arlington road poster analysis

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  • 8/3/2019 Arlington Road Poster Analysis


    ArlingtonRoad PosterBy Georgia St. Louis

  • 8/3/2019 Arlington Road Poster Analysis



    The scratched effect of the title could link in withthis idea of a fragmented psychological state ofmind; hence the genre of the psychological thriller.

    The fact the title is larger than the other fonts allows theaudiences attention to be drawn toward it. Moreover,the white colour is usually connoted with theconventional innocence yet from the dark colourssurrounding it and the sombre attitude of thecharacters suggests the embracing of evil or that oneof the characters is synonymous with evil.

    Furthermore, theincorrect spellingof neighbour(without the u)could relate to

    the Americanisedstyle of the roadsign ArlingtonRoad.

    Fear thy neighbourthe tagline of the film hasreligious connotations as usually it is love thyneighbour this alteration stresses the attitude thateach character possesses.

    The fact that the intheatres soon is inred not only makesthe audience moreaware of the writingbut it connotesdanger andendangerment.

    The characters are in a smaller font than the title butare white as well which highlights that this evil is goingto embrace one of the characters and it makes it standout on the white background.

  • 8/3/2019 Arlington Road Poster Analysis


    LIGHTINGThe dark lighting around themajority of the posteraccentuates this indication ofjeopardy and impending doom

    that is apparent in the storychiaroscuro only one lightsource is used around thecharacters creating shadow onthe house and creatingconfusion.

    Then the lighter lightingaround the characterssuggests that they are thecentral protagonists of the

    film, additionally implyingthat the impending doomis destined for one of thefocal characters in theposter.

    Furthermore, the fact thatthe house is in the lightsuggests that this is the house

    that becomes synonymouswith evil, linking to thethrilling aspect of thepsychological thriller.

    The sign is also in the lightsuggesting that this is a

    significant and prominent partof the plotaccentuating themodernized and colloquialstyle similar to the typography.

  • 8/3/2019 Arlington Road Poster Analysis



    The characters in theposter seem to have asombre attitudesuggesting that theforthcomingcatastrophe has a bigimpact on all of theirlives.

    The character that is positioned inthe middle suggests that this is thecentral protagonist and that thecharacters either side of the

    protagonist has power over himcontributing to this downwardspiral into calamity andmisfortune.

    Furthermore, thecharacters on the leftand the right are looking

    towards the camerawhereas the protagonistseems to be lookingaway into the distanceand this intrigues theaudience to find outwhat is confusing thecharacter.

  • 8/3/2019 Arlington Road Poster Analysis



    The close up of the charactershighlights their innerpsychological turmoil and the

    battle between thecharacters psyche.

    Furthermore theaudience are able toget a firm grip on thefeeling of the film asthey have a sombreattitude on their facesuggesting the idea ofdepression anddevastation. The long shot of the house

    suggests that characters needto keep their distance from the

    house as it seems to besynonymous with evil and itseems to embrace dark forcesemphasised by the darklighting surrounding it.

  • 8/3/2019 Arlington Road Poster Analysis



    The target audience for the filmwould probably be adults as itseems to create the impression ofrationalisation and reasoning

    rather than a straightforwardpsychological thrilleracomplicated plot.

    The target audience isconveyed through theolder characters used inthe film and theyrequite old actors too so itseems as if the filmwould attract olderpeople.

  • 8/3/2019 Arlington Road Poster Analysis



    This image of the houselooking isolated andabandoned suggests that this

    house is synonymous in eviland gives this narrativeenigma of why the house issignificant to the plot.

    The positioning of thecharacters suggests ahierarchy the two eitherside being the dominant

    ones suggesting thatthey are the ones thatembrace the evilmanifested within thehouse.

    Dark lighting implies that thereis impending doom and theaudience will probably beintrigued to know what thisdoom will consist of.

  • 8/3/2019 Arlington Road Poster Analysis



    The institutional informationis placed at the bottom ofthe screen in smaller writingsuggesting that it is not themain focal point of thepostermaybe not apopular director.

    Screen gems is theproduction company of thefilm it has done other filmssuch as the Exorcism ofEmily Rose and theBogeymanhorror genre.

    This is the distributioncompany and it is a wellknown company who havepaired with othercompanies to distributefilms such as Notting Hilland Trainspotting.