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Post on 02-Nov-2015




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  • The Art of Being series continues with

    the ART OF Mind

    Awareness, Analogy, Order, Imagination, Inspiration,

    Intelligence, and Understanding

    Happy change of Seasons, once again, Friends. May you find joy and peace in the cycle

    of Mind (Northern Hemisphere) and Love (Southern Hemisphere) as we spin around a

    celestial star, in this magnificent universe, at speeds that can only be imagined!

  • the ART OF Understanding

    THE Mental Plane

    Written by L.T Jensen MA, AHLB, April 2015-- All rights reserved

    Humankind evolves on the mental plane in one primary subject,

    the subject of Understanding.

    Mind applies its Law to what it understands. A Plane (a level, degree or standard) is a

    state of existence. Mind must understand how it interacts with the two other planes,

    which it is a part, in the Material World: the Physical, the Mental and the Spiritual-intuit.

    It must also learn how to navigate, articulate and communicate with the inner realms

    (activity of space) that pertain to them, so as to correspond properly. Mind must

    understand these aspects of itself to exist optimally. It is not enough to BE just

    collectively aware. Awareness is an aspect of understanding in the realms of Mind.

    Understanding is Minds ultimate quest. It takes profound levels of understanding on the

    Mental Plane to intuit whats unwitnessed by the cognitive nature of the physical

    senses. It is the Spiritual-intuit plane that gives to the others-- sustainability.

  • Unification is at the Point of Power.

    Mind does not operate alone on the Mental Plane; nor does the Physical and the

    Spiritual-intuitive Planes. The Mental, Physical and the Spiritual-Intuit Planes have

    aspects that pertain to one anothers natural algorithms (waves of frequency). Each

    plane has components that are designed solely to fulfill these duties. Without these

    planes optimally operating together, there is no sustainable foundation for physical

    manifestation to exist on the material plane, or for the Mind to unfold properly within

    its realms or on its plane. All three planes and their realms must work together in a

    state of Harmony to bring about Eternal Substance in the material world. Unification is

    at the Point of Power.

    AN Analogy was the first Thought.

    Mind is in a constant state of re-assessing what it comes into contact with, moment

    by moment. It compares the world with what it already believes it understands. Mind

    collects, memorizes, correlates, dissimulates, discards, and compounds details based on

    what it has defined or could possibly define as its Truth. Mind must first understand it

    ultimately constitutes what its Truth governs. Minds internal triune nature is designed

    to allow the influx of information to flow freely and Harmoniously on its own plane.

    Awareness-- the Self-Conscious aspect of Mind, has encoded within its algorithm the

    able intelligence to negate potential imprints (mental inertia), as they arise. Analogy

    was the first thought and understanding was the last.

    The Eternal unmanifest cannot be manifested on the material plane.

    Everything that exists within a Universal System is an equation made up of errorless

    universal elements; both understood and unknown. There is consciousness inside the

    unconscious, operating to conspire on behalf of evolution. There is more than just a

    Mind/Body connection in the totality of the Triune Being. Without the Spiritual-intuit

    component, mental Science alone has no empirical answers to the answers it so

  • desperately seeks. The Eternal aspect of the Unmanifest, alone, cannot be materialized

    on the Material Plane. Its laws constitute illusive form. Its form is the Force from where

    all living things on this planet are born, thrive and create.

    Mind is a wonderful aspect of the Whole Inspired Being. When Mind operates

    perfectly and optimally, both within its realms and on its own plane, it becomes an

    unstoppable inspirational Force for sustainable life.

    Lightbearers from around the world sent in submissions on the theme of the art of

    BE-ing in unison with Mind. The true art of Mind is experienced when one is inspired to

    directly UNDERSTAND, on all planes, how we move through life.

    May these offerings of paint, prose, song, photography, cuisine, story, discovery,

    craft, dance or any form of living the Art of Being, inspire you. We would like to say a

    special thank you to those who sent in their creative inspirations. If you would like to

    contribute, please submit your share at [email protected]; in the emails subject

    line write Art of Being. Enjoy! Next newsletter will be dedicated to the art of Truth.

    In Light and Love

    The Lightbearers World Center

  • Choosing To Love Our Mind

    We should love and respect our mind--it is one of the most powerful tools we have. It helps us

    to decide our paths outcome. It's your free will that backs the articulation of Mind which

    creates your life.

