arithmetic properties of certain partition functions …


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MAY 2019



Arithmetic Properties of CertainPartition Functions and Modular



Chiranjit Ray

Department of Mathematics

submitted in fulfillment of the requirements

of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

to the

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Guwahati - 781039, India

May 2019



This work is dedicated


My Parents






This is to certify that the thesis entitled Arithmetic Properties of Certain

Partition Functions and Modular Form submitted by Mr. Chiranjit Ray

to the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, for the award of the Degree

of Doctor of Philosophy, is a record of the original bona fide research work

carried out by him under my guidance and supervision. The thesis has reached the

standards fulfilling the requirements of the regulations relating to the degree.

The results contained in this thesis have not been submitted in part or full to

any other university or institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Date: Dr. Rupam Barman

Guwahati, India Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati





“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest

appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

-John F. Kennedy

First and foremost, I wholeheartedly thank my advisor, Dr. Rupam Barman for

constantly motivating me, for pushing me to my true potential, for going beyond his

duties in helping me during each stage of my Ph.D. program at IIT Delhi and IIT

Guwahati, for patiently answering all my questions, for correcting so many of my

mistakes and above all for being such a great teacher and mentor for me. When I

didn’t see the potential in myself and doubted myself, he encouraged me and showed

me what I was capable of. I am very grateful to have him as my adviser!

My sincere gratitude goes to my doctoral committee members at IIT Guwahati:

Prof. M. Guru Prem Prasad, Prof. Anupam Saikia, and Prof. K.V. Krishna for their

service and support. I have received many constructive comments from my doctoral

committee which have been very helpful in my research and writing this thesis.

I am also very thankful to Prof. K. Sreenadh, Prof. B.S. Panda, Prof. Niladri

Chatterjee, and Dr. Ritumoni Sarma from IIT Delhi for their kindness at the be-

ginning years of my Ph.D. program, and for their support in the transition of my

doctoral program from IIT Delhi to IIT Guwahati.



iv Acknowledgements

I would like to take the pleasure of thanking Prof. Michael Hirschhorn and Prof.

Scott Ahlgren for their helpful suggestions.

I want to thank the National Board for Higher Mathematics for funding my

research. Especially, I am grateful to Shri Shiv Kumar Singh, Member Secretary of

NBHM and Shri V. Mohandas, Private Secretary to Member Secretary of NBHM

for smoothly transferring my fellowship from IIT Delhi to IIT Guwahati.

I would also like to thank all my teachers, non-academic staffs, and my fellow

PhD students at IIT Delhi and IIT Guwahati for just about everything: courses,

seminars, conferences, help with different academic and non-academic work, re-

sources on campus especially the libraries, of which I frequently made use, teaching

opportunities, travel funding, friendships, advice . . . Thanks to Abhinava, Devershi,

Abhay, Vishvesh, Raja Shekar, Shaily from IIT Delhi and Uttam, Deepak from IIT

Guwahati for being such awesome friends and listening to all my mathematical and

non-mathematical rambles. I am also thankful to Dr. Neelam Saikia for her help

during my stay at IIT Guwahati.

Finally, I must thank my family: my parents and sister. Thank you for being

part of this strenuous journey of my life, for being a constant source of mental

support and joy which motivated me to keep going at difficult times, for loving me

unconditionally, for always believing in me and encouraging me.


Guwahati, India Chiranjit Ray



This thesis studies arithmetic properties of `-regular overpartitions, Andrews’

singular overpartitions, overpartitions into odd parts, cubic and overcubic partition

pairs, and Andrews’ integer partitions with even parts below odd parts. We use vari-

ous dissections of Ramanujan’s theta functions to find infinite families of arithmetic

identities and Ramanujan-type congruences for `-regular overpartitions and over-

partitions into odd parts. We find certain congruences satisfied by A`(n) for ` = 4, 8

and 9, where A`(n) denotes the number of `-regular overpartitions of n. We find

several infinite families of congruences including some Ramanujan-type congruences

satisfied by A2`(n) and A4`(n) for any ` ≥ 1. We next prove several congruences for

po(n) modulo 8 and 16, where po(n) denotes the number of overpartitions of n into

odd parts. We also obtain the generating functions for po(16n+ 2), po(16n+ 6), and

po(16n+ 10); and some new p-dissection formulas.

In a very recent paper, Andrews introduced the partition function EO(n) which

counts the number of partitions of n where every even part is less that each odd

part. He denoted by EO(n), the number of partitions counted by EO(n) in which

only the largest even part appears an odd number of times. We use arithmetic

properties of modular forms and eta-quotients to study distribution of Andrews’

singular overpartitions, cubic and overcubic partition pairs, and Andrews’ integer

partitions with even parts below odd parts. We use q-series manipulations and



vi Abstract

Radu’s algorithm on modular forms to derive certain congruences satisfied by cubic

partition pairs, overcubic partition pairs and Andrews’ integer partitions with even

parts below odd parts. Along the way, we affirm two conjectures on Andrews’

singular overpartitions and cubic partition pairs. We find two infinite families of

congruences for EO(n) using the theory of Hecke eigenforms. We also prove that

there are infinitely many integers N in every arithmetic progression for which EO(N)

is even; and that there are infinitely many integers M in every arithmetic progression

for which EO(M) is odd so long as there is at least one.



Certificate i

Acknowledgements iii

Abstract v

Introduction 1

1 Preliminaries 7

1.1 q-Series and Ramanujan’s theta functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.2 Modular forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2 `-Regular Overpartitions 19

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.2 Congruences for A4(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.3 Congruences for A8(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2.4 Congruences for A2`(n) and A4`(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

2.5 Congruences for A9(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3 Overpartitions Into Odd Parts 47

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47



viii Contents

3.2 Some generating functions for po(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

3.3 Congruences for po(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.4 Two new dissection formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

3.5 Infinite families of congruences for po(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4 Andrews’ Singular Overpartitions 67

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.2 Proof of Naika and Gireesh’s conjecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4.3 Distribution of C3,1(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.4 Modularity of eta-quotient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4.5 Proof of Theorem 4.3 and Theorem 4.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

5 Cubic and Overcubic Partition Pairs 77

5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

5.2 Proof of a conjecture of Lin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

5.3 Ramanujan-type congruences for overcubic partition pairs . . . . . . 83

5.4 Distribution of a(n) and b(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

6 Andrews’ Integer Partitions With Even Parts Below Odd Parts 87

6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

6.2 Infinite families of congruences for EO(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

6.3 Ramanujan-type congruences for EO(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

6.4 Parity of EO(2n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

6.5 EO(n) is almost always even . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

6.6 Distribution of EOu(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Index 103

Bibliography 105

Publications 111



A partition of a positive integer n is any nonincreasing sequence of positive

integers whose sum is n. The positive integers in the partition are called parts. The

number of partitions of n is denoted by p(n). For example, the partitions of 5 are

5 = 4 + 1 = 3 + 2 = 3 + 1 + 1 = 2 + 2 + 1 = 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1, so

p(5) = 7. Conventionally, we set p(0) = 1.

In 1740, Naude raised a number of questions in his letter to Euler. In one of his

questions, he asked in how many ways can an integer n be represented as a sum of

integers? In response to this question, Euler [21] found many basic results on the

partitions of numbers. His fundamental works in this subject using the generating

functions and formal power series firmly established the additive number theory. For

example, Euler proved that, for any positive integer n, the number of partitions of

n using only odd parts equals the number of partitions of n into distinct parts. One

of the most difficult challenges was to determine an explicit formula for p(n). Hardy

and Ramanujan [23], Rademacher [47], and Selberg [52] answered this question quite


Partition theory has numerous connections to other areas of mathematics, includ-

ing combinatorics, representation theory, and even mathematical physics. However,

there are many questions about the basic properties of partitions which are not yet

solved. Partitions reflect fundamental additive properties of the integers, so it is



2 Introduction

surprising to learn that p(n) has divisibility properties as well. In 1919, Ramanujan

announced that he had found three simple congruences satisfied by p(n), namely,

p(5n+ 4) ≡ 0 (mod 5),

p(7n+ 5) ≡ 0 (mod 7),

p(11n+ 6) ≡ 0 (mod 11).

Ramanujan proved these congruences in a series of papers. He gave proofs of the

first two congruences in [50] and derived the following q-series identities:


p(5n+ 4)qn = 5∞∏n=1

(1− q5n)5

(1− qn)6= 5 + 30q + 135q2 + . . . ,


p(7n+ 5)qn = 7∞∏n=1

(1− q7n)3

(1− qn)4+ 49q7


(1− q7n)7

(1− qn)8= 7 + 77q + · · · .

Ramanujan also remarked that there are no simple congruences for p(n) whose

moduli involve primes other than 5, 7 and 11. Ahlgren and Boylan [1] justifies

Ramanujan’s claim by proving that if ` is a prime and 0 ≤ β < ` is an integer for


p(`n+ β) ≡ 0 (mod `)

for every nonnegative integer n, then (`, β) ∈ (5, 4), (7, 5), (11, 6).

There are many generalizations of the Ramanujan’s congruences for p(n). In

addition to the study of Ramanujan-type congruences, it is natural to consider the

general distribution of the partition function modulo positive integers M . Ono

revolutionized the subject by a seminal paper in 2000 [44]. He developed aspects

of the p-adic theory of half-integral weight modular forms and used this to prove

the existence of infinite families of partition congruences modulo every prime ` ≥ 5.

There still remain many open questions on the distribution of p(n). If M is a positive


Introduction 3

integer and 0 ≤ r < M, then define δr(M ;X) by

δr(M ;X) :=#0 ≤ n < X : p(n) ≡ r (mod M)


The well known parity conjecture of Parkin and Shanks [46] predicts that the values

of p(n) are evenly distributed modulo 2, and little is known regarding this conjecture.

Conjecture (Parkin and Shanks). If r ∈ 0, 1, then


δr(2;X) =1


Different types of partition functions are introduced by many mathematicians and

found that such partition functions too satisfy many interesting arithmetic proper-

ties. For example, `-regular overpartitions, Andrews’ singular overpartitions, over-

partitions into odd parts, cubic and overcubic partition pairs, and Andrews’ integer

partitions with even parts below odd parts are some of the partition functions stud-

ied by many mathematicians. In this thesis, we study arithmetic properties of these

partition functions. We find infinite families of arithmetic identities and Ramanujan-

type congruences for these partition functions, and affirm certain conjectures along

the way. We also find distribution of some of these partition functions modulo

certain positive integers, namely, Andrews’ singular overpartitions, cubic and over-

cubic partition pairs, and Andrews’ integer partitions with even parts below odd

parts. We use Ramanujan’s theta functions identities and classical q-series methods

to prove some of our results. We also use certain arithmetic properties of modular

forms in our proofs. In particular, we use congruence properties of certain modular

forms, basic properties of eta-quotients, and the theory of Hecke eigenforms in our


Organization of the Thesis

We present the entire work of this thesis in six chapters as described below.


4 Introduction

• Chapter 1: Preliminaries

• Chapter 2: `-Regular overpartitions

• Chapter 3: Overpartitions into odd parts

• Chapter 4: Andrews’ singular overpartitions

• Chapter 5: Cubic and overcubic partition pairs

• Chapter 6: Andrews’ integer partitions with even parts below odd parts

In Chapter 1 we introduce q-series, Ramanujan’s theta functions and various

dissections of Ramanujan’s theta functions. We also recall some definitions and

basic results on modular forms.

In Chapter 2 we prove some arithmetic properties of `-regular overpartitions.

We find certain congruences satisfied by A`(n) for ` = 4, 8 and 9, where A`(n)

denotes the number of `-regular overpartitions of n. We next find several infinite

families of congruences including some Ramanujan-type congruences satisfied by

A2`(n) and A4`(n) for any ` ≥ 1. Our proofs use basic properties of q-series and

various dissection formulas of Ramanujan’s theta functions.

In Chapter 3 we study arithmetic properties of overpartitions into odd parts.

We prove several congruences for po(n) modulo 8 and 16, where po(n) denotes the

number of overpartitions of n into odd parts. We also obtain the generating functions

for po(16n+ 2), po(16n+ 6), and po(16n+ 10). We use Ramanujan’s theta function

identities and some new p-dissections in our proofs.

In Chapter 4 we study the Andrews’ singular overpartitions C3,1(n). We affirm

a conjecture of Naika and Gireesh by proving that

C3,1(12n+ 11) ≡ 0 (mod 144)


Introduction 5

for all n ≥ 0. We next study the distribution of the partition function C3,1(n).

We establish congruences between certain eta-quotients and the partition function

C3,1(n), and then use a deep theorem of Serre to prove that C3,1(n) is almost always

divisible by 2k and 3k for any positive integer k.

In Chapter 5 we study various types of cubic partitions, namely, overcubic par-

tition, cubic partition pairs, and overcubic partition pairs. Let b(n) be the number

of cubic partition pairs of n. We affirm a conjecture of Lin by proving that

b(49n+ 37) ≡ 0 (mod 49)

for all n ≥ 0 using Radu’s algorithm. We also prove two congruences modulo 256

satisfied by b(n), where b(n) denotes the number of overcubic partition pairs of n. We

next prove some distribution results satisfied by overcubic partition and overcubic

partition pairs using arithmetic of eta-quotients.

In Chapter 6 we study a partition function which appeared in a very recent paper

of Andrews. He introduced the partition function EO(n) which counts the number

of partitions of n where every even part is less that each odd part. He denoted by

EO(n), the number of partitions counted by EO(n) in which only the largest even

part appears an odd number of times. Andrews proved that, for all n ≥ 0

EO(10n+ 8) ≡ 0 (mod 5).

In the same paper, he proposed to undertake a more extensive investigation of the

properties of EO(n). We show that the Andrews congruence is in fact true modulo

20 if n 6≡ 0 (mod 5). We find two infinite families of congruences for EO(n) using the

theory of Hecke eigenforms. We also prove that there are infinitely many integers

N in every arithmetic progression for which EO(N) is even; and that there are

infinitely many integers M in every arithmetic progression for which EO(M) is odd

so long as there is at least one. We further prove that EO(n) is even for almost all n.




1.1 q-Series and Ramanujan’s theta functions

For complex numbers a and q, (a; q)∞ stands for the q-shifted factorial

(a; q)∞ =∞∏n=1

(1− aqn−1), |q| < 1.

For |ab| < 1, Ramanujan’s general theta function f(a, b) is defined as

f(a, b) =∞∑


an(n+1)/2bn(n−1)/2. (1.1)



8 Preliminaries

In Ramanujan’s notation, the Jacobi triple product identity [9, Entry 19, p. 36]

takes the shape

f(a, b) = (−a; ab)∞(−b; ab)∞(ab; ab)∞. (1.2)

The most important special cases of f(a, b) are

ϕ(q) := f(q, q) = 1 + 2∞∑n=1


= (−q; q2)2∞(q2; q2)∞ =(q2; q2)5∞

(q; q)2∞(q4; q4)2∞, (1.3)

ψ(q) := f(q, q3) =∞∑n=0

qn(n+1)/2 =(q2; q2)∞(q; q2)∞

=(q2; q2)2∞(q; q)∞

, (1.4)

f(−q) := f(−q,−q2) =∞∑


(−1)nqn(3n−1)/2 = (q; q)∞. (1.5)

We also have

ϕ(−q) =(q; q)2∞

(q2; q2)∞, (1.6)

ψ(−q) =(q; q)∞(q4; q4)∞

(q2; q2)∞. (1.7)

We now recall two definitions from [24, p. 225]. Let Π represent a pentagonal

number (a number of the form 3n2+n2

) and Ω represent an octagonal number (a

number of the form 3n2 + 2n). Let Π(q) :=∞∑



2 and Ω(q) :=∞∑




Π(q) =(q2; q2)∞(q3; q3)2∞(q; q)∞(q6; q6)∞

, (1.8)

Ω(q) =(q2; q2)2∞(q3; q3)∞(q12; q12)∞

(q; q)∞(q4; q4)∞(q6; q6)∞.


1.1 q-Series and Ramanujan’s theta functions 9


Ω(−q) =∞∑


(−1)nq3n2+2n =




(1− q6n−5)(1− q6n−1)(1− q6n) =(q; q)∞(q6; q6)2∞

(q2; q2)∞(q3; q3)∞. (1.9)

We state the following dissection formulas of Hirschhorn and Sellers [26].

Lemma 1.1. We have




ϕ(−q2)2(ϕ(q4) + 2qψ(q8)



(ϕ(−q9)2 + 2qϕ(−q9)Ω(−q3) + 4q2Ω(−q3)2



ϕ(−q4)4(ϕ(q4)3 + 2qϕ(q4)2ψ(q8) + 4q2ϕ(q4)ψ(q8)2 + 8q3ψ(q8)3

). (1.12)

We state the following 4-dissection formula from [24, (1.9.4)] and [9, Entry 25,

p. 40].

Lemma 1.2. We have

ϕ(q) = ϕ(q4) + 2qψ(q8). (1.13)

That is,


(q; q)2∞=

(q8; q8)5∞(q2; q2)5∞(q16; q16)2∞

+ 2q(q4; q4)2∞(q16; q16)2∞(q2; q2)5∞(q8; q8)∞

. (1.14)

We next recall the following 3-dissection formula from [24, (26.1.2)] and [9, Corol-

lary (i), p. 49].


10 Preliminaries

Lemma 1.3. We have

ψ(q) = Π(q3) + 2qψ(q9). (1.15)

That is,

(q2; q2)2∞(q; q)∞

=(q6; q6)∞(q9; q9)2∞

(q3; q3)∞(q18; q18)∞+ q

(q18; q18)2∞(q9; q9)∞


The following is a consequence of dissection formulas of Ramanujan collected in

[9, Entry 25, p. 40].

Lemma 1.4. We have


(q; q)4∞=

(q4; q4)14∞(q2; q2)14∞(q8; q8)4∞

+ 4q(q4; q4)2∞(q8; q8)4∞

(q2; q2)10∞. (1.16)

The following 2-dissection formula is due to Baruah and Ojah [8].

Lemma 1.5. We have


(q; q)∞(q3; q3)∞=

(q8; q8)2∞(q12; q12)5∞(q2; q2)2∞(q4; q4)∞(q6; q6)4∞(q24; q24)2∞


+ q(q4; q4)5∞(q24; q24)2∞

(q2; q2)4∞(q6; q6)2∞(q8; q8)2∞(q12; q12)∞.

We also need the following lemma from [56, Lemma 3.5].

