arc housing booklet 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 ARC Housing Booklet 2009




    Updated November 2009

  • 8/14/2019 ARC Housing Booklet 2009

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    CONTENTSIntroductionContracts.........................................................................................................................................Legally Binding .......................................................................................................................................

    Joint Tenants............................................................................................................................................Guarantors ..............................................................................................................................................

    Promises, promises...................................................................................................................................Unair Terms.............................................................................................................................................Leaving Early............................................................................................................................................Resident Landlords ..................................................................................................................................

    Managed Houses .....................................................................................................................................

    Landlord & Letting agent Accreditiation ....................................................................................................

    Post-dated Cheques.................................................................................................................................

    Bonds.................................................................................................................................................Tenancy Deposit Protection (ater 6th April 2007)......................................................................................Recovery o Bond taken beore 6th April 2007 ...........................................................................................

    Inventory ................................................................................................................................................

    Bills........................................................................................................................................................Changing Supplier ...................................................................................................................................

    SKY/NTL and Council Tax .........................................................................................................................

    TV Licence................................................................................................................................................Contents Insurance...................................................................................................................................Condition of the house..........................................................................................................Standards.................................................................................................................................................Licences ...................................................................................................................................................

    Repairs ....................................................................................................................................................

    Redecorating ...........................................................................................................................................

    Pests ........................................................................................................................................................


    Gas Saety Certicate...............................................................................................................................

    Electrical Saety........................................................................................................................................Furniture supplied by the landlord ...........................................................................................................

    Fire saety ...............................................................................................................................................

    House Hunting Check List................................................................................................Landlords........................................................................................................................................Contact details .........................................................................................................................................

    Quiet Enjoyment - Landlords access to property ........................................................................................

    Harassment ..............................................................................................................................................

    Community.......................................................................................................................................Reuse & Recycling Collection ....................................................................................................................

    Noise .......................................................................................................................................................

    Parking ....................................................................................................................................................

    Moving Out.....................................................................................................................................































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    This booklet is designed to help you be aware o some o the issues in nding andkeeping accommodation in the private rented sector.

    I you are looking or accommodation take your time - dont rush in ask questionsand understand your rights and responsibilities.

    The checklist can help you ask the right questions

    Housing law can be complex i in doubt get advice.

    Cardi University Students Union Advice and Representation Centre (ARC)
















    Os wytti eisiaurllyfryn yma ynyGymraeg,mae oargael arffeil pdfynwww.cardiffstudents.comneu ynyGanolfancyngorachynrychiolaeth ardrydyddllawrundebymyfyrwyr

    AdviceandRepresentationCentre3rdflooroftheStudentsUnion.Monday-Friday,9.30-4.00pmtelephone:02920781410e-mail:[email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 ARC Housing Booklet 2009


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    Legally Binding

    Always make sure you read thecontract careully beore you signit. I you are not happy or not sureabout some parts o it, dont signit. Bring it to the ARC beore yousign it to have it checked. Dontbe coerced into signing a contractbecause you think you might losethe house. There is no coolingo period, so i you nd a betterhouse down the road you cantget out o the contract youvealready signed.

    Joint Tenants

    I you agree to take a house thatyou have viewed, and you andyour housemates all sign thesame contract at the same time,you become joint tenants andthereore jointly and severallyliable or any rent arrears,outstanding utility bills anddamage to the property. I oneor more tenant moves out, thelandlord or agent can pursue theremaining tenants or any rentarrears or unpaid bills. She/ He

    can also pursue the one that haslet.


    Many letting agents and somelandlords require a guarantor ormsigned by your parents. This is aorm that guarantees payment othe rent and any other bills thatyou are liable or under the termso the agreement. I the tenancyis joint, be careul that the orm isworded correctly otherwise yourparents could nd themselvesliable or money owed by theother tenants.

    promises, promises

    Any promises made at the timeo viewing, new kitchen, newbeds, decoration etc., should bewritten into the contract. But,consider, i these improvementsare not carried out, would you stillbe happy to live in the house? I

    the answer is no, then walk away.What you see is what you get is agood thought to hold.

