ftrtud i Mudq Bb.* (o d.h 2r0 so!.[or&) uids 6. c6!

h'rn4nhotr oir @{ krhi hnhd* h M!,iui | ([ur]

c!md&o&6m [r@l

Nnimr RlRr Er H6r6 hq@4 hM IMclsoral Cmho\ti6 SocLry ru ne Bhd (sicr $vq

wat@[email protected]{


eh frrcu3! tu Puber,otBbE&rab d P[&( n, q N, v, vr& m" slE rdn&ioi, Nd D.rhi osra hrodi@d rd, .o


SecretaryBhar.t laqriti Kendra

TreasurerNav Bharat Jagritj KendmNav

Page 33: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

c@q@4 ridB,!4sF,1ldkb


sqFnFqBld,cLaldqDidl'dG9t-ciiu A6afuj.siisivdl4coMuiyprclhr4' stuk Litu ro lrd uoodod youd orM4ifu comd9

N,.d&dEFEdP,o@nqD!fu Rqd Gmnordlh sod.! eoi tu Brtu (sisri

N&odRdE}.Hdfuo!@eauM RqiomDorddseidyFo,tusr (sidr

R4! tuorerfr s6idy Fo tu Erd (sthr

stlirr a(0di!3 Pdri6 d Nd6 b aEouotr io.E r! ntgd Pd deblc. shd

"4,*-\-t\$^^:,J /n..0r..",r.r,.-"

snni cnijr(sErc&ry)

Secretary'Nav Bharai Jagriil Ker,r'1

TreasurerNav Bharat Jaqriti Kendr-a

Page 34: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)


a.n.rue: I Nl

/onoDdd@mnlRddvimFudKl'u i Bm.h

<dtur put6 hbric s.hoor. Bodhlda INrct r6(Rcc)

sknm..nt.{.ou ins Polici6 md

NoLs Eftr.d 10 ibor. .nd noi6 lllrch.d lherc r0 lom !tr irt gnr Drri of Brrrna sher

ror Nrv Bbrril i l..ndn

\^.-A/\\q:l-lPftbhunrth Sh!m.

TreasurerNa ' Bharat Jagriti Kendra


Bherat laqriti Kend.a


Page 35: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

Note No:- 17Notes to Accounts

Nay Bharat JaEriti KendraAt- Bahera. Brindavan, Chouparan. Hazaribas - 825406. Jharkhand



Nav Bharat Jagdti Kendra (NBJK) Strives to educate, organize and empower the rumlpoor by promoting developmenl as a liberating fotce for achieving social justice,economic grorth and self-reliance. In this endeavor Nav Bharat Jagriti KendB (NBJK)has through its various developmental activities has established a progressive, peacefulandjust equitable society based on the values ofequality, fratemity and mutual help.


l. Method ofAccountins

The accounts are prepared on histo cal cost basis as a 'going concem'. lncome andExpenses arc accolrnted for on accmal basis following generally accepted accountingprinciples and practices and Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of ChalteredAccountants of India for NGOs, wherever applicable, except where otherwise stated.

2. Fixed Assets

Fixed assets are recorded at cost of acquisition including ta,xes, duties and otherincidental expenses relating to acquisition ard installation.

(a) Assets purchased out of gant received are charged to Income & ExpenditureAccount under the head "Cost Incured on Assets Acquisition" Simultaneously AssetFund is created against the value of the Fixed Assets charged to the Income &Expenditure Account.

O) In Case ofAssets created out ofown fund is shown under the head Fixed Assets.

(c) Fixed Assets are shown at cost less Accumulated depreciation in the Balance Sheet.

made during the year.

[&,'-.: >6ar*!]M, NO.

40-t 573

(d) No rcvaluation of

Nav Bharai iaEriti *"nonllu unu'l!i11f,1, *"na"

Page 36: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

3. Depreciation

Deprcciation on depreciable assets is charged on written down value method as per themte and manner prcscribed under Appendix I to the Income Tax Rule 1962.

Sr. NoI2.3.


ItemsFumih[e & FixtuesOffice & Other EquipmentComputer & AccessoriesVehicleBuildingLand

Rate ofDepreciationt0%t5s/o


As the total value of the Assets acquired out of the Grant firnd is charged to rcvenueduring the year of purchase, depreciation on such assets is adjusted against the assetsFund for disclosure pu4)ose il1 the Balance Sheet

4. Investment

A11 investments have made in the form offixed deposit with schedule banks which are incompliance with sectior 1 1(5) of income tax act 1961.

5. Grant Receivable

Amount spent over and above ofthe amount received from funder in accordance oftermsard condition ofthe a$eement with the funder has been recorded as ,,Grant Receivable,,Vide Note No: 07" shown in the Balance sheet under the head ofOther Cunent Assets.

