are you an arminian?

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  • 8/3/2019 Are YOU an Arminian?


    Arminian Checklist. Check your score.

    1. Do you believe that any man, anywhere, anytime can say a little

    prayer asking Jesus into his heart and be saved? If yes - 1

    2. Do you believe that Revelation 3:20 teaches that Jesus is standing

    at the door of every human heart and knocking to be let in? if yes - 1

    3. Do you regularly "come forward" or feel compelled to "come

    forward" at the end of a church service when the pastor gives the

    altar call? if yes -1

    4. Do you now carry, or have in your possession, any Jack T Chick

    tracts? if yes -1

    5. When Billy Graham or Jack Van Impe speak, does what they say

    elicit an emotional response? if yes -1

  • 8/3/2019 Are YOU an Arminian?


    6. Do you think every Christian ought to be a soul-winner involved

    in personal work?

    7. Do you watch TBN (Trinity Broadcast Network) other than for

    comedic reasons? if yes -2

    8. Does your church push whatever is the newest bestselling

    christian book. For example, has your pastor asked you or the

    church to be Purpose Driven if yes -1

    9. Do you feel compelled to attend Dallas Theological Seminary? ifyes -1

    10. Is your pastor a graduate of either Fuller or Dallas Theological

    Seminary? if yes -1

    11. Do you consider Hank Hanegraaff a theologian? if yes -2

    12. Do you listen to Charles Stanley or any radio broadcast hosted by

    Campus Crusade for Christ? if yes -1

    13. Does your pastor make his sermon points either rhyme or start

    with the same letter? if yes -1

    14. Did you read any of the "Left Behind" books or watch the movie

    and still think that it is biblical truth? if yes -1

    15. Do you listen to any radio broadcast that is affiliated with Focus

    on the Family? if yes -1

  • 8/3/2019 Are YOU an Arminian?


    16. Are you a Dispensationalist-Futurist? if yes -2

    17. Do you have any Max Lucado books in your personal library? if

    yes -1

    18. Do you feel guilty and believe you could have done more if a

    loved one or close friend has died without "accepting Christ" as

    his/her savior? if yes -1

    19. Do you have a fish decal on your car, or any other bumper

    sticker that tells people to get saved or go to hell? if yes -1

    20. Do you wear T Shirts with a Christian message to witness for

    Christ? If yes - 1

    21. Have you ever had a leg or finger lengthened at a "healing"

    service? Or does anyone at your church ever ask if you have sin in

    your life? if yes -1

    22. Do you speak in tongues? if yes -1

    23. Have you ever heard of the following people? A.W. Pink,

    Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, John Knox, John Calvin,

    Martin Luther (not to be confused with Martin Luther King jr.) If no


    24. Do you agree with, and promote the writings of Charles Finney?

    if yes -2

    25. Does your church use a big screen in order to display images

    during a church service? if yes -1 If your church has a praise band

  • 8/3/2019 Are YOU an Arminian?



    26. Have you ever said "Jesus loves you" to a perfect stranger? if yes


    27. Do you wear a WWJD bracelet? if yes -1

    28. Do you believe that, in your walk of faith, you may have lost

    your salvation a time or two? if yes -1

    29. Do you attend a Roman Catholic church or Russian Orthodox

    Church? (if yes then deduct 10 points. This would place you in thePelagian circle of faith, you have passed the normal Arminian heresy

    and gone straight into the blatantly Antichrist camp.)

    30. Do you believe Norm Geisler is a theologian? (this sentence is an

    oxymoron) if yes -4

    31. Are you a member of Promise Keepers? if yes -1

    32. Have you attended a Joyce Meyer's conference? if yes -1. Did

    you leave refreshed if yes -5

    33. Do you attend an Evangelical Free church? if yes -2

    34. Do you believe that Christ died for every single person that has

    lived or will live in the future? if yes -2

    35. Do you watch Oprah? if yes -1 ( you may think this has no

    bearing on the test, but you would be wrong.)

  • 8/3/2019 Are YOU an Arminian?


    36. Do you rebuke hurricanes and storms? If yes -1

    37. Do you believe that most of the troubles of mankind can be

    traced back to generational curses and omnipresent demons? ie. Doyou believe that there is a "demon of alcohol or tobacco" making

    people sin? if so -1. If you do not know what the word

    "omnipresent" is then -2.

    38. Do you believe the word "World" in John 3:16 refers to every

    living being from past to future? if so then -1

    39. Do you carry John 3:16 signs to sporting events? If so thenplease stop it, and - 1.

    40. Do you believe that God is rooting for the team that has the most

    Christians at sporting events? if so then -1 If you believe the

    President is a strong Christian -5.

    41. Do you believe Christian bookstores are actually Christian? if sothen -1

    42. Do you believe that "predestination" is in the Bible? if not then


    43. Do you subscribe to "Christianity Today" or "Charisma"

    magazine? If so then -2

    44. Do you attend a church that has the word "Life" or "World" in

    the name? If so then

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    45. If the word River or Harvest is in the name -2. If any 2 of

    these words is in the name -5.

    46. Do you plan to, or have you in the past, attended a Bill Gothardseminar? If so then -1

    47. Do you hold to any part of the dietary laws in the Old

    Testament? If yes then -1

    48. Do you think Dave Hunt is a theologian? if so then -3

    49. Have you ever said, Doctrine divides? Or have you ever agreedwith someone that Doctrine isnt important? if so then -2

    50. Have you ever said, Well, everyone has their own

    interpretation? Or have you ever refused to discuss doctrine because

    people can make the Bible say anything if so then -1

    51. Do you feel anger well up in you when someone rejectsChristmas or Easter as pagan? -1

    52. Do you think that the Church is a place that you go? If yes -1

    53. Have you ever rejected one scripture (or set of scriptures)

    because you have a counter scripture that balances it out? -2

    54. Do you have a Free Will? If yes -3

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    55. Do you want your children (or yourself) to have high self-

    esteem? -1

    56. Do you ever use the term Pride (or proud) in a positive way? Ifyes -1

    57. Do you think that Romans 13 means that you have to obey the

    government no matter what? If yes -2

    58. Do you think that having a Christian Worldview means just

    going to church and talking about Jesus at work? If yes -1

    59. Do you think the Passion is a Christian movie and is likely to

    bring people to Christ? If so, -2

    60. Do you think that C.S. Lewis movie The Lion, the Witch, and

    the Wardrobe depicts the Gospel? If yes - 1

    Ok, lets see how you did. If your total is more than -5, you are

    either a full scale Arminian, or you are on your way. But it is still not

    too late for you to be given repentance pray about it.

    [Courtesy Yahoo Answers . Posted by Notfooled in 2007]