
What is Arduino A microcontroller board, contains on-board power supply, usb port to communicate with pc and an Atmel microcontroller chip. It simplify the proces of creating any control system by providing the standard board that can be programmed and connected to the system without the need to any sophisticated PCB design. An OPEN-SOURCE hardware.

Upload: jonadri-bundo

Post on 17-Jul-2015




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What is Arduino

• A microcontroller board, contains on-board power supply, usb port to communicate with pc and an Atmel microcontroller chip.

• It simplify the proces of creating any control system by providing the standard board that can be programmed and connected to the system without the need to any sophisticated PCB design.

• An OPEN-SOURCE hardware.

Some Arduino boards

Arduino philosophy is to learn by practicing so…

Let’s do what Arduino wants…

Ultrasonic sensor

It is a sensor that work on a principle similar to radar, which evaulate attributes of a target by interpreting the echoes from radio or sound waves respectively.

A simple circuit using this sensor…

Using the code below we can read from Arduino the distance of different objects

• int echo=9;

• int trig= 10;

• int distance;

void setup()

• {

• Serial.begin (9600);

• pinMode (echo,INPUT);

• pinMode (trig, OUTPUT);

• }

void loop ()

• { • digitalWrite (trig, LOW); • delay (2); • digitalWrite (trig, HIGH); • delay (2); • digitalWrite (trig, LOW); • distance=pulseIn (echo,HIGH); • distance=distance/58; • • Serial.println(distance); • }

Now that we all know how ultrasonic sensor works, let’s add a buzzer and modify the code

• int echo=9;

• int trig= 10;

• int distance;

• int buzz= 8;

void setup ()

• {

• Serial.begin (9600);

• pinMode (echo,INPUT);

• pinMode (trig, OUTPUT);

• pinMode ( buzz, OUTPUT);

• }

Void loop ()

• void loop () • { • digitalWrite (trig, LOW); • delay (2); • digitalWrite (trig, HIGH); • delay (2); • digitalWrite (trig, LOW); • distance=pulseIn (echo,HIGH); • distance=distance/58; • if (distance < 7) •

• digitalWrite (buzz, HIGH);

• else

• digitalWrite (buzz, LOW );

• Serial.println(distance);

• }

Let’s try something else that is called :

Double – Touch Sensor.

You know what comes next:

The Code… • #include <CapacitiveSensor.h> • CapacitiveSensor capSensor =

CapacitiveSensor(4,2); • boolean ledstate=LOW; • int sensorValue; • int sensor;

• const int ledPin = 8;

• void setup() { • Serial.begin(9600); • pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); • } • void loop() { • sensorValue = capSensor.capacitiveSensor(30); • if(sensorValue > 0) { • ledstate =!ledstate; • }

• Serial.println(sensorValue); • • digitalWrite(ledPin,ledstate);

• delay(500); • }

And for desert…

Let’s transform all this to an alarm system using: Arduino, an ultrasonic sensor, a buzzer and a rgb led.

• #define TRIGPIN 10

• #define ECHOPIN 9

• int buzz=8;

• int red=7,green=6,blue=5;

void setup ()

• { • Serial.begin(9600); • pinMode(ECHOPIN,INPUT); • pinMode(TRIGPIN,OUTPUT); • pinMode (buzz,OUTPUT); • pinMode (red,OUTPUT); • pinMode (green,OUTPUT); • pinMode (blue, OUTPUT); • }

void loop ()

• { • digitalWrite (buzz,LOW); • digitalWrite (red,LOW); • digitalWrite (green,LOW); • digitalWrite (blue,LOW); • digitalWrite(TRIGPIN,LOW); • delayMicroseconds(2); • digitalWrite(TRIGPIN,HIGH); • delayMicroseconds(2); • digitalWrite(TRIGPIN,LOW);

• int distance=pulseIn(ECHOPIN,HIGH); • distance=distance/58; • if (distance>20) • { digitalWrite (green,HIGH); • digitalWrite (buzz,LOW); • } • else if (distance>10 && distance<20) • { • digitalWrite (green, LOW); • digitalWrite ( blue,HIGH); • digitalWrite (buzz,LOW); • }

• else if ( distance>0 && distance <10 ) • { • digitalWrite (green, LOW); • digitalWrite (blue,LOW); • digitalWrite (red, HIGH); • digitalWrite (buzz,HIGH); • } • • Serial.println (distance); • delay(100); • }