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  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf




    an arArchitecturalSymbols

    How to learnArchitecturalDrafting

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    1. Understanding Architectural



    Architectural drawing shows the lan and !iew ofa building"

    This tye of drawing is necessary for constructionof building and as reference for contractors in

    mee ng sec ca ons" Architects and draftsman are resonsible for

    rearing the building drawings"

    The drawing is resented in the form of

    orthograhic drawing and drawn according to theU#E $Uniform #uilding Enactment %&'()"

    Drawn using standard architectural symbols*dimension* material secification and +ualityaccording to re+uired design"

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    1. Understanding Architectural


    Architectural Drawing Elements

    a) Plan Drawing Plan location

    Site Plan

    ,loor Plan Roof Plan

    b) Ele!ation

    ,ront -iew Right./eft Side -iew

    #ac0.Rear -iew

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    a) Plan Drawing

    Location Plan

    shows the location of proposed

    project or building.

    looks like a map which gives a

    rec on or n orma on o e

    proposed site and it is unnecessary todraw with scale.

    it shows the wind direction (N =

    North). Others existing features will

    be including in the location plan suchas nearest building as the landmark,

    access road with the name

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    a) Plan Drawing

    Site Plan

    A site plan drawing showing various

    properties in terms of their owners,locations, elevations, states of

    develo ment and features such as

    roads, utility supply lines, anddimension.

    The importance of site plan is easy

    to contractor to manage the site area

    for them to locate and loading theconstruction material, machine and

    build temporary building

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    a) Plan Drawing

    Floor Plan

    The floor plans communicate the

    overall construction requirement tothe builder.

    ym o s are use on oor p ans o

    describe items associated with livingin the home, such as doors, windows,

    cabinets, furniture and plumbing


    Floor plans are representation of animaginary horizontal cut made

    approximately 1200mm (40ht) abovethe floor line.

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    a) Plan Drawing

    Roof Plan

    Roof plan describes the design of

    roof, dimensions, the pitch whichviewed from above.

    oo p an s op v ew u ng an

    only show roof construction plan.

    The building line is show in roof plan

    as hidden line.

    It also shows the direction of rain fall

    and also the building line as hidden


  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    b) Elevation Drawing

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    b) Elevation Drawing

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    1. Understanding Architectural


    Architectural Drawing Elements

    c) Sectional Drawing

    Shows cross1section of a building and other details"

    The information in a sectional drawing includes height*com onent si2es and construction material s ecification"

    E3amle of sectional drawing"d) Detailed Drawing

    Shows building arts such as windows* doors* roofs andstairs"

    4nformation 5 shae* name* si2e* material used etc"

    Drawn in form of orthograhic* sectional or isometric"

    Scale 5 %68* %698* %6%8 and %69

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    c) Sectional Drawing

    Section symbol

    A section is a view of a

    building or objectobtained by making animaginary cut through it.

    The term section is


    mainly used where thecut is made in a vertical

    direction, and this is so in

    the case of location


    Usually there are twodirection of section;- X-X

    section and Y-Y section.

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    d) Detailed Drawing

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    2. Standard Architectural



    Reresent the tye and shae of a secificmaterial used in the building construction"

    :ostly based on the #ritish Standard $#"S) and:alaysian Standard $:"S)"

    Symbols are used in Floor plans, Roof plans,Elevations, Sectional drawing and Detaileddrawing to show building comonent such as 6





    ,loors and etc"

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    Finishing In The Building

    ,igure below indicated the symbols of some finishing in the buildingen!eloes" There are finishing from floors* windows* doors* roofs* walls

    and so on" This finishing elements will be used as a symbols of the naturematerials or structures"

    2. Standard Architectural Symbols

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    Symbols And Furniture In The Building

    :any symbols has been de!eloed in the drawing" ,igure belowshows the detail of the symbologies"

    2. Standard Architectural Symbols

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    Symbols And Furniture In The Building

    :any symbols has been de!eloed in the drawing" ,igure below showsthe detail of the symbologies"

    2. Standard Architectural Symbols

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    3. ow to learn Architectural


    a) Layout plan drafting techniues !

    STEP 1:

    1. Draw the gridlines for each wall, column and beam for every space. The dimension is

    measured from centre to centre of wall.

    STEP 3:

    1. Draw the symbols such as doors, window, wall, and sanitary

    2. Name the space such as living hall, toilet, kitchen, etc.

    3. Insert the dimension for each space.

    4. Insert the specification of finishing

    5. Insert the hidden line for roof

    STEP 2 :

    1. Draw the wall thickness by referring to the centre line.

    2. Identify the position of door, window and the opening.

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    3. ow to learn Architectural

    Dra!tingSTEP 1:1. Draw the gridlines for each wall, column and beam for every space. The dimension is

    measured from centre to centre of wall.

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    3. ow to learn Architectural

    Dra!tingSTEP 2 :1. Draw the wall thickness by referring to the centre line.

    2. Identify the position of door, window and the opening.

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    (b) Elevation drafting techniques

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


    (c) Roof plan drafting techniques

  • 8/10/2019 Arch drwg pdf


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