    Love Your Mind - it's a beautiful thing

    From Steve and Kathy CLBs--The Lightbearers Center, New Zealand.

  • Art by Elissa LB

    Being aware in Life is always important - for safety as well as pleasure. When I lived next

    to the ocean in Northern California I would go on lengthy walks with my Briard Sheepdog,

    Nicole. Nicole was very smart and could intuit things I couldnt detect. I was determined

    to try to tap into her intuition and become more aware. As an exercise, I would pick a

    place to stop, center myself, sit quietly with eyes closed and listen and feel. I listened for

    sounds (mostly for footsteps), and would open my eyes when I felt the sound within 10-20

    feet of where I sat. With practice I became pretty good at hearing sounds I never

    noticed before.

    As an artist, I believe it is essential to be tuned into and aware of Life around me. It is

    this awareness - what we see, hear, feel, and how we interpret this that brings forth

    creative energy. A wonderful exercise is to take a sketchbook, pencil or pen, and take a

    walk. As you walk, sketch what you see or feel. These sketches are not meant to be

    detailed, although there isnt a rule about this. It is an exercise to develop awareness of

    what we see and how it is translated by Mind.

    Art is my meditation. I always begin a creative session by centering myself and

    performing the Star Exercise, drawing Universal Life Energy into my body and mind. It is

    an exhilarating and relaxing sensation. For the last 40 years I have used the following

    exercise after doing the Star Exercise, and before going to sleep: I download the

  • activities of the day from my Heart, to my Mind, to a piece of paper. I do not consciously

    guide my hand, nor have a preconceived idea as to what will happen. Opening up in this way

    has increased my general awareness of Life, lowered my stress, and brought me much joy

    as well as insight into my life.

    I hope you will try some form of artistic expression to help open up to more awareness in

    your Life.

    In Love and Light, Elissa LB

    Conscious Meditation Altar

    An altar is a intentionally crafted structure or environment where ceremonies and

    intentions take place. Creating a sacred altar for your heartfelt intentions, goals, or

    something that you wish to see come to fruition at some point in the future is a way to help

    keep your focus, on the result that you wish to receive.

  • Pictured above is an example of an altar for a desired intention around consciousness for

    humanity. Each one of us plays a part in this ever expanding universe which we all co-

    existing together on. Some of the items that support conscious intentions on my humanity

    altar are statues of Quan Yin (brings compassion) and Ganesh (remover of obstacles, offers


    The Intention Symbol, front and center, is a picture of a heart. I use this picture to remind

    me to keep my heart open even in the midst of experiences when I want to close my heart.

    The Communication Bowl/Shell is in front of my intention symbol and this chalice holds my

    desires with heartfelt words or a simple phrase. The words I used are, effervescent heart

    level. These words evoke the highest vibration for a conscious heart. Also on the altar

    there is a large crystal, a few flowers sprinkled around and a tea light holder with the

    words gratitude. When I come from a place in my heart with gratitude, the ripple effect is

    felt far and wide. After creating my altar, the magic will begin to appear as I focus on my

    heartfelt desires.

    Some simple meditation practice that I do: when you feel your heart begins to contract or

    whenever you feel yourself shutting down, you may ask yourself, show me what I cannot

    see. When you consciously ask this question with an inquiring open mind and heart, you

    will be amazed at what is revealed. Another meditation question to ask is Where am I

    placing blame instead of taking responsibility? Spend 5 to 10 minutes in a conscious

    meditation and then journal what came up for you. The more conscious we all are with

    ourselves and with our actions, thoughts, feelings and emotions, the more the ripple

    affects humanity on so many levels. To live and be in harmony, all of us have a

    responsibility, creating a world where we are conscious of self, conscious of love and being


    In my book, Altars Of Intentions there are altar examples, practices, igniting ceremonies,

    colors for fabrics, candles, music and so much more.


    Brenda N. LB

  • In meditating on the definition of art, I come to see that art is an intentional creation conveying deep

    emotion, imagination and perhaps one could say, the soul world or psyche of an individual. Through time

    and practice, and by way of refining the skill, one can more precisely describe and animate that inner state

    of being.