Lemma 1.6. We have

(q9; q9)∞(q; q)∞

=(q12; q12)3∞(q18; q18)∞

(q2; q2)2∞(q6; q6)∞(q36; q36)∞+ q

(q4; q4)2∞(q6; q6)∞(q36; q36)∞(q2; q2)3∞(q12; q12)∞

. (1.18)

In the following lemma, we give p-dissections of ϕ(q).


1.1 q-Series and Ramanujan’s theta functions 11

Lemma 1.7 (p. 49 [9]). For any prime p,

ϕ(q) = ϕ(qp2

) +



f(qp(p−2r), qp(p+2r)). (1.19)

In the following lemma, we give p-dissections of ψ(q).

Lemma 1.8 (Theorem 2.1 [20]). For any odd prime p,

ψ(q) =




2 f

(p2 + (2k + 1)p

2,p2 − (2k + 1)p


)+ q

p2−18 ψ(qp


). (1.20)

Furthermore, k2+k26≡ p2−1

8(mod p), for 0 ≤ k ≤ p−3


The following lemma gives a p-dissection of f(−q).

Lemma 1.9 (Theorem 2.2 [20]). For any prime p ≥ 5,

(q; q)∞ = f(−q) =

p− 1

2∑k=− p−1


k 6=±p− 1



3k2 + k

2 f(−q3p2+(6k+1)p

2 ,−q3p2−(6k+1)p

2 )

+ (−1)±p−1

6 qp2−124 f(−qp2), (1.21)


±p− 1



if p ≡ 1 (mod 6);


if p ≡ −1 (mod 6).

Furthermore, for −(p−1)2≤ k ≤ p−1

2and k 6= ±p−1


3k2 + k

26≡ p2 − 1

24(mod p).

The following lemma gives a p-dissection of ψ(q2)f(−q)2.


12 Preliminaries

Lemma 1.10 (Lemma 2.4 [3]). If p ≥ 5 is a prime and

±p− 1



if p ≡ 1 (mod 3);


if p ≡ −1 (mod 3),


ψ(q2)f(−q)2 =


k=− p−12

k 6=±p−13



(3pn+ 3k + 1)qpn(3pn+6k+2)

± pqp2−1

3 ψ(q2p2

)f(−qp2)2. (1.22)

Furthermore, if k 6= ±p−13

and −p−12≤ k ≤ p−1

2, then 3k2 + 2k 6≡ p2−1

3(mod p).

The following lemma readily follows from [3, Lemma 2.3] by putting q2 in place

of q. The lemma gives a p-dissection of f(−q2)3.

Lemma 1.11. For any prime p ≥ 3, we have

f(−q2)3 =1



k 6= p−12



(−1)n(2pn+ 2k + 1)qpn(pn+2k+1)

+ (−1)p−12 pq

p2−14 f(−q2p2)3. (1.23)

Furthermore, if 0 ≤ k ≤ p− 1 and k 6= p−12

, then k2 + k 6≡ p2−14

(mod p).

1.2 Modular forms

In this section, we recall some definitions and basic facts about modular forms.

For more details, see for example [45, 33]. Let Γ := SL2(Z) denote the full modular

group of 2-by-2 matrices with determinant 1. Γ acts on points z in the upper half-

plane H by linear fractional transformations:


1.2 Modular forms 13

a b

c d

z :=az + b

cz + d.

Let N be a positive integer. We now list some important subgroups of Γ below.

Γ0(N) :=

a b

c d

∈ Γ : c ≡ 0 (mod N)


Γ1(N) :=

a b

c d

∈ Γ0(N) : a ≡ d ≡ 1 (mod N)


Γ(N) :=

a b

c d

∈ Γ1(N) : b ≡ 0 (mod N)


Definition 1. A subgroup Γ′ of the full modular group Γ is called a congruence

subgroup if Γ(N) ⊂ Γ′ for some N . The smallest N such that Γ(N) ⊂ Γ′ is called

the level of Γ′.

The index of Γ0(N) in Γ is

[Γ : Γ0(N)] = N∏p|N

(1 + p−1),

where p denotes a prime. The cusps of a subgroup Γ′ ≤ Γ are the equivalence classes

of i∞ (also known as “the cusp at infinity”) under the action of Γ′.

Definition 2. Suppose that f is a meromorphic function on the upper half plane

H, and that γ =

a b

c d

∈ GL+2 (R). For k ∈ Z, the slash operator of weight k is

defined by

(f |kγ) (z) := (ad− bc)k2 (cz + d)−kf

(az + b

cz + d



14 Preliminaries

A key property of this operator is that it gives a group action on the ring of

meromorphic functions on H, as described in the next proposition.

Proposition 1.12. If γ, γ′ ∈ GL+

2 (R), then

((f |kγ) |kγ


(z) =(f |k(γ.γ



Definition 3. Let k ∈ Z and Γ′ ≤ Γ be a congruence subgroup of level N. A

meromorphic function f on H is called a meromorphic modular form of integer weight

k on Γ′

if the following hold:

1. We have


(az + b

cz + d

)= (cz + d)kf(z)

for all z ∈ H and all

a b

c d

∈ Γ′.

2. If γ0 ∈ Γ, then (f |kγ0) (z) has a Fourier expansion of the form

(f |kγ0) (z) =∑n≥nγ0

cγ0(n)qnN ,

where qN := e2πiz/N and cγ0(nγ0) 6= 0.

Remark 1.2.1. The condition (2) of the above definition means that f(z) is mero-

morphic at the cusps of Γ′. If nγ0 ≥ 0 for all γ0 ∈ Γ, then we say that f(z) is

holomorphic at the cusps of Γ′.

Definition 4. Suppose that f(z) is an integer weight meromorphic modular form

on a congruence subgroup Γ′. We say that f(z) is a holomorphic modular (resp.

cusp) form if f(z) is holomorphic on H and is holomorphic (resp. vanishes) at the

cusps of Γ′. We say that f(z) is a weakly holomorphic modular form if its poles (if

there are any) are supported at the cusps of Γ′.


1.2 Modular forms 15

Holomorphic (resp. cusp) modular forms of weight k on a congruence subgroup


naturally form C-vector spaces. We denote the complex vector space of mod-

ular forms (resp. cusp forms) of weight k with respect to Γ′(N) by Mk


)(resp. Sk



Definition 5. If χ is a Dirichlet character modulo N , then we say that a form

f(z) ∈Mk(Γ1(N)) has Nebentypus character χ if


(az + b

cz + d

)= χ(d)(cz + d)kf(z)

for all z in the upper half complex plane and all

a b

c d

∈ Γ0(N). The space of

such modular forms is denoted by Mk(Γ0(N), χ). If χ is the trivial character then

we denote Mk(Γ0(N), χ) by Mk(Γ0(N)).

The spaces Mk(Γ1(N)) and Sk(Γ1(N)) have the following decomposition (where

the sums are over all Dirichlet characters χ modulo N):

Mk(Γ1(N)) =⊕χ

Mk(Γ0(N), χ),

Sk(Γ1(N)) =⊕χ

Sk(Γ0(N), χ).

The Hecke operators are natural linear transformations which act on spaces of mod-

ular forms. We recall the definition of the Hecke operators on spaces of integer

weight modular forms.

Definition 6. Let m be a positive integer and f(z) =∑∞

n=0 a(n)qn ∈Mk(Γ0(N), χ).

Then the action of Hecke operator Tm on f(z) is defined by

f(z)|Tm :=∞∑n=0



) qn.


16 Preliminaries

In particular, if m = p is prime, we have

f(z)|Tp :=∞∑n=0

(a(pn) + χ(p)pk−1a



))qn. (1.24)

We note that a(n) = 0 unless n is a nonnegative integer.

Definition 7. A modular form f(z) =∑∞

n=0 a(n)qn ∈ Mk(Γ0(N), χ) is called a

Hecke eigenform if for every m ≥ 2 there exists a complex number λ(m) for which

f(z)|Tm = λ(m)f(z). (1.25)

We prove some distribution and parity results of certain partition functions in

Chapters 4, 5, and 6. We will use the following result due to Serre.

Let A denote the subset of integer weight modular forms in Mk(Γ0(N), χ) whose

Fourier coefficients are in OK , the ring of algebraic integers in a number field K.

Let m be an ideal of OK .

Theorem 1.13 (Theorem 2.65 [45]). If f(z) ∈ A has Fourier expansion

f(z) =∞∑n=0


then there is a constant α > 0 such that

# n ≤ X : a(n) 6≡ 0 (mod m) = O(




From Theorem 1.13, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 1.14. Let m be a positive integer. If f(z) ∈ Mk(Γ0(N), χ) has Fourier


f(z) =∞∑n=0

c(n)qn ∈ Z[[q]],


1.2 Modular forms 17

then there is a constant α > 0 such that

# n ≤ X : c(n) 6≡ 0 (mod m) = O(






2`-Regular Overpartitions

2.1 Introduction

In [19], Corteel and Lovejoy introduced the notion of overpartitions. Since then,

many interesting arithmetic properties of overpartitions are found by many math-

ematicians, for example, see Mahlburg [41], Hirschhorn and Sellers [26], and Kim

[29, 31]. An overpartition of a nonnegative integer n is a partition of n in which the

first occurrence of a part may be over-lined. For example, the eight overpartitions

of 3 are 3, 3, 2 + 1, 2 + 1, 2 + 1, 2 + 1, 1 + 1 + 1, 1 + 1 + 1. Let p(n) denote the number

1The contents of this chapter have been published in The Ramanujan J. (2018) and Int. J.Number Theory (2018).



20 `-Regular Overpartitions

of overpartitions of n. The generating function for p(n) is given by


p(n)qn =(−q; q)∞(q; q)∞

=(q2; q2)∞(q; q)2∞

. (2.1)

In [39], Lovejoy investigated the function A`(n), which counts the number of over-

partitions of n into parts not divisible by `. In a very recent paper [53], Shen calls the

overpartitions enumerated by the function A`(n) as `-regular overpartitions. The

generating function for A`(n) is


A`(n)qn =(−q; q)∞(q`; q`)∞(q; q)∞(−q`; q`)∞


. (2.2)

For A3(n) and A4(n), Shen [53] finds some explicit results on the generating function

dissections and derives some congruences modulo 3, 6 and 24.

2.2 Congruences for A4(n)

We prove the following new congruences for A4(n) modulo 3, 32, and 96.

Theorem 2.1. We have

A4(8n+ 6) ≡ 0 (mod 32), (2.3)

A4(24n+ 14) ≡ 0 (mod 96), (2.4)

A4(24n+ 22) ≡ 0 (mod 96), (2.5)

A4(72n+ 30) ≡ 0 (mod 96), (2.6)

A4(72n+ 54) ≡ 0 (mod 96), (2.7)

A4(24n+ 8) ≡ 0 (mod 3), (2.8)

A4(24n+ 16) ≡ 0 (mod 3). (2.9)


2.2 Congruences for A4(n) 21

Proof. From (2.2), we have


A4(n)qn =ϕ(−q4)ϕ(−q)

. (2.10)

Putting (1.10) into (2.10) yields


A4(n)qn =ϕ(−q4)ϕ(−q)


(ϕ(q4) + 2qψ(q8)


Extracting the term containing q2n, we have


A4(2n)qn =ϕ(q2)ϕ(−q2)ϕ(−q)2

. (2.11)

From [9, Entry 25, p. 40], we have

ϕ(q)ϕ(−q) = ϕ(−q2)2. (2.12)

By (2.11) and (2.12), we obtain


A4(2n)qn =ϕ(−q4)2


Applying the 4-dissection formula (1.12) in above, we deduce that




ϕ(−q4)6(ϕ(q4)3 + 2qϕ(q4)2ψ(q8) + 4q2ϕ(q4)ψ(q8)2 + 8q3ψ(q8)3



ϕ(−q4)6(ϕ(q4)6 + 4qϕ(q4)5ψ(q8) + 12q2ϕ(q4)4ψ(q8)2 + 32q3ϕ(q4)3ψ(q8)3

+48q4ϕ(q4)2ψ(q8)4 + 64q5ϕ(q4)ψ(q8)5 + 64q6ψ(q8)6). (2.13)


22 `-Regular Overpartitions

Extracting the terms containing q4n+i for i = 0, 1, 2, 3, respectively, we obtain


A4(8n)qn =1

ϕ(−q)6(ϕ(q)6 + 48qϕ(q)2ψ(q2)4

), (2.14)


A4(8n+ 2)qn =1

ϕ(−q)6(4ϕ(q)5ψ(q2) + 64qϕ(q)ψ(q2)5

), (2.15)


A4(8n+ 4)qn =1

ϕ(−q)6(12ϕ(q)4ψ(q2)2 + 64qψ(q2)6

), (2.16)


A4(8n+ 6)qn = 32ϕ(q)3ψ(q2)3

ϕ(−q)6. (2.17)

The congruence (2.3) now readily follows from (2.17).

From the binomial theorem, for any positive integers k, we have

(qk; qk)3∞ ≡ (q3k; q3k)∞ (mod 3). (2.18)

Therefore, (2.17) and (2.18) yield


A4(8n+ 6)qn ≡ 32ϕ(q3)ψ(q6)

ϕ(−q3)2(mod 96). (2.19)

The congruences (2.4) and (2.5) now readily follow from (2.19).

We now prove the remaining four congruences of the theorem. From (2.19), we



A4(24n+ 6)qn ≡ 32ϕ(q)ψ(q2)

ϕ(−q)2(mod 96). (2.20)

Also, from [9, Entry 25, p. 40], we have

ϕ(q)ψ(q2) = ψ(q)2. (2.21)


2.2 Congruences for A4(n) 23

Putting (2.21) into (2.20), we find that


A4(24n+ 6)qn ≡ 32ψ(q)2

ϕ(−q)2(mod 96). (2.22)

Applying (1.4), (1.6) and (2.18), we deduce that




ϕ(−q)3× ϕ(−q)



ϕ(−q)3× (q; q)3∞

(q2; q2)3∞

≡ ψ(q3)

ϕ(−q3)× (q3; q3)∞

(q6; q6)∞(mod 3). (2.23)

Now, (2.22) and (2.23) imply


A4(24n+ 6)qn ≡ 32ψ(q3)

ϕ(−q3)(q3; q3)∞(q6; q6)∞

(mod 96). (2.24)

Extracting the term containing q3n+1 and q3n+2 we get (2.6) and (2.7).

Again, using the binomial theorem we obtain form (2.14) that


A4(8n)qn ≡ ϕ(q3)2

ϕ(−q3)2(mod 3). (2.25)

The congruences (2.8) and (2.9) now readily follow from (2.25). This completes the

proof of Theorem 2.1.

For an odd prime p, the Legendre symbol is defined by




1 if a is a square modulo p and a 6≡ 0 (mod p);

−1 if a is not a square modulo p;

0 if a ≡ 0 (mod p).

We also prove the following infinite family of congruences modulo 8 for A4(n).


24 `-Regular Overpartitions

Theorem 2.2. Let p ≥ 5 be a prime such that



)= −1. Then for all nonneg-

ative integers α and n, we have


A4(8p2αn+ 4p2α)qn ≡ 4(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 8). (2.26)

Proof. From (2.16), we have


A4(8n+ 4)qn ≡ 4ϕ(q)4ψ(q2)2

ϕ(−q)6(mod 8). (2.27)

From the binomial theorem, for any positive integer k, we have

(qk; qk)2∞ ≡ (q2k; q2k)∞ (mod 2). (2.28)

Applying (1.3), (1.4), (1.6) and (2.28), we deduce that



((q2; q2)5∞

(q; q)2∞(q4; q4)2∞

)4((q4; q4)2∞(q2; q2)∞

)2((q2; q2)∞(q; q)2∞


≡ (q; q)12∞ (mod 2)

≡ (q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 2). (2.29)

Hence, (2.27) and (2.29) yield


A4(8n+ 4)qn ≡ 4(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 8), (2.30)

which is (2.26) with α = 0. We now use induction on α to complete the proof.

Observe that (2.26) can also be written as




(p2αn+ 12

p2α − 1


)+ 4

)qn ≡ 4(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 8). (2.31)


2.2 Congruences for A4(n) 25

We suppose that (2.31) holds for some α > 0. Substituting (1.21) into (2.31), we

have, modulo 8




(p2αn+ 12

p2α − 1


)+ 4

)qn (2.32)

≡ 4


k=− p−12

k 6=±p−16


2 f(−q43p2+(6k+1)p

2 ,−q43p2−(6k+1)p

2 ) + (−1)±p−1

6 q4p2−124 f(−q4p2)



m=− p−12



2 f(−q83p2+(6m+1)p

2 ,−q83p2−(6m+1)p

2 ) + (−1)±p−1

6 q8p2−124 f(−q8p2)


For a prime p ≥ 5 and −p−12≤ k,m ≤ p−1

2, consider

43k2 + k

2+ 8

3m2 +m

2≡ 12

p2 − 1

24(mod p) (2.33)

which is equivalent to

4(6k + 1)2 + 8(6m+ 1)2 ≡ 0 (mod p).


)= −1, we have k = m = ±p−1

6is the only solution of (2.33). There-

fore, extracting the terms containing qpn+12 p2−124 from both sides of (2.32), and then

replacing qp by q, we deduce that




(p2α+1n+ 12

p2α+2 − 1


)+ 4

)qn ≡ 4(q4p; q4p)∞(q8p; q8p)∞ (mod 8).


Similarly, extracting the terms containing qpn from both sides of (2.34), and then


26 `-Regular Overpartitions

replacing qp by q, we obtain




(p2(α+1)n+ 12

p2(α+1) − 1


)+ 4

)qn ≡ 4(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 8).

Thus, (2.31) holds for α + 1 as well. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.2.

Corollary 2.3. Let p ≥ 5 be a prime, such that



)= −1. Then for all

nonnegative integer n and α ≥ 1, we have

A4(8p2αn+ (8j + 4p)p2α−1) ≡ 0 (mod 8),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1.

Proof. From (2.34), it follows that

A4(8p2α+1(pn+ j) + 4p2α+2)) ≡ 0 (mod 8),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1. This completes the proof for α ≥ 1.

2.3 Congruences for A8(n)

For A8(n), we prove six congruences modulo 7 and three infinite families of

congruences modulo 4, 8, and 16 in the following two theorems.

Theorem 2.4. For i = 1, 2, . . . , 6, we have

A8(28n+ 4i) ≡ 0 (mod 7).

