aquaponics low2 no_presentation


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Post on 25-May-2015




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Page 1: Aquaponics low2 no_presentation
Page 2: Aquaponics low2 no_presentation

_aquaponics 3

we aim to replace traditional issues surrounding access to food by essentially bringing scalable farming into the home, into the courtyard - including a warehouse scenario that in addition to supporting local food demands - handles logistics for local ap users

this enables a considerable shrink in carbon calculations concerning: transportation, processing of food & logistics

the result is fresh organic food grown into the fiber of the community

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_urban gardening since 2000BC

_aquaponics history

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minimal water consumption: less than 1-2% of the water than traditional farming or virtually 0% percent with rain water harvesting

low energy: uses 70% less energy than farming using in-ground methods

efficiency of producuction: five to twenty times more vegetables than farming in the same area of soil

best energy conversion: fish are the most efficient converters of protein in terms of farming live-stock

fully scalable: family systems to full commercial systems

pure, clean, organic food produced on-site

easy to learn operate and maintain: educational instrument for the next generation

_aquaponics: how it works a sustainable food production system that combines traditional aquaculture with hydroponics in a symbiotic environment

ecosystem that produces organic food

ecosystem that produces organic food

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_aquaponics home

_an aesthetic sustainable ecosystem placed in the comfort of the home

_scaled to fit in a 30sqm apartment

_requires 5 minutes of mainternance per day

_7kg vegetable crop per 1kg fish output

_pump is 30w, airater 5w allowing for solar energy stand alone solution

_ideology, specs/functionality & user experience. (Anni & I will complete this doc with the output percentages once we have them).

ecosystem that produces organic food

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_aquaponics container

_design container in the courtyard that holds up to 10 ap units

_modular structure allowing for side to side and/or multilevel expansion

_partial solar panel shell to support energy consuption

_gives urban farmers extended space to grow all year round

_entry level option for new areas

_an easily personafied and recognizeable element for each building or courtyard

_functioning environmental art as a symbol for the area

ecosystem that produces organic food

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_aquaponics center

_marketplace to distribute locally grown organic fish and vegetables

_hatchery to grow fingerling for local AP users

_seeds, seedlings and plants

_urban gardening utilities

_waste management with bio pods, compose and recycling

_fish food production from bio waste

_communal huba and information center

_research and education facilities

_CND ownership pf business to support funds into district adnvances

ecosystem that produces organic food

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provide 100% of the 600grams suggvested intake of vegetables and % of the 250grams twice a week of fish suggested to support a healthy and balanced diet

Finnish Nutrition Council Recommendations 2005

_pre-emptive health care program


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1 person household in helsinki, average amount of biowaste 52 kg/yr2 persons household in helsinki, average amount of biowaste 101 kg/yr3 persons household in helsinki, average amount of biowaste 119 kg/yr4 persons household in helsinki, average amount of biowaste 156 kg/yr

based on HSY (Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority ) database from the year 2006

AP home solution1 unit equals 120 fish per year60kg fish requires 80kg of food - of which grubs are 80% of diet. 100 units equals 6000 kg fish - requires 7800kg of food - of which worms 80% equals 6200 kgs - requires 31000 kg of food waste

BSF larvae45kg bio waste equals 9 kg of worms8000 kg biowaste equals 1600kg of worms

Jätkasaari waste200 ppl= 660kg per m200 ppl= 8000kg per yr(based on 100 apart-ments)

restaurant waste1916kg per month23,000kg per year

bio waste3.3kg per person/month40 kg per person/yearv


The residential BioPod™ is a self-contained unit that houses the living colony of Soldier Grubs, which are the primary decomposer that inhabits the pod. It is related in size and scale to a home compost bin or vermiculture system, and like worm bins, must be placed in full shade. It is critical that the sun is not able to heat the pile to temperatures that exceed the functioning range of this species (approx. 60-100˚F). Excessively high temps may cause premature crawl-off, while low temps could result in dormancy.

_waste management 100% bio waste recycling to produce fish food

100 pounds of food waste to a black soldier fly bin yields 20 pounds of prepupae (large larvae, ready to change into adults). Protopod commercial version composts 20 pounds of food waste per day. A nutritional analysis of dried black soldier fly prepupae consists of:

* 42.1% crude protein * 34.8% ether extract * 7.0% crude fiber * 7.9% moisture * 1.4% nitrogen free extract * 14.6% ash * 5.0% calcium * 1.5% phosphorus

100% human food waste recycled in Jätkasaari, local restau-rants participating in waste contributions. growing grubs, duckweed and watercress locally to cancel out the carbon calculation of the resources required to feed the fish and plants

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ecosystem that produces organic food

_aquaponics interface

_software and interface to help to operate your aquaponic garden

_game interface to share your stats, information and configuration for potential users, know how and interface

_Aquaponics FIN, UK, US, AUS etc. for further development and partnership for like minded projects, stores and places for existing crops, fields and gardens for potential locations for urban gardening for urban farming projects

_John Lennon for Imagine

website _basic information on the technology and company_news and references_DIY instructions for building your own units_links to related projects and partners_apf products and services

user interface_instructions_operating tools_virtual garden_Low2No profile

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combine theoretical background with practical at hatchery/nursery

history & biology of Tilapia aquaculture

Brood stock Identification, Broodstock (Conditioning, Selec-tion, Stocking, Maturation)

