arcada master brochure 2013-2014

ARCADA Master’s Degree Programme in International Business Management UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED LIFE Lifelong learning is a central theme in all of Arcada’s endeavours. Continuous growth and development in your professional life – regardless of what stage of your career you are at – is a journey without a final destination. By constantly accepting new challenges and finding your own path you stay open to all the opportunities life has to offer. APPLY! ARCADA.FI Arcada_master_2014_ENG.indd 1 12/22/13 7:02 PM

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Arcada is a multi-professional university of applied sciences (UAS) with campus located in Arabianranta, Helsinki. We offer high quality practice-oriented higher education at both Bachelor’s and Master’s levels as well as further education in Swedish and English within: Business Administration Sports Media Culture Social- and Health Care Technology Tourism


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ARCADAMaster’s Degree Programme in International Business Management


Lifelong learning is a central theme in all of Arcada’s endeavours. Continuous growth

and development in your professional life – regardless of what stage of your career you

are at – is a journey without a final destination. By constantly accepting new challenges

and finding your own path you stay open to all the opportunities life has to offer.


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Do you count yourself among the business minded and are looking for new challenges? Are you ready to take on new tasks and responsibilities with your current employer? Maybe you see yourself embarking on a new career or perhaps you are thinking about striking out as an entrepreneur? If so, it’s time to find out more about Arcada’s Master’s Degree Programme in International Busi-ness Management – with a Nordic focus.

At Arcada we offer you all the tools needed to find your own path and take the next step in your career. And keep in mind that studying towards a master’s degree is both a rewarding process for you and a good investment for your employer.

Welcome to the University of Applied Life!

DegRee PRogRAMMes At ARCADAMASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMMESInternational Business Management • Media Management •

Global Health Care • Sports, Social Services and Health Care

(in Swedish)

BACHELOR’S DEGREE PROGRAMMES IN ENGLISHInternational Business • Nursing • Materials Processing


BACHELOR’S DEGREE PROGRAMMES IN SWEDISHBusiness Administration • Cultural Management • Environ-

mental and Energy Engineering • Emergency Care • Media •

Information Technology • Nursing • Public Health • Midwifery •

Occupational Therapy • Physiotherapy • Materials Processing

Technology • Social Services • Sports and Health Promotion

FURTHER EDUCATIONArcada Further Education offers further education and cour-

ses for adult students. Custom-tailored study programmes

can also be arranged for companies.

Please see

CuRious About youR futuRe?

WhAt is A MAsteR’s DegRee fRoM A univeRsity of APPlieD sCienCes?A Master’s degree from a university of applied sciences is based on the combination of a Bachelor’s degree and a mini-mum of 3 years of relevant work experience. It is intended for practitioners in working life, who wish to deepen and broaden their professional skills. A Master’s degree programme is ideal for those preparing to take on a managerial role. The extent of the degree is 90 (ECTS) credits and the programme can be completed in 2–3 years, when combined with full-time employment. The education is based on lectures, workshops, seminars and individual studies. Strategic management is a central theme in the Master’s degree programmes at Arcada.

WelCoMe to ARCADA!Arcada is a modern and international university of applied sciences in Helsinki, Finland. We offer high-quality education and further education in Swedish and in English for our 2,700 students. We believe in close collaboration with the workplace, co-operate with over ninety higher education institutions and universities throughout the world, and also conduct practical research relevant to the community. This is why a degree from Arcada in Business Administration, Tourism, Media, Culture, Technology, Sports, Health Care and Social Services is relevant and desired by employers.


