are we better off than in 2008? the answer is yes - gerald mckinstry

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  • 7/27/2019 Are We Better Off Than in 2008? the Answer is Yes - Gerald McKinstry


    7/16/13 9:re we better off than in 2008? The answer is yes - Gerald McKinstry

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    Gerald McKinstry Opinion > Columnists

    McKinstry: Are we better off thanin 2008? The answer is yesSeptember 6, 2012 5:41 PM By GERALD MCKINSTRY

    Photo credit: AP, 2008 | Local 869 Financial Secretary David Edgar, center, speaks to a crowd of hundreds ofUAW workers

    during a protest against plant closings in front ofChryslerWorld Headquarters inAuburn Hills, Mich.

    One morning during a meeting last week in Tampa, Fla., Republican

    strategist Frank Luntz gave the New York State Republican Party a

    painting of former President Ronald Reagan.

    The portrait of the conservative icon sat in front of the podium in the

    ballroom of the hotel where the state delegation was staying. In

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  • 7/27/2019 Are We Better Off Than in 2008? the Answer is Yes - Gerald McKinstry


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    speech after speech from the likes of state party chairman Edward

    Cox, former Sen. Alfonse D'Amato and House SpeakerJohn

    Boehner, there were references to Reagan: on the economy,

    unemployment and Iran, to name a few.

    But the most memorable Reaganism was his famous remark during a

    debate with President Jimmy Carter: "Are you better off today than

    you were four years ago?"

    We're hearing it a lot these days.

    Paul Ryan asked it. So did Mitt Romney.

    The simple answer: We are better off. But how quickly we can forget.

    Four years ago, the housing market imploded. Financial markets plunged after the subprime

    mortgage crisis. Lehman Brothers collapsed. The U.S. auto industry was on the verge of failure and

    the government took control of mortgage giantsFannie Mae and Freddie Mac. President George W.

    Bush pushed for a $700-billion economic stimulus package that was eventually approved. We were

    fighting wars on two fronts, in Iraq and Afghanistan. U.S. combat forces left Iraq in 2011.

    Former President Bill Clinton on Wednesday covered many of these areas during his 48-minute

    speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., and answered that gnawing

    question to thunderous applause.

    "When President Barack Obama took office, the economy was in free fall. It had just shrunk 9 full

    percent of GDP. We were losing 750,000 jobs a month," Clinton said. "Are we doing better than that

    today? The answer to that is yes."

    At a campaign stop in downtown Detroit earlier this week, Vice President Joe Biden summed it in

    simple terms: "You want to know whether we're better off? I've got a little bumper sticker for you:

    'Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive.'"

    To be clear, things are better, but we're not where we want, or need, them to be. Not on jobs,

    education, energy or even our place in the world.

    The economy is improving, but there's still a way to go. Gasoline prices remain high, wages arestagnant and unemployment is hovering around 8.3 percent. An estimated 12.8 million people are still

    out of work.

    Those people aren't better off. And maybe that's the Republican goal -- to attract disaffected voters.

    But that won't solve their problems.

    In the remaining eight weeks of this campaign, the candidates must present more than their vision for

    America. We need to hear a real path to getting the economy humming, on stable ground and getting

    people back to work, among so many other challenges.

    The "better off" question worked forReagan more than three decades ago.

    It won't work for Romney. IfRepublicans want a Romney Revolution, they are going to have to start

    asking different questions -- and then have some answers.

    Gerald McKinstry is a member of the Newsday editorial board.

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    New york is still the liberal infested sewar that it always was.


    Most people I know are NOT better off. Many have had to take pay cuts or frozen

    wages. Many have lost work for long periods of time and some are still


    The Obama administration's response to all of this has been to reward those

    whose actions precipitated the crisis.

    The author points out that the situation was bad in 2008, but neglects to mentionthat from 2006 to 2008 (and from 2008 to 2010) both houses of Congress were

    controlled by Democrats.

    So Republicans AND Democrats brought us to this place. Neither really has the

    credibility to bring us out of it, but Obama has had four years and not adequately

    or competeently addressed the jobs issue. So maybe it's time for Romney as the

    lesser of two evils.