Courting, Mating and Spawning Activities, Parental care

age: 28occupation: barbara is a graduate student from University of British Columbia, Canada here to complete her intership studies in aquaponicslives in: Low2No zonereason for relocation: when I read on-line that Helsinki, Finland built the latest technology labs to study Tilapia I had to come

“moving from Kuopio to Helsinki has been pretty exciting. Living in the Low2No zone while studying a subject matter I feel can

age: 35occupation: kalle teaches the childrens aquaponics educational course and is a part of the warehouse team that grows food for the Jät-käsaari organic marketplacelives in: Low2No zonereason for relocation: it has been a life long ambition to give some thing back to the community in which i live in

engage students in fun hand-on experience growing, harvesting and managing an aquaponics garden

allow students to experiment and learn the future of urban gardening

provide food education for students by introducing the aquaponics approach, a new way to positively influence students food choices

learn the differnce between high carbon miles and food you grow organically

kallebarbara ecosystem that produces

organic food

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ap warehouse: energy efficiency in urban food production

partnership with a local CHP partner would heavily reduce costs of heat-ing water. innovative lighting partner and Finnish start-up Valoya to provide solution that reduces energy usage while raising levels of plant produc-tion. rain water collection used to top up evaporation percentages for aquaculture tanks


ap warehouse: research facility

Finnish Game & Fisheries Institute, Helsinki University, Univeristy of Virgin Islands & Aquaponics UK to supply research date, dedicated employees and students to closely monitor Tilapia production


Jätkasaari marketplace: social and economical catalyst

co-ownership of warehouse with Jätkäsaari organization helps to replenish funds in support of local co-operatives. urban farming jobs delivered to the district. Marketplace to distribute fresh produce into the community. food gatherings to celebrate “the island”

_jätkäsaari_aquaponics solution for a housing area

a sustainable food production system that combines traditional aquaculture with hydroponics in a symbiotic environment

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_local energy cycle

_low2noenergy is not lost - only converted from one form to another thus making minimising usage as crucial as managing the conversio

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Finland’s history and cultural outlook are manifested in a people with a deep connection to their environment, with its variations of light and dark, its forests and lakes, its frozen landscapes, its night skies and the aurora borealis. The unique environmental conditions mean that Finnish people are highly aware of the changes currently occurring in the climate and of what is at stake in moving to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Low2No strategies range from highly technological solutions that seek to offset and reduce current CO2 production, to solutions that start with people’s awareness and state of mind, creating an environmental impact that arises from a new paradigm of well-being, in which sustainability is a part of high quality lifestyles, pleasure, and personal reward.

Change on an individual level is important, but often overwhelming – instead, it must be collective, a movement of shared ideas and common beliefs. Sustainable lifestyle is often seen as a return to a “simple life”, rural and free from technological trappings, but this misses the essence of people and cities.

_aquaponics finland _urban survival methods

unto eskelinensenior aquaculture expert at Finnish game and fisheries institute

hannu lehtonenprofessor department of environmental sciences Helsinki University

charlie pricedirector and founder of aquaponics UK

donald baileyprofessor and research specialist at University of Virgin Islands

david brockdesigner, concept development

anni tamminenarchitect, aquaponics solutions

peter paalanenarchitect, manufacturing antti kirjalainen

producer, project management

_in cooperation with

markus aremoslow food festival

we aim to replace traditional issues surrounding access to food by essentially bringing scalable farming into the home, into the courtyard - including a warehouse scenario that in addition to supporting local food demands - handles logistics for local ap users. this enables a considerable shrink in carbon calculations concerning: transportation, processing of food & logistics. the result is fresh organic food grown into the fiber of the community

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manufac-turingFinnish made meeting the high est manufacturing standards globally. Designed, built and shipped from Finland, with care. Below is AP Finland’s road map to integrating aquaponics specifications

AP boutiqueproof of concept wrapped up in a simple cafe scenario that displays aquaponics tank solutions. also on display and for order the fresh organic produce that these tanks grow. URBAN farming synthesized into a single menu. flag ship location is ideal within the Low2No zone

consult-ingoperation whose sole focus is to drive AP3 specifications in conjunction with Aquaponics UK into existing and new build scenarios globally (ie) - Low2No (FIN), Federicia C (DK), Venus Project (USA), Farming the City (NE), Food for Life (England), HELPARGENTINA (AR), Sustainable Food City (UK)

distribu-tionpartnering wth a global distribution company that manages: manufacturing, AP specification logistics, turn key & single source solutions. Be responsible for growing the AP market independant of consulting business. Host developing nations project where proceeds of AP purchases are directed

research and devel-opmentwith Aquaponics UK, UVI, UofH and RKTL design and build Tilapia nursery in Helsinki. AP Finland and UK to advance design scenarios into prototypes for: HDVG home ap, crayfish bin/DWC add-on, modular courtyard (off the grid option with photovoltaic panels), BSF biowaste conversion,

_business applications _aquaponics service chain

a sustainable food production system that combines traditional aquaculture with hydroponics in a symbiotic environment

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aquaponics ltd.