    Unfair Terms

    The Unair Terms in ConsumerContracts Regulations 1999 statethat you should not have unairterms in your contract. Check withthe ARC i you have any queries orOce o Fair Tradinghtt://

    Leaving Early

    You can only leave beore theend o the tenancy i the landlordagrees. This is normally only whenyou have ound a replacement.This can be more dicult i youare a joint tenant because thereplacement must be acceptable

    to the remaining tenants and tothe landlord. Clea rly its betteror everyone i an agreementcan be reached as quickly aspossible because there will still bea liability to pay the whole rent.The replacement tenant and theoriginal tenants should sign anew Assured Shorthold tenancyagreement. You should ask yourlandlord or agent to conrm inwriting that they have agreed torelease you rom the contract, andthat your bond is to be returned.You will also need to notiy theTenancy Deposit ProtectionScheme.


    Resident Landlords

    Living with a resident landlord cansometimes be very complicated.This will include living with ariend whose parents have boughtthem a house. Take advicerom the ARC beore signinga contract. You can also lookat

    post-dated Cheques

    Many agents/landlords askstudents to pay rent or the wholeyear in the orm o 12 post-datedcheques. You should avoid this atall costs. Post-dated cheques canbe presented beore the due date,inadvertently, and i you haveinsucient unds in your accountyou will then be charged by yourbank or bouncing a cheque. Askthe landlord i you can set up astanding order instead. Goodagents/landlords should not havea problem with this.

    Landlord and LettingAgent Accreditation

    Accredited letting agents andLandlords are more likely to adoptbest practice and provide youwith a good service. When you

    are looking or accommodationyou can check that the landlord oragent is accredited.

    Managed Houses

    I you use a letting agency to ndyour house, make sure you knowi they are going to manage theproperty or the landlord. I theanswer is yes, you will alwaysdeal directly with the agency iyou have any problems or repairneeds.

    Your resonsibilitiesas tenants

    To pay rent as agreed. to take careo the property, to pay or all utilitybills and comply with all otherterms as written in the contract.

    A bond or deposit is a sum omoney which is held againstdamage to the property, rent/utility arrears, any essentialcleaning, removal o largeamounts o rubbish and the costo replacing any locks or keys inot returned on time. Deductionscannot be made or reasonablewear and tear to the property.Always pay your bond by chequeor credit card and get a receiptshowing the amount and what itcovers.

    Tenancy Deositprotection (after 6thAril 2007)

    When you pay your bond yourlandlord or agent must protect itusing a government authorisedtenancy deposit scheme. Makesure you ask your landlord/agenthow is my deposit protected?Within 14 days, the landlord oragent is required to give youvarious details about how yourdeposit is protected. This shouldinclude the name o the TenancyDeposit Scheme with whom thebond is protected, and an IDnumber.

    The deposit protection schemeswill usually only deal with the leadname on the tenancy agreement.This person must accept theresponsibility as representative othe other joint tenants.For urther inormation call intothe ARC or

    Recovery of Bond

    taken before 6thAril 2007

    I your bond has not beenreturned within a reasonable time,you should write to your landlord/agent asking or its return, orreasons why it is being withheld.You should ask that you expectto receive a response within 7days. I you dont receive yourbond or an explanation it maybe necessary to take legal action.More inormation rom the ARC orgo to the Court Service more inormation.

    Once signed, a contract (tenancy agreement) is legally binding.

    A contract can be written or verbal. It can be either joint or individual


    An inventory is a list o allurniture, ttings and otherequipment provided by thelandlord. At the beginning othe tenancy you will be asked tosign this document. You shouldensure that it contains inormationnot only about the contents othe house but the condition oeverything in the house. Thiscan be used as evidence in anydispute over damage or cleaning

    when it is time to get your bondback. Photographs taken at thesame time can also be very useul.I you are not provided with aninventory, draw one up yoursel,sign it and ask the landlord oragent to also sign it.