Proof. From (2.2), we have


A8(n)qn =ϕ(−q8)ϕ(−q)

. (2.35)


2.3 Congruences for A8(n) 27

Putting (1.12) into (2.35), we arrive at


A8(n)qn =ϕ(−q8)ϕ(−q4)4

(ϕ(q4)3 + 2qϕ(q4)2ψ(q8) + 4q2ϕ(q4)ψ(q8)2 + 8q3ψ(q8)3



Extracting the terms containing q4n, we obtain


A8(4n)qn =ϕ(−q2)ϕ(−q)4

ϕ(q)3. (2.37)

Substituting (2.12) into (2.37), we obtain


A8(4n)qn =ϕ(−q2)ϕ(−q)4





ϕ(−q)7. (2.38)

For any prime p, the binomial theorem gives

(q; q)p∞ ≡ (qp; qp)∞ (mod p). (2.39)

Thus, (2.38) and (2.39) yield


A8(4n)qn ≡ ϕ(−q14)ϕ(−q7)

(mod 7). (2.40)

The required congruences now readily follow from (2.40). This completes the proof

of Theorem 2.4.

Theorem 2.5. Let p ≥ 5 be a prime such that



)= −1. Then for all nonneg-

ative integers α and n, we have


A8(4p2αn+ p2α)qn ≡ 2(q2; q2)∞(q4; q4)∞ (mod 4), (2.41)


28 `-Regular Overpartitions


A8(4p2αn+ 2p2α)qn ≡ 4(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 8), (2.42)


A8(4p2αn+ 3p2α)qn ≡ 8(q2; q2)∞(q16; q16)∞ (mod 16). (2.43)

Proof. We prove all the three congruences using induction on α. To prove (2.41),

we extract the terms containing q4n+1 from (2.36) and we have


A8(4n+ 1)qn = 2ϕ(−q2)ϕ(−q)4

ϕ(q)2ψ(q2). (2.44)

Now substitute (1.3), (1.4) and (1.6) into (2.44), and then using (2.28) we obtain


A8(4n+ 1)qn = 2

((q2; q2)2∞(q4; q4)∞

)((q2; q2)∞(q; q)2∞

)4((q2; q2)5∞

(q; q)2∞(q4; q4)2∞

)2((q4; q4)2∞(q2; q2)∞

)≡ 2(q2; q2)3∞ (mod 4)

≡ 2(q2; q2)∞(q4; q4)∞ (mod 4). (2.45)

Hence, (2.41) is true when α = 0. We now observe that (2.41) can also be written





(p2αn+ 6

p2α − 1


)+ 1

)qn ≡ 2(q2; q2)∞(q4; q4)∞ (mod 4). (2.46)

Suppose that (2.46) holds for some α > 0. Substituting (1.21) into (2.46), and then

proceeding by similar steps as shown in the proof of Theorem 2.2, we deduce that




(p2α+1n+ 6

p2α+2 − 1


)+ 1

)qn ≡ 2(q2p; q2p)∞(q4p; q4p)∞ (mod 4).


Extracting the terms containing qpn from both sides of (2.47), and then replacing


2.3 Congruences for A8(n) 29

qp by q, we obtain




(p2(α+1)n+ 6

p2(α+1) − 1


)+ 1

)qn ≡ 2(q2; q2)∞(q4; q4)∞ (mod 4).

This completes the proof of (2.41).

To prove (2.42), we first extract the terms containing q4n+2 from (2.36) and we



A8(4n+ 2)qn = 4ϕ(−q2)ϕ(−q)4

ϕ(q)ψ(q2)2. (2.48)

Then substitute (1.3), (1.4) and (1.6) into (2.48); and then using (2.28) we get


A8(4n+ 2)qn = 4

((q2; q2)2∞(q4; q4)∞

)((q2; q2)∞(q; q)2∞

)4((q2; q2)5∞

(q; q)2∞(q4; q4)2∞

)((q4; q4)2∞(q2; q2)∞


≡ 4((q2; q2)3∞

)2(mod 8)

≡ 4(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 8). (2.49)

Hence, (2.42) is true when α = 0. We now observe that (2.42) can also be written





(p2αn+ 12

p2α − 1


)+ 2

)qn ≡ 4(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞. (2.50)

Suppose that (2.50) holds for some α > 0. Substituting (1.21) into (2.50), and then

proceeding by similar steps as show in the proof of Theorem 2.2, we deduce that




(p2α+1n+ 12

p2α+2 − 1


)+ 2

)qn ≡ 4(q4p; q4p)∞(q8p; q8p)∞ (mod 8).


Extracting the terms containing qpn from both sides of (2.51), and then replacing


30 `-Regular Overpartitions

qp by q, we obtain




(p2(α+1)n+ 12

p2(α+1) − 1


)+ 2

)qn ≡ 4(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 8).

This completes the proof of (2.42).

To prove (2.43), we extract the terms containing q4n+3 from (2.36) and we obtain


A8(4n+ 3)qn = 8ϕ(−q2)ϕ(−q)4

ψ(q2)3. (2.52)

Now substitute (1.4) and (1.6) into (2.52), and then using (2.28) we obtain


A8(4n+ 3)qn = 8

((q2; q2)2∞(q4; q4)∞

)((q2; q2)∞(q; q)2∞

)4((q4; q4)2∞(q2; q2)∞


≡ 8(q2; q2)9∞ (mod 16)

≡ 8(q2; q2)∞(q16; q16)∞ (mod 16). (2.53)

Hence, (2.43) is true when α = 0. We now observe that (2.43) can also be written





(p2αn+ 18

p2α − 1


)+ 3

)qn ≡ 8(q2; q2)∞(q16; q16)∞ (mod 16).


Suppose that (2.54) holds for some α > 0. Substituting (1.21) in (2.54), and then

proceeding by similar steps as show in the proof of Theorem 2.2, we deduce that




(p2α+1n+ 18

p2α+2 − 1


)+ 3

)qn ≡ 8(q2p; q2p)∞(q16p; q16p)∞ (mod 16).


Extracting the terms containing qpn from both sides of (2.55), and then replacing


2.3 Congruences for A8(n) 31

qp by q, we obtain




(p2(α+1)n+ 18

p2(α+1) − 1


)+ 3

)qn ≡ 8(q2; q2)∞(q16; q16)∞ (mod 16),

completing the proof of (2.43). This completes the proof of Theorem 2.5.

Corollary 2.6. Let p ≥ 5 be a prime, such that



)= −1. Then for all

nonnegative integer n and α ≥ 1, we have

A8(4p2αn+ (4j + p)p2α−1) ≡ 0 (mod 4),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1.

Proof. From (2.47), it follows that

A8(4p2α+1(pn+ j) + p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 4),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1. This completes the proof for α ≥ 1.

Corollary 2.7. Let p ≥ 5 be a prime, such that



)= −1. Then for all

nonnegative integer n and α ≥ 1, we have

A8(4p2αn+ (4j + 2p)p2α−1) ≡ 0 (mod 8),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1.

Proof. From (2.51), it follows that

A8(4p2α+1(pn+ j) + 2p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 8),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1. This completes the proof for α ≥ 1.


32 `-Regular Overpartitions

Corollary 2.8. Let p ≥ 5 be a prime, such that



)= −1. Then for all

nonnegative integer n and α ≥ 1, we have

A8(4p2αn+ (4j + 3p)p2α−1) ≡ 0 (mod 16),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1.

Proof. From (2.55), it follows that

A8(4p2α+1(pn+ j) + 3p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 16),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1. This completes the proof for α ≥ 1.

2.4 Congruences for A2`(n) and A4`(n)

In this section we prove infinite families of congruences for A2`(n) and A4`(n).

Theorem 2.9. Let p ≥ 5 be a prime such that



)= −1. Then for all positive

integers n, k and α, we have

A2`(2p2αn+ (2j + p)p2α−1) ≡ 0 (mod 4),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1.

To prove Theorem 2.9, we first prove the following result.

Theorem 2.10. Let p ≥ 5 be a prime such that



)= −1. Then for all integers

n, k ≥ 1 and α ≥ 0, we have


A2`(2p2αn+ p2α)qn ≡ 2(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 4). (2.56)


2.4 Congruences for A2`(n) and A4`(n) 33

Proof. From (2.2), we have


A2`(n)qn =ϕ(−q2`)ϕ(−q)

. (2.57)

Putting (1.10) into (2.57) yields


A2`(n)qn =ϕ(−q2`)ϕ(−q2)2

(ϕ(q4) + 2qψ(q8)


Extracting the terms containing q2n+1, and then using (1.4) and (1.6), we obtain


A2`(2n+ 1)qn = 2ϕ(−q`)ψ(q4)


= 2(q`; q`)2∞

(q2`; q2`)∞

(q2; q2)2∞(q; q)4∞

(q8; q8)2∞(q4; q4)∞

. (2.58)

For any prime number p, the binomial theorem gives

(q; q)p∞ ≡ (qp; qp)∞ (mod p). (2.59)

By (2.58) and (2.59), we obtain


A2`(2n+ 1)qn ≡ 2(q4; q4)3∞ (mod 4)

≡ 2(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 4) (2.60)

which is (2.56) with α = 0. We now use induction on α to complete the proof.

Observe that (2.56) can also be written as




(p2αn+ 12

p2α − 1


)+ 1

)qn ≡ 2(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 4). (2.61)

We suppose that (2.61) holds for some α > 0. Substituting (1.21) in (2.61), and


34 `-Regular Overpartitions

then proceeding by similar steps as show in the proof of Theorem 2.2, we deduce





(p2α+1n+ 12

p2α+2 − 1


)+ 1

)qn ≡ 2(q4p; q4p)∞(q8p; q8p)∞ (mod 4).


Similarly, extracting the terms containing qpn from both sides of (2.62), and then

replacing qp by q, we obtain




(p2(α+1)n+ 12

p2(α+1) − 1


)+ 1

)qn ≡ 2(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 4).


This completes the proof of the Theorem 2.10.

Proof of Theorem 2.9. From (2.62), it follows that

A2`(2p2α+1(pn+ j) + p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 4),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.9, for α ≥ 1.

We obtain the following Ramanujan-type congruences for A2`(n).

Corollary 2.11. We have

A2`(8n+ 2j + 1) ≡ 0 (mod 4),

where j = 1, 2, 3.

Proof. We readily obtain the congruences by extracting the terms containing q4n+j

from (2.60), where j = 1, 2, 3.

We prove the following infinite families of congruences modulo 4, 8 and 16 for



2.4 Congruences for A2`(n) and A4`(n) 35

Theorem 2.12. Let p ≥ 5 be a prime such that



)= −1. Then for all positive

integers n, k and α, we have

A4`(4p2αn+ (4j + p)p2α−1) ≡ 0 (mod 4),

A4`(4p2αn+ (4j + 2p)p2α−1) ≡ 0 (mod 8),

A4`(4p2αn+ (4j + 3p)p2α−1) ≡ 0 (mod 16),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1.

To prove Theorem 2.12, we first prove the following result.

Theorem 2.13. Let p ≥ 5 be a prime such that



)= −1. Then for all integers

n, k ≥ 1 and α ≥ 0, we have


A4`(4p2αn+ p2α)qn ≡ 2(q2; q2)∞(q4; q4)∞ (mod 4), (2.64)


A4`(4p2αn+ 2p2α)qn ≡ 4(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 8), (2.65)


A4`(4p2αn+ 3p2α)qn ≡ 8(q2; q2)∞(q16; q16)∞ (mod 16). (2.66)

Proof. From (2.2), we have


A4`(n)qn =ϕ(−q4`)ϕ(−q)

. (2.67)

Putting (1.12) into (2.67), we arrive at


A4`(n)qn =ϕ(−q4`)ϕ(−q4)4

(ϕ(q4)3 + 2qϕ(q4)2ψ(q8) + 4q2ϕ(q4)ψ(q8)2 + 8q3ψ(q8)3



36 `-Regular Overpartitions

Extracting the terms containing q4n+i for i = 1, 2, 3, respectively, we obtain


A4`(4n+ 1)qn = 2ϕ(−q`)ϕ(−q)4

ϕ(q)2ψ(q2), (2.68)


A4`(4n+ 2)qn = 4ϕ(−q`)ϕ(−q)4

ϕ(q)ψ(q2)2, (2.69)


A4`(4n+ 3)qn = 8ϕ(−q`)ϕ(−q)4

ψ(q2)3. (2.70)

We now substitute the values of ϕ(q), ψ(q) and ϕ(−q) from (1.3), (1.4) and (1.6)

into (2.68), (2.69) and (2.70), and then using the binomial theorem, we deduce that


A4`(4n+ 1)qn ≡ 2(q2; q2)∞(q4; q4)∞ (mod 4), (2.71)


A4`(4n+ 2)qn ≡ 4(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)∞ (mod 8), (2.72)


A4`(4n+ 3)qn ≡ 8(q2; q2)∞(q16; q16)∞ (mod 16). (2.73)

Hence, (2.64), (2.65) and (2.66) are true when α = 0. We now use induction on α

to complete the proof.

For a prime p ≥ 5 and −p−12≤ k,m ≤ p−1

2, we consider the congruences

23k2 + k

2+ 4

3m2 +m

2≡ 6

p2 − 1

24(mod p), (2.74)

43k2 + k

2+ 8

3m2 +m

2≡ 12

p2 − 1

24(mod p), (2.75)

23k2 + k

2+ 16

3m2 +m

2≡ 18

p2 − 1

24(mod p). (2.76)

We have the following equivalent congruences, respectively.

(6k + 1)2 + 2(6m+ 1)2 ≡ 0 (mod p),

(6k + 1)2 + 2(6m+ 1)2 ≡ 0 (mod p),


2.4 Congruences for A2`(n) and A4`(n) 37

(6k + 1)2 + 8(6m+ 1)2 ≡ 0 (mod p).


)= −1, therefore k = m = ±p−1

6is the only solution of (2.74), (2.75) and

(2.76). By (1.21) and proceeding by similar steps as show in the proof of Theorem

2.2, we deduce the following congruences:




(p(2α+1)n+ 6

p2(α+1) − 1


)+ 1

)qn ≡ 2(q2p; q2p)∞(q4p; q4p)∞ (mod 4);





(p(2α+1)n+ 12

p2(α+1) − 1


)+ 2

)qn ≡ 4(q4p; q4p)∞(q8p; q8p)∞ (mod 8),


and, modulo 16, we have




(p(2α+1)n+ 18

p2(α+1) − 1


)+ 3

)qn ≡ 8(q2p; q2p)∞(q16p; q16p)∞. (2.79)

We next extract the terms containing qpn from both sides of the above congruences,

and observe that (2.64), (2.65) and (2.66) are true when α is replaced by α+1. This

completes the proof of the result.

Proof of Theorem 2.12. By extracting the terms containing qpn+j from both sides

of (2.77), (2.78) and (2.79), we readily find that

A4`(4p2α+1(pn+ j) + p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 4),

A4`(4p2α+1(pn+ j) + 2p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 8),

A4`(4p2α+1(pn+ j) + 3p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 16),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.12 for α ≥ 1.

We obtain the following Ramanujan-type congruences for A4`(n).


38 `-Regular Overpartitions

Corollary 2.14. We have

A4`(8n+ 7) ≡ 0 (mod 16),

A4`(16n+ 4j + 2) ≡ 0 (mod 8),

where j = 1, 2, 3.

Proof. The first congruence follows from (2.73) by extracting the terms containing

q2n+1. We obtain the last congruences from (2.72) by extracting the terms containing

q4n+j, where j = 1, 2, 3.

Putting (1.12) into the generating function of A`(n) we obtain the following


Remark 2.4.1. For any positive integer ` ≡ 0 (mod 4), we have A`(4n + i) ≡ 0

(mod 2i), for i = 1, 2, 3.

2.5 Congruences for A9(n)

We prove the following congruences modulo 4 and 16 for A9(n).

Theorem 2.15. We have

A9(6n+ 3) ≡ 0 (mod 4), (2.80)

A9(36n+ 21) ≡ 0 (mod 16), (2.81)

A9(36n+ 30) ≡ 0 (mod 16). (2.82)

Proof. From (2.2), we have


A9(n)qn =ϕ(−q9)ϕ(−q)

. (2.83)


2.5 Congruences for A9(n) 39

Putting (1.11) into (2.83), we obtain


A9(n)qn =ϕ(−q9)2

ϕ(−q3)4(ϕ(−q9)2 + 2qϕ(−q9)Ω(−q3) + 4q2Ω(−q3)2


After simplification, we obtain


A9(3n)qn =ϕ(−q3)4

ϕ(−q)4, (2.84)


A9(3n+ 1)qn = 2ϕ(−q3)3Ω(−q)

ϕ(−q)4, (2.85)


A9(3n+ 2)qn = 4ϕ(−q3)2Ω(−q)2

ϕ(−q)4. (2.86)

From the binomial theorem, we have

(qk; qk)4∞ ≡ (q2k; q2k)2∞ (mod 4). (2.87)

Hence, (2.84) and (2.87) yield


A9(3n)qn ≡ ϕ(−q6)2

ϕ(−q2)2(mod 4). (2.88)

Now, (2.80) follows from (2.88).

Again, putting (1.11) into (2.84), we obtain




ϕ(−q3)12(ϕ(−q9)2 + 2qϕ(−q9)Ω(−q3) + 4q2Ω(−q3)2



ϕ(−q3)12(ϕ(−q9)8 + 8qϕ(−q9)7Ω(−q3) + 40q2ϕ(−q9)6Ω(−q3)2

+128q3ϕ(−q9)5Ω(−q3)3 + 304q4ϕ(−q9)4Ω(−q3)4 + 512q5ϕ(−q9)3Ω(−q3)5

+640q6ϕ(−q9)2Ω(−q3)6 + 512q7ϕ(−q9)Ω(−q3)7 + 256q8Ω(−q3)8).


40 `-Regular Overpartitions

Extracting the term containing q3n+1, we obtain


A9(9n+ 3)qn =ϕ(−q3)4

ϕ(−q)12(8ϕ(−q3)7Ω(−q) + 304qϕ(−q3)4Ω(−q)4

+512q2ϕ(−q3)Ω(−q)7). (2.89)

Here we recall that Ω(−q) =(q; q)∞(q6; q6)2∞

(q2; q2)∞(q3; q3)∞. Hence, from (2.89) and (1.6) we



A9(9n+ 3)qn

≡ 8ϕ(−q3)11

ϕ(−q)12Ω(−q) (mod 16)

≡ 8

((q3; q3)2∞(q6; q6)∞

)11((q2; q2)∞(q; q)2∞

)12((q; q)∞(q6; q6)2∞

(q2; q2)∞(q3; q3)∞

)(mod 16).