    (Best yet would be a third party, but little chance of that happening!)



    Only Government employees and welfare recipuents are better off now than



    Al Qaeda was very well of 8 years ago ( because of their benefactor GWB

    ) now they are pretty much irrelevant.


    Until something happens. Better not sleep with the lights off


    In the last decade right wing hate groups have committed

    more acts of terror and killed more people in the US then

    any other group, yet no body is investigating them.


    There is no such thing as right wing hate gorups. Hate

    groups by theier choice of violence are left wing. EG KKK

  • 7/27/2019 Are We Better Off Than in 2008? the Answer is Yes - Gerald McKinstry


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    The KKK was an extremely conservative group, they were

    Christian fundamentalist. Much of the Christian Right

    leadership of today has ties to the KKK of old. Your

    complete lack of political understanding is mind boggling.


    well said. unions were never supposed to be for government employees.

    they are negotiating with the people they help to elect. This is a joke.


    Why were Government employes never suppose to be union



    And our troops who are no longer in Iraq. And young adults 19-25 who

    have health care. And auto workers who have jobs. And people whoAmerica was torturing.

    However gov't workers have seen their collective bargaining rights

    eliminated, wages reduced and and their jobs decreased. By what

    measure do you call them or welfare recipuents (sic) better off?


    Auto workers have guarentted health benefits but no jobs. Nor do

    the 19-25 year olds have jobs. IT's just like europe healthcae for all

    jobs for none. Welfare recipients got cost of living increases from

    Cuomo or did you forget about that.


    "However gov't workers have seen their collective bargaining rights

    eliminated, wages reduced and and their jobs decreased."

    Collective bargaining my eye, these GOVERNMENT employees,

    they work for us, the TAX PAYER. Why do they even have a

    union? How much bigger would you like the goverment to

    be? They are already one, if not the largest employer in the US.


    Yes they are and remember who the person was thatexpanded the government workforce to its highest level in

    years... His name was George W Bush...


    Unions had few if any cuts during the last 4 years. The victories

    against unions are few and minimal at best. The 19-25 may have

    healthcare but now they can't get jobs wo how are they better off? .

    Welfare recipients got increases and government workers got
  • 7/27/2019 Are We Better Off Than in 2008? the Answer is Yes - Gerald McKinstry


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    raises over the last few years. Few if any pay for their benefits too.

    They're definitly better off unlike the taxpayer who gets the bill from

    rising property taxes.


    True. A 19-25 year old shouldn't even need health care.


    occaisonally they do.


    You are not aware of what went on with Scott Walker. In

    Wisconsin? Repug governors have been after unions

    relentlessly. Do you think 19-25's had better job prospects

    four years ago? NO. All workers WORK for their benefits,

    they were never given free.

    Rising property taxes will get worse if we cut off Fed and

    state aid, which will happen if we squeeze the federal gov't.


    Wisconsin is a great start. Einstein where do you think the

    federal and state aid comes from. Do you think that there is

    someone in albany exreting Money. Property taxes rises

    because public employees keep expecting more and more.

    IT's time to give them less and less. The auto workers union

    got 25 billion in undeserved taxpayer funds to bail out thier

    benefit funds. They should have waited in line like the rest of

    the creditors for their share.


    1-Please stop calling Chrysler one of the big 3 American automakers and please

    call it one the big Italian (FIAT) automakers!

    2-If you think were better off now then you obviously are not a small business

    owner on Long Island. As an owner that supplies his employees with fully funded

    health benefits I can tell you that my health insurance costs have gone up by a

    minimum of 20% since Obamacare was announced - not implemented but

    announced! Cut the BS and give us tort reform and straighten out the health

    insurance industry in order to give all Americans affordable health care, not a

    national health care system


    The issue with health care in this country is that it is a business. That is the

    problem. Not the care of its citizens but to make money... What is wrong

    with that picture?


    You clearly state that you health costs went op BEFORE Obamacare was

    im lemented. Yet ou still blame it. Do facts matter at all to Re u s?
  • 7/27/2019 Are We Better Off Than in 2008? the Answer is Yes - Gerald McKinstry


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    As per a typical democrat, read what I posted again, the health

    care costs started rising after Obamacare was announced and not

    yet implemented! Stop foaming at the mouth long enough to read

    the post. Insurance companies started raising rates in advance of

    the implementation of Obamacare!