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    BILLSI the cost o the bills are notincluded in your rent then youare responsible or paying them;gas, electricity, water. The dayyou move in, take the gas andelectricity meter readings andpass them on to the suppliers. Iyou dont do this you could endup paying the previous tenantsbills. I you dont know who issupplying these services ring theollowing numbers.

    Gas: (M number equiry line)08706 081524

    Electricity: Meter PointAdmin Service:0845 6015972

    Water:Welsh Water: 0800 0520145

    It is usually possible to have morethan one name on the bills. I onlyone person signs or the supplythen that person is liable to paythe bills. Make sure youre not the

    only named person on the bills!

    Changing Sulier

    I your contract doesnt preventyou rom changing supplier youcould check out the best priceson butbe warned, sometimes its moretrouble than its worth.


    Check with the landlord beoresigning or either o these.

    Council Tax

    Full time registered students areexempt rom Council Tax liability.

    You will receive an exemptioncerticate rom the Universityduring November ater youhave moved in. I you share withtenants who are not students,they will be liable to pay CouncilTax.

    TV Licence

    The one good thing about a jointcontract - you only need onelicence no matter how many T Vsin the house. You must be coveredby a valid TV Licence i you watchor record television programmesas theyre being shown on T V.It makes no dierence whatequipment you use - whether itsa laptop, PC, mobile phone, digitalbox, DVD recorder or a TV set - youstill need a licence

    Contents Insurance

    Your landlord is responsible orinsuring the premises but youare responsible or insuring yourpersonal possessions. Studenthouses are prime targets or pettycriminals. Shop around or thebest deals.

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    HOUSE HUNTINGCHECK LISTWhen you go to view a house make sure it ts your criteria, that it is sae to live in and that you are not beingripped o.Take this list with you when you are house hunting. Current tenants are the best people to advise you aboutthe house and about the landlord/agency speak to them.

    The Landlord/Agent.

    Is the Agent an ALMA/ ARLA member?......................................................................................................Is the Landlord/Agent a member o Landlord Accreditation Wales?.................................

    Does the Landlord/agent provide emergency contact details?..........................................Can the Landlord/agent show you a copy o the HMO licence?.........................................(I 5 or more people on three foors).

    You have a right to the landlords ull name and addressWill you be supplied with an inventory or are you expected to draw

    one up yoursel?....................................................................................................................................

    Gas and Electricity.

    How is the property heated?____________________________________________________________________

    Is there heating in every room?.......................................................................................................Does the cooker work?.......................................................................................................................Does the oven work?...........................................................................................................................

    Have you seen a current Gas Saety Certicate? ..................................................... .................(All appliances have to be checked and approved annually by Gas sae registered sta)

    Which company supplies the house with gas and electricity?_________________________________________(Ask to see the location o the meters).

    Do the plug sockets, light switches and light xtures look sae, andare there any bare wires?....................................................................................................................


    Check the taps turn them on and o.Is the water hot?....................................................................................................................................Do the toilets fush correctly; are there any signs o leakage?.............................................

    Is there any sign o leakage rom an upstairs shower?............................................................(Visible in the ceiling o the room below).

    Security and Safety.

    Does the house look sae and secure?..........................................................................................Does the ront and rear doors have ve-lever mortise locks

    in addition to a Yale type lock?.......................................................................................................Is the house on the end o a terrace or does it have a lane at the rear?............................(These can be more vulnerable to a burglary).

    Do the windows lock, especially those on the ground foorand any bedroom above a fat roo?..............................................................................................

    Could you escape saely i there was a re?................................................ .................................

    Are there locks on bedroom doors?..............................................................................................I not, it will be unlikely that you will get locks tted to the doors ater you move in.

    are there smoke alarms?....................................................................................................................Does the property have patio doors? I so, are locks visible

    on the top and bottom o the opening door?...........................................................................(Burglars are able to lit doors o runners i no locks present in these locations).

    Is the ront door visible rom the street; not blocked by bushes or encing?................Has the house ever been broken into?........................................................................................


    Is there sucient urniture or everyone, including a desk andchair in each bedroom that do not belong to the current tenants?.................................

    What urniture, i any, does belong to the current tenants?___________________________________________

    Does the urniture look clean and ree rom excessive wear?.............................................(Check beds, chairs etc).