Then (2.28) and (1.17) yield


A9(9n+ 3)qn ≡ 8(q6; q6)2∞

(q; q)∞(q3; q3)∞(mod 16)

≡ 8

((q8; q8)2∞(q12; q12)5∞

(q2; q2)2∞(q4; q4)∞(q6; q6)2∞(q24; q24)2∞(2.90)

+q(q4; q4)5∞(q24; q24)2∞

(q2; q2)4∞(q8; q8)2∞(q12; q12)∞

)(mod 16).

From (2.90), we find that


A9(18n+ 3)qn ≡ 8(q4; q4)2∞(q6; q6)5∞

(q; q)2∞(q2; q2)∞(q3; q3)2∞(q12; q12)2∞(mod 16), (2.91)


A9(18n+ 12)qn ≡ 8(q2; q2)5∞(q12; q12)2∞

(q; q)4∞(q4; q4)2∞(q6; q6)∞(mod 16). (2.92)


2.5 Congruences for A9(n) 41

Putting (1.17) into (2.91), we obtain, modulo 16


A9(18n+ 3)qn

≡ 8(q4; q4)2∞(q6; q6)∞

(q2; q2)∞(q12; q12)2∞


(q8; q8)2∞(q12; q12)5∞(q2; q2)2∞(q4; q4)∞(q6; q6)2∞(q24; q24)2∞

+ q(q4; q4)5∞(q24; q24)2∞

(q2; q2)4∞(q8; q8)2∞(q12; q12)∞



which gives (2.81).

Again, using (1.16) in (2.92), we find that


A9(18n+ 12)qn (2.93)

≡ 8(q2; q2)5∞(q12; q12)2∞(q4; q4)2∞(q6; q6)∞

((q4; q4)14∞

(q2; q2)14∞(q8; q8)4∞+ 4q

(q4; q4)2∞(q8; q8)4∞(q2; q2)10∞

)(mod 16).

Now, (2.82) follows from (2.93). This completes the proof of Theorem 2.15.

In the following theorem we prove a congruence relation modulo 3 for A9(n).

Theorem 2.16. For any positive integers k and n, we have

A9(n) ≡ A9(3kn) (mod 3). (2.94)

If n is odd, then for any positive integer k we have

A9(n) ≡ A9(3kn) (mod 6). (2.95)

Proof. Using (1.6) on the generating function of A9(3n) in (2.84) and then applying

the binomial theorem, we obtain


A9(3n)qn =ϕ(−q3)4



42 `-Regular Overpartitions

=(q3; q3)8∞(q6; q6)4∞

(q2; q2)4∞(q; q)8∞

=(q3; q3)8∞(q6; q6)4∞

((q2; q2)3∞(q; q)6∞

)(q2; q2)∞(q; q)2∞

≡ (q3; q3)8∞(q6; q6)4∞

((q6; q6)∞(q3; q3)2∞

)(q2; q2)∞(q; q)2∞

(mod 3)

=(q3; q3)6∞(q6; q6)3∞

(q2; q2)∞(q; q)2∞

≡ (q9; q9)2∞(q18; q18)∞

(q2; q2)∞(q; q)2∞

(mod 3)


. (2.96)

Now, from (2.2) and (2.96), we obtain

A9(n) ≡ A9(3n) (mod 3).

This proves the congruence (2.94).

We next prove the congruence (2.95). Putting (1.6) into (2.2), and then using

(1.18), we obtain



=(q2; q2)∞(q9; q9)2∞(q; q)2∞(q18; q18)∞

=(q2; q2)∞

(q18; q18)∞

((q12; q12)3∞(q18; q18)∞

(q2; q2)2∞(q6; q6)∞(q36; q36)∞+ q

(q4; q4)2∞(q6; q6)∞(q36; q36)∞(q2; q2)3∞(q12; q12)∞



Extracting the terms containing q2n+1 we find that


A9(2n+ 1)qn = 2(q2; q2)2∞(q6; q6)2∞

(q; q)4∞. (2.97)

This proves that A9(2n + 1) is always even. Thus, if n is odd then (2.95) readily

follows from (2.94). This completes the proof of the theorem.


2.5 Congruences for A9(n) 43

Finally, we prove the following infinite families of congruences modulo 16 and 6

for A9(n), respectively.

Theorem 2.17. Let p ≥ 5 be a prime such that



)= −1. Then for all

nonnegative integers α and n, we have


A9(18p2αn+ 3p2α)qn ≡ 8(q4; q4)∞ϕ(q3) (mod 16). (2.98)

Proof. We prove this theorem using induction on α. We first substitute (1.3) into

(2.91), and then using (2.28) we obtain


A9(18n+ 3)qn ≡ 8(q4; q4)∞ϕ(q3) (mod 16). (2.99)

Hence, (2.98) is true when α = 0. We now observe that (2.98) can also be written





(p2αn+ 4

p2α − 1


)+ 3

)qn ≡ 8(q4; q4)∞ϕ(q3) (mod 16). (2.100)

Suppose that (2.100) holds for some α > 0. Substituting (1.19) and (1.21) into

(2.100), and then proceeding by similar steps as show in the proof of Theorem 2.2,

we deduce that




(p2α(pn+ 4

p2 − 1


)+ 4

p2α − 1


)+ 3


≡ 8(q4p; q4p)∞ϕ(q3p) (mod 16). (2.101)

Extracting the terms containing qpn from both sides of (2.101), and then replacing

qp by q, we obtain




(p2(α+1)n+ 4

p2(α+1) − 1


)+ 3

)qn ≡ 8(q4; q4)∞ϕ(q3) (mod 16).


44 `-Regular Overpartitions

This completes the proof of the Theorem 2.17.

Corollary 2.18. Let p ≥ 5 be a prime, such that



)= −1. Then for all

nonnegative integer n and α ≥ 1, we have

A9(18p2αn+ (18j + 3p)p2α−1) ≡ 0 (mod 16),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1.

Proof. From (2.101), it follows that

A9(18p2α+1(pn+ j) + 3p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 16),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1. This completes the proof for α ≥ 1.

Theorem 2.19. Let p be a prime such that



)= −1. Then for all integers

n, k ≥ 0 and α ≥ 1, we have


(3k(2p2αn+ (2j + p)p2α−1)

)≡ 0 (mod 6),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1.

We now prove a result before proving Theorem 2.19.

Theorem 2.20. Let p be a prime such that



)= −1. Then for all nonnegative

integers α, k and n, we have



(3k(2p2αn+ p2α)

)qn ≡ 2ψ(q)ψ(q3) (mod 6). (2.102)

Proof. We note that due to Theorem 2.16 it is enough to prove the congruence

(2.102) for k = 0. Putting (1.4) into (2.97), and then using the fact that A9(2n+ 1)


2.5 Congruences for A9(n) 45

is even, we have


A9(2n+ 1)qn ≡ 2ψ(q)ψ(q3) (mod 6). (2.103)

Hence, (2.102) is true when α = 0 and k = 0. Suppose that for some α > 0, we have




(p2αn+ 4

(p2α − 1)


)+ 1

)qn ≡ 2ψ(q)ψ(q3) (mod 6). (2.104)

Substituting (1.20) into (2.104), we have, modulo 6




(p2αn+ 4

(p2α − 1)


)+ 1

)qn (2.105)

≡ 2




2 f

(p2 + (2k + 1)p

2,p2 − (2k + 1)p


)+ q

p2−18 ψ(qp







2 f

(3p2 + (2m+ 1)p

2, 3p2 − (2m+ 1)p


)+ q3

p2−18 ψ(q3p



.For any odd prime p and 0 ≤ k,m ≤ p−3

2, we consider the congruence

k2 + k

2+ 3

m2 +m

2≡ 4

p2 − 1

8(mod p), (2.106)

which is equivalent to

(2k + 1)2 + 3(2m+ 1)2 ≡ 0 (mod p).


)= −1, therefore k = m = p−1

2is the only solution of (2.106). Now,

extracting the terms containing qpn+4(p2−1)

8 from both sides of (2.105), and then


46 `-Regular Overpartitions

replacing qp by q, we deduce that




(p2α(pn+ 4

(p2 − 1)


)+ 4

(p2α − 1)


)+ 1

)qn ≡ 2ψ(q)ψ(q3) (mod 6).


Again, extracting the terms containing qpn from both sides of (2.107) and then

replacing qp by q, we obtain




(p2α+2n+ 4

(p2α+2 − 1)


)+ 1

)qn ≡ 2ψ(q)ψ(q3) (mod 6). (2.108)

Thus, if k = 0 then (2.102) is true when α is replaced by α+ 1. This completes the

proof of Theorem 2.20.

Proof of Theorem 2.19. From (2.107), it follows that

A9(2p2α+1(pn+ j) + p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 6), (2.109)

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p − 1. Hence, the result is true for k = 0. We now apply

Theorem 2.16 to complete the proof of the Theorem 2.19.


3Overpartitions Into Odd Parts

3.1 Introduction

In this chapter, we study overpartitions in which only odd parts are used. This

function has arisen in a number of recent papers, but in contexts which are very

different from overpartitions. For example, see Ardonne, Kedem and Stone [6],

Bessenrodt [11], and Santos and Sills [51]. We denote by po(n) the number of over-

partitions of n into odd parts. Hirschhorn and Sellers [27] obtain many interesting

arithmetic properties of po(n). They observe that the generating function for po(n)

1The contents of this chapter have been published in Integers: electronic journal of combinato-rial number theory (2018).



48 Overpartitions Into Odd Parts

is given by


po(n)qn =∞∏n=1

1 + q2n−1

1− q2n−1=

(q2; q2)3∞(q; q)2∞(q4; q4)∞

. (3.1)

They establish a number of arithmetic results including several Ramanujan-type con-

gruences satisfied by po(n), and some easily-stated characterizations of po(n) modulo

small powers of 2. For example, the following two Ramanujan-type congruences can

readily be seen from one of their main theorems.

po(8n+ 5) ≡ 0 (mod 8), (3.2)

po(8n+ 7) ≡ 0 (mod 16). (3.3)

They also prove that, for n ≥ 1, po(n) is divisible by 4 if and only if n is neither a

square nor twice a square. In [16, Theorem 1], Chen proves that


po(16n+ 14)qn = 112(q2; q2)27∞

(q; q)25∞(q4; q4)2∞+ 256q

(q2; q2)3∞(q4; q4)14∞(q; q)17∞

, (3.4)

from which it readily follows that po(16n + 14) ≡ 0 (mod 16). Using elementary

theory of modular forms, he further proves infinitely many congruences for po(n)

modulo 32 and 64. Let t ≥ 0 be an integer and p1, p2 ≡ 1 (mod 8) be primes. Chen

[16, Theorem 2] proves that

po(p2t+11 (16n+ 14)) ≡ 0 (mod 32), (3.5)

po(p4t+31 (16n+ 14)) ≡ 0 (mod 64), (3.6)

po(p1p2(16n+ 14)) ≡ 0 (mod 64). (3.7)

The first two congruences are valid for all nonnegative integers n satisfying 8n 6≡ −7

(mod p1). The last congruence is valid for all nonnegative integers n satisfying

8n 6≡ −7 (mod p1) and 8n 6≡ −7 (mod p2).


3.2 Some generating functions for po(n) 49

3.2 Some generating functions for po(n)

We prove the following identities for po(n) similar to (3.4) for other values of n.

Along the way, we also obtain (3.4).

Theorem 3.1. We have


po(4n)qn =(q2; q2)5∞(q4; q4)3∞(q; q)6∞(q8; q8)2∞

, (3.8)


po(4n+ 1)qn = 2(q4; q4)7∞

(q; q)4∞(q2; q2)∞(q8; q8)2∞, (3.9)


po(4n+ 2)qn = 2(q2; q2)7∞(q8; q8)2∞(q; q)6∞(q4; q4)3∞

, (3.10)


po(4n+ 3)qn = 4(q2; q2)∞(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)2∞

(q; q)4∞, (3.11)


po(16n+ 2)qn = 2(q2; q2)45∞

(q; q)31∞(q4; q4)14∞+ 224q

(q2; q2)21∞(q4; q4)2∞(q; q)23∞

, (3.12)


po(16n+ 6)qn = 12(q2; q2)39∞

(q; q)29∞(q4; q4)10∞+ 320q

(q2; q2)15∞(q4; q4)6∞(q; q)21∞

, (3.13)


po(16n+ 10)qn = 40(q2; q2)23∞

(q; q)27∞(q4; q4)6∞+ 384q

(q2; q2)9∞(q4; q4)10∞(q; q)19∞

. (3.14)

Proof. From (3.1) and (1.13), we find that


po(n)qn =(q2; q2)3∞

(q; q)2∞(q4; q4)∞

=(q2; q2)3∞(q4; q4)∞


(q; q)2∞


(q2; q2)3∞(q4; q4)∞

(q4; q4)2∞(q2; q2)5∞



(q4; q4)∞(q2; q2)2∞





50 Overpartitions Into Odd Parts





=(ϕ(q4) + 2qψ(q8)) (ϕ(q8) + 2q2ψ(q16))


Now extracting the terms containing q4n+i for i = 0, 1, 2, 3, respectively and using

(1.3), (1.4) and (1.6), we obtain


po(4n)qn =ϕ(q)ϕ(q2)


(q2; q2)5∞(q; q)2∞(q4; q4)2∞

(q4; q4)5∞(q2; q2)2∞(q8; q8)2∞

(q2; q2)2∞(q; q)4∞

=(q2; q2)5∞(q4; q4)3∞(q; q)6∞(q8; q8)2∞



po(4n+ 1)qn = 2ψ(q2)ϕ(q2)

ϕ(−q)2= 2

(q4; q4)2∞(q2; q2)∞

(q4; q4)5∞(q2; q2)2∞(q8; q8)2∞

(q2; q2)2∞(q; q)4∞

= 2(q4; q4)7∞

(q; q)4∞(q2; q2)∞(q8; q8)2∞,


po(4n+ 2)qn = 2ϕ(q)ψ(q4)

ϕ(−q)2= 2

(q2; q2)5∞(q; q)2∞(q4; q4)2∞

(q8; q8)2∞(q4; q4)∞

(q2; q2)2∞(q; q)4∞

= 2(q2; q2)7∞(q8; q8)2∞(q; q)6∞(q4; q4)3∞



po(4n+ 3)qn = 4ψ(q2)ψ(q4)

ϕ(−q)2= 4

(q4; q4)2∞(q2; q2)∞

(q8; q8)2∞(q4; q4)∞

(q2; q2)2∞(q; q)4∞

= 4(q2; q2)∞(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)2∞

(q; q)4∞.

This completes the proof of (3.8), (3.9), (3.10) and (3.11). We note that the identity

(3.11) is also found by Hirschhorn and Sellers [27, Theorem 2.12].

Using (1.13) and (1.12) in (3.10), we deduce that


po(4n+ 2)qn


3.2 Some generating functions for po(n) 51

= 2ψ(q4)ϕ(q)1


= 2ψ(q4)(ϕ(q4) + 2qψ(q8)

)× 1

ϕ(−q4)8(ϕ(q4)3 + 2qϕ(q4)2ψ(q8) + 4q2ϕ(q4)ψ(q8)2 + 8q3ψ(q8)3

)2= 2


ϕ(−q4)8(ϕ(q4) + 2qψ(q8)

) (ϕ(q4)6 + 4qϕ(q4)5ψ(q8) + 12q2ϕ(q4)4ψ(q8)2

+32q3ϕ(q4)3ψ(q8)3 + 48q4ϕ(q4)2ψ(q8)4 + 64q5ϕ(q4)ψ(q8)5 + 64q6ψ(q8)6)

= 2ψ(q4)

ϕ(−q4)8(ϕ(q4)7 + 6qϕ(q4)6ψ(q8) + 20q2ϕ(q4)5ψ(q8)2 + 56q3ϕ(q4)4ψ(q8)3

+112q4ϕ(q4)3ψ(q8)4 + 160q5ϕ(q4)2ψ(q8)5 + 192q6ϕ(q4)ψ(q8)6 + 128q7ψ(q8)7).


Extracting the terms containing q4n+i for i = 0, 1, 2, respectively, we obtain


po(16n+ 2)qn = 2ϕ(q)7ψ(q)

ϕ(−q)8+ 224q



= 2(q2; q2)45∞

(q; q)31∞(q4; q4)14∞+ 224q

(q2; q2)21∞(q4; q4)2∞(q; q)23∞



po(16n+ 6)qn = 12ϕ(q)6ψ(q)ψ(q2)

ϕ(−q)8+ 320q



= 12(q2; q2)39∞

(q; q)29∞(q4; q4)10∞+ 320q

(q2; q2)15∞(q4; q4)6∞(q; q)21∞



po(16n+ 10)qn = 40ϕ(q)5ψ(q)ψ(q2)2

ϕ(−q)8+ 384q



= 40(q2; q2)33∞

(q; q)27∞(q4; q4)6∞+ 384q

(q2; q2)9∞(q4; q4)10∞(q; q)19∞


This completes the proof of (3.12), (3.13) and (3.14), respectively.

Remark 3.2.1. If we extract the coefficients of q4n+3 from (3.15), we readily ob-

tain (3.4).


52 Overpartitions Into Odd Parts

3.3 Congruences for po(n)

We prove the following congruences for po(n) modulo 8 and 16.

Theorem 3.2. We have


po(8n+ 3)qn ≡ 4(q2; q2)5∞(q; q)∞

(mod 16), (3.16)


po(16n+ 6)qn ≡ 12(q2; q2)5∞(q; q)∞

(mod 16), (3.17)


po(16n+ 10)qn ≡ 8(q2; q2)2∞(q4; q4)3∞

(q; q)∞(mod 16), (3.18)


po(32n+ 4)qn ≡ 6(q; q)∞(q2; q2)5∞

(q4; q4)2∞(mod 8), (3.19)


po(32n+ 12)qn ≡ 4(q; q)3∞(q4; q4)2∞

(q2; q2)∞(mod 8), (3.20)


po(24n+ 1)qn ≡ 2(q2; q2)∞(q; q)∞

(mod 8), (3.21)


po(24n+ 17)qn ≡ 4(q; q)∞(q3; q3)2∞(q6; q6)2∞

(q2; q2)∞(mod 8), (3.22)


po(72n+ 9)qn ≡ 6(q; q)∞(q2; q2)∞ (mod 8). (3.23)

Proof. From the binomial theorem, we have

(q; q)4∞ ≡ (q2; q2)2∞ (mod 4).