    There are, I believe, some keys to more rapidly progressing in the attunement of our instruments. In so

    doing we are able to experience and express a more refined and artful interaction with life. I do not claim

    to know or practice all or even many, but a few I have gratefully and gradually become aware of. As I

    utilize those keys more, I notice my life responding with synchronicities, energy, clarity of mind and

    direction. One key, I know you are all aware of (because you are reading this newsletter) are the teachings

    of Eugene Fersen - mainly for me, the star exercise and tapping into Universal Life Energy is key.

    There is another key that is near and dear to my heart and life experience, that is the realm of food/body-

    fuel/nourishment. Ive found, via being all over the spectrum of diet, that how we eat not only affects our

    body type, but greatly influences our level of energy or lethargy, can greatly affect hormones and

    therefore emotions. The foods and drinks we partake in can support or diminish our immune systems, as

    well as promote or protect our bodies from dis-ease. Learning how to use food to promote harmony in our

    bodies is an important tool and key in living artfully. The better we feel, and the more energy we have,

    the more we are able to focus that energy on refining our life practices.

    Mostly Plants - With Paleo, Ancestral or the Primal diet movements people are re-embracing meat in a

    big way. I am not here to tell people not to eat meat, and I think for some people meat is very important.

    We must know our individual needs. However, our ancestors did eat meat, but they also ate tons of wild

    greens, herbs, seeds, barks and plant medicines. They ate more plant based foods than meat based foods.

    Today for our health and the health of our planet and sister/brother animals it is important to maintain this

    balance. Here again is a perfect place for the 80/20 rule. If you are eating meat then have 20% on your

    plate be meat and 80% vegetables. The fresh living veggies will help to break down cooked proteins,

    supporting your digestive system and your overall energy after a meal.

    Green smoothies can be a great way to start the day, alkalizing your system, and giving you a nice big

    dose of greens first thing in the morning. It is a refreshing snack and energy boost throughout the day as

  • well. May we all enjoy real food with gratitude, to fuel our body/mind/spirit matrix as the living art I

    believe we are in creation and creating to be.

    My Familys favorite Green Smoothie

    1 Orange

    1 banana

    3 large strawberries

    1-2 medjool dates

    2 cups loosely packed baby spinach

    2 cups loosely packed kale, or 2 stems

    purified water

    Always put the fruit in your blender first. If you have a regular household blender, put your fruit in the

    blender and pour your water in until it just covers the fruit. Pulse your fruit until it is fully broken down.

    Begin adding your greens and pulse those in until fully broken down.

    If you own a high speed blender you can blend all ingredients together. Place your fruit in the blender

    first, then your greens, then pour in water until it just covers your fruit. Blend until all ingredients are well


    Additional Ingredients

    You may enjoy adding any number of additional ingredients. This is a great way to start incorporating

    some Superfoods for more energy, protein, minerals, essential fatty acids hormone balancing substances

    and more like:

    Hemp seeds, bee pollen, goji berries, spirulina, vitamineral greens, e3 live, chia seeds, or maca


    Try adding some of these power packed supplements to boost your nutritional intake: Parsley, Cilantro,

    Dandelion, Romaine, Celery, or Cucumber.

    With Love, Chaya LB ~ Raw Food Chef , CA

  • Art by Margaret Sue Turner Wright LB


    What is your Inspiration?

    Is it with you every day?

    Where do you find it, behold it and Know it?

    Is it Alive for you in every way?

    How long can you focus on the beauty of another,

    Amidst all their lies and sickening cover

    Is your Joy in the Knowing,

  • Or is it doubt you are sewing?

    But how do you get to the Knowing?

    Remember to hear the Quiet Voice Within,

    You must Journey Inward and deeply listen therein,

    For the Voice that will guide you, fuel you, and Love you,

    Is none other than your own Voice, just awaiting you

    Climb this mountain of Inner Calling,

    See your Effulgence thats overflowing,

    From the Top you can see, Above and below,

    Where before stood Hope, dared to be and to go

    You need no other to tell you whats right

    You need no other to show you your plight

    For only You know the real Truth Within

    You have only to hear it, you must first begin

    Silence once heard begins bursting forth

    Like a Waterfall of Power, dancing on the earth,

    Making its way to your heart, you will find,

    Abundance is living in the world of time!

    By CLBs, Margaret Sue Turner Wright, and Barry William Wright

    Lightbearers Center Roanoke Virginia.


    In Light and Love

    From The Lightbearers World Center for the Teachings

    In The Science Of Being