    Does the urniture and sot urnishings comply with current saety regulations?......Is there sucient cupboard space in the kitchen to store everyones goodies?..........

    Do drawers and doors open properly, or are they hanging o the hinges?..................


    Are there any signs o disrepair, especially damp?..................................................................(Look or evidence o stains and mould).

    Are curtains and carpets reasonably clean?...............................................................................Would you be happy with the size o the rooms?....................................................................

    Are there any signs o vermin?........................................................................................................(Mouse/rat droppings, slug trails, trays o poison).

    Are you expected to keep the garden ree rom weeds etc?...............................................I so, is there gardening equipment?............................................................................................


    Do you have to pay an agency ee? ................................................................................... ...........

    Will you have the right to live in the property during the summer?................................Do you have to pay water rates or is it included in the rent?..............................................

    How much money is required now?_____________________________________________________________(Make sure you get a receipt or any monies paid and or what).

    In which Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme will your bond be held?_________________________________

    promises promises.

    I the landlord/agent promises anything, rom new beds to new carpets or to make improvements o any kind,get this in writing, signed and dated to avoid problems when you move in, and you nd they have not beenreplaced or done.I repairs or building work is going on when you view the house, get written assurance that it will becompleted beore you move in and what orm o compensation you will receive i the work is not completedby that time.

    Remember, you can have your contract checked beore signing it and get advice and inormation rom ARC


    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO


    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO


    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

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    The Local Authority, CardiCounty Council, is responsible orchecking standards in rented

    property in Cardi. Sharedstudent houses come under theregulations or Houses in MultipleOccupation. These includeminimum standards or bathroomand kitchen acilities, room sizeand re protection. Also, a Healthand Saety rating system is usedto assess the property and i it isound to be unsae or damagingto health the Landlord must takeremedial action. Full detailscan be ound on Cardi Councilswebsite in the Living section. I youthink your property ails to meetthe required standards you cancontact Private SectorHousing on 029 2053 7134 oremail [email protected]. You will be ableto discuss your situation and inecessary, arrange or a membero sta rom the Council to visityour property and make a ullassessment. I action is neededto bring the property up to therequired standard the Council willcontact your landlord. You donot need the permission o thelandlord beore contacting theCouncil.


    In addition, houses o 3 or morestoreys with 5 or more tenantsmust have a licence issued bythe Local authority. The licenceensures the property is managedby a competent person and hasthe required acilities, which arehigher than in non-licensableproperties. There are penaltiesor landlords who rent out a

    licensable house without a licence.I you are unsure i your house islicensed, contact Private Sector

    Housing. Calls can be takenanonymously i necessary.


    Landlords are legally responsibleor dealing with repairs to theirproperty. I a repair is needed,report it quickly and conrmit in writing asking or a datewhen the repair will be carriedout. The work should be donein a reasonable time, which willvary depending on the natureo the repair. For example, arepair to a broken boiler shouldbe dealt with quickly but youwould expect to wait longer orminor problems. I there is anunreasonable delay, write againreminding the landlord o hisresponsibilities. Keep copies oyour letters and send by recordeddelivery so you have proo othem being received. I there isstill no response you will need toseek legal advice so come to theARC or an appointment with asolicitor who can advise on otheroptions. The local Authority hasextensive powers and duties thatrequire landlords to carry outrepairs. I repairs are not carriedout in a timely and satisactoryashion ater you have written toyour landlord, you can contactthe Private Sector Housingsection o Cardi City Council ontel. 029 2053 7134 or [email protected]. You should not withholdrent because the landlord hasailed to carry out a repair, as youwill be breaking your contract.

    Although you may eel justiedin reusing to pay the rent yourlandlord could take court action

    against you.


    I you want to redecorate or makeany other changes to the propertyyou must have the permission othe landlord in writing.