Now, applying the above congruences in (3.11), we obtain


po(4n+ 3)qn = 4(q2; q2)∞(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)2∞

(q; q)4∞

= 4

((q2; q2)∞(q; q)4∞

)((q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)2∞



3.3 Congruences for po(n) 53

≡ 4

((q2; q2)∞(q2; q2)2∞

)((q4; q4)∞(q4; q4)4∞

)(mod 16)

= 4(q4; q4)5∞(q2; q2)∞

(mod 16).

Extracting the terms containing q2n, we readily deduce (3.16).

Using the binomial theorem, from (3.13) and (3.14), we obtain, respectively,


po(16n+ 6)qn ≡ 12(q2; q2)39∞

(q; q)29∞(q4; q4)10∞

= 12

((q2; q2)14∞(q; q)28∞

)(q2; q2)5∞(q; q)∞

((q2; q2)20∞(q4; q4)10∞

)≡ 12

(q2; q2)5∞(q; q)∞

(mod 16),


po(16n+ 10)qn ≡ 8(q2; q2)33∞

(q; q)27∞(q4; q4)6∞

= 8

((q2; q2)13∞(q; q)26∞

)(q2; q2)2∞(q4; q4)3∞

(q; q)∞

((q2; q2)18∞(q4; q4)9∞

)≡ 8

(q2; q2)2∞(q4; q4)3∞(q; q)∞

(mod 16).

This completes the proof of (3.17) and (3.18).

From (3.8) and (1.13), we obtain


po(4n)qn =(q2; q2)5∞(q4; q4)3∞(q; q)6∞(q8; q8)2∞

=(q2; q2)5∞(q4; q4)3∞

(q8; q8)2∞


(q; q)2∞


=(q2; q2)5∞(q4; q4)3∞

(q8; q8)2∞

((q4; q4)2∞(q2; q2)5∞



=(q4; q4)9∞

(q2; q2)10∞(q8; q8)2∞ϕ(q)3

=(q4; q4)9∞

(q2; q2)10∞(q8; q8)2∞

(ϕ(q4) + 2qψ(q8)


(q4; q4)9∞(q2; q2)10∞(q8; q8)2∞


54 Overpartitions Into Odd Parts

×(ϕ(q4)3 + 6qϕ(q4)2ψ(q8) + 12q2ϕ(q4)ψ(q8)2 + 8q3ψ(q8)3


Extracting the terms containing q2n+1, and then using the binomial theorem, we

obtain, modulo 8,


po(8n+ 4)qn =(q2; q2)9∞

(q; q)10∞(q4; q4)2∞

(6ϕ(q2)2ψ(q4) + 8qψ(q4)3


(q2; q2)9∞(q; q)10∞(q4; q4)2∞


(q4; q4)10∞(q2; q2)4∞(q8; q8)4∞

(q8; q8)2∞(q4; q4)∞

+ 8q(q8; q8)6∞(q2; q2)3∞

)≡ 6

(q2; q2)5∞(q4; q4)7∞(q; q)10∞(q8; q8)2∞

= 6

((q4; q4)2∞(q; q)8∞

)(q2; q2)5∞(q4; q4)∞

(q; q)2∞

((q4; q4)4∞(q8; q8)2∞

)≡ 6

(q2; q2)5∞(q4; q4)∞(q; q)2∞

. (3.24)

Applying (1.14) in (3.24) yields


po(8n+ 4)qn ≡ 6(q4; q4)∞

((q8; q8)5∞

(q16; q16)2∞+ 2q

(q4; q4)2∞(q16; q16)2∞(q8; q8)∞

)(mod 8).


Now, extracting the terms containing q4n and q4n+1, respectively, we have


po(32n+ 4)qn ≡ 6(q; q)∞(q2; q2)5∞

(q4; q4)2∞= 6(q; q)∞ϕ(−q2)2f(−q2) (mod 8),


po(32n+ 12)qn ≡ 4(q; q)3∞(q4; q4)2∞

(q2; q2)∞= 4(q; q)∞ψ(q2)f(−q)2 (mod 8).

This completes the proof of (3.19) and (3.20).

Applying the congruences (q; q)4∞ ≡ (q2; q2)2∞ (mod 4) and (q8; q8)2∞ ≡ (q4; q4)4∞


3.3 Congruences for po(n) 55

(mod 4) in (3.9) yields


po(4n+ 1)qn = 2(q4; q4)7∞

(q; q)4∞(q2; q2)∞(q8; q8)2∞

= 2

((q2; q2)2∞(q; q)4∞

)(q4; q4)3∞(q2; q2)3∞

((q4; q4)4∞(q8; q8)2∞

)≡ 2

(q4; q4)3∞(q2; q2)3∞

(mod 8).

Extracting the terms containing q2n, we obtain, modulo 8,


po(8n+ 1)qn ≡ 2(q2; q2)3∞(q; q)3∞

= 2ψ(q)

ϕ(−q). (3.26)

Now, (1.15) and (1.11) yield




(Π(q3) + 2qψ(q9)

) (ϕ(−q9)2 + 2qϕ(−q9)Ω(−q3) + 4q2Ω(−q3)2


ϕ(−q3)4Π(q3) + 3q


ϕ(−q3)4ψ(q9) + 6q2



+ 4q3φ(−q9)φ(−q3)4

Ω(−q3)2ψ(q9). (3.27)

Let us recall that Π(q) =(q2; q2)∞(q3; q3)2∞(q; q)∞(q6; q6)∞

and Ω(−q) =(q; q)∞(q6; q6)2∞

(q2; q2)∞(q3; q3)∞. From

(3.26) and (3.27), and then extracting the terms containing q3n+i for i = 0, 1, 2,

respectively, we find, modulo 8,


po(24n+ 1)qn ≡ 2ϕ(−q3)3

ϕ(−q)4Π(q) = 2

(q2; q2)5∞(q3; q3)8∞(q; q)9∞(q6; q6)4∞

= 2

((q2; q2)4∞(q; q)8∞

)(q2; q2)∞(q; q)∞

((q3; q3)8∞(q6; q6)4∞

)≡ 2

(q2; q2)∞(q; q)∞



po(24n+ 9)qn = 6ϕ(−q3)3

ϕ(−q)4ψ(q3) = 6

(q2; q2)4∞(q3; q3)5∞(q; q)8∞(q6; q6)∞


56 Overpartitions Into Odd Parts

≡ 6

((q2; q2)4∞(q; q)8∞

)(q3; q3)∞(q6; q6)∞

((q3; q3)4∞(q6; q6)2∞

)≡ 6(q3; q3)∞(q6; q6)∞, (3.28)


po(24n+ 17)qn = 12ϕ(−q3)2


≡ 4

((q2; q2)4∞(q; q)8∞

)(q; q)∞(q3; q3)2∞(q6; q6)2∞

(q2; q2)∞

≡ 4(q; q)∞(q3; q3)2∞(q6; q6)2∞

(q2; q2)∞.

This completes the proof of (3.21) and (3.22). Extracting the terms containing q3n

from (3.28) and using (1.5), we readily obtain (3.23). This complete the proof of

Theorem 3.2.

If we extract the terms containing q3n+1 and q3n+2 from (3.28), the following two

Ramanujan-type congruences can readily be obtained.

Corollary 3.3. For any n ≥ 0,

po (72n+ 33) ≡ 0 (mod 8), and

po (72n+ 57) ≡ 0 (mod 8).

Theorem 3.4. For nonnegative integers n and α we have

po (2α(32n+ 20)) ≡ 0 (mod 8), (3.29)

po (2α(32n+ 28)) ≡ 0 (mod 8). (3.30)

Proof. Extracting the terms containing q4n+2 and q4n+3 from (3.25), we have


po(32n+ 20)qn ≡ 0 (mod 8),


po(32n+ 28)qn ≡ 0 (mod 8).


3.4 Two new dissection formulas 57

From [27, Corollary 2.10], we have that po(2n) ≡ 0 (mod 8) if po(n) ≡ 0 (mod 8).

This proves (3.29) and (3.30) for any α ≥ 0.

3.4 Two new dissection formulas

In the following two lemmas, we deduce new p-dissections of(q2; q2)5∞(q4; q4)2∞

and Ω(−q),


Lemma 3.5. For a prime p ≥ 5,

(q2; q2)5∞(q4; q4)2∞



k=− p−12

k 6=±p−16



(6pn+ 6k + 1)qpn(3pn+6k+1) ± pqp2−112

(q2p2; q2p


(q4p2 ; q4p2)2∞.


In addition, if −p−12≤ k ≤ p−1

2and k 6= ±p−1

6, then 3k2 + k 6≡ p2−1

12(mod p).

Proof. Due to Hirschhorn [24, (10.7.3)] and Berndt [10, (1.3.60)], we have

(q2; q2)5∞(q4; q4)2∞



(6n+ 1)q3n2+n



k=− p−12


[6(pn+ k) + 1]q3(pn+k)2+(pn+k)



k=− p−12



(6pn+ 6k + 1)qpn(3pn+6k+1)



k=− p−12

k 6=±p−16



(6pn+ 6k + 1)qpn(3pn+6k+1)

± qp2−112


p(6n+ 1)qp2(3n2+n)


58 Overpartitions Into Odd Parts



k=− p−12

k 6=±p−16



(6pn+ 6k + 1)qpn(3pn+6k+1) ± pqp2−112

(q2p2; q2p


(q4p2 ; q4p2)2∞.

We observe that for −p−12≤ k ≤ p−1

2, if 3k2 + k ≡ p2−1

12(mod p), then we have

(6k + 1)2 ≡ 0 (mod p), which yields k = ±p−16


Lemma 3.6. If p ≥ 5 is a prime and

±p+ 1



3if p ≡ 1 (mod 3);


if p ≡ −1 (mod 3),


Ω(−q) =


k=− p−12

k 6=±p+13



(−1)nqpn(3pn+6k−2) + (−1)±p+1

3 qp2−1

3 Ω(−qp2).


Furthermore, if −p−12≤ k ≤ p−1

2and k 6= ±p+1

3, then 3k2 − 2k 6≡ p2−1

3(mod p).

Proof. From (1.9), we have

Ω(−q) =∞∑





k=− p−12





k=− p−12






k=− p−12

k 6=±p+13





3.5 Infinite families of congruences for po(n) 59

+ (−1)±p+1

3 qp2−1






k=− p−12

k 6=±p+13




+ (−1)±p+1

3 qp2−1

3 Ω(−qp2).

Note that, if 3k2 − 2k ≡ p2−13

(mod p), then k = ±p+13


3.5 Infinite families of congruences for po(n)

We next prove certain infinite families of congruences for po(n) modulo 8 and 16

as stated in the following theorems.

Theorem 3.7. Let p ≥ 3 be a prime, n ≥ 0 and α ≥ 1. If



)= −1, then we


po(8p2αn+ (3p+ 8j)p2α−1

)≡ 0 (mod 16), (3.33)

po(16p2αn+ (6p+ 16j)p2α−1

)≡ 0 (mod 16), (3.34)

po(72p2αn+ (9p+ 72j)p2α−1

)≡ 0 (mod 8), (3.35)

po(24p2αn+ (17p+ 24j)p2α−1

)≡ 0 (mod 8), (3.36)

po(32p2αn+ (4p+ 32j)p2α−1

)≡ 0 (mod 8), (3.37)

po(32p2αn+ (12p+ 32j)p2α−1

)≡ 0 (mod 8). (3.38)

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1.

Before we prove Theorem 3.7, we first prove the following results.


60 Overpartitions Into Odd Parts

Theorem 3.8. Let p ≥ 3 be a prime such that



)= −1. Then, for all nonneg-

ative integers n and α, we have


po(8p2αn+ 3p2α)qn ≡ 4f(−q2)3ψ(q) (mod 16). (3.39)

Proof. From (3.16), we have that (3.39) is true for α = 0. We now use induction

on α to complete the proof. Observe that (3.39) can also be written as




(p2αn+ 3

p2α − 1


)+ 3

)qn ≡ 4f(−q2)3ψ(q) (mod 16). (3.40)

We suppose that (3.40) holds for some α > 0. Substituting (1.20) and (1.23)

in (3.40), we have, modulo 16




(p2αn+ 3

p2α − 1


)+ 3

)qn (3.41)

≡ 4




k 6= p−12



(−1)n(2pn+ 2k + 1)qpn(pn+2k+1)

+(−1)p−12 pq

p2−14 f(−q2p2)3






2 f

(p2 + (2m+ 1)p

2,p2 − (2m+ 1)p


)+ q

p2−18 ψ(qp



.For a prime p ≥ 3 and 0 ≤ k ≤ p− 1, 0 ≤ m ≤ p−1

2, we consider

(k2 + k) +m2 +m

2≡ 3

p2 − 1

8(mod p) (3.42)

which is equivalent to

2(2k + 1)2 + (2m+ 1)2 ≡ 0 (mod p).


3.5 Infinite families of congruences for po(n) 61


)= −1, we have k = m = p−1

2is the only solution of (3.42). There-

fore, extracting the terms containing qpn+3(p2−1)

8 from both sides of (3.41), and then

replacing qp by q, we deduce that




(p2α+1n+ 3

p2α+2 − 1


)+ 3

)qn ≡ 4f(−q2p)3ψ(qp) (mod 16). (3.43)

Similarly, extracting the terms containing qpn from both sides of (3.43), and then

replacing qp by q, we obtain




(p2(α+1)n+ 3

p2(α+1) − 1


)+ 3

)qn ≡ 4f(−q2)3ψ(q) (mod 16), (3.44)

proving the result for α + 1. This completes the proof of the theorem.

Theorem 3.9. Let p ≥ 3 be a prime such that



)= −1. Then, for all nonneg-

ative integers n and α, we have


po(72p2αn+ 9p2α)qn ≡ 6f(−q)f(−q2) (mod 8). (3.45)

Proof. Clearly, (3.45) is true when α = 0 due to (3.23). We now use induction on α

to complete the proof.

For a prime p ≥ 5 and −p−12≤ k,m ≤ p−1

2, we consider the congruence

3k2 + k

2+ 2

3m2 +m

2≡ 3

p2 − 1

24(mod p), (3.46)

which is equivalent to

(6k + 1)2 + 2(6m+ 1)2 ≡ 0 (mod p).


)= −1, therefore k = m = ±p−1

6is the only solution of (3.46). By Lemma

1.21 and proceeding similarly as shown in the proof of Theorem 3.8, we deduce the


62 Overpartitions Into Odd Parts

following congruence




(p2α+1n+ 9

p2α+2 − 1


)+ 9

)qn ≡ 6f(−qp)f(−q2p) (mod 8). (3.47)

We next extract the terms containing qpn from both sides of the above congruence,

and observe that (3.45) is true when α is replaced by α + 1. This completes the

proof of the result.

Theorem 3.10. Let p ≥ 3 be a prime such that



)= −1. Then, for all

nonnegative integers n and α, we have




(p2αn+ 17

p2α − 1


)+ 17

)qn ≡ 4f(−q3)3Ω(−q) (mod 8). (3.48)

Proof. From (3.22) we can see that (3.48) is true when α = 0. Suppose that (3.48)

holds for some α > 0. Substituting (1.23) and (3.32) into (3.48), we have, modulo 8




(p2αn+ 17

p2α − 1


)+ 17

)qn (3.49)





m 6= p−12




(−1)n(2pn+ 2m+ 1)q3pn(pn+2m+1)


+(−1)p−12 pq3

p2−18 f(−q3p2)3




k=− p−12

k 6=±p+13



(−1)nqpn(3pn+6k−2) + (−1)±p+1

3 qp2−1

3 Ω(−qp2)


For a prime p ≥ 5, 0 ≤ m ≤ p− 1 and −p−12≤ k ≤ p−1

2, we consider

3m(m+ 1)

2+ 3k2 − 2k ≡ 17

p2 − 1

24(mod p), (3.50)


3.5 Infinite families of congruences for po(n) 63

which is equivalent to (6m + 3)2 + 2(6k − 2)2 ≡ 0 (mod p). Since(−2p

)= −1, we

have m = p−12

and k = ±p+13

is the only solution of (3.50). Therefore, extracting the

terms containing qpn+17 p2−124 from both sides of (3.49), and then replacing qp by q,

we deduce that




(p2α+1n+ 17

p2α+2 − 1


)+ 17

)qn ≡ 4f(−q3p)3Ω(−qp) (mod 8).


Similarly, extracting the terms containing qpn from both sides of (3.51), and then

replacing qp by q, we obtain




(p2(α+1)n+ 17

p2(α+1) − 1


)+ 17

)qn ≡ 4f(−q3)3Ω(−q) (mod 8).


This completes the proof of the result.

Proof of Theorem 3.7. From (3.43), it follows that

po(8p2α+1(pn+ j) + 3p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 16), (3.53)

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1. This completes the proof of (3.33) for α ≥ 1.

Proof of (3.34) proceeds along similar lines to the proof of (3.33). Therefore, we

omit the details for reasons of brevity.

Extracting the terms containing qpn+j from (3.47), where j = 1, 2, . . . , p − 1, it

follows that

po(72p2αn+ (9p+ 72j)p2α−1

)≡ 0 (mod 8).

This completes the proof of (3.35) for α ≥ 1.


64 Overpartitions Into Odd Parts

From (3.51), it follows that

po(24p2α+1(pn+ j) + 17p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 8),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1. This completes the proof of (3.36) for α ≥ 1.

We now substitute the p-dissection identities, namely (1.21), (1.22) and (3.31)

into (3.19) and (3.20). For p ≥ 3, −p−12≤ k,m ≤ p−1



)= −1, the


3k2 + k

2+ 3m2 +m ≡ 3

p2 − 1

24(mod p),

3k2 + k

2+ 3m2 + 2m ≡ 9

p2 − 1

24(mod p)

have the only solutions k = m = ±p−16

, and k = ±p−16

, m = ±p−13

, respectively.

Proceeding similarly as shown in the proof of (3.36), we obtain




(p2α+1n+ 3

p2α+2 − 1


)+ 4

)qn ≡ 6

(qp; qp)∞(q2p; q2p)5∞(q4p; q4p)2∞

(mod 8),





(p2α+1n+ 9

p2α+2 − 1


)+ 12

)qn ≡ 4

(qp; qp)3∞(q4p; q4p)2∞(q2p; q2p)∞

(mod 8).