6. Retirements Benefits

Contribution to provident fund is made in accordance with provision oftie EmployeesProvident Fund and Miscella[eous Prcvision Act, 1962.

The arnoult payable to employees against the deduction made ftom salary as stajfwelfare and gatuity, which was not ascertaifled on the date of preparation of financialstatements by the management, has been disclosed through amexue to the Note No:-04ofthe Balance sheet.

7, ReYenue Recognition

Restdcted Foject gants ware recognized as income on the basis ofutilization towardssuch projects, where as umestricted project $"nts and donations were recognized on thebasis ofreceipts in accordance to the guidelines on 'Not for profit organization" issued


\*/1 6'\\^\' _IressurerLfu*-'


by The Institute of Chartered

Nav Bha;ai.iagriti Kendq{av Bharai Jagrib Kendra

Page 37: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)

8. Bank Interest:-

Interest eamed on savings bank as well as on the amount held urdo fixed Deposit isreflected under the Income & Accolml allocating such in&rest derived onunutilized funder funds. These eami[gs are disclosed inclusive interest received up to31.3.2018 under the Note No-10 in the Income & Expenditue Account.

Interest is also accounted under the Receipts & Pa),ments Account as the total interestreceived during the period ftom 01.04.2017 to 31.3,2018 in the savings bank account aswell as in the fixed deposit account, which is disclosed under the Note No:- 14 underReceipts & Palments Account.

9. Qllcl-llrgllg: -Other income represent the receipts from Educational Institutions, Eye care Center andincome fiom waste resources during the year which was recognized in full on receiptbasis, Other income also includes the amount charged from the various projects againitthe use of organizational resources.

10. Expenditure

Expense are recorded on accrual basis in the I[come & Expenditu.e Accounts as well asthe same werc presented in the Receipt & Payments Account on cash basis.

11. Unspent Grant Balance

The unutilized portion ofthe restdcted graots is retained as part ofprogram Balances, forutilization as per the funder direction while sarctioning the grant. These balance weredisclosed under the head Cunent Liabilities Vide Note No:- 04 in the Balance Sheet

12, Foreien Contribution

Foreign Contributions are accounted on the Receipt basis upon the receipt ofthe Creditadvice fiom the Bank.

(c ) NoTES TO ACCOUNT1. Income and Expenses incured out of Foreign Grants aje generally disclosed as

per the requiremenls of the Rule 5 of Foreign Contribution Regulation Rule 201 1.

2. Details of palmenls made to persons specified u,/s 13(3) have disclosed in thefolm loR.

Previous Year figure to the extent possible has been regrouped and rearangedwherever required.There is no such income which is ofa business natue as defined under section2(15) of Income Tar Act.

5. Pending Legal Case/Contingent Liabilities:- It was informed to us by themanagement that there arc no legal pending or initiated during the yeareither by any individual or orsf$#qr*Regainst NAV BHARAT JAGRITI



Yna .u+-// <\?'

\2 -\


Nav Bharci iagfli Kendra

S:aiaiaryNav Bhaiai Jagriti Kendra

M, NO.107573


Page 38: Arvind Saxena Co. · 2018-12-24 · Arvind Saxena & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS oflice No.408, Estate Plaza, eehind MangatTower, Old H.B. Road, KantaloliChowk, Ranchi- l (Jharkhand)


(a) Registered under Society Regishation Act XXI, 1860, Registration No.390/2005-06,Dated,22 March 2006 (By Govt. of Jharkhand) ard RegistrationNo. 61/1974-75, Dated 26 September 1974 (By Gor.LofBihar).

(b) Registered under IT Act 12A, Registration No. OSD/D(-56/80-8 t,'/446-48,Daled 02 August i982.

(c) Registered under Sectior 80G of IT Act vide Memo No. CIT4{ZBlTech/80G-03/2009-1 01410-12.

(d) Registered under FCRA, 1976 Registuation No:- 337750015 with TheMinistry of Home AIIairs., Ministry of Home Affairs, Gor-l of India, NewRegistation No. 33'7'750015, Dated 24 December 2002. Old Registration No.03 I I 10001 , Daled 04 January 1985.

(e) PAN (?ermanenl Account Nrunber): AAAAN0398R.

(0 TAN (Tax Deduction at Source Account Number RCHN00140A.

(g) GSTIN Nor(i) Bihar:- 10AAAAN0398RlZC(ii) Jharkhand:- 20AAAAN0lq8R I ZB

For Arvind Saxena & Co.( Chartered Accountan

/ Q*--U'r-..r",u,,

Nav Bharat lagriti IGndra

dt'-CA Raj KumarPartnerM.No-407573Firm Redg Nor-013525cPlace:- RanchiDate:- 30/062018

TreasuretNav Bharat Jagrjti Kendra