    Cardi Council can advise ondealing with pest problems,including mice and rats. Thereis a charge or their services.Details are under pest control,hone 029 2087 2934or [email protected] landlord may be unwilling topay or the service but i you canargue that disrepair has led to theproblem you will have a stronger


    SAFETYGas SafetyCertifcate

    It is a legal requirement orlandlords to have all gasappliances in rented propertieschecked annually and a copy othe gas saety certicate given totenants. This is because carbonmonoxide, which you cannot see,taste or smell, may accumulatein the property rom unsaeappliances and can kill. I you haverequested a copy o the certicateand it has still not been providedyou can report your landlord to

    the Health and Saety ExecutiveGas Saety Oce on 02920263000.See also htt://

    Electrical safety

    A landlord has a responsibilityto ensure that any electricalappliances supplied with theaccommodation are sae. Thisincludes heaters, cookers, kettles,and any other electrical goods.I you are concerned that anelectrical appliance is not sae andyour landlord is unwilling to checkit, you can contact the TradingStandards department o the localauthority (08454 040506 or [email protected]). Trading standardsdepartments have a duty toenorce legislation which coversthe saety o electrical appliancessupplied with accommodation.

    Furniture sulied bythe landlord

    Any urniture provided by alandlord must be re resistant. Allnew and secondhand upholsteredurniture sold ater 1 September1990 should meet the re saetyregulations, and carry a label tosay so. I a piece o urniture doesnot carry a label saying that itmeets the regulations, it is likelythat the item does not and you

    should ask your landlord or it tobe replaced.There are no minimum standardsor what should be provided inurnished rented accommodation,but you should have a table andchairs, soas and/or armchairs,beds and storage or clothes in

    each bedroom, heating systemsor appliances, curtains and foorcoverings, a cooker and ridge.Other items, such as desks, a reoten provided but unless it wasagreed when the contract issigned the landlord can reuse toprovide extra items.

    Fire safety

    The design, construction andcondition o any residentialproperty should limit the chanceso carelessness causing a re,limit the spread o a re andprovide sae and ready meanso escape. All rented propertiesshould have smoke detectors, are extinguisher and re blanket.Larger properties are required to

    have additional standards. Fulldetails on the Cardi Councilwebsite Living section.See also advice on preventing res.


    Ideally, a house should havemortise locks on ront and reardoors, but landlords are notobliged to provide them. Windowlocks on the ground foor andother accessible windows are adeterrent to burglars. Alwaysmake sure doors are locked andwindows are shut when you goout, and do not leave valuablessuch as laptop computers in

    view. Most burglaries occurin properties where access iseasy through open windows orunlocked doors.

    Advice and



    3rd oor of the

    Students Union.

    Monday - Friday,

    Daily drop in


    029 2078 1410

    e-mail:[email protected]

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    LANDLORDSContact details

    I you do not have direct contactwith your landlord it can be useulto have his ull details in case oproblems with the tenancy. Youcan nd out the landlords nameand address by making a writtenrequest to the person who lastcollected rent, pointing out yourright to this inormation underSection 1 o the Landlord and

    Tenant Act 1985. You should keepa copy o the letter, and send it byrecorded delivery. I the persondoes not reply in writing within 21days o receiving the letter, thatperson is committing a criminaloence and can be reported tothe Tenancy Relations Ocer atCardi Councils Housing AdviceUnit on 02920 871050 or [email protected]


    I the landlord is entering theaccommodation so oten andat such times that the tenant nolonger eels secure in their ownhome, this could be interpreted asa orm o harassment. Harassmentis a criminal oence and thelandlord could be prosecuted.Other orms o harassment includethreatening or abusive behaviour.

    Contact the Tenancy relationsocer, details above.

    Quiet Enjoyment -Landlords access toroerty

    You have a right to live in theproperty as your home. Thelandlord should ask yourpermission beore he or she entersthe premises and should giveyou 24 hours written notice o aninspection, to carry out repairs

    or to show prospective tenantsaround. This should also be atreasonable times or you.All landlords have to ollow speciallegal procedures in order to evicttenants. There are laws to protectyou. Whether or not your landlordcan evict you and how the processworks will depend on the type otenancy you have



    The Residences Oce produces lists o accommodation available in the private

    sector. This is a ree service to Cardi University students and thereore students are

    not required to pay a nders ee or administration charge or properties ound via

    the lists.