Now, from (3.54) and (3.55), it follows that

po(32p2α+1(pn+ j) + 4p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 8),

po(32p2α+1(pn+ j) + 12p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 8),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p−1. This completes the proof of (3.37) and (3.38) for α ≥ 1.

Theorem 3.11. Let p ≡ 3 (mod 4) be a prime , n ≥ 0 and α ≥ 1. If



)= −1,


3.5 Infinite families of congruences for po(n) 65

then we have

po(16p2αn+ (10p+ 16j)p2α−1

)≡ 0 (mod 16), (3.56)

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1.

Before we prove Theorem 3.11, we first prove the following result.

Theorem 3.12. Let p ≥ 3 be a prime such that p ≡ 3 (mod 4). Then, for all

nonnegative integers n and α, we have




(p2αn+ 5

p2α − 1


)+ 10

)qn ≡ 8f(−q4)3ψ(q) (mod 16). (3.57)

Proof. We use induction on α to proof the theorem. Clearly, (3.57) is true when

α = 0 due to (3.18). Suppose that (3.57) holds for some α > 0. For a prime p ≥ 5

and 0 ≤ k ≤ p− 1, 0 ≤ m ≤ p−12

, the equation

2(k2 + k) +m2 +m

2≡ 5

p2 − 1

8(mod p),

which is equivalent to 4(2k + 1)2 + (2m + 1)2 ≡ 0 (mod p), has the only solution

k = m = p−12

as p ≡ 3 (mod 4). Applying (1.20) and (1.23) in (3.57), and then

proceeding similarly as shown in the proof of Theorem 3.8, we deduce that




(p2α+1n+ 5

p2α+2 − 1


)+ 10

)qn ≡ 4f(−q4p)3ψ(qp) (mod 16). (3.58)

Extracting the terms containing qpn from both sides of (3.58), we find that




(p2(α+1)n+ 5

p2(α+1) − 1


)+ 10

)qn ≡ 4f(−q4)3ψ(q) (mod 16),

completing the proof of (3.57).


66 Overpartitions Into Odd Parts

Proof of Theorem 3.11. From (3.58), it follows that

po(16p2α+1(pn+ j) + 10p2α+2) ≡ 0 (mod 16),

where j = 1, 2, . . . , p− 1. This completes the proof of the Theorem 3.11.


4Andrews’ Singular Overpartitions

4.1 Introduction

In [4], Andrews defined the partition function Ck,i(n), called singular overparti-

tion, which counts the number of overpartitions of n in which no part is divisible by

k and only parts ≡ ±i (mod k) may be overlined. For example, C3,1(4) = 10 with

the relevant partitions being 4, 4, 2 + 2, 2 + 2, 2 + 1 + 1, 2 + 1 + 1, 2 + 1 + 1, 2 + 1 +

1, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1. For k ≥ 3 and 1 ≤ i ≤⌊k2

⌋, the generating function

1The contents of this chapter have been published in The Ramanujan J. (2018) and some partsare under review.



68 Singular Overpartitions

for Ck,i(n) is given by


Ck,i(n)qn =(qk; qk)∞(−qi; qk)∞(−qk−i; qk)∞

(q; q)∞. (4.1)

Andrews proved the following Ramanujan-type congruences

C3,1(9n+ 3) ≡ C3,1(9n+ 6) ≡ 0 (mod 3)

using some q-series identities. Chen, Hirschhorn and Sellers [17] later showed that

Andrews’ congruences modulo 3 are two examples of an infinite family of congruences

modulo 3 which hold for the function C3,1(n). Recently, Ahmed and Baruah [2]

found congruences for C3,1(n) modulo 4, 18 and 36, infinite families of congruences

modulo 2 and 4 for C8,2(n), congruences modulo 2 and 3 for C12,2(n) and C12,4(n);

and congruences modulo 2 for C28,8(n) and C48,16(n).

In a very recent work, Naika and Gireesh [40] prove that two congruences for

C3,1(n) modulo 36 proved by Ahmed and Baruah hold for modulo 72. They also

prove congruences modulo 6, 12, 16, 18, and 24 for C3,1(n) and infinite families of

congruences modulo 12, 18, 48, and 72 for C3,1(n). They further conjecture that

C3,1(12n+ 11) ≡ 0 (mod 144)

for all n ≥ 0. In this chapter we prove the conjecture.

4.2 Proof of Naika and Gireesh’s conjecture

Theorem 4.1. For each nonnegative integer n,

C3,1(12n+ 11) ≡ 0 (mod 144).


4.2 Proof of Naika and Gireesh’s conjecture 69

Proof. From [40, (3.19)], we have


C3,1(4n+ 3)qn = 6(q2; q2)3∞(q6; q6)3∞

(q; q)6∞. (4.2)

Also, (1.11) can be written as

(q2; q2)∞(q; q)2∞

=(q6; q6)4∞(q9; q9)6∞

(q3; q3)8∞(q18; q18)3∞+ 2q

(q6; q6)3∞(q9; q9)3∞(q3; q3)7∞

+ 4q2(q6; q6)2∞(q18; q18)3∞

(q3; q3)6∞.


Substituting (4.3) into (4.2), we obtain


C3,1(4n+ 3)qn

= 6(q6; q6)3∞

((q6; q6)4∞(q9; q9)6∞

(q3; q3)8∞(q18; q18)3∞+ 2q

(q6; q6)3∞(q9; q9)3∞(q3; q3)7∞

+ 4q2(q6; q6)2∞(q18; q18)3∞

(q3; q3)6∞


= 6(q6; q6)3∞

((q6; q6)12∞(q9; q9)18∞

(q3; q3)24∞(q18; q18)9∞+ 6q

(q6; q6)11∞(q9; q9)15∞(q3; q3)23∞(q18; q18)6∞

+ 24q2(q6; q6)10∞(q9; q9)12∞

(q3; q3)22∞(q18; q18)3∞

+56q3(q6; q6)9∞(q9; q9)9∞

(q3; q3)21∞+ 96q4

(q6; q6)8∞(q9; q9)6∞(q18; q18)3∞(q3; q3)20∞

+96q5(q6; q6)7∞(q9; q9)3∞(q18; q18)6∞

(q3; q3)19∞+ 64q6

(q6; q6)6∞(q18; q18)9∞(q3; q3)18∞

). (4.4)

Extracting the term containing q3n+2 from (4.4), it follows that


C3,1(12n+ 11)qn = 144(q2; q2)13∞(q3; q3)12∞(q; q)22∞(q6; q6)3∞

+ 576q(q2; q2)10∞(q3; q3)3∞(q6; q6)6∞

(q; q)19∞

≡ 0 (mod 144).

This completes the proof of Theorem 4.1.

Extracting the term containing q3n+1 from (4.4), we have the following corollary.


70 Singular Overpartitions

Corollary 4.2. For each nonnegative integer n,

C3,1(12n+ 7) ≡ 0 (mod 36).

4.3 Distribution of C3,1(n)

In [17], Chen, Hirschhorn and Sellers studied the parity of Ck,i(n). They showed

that C3,1(n) is always even and that C6,2(n) is always even unless n is a pentagonal

number. In a very recent paper, Aricheta [7] studied the parity of C3k,k(n). To be

specific, let k = 2am be a positive integer where the integer a ≥ 0 and m is positive

odd. Assume further that 2a ≥ m. Then Aricheta proved that C3k,k(n) is almost

always even, that is



0 < n ≤ X : C3k,k(n) ≡ 0 (mod 2)

X= 1.

Let k be a fixed positive integer. In this chapter, we study divisibility of C3,1(n) by

2k and 3k. Similar studies are done for many other partition functions. For example,

Gordon and Ono [22] proved that the number of partitions of n into distinct parts

is divisible by 2k for almost all n. Bringmann and Lovejoy [12] showed that this

is also true for the number of overpartition pairs, and Lin [35] did the same for

the number of overpartition pairs into odd parts. Here we prove that the partition

function C3,1(n) has this property as well.

Theorem 4.3. Let k be a positive integer. Then C3,1(n) is almost always divisible

by 2k, namely,



0 < n ≤ X : C3,1(n) ≡ 0 (mod 2k)

X= 1. (4.5)

We further prove that the partition function C3,1(n) is also divisible by 3k for

almost all n.


4.4 Modularity of eta-quotient 71

Theorem 4.4. Let k be a positive integer. Then C3,1(n) is almost always divisible

by 3k, namely,



0 < n ≤ X : C3,1(n) ≡ 0 (mod 3k)

X= 1. (4.6)

Chen, Hirschhorn and Sellers [17] showed that C3,1(n) is even for all n ≥ 1.

Hence, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 4.5. Let k be a positive integer. Then C3,1(n) is almost always divisible

by 2 · 3k.

4.4 Modularity of eta-quotient

Recall that Dedekind’s eta-function η(z) is defined by

η(z) := q1/24(q; q)∞ = q1/24∞∏n=1

(1− qn),

where q := e2πiz and z is in the upper half complex plane. A function f(z) is called

an eta-quotient if

f(z) =∏δ|N


for some positive integer N and rδ is an integer. Recall that, for a positive integer

k, the complex vector space of modular forms of weight k with respect to Γ1(N) is

denoted by Mk(Γ1(N)).

We now recall two theorems from [45, p. 18] which will be used to prove our


Theorem 4.6 (Theorem 1.64 and Theorem 1.65 [45]). If f(z) =∏

δ|N η(δz)rδ is an


72 Singular Overpartitions

eta-quotient such that k = 12

∑δ|N rδ ∈ Z,


δrδ ≡ 0 (mod 24)

and ∑δ|N


δrδ ≡ 0 (mod 24),

then f(z) satisfies


(az + b

cz + d

)= χ(d)(cz + d)kf(z)

for every

a b

c d

∈ Γ0(N). Here the character χ is defined by χ(d) :=(

(−1)k∏δ|N δrδ



In addition, if c, d, and N are positive integers with d|N and gcd(c, d) = 1, then the

order of vanishing of f(z) at the cusp cd

is N24





Suppose that f(z) is an eta-quotient satisfying the conditions of Theorem 4.6.

If f(z) is holomorphic at all of the cusps of Γ0(N), then f(z) ∈Mk(Γ0(N), χ).

4.5 Proof of Theorem 4.3 and Theorem 4.4

Proof of Theorem 4.3 . The generating function of C3,1(n) is given by


C3,1(n)qn =(q2; q2)∞(q3; q3)2∞(q; q)2∞(q6; q6)∞

. (4.7)

We note that η(24z) = q∏∞

n=1(1− q24n) is a power series of q. Given a prime p, let

Ap(z) =∞∏n=1

(1− q24n)p

(1− q24pn)=ηp(24z)



4.5 Proof of Theorem 4.3 and Theorem 4.4 73

Then using binomial theorem we have


p (z) =ηp


ηpk(24pz)≡ 1 (mod pk+1). (4.8)

Define Bp,k(z) by

Bp,k(z) =





p (z). (4.9)

Modulo pk+1, we have

Bp,k(z) ≡ η(48z)η(72z)2


(q48; q48)∞(q72; q72)2∞(q24; q24)2∞(q144; q144)∞

. (4.10)

Combining (4.7) and (4.10), we obtain

Bp,k(z) ≡∞∑n=0

C3,1(n)q24n (mod pk+1). (4.11)

We put p = 2 in (4.9) to obtain

B2,k(z) =




2 (z) =η(24z)2

k+1−2 η(72z)2

η(48z)2k−1 η(144z).

The cusps of Γ0(576) are represented by fractions cd

where d | 576 and gcd(c, d) = 1.

By Theorem 4.6, it is easily seen that B2,k(z) is a form of weight 2k−1 on Γ0(576).

Therefore, B2,k(z) is a modular form if and only if B2,k(z) is holomorphic at the

cusp cd. We know that B2,k(z) is holomorphic at a cusp c

dif and only if

gcd(d, 24)2


(2k+1 − 2


gcd(d, 48)2


(1− 2k


gcd(d, 72)2

36− gcd(d, 144)2

144≥ 0.

Equivalently, if and only if

D := 6gcd(d, 24)2

gcd(d, 144)2(2k+1 − 2

)+ 3

gcd(d, 48)2

gcd(d, 144)2(1− 2k

)+ 4

gcd(d, 72)2

gcd(d, 144)2− 1 ≥ 0.


74 Singular Overpartitions

In the following table, we find all the possible values of D by taking d = 24, 48, 72,

and 144 only. We note that all other values of d will give the following four values

of D listed in the table.

dgcd(d, 24)2

gcd(d, 144)2gcd(d, 48)2

gcd(d, 144)2gcd(d, 72)2

gcd(d, 144)2D

24 1 1 1 9 · 2k − 6

48 1/4 1 1/4 0

72 1/9 1/9 1 2k + 2

144 1/36 1/9 1/4 0

SinceD ≥ 0 for all d | 576, hence we haveB2,k(z) ∈M2k−1

(Γ0(576), ( (−1)



• )


Let m be a positive integer. Suppose that f(z) ∈ Mk(Γ0(N), χ) has Fourier


f(z) =∞∑n=0

c(n)qn ∈ Z[[q]].

Then by Corollary 1.14, there exists a constant α > 0 such that

# 0 < n ≤ X : c(n) 6≡ 0 (mod m) = O(




This implies that


# 0 < n ≤ X : c(n) 6≡ 0 (mod m)X

= 0.



# 0 < n ≤ X : c(n) ≡ 0 (mod m)X

= 1. (4.12)

Since B2,k(z) ∈ M2k−1

(Γ0(576), (3•)

), the Fourier coefficients of B2,k(z) also satisfy

(4.12). In particular, the Fourier coefficients of B2,k(z) are almost always divisible

by m = 2k. Now, using (4.11) we complete the proof of the theorem.


4.5 Proof of Theorem 4.3 and Theorem 4.4 75

Proof of Theorem 4.4. We put p = 3 in (4.9) to obtain

B3,k(z) =




3 (z) =η(24z)3

k+1−2 η(48z)

η(72z)3k−2 η(144z).

The cusps of Γ0(576) are represented by fractions cd

where d | 576 and gcd(c, d) = 1.

By Theorem 4.6, it is easily seen that B3,k(z) is a form of weight 3k on Γ0(576).

Therefore, B3,k(z) ∈ M3k(Γ0(576), (−1• )

)) if and only if B3,k(z) is holomorphic at

the cusp cd. We know that B3,k(z) is holomorphic at a cusp c

dif and only if

gcd(d, 24)2


(3k+1 − 2


gcd(d, 48)2


gcd(d, 72)2


(2− 3k

)− gcd(d, 144)2

144≥ 0.

Equivalently, if and only if

L := 6gcd(d, 24)2

gcd(d, 144)2(3k+1 − 2

)+ 3

gcd(d, 48)2

gcd(d, 144)2+ 2

gcd(d, 72)2

gcd(d, 144)2(2− 3k

)− 1 ≥ 0.

In the following table, we find all the possible values of L by taking d = 24, 48, 72,

and 144 only.

dgcd(d, 24)2

gcd(d, 144)2gcd(d, 48)2

gcd(d, 144)2gcd(d, 72)2

gcd(d, 144)2L

24 1 1 1 16 · 3k− 6

48 1/4 1 1/4 4 · 3k

72 1/9 1/9 1 2

144 1/36 1/9 1/4 0

Since L ≥ 0 for all d | 576, hence we have B3,k(z) ∈ M3k

(Γ0(576), (−2


• ))


Using the same reasoning as given in the proof of Theorem 4.3 and (4.11), we find

that C3,1(n) is divisible by 3k for almost all n ≥ 0. This completes the proof of the




5Cubic and Overcubic Partition Pairs

5.1 Introduction

In a series of papers [13, 14, 15], Chan studied the cubic partition function a(n)

which counts the number of partitions of n where the even parts can appear in two

colors. For example, there are four cubic partitions of 3, namely 3, 21 + 1, 22 + 1 and

1 + 1 + 1, where the subscripts 1 and 2 denote the colors. The generating function

of a(n) satisfies the identity


a(n)qn =1

(q; q)∞(q2; q2)∞.

1The contents of this chapter have been accepted in The Ramanujan J. (2019).



78 Cubic and Overcubic Partition Pairs

The function a(n) satisfies many Ramanujan-type congruences, for example

a(3n+ 2) ≡ 0 (mod 3)

for all n ≥ 0. Inspired by Chan’s work, Zhao and Zhong [57] studied the cubic

partition pair function b(n) defined by


b(n)qn =1

(q; q)2∞(q2; q2)2∞,

and proved that

b(5n+ 4) ≡ 0 (mod 5),

b(7n+ i) ≡ 0 (mod 7), i ∈ 2, 3, 4, 6,

b(9n+ 7) ≡ 0 (mod 9).

Recently, Lin [37] studied the arithmetic properties of b(n) modulo 27, and conjec-

tured the following four congruences:

b(49n+ 37) ≡ 0 (mod 49), (5.1)

b(81n+ 61) ≡ 0 (mod 243), (5.2)∑n≥0

b(81n+ 7)qn ≡ 9(q2; q2)∞(q3; q3)2∞

(q6; q6)∞(mod 81), (5.3)


b(81n+ 34)qn ≡ 36(q; q)∞(q6; q6)2∞

(q3; q3)∞(mod 81). (5.4)

In two recent papers, Lin, Wang, and Xia [38] and Chern [18] independently proved

(5.2), (5.3) and (5.4), and moreover showed that the congruence in (5.2) holds

modulo 729. In [25], Hirschhorn also proved (5.2) using properties of Ramanujan’s

theta functions.


