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Group IV Topic III (negative)Dian Rahmawati, 1206218846Devina Rivanti Nugita, 12062

Should cosmetic surgery be banned?

People have the right and freedom to choose how they lookAccording chapter 4, Law number 39 year 1999 about human rights said that right to personal freedom, mind, and conscience so everyone have their own right to make personal decision included having a cosmetic surgery. Besides, in chapter 9 said that everyone have right to live, survive, and improve their live. It means if someone thinks that they need cosmetic surgery to make their live better or feeling better, there is no reason to against someone to have cosmetic surgery. So cosmetic surgery should not be banned because it will break the law about human right. Moreover who didnt want to look better if they have a chance?

UU No. 39 tahun 1999 Tentang Hak Asasi Manusia

In reality people always judge on our appearance all the time, so we must to look goodThere is a reason behind why someone did cosmetic surgery. Some reason are: boosts their self-esteem, quality of life, self-confidence and interpersonal relationships in the long term. In a recent study, Sarwer-an associate professor of psychology at the Center for Human Appearance at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine on 2005 found that a year after receiving cosmetic surgery, 87% of patients reported satisfaction following their surgery, including improvements in their overall body image and the body feature altered. They also experienced less negative body image emotions in social situations. The study, which was supported by a grant from the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation, appeared in the May/June issue of theAesthetic Surgery Journal(Vol. 25, No. 3, pages 263-269). Cosmetic surgery also can boost your career. The good-looking people tend to attracts everyone. According to 2011 research by Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital at Forbes 2012, people assess your competence and trustworthiness in a quarter of a second (250 milliseconds)based solely on how you look. Sylvia Ann Hewlett-an economist and the founding president of the Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) in New York, also said, appearance is extraordinarily powerful because its the first filter. According Forbes 2012, studiesshowthat attractive people are more likely to be viewed as smart, happy, interesting and successful.According American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reports a difference in the reasons teens give for having plastic surgery and the reasons adults do: Teens view plastic surgery as a way to fit in and look acceptable to friends and peers. Adults, on the other hand, frequently see plastic surgery as a way to stand out from the crowd. According to the ASPS, more than 300,000 people 18 years and younger had either major or minor plastic surgical procedures in 2012. For teens, plastic surgery will stop the bullying. Over 3.2 million students are bullied every year and the number one reason is because of how they look. 75% of school shootings are by kids who were bullied. Suicide has become the third-leading cause of death among young people, and the majority of suicides are in response to bullying. Example such as Nadia Ilse, she get bullying and that made she was crying herself to sleep and skipping school. She got free plastic surgery provided by the Little Baby Face Foundation-a nonprofit foundation that provide free plastic surgery for low-income children who have facial deformities. After Nadia got her ears pinned back, her nose fixed, and a chin implant her self-esteem went way up. She feel happy, confident, and feel like she dont want to hide her self anymore. So plastic surgery will change how they look and it means they will not get bullying any longer. But of course teens will do cosmetic surgery after many consultation, consideration, and parents permission. Changing a childs appearance is an extreme decision, but if families decide its right, equal attention must be given to that childs social and emotional well-being in order to effectively address the problem of bullying.

Picture 1. Nadia Ilse before and after surgery

Goudreau, Jenna. (2012). The seven youre your boss is judging you apprearance. 1 November 2014., Melissa. (2005). Plastic surgery: beauty or beast? 1 November 2014., Dorri. (2014) Bullied children are turning to plastic surgery with surprisingly positive result. 1 November 2014., Mellisa. (2014). Tormented over their looks? Bullied tens seek free plastic surgery from a NYC nonprofit. 1 November 2014.

Banning cosmetic surgery wouldnt prevent it occurring, better for it to be legal and performed properlyAccording chapter 37, clause 1, Law number 23 year 1992 about health, said that plastic surgery and reconstruction can only be done by health workers who have expertise and competence in certain health facilities. If banned, cosmetic surgery will developed on black market. Even cosmetic surgery is now already available on the black market but if banned then potentially all the costumers who have legal cosmetic surgery will become costumers for black market cosmetic surgery. This will increase the price and also it will be much more dangerous as it will by unscrupulous surgeon and outside all the safety precautions the legal environment provides. Examples such as that of 48 year old Rajee Narinesingh, she was injected toxic facial made from cement and tyre sealant from fake doctor Oneal Ron Morris. Oneal Ron Morris also pumped cement and tyre sealant into another patients backside. Examples such as this would became much more of a common occurrence if cosmetic surgery was banned due to the increase in black market surgeries.A. B.Picture 2. A. Rajee Narinesingh, 48, from Miami, Florida, she was injected toxic facial made from cement and tyre sealant from fake doctor Oneal Ron Morris; B. Another Oneal Ron Morriss patient who have been pumped cement and tyre sealant.

Daily Mail. 2012. 'Dozens' disfigured in black-market plastic surgeries performed by 'The Duchess' - who closed wounds with super glue and charged thousands to inject patients with tyre fixer. 1 November 2014. No. 23 Tahun 1992 tentang Kesehatan