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The scope of the Master’s Degree Programme in International Business Management is 90 ECTS credits. The studies are conducted as part-time studies, which allow you to study alongside work. It takes you 2–3 years to complete the degree. The courses are taught entirely in English. The courses comprise scheduled lectures, workshops, seminars and independent studies. Scheduled tuition takes place mainly after 4 pm on weekdays and between 9 am and 5 pm on Saturdays. About 25 % of the degree programme consists of scheduled tuition in class with 75 % conducted as independent studies.

stuDy While WoRking– A flexible oPPoRtunity

DARiA loktevA, MARketing Co-oRDinAtoR At levAnto oy, stuDent in inteRnAtionAl business MAnAgeMent“At the same time as the Nordic countries are open to international business, they certainly have their own specific business cultures. For me – working for a Finnish company manufacturing and selling products on the Nordic mar-ket – the insights and knowledge I’m gaining from this master’s degree programme are extremely valuable. It also offers new perspectives and skills needed for anyone looking for more responsibilities at their work place or aiming at a managerial position.”


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“You get to a point in your career when you have to stop and think about the next step and what you see yourself doing in the future,” International Busi-ness Management student Ville Strömberg says. “I felt that it was time to take on a new challenge and widen my horizons, so when I heard about this degree programme at Arcada I knew straight away that it would be a perfect fit.”

“A noRDiC foCus oPens MAny DooRs”– inteRnAtionAl business MAnAgeMent offeRs A CoMPetitive eDge

“It’s rewarding to study alongside professionals from completely different backgrounds than your own,” Ville Strömberg says. “You share experiences, perspectives and learn a lot from each other.”

Ville Strömberg graduated with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration in 2006 and has been working in business-to-business sales ever since. Today he is the Sales Manager at Praecom – a Finnish company specializing in video conferencing services.

“Of course a master’s degree is a great stepping-stone for your career and gives you the qualifications you need for applying to management positions,” he says. “But to be honest, I’m more focused on the knowledge itself and how the programme’s Nordic focus will help me develop


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PRogRAMMe outline

Degree: Master of Business Admi-nistrationScope: 90 ECTS credits (2-3 years)

Arcada is proud to offer a unique Master’s degree programme in Finland focusing on the Nordic bu-siness environment. If you or your employer views the Nordic market as an interesting opportunity for personal or business growth, then this degree is what you are looking for.

The Nordic business environment is a natural context for Finnish

companies to either start or to de-velop their international business activities. After graduating you will be able to establish and lead business activities in any Nordic country. The programme’s strong emphasis on combining practical skills with theoretical knowledge gives you a deeper understanding of specific business areas and subjects, as well as the skills and tools to analyse the Nordic busi-ness environment, plan market entry and develop the position of a company in a new market. This Master’s degree programme is aimed at those who see the possibilities for personal and

career development in the Nordic business environment, as well as business oriented individuals who seek to acquire deeper knowledge of marketing, supply chain mana-gement, finance and leadership. Employers of an applicant can also greatly benefit from the degree programme by engaging in the master’s thesis project, which can be tailor-made to suit the employer s needs.

The courses are taught entirely in English. Part of the studies can be conducted at a Nordic partner university in Sweden, Norway, Denmark or Iceland.

and broaden my professional skills. Our neighbouring Nordic markets offer great opportunities for any com-pany in Finland aiming at expanding its business, and to fully understand them gives you a significant competitive advantage. Many Finnish companies have tried to take the step across the boarders and failed, simply because they didn’t have a clear grasp of the subtle differences between our business cultures.”

“There is much

to be gained from

a hands-on


An important aspect of the degree programme is that emphasis is placed on both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. “There is much to be gained from a hands-on approach. Reading a textbook on for example marketing is all well and good, but it cannot be compared to actually getting to meet leaders of Nordic companies and hearing first-hand about their operations. We’ve had executives flying in to give lectures, partake in discussions and give feed-back on our ideas. During this autumn we also went on a benchmarking trip through Scandinavia where we visited international companies that were very open about their recipes for success.” Taking time off from work for studying was never an op-tion for Ville, so the opportunity to combine a full-time job with master’s studies was appreciated. “My company is very encouraging, but still I have to ad-mit that it takes quite some effort to study alongside work. This is a serious education and you have to be prepared to put the hours in. It’s easy to stay motivated, though, and it will all be worth it in the end. Maybe I’m not watching quite as much TV as I used to, but that is a trade off that I’m more than willing to make!”