5.2 Proof of a conjecture of Lin 79

An overpartition analog of a(n) was studied by Kim [30], who defined an overcu-

bic partition to be a partition in which odd parts appear in two colors, one of which

can occur at most once, and the even parts appear in four colors, two of which can

occur at most once each. For example, a(4) = 26 with the relevant partitions being

41, 42, 43, 44, 31 + 11, 31 + 12, 32 + 11, 32 + 12, 21 + 21, 21 + 22, 21 + 23, 21 + 24, 22 +

22, 22 + 23, 22 + 24, 23 + 24, 21 + 11 + 11, 21 + 11 + 12, 22 + 11 + 11, 22 + 11 + 12, 23 + 11 +

11, 23 + 11 + 12, 24 + 11 + 11, 24 + 11 + 12, 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 and 11 + 11 + 11 + 12. The

generating function of the overcubic partition function a(n) satisfies the identity

A(q) :=∞∑n=0

a(n)qn =(−q; q)∞(−q2; q2)∞

(q; q)∞(q2; q2)∞, (5.5)

and thus we have

B(q) :=∞∑n=0

b(n)qn =(−q; q)2∞(−q2; q2)2∞

(q; q)2∞(q2; q2)2∞, (5.6)

where b(n) denotes the number of overcubic partition pairs of n. Using arithmetic

properties of quadratic forms and modular forms, Kim [32] derived the congruences

b(8n + 7) ≡ 0 (mod 64) and b(9n + 3) ≡ 0 (mod 3). In [36], Lin proved two

Ramanujan-type congruences and several infinite families of congruences modulo 3

satisfied by b(n), and also obtained some congruences for b(n) modulo 5.

5.2 Proof of a conjecture of Lin

In this section we prove the congruence given in (5.1).

Theorem 5.1. For all n ≥ 0 we have

b(49n+ 37) ≡ 0 (mod 49).

We prove Theorem 5.1 using the approach developed in [48, 49]. To this end, we


80 Cubic and Overcubic Partition Pairs

first recall some definitions and results from [48, 49]. For a positive integer M , let

R(M) be the set of integer sequences r = (rδ)δ|M indexed by the positive divisors of

M . If r ∈ R(M) and 1 = δ1 < δ2 < · · · < δk = M are the positive divisors of M , we

write r = (rδ1 , . . . , rδk). Define cr(n) by


cr(n)qn :=∏δ|M

(qδ; qδ)rδ∞ =∏δ|M


(1− qnδ)rδ . (5.7)

The approach to proving congruences for cr(n) developed by Radu [48, 49] reduces

the number of cases that one must check as compared with the classical method

which uses Sturm’s bound alone.

Let m be a positive integer. For any integer s, let [s]m denote the residue class of

s in Zm, and Sm the set of squares in Z∗m. For t ∈ 0, 1, . . . ,m− 1 and r ∈ R(M),

we define a subset Pm,r(t) ⊆ 0, 1, . . . ,m− 1 by

Pm,r(t) :=

t′ : ∃[s]24m ∈ S24m such that t′ ≡ ts+s− 1



δrδ (mod m)


Definition 8. Suppose m,M and N are positive integers, r = (rδ) ∈ R(M) and

t ∈ 0, 1, . . . ,m− 1. Let k = k(m) := gcd(m2 − 1, 24) and write


δ|rδ| = 2s · j,

where s and j are nonnegative integers with j odd. The set ∆∗ consists of all tuples

(m,M,N, (rδ), t) satisfying these conditions and all of the following.

1. Each prime divisor of m is also a divisor of N .

2. δ|M implies δ|mN for every δ ≥ 1 such that rδ 6= 0.

3. kN∑δ|M

rδmN/δ ≡ 0 (mod 24).


5.2 Proof of a conjecture of Lin 81

4. kN∑δ|M

rδ ≡ 0 (mod 8).


gcd (−24kt− k∑

δ|Mδrδ, 24m)divides N .

6. If 2|m, then either 4|kN and 8|sN or 2|s and 8|(1− j)N .

Let m,M,N be positive integers. For γ =

a b

c d

∈ Γ, r ∈ R(M) and r′ ∈

R(N), set

pm,r(γ) := minλ∈0,1,...,m−1




rδgcd2(δa+ δkλc,mc)



p∗r′(γ) :=1



r′δgcd2(δ, c)


Let us define a congruence subgroup Γ∞ of level N as

Γ∞ :=

1 n

0 1

: n ∈ Z


Lemma 5.2 (Lemma 4.5 [48]). Let u be a positive integer, (m,M,N, r = (rδ), t) ∈

∆∗ and r′ = (r′δ) ∈ R(N). Let γ1, γ2, . . . , γn ⊆ Γ be a complete set of representa-

tives of the double cosets of Γ0(N)\Γ/Γ∞. Assume that pm,r(γi) + p∗r′(γi) ≥ 0 for all

1 ≤ i ≤ n. Let tmin = mint′∈Pm,r(t) t′ and

ν :=1



rδ +∑δ|N


[Γ : Γ0(N)]−∑δ|N


− 1



δrδ −tminm


If the congruence cr(mn+t′) ≡ 0 (mod u) holds for all t′ ∈ Pm,r(t) and 0 ≤ n ≤ bνc,


82 Cubic and Overcubic Partition Pairs

then it holds for all t′ ∈ Pm,r(t) and n ≥ 0.

To apply Lemma 5.2 we utilize the following result, which gives a complete set

of representatives of the double cosets in Γ0(N)\Γ/Γ∞.

Lemma 5.3 (Lemma 4.3 [55]). If N or 12N is a square-free integer, then



1 0

δ 1

Γ∞ = Γ.

We are now ready to give a proof of Theorem 5.1

Proof of Theorem 5.1. By the binomial theorem we have


b(n)qn =1

(q; q)2∞(q2; q2)2∞

≡ (q; q)49∞(q; q)2∞(q2; q2)2∞(q7; q7)7∞

≡ (q; q)47∞(q2; q2)2∞(q7; q7)7∞

(mod 49).

Let us consider (m,M,N, r, t) = (49, 14, 14, (47,−2,−7, 0), 37).

It is easy to verify that (m,M,N, r, t) ∈ ∆∗ and Pm,r(t) = 37. By Lemma 5.3, we

know that

1 0

δ 1

: δ|14

forms a complete set of double coset representatives of

Γ0(N)\Γ/Γ∞. Let γδ =

1 0

δ 1

and r′ = (12, 0, 0, 0) ∈ R(14). We used Sage to

verify that pm,r(γδ) + p∗r′(γδ) ≥ 0 for each δ|N . We compute that the upper bound

in Lemma 5.2 is bνc = 48, and using Mathematica we verify that b(49n + 37) ≡ 0

(mod 49) for n ≤ 48. By Lemma 5.2 we conclude that b(49n + 37) ≡ 0 (mod 49)

for any n ≥ 0.


5.3 Ramanujan-type congruences for overcubic partition pairs 83

5.3 Ramanujan-type congruences for overcubic par-

tition pairs

Theorem 5.4. Let t ∈ 42, 66. Then for all n ≥ 0 we have

b(72n+ t) ≡ 0 (mod 256).

Proof. We first recall the following 2-dissection formula from (1.16)


(q; q)4∞=

(q4; q4)14∞(q2; q2)14∞(q8; q8)4∞

+ 4q(q4; q4)2∞(q8; q8)4∞

(q2; q2)10∞.

Combining (5.6) with the above 2-dissection formula, and using the fact that (−q; q)∞=

(q2; q2)∞(q; q)∞

, we have


b(n)qn =(q4; q4)2∞

(q; q)4∞(q2; q2)2∞

=(q4; q4)2∞(q2; q2)2∞

((q4; q4)14∞

(q2; q2)14∞(q8; q8)4∞+ 4q

(q4; q4)2∞(q8; q8)4∞(q2; q2)10∞


Extracting the terms with even powers of q and then using (1.16), we obtain, modulo



b(2n)qn =(q2; q2)16∞

(q; q)16∞(q4; q4)4∞

=(q4; q4)52∞

(q2; q2)40∞(q8; q8)16∞+ 16q

(q4; q4)40∞(q2; q2)36∞(q8; q8)8∞

+ 96q2(q4; q4)28∞(q2; q2)32∞

+ 256q3(q4; q4)16∞(q8; q8)8∞

(q2; q2)28∞+ 256q4

(q4; q4)4∞(q8; q8)16∞(q2; q2)24∞

≡ (q4; q4)52∞(q2; q2)40∞(q8; q8)16∞

+ 16q(q4; q4)40∞

(q2; q2)36∞(q8; q8)8∞+ 96q2

(q4; q4)28∞(q2; q2)32∞



84 Cubic and Overcubic Partition Pairs

Extracting the terms with odd powers of q, we obtain, modulo 256


b(4n+ 2)qn ≡ 16(q2; q2)40∞

(q; q)36∞(q4; q4)8∞

= 16(q2; q2)24∞

(q; q)4∞(q4; q4)8∞

((q2; q2)16∞(q; q)32∞

)≡ 16

(q2; q2)24∞(q; q)4∞(q4; q4)8∞

≡ 16(q2; q2)24∞(q4; q4)8∞

((q4; q4)14∞

(q2; q2)14∞(q8; q8)4∞+ 4q

(q4; q4)2∞(q8; q8)4∞(q2; q2)10∞


Finally, extracting the terms with even powers of q, we obtain


b(8n+ 2)qn ≡ 16(q; q)10∞(q2; q2)6∞

(q4; q4)4∞(mod 256).

Let (m,M,N, r, t) = (9, 8, 12, (10, 6,−4, 0), 5).

It is easy to verify that (m,M,N, r, t) ∈ ∆∗ and Pm,r(t) = 5. From Lemma 5.3 we

know that

1 0

δ 1

: δ|12

forms a complete set of double coset representatives of

Γ0(N)\Γ/Γ∞. Let r′ = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ∈ R(12). We have used Sage to verify that

pm,r(γδ)+p∗r′(γδ) ≥ 0 for each δ|N , where γδ =

1 0

δ 1

. We compute that the upper

bound in Lemma 5.2 is bνc = 11. Using Mathematica we verify that b(72n+42) ≡ 0

(mod 256) for n ≤ 11, and conclude from Lemma 5.2 that b(72n+42) ≡ 0 (mod 256)

for all n ≥ 0. A similar argument using (m,M,N, r, t) = (9, 8, 12, (10, 6,−4, 0), 8)

yields the other claimed congruence.


5.4 Distribution of a(n) and b(n) 85

5.4 Distribution of a(n) and b(n)

Theorem 5.5. Let k be a positive integer. Then a(n) and b(n) are divisible by 2k

for almost all n ≥ 0. That is,



0 < n ≤ X : a(n) ≡ 0 (mod 2k)

X= 1,



0 < n ≤ X : b(n) ≡ 0 (mod 2k)

X= 1.

Proof. Let

Bk(z) =η(48z)2


η(24z)4η(96z)2k−1−2 .

Using Theorem 4.6, we find that Bk(z) ∈M2k−2−2 (Γ0(384)) for k ≥ 4.

By (5.6) we have

B(z) := B(q24) =η(96z)2



Fk(z) :=η(48z)2


η(96z)2k−1 ,

we have that

Bk(z) = B(z)Fk(z).

It is easy to show that Fk(z) ≡ 1 (mod 2k), which implies

Bk(z) ≡ B(z) (mod 2k).

Since Bk(z) ∈ M2k−2−2 (Γ0(384)) for k ≥ 4, applying Corollary 1.14 and proceeding

similarly as shown in the proof of Theorem 4.3 we find that the Fourier coefficients

of Bk(z) are almost always divisible by 2k. Hence the same is true for the Fourier

coefficients of B(z). This proves that the same holds for the partition function b(n).


86 Cubic and Overcubic Partition Pairs

We complete the proof of the theorem by proving the same for the partition function

a(n). To do this, we let

Ak(z) =η(48z)2


η(24z)2η(96z)2k−1−1 .

Using Theorem 4.6 we find that Ak(z) ∈ M2k−2−1 (Γ0(768), χ) for k > 2, where χ is

defined by χ(•) =(−2•


By (5.5) we have

A(z) := A(q24) =η(96z)


and hence

Ak(z) = A(z)Fk(z) ≡ A(z) (mod 2k).

Using the same reasoning we now find that a(n) is divisible by 2k for almost all

n ≥ 0.


6Andrews’ Integer Partitions With Even

Parts Below Odd Parts

6.1 Introduction

In a recent paper, Andrews [5] studied the partition function EO(n) which counts

the number of partitions of n where every even part is less than each odd part. He

denoted by EO(n), the number of partitions counted by EO(n) in which only the

largest even part appears an odd number of times. For example, EO(8) = 12 with the

relevant partitions being 8, 6+2, 7+1, 4+4, 4+2+2, 5+3, 5+1+1+1, 2+2+2+2, 3+

1The contents of this chapter are under review.



88 Even Parts Below Odd Parts

3+2, 3+3+1+1, 3+1+1+1+1+1, 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1; and EO(8) = 5, with

the relevant partitions being 8, 4+2+2, 3+3+2, 3+3+1+1, 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1.

Andrews proved that the partition function EO(n) has the following generating

function [5, Eqn. (3.2)]:


EO(n)qn =(q4; q4)∞(q2; q4)2∞

=(q4; q4)3∞(q2; q2)2∞

. (6.1)

In the same paper, he proposed to undertake a more extensive investigation of the

properties of EO(n). The objective of this chapter is to study divisibility properties

of EO(n).

6.2 Infinite families of congruences for EO(n)

We use the theory of Hecke eigenforms to prove two infinite families of congru-

ences for EO(n) modulo 2 and 8.

Theorem 6.1. Let k, n be nonnegative integers. For each i with 1 ≤ i ≤ k + 1, if

pi ≥ 5 is prime such that pi ≡ 2 (mod 3), then for any integer j 6≡ 0 (mod pk+1)

EO(p21 . . . p


p21 . . . p2kpk+1(3j + pk+1)− 1


)≡ 0 (mod 2).

Proof. We have


EO(n)qn =(q4; q4)3∞(q2; q2)2∞

≡ (q; q)8∞ (mod 2).

This gives


EO(n)q3n+1 ≡ η8(3z) (mod 2).


6.2 Infinite families of congruences for EO(n) 89

Let η8(3z) =∑∞

n=1 a(n)qn. Then a(n) = 0 if n 6≡ 1 (mod 3) and for all n ≥ 0,

EO(n) ≡ a(3n+ 1) (mod 2). (6.2)

By Theorem 4.6, we have η8(3z) ∈ S4(Γ0(9)). Since η8(3z) is a Hecke eigenform

(see, for example [42]), (1.24) and (1.25) yield

η8(3z)|Tp =∞∑n=1

(a(pn) + p3a



))qn = λ(p)



which implies

a(pn) + p3a



)= λ(p)a(n). (6.3)

Putting n = 1 and noting that a(1) = 1, we readily obtain a(p) = λ(p). Since

a(p) = 0 for all p 6≡ 1 (mod 3), we have λ(p) = 0. From (6.3), we obtain

a(pn) + p3a



)= 0. (6.4)

From (6.4), we derive that for all n ≥ 0 and p - r,

a(p2n+ pr) = 0 (6.5)


a(p2n) = −p3a(n) ≡ a(n) (mod 2). (6.6)

Substituting n by 3n− pr + 1 in (6.5) and together with (6.2), we find that


p2 − 1

3+ pr

1− p2


)≡ 0 (mod 2). (6.7)


90 Even Parts Below Odd Parts

Substituting n by 3n+ 1 in (6.6) and using (6.2), we obtain


p2 − 1


)≡ EO(n) (mod 2). (6.8)

Since p ≥ 5 is prime, so 3 | (1 − p2) and gcd(

1−p23, p)

= 1. Hence when r runs

over a residue system excluding the multiple of p, so does 1−p23r. Thus (6.7) can be

rewritten as


p2 − 1

3+ pj

)≡ 0 (mod 2), (6.9)

where p - j.

Now, pi ≥ 5 are primes such that pi 6≡ 1 (mod 3). Since

p21 . . . p2kn+

p21 . . . p2k − 1

3= p21

(p22 . . . p


p22 . . . p2k − 1


)+p21 − 1


using (6.8) repeatedly we obtain that

EO(p21 . . . p


p21 . . . p2k − 1


)≡ EO(n) (mod 2). (6.10)

Let j 6≡ 0 (mod pk+1). Then (6.9) and (6.10) yield

EO(p21 . . . p


p21 . . . p2kpk+1(3j + pk+1)− 1


)≡ 0 (mod 2).

This completes the proof of the theorem.

Remark 6.2.1. Let p ≥ 5 be a prime such that p ≡ 2 (mod 3). By taking all the

primes p1, p2, . . . , pk+1 to be equal to the same prime p in Theorem 6.1, we obtain

the following infinite family of congruences for EO(n):

EO(p2(k+1)n+ p2k+1j +

p2(k+1) − 1


)≡ 0 (mod 2),


6.2 Infinite families of congruences for EO(n) 91

where j 6≡ 0 (mod p). In particular, for all n ≥ 0 and j 6≡ 0 (mod 5), we have

EO (25n+ 5j + 8) ≡ 0 (mod 2).

In the following Theorem, we prove an infinite family of congruences for EO(n)

modulo 8. In the proof, we use the fact that the eta-quotient η5(96z)/η(24z) is

an eigenform for the Hecke operators Tp, where p ≡ 1 (mod 24). This has been

observed to be true by Scott Ahlgren. We now present below the proof given by

Ahlgren which was communicated to us through an email. Let F1 = η5(24z)/η(96z),

F7 = η3(24z)η(96z), F13 = η(24z)η3(96z), and F19 = η5(96z)/η(24z). Then Fj

is supported on exponents congruent to j (mod 24). The Hecke operators Tp for

p ≡ 5, 11, 17, 23 (mod 24) annihilate each of these forms. The Hecke operators Tp

for p ≡ 1, 5, 13, 19 (mod 24) map Fj to a multiple of Fj′ , where j′ ≡ pj (mod 24).

It turns out that a linear combination of the forms Fj is an eigenform of all of the

Hecke operators. In [34, p. 209], equation (13.84) expresses the linear combination

as an eigenform. Since the Fj are supported on distinct classes of coefficients, it

follows that Fj are eigenforms of all the Hecke operators.

Theorem 6.2. Let k, n be nonnegative integers. For each i with 1 ≤ i ≤ k + 1, if

pi ≡ 1 (mod 24) is prime such that EO(19pi−1


)≡ 0 (mod 8), then for any integer

j 6≡ 0 (mod pk+1)


8p21 . . . p2k+1n+

p21 . . . p2kpk+1(24j + 19pk+1)− 1


)≡ 0 (mod 8).

Proof. We first recall the following 2-dissection formula from [9, Entry 25, p. 40]:


(q; q)2∞=

(q8; q8)5∞(q2; q2)5∞(q16; q16)2∞

+ 2q(q4; q4)2∞(q16; q16)2∞(q2; q2)5∞(q8; q8)∞

. (6.11)


92 Even Parts Below Odd Parts

From (6.1), we have


EO(2n)qn =(q2; q2)3∞(q; q)2∞

. (6.12)

Combining (6.11) and (6.12), and then extracting the terms with odd powers of q,

we deduce that


EO(4n+ 2)qn = 2(q2; q2)2∞(q8; q8)2∞(q; q)2∞(q4; q4)∞

. (6.13)

We again combine (6.11) and (6.13), and then extract the terms with odd powers

of q to obtain


EO(8n+ 6)qn = 4(q2; q2)∞(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)2∞

(q; q)3∞.