    Where can I get a list? ThelistsarepublishedontheUniversitywebsiteat ThelistsareavailabletocollectfromtheResidencesOceatSouthgate

    House (Talybont) or Cardi University Students Union Housing Advice Centre(opposite Main Building).

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    COMMUNITYRefuse & RecyclingCollection

    Always remember to put yourrubbish out on the correct day!Cardi Council operates a zero-tolerance attitude to reusedisposal and you could ace ahety ne i you put your rubbishout on a day other than bin day.Reuse is also extremely attractiveto vermin. waste is collected

    weekly, as is Bio waste. Recyclingis collected ortnightly. Recyclingand Bio waste bags are ree andcan be collected rom CardiCouncil Libraries and Leisurecentres. More inormation on this

    and waste collection can be oundunder the Environment section onhtt://


    The most common complaintrom Cardi Councils PollutionControl department is that onoisy neighbours. I you have aproblem with noisy neighbours it

    is advisable to try and resolve thematter inormally. You may nd ituseul to discuss the matter withan adviser at the ARC. I i t is anongoing problem, it is importantto keep a detailed log o all theincidents as you may wish to makea complaint to Pollution Control.

    At the end o your tenancy,remember to take nal meterreadings and to inorm the utilitycompanies o your orwardingaddress so you can obtain the nalbill. Many housing contracts statethat all bills need to be paid in ullbeore the bond is returned.It is advisable to check the

    condition o the property andall items on the inventory in thepresence o the landlord to avoidany disputes over damage. I youare concerned that a dispute willarise, it may be advisable to takephotographic evidence o theproperty when you leave.I your Landlord decides towithhold your bond in part or inull, and you disagree with thisyou should contact the TenancyDeposit Scheme with whom it isprotected immediately.I your Landlord decides towithhold your bond in part or inull, and you disagree with thisyou should contact the TenancyDeposit Scheme with whom it isprotected immediately.

    Advice andReresentation

    CentreMonday - Friday3rd oor of theStudents Union.

    telephone :029 2078 1410

    e-mail: [email protected]


    I you drive a car in Cardi you willobviously need a parking space.However, some areas are residentparking only. I your studenthouse is in a resident parking area,you will need to apply or onerom Cardi council.More inormation about residentparking permits, Environmentsection


    Beware o agents who say all good houses go early, or there are ew houses. There are more houses thanstudents and great houses become available throughout the year. Be prepared to look at a lot o houses toget what you want. It will be worth it.

    DO GOOD NEIGHBOURS BECOME GOOD FRIENDS?Choose who you share with careully. That guy/girl in the fat next door might be nice now, but you will beliving together until June 2010. Can you really put up with their love o hip hop, played all through the nightat ull blast?

    WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GETSet minimum standards or the group. What do you want in a house: location, room sizes, double glazing?Stick to this, and make sure you see all the rooms, including locked ones, beore handing over any money.

    BEWARE OF pROMISESBe willing to live with the condition the house is in when you see i t, no matter what promises are made. Ianything is promised, make sure it is written in the contract beore you sign.

    SIzE DOES MATTERLarge houses (3 storeys plus, 5+ students) have to have a licence and ALL rented houses have standardswhich, by law, have to be met nd out what these are beore you look.

    pLAY SAFENever view a property alone, go in a group

    STASH YOUR CASHI you hand money over be sure you know what it is or and get a receipt. You may not get an agency ee back,

    even i you dont take the house. Beware o post-dated cheques.

    THE NAMES BOND pROTECTED BONDBonds/deposits have to be protected in a Government authorised scheme and you have to be given ulldetails. This will ensure your bond is sae.

    THERE IS NO ESCApEContracts are usually joint, meaning that all tenants who sign it are legally bound by it. There is no noticeperiod. You are stuck with that house, and those people, until the end o the contract.

    THINK TWICE, GET ADVICEI you are not sure about any aspect o looking or a house, contact the Union Advice and RepresentationCentre, look on the Union website, talk to other students, and always chat to current tenants.

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