MAsteR’s DegRee PRogRAMMe in inteRnAtionAl business MAnAgeMent (90 eCts)


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MAsteR’s DegRee PRogRAMMe in MeDiA MAnAgeMent (90 eCts)– APPliCAtion eARliest DuRing AutuMn 2014

Are you looking for tools to manage the rapidly changing media industry? Or do you find yourself in the media industry struggling to see the bigger picture? New technology and changing consumer behaviour offer unlimited opportunities if you are able to respond to the creative and managerial challenges. A media manager today does not necessarily have an educational background in media or culture. We believe that the key to success is to have a multidisciplinary understanding of media – based on economics, technology and culture.

Who is the PRogRAMMe foR?The Master’s Degree Programme in Media Management at Arcada is intended for those who wish to deepen their knowledge, skills and competence in order to manage creative companies within the content industries. The programme prepares students to predict market trends and industrial development, and apply this knowledge to develop content concepts and business operations. In other words, a master’s degree in Media Management is a wise investment for both you and your employer, if you are currently in the business.

All students receive an individual study plan. This allows the student to tailor the programme to suit her/his individual needs based on previous study and work experience. For instance, a student with a bachelor’s degree in business administration will have the possibility to replace business courses with studies in media production.

Find out more about the Master’s Degree Programme in Media Management at, and keep an eye out for the upcoming Media Management brochure.

ARCADA fuRtheR eDuCAtion– keeP youR CoMPetenCes uP to DAte!

The labour market is in a constant state of change, and it might seem challenging to keep your competences up to date. Arcada Further Education offers a rewarding and inspiring way to develop your skills and widen your professional horizons. We organise further education for adult students from all over Finland in technology, media, business, tourism, sports, social care and health care. Our courses are developed in close co-operation with compa-nies and organisations and can be tailor-made according

to a company’s needs. Students benefit from the expertise of Arcada’s teachers as well as external experts. We also arrange conferences and seminars. Arcada Patient Safety and Learning Center (APSLC), Finland’s first medical simulation centre, offers short courses, mainly in the fields of emergency care and patient safety.

Find out more at or contact us by phone at +358 (0)207 699 501 or +358 (0)207 699 505.


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APPliCAtionThe application period for the Master’s Degree Programme in International Business Management is 10.3–1.4.2014. Studies commence at the end of August 2014.


INTerNATIoNAl BuSINeSS MANAgeMeNT:A Bachelor’s (or higher) degree in the field of business. In case the Bachelor’s degree is from another field than business the applicant should have a minimum of 40 eCTS credits business studies.


At least 3 years of relevant work experience gained after completing the higher education degree (Bachelor’s Degree). relevant fields are: economics, business or management.


Sufficient knowledge in English. The applicant must prove sufficient knowledge in english.

hoW AnD When to APPlyThe application form is found at during the application period 10.3–1.4.2014. Detailed information about the application process, timetable and required enclosures is presented online.

ContACtPlease visit for further information about the Master’s Degree programmes in International Business Management. Also, feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Questions regarding the International Business Management programme and the studiesHead of programme, Dr.Sc. (econ.), Carl-Johan rosenbrö[email protected] Tel. +358 (0)207 699 658, +358 (0)50 463 57 47

Questions regarding the application processAdmissions office, [email protected]. +358 (0)207 699 676

ArcadaJan-Magnus Janssonin aukio 100560 Helsinki, FinlandTel +358 (0)207 699 699Fax +358 (0)207 600


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Arcada is ECTS- and DS-certified since 2004. The national quality assurance agency FINHEEC (The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council) granted Arcada the FINHEEC quality label in year 2011.

ECTS Label 2 0 0 9 - 2 0 1 3Awarded by the European Commission to


Diploma Supplement Label 2 0 0 9 - 2 0 1 3Awarded by the European Commission to


Contact informationArcada AdmissionsJan-Magnus Janssonin aukio 100560 Helsinki, FinlandTel +358 (0)207 699 699Fax +358 (0)207 699 [email protected]

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