Since (q; q)2∞ ≡ (q2; q2)∞ (mod 2), we have


EO(8n+ 6)qn ≡ 4(q4; q4)5∞(q; q)∞

(mod 8).

This gives


EO(8n+ 6)q24n+19 ≡ 4η(96z)5

η(24z)(mod 8).



n=1 a(n)qn. It is clear that a(n) = 0 if n 6≡ 19 (mod 24). Also, for

all n ≥ 0,

EO(8n+ 6) ≡ 4a(24n+ 19) (mod 8).

By Theorem 4.6, we haveη(96z)5

η(24z)∈ S2



)). Since


η(24z)is a Hecke


6.2 Infinite families of congruences for EO(n) 93

eigenform for the Hecke operator Tp, where p ≡ 1 (mod 24), (1.24) and (1.25) yield

a(pn) + p






)= λ(p)a(n). (6.14)

Putting n = 19 in (6.14) and noting that p 6≡ 19 (mod 24), we obtain a(19p) =

λ(p)a(19). Also, a(19) = 1, and hence a(19p) = λ(p). Thus (6.14) gives

a(pn) + p






)= a(19p)a(n). (6.15)

From (6.15), we obtain that for all n ≥ 0 and p - r,

a(p2n) + a (n) ≡ a(19p)a(pn) (mod 2) (6.16)


a(p2n+ pr) = a(19p)a(pn+ r). (6.17)

Let A(n) = a(24n+19). Let p be a prime such that p ≡ 1 (mod 24). Now, replacing

n by 24n− pr + 19 in (6.17), we obtain


(p2n+ 19

p2 − 1

24+ pr

1− p2


)= A

(19p− 1



(pn+ 19

p− 1

24+ r

1− p2




We note that gcd(

1−p224, p)

= 1. Hence when r runs over a residue system excluding

the multiple of p, so does 1−p224r. Thus, (6.18) can be rewritten as


(p2n+ 19

p2 − 1

24+ pj

)= A

(19p− 1



(pn+ 19

p− 1

24+ j

), (6.19)


94 Even Parts Below Odd Parts

where p - j. Similarly, replacing n by 24n+ 19 in (6.16), we have, modulo 2


(p2n+ 19

p2 − 1


)+ A(n) ≡ A

(19p− 1



(pn+ 19

p− 1


). (6.20)

Let p be such that EO(19p−1


)≡ 0 (mod 8). Then, using the relation EO(8n+ 6) ≡

4A(n) (mod 8), we have A(19p−1


)≡ 0 (mod 2). Hence, (6.19) and (6.20) imply


(p2n+ 19

p2 − 1

24+ pj

)≡ 0 (mod 2) (6.21)



(p2n+ 19

p2 − 1


)≡ A(n) (mod 2). (6.22)

From our hypothesis, we have pi ≥ 5 are primes such that pi ≡ 1 (mod 24) and



)≡ 0 (mod 2). Now, using (6.22) we deduce that


(p21 . . . p

2kn+ 19

p21 . . . p2k − 1


)≡ A(n) (mod 2).

Replacing n by p2k+1n+ 19p2k+1−1

24+ pk+1j, and then using (6.21) we obtain


(p21 . . . p


2k+1n+ 19

p21 . . . p2kp

2k+1 − 1

24+ p21 . . . p


)≡ 0 (mod 2).

We complete the proof by using the fact that EO(8n+ 6) ≡ 4A(n) (mod 8).

Remark 6.2.2. Let p be a prime such that p ≡ 1 (mod 24) and EO(19p−1


)≡ 0

(mod 8). By taking all the primes p1, p2, . . . , pk+1 to be equal to the same prime p

in Theorem 6.2, we obtain the following infinite family of congruences for EO(n):


8p2(k+1)n+ 8p2k+1j +19p2(k+1) − 1


)≡ 0 (mod 8),


6.3 Ramanujan-type congruences for EO(n) 95

where j 6≡ 0 (mod p). In particular, if we choose p = 1009, then 1009 ≡ 1 (mod 24)

and 19×1009−13

= 6390. Using Mathematica we verify that EO (6390) ≡ 0 (mod 8).

Thus, for all n ≥ 0 and j 6≡ 0 (mod 1009), we have

EO (8144648n+ 8072j + 6447846) ≡ 0 (mod 8).

6.3 Ramanujan-type congruences for EO(n)

In [5], Andrews proved that, for all n ≥ 0

EO(10n+ 8) ≡ 0 (mod 5). (6.23)

In this section, we prove that the congruence (6.23) is also true modulo 4 if n 6≡ 0

(mod 5). To be specific, we prove the following result.

Theorem 6.3. Let t ∈ 1, 2, 3, 4. Then for all n ≥ 0 we have

EO(10(5n+ t) + 8) ≡ 0 (mod 20).

Proof. Due to (6.23) we need to prove our congruences modulo 4 only. We have


EO(n)qn =(q4; q4)3∞(q2; q2)2∞

=(q2; q2)2∞(q4; q4)3∞

(q2; q2)4∞

≡ (q2; q2)2∞(q4; q4)3∞(q4; q4)2∞

(mod 4)

= (q2; q2)2∞(q4; q4)∞ (mod 4).

Let us consider that (m,M,N, r, t) = (50, 8, 10, (0, 2, 1, 0), 18).

It is easy to verify that (m,M,N, r, t) ∈ ∆∗ and Pm,r(t) = 18, 28, 38, 48. From

Lemma 5.3 we know that

1 0

δ 1

: δ|10

forms a complete set of double coset


96 Even Parts Below Odd Parts

representatives of Γ0(N)\Γ/Γ∞. Let r′ = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ∈ R(10). We have used

Sage to verify that pm,r(γδ) + p∗r′(γδ) ≥ 0 for each δ | N , where γδ =

1 0

δ 1


We compute that the upper bound in Lemma 5.2 is bνc = 1. Using Mathematica

we verify that EO(50n + t′) ≡ 0 (mod 4) for n ≤ 1 and t′ ∈ Pm,r(t). Thus, by

Lemma 5.2, we conclude that EO(50n + t′) ≡ 0 (mod 4) for any n ≥ 0, where

t′ ∈ 18, 28, 38, 48. This completes the proof of the theorem.

Remark 6.3.1. We note that Theorem 6.3 is not true if t = 0. For example, EO(8)

is not divisible by 4.

6.4 Parity of EO(2n)

For a nonnegative integer n, recall that p(n) denotes the number of partitions of

n. In [43], Ono proved that there are infinitely many integers N in every arithmetic

progression for which p(N) is even; and that there are infinitely many integers M

in every arithmetic progression for which p(M) is odd so long as there is at least

one. Ono’s result gave an affirmative answer to a well-known conjecture on parity of

p(n) in arithmetic progression. In this section, we prove the same for the partition

function EO(n). We note that EO(2n + 1) = 0 for all n ≥ 0. In the following

theorem, we prove the parity of EO(2n) in any arithmetic progression.

Theorem 6.4. For any arithmetic progression r (mod t), there are infinitely many

integers N ≡ r (mod t) for which EO(2N) is even. Also, for any arithmetic pro-

gression r (mod t), there are infinitely many integers M ≡ r (mod t) for which

EO(2M) is odd, provided there is one such M . Furthermore, if there does exist an

M ≡ r (mod t) for which EO(2M) is odd, then the smallest such M is less than




(1− 1


)− 2j,


6.4 Parity of EO(2n) 97

where d = gcd(12r − 1, t) and 2j >t


We prove Theorem 6.4 by using the approach developed in [43]. Recently, Jame-

son and Wieczorek [28] have done a similar study for the generalized Frobenius

partitions. We now recall two results from [28]. Also see [43]. Let M !k (Γ0(N0), χ)

denote the space of weakly holomorphic modular forms.

Theorem 6.5 (Theorem 5 [28]). Let N0, α, β, t be integers with N0, α, t positive,

and let


c(n)qαn+β ∈M !k (Γ0(N0), χ) ,

where c(n) are algebraic integers in some number field. For any arithmetic progres-

sion r (mod t), there are infinitely many integers N ≡ r (mod t) for which c(N) is


Theorem 6.6 (Theorem 6 [28]). Let N0, α, β, t be integers with N0, α positive, and

t > 1, and let


c(n)qαn+β ∈M !k (Γ0(N0), χ) ,

where c(n) are algebraic integers in some number field. For any arithmetic progres-

sion r (mod t), there are infinitely many integers M ≡ r (mod t) for which c(M)

is odd, provided there is one such M .

Furthermore, if there does exist an M ≡ r (mod t) for which c(M) is odd, then

the smallest such M is less than Cr,t for

Cr,t :=2j · 12 + k




]2 ∏p|Nαt

(1− 1


)− 2j,

where N := lcm(αt,N0), d := gcd(αr + β, t), and j is a sufficiently large integer.


98 Even Parts Below Odd Parts

Proof of Theorem 6.4. We have


EO(2n)qn =(q2; q2)3∞(q; q)2∞


We rewrite the above identity in terms of η-quotients, and then use the binomial

theorem to obtain


EO(2n)q6n+1 =η(12z)3

η(6z)2≡ η(12z)4

η(6z)4(mod 2).

By Theorem 4.6, we have


η(6z)4∈M !

0 (Γ0(72)) .

Let ft(z) :=η(12z)4

η(6z)4∆2j(6tz), where ∆(z) := η24(z). The cusps of Γ0(72t) are

represented by fractions cd

where d | 72t and gcd(c, d) = 1. Now, ft(z) vanishes at

the cusp cd

if and only if

4gcd(d, 12)2

12− 4

gcd(d, 6)2

6+ 24 · 2j gcd(d, 6t)2

6t> 0.

We have

4gcd(d, 12)2

12− 4

gcd(d, 6)2

6+ 24 · 2j gcd(d, 6t)2

6t≥ 2j


t− 1


Hence, if j is an integer such that 2j > t12

, then ft(z) ∈ S12·2j (Γ0(72t)) . Fi-

nally, our desired result follows immediately by applying Theorems 6.5 and 6.6


n=0 EO(2n)q6n+1.


6.5 EO(n) is almost always even 99

6.5 EO(n) is almost always even

From (6.1) it is clear that, for any nonnegative integer n, EO(2n + 1) is always

even. In the following theorem we prove that EO(2n) is almost always even.

Theorem 6.7. Let n ≥ 0. Then EO(8n+6) is almost always divisible by 8, namely,



0 < n ≤ X : EO(8n+ 6) ≡ 0 (mod 8)

X= 1.

Proof. We first recall the following 2-dissection formula from [9, Entry 25, p. 40]:


(q; q)2∞=

(q8; q8)5∞(q2; q2)5∞(q16; q16)2∞

+ 2q(q4; q4)2∞(q16; q16)2∞(q2; q2)5∞(q8; q8)∞

. (6.24)

From (6.1), we have


EO(2n)qn =(q2; q2)3∞(q; q)2∞

. (6.25)

Combining (6.24) and (6.25), and then extracting the terms with odd powers of q,

we deduce that


EO(4n+ 2)qn = 2(q2; q2)2∞(q8; q8)2∞(q; q)2∞(q4; q4)∞

. (6.26)

We again combine (6.24) and (6.26), and then extract the terms with odd powers

of q to obtain


EO(8n+ 6)qn = 4(q2; q2)∞(q4; q4)∞(q8; q8)2∞

(q; q)3∞.

Since (q; q)2∞ ≡ (q2; q2)∞ (mod 2), we have


EO(8n+ 6)qn ≡ 4(q4; q4)5∞(q; q)∞

(mod 8).


100 Even Parts Below Odd Parts

We rewrite the above equation in terms of η-quotients and obtain


EO(8n+ 6)q24n+19 ≡ 4η5(96z)

η(24z)(mod 8). (6.27)

Let A(z) =η2(24z)

η(48z). Then, A2(z) ≡ 1 (mod 4). Also, let B(z) =



Then we have

B(z) =η5(96z)

η(24z)A2(z) ≡ η5(96z)

η(24z)(mod 4). (6.28)

The cusps of Γ0(2304) are represented by fractions cd

where d | 2304 and gcd(c, d) = 1.

By Theorem 4.6, B(z) is holomorphic at the cusp cd

if and only if

5gcd(d, 96)2

96+ 3

gcd(d, 24)2

24− 2

gcd(d, 48)2

48≥ 0.


5gcd(d, 96)2

96+ 3

gcd(d, 24)2

24− 2

gcd(d, 48)2


=gcd(d, 48)2




gcd(d, 96)2

gcd(d, 48)2+ 3

gcd(d, 24)2

gcd(d, 48)2− 1

)> 0.

Hence, by Theorem 4.6, B(z) ∈ S3(Γ0(2304),(−4•


Since B(z) ∈ S3(Γ0(2304),(−4•

)), applying Corollary 1.14 and proceeding similarly

as shown in the proof of Theorem 4.3 we find that the Fourier coefficients of B(z)

are almost always divisible by m. Hence, using (6.28) and (6.27) we complete the

proof of the theorem.


6.6 Distribution of EOu(n) 101

6.6 Distribution of EOu(n)

Recently, Uncu [54] has treated a different subset of the partitions enumerated

by EO(n). Also see [5, p. 435]. We denote by EOu(n) the partition function defined

by Uncu, and the generating function is given by


EOu(n)qn =1

(q2; q4)2∞. (6.29)

In the following theorem, we prove that EOu(n) is almost always divisible by 2k.

Theorem 6.8. Let k be a positive integer. Then EOu(2n) is almost always divisible

by 2k, namely,


#n ≤ X : EOu(2n) ≡ 0 (mod 2k)


= 1.

Proof. The generating function of EOu(2n) is given by


EOu(2n)qn =1

(q; q2)2∞=

(q2; q2)2∞(q; q)2∞

. (6.30)

We note that η(24z) = q∏∞

n=1(1 − q24n) is a power series of q. As in the proof of

Theorem 6.7, let

A(z) =∞∏n=1

(1− q24n)2

(1− q48n)=η2(24z)


Then using binomial theorem we have

A2k(z) =η2


η2k(48z)≡ 1 (mod 2k+1). (6.31)


102 Even Parts Below Odd Parts

Define Bk(z) by

Bk(z) =




A2k(z). (6.32)

Modulo 2k+1, we have

Bk(z) =η2(48z)

η2(24z)A2k(z) ≡ η2(48z)

η2(24z)= q2

(q48; q48)2∞(q24; q24)2∞

. (6.33)

Combining (6.30) and (6.33), we obtain

Bk(z) ≡∞∑n=0

EOu(2n)q24n+2 (mod 2k+1). (6.34)

The cusps of Γ0(576) are represented by fractions cd

where d | 576 and gcd(c, d) = 1.

By Theorem 4.6, it is easily seen that Bk(z) is a form of weight 2k−1 on Γ0(576).

Therefore, Bk(z) ∈ M2k−1(Γ0(576)) if and only if Bk(z) is holomorphic at the cusp

cd. We know that Bk(z) is holomorphic at a cusp c

dif and only if

gcd(d, 24)2


(2k+1 − 2


gcd(d, 48)2


(1− 2k−1

)≥ 0.


gcd(d, 24)2(2k+1 − 2

)+ gcd(d, 48)2

(1− 2k−1

)= gcd(d, 48)2

(gcd(d, 24)2

gcd(d, 48)2(2k+1 − 2) + (1− 2k−1)

)≥ 1

4(2k+1 − 2) + (1− 2k−1) > 0.

Hence, Bk(z) ∈M2k−1(Γ0(576)). Now, using Corollary 1.14 and proceeding similarly

as shown in the proof of Theorem 4.3, we arrive at the desired result due to (6.34).



ψ(−q), 8

(a; q)∞, 7

Mk(Γ0(N), χ), 15

Γ(N), 13

Γ0(N), 13

Γ1(N), 13

Γ∞, 81

Γ, 12

Ω(−q), 9

Ω(q), 8

Π(q), 8

χ, 15(a


), 23

EO(n), 87

EOu(n), 101

H, 12

OK , 16

Ck,i(n), 68

A`, 20

EO(n), 88

a(n), 79

b(n), 79

p(n), 20

po(n), 48

ψ(q), 8

ϕ(−q), 8

ϕ(q), 8

a(n), 77

b(n), 78

f(−q), 8

f(a, b), 8

p-dissections of Ω(−q), 58

p-dissections of (q2;q2)5∞(q4;q4)2∞

, 57

p-dissections of ψ(q), 11

p-dissections of ψ(q2)f(−q)2, 12

p-dissections of ϕ(q), 10

p-dissections of f(−q), 11

p-dissections of f(−q2)3, 12



104 Index

Cubic partition, 77

Cubic partition pair, 78

Cusp form, 14

Eta-quotient, 71

Even parts below odd parts, 87

Hecke eigenform, 16

Hecke operators, 15

Holomorphic modular form, 14

Legendre symbol, 23

Meromorphic modular form, 14

Nebentypus character, 15

Octagonal number, 8

Overcubic partition, 79

Overcubic partition pairs , 79

Overpartition, 19

Overpartitions into odd parts, 47

Pentagonal number, 8

Radu’s algorithm, 80

Regular overpartitions, 20

Singular overpartition, 67



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Publications from Thesis work

1. R. Barman and C. Ray. Congruences for `-regular overpartitions and Andrews’

singular overpartitions. The Ramanujan J., 45 (2018), no. 2, 497–515.

2. C. Ray and R. Barman. Infinite families of congruences for k-regular overpar-

titions. Int. J. Number Theory, 14 (2018), no. 1, 19–29.

3. C. Ray and R. Barman. New congruences for overpartitions into odd parts. In-

tegers, 18 (2018), A50, 1–20.

4. C. Ray and R. Barman. Arithmetic properties of cubic and overcubic partition

pairs. The Ramanujan J., (DOI: 10.1007/s11139-019-00136-1).

5. C. Ray and R. Barman. Arithmetic properties of Andrews’ integer partitions

with even parts below odd parts. (under review at Journal of Number Theory).

6. C. Ray and R. Barman. Divisibility of Andrews’ singular overpartitions by

powers of 2 and 3. (under review at Research in Number Theory).