    The health care costs continue to go up too. Obamacare is an

    unmitigated disaster. Meanwhile the purchasing power of the dollar

    has also gone down in the last three years and continues to



    It is funny that when people talk about gas prices being that they never mention

    that driving the price of gas UP was the REAL reason we invaded Iraq. Since

    1960 there has been a direct correlation between the price of gas and the netprofits of the oil industry. When prices go up, so do profits. If we had not

    invaded Iraq, Saddam Hussein would be flooding the market with cheap oil right

    now. The price of gas would be very low and so would the profits of



    This question is so stupid, it all depends on who got the handouts and the

    bailouts, very few are better off today than they were would be my guess...


    Actually this question is a matter of perception. The GOP wants you to

    think of it in a narrow scope and not look at the bigger picture, i.e. how

    secure did you feel 4 years ago compared to today. 4 years ago no one's

    job was secure because no one knew how bad the recession/depression

    was going to get. No one knew how many companies would go under.

    When you see companies like Citi, AIG, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers

    and Bear Sterns going bankrupt no one could safely say that the company

    they were working for wouldn't also go under. All one knew for sure is that

    massive lay offs were coming. So if you look at the question of how

    secure did you feel 4 years ago compared to now, most people would say

    that they are doing better.


    Well said...


    No growth, no jobs, no pipeline, no leadership, no budget - Obama should be

    toast. But McKinstry, what is your problem - are you Joe Biden's lost brother or

  • 7/27/2019 Are We Better Off Than in 2008? the Answer is Yes - Gerald McKinstry


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    What is McKinstry smoking?


    That is the most ridiculous argument I have ever heard.


    Repugs always think reality is ridiculous.


    The question is at what cost. Was it worth 30 billion which taxpayers will not get

    back to save GM when an organized bankruptcy would have done the same,

    rather than hand the company over to Obama's UAW buddies.Was the stimulius

    spending all borrowed money do much of anything except for helping state blcck

    grants that went to assist their employee pension funds. As we know their were

    no "shovel ready jobs", nor is this teh 1930's. Also, credit should be given to

    theBush Treasury Sectry who really did much to put a lid on a banking crisis, notgovt. If you can give me specifics that Obama did to get us out of that mess, I

    would like to here them! But Congress did give permission basically to flood the

    system with cash, which of course inflates the currency but at least stabilized the

    situation. ARe we better off, not really, we are still looking at 375,000 new claims

    a month!, many of the jobs found are low paying service jobs and the

    underemployment rate is 14%. And since we do not include the couple of million

    who just took early retirement or disability, or passed thier 99 weeks, the real

    unemployment rate is higher. The point is business still does not have a clear path

    as where we are going, and healthcae costs for business has sky rocketed in the

    past 2 years. BHO has yet to offer any clear tax policy, and has added tons of

    regs that put a hampter any business development. The unemployment rate is

    somewhat better, but when you add the cost of energy, housing is still

    underwater, job growth is non existant, and personal incomes and wealth down,

    we at beast are not worse, but not much better. Only capitalism and private

    enterprise can lift us out, and we need a new President who recogonozies that.


    Reagen was a rat.


    "many of the jobs found are low paying service jobs and the

    underemployment rate is 14%" - Good Point Reagan. We have outsourced

    many of the other jobs. Just pay attention to how Altschuler made his

    fortune by outsourcing WHITE COLLAR JOBS to asia. He's a proud

    american... In my eyes he's a traitior to the AMerican working class.


    The loans and TARPS were paid back with interest. US made money on

    it, saved jobs and industries. Is that against repub goals?
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    Yes! Their stated goal is to make Obama a one term President.

    Anything that helps the country goes against that goal.


    And the repub obstruction of the Obama jobs plan goes

    along with that. Keep millions unemployed so Obama looks



    Let's see, no new wars to kill more Americans. No stock market crash. Another

    housing crash? Nope. Hmmm..., based on these few things alone I'd say we are

    better off.






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